"the big picture on this is that it fits entirely into line with the thinking that explains Russia's changed nuclear doctrine, the lowering of the threshold of using nuclear weapons; and more specifically the readiness to use nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear state that is being supported, in its attack on Russia, by a nuclear state.
The first half of what I just said is in violation of conventions regarding the use of nuclear weapons by nuclear States. And what this is all about is a changed understanding by the Russians of American nuclear doctrine. And of American strategic doctrine, from the [American] use of its triad to strike - a global strike - against an adversary like Russia that would be decapitating and possibly utterly devastating. That [US] policy has been dropped, as Putin sees it.
The reasons why it would be dropped? One reason is that the Russians have vastly superior strike weapons now so that a [US] decapitating strike would not spare the United States from [Russian retaliatory] utter destruction. That realization has surely explained why the United States has changed its policy to [one of] proxy wars...what we are seeing in the Middle East - and nobody's to my knowledge has said it yet - it's a US proxy war using Israel to do America's bidding, not, as Colonel Macgregor said not long ago that the United States is lost at sea, is acting on autopilot. No, no, no, the United States is not acting on autopilot the United States is directing the Israeli war, enabling the Israeli war - as the United States wants it to go.
Professor Gilbert Doctorow 4 October 2024
"War is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious.
It is the only one international in scope.
It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described...as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people.
Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about.
It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many.
Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."
Major General Smedley Butler 1935
"...the expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States to have steady leadership”
Minnesota (USA) Governor Tim Walz 1 October 2024
"57,000 artillery shells, 36,000 rounds of ammunition for cannons, 20,000 M4A1 rifles, nearly 14,000 anti-tank missiles (though Israel’s Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthi adversaries possess no tanks), and 8,700 MK 82 500 pound bombs. Other assistance included $4 billion to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome and David’s Sling air and missile defense systems, $1.2 billion for the Iron Beam laser air defense system, still in development, and $4.4 billion to replenish US armories emptied by the emergency deliveries to Tel Aviv. US aid also included 4,127,000 kg of JP-8 jet fuel, 14,100 MK 84 unguided 2,000 bombs, 3,000 Joint Direct Attack Munition dumb-to-smart bomb conversion kits, 3,000 Hellfire missiles, 2,600 250-pound GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs, 1,800 M141 bunker buster bombs, 3,500 night vision devices, 200 Switchblade drones, 100+ Skydio X drones, and 75 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles."
"And what Herman Kahn [founder of the Hudson Institute] did was say to Senator Jackson look this is the solution for how we are able to progress the empire in the Middle East because we need the oil, we must have the oil, and we've got to have the oil, and this is the way to do it.
We can't field an army, really,after the Vietnam War. ...Having conscription, a draft, was just no longer acceptable so war had to be supported by, not actually occupying and invading,.. it had to be done by bombing, and terrorism, about actually subjugating people.
So the plan from 73-74 was to make life so unbearable for Palestinians that the they either decide it wasn't worth living and just go and find somewhere to go to, or if they wouldn't go, you bomb them. And you bomb them and you kill them.
Because you don't have to lose forces if you bomb. You don't lose your own men in this process. This is what was said. Professor Hudson says 'I was in these meetings I was there in the Hudson when all of this was discussed and scoop Jackson bought into this'. And so then he made sure to put Zionist in the state department and he made sure to put the Zionist in the National Security Council.
And so they were there to make sure that this idea and this thinking was built out and developed and embedded so that it couldn't be easily rolled back. And so for all these years it's done. And what happened to the Palestinians was an exact copy from Vietnam the hamlets the dividing of hamlets, the dividing of the Palestinians. A lot of the Vietnam Theory came in through that period and through scoop Jackson and the Jacksonites - Wolfwitz, Richard Pearl, all these people who then became the neocons.
And the aim was not just to take the Palestinian area but to to take Lebanon to take all of the ...if you think of the Middle East divided East and West it's Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States - which weren't difficult for the United States to manage - but the other part in the west - Iraq, Syria, Lebanon - all of these had to be taken by bombing and by force so that they could be brought to some form of surrender.
On one side you had the jihadis as a proxy force, and on the other side you had Israel as the other proxy force. But the aim was to go right through.
The question is, is it going to work today? Is there going to be push back in the United States that will stop it?"
Alastair Crooke 'Is Israel America’s Tool or Boss?' On 'Judging Freedom' 15 October 2024
"Those who count on such assistance should recall the sad experience of all leaders of countries that had relied on the United States. As soon as the situation changed, Washington remorselessly left those leaders to their own devices and launched a new stage of its selfish policy."
Sergey Lavrov 5 November 2023