This opinion piece is largely a full explanation of the 'playbook'
of the United States of America foreign policy. It uses the recent
western foreign policy plays against the Russian Federation as the
illustration of the implementation and effects of the west's foreign
policy concept, which is control of economic resources. The main
foreign policy tool to achieve this is so-called 'coercive
diplomacy'. The concept of 'coercive diplomacy' has roots deep in
the past, but has only relatively recently been formalised as a
theory. It was invented by Alexander George, an American Professor
of behavioural science.
Note: I have sometimes added [square bracketed] clarifications for
The Big Picture
The West - slaves to a colonial ideology
The use of specific diplomatic strategies by the West in its
conflict with the Russian Federation can only be made sense of if
you understand the longstanding aims and objectives of the West's
politicians - and the US government in particular - in their
relations with Russia. Much of western foreign policy is informed by
the ideas outlined by Professor Halford Mackinder in 1904 in an
article called 'the
geographical pivot of history'. Mackinder's ideas of marrying
the economic potential of different geographies - mainly defined by
mineral resources, transport networks and agricultural potential -
and human civilisational potential. He invented the terms
'Heartland', 'World-island' and 'Rimlands' to as the major
conceptual elements of his overall thesis - which is colonial in
Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;
who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
who rules the World-Island commands the world.
Mackinder, 'Democratic
Ideals and Reality: A Study in
the Politics of Reconstruction', 1919
The recently expanded Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) now
largely coincides
with Mackinder's 'Heartland'. As at mid 2023 full members were
China, India, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Iran,
Uzbekistan and Russia. The three Observer States who wish to accede
to full membership are Afghanistan, Mongolia.and Belarus (Belarus is
scheduled to be accepted as a a full member in 2024). A further 14
“Dialogue Partners” (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cambodia, Egypt,
Kuwait, the Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka,
Qatar, Turkiye, and the United Arab Emirates) are thinking about
joining at some date in the future. Turkmenistan is a neutral
country, so cannot be a member. However, it has attended all SCO
meetings since 2007 as a 'guest' of the SCO. This map
of present and future SCO members shows the importance of the
World Island concept
Edited 10 January 2024
Mackinders concept of the 'World-Island' is a defined geographic
area with the richest economic potential of any plausible
combination of geographies in the world.
Mackinders 'World-Island' - the adjacent continents of Europe, Asia,
and Africa - is a region with a vast population, huge size, and
valuable resources. Bear in mind this idea was born in the age of
colonisation by European powers. Mackinder was a British geographer,
a biologist, politician, and strong supporter of the British Empire.
Controlling and exploiting other countries resources was as natural
to him as breathing.
AS late as 1983, the world, and especially the African world, was
still in the grips of those colonial forces exploiting the peoples
and resources of the 'world-island'.
"...the Addis Ababa Conference taught, to those who
will learn, this further lesson:
that until the philosophy which holds one race superior and
another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and
that until there are no longer first class and second class
citizens of any nation;
that until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance
than the color of his eyes;
that until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all
without regard to race;
that until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world
citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain
but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained.
And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers
in Angola, in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage
have been toppled and destroyed;
until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman
self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance
and good-will;
until all Africans stand and speak as free beings, equal in the
eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven;
until that day, the African continent will not know peace. We
Africans will fight, if necessary, and we know that we shall win,
as we are confident in the victory of good over evil.
The goal of the equality of man which we seek is the antithesis
of the exploitation of one people by another with which the
pages of history and in particular those written of the African
and Asian continents, speak at such length.
Exploitation, thus viewed, has many faces.
But whatever guise it assumes, this evil is to be shunned
where it does not exist and crushed where it does.
It is the sacred duty of this Organization to ensure that the
dream of equality is finally realized for all men to whom it is
still denied, to guarantee that exploitation is not
reincarnated in other forms in places whence it has already
been banished.
As a free Africa has emerged during the past decade, a fresh
attack has been launched against exploitation, wherever it still
And in that interaction so common to history, this in turn, has
stimulated and encouraged the remaining dependent peoples to
renewed efforts to throw off the yoke which has oppressed them and
its claim as their birthright the twin ideals of liberty and
This very struggle is a struggle to establish peace, and until
victory is assured, that brotherhood and understanding which
nourish and give life to peace can be but partial and incomplete."
Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, address to the United Nations
General Assembly October 4, 1963
Heartland Concept
Mackinders 'Heartland'
is basically Eurasia less the western portion (Europe) - essentially
the area once occupied by the former Soviet Union. Mackinder
believed the 'Heartland', due to geographic centrality, richness of
resources and sheer size, had to be politically (and consequently
economically) invaded and conquered if any one country wanted to
then 'pivot' south and control Asia and Africa, thus completing the
'set' to make allow colonial control of the 'World Island' a
But the Heartland was protected by Arctic ice in the North and
inland deserts in the south. And - inconveniently - the land
belonged to someone else, and had been for many centuries. The vast
distances for logistic lines prevented successful invasion from the
east and the west. Napoleon tried to take over Russia and failed.
Germany tried to take over Russia and failed.
The current US foreign policy concept in Eurasia is clearly
explained in the book 'The Grand
Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives' by
Professor of American Foreign Policy Zbigniew Brzezinski (who later
became National Security Advisor to President Carter).
Unfortunately, Mackinders presumptuous and anachronistic concepts
have seeped very deeply into USA foreign policy, and helped create
an enduring destructive and dangerous ideology of 'conquest' of
Russia by coercion.
"Eurasia is the world's axial supercontinent. A power
that dominated Eurasia would exercise decisive influence over two
of the world's three most economically productive regions, Western
Europe and East Asia. A glance at the map also suggests that a
country dominant in Eurasia would almost automatically control
the Middle East and Africa. With Eurasia now serving as the
decisive geopolitical chessboard, it no longer suffices to fashion
one policy for Europe and another for Asia.
What happens with the distribution of power on the Eurasian
landmass will be of decisive importance to America's global
primacy and historical legacy....
...In the short run, the United States should consolidate and
perpetuate the prevailing geopolitical pluralism on the map of
Eurasia. This strategy will put a premium on political maneuvering
and diplomatic manipulation, preventing the emergence of a hostile
coalition that could challenge America's primacy...
...By the medium term, the foregoing should lead to the
emergence of strategically compatible partners which, prompted
by American leadership, might shape a more cooperative
trans-Eurasian security system.
In the long run, the foregoing could become the global
core of genuinely shared political responsibility...In Eurasia's
center, the area between an enlarging Europe and a regionally
rising China will remain a political black hole until Russia
firmly redefines itself as a post-imperial state.
Zbigniew Brzezinski 1997
Decoded, the above means the USA planned - and still plans - to put
together a suite of vassal states willing to host an expanded NATO,
dominated and led by USA, and hosting US strategic (nuclear) weapons
on their territory. Russia's role is to voluntarily break itself up
into smaller (bite size) pieces, all of which would be engulfed by
the USA led alliance. The leaders of the alliance countries will be
quietly selected by the US, using the usual US tools - blackmail,
bribery, groomed 'leader in the wings', exploitation of gullible
youth campaigners, abundantly funded Trojan horse 'NGO's', and
direct and indirect interference in the elections.
The US foreign policy objective in Eurasia to this day (January
2024) continues in its attempts to use coercion to control a large
proportion of Eurasian resources - especially minerals - and place
governments favorable to US businesses in place throughout Eurasia
(primarily). It is a thoughtless continuation of Mackinders concept.
Essentially, the Ukraine conflict is a US and West European war to
control both markets (customers) and physical resources (raw
"A recent visit to Ukraine by US senators Richard
Blumenthal and Lindsey Graham has come to our attention. Following
a meeting with the Kiev-based neo-Nazis and their ringleader, they
told the media that the latter was “ready to reach a strategic
agreement with the United States regarding rare earth metals worth
more than a trillion dollars owned by Ukraine.”"
Maria Zakharova, Spokeswoman, Russian Federation Foreign Ministry,
August 2024
The most important consequence, from the US government point of
view, is that the USA 'continental island' must do almost anything
to prevent west Eurasia (Europe) from cooperating economically and
culturally with Ukraine and Russia. These two countries, linked - in
to Europe (and particularly Germany) would form a vast and resource
rich west and central Eurasian natural economic unit that would
outcompete the USA in the European market. Eurasia's major
competitive advantage is immensely greater when China links to it to
form Great Eurasia. When Great Eurasia's trade routes and trade
harmonisation takes in Asia, South East Asia, Africa and the Middle
East, we have the most powerful geographic configuration possible -
Mackinders 'world island'. Leaving the United States outside the new
trade and policy networked 'community of cooperative continents'.
This integration and unity is what the USA fears most. The foremost
job of US government foreign policy is to prevent Greater Eurasia
from emerging, let alone cooperating with other major geographic
centers, and in particular, mineral resource-rich Africa.
The US government sees a World-Island of sovereign nations,
multipolar, and free from domination as a 'threat'. Slanderously
labeling sovereign nations thousands of kilometers away from the USA
borders as a 'threat' to the USA sounds like crazy talk to normal
people, but if you see the world through Mackinders colonialist eyes
you can see the logic of it, especially as Mackinder also held the bizarre
racist belief that the environment in greater Asia led to
"genetic habits" that inclined 'Asiatic people' (including 'Slavs')
to constantly want to expand their territories, inevitably leading
to conflict with adjacent people - presumably meaning west Europe.
(Mackinder was stuck in thinking back to the nomad horse-dependent
grassland culture of the Mongol empire. Many of these same
grasslands are now a rich empire of genetically advanced grain
varieties - in large part thanks to the sacrifices
of plant explorer and scientist Vavilov and his colleagues.)
If Eurasia is a 'threat' to USA, then Russia is automatically a
'threat' under this self-serving fallacious logic. The logic runs
'Eurasia is a threat to USA' (false). Russia is a country in
Eurasia. Therefore Russia is a threat to USA. Economic competitor,
yes. 'Threat', no.
In the case of Russia (and, to an extent, Central Eurasian 'stans')
the essence of the US government strategy is 'divide and rule'.
After all, a 'house divided against itself cannot stand'. The
fragments of a weak and divided Russia would be easy to bribe, easy
to infiltrate, easy to control through coups, interference in
elections, and comprador US-trained and sponsored politicians and
businessmen (often the same thing). The west can benefit from
Russia's mineral resources, and at the same time cripple Russia's
ability to become an economic competitor.
As important, a weak Russia slows or stops the economic cooperation
(if not systemic economic integration) of Russia with Eurasian
The enrichment of United States business interests in Eurasia has
another benefit - the political funding of US politicians, and thus
continuous political support for the policy over the years.
(Especially as in some cases the business interests of current and
former US government officials or their families also financially
benefit, either directly or indirectly.)
Rimland concept
Mackinder also recognised the importance of what he called 'the
Inner Crescent', or Rimland. The Rimland is the group of
contiguously joining countries with sea borders that are also on the
outer 'rim' of Eurasia (his 'heartland'). This concept is made up of
three sectors - the European countries with a sea border, and
Turkey, the Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, South
East Asia, China, and Siberia. Together, these regions form a 'rim'
blocking the heartland from the sea (the Arctic was considered an
impenetrable barrier to the north - nuclear-powered icebreakers and
global warming have changed this calculus).
Containment concept First
edited 10 November 2024, last edited 16 December 2024
"...when Russia began to recover from
the challenges facing it, when it restored its constitutional
unity, among other things, which was very difficult to do,
when it began developing, Russia began to emerge
as a competitor, both on the political arena
and in international security, as well
as in production, science, the energy sector –
and this is no longer to their liking.
Therefore, our so-called partners began to pursue a containment policy.
In fact,
the containment policy has been pursued against Russia
for centuries; there is nothing new about it. If you look
through diplomatic correspondence, for example, from
the early 19th century, it looks
as if it was written yesterday.
I can honestly tell you, as if it was yesterday. It
is amazing. You read it, and everything is the same,
word for word. Astonishing, but true.
Vladimir Putin 8 December 2021
'Containment', it appears is an endless footnote in the west's
dusty, broken-spined foreign policy book. A musty, archaic,
primitive idea.
The Dutch-American political scientist Nicholas Spykman (Professor
of International Relations at Yale University) considered it more
important to control the so-called Rimland than the Eurasian
continent, as control of one would lead to control of the other. In
his book 'The Geography of the Peace', published after his death in
1943, he espoused theories that are behind the USA policy of
'containment', an unrealistic and unintelligent policy which the US
government continues to this day.
Spykman's ideas permeate US government coercive foreign policy,
especially the concept of 'containing' Russia and China. Threats to
these two countries are a subset of the 'containment' delusion.
'Containment' requires installing compliant governments in countries
which are not yet 'in' the US government bloc. Successive United
States governments have developed many decades of experience at
interference in other country's governance, and so have developed a
large institutional expertise in these malign techniques. Today, the
'global south' is slowly starting to fight back.
You might ask, how has the US government been able to get away with
a policy of open interference in other countries affairs? The reason
is geographic and historic. Very early on USA became a very powerful
country due to its ample mineral and forest resources, good
agricultural soils, good climate, large size, inland waterways,
expanding population, and pre-educated immigrants. When WW2 ended
the USA government alone had nuclear weapons, and was alone
in having a country with infrastructure undamaged by war. Much
of the world had already been colonised by European powers, and
liberation movements had barely started. Corruption was (and still
is) rife in the poorer countries. Access to resources just required
lubrication with the Yankee dollar. The USA controlled the most
important Middle East oil resources, and in 1974 (after the end of
the Bretton Woods system) the USA was, until recently, able to issue
('print') as many dollars (capital) as it wanted. This debt-capital
was used both to buy overseas resources and develop their own
country essentially 'for free'. In other words the USA government
had huge ability to exercise power - military, economic,
cultural, educational.
But the US dollar-fuelled economic power is coming to an end.
Countries are now reluctant to buy US government debt, as they
understand that when interest payments on the existing debt are now
1.1 trillion dollars a year, sale of US dollar debt has become a
ponzi scheme.
The United States has been powerful for so long, it feels it is
dominant over all other countries, it "calls the shots". But China
has overtaken the US in material production (it produces roughly 20%
of the industrial goods in the world), and is likely to be
the major defensive power in its region. China cannot be
economically 'contained', no matter how much the USA tries to block
China's trade in some areas.
It is a great irony that the USA blocked China's access to certain
computer chips, so China made it's own, damaging a major US chip
makers China market. Netherlands refuse to sell China chip making
machinery - China developed its own. Crowning it, a China led
China-US team has developed a graphene-based process to make
revolutionary, ultra fast, chips. No doubt China will hold a decent
chunk of the patent. USA has blocked China's complaints at the World
Trade Organisation - for now. But that's all it can do. China is
taking the lead in some high tech mass product industries. Electric
cars are a good example. China's close relationship with Russia
gives it unblockable access to cheap energy and minerals. China
increasingly trades in yuan with cooperating countries. China
cannot be economically 'contained'.
Russia has been subject to economic war on an unimaginably large
scale. It has responded by finding new markets and creating
conditions local businesses to supply previously imported goods. It
has the energy, mineral, and educational resources to 'go it alone'
without the west. Russia cannot be economically 'contained'.
Although the US power-potential has been constrained by Russia
becoming a more-than-peer nuclear weapon power, the US has never
given up its long-term policy objective of maintaining US economic
dominance while trying to pull Russia apart - in service of keeping
Eurasia fragmented and Russia down.
"Imagine what happens if we, in fact, unite all of
Europe and Putin is finally put down where he cannot cause the
kind of trouble he's been causing"
Joseph Biden, October 2023
'Putin' is, of course, a fairly crude cartoon 'speech bubble'
demonisation-label for the Russian Federation (a childish coercion
technique, the 'oblique name-calling technique' - although points
must be awarded for the phrase "finally put down", which has the
connotation of killing a weak, injured, or dangerous animal). The
'trouble' the Russian Federation has been causing, is brushing aside
the (expensive) US project to pull Russia apart and ring Russia with
nuclear-capable cruise missiles. If that 'troubles' the US
government, then don't do it. Spend your money at home. More
'troubling' for the United States is that Russia, due to the
Ukrainian conflict, has demonstratively become the best land defense
army in the world, surpassing the United States. Once again, the
United States is becoming number two.
His idea was "Who controls the Rimland rules
Eurasia, who rules Eurasia controls the destinies of the
world." His modern incarnation continues as the west european NATO
cabal, still trying to implement Spykman's hubristic ideas.
The object of 'controlling' the rimlands was to not only block and
landlock Russia, thus 'containing' it, but to be able to attack
Russia from both land and sea, all the while denying Russia sea
bases and sea force. From today's perspective, his idea is
completely delusional. Russia has crushed a major NATO force using
only part of its armed forces, and with immense self-restraint to
avoid too much damage to civilian infrastructure and lives. Russian
combined aerospace, naval, and land based military assets are
sufficient to keep access to all regional seas open. Western
politicians are slow to comprehend this reality. Even now they
prattle on about making the Baltic Sea an inland lake, as if they
are incapable of seeing what is unfolding before their eyes -
Russia's immense missile and drone production capacity. Russia can
destroy NATO anti-missile installations in the blink of an eye. In
addition, Russia is the worlds leading nuclear weapons power in the
sense that it's hypersonic nuclear missiles are unstoppable. It
cannot be militarily 'contained'.
In the same way, other USA pundits hubristically talk about
'containing' China in the South China Seas. Today, the US
expeditionary naval force is but simply an artificial reef-to-be.
Once again, stand-off missiles, especially air launched hypersonic
missiles prevent the USA from 'containing' China in that sea. Bear
in mind that the combination of explosive power and hypersonic speed
cause an impact getting up into the low yield nuclear missile range.
And it, too is a nuclear weapons power. It cannot be 'contained'
Russia and China are expanding transport lines across Eurasia. Air,
rail, road, Arctic sea, and combinations thereof. Russia and China
together can transport goods from the East Eurasian coast in China
right across to Russia's Kalingrad on the west Eurasian coast.
Securely. Concepts of 'containing' this traffic are
risible.Katsoulas could not have been aware of these developments.
Even so, he 'saw' - or thought he saw - that Russia could be
'contained' in the Black Sea, a bizarrely myopic concept.
Recognising the vast cultural differences between European Greece on
the one hand and Turkiye, and adjacent Arab Mediterranean countries
on the other, Dr Spyros Katsoulas came up with
the 'rimland bridge' concept. The
'rimland bridge' is regarded as a gateway connecting Europe to the
Middle East and is a land-based bridge to Asia. This 'land bridge'
is seen as a strategic 'chokepoint' between Europe and 'Asia' that
traverses a politically unstable region. ( it is also a 'chokepoint
into and out of the Black Sea - particularly relevant today.) Under
this thinking, the west must 'control' Turkiye and the Mediterranean
littoral. Control of uncooperative countries can be achieved by
policies based on 'divide and rule' and subsequent economic and
political coercion. If they fight each other, so much the better. If
they don't fight, the west and its proxies will arrange pumped-up
terrorists to set fire to the region. Of course, the sovereignty and
well-being of the governments and peoples of the countries they make
plans for has little relevance. They might as well be invisible.
If necessary, Russia can work around the conflict zones in this
region. It is also creating a sea-land transport route directly to
Iran and then to India and beyond. As the BRICS organisation and the
Eurasian Economic Union expands, so will the network of transport
routes in this region - and finally into Syria, the Mediterranean,
Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf and beyond. The United
States has building military bases in Turkiye Cyprus, Italy, and
throughout the Middle East, but frankly, so what? Russia can hit
them all without moving outside it's borders. There is no
'containment' there.
"Clearly, a new equal and indivisible security
framework must be created in Eurasia
in the foreseeable future. We are ready
for a substantive discussion on this subject with
all countries and associations that may be interested
in it. At the same time, I would like
to reiterate (I think this is important
for everyone) that no enduring international order is
possible without a strong and sovereign Russia.
strive to unite the global majority’s efforts
to respond to international challenges, such
as turbulent transformation of the world economy,
trade, finance, and technology markets, when former
monopolies and stereotypes associated with them are
For example,
in 2028, the BRICS countries, with account taken
of the new members, will create about 37 percent
of global GDP, while the G7 numbers will fall below
28 percent. These figures are quite telling because
the situation was completely different just 10 or 15
years ago. You have heard me say it publicly before. These are
the trends, you see. These are the global trends,
and there is no escaping them since they are objective
...We will continue to work with friendly countries to
create effective and safe logistics corridors, relying on
cutting-edge solutions for building a new global financial
architecture that would be free from any political
Vladimir Putin
29 February 2024
On the one hand, the United States cannot 'contain' Russia's ability
to transport oil and other goods around the world, and yet the
United States ability to move oil through the Red Sea (or the
Persian Gulf, for that matter) can be 'contained' by the Houthi in
the first case, and the Iranians in the second. Houthis have cruise
missiles from Iraq, Iran, their own modified Soviet era missiles,
and, allegedly North Korea. One missiles is said to have a range of
800 kilometers. Relatively cheap drones, of course, are used to
'drain' the anti-missile defenses of naval ships before the
expensive anti-ship cruise missiles are used. US re-supply bases are
also within easy reach of Yemeni and cruise missiles and Iranian
advanced hypersonic missiles.
The whole concept of 'containing' great powers like Russia and China
is delusional.
There is a final factor to add to this sorry tale of hubris and
delusion. All the methods used by the west to 'contain' Russia are
coercive. Coercion is illegal under international law. And the law
regarding State responsibility (Responsibility
of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts 2001 - pdf) allows
governments to sue states for damages to compensate for the harm
caused by another states "wrongful acts". By definition, coercive
acts are wrongful acts. The west has no legal leg to stand on. The
Russia-Iran Declaration below
is the template for what will ultimately be an avalanche of cases
against the United States and its co-offenders.
History of the west's failure to subjugate Russia, and Vladimir
Putin's leading role in thwarting their plans
The West almost gained control of a great part of Russia's oil and
gas resources when the Soviet Union disbanded itself and fell into
political, economic, and social decay. The break-up of the Soviet
Union was done completely ineptly with little thought for realistic
borders or economic transition plans. Economist Geoffrey Sachs had
helped USA formulate Germany's post-war development plan, and he was
tasked with helping post-Soviet Poland in a similar way. He
developed a successful aid package that enabled Poland to get back
on it's feet. When he was asked to develop a plan for Russia, he
modeled on the successful Polish plan. But the west simply
point-blank refused to provide the same aid it had given Poland. No
reasons given. If the outgoing Soviets were more familiar with
Makinders concept, they would have done the dissolution very
differently, very cautiously, very slowly.
In the mid-1990s, we were good
for everyone and everyone liked us, when we received
potatoes as humanitarian aid. Thanks
for this...However...when Russia emerge
as a competitor...this is no longer to their
Vladimir Putin 8 December 2021
The only 'aid' Russia got in the end was western 'predatory'
capitalism. But when the current President (Vladimir Putin) came to
office he stopped the rot. He stopped further sell-off of state
assets and found various pretexts to gain a majority control of the
(highly strategic) oil and gas companies, with the Russian
government as beneficial shareholder. The Russian government applied
the oil and gas dividends to hauling Russia back from the economic
and social wreckage that resulted from the West's siphoning off most
of the profits from exploiting Russia's resources.
The government of Vladimir Putin has worked tirelessly to pull the
Russian nation from the pits of despair (Russia's male suicide rate
was very high, alcoholism rife, corruption pervasive, social
services utterly inadequate, population shrinking, crime rampant,
inflation out of control, government debt huge, inefficiencies
legendary, social cohesion falling apart). President Putin and his
senior team have been spectacularly successful in the mammoth task
of re-assembling Russia into a modernising and socially responsible
nation with an ever-building sense of national pride and cohesion.
Powers responsiveness to the needs of the people aside, this massive
and on-going national project has been possible primarily due to
Russia's huge endowment of exportable oil and gas resources - with
important contributions from its grain surplus-producing
agricultural industry.
This background explains the United States foreign policy towards
the Eurasian region, and therefore their diplomatic policy towards
Russia. Western states are still economically subordinate to the
United States, so their 'big picture' diplomatic strategy is largely
both subordinate to, and compliant with, the United States coercive
foreign policy strategies.
illegal under International Law Edited 14 May 2024
All signatories to the
Charter of the United Nations are bound by its
articles. All 193 countries that signed and ratified
the Charter have agreed to be legally bound by Security Council
resolutions (the General
Assembly’s resolutions are not legally binding).
Chapter 1, Article 2, Clause 4 says "All Members shall refrain in
their international relations from the threat or use of force
against the territorial integrity or political independence of any
state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the
United Nations."
Chapter VI, Article 33, Clause 1 says "The parties to any dispute,
the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of
international peace and security, shall, first of all, seek a
solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation,
arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or
arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice."
Clauses 35, 36, 37, 38 of Chapter VI allows any signatory country to
bring any dispute or "situation which might lead to international
friction or give rise to a dispute,..." to the United Nations for
consideration "in order to determine whether the continuance of the
dispute or situation is likely to endanger the maintenance of
international peace and security". The UN can make recommendations
on settlement, or, if the dispute is of a legal nature, it can be
taken to the International Court of Justice.
In other words, if the face to face respectful negotiations of
normal diplomacy fails, the matter can be settled via
recommendations of either the General Assembly or Security Council.
When the dispute determines "...the existence of any threat to the
peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression" then the Security
Council "...shall make recommendations, or decide what measures
shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or
restore international peace and security."
The options under Articles 41 start with breakoff of diplomatic
relations, "complete or partial interruption of economic relations".
Article 42 says "Should the Security Council consider that measures
provided for in Article 41 would be inadequate or have proved to be
inadequate, it may take such action by air, sea, or land forces as
may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and
security. Such action may include demonstrations, blockade, and
other operations by air, sea, or land forces of Members of the
United Nations."
In other wordsall blockades and
so-called 'sanctions' are illegal under international law unless
that are sanctions imposed by United Nations resolutions.
Article 51 allows for individual or collective self defense if a
country experiences an armed attack.
"Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of
individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs
against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council
has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and
security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of
self-defence shall be immediatelyreported to the
Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and
responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to
take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to
maintain or restore international peace and security."
The 'Declaration on Principles of International Law Friendly
Relations and Co-operation Among States in Accordance With The
Charter Of The United Nations' was affirmed by the General Assembly
and says (among many other things):
"...Convinced that the strict observance by States of the
obligation not to intervene in the affairs of any other State
is an essential condition to ensure that nations live together in
peace with one another, since the practice of any form of
intervention not only violates the spirit and letter of the Charter,
but also leads to the creation of situations which threaten
international peace and security,
Recalling the duty of States to refrain in their
international relations from military, political, economic or
any other form of coercion aimed against the
political independence or territorial integrity of any State,
Consideringit essential that all States shall refrain in
their international relations from the threat or use of force
against the territorial integrity or political independence of any
State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of
the United Nations...
Declares further that: The principles of the Charter which are
embodied in this Declaration constitute basic principles of
international law,..."
There it is. In black ink. Inarguable. Any form of
coercion is illegal under international law.
On December 5 2023 the Russian Federation and the Islamic
Republic of Iran added further weight to this when they signed a
bilateral declaration on unilateral coercion measures the preamble
to which
"Reaffirming General Assembly resolution 3281 (XXIX) of
12 December 1974 containing the Charter of Economic Rights
and Duties of States, pursuant to which no State may use or encourage the use of
economic, political or any other type of measures to coerce
another State in order to obtain from it the subordination
of the exercise of its sovereign rights"
The Declaration also notes "unilateral coercive measures in
certain cases run counter to Security Council resolutions
adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations and
violate Security Council prerogatives under the Charter of the
United Nations."
They make the further point that illegal coercive measures also
"create obstacles" impede human rights, rights laid out in
international legal instruments that carry the signatures of the
perpetrators of coercive actions. Malign actions that deny people
full enjoyment of their human rights.
"I would like to start the discussion of unilateral coercive
measures by stating the obvious. Those measures are illegal
under international law. Unilateral coercive measures
represent an open attack on the principles of sovereign equality
of states, non-interference in their internal affairs and
international cooperation enshrined in the UN Charter...these
tools are used by Western states that openly embrace them as
part of their foreign policy...
The unilateral coercive measures are yet another manifestation
of neocolonial practices and an attempt to divide the entire
world into masters and slaves. For the former, there are endless
exceptions from the "rules-based world order", while the latter
can only count on the whip, the modern analog of which is the
notorious “sanctions policy”.
The position of the United Nations with strong condemnation of
such measures was formulated long ago.
In the 1965 Declaration on the
Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of
States and the Protection of Their Independence and
Sovereignty (adopted by UNGA Resolution 2131) it is clearly
stated that “No State may use or encourage the use of
economic, political or any other type of measures to coerce
another State in order to obtain from it the subordination
of the exercise of its sovereign rights or to secure from it
advantages of any kind”.
The relevance of UN General Assembly Resolution 72/201
entitled “Unilateral economic measures as a means of political
and economic coercion against developing countries” is only
Thus, the correct name for the 'unilateral coercive measures'
would be 'illegal coercive measures'. ...Western countries lose
all interest in human rights issues as soon as it comes to their
own unilateral coercive measures, which...are designed for
maximum, “carpet-like” coverage. They are not at all embarrassed
by the fact that ordinary citizens suffer. This is the exact
goal - to cause as much suffering as possible to the population
in order to aggravate socio-economic problems, which they can
conveniently use to change “undesirable” regimes.
Third states are often affected by unilateral coercive measures
imposed by the United States and its allies. The countries
most affected are always those that already find themselves in a
vulnerable position. The “collateral damage” caused, however
significant, is of no concern to Washington, London or Brussels.
From the point of view of the unique mandate of the Security
Council, the policy of unilateral restrictions is an attack on
the established principles of international sanctions as
provided in the UN Charter. Illegal unilateral
coercive measures imposed without a Council
resolution under Chapter VII of the UN Charter are
incompatible with the principle of international cooperation
and hamper it even in those areas where there is an urgent
need and objective interest in combining efforts
(counter-terrorism, non-proliferation and disarmament,
Domestic political, socio-economic and humanitarian crises
provoked in the states affected by unilateral coercive measures
lead to refugee problems and cross-border terrorist activity.
Artificially fueled instability often spills over to the
regional level...
States imposing unilateral coercive
measures bear full responsibility for undermining national
counter-terrorism efforts, international cooperation in the
global fight against this threat, and creating conditions
conducive to its proliferation."
Maria Zabolotskaya, Deputy Permanent Representative at an
"Arria-formula" meeting of UNSC members 25
March 2024
Coercive diplomacy, in concept and in action, is illegal. All
those using it know full well it is illegal. They are contemptuous
of International law, as well as their own domestic law, as the
provisions of the Charter of the the United Nations forms part of
the body of law of all the countries which are signatories.
diplomacy held in check by the balance of power
Prior to the break-up of the Soviet Union, there was a balance of
power between the two superpowers - The United States and
the Soviet Union.
When the Soviet Union decided to alter course and break up into a
series of independent countries the United States was left as sole
superpower. China was rising, but hadn't yet achieved its
potential. The Soviet Union was a mess, racked by economic
collapse and social disintegration. The inmates could be exploited
and complaints ignored.
Under these conditions it was natural for the USA government to
assume it had 'won' something, and it acted accordingly. While
previously coercive diplomacy was used by both sides, there was
also respect on both sides. But once the Soviet Union was 'gone'
and a new weak Russia emerged, the United States acted as if it
ruled the world. And it did. Through rampant coercive diplomacy.
The current Russian President once admitted that perhaps Russia,
too, would have acted in a similar way in the same circumstances.
It is human nature.
Despite USA government destruction of nuclear arms control
mechanisms and place missiles right on the Russian Federation's
border, by 2018 Russia managed to restore the balance of
nuclear-military power. China, too, had become a formidable
military force, with hypersonic missile technology and world
beating economy. India, too is on the rise, and Iran can now
impose unacceptable militarily costs to the USA in the Middle
The balance of power itself has become multipolar. In 2014
President Putin signaled to the west that the time has come for
the west to abandon Alexander George's childish 'coercive
diplomacy', grow up, return to adult diplomacy, and rationally
reconstruct and adapt the mechanisms of checks and balances to
bring them into line with new and emerging realities.
"We need to be frank in asking each other if we have
a reliable safety net in place. Sadly, there is no
guarantee and no certainty that the current system
of global and regional security is able
to protect us from upheavals. This system has become
seriously weakened, fragmented and deformed.
The international and regional political, economic,
and cultural cooperation organisations are also going
through difficult times.
many of the mechanisms we have for ensuring
the world order were created quite a long time ago
now, including and above all in the period
immediately following World War II.
Let me stress that the solidity of the system
created back then rested not only on the balance
of power and the rights of the victor
countries, but on the fact that this system’s
‘founding fathers’ had respect for each other, did not
try to put the squeeze on others, but attempted
to reach agreements.
The main
thing is that this system needs to develop,
and despite its various shortcomings, needs
to at least be capable of keeping
the world’s current problems within certain limits
and regulating the intensity of the natural
competition between countries.
is my conviction that we could not take this mechanism
of checks and balances that we built over
the last decades, sometimes with such effort
and difficulty, and simply tear it apart without
building anything in its place.
Otherwise we would be left with no instruments other than brute
What we
needed to do was to carry out a rational
reconstruction and adapt it to the new realities
in the system of international relations.
the United States, having declared itself the winner
of the Cold War...took steps that threw
the system into sharp and deep imbalance.
The Cold
War ended, but it did not end with the signing
of a peace treaty with clear and transparent
agreements on respecting existing rules or creating
new rules and standards.
This created the impression that the so-called
‘victors’ in the Cold War had decided to pressure
events and reshape the world to suit their own
needs and interests. If the existing system
of international relations, international law
and the checks and balances in place got
in the way of these aims, this system was
declared worthless, outdated and in need
of immediate demolition.
the analogy, but this is the way nouveaux riches
behave when they suddenly end up with a great fortune,
in this case, in the shape of world
leadership and domination. Instead of managing their
wealth wisely, for their own benefit too of course,
I think they have committed many follies.
We have
entered a period of differing interpretations
and deliberate silences in world politics.
International law has been forced to retreat over
and over by the onslaught of legal nihilism.
Objectivity and justice have been sacrificed
on the altar of political expediency.
Arbitrary interpretations and biased assessments have
replaced legal norms.
At the same time, total control
of the global mass media has made it possible when
desired to portray white as black and black
as white.
In a situation
where you had domination by one country and its
allies, or its satellites rather, the search
for global solutions often turned into an attempt
to impose their own universal recipes.
This group’s ambitions grew so big that they started presenting
the policies they put together in their corridors
of power as the view of the entire
international community. But this is not the case."
Vladimir Putin 24
October 2014
origin of the coercive diplomacy strategy Edited 4 March
In 1971, Alexander
George, a professor of behavioural science at Stanford
University, introduced the concept of "coercive diplomacy", in his
book 'The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy'. This was followed in 1991
by 'Forceful persuasion: coercive diplomacy as an alternative to
war'. His ideas and advice influenced a number of Presidents, and
were in vogue in the period of the cold war, and have now become
the manual for what the United States government conceives as
"Coercive diplomacy is an attractive strategy because it
offers the defender a chance to achieve reasonable objectives in a
crisis with less cost, with much less - if any - bloodshed, with
fewer political and psychological costs, and often with less risk
of unwanted escalation than is true with traditional military
strategy. A crisis resolved by means of coercive diplomacy is also
less likely to contaminate future relations between the two sides
than is a war."
Alexander George and William Simons 'The Limits of Coercive
George frames coercive diplomacy as being used by a 'defender',
but he uses that word in a special sense - that is, as a country
(implicitly the USA) 'defending' the status quo. This implies any
legal thing another country does in pursuit of its own citizens
well-being that the US government decides it doesn't like, is, by
this twisted bit of logic, an 'aggression'. According to US
coercive 'logic' a country acting as an independent sovereign -
pursuing it's own interests rather than abiding by the US 'rules'
- must be coercively stopped from acting independently. It must be
made dependent on USA rules, obedient, obeying USA rules and
dictates slavishly - or else.
"The central task of coercive to cause the
adversary to expect sufficient costs and risks to cause him to
stop what he is doing"
Alexander George and William Simons 'The Limits of Coercive
George conceived of coercive diplomacy as composed of several
possible strategies - it could use "rational persuasion", it could
use "accommodation" (recognising another parties legitimate
interests and not muddying the waters), or it could use coercive
threats. The US objective is always the same, according to George
- to 'encourage' the adversary to comply with American demands, or
to agree to a compromise that suits America. George frames
compromise as "work out an acceptable compromise". But the object
of working anything out is compliance with that which suits the
stronger partner. Thus, coercive diplomacy is not an equal
dialogue between parties. In reality, coercive diplomacy is
generally an aggressive act lazily used, in place of the more
tedious patient, reasoned diplomatic discourse - a process that
can only work if is carried out respectfully, honestly, and where
each sides legitimate interests are balanced (there are no
'winners' and 'losers', only useful results and concessions).
Today, George's conception of 'coercive diplomacy' has largely
been stripped of even rationality, accommodation, and compromise.
Threats have grown like a bloated cuckoo chick in a wren's nest.
The cuckoo nestling grows faster, hogs the food, and when large
enough, throws his nest-mates out of the nest.
George regarded coercive diplomacy as an attractive option,
better than military action. He made the base assumption that the
US politicians who routinely use coercive diplomacy against weaker
opponent would not use toxic levels of coercive diplomacy against
a major conventional and nuclear power.
George also realised that when a powerful country uses it against
a weak country the stronger country might not take into account
the moral determination of the weak country to defend its people
and historic territory. A determined and resourceful weak country
may simply refuse to bow down to the US government, almost
regardless of the cost. Yemen is a case in point - as is
"I will explain that American strategic planning documents
confirm the possibility of a so-called preemptive strike
at enemy missile systems.
We also know the main adversary of the United States and NATO.
It is Russia.
NATO documents officially declare our country to be the main
threat to Euro-Atlantic security.
Ukraine will serve as an advanced bridgehead for such a
If our ancestors heard about this, they would probably simply
not believe this. We do not want to believe this today either,
but it is what it is. I would like people in Russia and Ukraine
to understand this...
...I would like to be clear and straightforward: in the current
circumstances, when our proposals for an equal dialogue on
fundamental issues have actually remained unanswered by the
United States and NATO, when the level of threats to our country
has increased significantly, Russia has every right to respond
in order to ensure its security. That is exactly what we will
Vladimir Putin 21
February 2022
George could not conceive of the US politicians attacking a
powerful country and mistaking slowness of that country to
retaliate as 'weakness'. Yet here we are. (Some retaliation is
years in having its effect - and this will be the case with a turn
to goods - based non-dollar currencies used in trade.)
He believed that coercive diplomacy is not just a means to obtain
a political objective, but is also a psychological strategy to
alter the present and future behaviour of officials of other
countries. He firmly believed that is was necessary for diplomats
and top leadership to understand the adversaries 'world view',
what the political constraints and opportunities were in the
operating environment of the adversary, and how the leaders of
that country 'see things'.
But the degree to which USA politicians have ever really
understood Russia is moot. The reliability of the current
'experts' who explain these matters to the top politicians and
diplomats has been called into question. Intelligence is supposed
to provide input on Russia's capacity as a military-economic
state, on the Russian peoples moral fibre, so to speak, their
resolve, their will to resist, and the strength to which they hold
on to values such as homeland, community, family, sacrifice.
Judging by their actions, the USA has very low quality
intelligence on these elements of Russia's being. Bad intelligence
leads to bad decisions. Compounding this, the psychological
inclinations of the current US President (Joseph Biden) may be
dismissive of this central element of George's 'package'. In which
case the American politicians will either hold false views about
Russia (and China for that matter) or understand very little. In
any case, it should have been very clear that attempting to
coerce Russia at all was a bad idea who repercussions would become
worse with time.
'Don't do it' was simply not considered.
Their own disinterest in understanding Russia allows the US
politicians to insolently escalate coercion until it has almost
seamlessly become a war against Russia. In a frightening
demonstration of the danger posed by the atrophied and sclerotic
US political borg, in lock-step they lurch like zombies closer and
closer to the edge of the precipice. Dragging the rest of the
world with them.
George considered that the strength of the coercive measures an
aggressor used was a reflection of the strength of the aggressors
If that is the case then US government's very strong and very
dangerous coercive measures against Russia suggest that something
very important to the US government is at stake. What, then is at
stake? Social stability might be half of the answer.
The rationale
for using coercive diplomacy
1. Coerce the rest of the world to provide social stability in
the USA
The US is deeply in debt, the dollar will likely fall in value as
foreigners turn away from buying US debt, and US tangible goods
exports over imports have a trade deficit of over a trillion
dollars. About half a trillion represents the trade deficit with
China and Europe. The USA needs Chinese strategic manufactures -
rare metals, pharmaceuticals and so forth, but the USA doesn't
really need Europe. The USA needs to buy time to build competitive
manufacturing industries for export. It needs time to source
strategic minerals from other countries than China. It needs to
increase the cost structure for European industries so US
manufacturers can compete on price, in spite of the distances
shipped. It needs to substitute locally produced products for
imported products. It time to lure European industries to
re-locate to the USA. All these measures create employment
in the USA. But at the same time destroys employment in Europe.
Cutting Europe off from cheap Russian energy is the perfect way
to raise the costs structure in Europe. The US government can, at
the same time, promote European energy security through seaborne
imports of natural gas and oil from distant sources in the Middle
East and Africa. And in the case of gas, from USA. The US
government-incited European economic 'sanctions' against Russia
are the perfect tool (sabotage of the natural gas pipeline is
icing on the cake). Europe now has a permanently high cost
structure for its supplies of industrial energy.
2. Coerce Russia and China to agree to a US-centric lop-sided
nuclear and hypersonic arms treaty
The second half of what is at stake for USA is nuclear
The US government hoped to ring Russia with nuclear capable
missiles and blackmail Russia into allowing the US to exploit
Russian natural resources. That has failed.
Russia responded with world-beating hypersonic technology that
allows Russia to launch a submarine attack on USA with unstoppable
hypersonic missiles carrying either a nuclear or conventional
warhead. Russian hypersonic cruise missiles launched by bombers
and fighter-bombers within Russian airspace can reach much
of continental United States. The US gambled on creating a
permanent nuclear-tipped cruise missile and glide bomb threat on
Russia's border, protected by an 'anti-missile shield' on both
Europes eastern margin and South East Asia's western margin.
Russia can probably shoot most of these down, but the experience
of the Russia-Ukraine conflict demonstrates that a few will still
get through.
A Russian nuclear response on USA territory would be instant and
The USA is desperate to sign an arms control treaty with Russia
(and China) that covers this threat to the existence of the US
'continental island'. The US government well understands that
Russia does not 'need' anything from the US.
The USA government could have used cooperative diplomacy to
achieve nuclear arms control. The Russians had already said they
were willing to work out US concerns about hypersonic weapons. But
Russia can hardly be expected to help the US with the structure of
its economic problem. Maybe it was opportunistic, but the US
decided it could exploit the Ukrainian civil war to kill Russians,
destroy the Russian economy, and promote civil unrest in Russia -
at no real cost to the USA.
Coercive intimidation added
10 August 2024. First edited 17 January 2025.
Before coercive actions are taken, states often use threats to try
to intimidate or deter a country from initiating something the
menacing state considers 'harmful', or to stop a country from
doing something that the threatening state 'doesn't like'. This is
the "just try it and see what happens to you" of the schoolyard in
the first case, and "if you keep doing that you are going to get
it" in the second case. The principle of trying to change others
behaviour with 'cheap' threats endures into adult life - although
it can hardly be called mature adult behaviour.
It allows for the possibility to 'win without fighting', a highly
desirable outcome.
"Coercive diplomacy emphasises the threats of punishment if the
adversary does not comply with what is demanded."
Alexander George
The threat can take countless forms. The low end targets
individuals whose work inconveniently exposes truths about a
governments inept, corrosive, or illegal foreign policies. One
recent example is the 7
August 2024 deceitful banality of US FBI agents
'investigating' Scott Ritter, under the affected and false pretext
of being a foreign agent. Scott Ritter (long-time writer,
journalist and commentator) expertly reports on, discusses and
analyses Russian geopolitical actions, including the conflict in
Ukraine and arms control, and his analysis of the available facts
often coincides with Russian statements. More significantly, his
analysis of current Israeli actions and attitudes are fiercely
critical of the the Israeli government - at a time when the US
government is fervently and loudly in support of the continued
genocidally disproportionate bombing of the overwhelmingly
innocent population of the Israeli open-air prison that is Gaza.
The implicit threat to Mr. Ritter is that if he doesn't stop
working in this area (as it embarrasses the US government),
fanciful charges will be laid against him, and he will be
bankrupted defending himself. More importantly, the time taken to
prepare a defense will severely limit his ability to go about his
normal work.
At the high end the chief diplomat (for example the President of
the United States) openly threatens the head of another country -
even to hint he would repeat the uniquely American implementation
of a crime against humanity - the murder and maiming of a huge
number men, women and children of a city using a nuclear bomb.
President Donald Trump's remarks aimed at North Korea in 2017
are the outstanding example (although various Israeli politicians
to explode one or more nuclear bombs on other countries if the USA
doesn't give them what they want, or if they feel their statehood
is threatened arguably trump Trump.)
The fact that in both of these examples the subject of the threat
can't be intimidated into 'changing their behaviour' demonstrates
an important point - don't attempt to intimidate a subject that is
immune to threats. At best, the threatening party looks both weak
and pathetic. At worst, the exact opposite happens - the subject
is both empowered and unanticipated consequences the failed
intimidator sitting bent over, head in hand, full of regret.
There are four broad forms of coercive threats designed to
intimidate - unspoken but physically manifest; hinted at;
ambiguous; and direct.
Which style is used, and when in a sequence of ever-escalating
events, is a matter of judgement. A judgement sometimes easily
made, sometimes finely judged (depending on many fast or slowly
evolving factors of varying impact - from erosive drip to
powerful waterfall).
The style and timing also reflects both the culture of a country
and the wisdom of the leader.' Wisdom' subsumes the leaders
personal intelligence, self control, analytical ability, ability
to listen, and innate or learned ability to think strategically
across many domains - social, military, economic, legal,
organisational, relational. Of course, experience also comes into
the equation that results in behaviours we call 'wise'.
Objectively, Vladimir Putin fits the description of a 'wise'
politician. His use of intimidatory threats is sparse, appropriate
(last resort), predictable, enduring when it matters and cast
aside when it no longer matters (strategic flexibility).
""...I consider myself a predictable, composed individual who
acts according to a plan. This plan encompasses all my actions,
those of the Government, the Executive Office, and the Central
Bank. We synchronise our steps, operating in a stable and
predictable manner."
Vladimir Putin 26
December 2024
His cultural background is that of the history of the Russian
Federation, and as a result he is inclined to relentless
diplomacy, with its often oblique and ambiguous language (a
typically Russian style of diplomatic communication). Because
intimidation is generally of the ambiguous style, the threats are
very often missed by the media, and perhaps even by the 'analysts'
in the west who feed information to their leadership.
The same can be said of several other high Russian officials -
Sergey Lavrov and Dmitry Medvedev (although Dmitry Medvedev is
extremely blunt, his speaking style is such that some points
within an otherwise forthright comment are either ambiguous or
Unspoken but physically manifest
These include patrols with air or marine military assets (fighter
bombers, long range bombers, ships, submarines, drone-torpedoes)
capable of delivering strategic strikes (conventional or nuclear)
on command and control centers, military assets, and civilian
infrastructure also used to support armed services.
Military exercises are also a 'show of force' designed to
threaten and intimidate. They are particularly effective at a time
of escalating tensions, and escalations in the use of proxy
forces, such as the USA use of proxy forces in Ukraine and Israel.
Hinted at
"Two days ago I came across a study by a Lebanese
economic expert who is interested in this field. He states that in
the northern region [of Israel] there are chemical factories valued at $31
billion. As for technology factories...As you may know "Israel" is
a global leader in the technology sector, with technology
factories worth $76 billion. It also houses power plants worth 9.7 billion. Food
production facilities, as the entire food supplier for the Zionist
entity originates from the northern area, food production
facilities worth 12 billion. It took 34 years to establish these
industries. Yet all these factories could be obliterated in the
matter of an hour, or even half an hour."
Hassan Nasrallah 7 August 2024
Mr. Nasrallah did not say he would destroy them. Previous
demonstrations of Hezbollah's ability to hit and destroy Israeli
targets in Israeli-occupied Lebanon and beyond makes the implied
threat credible. He did not say whether these facilities would be
destroyed only as as a symmetrical response to Israeli attacks on
Lebanese factories and food facilities or not.
He did not say that if Israel does not withdraw from occupied
Lebanese territories then Hezbollah would mount a special operation
to free them.
He did say there would be a response to the Israeli killing of
Islamic Resistance commander Fuad Shokr in Lebanon's city of
Beirut - regardless of Israeli threats of consequences. But he
also said Hezbollah was deeply committed to the national security of
Lebanon, its people, its sovereignty and infrastructure,and at the
same time took responsibility for minimising harm to ordinary
people as the result of a battle coming out of Hezbollah's punitive
response. You could argue that he is hinting he would like the fight
to be limited in scope and focus on the southernmost part of
Lebanon, with the possibility of an end to the conflict that saw
occupied Lebanese land returned, and settlers return to northern
Hezbollah regards the killing as state terrorism, and the Israelis
must be both punished and deterred - an important element of
coercive diplomacy. He said “Our
response is certainly coming and will be strong, impactful, and
effective. There are still days and nights ahead of us, and we await
the battlefield.”
What does "strong" really mean? A determined assault by trained
armed forces? Missile salvos? Aimed to destroy what? Israeli troop
concentrations? Oil and gas facilities? factories manufacturing
arms? Ammunition dumps? How long will can last before it runs out of
war materiel? Will it be joined by Yemen, Iraq? Will Iran be able to
effectively supply a constant stream of war materiel? And so on.
Similar questions can be asked of the words "impactful" and
"effective". Impact on who? World opinion? Muslim opinion? Free the
Israeli occupied Lebanese lands? Catalyse a peace agreement? Force
the USA to stop blocking the settlement of the Palestine issue? What
end result does Hezbollah hope to achieve? What is the menu of
achievements? What is at the top? what is at the bottom? what can be
given up? What will never be given up? Etc.
Mr. Nasrallah's statement lays out a clear intention to punish
Israel for a crime. The details and timing is full of ambiguities.
The hints that Hezbollah could destroy factories in Northern Israel
could be read as a certainty, or simply a 'menu item' that may or
may not be selected.
Ambiguity creates a feeling of uncertainty. The worst nightmare case
starts intruding into the mind, even although facts seem to rule it
out. It erodes self confidence. Ambiguity is a powerful coercion
multiplier. Therefore, in the face of a foe who has already proven
their unbending determination and potent means, the opposing sides
mind is better prepared to de-escalate, compromise, or even
capitulate. (Note: while the conflict with Hezbollah could in
principle be settled by Israel relatively easily and with no
significant loss, Israeli government intention to continue the
genocide on the people of Palestine can only be settled by the
International community, with or without the USA. In the same way,
Iran's twice-removed proxy war on the USA - via a Palestinian proxy
on the US's proxy Israel - can only be settled by USA military
leaving most of the Middle East).
Direct First edited 12 January 2025
"North Korea best not make any more threats to the
United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world
has never seen. He has been very threatening beyond a
normal statement. And as I said, they will be met with fire,
fury, and frankly, power, the likes of which this world has
never seen before." Donald Trump, President of the United
States of America 8
August 2017
Of course two foes can trade direct threats in a verbal 'stare
down'. In late
October 2021 Hassan Nasrallah,
after announcing Hezbollah had acquired "precision and
non-precision rockets and weapons capabilities", that "no matter
what you do to cut the route, the matter is over", and warned if
Israel attacks Lebanon, it would meet a fate "it has never
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, in his turn, responded the next
day that "If they confront us, they will suffer a crushing blow, the
levels of
which they cannot imagine". This is an echo of Donald
Trump's threat a year previously, and it is a very clear direct
threat of a use of a very heavy military response.
In 2024 Israel attacked Hezbollah in Lebanon, and a series of
'tit for tat' relatively symmetrical strikes were the result. At
11 August 2024 it appeared neither side wished to escalate to full
blown mutual missile exchanges. But on 28 September 2024 Israel
killed Nasrallah, top level Hezbollah officials, and an Iranian
general attending the meeting. Hezbollahs rhetoric to coerce
Israel to stop the Gaza conflict and stop disproportionately
larger retaliatory strikes against Lebanese people failed.
Subsequently, Israel bombed further areas of Lebanon and the
shattered Hezbollah leadership could not make good on their now
dead leaders threats. Hezbollah limited itself to an effective
series of very small scale attritional strikes in Israel's north.
A ceasefire was eventually agreed. Once the Syrian government was
taken over by Islamic terrorists in early 2025 Israel continued to
breach the ceasefire, believing - correctly, it seems - Hezbollah
could not resupply its logistics via Syria. Hezbollah directly
threatened Syria once more that if Israel does not withdraw from
Southern Lebanon by the 27th of January 2025 as agreed then
Hezbollah will resume the conflict. Israel directly threatened to
stay in Southern Lebanon unless Hezbollah 'disarms'.
Degrees of coercion
The idea of 'coercive diplomacy', at least as conceived by
Alexander George, was as a tool to persuade an opponent to either
"stop or reverse an action". He explicitly stated that this is a
defensive, not an offensive strategy. It is used only as a
response to a current action or posture of an opponent who
is trying to change "a status quo situation" to their own
Level one coercion Edited
17 June 2024
Stopping an adversary from following a course the USA doesn't like
could be thought of as level one.
"We always want to make sure that any sanctions that we put in
place can at some point - if behavior changes - be reversed in
order to make sure that threat actor knows that once sanctions
are put in place, the goal is behavioral change ultimately"
- US
Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo 17 April 2022
Level two coercion
Level two is forcing a country to not only stop it's chosen course
of action, but reverse what has already been done.
Level three coercion Edited
29 May 2024
Level three is "a cessation of the opponent's hostile behavior
through a demand for change in the composition of the adversary's
government or in the nature of the regime". He implies that this
offensive threat is still 'coercive diplomacy' even if limited
military force is used, as long as that force is not based on a
strategy to achieve purely strategic military goals, but to signal
other political purposes, such as intention to escalate and change
the nature of military engagement if necessary. (The danger, of
course, is an escalatory slide to full-blown war.)
George is quite explicit about this. He says "an even more
ambitious aim" is to stop "an opponent's hostile behavior" by, in
effect, forcing a country to give up it's sovereignty and allow
another country to dictate the makeup of their government, or even
"change the nature of the regime", which is simply another way of
saying 'overthrow the existing government' and replace it with a
government picked by another country.
Fomenting coups and 'regime change' is a strategy used by the
West all the time (and other countries from time to time). Recent
examples include attempts to overthrow the government of Russia,
Syria, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Iraq, Iran and Libya.
The technique involves 'grooming' a puppet by bringing them to
the USA and feed them techniques to create a (tax free) 'non
government organisation' to feed funds to the puppet personally
and the puppet's 'grassroots' organisation. An organisation
designed and supported by the west to manipulate the public,
foment outrage using current concerns (real or manufactured),
organise protests and so forth. The oranisations generally do at
least some useful work - a technique to legitimise them in the
eyes of outsiders. Often NGO's are used as recruitment vehicles
for young people, many of whom are, at that time of life
particularly passionate about unfairness and inequities, and so
ripe to influence by those claiming to lead a movement to 'do
something about it'. Protests are 'seeded' with trained members of
the 'chosen ones' organisation in order to provoke confrontation
and violence in order to create reactive outrage in 'the
The peak success of such devious and cynical techniques is when a
countries President is a transplant from another country or a
person outside the legitimate political process..
The most bizarre and clownish example is when the United States (and
various European governments) arrogantly declared that a person
(Guido) who did not even stand as a candidate in the election race
for President of Venezuelan was the new President of Venezuela!
US-backed attempts to overthrow the legitimately elected government
failed, and finally the US was forced to evict their hand-fed puppet
from the Venezuelan Embassy building and protect the premises (as
required by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961)
until such time as the US Government decides there is government in
Venezuela that will do what the US wants. Not the worst example of
the failings of coercive diplomacy, but an increasingly typical one
as the US Government slowly finds its new place in global affairs.
Hostile behaviour
Aggressive level three coercive diplomacy 'justifies' itself by
labeling other state's actions as 'hostile behaviour'. What
does that mean? Outside warfare, the term 'hostile behavior' can
mean anything someone wants it to mean.
In the case of the United States government, the 'hostile
behavior' propaganda term means almost anything at all
done by another country that just happens not to suit the USA. A
bully needs an excuse. Whatever you do or say - or don't do - it
will be twisted into grounds for bullying. Generally, 'hostile
behaviour' is anything at all that denies the US government the
chance to dominate/strong-arm/overthrow, or exploit another
countries resources or businesses.
"Competitors now commonly seek adverse changes in the status quo
using gray zone methods - coercive approaches that may fall
below perceived thresholds for U.S. military action and across
areas of responsibility of different parts of the U.S.
United States of America National Defense Strategy, 2022
Adverse to who? The 'status quo' the USA wants to continue is very
favorable to the USA, but not necessarily favorable to less
powerful countries. You can't blame them for 'influencing' or
overthrowing governments in other countries, as historically, at
least, it has almost always brought advantageous results for the
USA, either for business, or for the USA's security.
George modestly admits this "stretches coercive diplomacy to its
outer limits" and "may blur the distinction between defensive and
offensive use of threats". Normal people see this very clearly
- they instantly recognise this as an offensive, not a defensive
Large parts of the world want true independence from the US and
western vassalage. The 'status quo', which is western domination
solely in the west's material interest - is being revised. The
west ideological blatherers contemptuously call the countries that
want freedom to make decisions solely in line with their own
needs and interests as 'revisionists'.
'Revised' means looked at again. The non-western world has come
to the point where it realises that a non-western power will soon
be the leading economic power in the world, and a non-western
power has become the most powerful defensive military power in the
world. When looking again at the world, with a tectonic
transformation in power, they are realising there is a much better
path than subservience. And it is not the west that is offering
The 'status quo' - things as they are - will soon be looked back on
as the 'status quo ante' - things as they were. After all, who will
put up with coercion in a power-rebalanced world?
Sovereignty [added 1 February 2024,
edited 22 February 2024]
"The UN Charter states that the UN was founded on the
principle of sovereign equality of states. This is the principle
of paramount importance. Think back to various conflicts that have
taken place since the creation of the UN in 1945. Just go over
every one that comes to your mind.
There is not a single conflict in history with Western
participation, either before or after the UN was created, in
which the United States or their allies observed the principle
of sovereign equality, despite the obligation to respect the
sovereign equality of states being enshrined in the Charter."
Sergey Lavrov 16 February 2024
Before we discuss what countries call their 'interests', it is
necessary to discuss 'sovereignty'. Sovereignty between states means
the ability of a state to go about it's legitimate affairs without
interference from other states. In Chapter 1, 'Purposes and
Principles', Article 2 (1) of the United Nations Charter refers to
'sovereign equality - "The Organization is based on the principle of
the sovereign equality of all its Members." This means that all
decisions (consistant with international law) made by the leadership
of a state are made free from outside direction, or coercion.
The west, and particularly the USA, doesn't respect the sovereignty
of other countries. The west undermines political leaders, funds
opposition parties, funds terrorist organisations, funds 'activists'
to influence elections, places illegal economic blockades on
countries, cripples their imports, cripples their exports,
blackmails them, invent 'rules' for countries to obey, disrespects
them, bullies them, and so on. The objective is to either put in a
puppet government, or force the governments in those countries to do
whatever the western governments want. Their sovereignty is
undermined, simply stripped away.
Sovereignty has many dimensions, and the Russian President expressed
it well:
"...our main objective is to strengthen
sovereignty. But it is a broad concept.
For example, strengthening sovereignty
on the international stage involves enhancing our
defence capability and security on the external
It also includes strengthening social sovereignty, which means
providing safeguards for the rights and freedoms
of our citizens, as well as developing our
political and parliamentary systems.
And lastly, it includes economic security
and sovereignty, as well as technological
sovereignty....Just like any other country, Russia must assert its
financial, economic, and technological sovereignty
in order to have a future. These are the main
vectors from a conceptual standpoint."
Vladimir Putin 14
December 2023
Up untill recently only big powers had a chance to defend their
sovereign security from attack by the United States, also a large
power. Russia has been able to re-establish strategic stability,
even although multiple US nuclear weapons are being moved
dangerously close to Russia's capital. Russia has achieved this
through unique military technological advancements associated with
the world's most powerful defensive military force. China, too, has
achieved security through technologically advanced missiles and
missile defense. In contraast, smaller countries are at the mercy of
US military might. The US invades and occupies small countries with
impunity. It invariably fails to force its will on mid-sized
countries, as Afghanistan showed. But advances in drone and 'cheap'
missile technology are changing the calculus even for small
impoverished countries. This has been shown by the Yemenis, and by
the Iranians, to mention just two.
Foreign agents, often hidden within civil organisations, are used to
disrupt, de-legitimise, and stir social unrest. It easly to find
ideologically driven hot heads in any country. The era of instant
'flash mob' organisation via social media and cellphones make these
directed 'renta-mobs' particularly dangerous. Open and responsive
governance, open dialogue in society, and above all, comfortable
social conditions are essential to preserving social cohesion and
therefore sovereignty. People defend what they value.
It follows, that after security from armed aggressions, an
economically secure and comfortable popular majority are the most
important vectors leading to sovereignty. All governments know this.
Mr. Biden's government knows this, and works towards it in order to
preserve America's sovereignty, which I suspect he fears may become
unstable due to long term deteriorating economic and therefore
social conditions. At the same time, he works to destroy the
economic conditions and prosperity of the majority of the Russian
Federations people through coercive blockades and proxy war, in the
hope of destroying the Russian people's sovereign independence,
which, to endure, requires a
diverse and competitive domestic economy and a thriving middle
Economic sovereignty is hard to achieve, All countries depend on
each other to greater or lesser extent, for imports and for exports.
Mutualy acceptable deals often mean having to reconcile differences
in sovereign regulations within countries. One party cannot simply
'assert its sovereignty' over the other. That would be dominance,
'master' over 'vassal'. But these are value for value transactions,
made openly and willingly by two equal-under-law sovereign countries
in their mutual best interest. Mechanism such as BRICS are designed
to make it easier for the economic interests of member countries to
be met.
And here we must distinguish between lawful interests, such as
business interests, and political-social interests, which relate to
the security of a sovereign nation. Security is at the core of a
sovereign state; without it, a sovereign state cannot exist.
Providing security across all dimensions of human life is the most
important task of sovereigns. It is a difficult task. It is best not
done at someone elses expense. Such a relationship won't last. And
if a nation is not free to make its own decisions without
interference, it is not a sovereign nation. It is a vassal state,
with craven and submissive sovereign representatives, working for
the interests of some other nation.
Interests [edited 3 March 2024]
Every country has national interests.
Rein Muellerson: ...Andrei Kozyrev once told President
Nixon that Russia had no national interests, only common human
interests. Nixon shook his head.
Vladimir Putin: This
shows that Nixon has a head, while Mr Kozyrev,
unfortunately, has not. He has a cranium but no head
as such. 19
October, 2017
'Interests' cover a spectrum. Security from outside force
destroying the state, whether militarily, through terror, or from
outside subversion, is right at the top. In fact it is the 'supreme
interest' of a free and sovereign state. A desire to project
an image as 'a good guy' is at the bottom. Everything else is a
hierarchic grade in-between.
Core interests
These are synonymous with a states 'supreme interest' - existence as
a political-social-geographic entity. A core interest is some action
that affects the security of a state. It might be a military action,
it might be creation of a potent realisable threat on a countries
border that can strike suddenly, it might be interfering with a
nations major water supply, it might be a large scale and persisting
series of terrorist attacks, it might be inciting and supporting a
military-political coup, it might be a hostile state building
nuclear weapons on Russia's border. There are many examples.
The United States and its western vassals are daring to threaten
Russia's supreme interest - the continued existence of the Russian
State. And openly admitting it.
"It’s astonishing to hear what European and especially
German politicians are saying now about their duty. Take Germany.
My counterpart Ms. Baerbock said – as quoted by various media
outlets – that Germany simply had to supply Ukraine with weapons,
considering its ‘historical responsibility.’ What does that mean?
Does Germany recognise it as its duty and historical
responsibility to support neo-Nazis? That’s a strange connection
there. And Ursula von der Leyen said that today the EU and Ukraine
are closer than ever. Meaning what? I guess it means that if
you’re a Russophobe, a fascist or a neo-Nazi, you’re free to do
anything you want.
is the reaction to Russia restoring justice in Ukraine, but
has there been anything remotely like this when hundreds of
thousands of Iraqis, Libyans and Syrians were dying at the
hands ofthe US and their enlightened democratic
allies who sent their troops to fight wars thousands of
miles away from their own borders?
So for
the US, a small vial and a claim that it’s a national security
threat was enough to justify the Iraq invasion. The US and Iraq,
the US and Libya or Syria – they’re so far away, and yet the US
feels it has the right to do these things.
international bodies condemned these instances of groundless
military aggression as a violation of international law.
But look at the hysteria that started now as if on cue when it
came to security threats to Russia that exist right at our
Sergey Lavrov 2
March 2022
The Russian response has been very patient. But as Sergey Lavrov
observed in March
2022, "Our patience has its limits, you know." He was, in part
referring to the Ukrainian President suggesting they may take up a
nuclear weapons program. Mr. Lavrov bluntly responded "They have the
capabilities in terms of technology and equipment. ...But I can
assure you we won’t let them."
"Sunak, Scholz, Macron, Norwegen, Finnish, Polish,
and other NATO bosses are harping on, “We must be ready for war
against Russia.”
Even though Russia has many times underscored that conflict
with NATO and EU member states was not in the plans, the
dangerous babbling is still going on.
The reasons are obvious. It is necessary to distract voters to
justify multibillion spending on the bothersome bandera Ukraine.
Indeed, gigantic sums of money are being spent not on solving
social tasks, but on war in a dying country alien to taxpayers,
with the population that is scattered across Europe and is now
terrorizing its people.
This is why the heads of these states are emphasizing it on a
daily basis: it is imperative to get ready for war against Russia
and keep providing aid to Ukraine, which is why it is necessary to
produce more tanks, missiles, drones and other weapons.
But not all the European bosses are cynically lying to their
If – God forbid! – such a war breaks out, it won’t go according to
the Special Military Operation scenario. It won’t be fought in
trenches using artillery, armoured vehicles, drones and EW. (Electronic
NATO is a huge military bloc, the total population of the
Alliance member states is about 1 billion people, and their
combined military budget can get as high as $1,5 trillion.
So, because our military capabilities are thus incomparable, we
will simply be left with no choice.
The response will be asymmetrical.
To defend our country’s territorial integrity, ballistic and
cruise missiles carrying special warheads will be put to use.
It is based on our military doctrine documents and is well known
to all.
And this is exactly that very Apocalypse.
The end to everything.
This is why Western politicians must... telling the bitter
truth to their voters, and stop taking them for brainless morons;
to explain to them, what will really happen, and not to
play the false mantra of getting ready for war against Russia over
and over again.
Dmitry Medvedev 7
February 2024
'Interests' in the 'coercive diplomacy' strategy
The 'logic' around the success or failure of coercion is that the
determination to impose the coercers will on the other party
reflects the coercers own conception of what the stakes are.
Unfortunately - and this is another weakness of the concept of
'coercive' diplomacy (the term itself is an oxymoron) - the 'stakes'
can be personal (and, incidentally, also personality-type driven).
In America, in particular, foreign policy can be hostage to the
Presidential election cycle, where the incumbent may try to look
'strong' before an imminent election. 'Strong' is equated with
violent military adventures. When these start to go wrong, as they
generally do, the personal stakes become even higher, and the
temptation is to escalate the violence. Once military assets and
personnel start to be destroyed there is a natural personal aversion
'back down' for fear of 'looking weak'.
As the Russians leaders showed when there was an attempted coup by
leaders of the Wagner private military group, true strength comes
not from hot-headed emotionally inflamed posturing, but from the
ability to remain calm and level-headed, and avoid bloodshed through
negotiation and reasonable compromise.
"...they are again trying to blackmail us and are
threatening us with sanctions, which, by the way, they will
introduce no matter what as Russia continues to strengthen its
sovereignty and its Armed Forces...
...they will never think twice before coming up with or just
fabricating a pretext for yet another sanction attack regardless
of the developments in Ukraine.
Their one and only goal is to hold back the development of Russia.
And they will keep doing so, just as they did before, even without
any formal pretext just because we exist and will never
compromise our sovereignty, national interests or values."
Vladimir Putin 21
February 2022
Russia clearly states it will never bend to anyone and give up its
sovereign independence, values (cultural and social), and core
national interests. Any demand to do so with be rejected. Russia is
motivated by the sacrifice of generations to absolutely reject
compliance with any outside coercive action that trespasses on any
of these 3 factors. Comprise would be a betrayal to the soul of the
Russian nation. The United States government is slowly learning this
immutable reality.
In general, the only legitimate interests are lawful interests.
They must align with the UN Charter and with International law.
However, some elements of international law are subject to argument,
and there is also an element of law that is a reflection of current
'norms'. Norms can and do evolve overtime.
In George's thesis, where a 'demand' is made of a nation in an area
that it doesn't care that much about, it will be 'willing' to be
coerced. Frankly, this sounds a slightly spiced up version of normal
compromises in negotiation of those interests that both parties are
willing to negotiate. A 'balance of interests' and compromise are
virtually the catch-cries of the Russian government.
United States governments historically equate USA political and
economic objectives (and 'desires') with its "interests"; even when
in reality they are just knowingly sticking their nose into other
countries sensitive interests that have little or nothing to do with
the United States.
Russia's interests, like most countries, are mainly economic. Like
most countries, Russia is 'interested in expanding trade. Trade
negotiations are made easier when there are good country to country
relations. Relationship-building can take many decades. Relations
are easily destroyed by coercive diplomacy, as the west is finding
out in Africa.
" is what I often think about when I meet with
our African friends. At a certain period of time, during the
Soviet era, I remember it well, an opinion was formed within the
society that we were wasting money. Well, why do we spend money on
Africa? Where is this Africa? We have a lot of our own problems.
And now, when I talk with our friends from Africa, I think with
gratitude of the people who pursued such policy in Africa. They
laid great foundations of durability, friendly relations with
African countries, which… I do not know whether they
expected such results themselves or not.
And this was done back then, naturally, and our attempts to
work on the African track today are made in the interests of
Russia, first and foremost.
There are many components here. The economic – let’s start with
the economy. Such a huge potential and it is growing, at a very
fast pace, at an exponential rate. There are already 1.5 billion
people in Africa, and this is a very young population, growing
very fast.
Everybody is well aware of the fact that the African continent is
a depositary of mineral resources, and it is. Some Asian countries
are actually converting their reserves into African mineral
resources. You know, talented people, development is rapid.
Yes, the population is still poor, it is clear, we are all well
aware of that, but the progress is rapid....The world is changing
rapidly....So, of course, we should use everything that has been
built up since Soviet times, these very good, trust-based
relations, and work in a new way...
But now, you know, our African friends are not asking for any
handouts....There has not been a single direct request: give us
this, give us that – no, everyone is trying to find projects
that would be mutually acceptable and interesting for both
sides. This is a change, and such a serious one at that."
Vladimir Putin 29
July 2023
Russia, like most major countries, has invested in African minerals.
Russia takes the line that business interests must be founded on
'value for value'. That is, both sides are meeting their own
national interests. It is not a sentimental thing, but it is
influenced by existing good relations, including good relations at
the top level of government. 'Interests' therefore, are
predominantly hard-nosed business transactions, but are best likely
to succeed when both sides gain fair benefits, uninfluenced by
coercion, with negotiations carried out in an atmosphere of mutual
respect and trust. Trust verified by experience.
The world is moving into an era of mineral resource depletion. There
is a 'scramble' for minerals associated with non-fossil fuelled
energy generation. Poor but mineral-rich countries want to develop.
They will no longer accept a role as just mineral provider to the
world, whether west, east, or any other point of the compass. It is
in their interests to favor doing business with countries that help
them advance technically, and, as they look at the wests coercive
our to Russia, to become increasingly self reliant.
"We have absolutely no problem with the fact that these
countries, including Saudi Arabia, have their own special
interests, historical ties and allied relations with, among
others, the United States. Why should this worry us?
This does not mean that we are forbidden from working with Saudi
Arabia; we will do so. As for Saudi Arabia
and other countries in the region, it is up
to them to decide who they prefer to work with
and on what issues....
...we have shared economic interests – importantly,
interests of a global nature. Now, we have coordinated
our position on the energy market with OPEC nations,
above all with Saudi Arabia and the [oil] price has been
stable, at over $50. We consider this a fair price; it
is quite suitable for us. This is the result
of joint efforts....
...The first opportunities have emerged for defense
technology cooperation. Yes, there are multi-billion contracts
with the United States. Very well! Do you know what our
people say? “The chicken pecks one grain
at a time.” Our ties will expand slowly and perhaps
these contracts will grow. "
Vladimir Putin 19
October 2017
The 'mix' of a countries interests is up to that country and its
people to determine - no one else. But the west's coercive diplomacy
is a strategy to interfere in a countries sovereign right to
determine who it aligns with at any point in time. Countries
perceived interests change, they always have and always will.
Western coercive diplomacy tries to force change to a
lop-sided benefit to the west. The wests coercive diplomacy tries to
eliminate economic competitors, even when the competitor they are
pushing out is supplying a great benefit. Cheap Russian gas to
Germany is the shining example.
The 'either-or' false dichotomy constantly promoted by the west is
disrespectful arrogance, yes, but that is the least of it. These
coercive blackmail techniques work against the interests of the
population of the targeted country, blocking benefits they might
otherwise enjoy.
defends its interests within the bounds of international law
First edited 19 February 2024. Last edited 21 February 2025
The United States governments over the years have acted in USA
'interests' in disregard of international law - except when
compliance suits it. The Russian government prefers to act lawfully
to defend its interests. But when necessary, Russia will act just
outside international law if Russia's 'supreme interest' - the
continued existence of the Russian state - is under threat. It was
finally forced into not-quite-legal action in Ukraine, although it
battled for years to avoid it.
"Why stage a coup in Ukraine in 2014? That is what got
everything going. Three foreign ministers from three European
countries – Germany, France and Poland – came to Ukraine to
attend, as guarantors, the ceremony for signing agreements between
then President Yanukovych and the opposition.
I got a call from President Obama, “Let’s get things to quiet
down there.” – “Let’s.” A day later, a coup took place. Why
stage a coup at a time where the opposition could have come to
power in a democratic way? Go to the polls and win… No, for
whatever reason they had to stage a bloody coup. This is how
it all started.
Now, they are saying: let’s forget it. No, we will always remember
it, because this is the reason. The reason is the people who made
this coup possible.
What were the guarantors who signed the agreement between
President Yanukovych and the opposition supposed to do? There was
a coup, whereas they guaranteed a peaceful process. What were they
supposed to do?
They should have come and said something like “guys, that will
not do. Get back on the normal political track and go to the
polls.” Instead, they started handing out cookies in the squares
and supporting the coup. What for?
That triggered the events in Crimea. They chose not to respect the
choice made by the Crimean people, and the first volley of
sanctions on Russia followed.
They carried out two, even three large-scale military operations
in Donbass, shooting at civilians for eight long years with no
one paying attention.
Kiev refused to comply with the Minsk agreements, and it
was fine with some people. That is what caused the situation at
hand. That is why it all happened.
In addition, they started creating an anti-Russian
foothold in Ukraine. How about we create an anti-American
foothold on the borders with the United States, say, in Mexico?
Do you know what will happen next? For some reason, it never even
occurs to anyone to do something like that in the United States.
At some point, we even removed our military bases from Cuba. You
see, no one is even looking at it and does not want to look.
Meanwhile, they are creating such threats for us.
We told them a hundred times, a thousand times: let’s talk. But
Why such a position? Where does this dismissive stance towards
everyone, including us, come from? Does it come from the imaginary
greatness that gradually developed after the collapse of the
Soviet Union? We are aware of that.
With regard to what we are going to do next, we are going to
protect the interests of the people for whom our soldiers are
fighting there, getting wounded and dying. This is the only
way. What is the point of these sacrifices otherwise?
We will support the residents of these territories. In the
end, the future of the people who live there is up to them to
decide. We will respect any choice they make."
Vladimir Putin 17
June 2022
"The notion and the principle that it is the people of the country
in question, particularly in a democracy, who should be able to
decide their future and their association, not someone from the
Anthony Blinken, Deputy Secretary of State, 8
December 2015
The sequence where the Ukrainian President was deposed in a coup, an
unconstitutional additional Ukrainian election was held, the Donbass
seceded from Ukraine (on the basis the government no longer legally
protected its language and culture), bloodily beat beat two attempts
by Ukraine to conquer them, the Minsk settlement was ignored by
Ukraine, rebel areas became 2 sovereign republics, they signed a
mutual defense pact with the Russian Federation, asked Russia for
military assistance under section 51 of the UN Charter, and finally
voted to merge with Russia; all this is fully in line with
international law - except for the fact that only UN member
countries can invoke section 51, and the 2 Republics weren't UN
"The notion that it should not be permissible for one
country to change by force another country’s borders"
Anthony Blinken, Deputy Secretary of State, 8
December 2015
Clearly, Mr Blinken's postulate doesn't apply here. Ukraine
underwent a schism by part of the population whose cultural rights
were legislated against. Russia didn't take a part of Ukraine. Part
of Ukraine voluntarilly - eagerly - asked to join Russia, and then
be defended against Ukrainian violence. Russia (finally) agreed. Mr.
Blinken presents a strawman argument.
Once the Republics asked for help and moved in to push the
Ukrainians away from the borders of the new republics, enough space
was created to find out if the populations would prefer to remain
independent states, or join the Russian Federation. They voted to
join the Russian Federation. Russia's border with Ukraine shifted
west in line with the popular vote, and, incidentally, closer to the
original Russian border prior to 1922. Ukraine could have accepted
the popular will and removed their army. But they chose to continue
to seize back what they refuse to concede is now Russia. As at
February 21 2025, Ukraine is still in those new Russian territories,
albeit slowly being pushed out.
"We are often told our actions are illegitimate, but
when I ask, “Do you think everything you do is legitimate?”
they say “yes”. Then, I have to recall the actions
of the United States in Afghanistan, Iraq
and Libya, where they either acted without any UN sanctions
or completely distorted the content of such
resolutions, as was the case with Libya. There,
as you may know, the resolution only spoke
of closing the airspace for government aircraft,
while it all ended with bomb attacks and special forces land
partners, especially in the United States, always
clearly formulate their own geopolitical and state
interests and follow them with persistence. Then,
using the principle “You’re either with us or against
us” they draw the whole world in. And those who do not
join in get ‘beaten’ until they do.
approach is different. We proceed from the conviction that
we always act legitimately. I have personally always
been an advocate of acting in compliance with
international law.
I would like to stress yet again that if we do make
the decision, if I do decide to use
the Armed Forces, this will be a legitimate decision
in full compliance with both general norms
of international law, since we have the appeal
of the legitimate President [referring to
Ukrainian President Yanukovych deposed in the 2014 coup], and with
our commitments, which in this case coincide with our
interests to protect the people with whom we
have close historical, cultural and economic ties.
Protecting these people is in our national interests.
This is a humanitarian mission. We do not intend
to subjugate anyone or to dictate to anyone.
However, we cannot remain
indifferent if we see that they are being persecuted,
destroyed and humiliated. However,
I sincerely hope it never gets to that.
Vladimir Putin 4
March 2014
The President was clearly signalling that the Russian speaking of
the Donbass would be protected from persecution and the shelling of
civilian areas prevented (civilian areas were still being shelled at
late October 2023, including with US - supplied cluster munitions).
The destruction of an ethnic group, the denial of it's culture and
language, the imposition of psychological terror, the killing of
civilians - these are all indicators of a genocidal policy. The
Ukrainian President Zelensky once referred to Russian speaking
people in the east as "a species", indicating a lesser
humanity. He said they should move to Russia, indicating intent to
deprive people of their homeland. Potentially, indicators of
genocidal intent. Russia is not a party to the International Court
of Justice, but it acts in accordance with the provisions of the law
against genocide, including the responsiblity to stop a genocidal
The greatest threat to Russian security is, firstly, a nuclear
weapon armed Ukraine, and secondly, massive NATO armies poised on
Russia's border. This is a coercive threat of the very highest
order. Obviously, the west's moves threaten Russia's 'supreme
interests'. Equally obviously, given the cross-border family,
cultural and religious ties with Russian-speaking East Ukraine, it
is in Russia's interests to end the brutal assault on the civilians
there, let alone protect then from imposed far right anti-Russian
The west's strategy is reckless, it is a psychopathic strategy,
which will put the world "on this very dangerous road to Armageddon"
as retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor said (in relation to
some USA politicians coercive threats to Iran).
"As we know, it has already been stated today that Ukraine
intends to create its own nuclear weapons, and this is not
just bragging. Ukraine has the nuclear technologies created back
in the Soviet times and delivery vehicles for such weapons,
including aircraft, as well as the Soviet-designed Tochka-U
precision tactical missiles with a range of over 100 kilometres.
But they can do more; it is only a matter of time. They have had
the groundwork for this since the Soviet era.
In other words, acquiring tactical nuclear weapons will be
much easier for Ukraine than for some other states I am not going
to mention here, which are conducting such research, especially if
Kiev receives foreign technological support. We cannot rule this
out either.
If Ukraine acquires weapons of mass
destruction, the situation in the world and in Europe will
drastically change, especially for us, for Russia.
We cannot but react to this real danger, all the more so since,
let me repeat, Ukraine’s Western patrons may help it acquire these
weapons to create yet another threat to our country.
We are seeing how persistently the Kiev regime is being pumped
with arms. Since 2014, the United States alone has spent billions
of dollars for this purpose, including supplies of arms and
equipment and training of specialists. In the last few months,
there has been a constant flow of Western weapons to Ukraine,
ostentatiously, with the entire world watching. Foreign advisors
supervise the activities of Ukraine’s armed forces and special
services and we are well aware of this.
Over the past few years, military contingents of NATO
countries have been almost constantly present on Ukrainian
territory under the pretext of exercises.
The Ukrainian troop control system has already been integrated
into NATO. This means that NATO headquarters can issue direct
commands to the Ukrainian armed forces, even to their separate
units and squads.
The United States and NATO have started an impudent development
of Ukrainian territory as a theatre of potential military
operations. Their regular joint exercises are obviously anti-Russian.
Last year alone, over 23,000 troops and more than a thousand
units of hardware were involved.
A law has already been adopted that allows foreign troops to come
to Ukraine in 2022 to take part in multinational drills.
Understandably, these are primarily NATO troops. This year, at
least ten of these joint drills are planned.
Obviously, such undertakings are
designed to be a cover-up for a rapid buildup of the NATO
military group on Ukrainian territory.
This is all the more so since the network of airfields upgraded
with US help in Borispol, Ivano-Frankovsk, Chuguyev and Odessa, to
name a few, is capable of transferring army units in a very short
time. Ukraine’s airspace is open to flights by US strategic and
reconnaissance aircraft and drones that conduct surveillance over
Russian territory.
I will add that the US-built Maritime Operations Centre in
Ochakov makes it possible to support activity by NATO warships,
including the use of precision weapons, against the Russian
Black Sea Fleet and our infrastructure on the entire Black Sea
At one time, the United States intended to build similar
facilities in Crimea as well but the Crimeans and residents of
Sevastopol wrecked these plans. We will always remember this...
.... the Alliance, its military infrastructure has reached
Russia’s borders. This is one of the key causes of the
European security crisis; it has had the most negative
impact on the entire system of international relations and led
to the loss of mutual trust.
The situation continues to deteriorate, including in the strategic
Thus, positioning areas for interceptor missiles are being
established in Romania and Poland as part of the US project to
create a global missile defence system. It is common knowledge
that the launchers deployed there can be used for Tomahawk
cruise missiles – offensive strike systems.
In addition, the United States is developing its all-purpose
Standard Missile-6, which can provide air and missile defence, as
well as strike ground and surface targets. In other words, the
allegedly defensive US missile defence system is developing and
expanding its new offensive capabilities.
The information we have gives us good reason to believe that
Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the subsequent deployment of NATO
facilities has already been decided and is only a matter of time.
We clearly understand that given this scenario, the level of military threats to Russia will
increase dramatically, several times over. And I would like to
emphasise at this point that the risk of a sudden strike at
our country will multiply.
I will explain that American strategic planning documents confirm
the possibility of a so-called preemptive strike at enemy missile
We also know the main adversary of the United States and NATO. It
is Russia.
...Ukraine will serve as an advanced bridgehead for such a strike.
If our ancestors heard about this, they would probably simply not
believe this. We do not want to believe this today either, but it
is what it is. I would like people in Russia and Ukraine to
understand this.
Many Ukrainian airfields are located not far from our borders.
NATO’s tactical aviation deployed there, including precision
weapon carriers, will be capable of striking at our territory to
the depth of the Volgograd-Kazan-Samara-Astrakhan line.
The deployment of reconnaissance radars on Ukrainian territory
will allow NATO to tightly control Russia’s airspace up to the
Finally, after the US destroyed the INF Treaty, the Pentagon
has been openly developing many land-based attack weapons,
including ballistic missiles that are capable of hitting targets
at a distance of up to 5,500 km. If deployed in Ukraine, such
systems will be able to hit targets in Russia’s entire European
The flying time of Tomahawk cruise
missiles to Moscow will be less than 35 minutes;
ballistic missiles from Kharkov will take seven to eight
and hypersonic assault weapons, four to five minutes.
It is like a knife to the throat.
I have no doubt that they hope to carry out these plans, as they
did many times in the past, expanding NATO eastward, moving their
military infrastructure to Russian borders and fully ignoring our
concerns, protests and warnings.
Excuse me, but they simply did not care at all about such things
and did whatever they deemed necessary. Of course, they are going
to behave in the same way in the future, following a well-known
proverb: “The dogs bark but the caravan goes on.”
Let me say right away – we do not accept
this behaviour and will never accept it.
That said, Russia has always advocated the resolution of the most
complicated problems by political and diplomatic means, at the
negotiating table.
We are well aware of our enormous responsibility when it comes to
regional and global stability. Back in 2008, Russia put forth an
initiative to conclude a European
Security Treaty under which not a single Euro-Atlantic state
or international organisation could strengthen their security at
the expense of the security of others.
However, our proposal was rejected right off the bat on the
pretext that Russia should not be allowed to put limits on NATO
Furthermore, it was made explicitly clear to us that only NATO
members can have legally binding security guarantees.
Last December, we handed over to our Western partners a draft
treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States
of America on security guarantees, as well as a draft agreement on
measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation and NATO
member states.
The United States and NATO responded with general statements.
There were kernels of rationality in them as well, but they
concerned matters of secondary importance and it all looked like
an attempt to drag the issue out and to lead the discussion
We responded to this accordingly and pointed out that we were
ready to follow the path of negotiations, provided, however, that
all issues are considered as a package that includes Russia’s
core proposals which contain three key points.
First, to prevent further NATO expansion.
Second, to have the Alliance refrain from deploying assault
weapon systems on Russian borders.
And finally, rolling back the bloc's military capability and
infrastructure in Europe to where they were in 1997, when
the NATO-Russia Founding Act was signed.
These principled proposals of ours have been ignored. To
reiterate, our Western partners have once again vocalised the
all-too-familiar formulas that each state is entitled to freely
choose ways to ensure its security or to join any military union
or alliance.
I would like to be clear and straightforward: in the current
circumstances, when our proposals for an equal dialogue on fundamental issues
have actually remained unanswered by the United States and NATO,
when the level of threats to our country has increased
Russia has every right to respond in
order to ensure its security.
'Interests' also include the conduct of relations between states.
The tone and intent of conversations. Whether open and honest
or duplicitous and deceptive.
The policy behind economic interests - fair bargaining,
win:win, or one side, colonial, and exploitative.
The human relations - whether respectful and honest, or rude,
boorish, petulant, hectoring, patronising and aggressive.
"Yesterday, Secretary of State Marco Rubio reaffirmed the fact
that the United States sees international relations as a skill to
manage national interests. He made an important point.
Converging national interests must be converted into
mutually beneficial, tangible, and other projects.
However, in most cases, the national interests of two countries,
especially major power, do not overlap.
If this is the case, my counterpart emphasised, it is
important to do everything possible to prevent these
misalignments from sliding into confrontation that would
send the whole world rocking. I fully subscribe to this point of
Sergey Lavrov 19
February 2025
'Interests' also implies the basis of international law, commercial
law, and 'customary law'. Whether based on the United Nations
Charter, a representative UN Security Council, Treaties and
agreements, or on so-called 'rules' invented by the western bloc,
rules written down nowhere, and embraced by only the richest subset
of the international community. But these last 'interests' are
coercive devices, not legitimate interests.
NATO and the western bloc come up with their own rules and try to
impose them on the whole world.
The western 'bloc' is a powerful tool to coerce other countries.
Many poorer countries comply due to threats, blackmail, and
inducements. Classic coercion techniques.
Russia has long recognised that new centers of power are arising -
with increasing economic power, and in some cases military power.
Whether acting together in 'blocs' such as BRICS and the EAEU (the
Eurasian Economic Union) or not, these countries want to forge their
own sovereign path, cut colonial exploitation, develop fair and
equitable solutions to economic problems.
Polycentric world
The world is moving away from the world of the hegemon, whether you
conceive of that as the United States alone or with the rich EU
countries. The trend is toward a world of different centers of
economic, political, and military power. With this power comes the
need for an agreed order, based on universally agreed principles and
fully representative institutions (such as the UN). A polycentric
Multipolar world Last
edited 13 November 2024
"No nation, no matter how powerful, can organize the
international system by itself; over an historical period it is
beyond the psychological and political capacity of even the most
dominant state.
The goal of U.S. foreign policy must be to turn dominant power
into shared responsibility--to conduct if the
international order were composed of many centers of power, even
while we are aware of our strategic pre-eminence.
It implies the need for a style of consultation less focused on
imposing immediate policy prescriptions than achieving a common
definition of long-range purposes.
The challenge for America is to reconcile consultation with vast
The question for Europe is whether it views Atlantic relations as
a partnership or as part of an international system of
multipolarity very similar to pre-World War I Europe, in which
major power centers engaged in shifting coalitions to maximize
their advantage from case to case. That system broke down in the
early 20th century; its 21st-century version is likely to be even
less successful."
Henry Kissenger 8
November 2004
While Kissenger admits it is impossible for the USA to interfere (he
calls it 'organise') in the United Nations Charter based system of
world order, he makes the mistake of thinking that "a common
definition of long-range purposes" does not exist already. It does.
It is spelled out in the United Nations Charter. The Charters long
range purpose is that all nations live peacefully aside each other,
and go about their lawful business without interfering in the
affairs of others. The challenge is to bring order, not by diktat
disguised as "consultations, but by hard-won universal agreement.
Kissinger frames the choice facing Europe between a 'partnership'
with USA or regarding USA as just one party in a coalition formed in
the style of the shifting coalitions of pre-19th-century Europe.
This is a false choice. The shape of todays multipolarity is
different from pre-world war 1 multipolarity. The naturally
ever-changing, sometimes unpredictable and sometimes chaotic
relations between states is now corralled by the provisions of the
United Nations Charter - at least in principle.
The UN Charter only allows for a world of peaceful
sovereign nations. Technology has democratised war. Even very small
countries now have access to potentially highly accurate small
weapons delivery systems, such as drones. Today's advanced
technologies of war now have the potential to make someones conflict
damaging, catastrophically damaging, or even globally terminal.
Naturally, there is an interest in acquiring sophisticated aerial
defense systems and long-arm pre-emptive strike and counter strike
weapons such as missiles.Countries are interested in organised
regional peace-keeping forces - particularly as the United Nations
Security Council is contaminated by coercive state actors, mainly
Defense relationships between countries can be anything they want -
bilateral, multilateral, non-existent - so long as they are not
designed to coerce another sovereign nation, for example, placing
nuclear cruise missiles 7 minutes from Moscow.
In the same way, countries are interested in organised regional
economic initiatives to increase their national security in the face
of coercive restrictions on currency exchange and the normal routes
of commerce. All of Eurasia except the West are interested in
projects to improve rail, road, and sea transport routes, as well as
improved natural gas transport. They are interested in developing
balanced bilateral currency exchange in payment for goods. They are
interested in value-stabilised currency units for emergency lending
between trading partners.
Economic partnerships can be in energy, trade, whatever, so long as
it does not include interference in other countries trade (such as
the west's illegal so-called 'sanctions' that are not mandated by
the UN Security Council) and so long as states do not use other
coercive measures - such as closing international airspace, applying
'price caps' to other countries goods, violating world trade
agreements and so on.
"We have to accept the existence of new organizations,
new formats, new structures like BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation
Organization, ASEAN, African Union, and many subregional
organizations in Africa, CELAC and subregional groups in Latin
America. They are going to be the bricks of the new polycentric
world. This must be recognized as an objective course of history
and this must be respected. This is something which we actually
miss when we analyse the modern West diplomacy."
Sergey Lavrov 10
December 2023
Competing states are slowly forming an interconnecting web of
organisations and groupings based on non-coercive cooperation that
will meet their interests. Increasing numbers of nations are
rejecting conflict, rejecting coercion, rejecting being under the
thumb of any "dominant power", rejecting economic exploitation,
rejecting artificial trade restrictions,and embracing bilateral and
multilateral coalitions of all sorts that are based on consensus,
cooperation, and sovereign interests.
New centers of power are rising. Military centers of power, economic
centers of power, political centers of power, religious centers of
power, multifactoral centers of power. This is a multipolar world
where the different forms of power are manifested polycentrically. A
world Kissinger was unable to foresee.
"The new German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, said in his
remarks at the presentation of the new government that the
world will no longer be governed by two powers but by many
influential countries. This amounts to the recognition of
multipolarity, which has two sides to it. On the one hand,
many critics of the polycentric world argue that multipolarity
means chaos. Everyone will be fending for themselves. The number
of major players will increase. They will elbow each other for
space, feeling constrained, and the world will become more
chaotic, they say.
Our position is that multilateralism is
objective reality. The rise of China as a leading
global economy is imminent. India is developing rapidly. The
Asia-Pacific region is becoming a growth driver, replacing the
Euro-Atlantic region in this capacity. Latin America wants to
determine its identity. This is evident from the recent
initiatives advanced by the President of Mexico. Africa is
reinforcing its national awareness and a desire to put forth its
identity in its relations with the other countries, which have an
interest in its huge natural wealth.
The goal is not to pit countries against
each other in this highly competitive environment but to try
to streamline this erratic random movement."
Sergey Lavrov 14
December 2021
The world has evolved into two philosophical and systemic 'poles.
One pole, the 'western' pole led by the USA, philosophically
'believes' in coercion in foreign relations. The other pole,
facilitated by Russia and China (primarily), philosophically and
emphatically rejects coercion.
"This modern Western liberalism, in my view,
has degenerated into extreme intolerance and aggression
towards any alternative or sovereign and independent
thought. Today, it even seeks to justify neo-Nazism,
terrorism, racism, and even the mass genocide
of civilians."
Vladimir Putin 7
November 2024
The western pole tries to add 'western values' to fundamental,
'values neutral', international law, as expressed in the UN Charter.
(Most fundamental values, such as human rights, are universal
values, not western.)
The pole that rejects coercion is made up of the many countries who
are determined to base relations on the United Nations Charter and universally
accepted norms of International Law, free from coercion, free
from blackmail, and free from exploitation, free from cultural
diktat. Relations are respectful. Business negotiations are hard
bargained, but based on 'agreed value for agreed value'. Different
cultural practices and current civilisational norms are recognised;
all voices are not just listened to, but heard: sovereignty is
respected; and fairness between nations is expected.
"The most harmful and destructive attitude that we see
in the modern world is supreme arrogance, which translates into a
desire to condescendingly lecture others, endlessly and
obsessively. Russia has never done this. This is not who or what
we are. We can see that our approach is productive.
Historical experience irrefutably shows that inequality – in
society, in government or in the international arena – always has
harmful consequences...
...To build normal relationships, above all, one needs to listen
to the other party and try to understand their logic and cultural
background, rather than expecting them to think and act the way
you think they should based on your beliefs about them.
Otherwise, communication turns into an exchange of clichés and
flinging labels, and politics devolves into a conversation of the
...It should be remembered that everyone is equal, meaning that
everyone is entitled to have their own vision, which is no better
or worse than others – it is just different, and everyone needs to
sincerely respect that. Acknowledging this can pave the way for
mutual understanding of interests, mutual respect and empathy,
that is, the ability to show compassion, to relate to others’
problems, and the ability to consider differing opinions or
This requires not only listening, but also altering behaviour and
policies accordingly.
Listening and considering does not mean accepting or agreeing, not
at all. This simply means recognising the other party’s right
to their own worldview.
In fact, this is the first necessary step towards harmonising
different mindsets. Difference and diversity must be viewed
as wealth and opportunities, not as reasons for conflict. This,
too, reflects the dialectics of history."
Vladimir Putin 7 November 2024
The other pole, the European and US contrived 'rules based order'
pole, uses coercion, blackmail, exploitation, and is often
patronising and duplicitous, and as Sergey Lavrov put it "seem to
have forgotten some of the culture of diplomacy".
Relations between countries of these two polar opposite strategies
is complex. There are relationships with some, less with others, and
almost none with Russia. The relationships deal with many issues of
greater or lesser significance. Where policies and opinions
more-or-less overlap, and together they can form an inter-connected
web of positive influence and direction. The weight and breadth of
positivity changes over time as relations between countries - or the
political parties that head them - change.
But the underlying philosophy of the two poles remains the same.
Coercion in one case, sovereignty and respectful behaviour in the
"Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolay
Patrushev talked over the phone with his US counterpart, who
produced their regular narrative (as the current phrase goes) to
the effect that they were concerned over Russia “meddling” in the
affairs of Africa, Latin America, and so on. Mr Patrushev replied
that we had absolutely transparent ties with those countries.
Certainly, we maintained military-technical cooperation,
but it did not violate any international obligations.
But the Americans themselves almost openly say that they
dictate to other countries what to do and make no bones about
it. ....
So much for their philosophy."
Sergey Lavrov 28 June 2023
Working in a multipolar world requires flexible foreign policies,
incorruptible sovereignty, and a culture of non-coercive
negotiations and compromise. Countries in the west who want to join
the multipolar world will have to abandon coercion, consistently
abide by the United Nations Charter, leave their cultural baggage at
home, and learn the culture of diplomacy.
"This intellectual work and the constant focus on it are
particularly important today when the world is undergoing
tectonic shifts without exaggeration. They are happening
very quickly. We must monitor them and try to understand where
they are headed.
Their common vector points to the need to consolidate
multilateral relations and a polycentric international order.
Its foundations are taking shape today. No doubt, this will be a
long period historically, but it is already in full swing. New
centres of economic growth, financial power and political
influence are emerging.
The GDP of the Asian-Pacific Region (APR) by purchasing power
parity has more than doubled in the past 20 years – from 15.9
percent to 37.7 percent of the global total.
At the same time, it is clear that the Western liberal
development model that, among other things, implied ceding part
of national sovereignty (it is in this vein that our Western
colleagues planned what they called “globalisation”) is losing
its appeal and has long ceased to be a model to follow.
Moreover, even many people in the West are skeptical about it –
you can see many examples of this.
Clearly, multipolarity and the emergence of new centres of
power call for a search for a balance of interests and
compromises to maintain stability in the world.
Here, of course, diplomacy should play a leading role,
especially since we have a backlog of problems which require
generally acceptable solutions, including regional conflicts,
international terrorism, food security, and the environment.
So, we operate on the premise that we can reach agreements only
through diplomatic efforts.
Only solutions that enjoy the support of everyone can be
Unfortunately, our Western partners led by the United States
are not willing to agree on common approaches to resolving
problems. Washington and its allies are trying to impose their own
Their behavior is clearly based on a desire to preserve their
centuries-old domination in international affairs despite the
objective trends toward a polycentric international order.
This runs contrary to the fact that purely economically and
financially, the United States and its closest allies can no
longer single-handedly resolve all issues in the global economy
and world affairs.
Moreover, various methods of blackmail, coercive, economic,
and informational pressure are used in order to artificially
retain their dominance and to regain their undisputed
They are not above overt, blatant interference in the internal
affairs of sovereign states, such as Venezuela. Without
hesitating, they publicly threaten Cuba and Nicaragua with the
same scenarios. These are the most recent and odious examples."
Sergey Lavrov 12 April
"We support a truly democratic and fair, multipolar world order
based on the fundamental principles of the UN Charter.
Proof of this is not only our statements in response to the
“nonsense” that we hear from Brussels, but also the doctrinal
documents approved many years ago.
This is our principled position – worked out,
approved, declared and implemented for many years. We believe that
interaction between global players should rely on the
principles of equality and consideration for each other’s
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, 01
April, 2021
The recent (20 December 2023) Joint Declaration made by the Arab and Russian
Foreign Ministers at the Sixth Session of the Russian-Arab
Cooperation Forum illustrate what adherence to International law
looks like in practical terms. These are snippets from the document.
It is really a path to peace, an end to 'evil' visited on the Middle
East by the West and its compliant regimes. The Arab governments
have recognised the bright economic prospects of a multicultural and
polycentric mideastern world - and changed their foreign policy
accordingly. The USA and Israel haven't, but ultimately will be
forced to comply with existing decisions of the international
community, as expressed by Security Council resolutions, and as
demanded by the principles and purposes of the United Nations
"...3) Take note of what was stated in the speech of the
Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, on 19
November 2023, about international transformations and the need
for a multilateral and multipolar international system, respect
for the rules of international law, and the importance of
formulating innovative approaches, in a way that enhances the
effectiveness of international institutions, emphasizes achieving
justice and balance, and ending the policy of double standards and
5) Stress the importance of concerted international and regional
efforts to find political solutions to regional crises and
issues in accordance with all UN and international legitimacy
resolutions and relevant conventions and references, and
emphasize, in this context, the necessity of enhancing the
security of the States and respect their sovereignty over
their lands and natural resources, and the importance of cessation
of hostilities. Promote opportunities for political
solution and reject foreign interference in the internal
affairs of the States, and support efforts of the United
Nations and the League of Arab States in this regard.
6) Strongly condemn Israel’s ongoing and escalating aggressive war
against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, targeting
civilians and the destruction of residential neighbourhoods,
hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, infrastructure and United
Nations facilities, as well as all Israeli acts subjecting the
Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip to a blockade that included
cutting off all means of life, including water, electricity, food,
medicine, and fuel, which constitutes grave violations under
the International Humanitarian Law.Reject any
justification of such war, including describing it as
self-defense. Warn of the gravity of Israel’s intentions, as
the occupying power, to commit forcible displacement of the
Palestinian people outside the occupied Palestinian territory.
Condemn the killing of Palestinian civilians, incursions, arrests,
and settlers’ violence in the occupied West Bank.
7) Call on the implementation of the UN General Assembly
resolution A/ES-10/L.27 (2023) that demands an immediate
humanitarian ceasefire and that all parties comply with their
obligations under International Law, including International
Humanitarian Law, notably with regard to the protection of
civilians, especially children.
8) Demand to implement UNSC Resolution 2712 (2023) and UNGA
Resolution A/ES-10/21 (2023). Underscore the unacceptability of
blocking UNSC resolutions imposing an immediate ceasefire,
especially taking note of the letter dated 6 December 2023 of the
UN Secretary-General under Article 99 of the Charter of the United
Nations, addressed to the President of the Security Council...
9) Emphasize the need to provide immediate international
protection to the Palestinian people according to the relevant
United Nations resolutions, and the need to pursue
accountability for Israeli grave violations of the rights of the
Palestinian people and stress in this regard the importance
of ensuring independent and transparent investigations in
accordance with international standards.
10) Emphasize that peace and regional stability
will only be achieved by ending the Israeli occupation and giving
the Palestinian people their full rights. Call for the convening
of an international peace conference, as soon as possible, from
which a credible peace process will be launched on the basis
of international law, international legitimacy resolutions, the
principle of land for peace, and the Arab Peace Initiative of
2002, with all its elements and priorities, within a
specified time frame and with international guarantees,
leading to an end to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian
territory occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem, the Syrian
Golan and the rest of the occupied Lebanese territories, and
personifying the independence of the fully sovereign
independent State of Palestine along the 4 June 1967 lines, with
East Jerusalem as its capital, and restoring the inalienable
rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to
self-determination, and the right of return and compensation for
Palestinian refugees according to the United Nations General
Assembly Resolution No. 194 (1948), and support the State of
Palestine in obtaining full membership in the United Nations.
12) Condemn the illegal Israeli settlement policy, the violence of
Israeli settlers against Palestinian citizens, and emphasize on
the implementation of Security Council Resolution No. 2334 (2016),
which affirmed that Israeli settlement constitutes a flagrant
violation of international law and an obstacle to peace and a
two-state solution. Call on Israel to immediately and completely
stop all settlement activities in the Palestinian and Arab
territories occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem, and in the
Syrian Golan.
13)... Call upon all States not to establish diplomatic missions
in the city of Jerusalem, in compliance with the relevant United
Nations resolutions, including Security Council Resolutions No.
476 & 478 (1980) and General Assembly Resolution
A/RES/ES-10/19 (2017).
President Biden is aware of the mood outside the west. In a 20
October 2023 speech he said:
"We are at an inflection point in world history....we face
enormous challenges to the systems our forebearers fought so hard
to create. The decisions we make now will determine our course for
generations to come. The United States has a duty to lead
in this critical moment."
Joseph Biden 23
October 2023
"We were in a post-war period for 50 years where it worked pretty
damn well, but that’s sort of run out of steam. Sort of run
out of steam. It needs a new world order in a sense,
like that was a world order....I think we have a real opportunity
to unite the world in a way it hasn’t been in a long time.
And enhance the prospect of peace, not diminish the prospect of
Which 'world' was he talking about? If he was talking about the
whole world, all 193 countries, then only a multipolar world is
acceptable, one based on international law, where there is no place
for any one country to lead - and given its history of inciting
division in countries, especially not the USA. Yet
the President of this one country of 193 claims the right to "lead"
the world.
This would be a contradiction in ideas if the current President is
acknowledging the "tectonic shifts" towards multipolarity. You can't
both 'lead' all the countries of the world and be simply one
equal country among many equal countries - especially if that
presumptive 'leadership' is self-appointed.
takeover of multilateral organisations Edited 31 December
"Western countries’ brazen attempts to bring the
Secretariats of the UN and other international organisations under
their control are a threat to the multilateral system.
The West has always enjoyed a quantitative advantage in terms of
personnel, but until recently the Secretariat tried to remain
Today, this imbalance has become chronic while Secretariat
employees increasingly allow themselves politically-driven
behaviour that is unbecoming of international office
holders. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres must ensure
that his staff meets impartiality standards in keeping with
Article 100 of the UN Charter.
We also call on the Secretariat’s senior officials to be guided by
the need to help member countries find ways to reach consensus and
a balance of interests, rather than playing into the hands of
neoliberal concepts.
Otherwise, instead of a multilateral agenda, we will see a
widening gap between the “golden billion” countries and the Global
Sergey Lavrov 5
May 2023
"The United States is trying to prevent the democratic transition
in international relations. This is an obvious fact. In this
context, Washington and its allies have become increasingly open
and unscrupulous in their attempts to exploit the secretariats of
international organisations to pull through resolutions creating
single-track mechanisms largely subjected to the Western agenda
while bypassing the established procedures.
By doing so they acquire or claim to acquire the right to hold
anyone accountable that the United States and its allies view as
undesirable, even though these resolutions are adopted without
consensus and do not confer any mandate on them.
trend has become especially apparent in humanitarian affairs
with the West seeking to pitch the public opinion against those
who disobey. In this situation, ensuring strict and full
compliance with the UN Charter by the states, as well as the
secretariats of international organisations takes on a special
sense of urgency.
accordance with Article 100 of the Charter, the UN Secretariat
must act impartially and cannot receive instructions from any
government. We are aware of multiple instances where this
requirement was blatantly violated."
Sergey Lavrov 30 June 2023
"It is very unfortunate but the Western employees in the
secretariats of international agencies that are designed to be
neutral and unbiased are increasingly privatising them. This
happens with these agencies across all sectors, including
forensics, law enforcement, sports, culture – you name it.
We are
seeing the same situation with the UN. It has the Advisory
Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions. They
emphasised in their latest annual report that domination of
Westerners in the structures of the Secretariat is unacceptable.
It is necessary to counter this trend rather than just take into
consideration. This is what we are doing."
Sergey Lavrov 28
March 2024
The western 'bloc' stacks as many westerners into the multilateral
United Nations organisations as it can. Administrators are supposed
to act for all members, not just the west, but 'having people on the
inside' definitely tips the scale unfairly.
The west is not always able to dominate United Nations formats
dealing with current world problems. Realising the futility of
'controlling the world' of the United Nations, the west has come up
with a device that can suit its own bloc of only 1 billion people,
and at the same time pretend that bloc is the representative of the
entire 8 billion people of the world.
The west has created a number of 'parallel organisations' dealing
with various global issues, generally restricting membership along
political lines. Having made decisions in these
restricted-membership organisations (sometimes with 'global'
cynically placed in the title) they then 'expect' the entire world
to obey their organisational rules.
"Our Western colleagues have long since become
uncomfortable with holding talks in universal formats, such as the
To provide an ideological basis for their policy of undermining
multilateralism, the theme of united “democracies” countering
“autocracies” has been put into circulation.
In addition to “summits for democracy”, the members of which are
designated by the self-proclaimed hegemon, other “clubs of the
chosen ones” are being created that operate in circumvention of
the UN.
for Democracy, the Alliance for Multilateralism, the Global
Partnership for Artificial Intelligence, the Global Media
Freedom Coalition and the Paris Call for Trust and Security in
Cyberspace – these and other non-inclusive projects have
been designed to undermine talks held under the auspices of
the UN on relevant issues, and to impose non-consensual
concepts and decisions that benefit the collective West.
First, they agree on something secretly as a small group and
then present their agreements as “the position of the
international community.”
Let’s face it: no one entrusted the
Western minority to speak on behalf of all humankind.
They must behave decently and respect all international
community members without exception.
imposing a “rules-based order,” its masterminds haughtily reject
the key principle underlying the UN Charter, which is the
sovereign equality of states.
The “proud” statement by the head of the EU diplomacy, Josep
Borrell, that Europe is a “garden” and the rest of the world is
a “jungle” personifies their worldview of being exceptional.
I will also quote the NATO-EU Joint Statement of January 10,
2023 which states:
“The united West will use all the economic, financial,
political, and military tools available to NATO and the EU to
ensure the interests of our one billion.”
Sergey Lavrov 5
May 2023
The west as a bloc has coerced and blackmailed countries to vote
Russia off various committees.
"Aggressive attempts were made to oust Russia from
UNESCO’s leading and auxiliary bodies. At times even the most
unseemly methods were used for this purpose, up to and including
financial blackmail
of the countries of the Global East and South. In these
conditions, our country was not re-elected to the Executive Board
and a number of other bodies of UNESCO despite support from more
than a half of its members."
Sergey Lavrov 22
December 2023
The west is working assiduously to undermine the rules and charter
of the various UN organisations in order to add pseudo-investigative
'blaming' functions to the organisations rules in order to
constantly blame Russia for various 'crimes', free of all evidence
(or using concocted staged 'evidence' and false witnesses). Even
when there is no mandate or authority to assign blame to anyone, the
wests comprador secretariate does it anyway.
"...notorious double standards are reflected in regular
anti-Russia resolutions on Crimea and Ukraine. The West is pushing
through these resolutions by twisting the arms of the developing
nations. These resolutions go beyond UNESCO’s mandate. It
has no competence in this area. Attempts to defame Russia for
“destroying Ukraine’s cultural heritage" without citing any
evidence are in the same category. Such evidence simply does not
exist. Nor does UNESCO have any right to attribute guilt.
UNESCO Secretariat employees admitted it themselves in private
...We are deeply concerned over the increasing disregard for
UNESCO’s procedural rules and Charter, which are arbitrarily
interpreted to carry out political orders. This is exactly how the
return of the US to UNESCO was arranged (in a scandalous way) –
there were no guarantees of Washington’s intentions to fulfil its
commitments." Sergey
Lavrov 22 December 2023
The UNESCO secretariat has been completely discredited by its
hypocrisy. It selectively condemns destruction or damage to world
heritage sites. If the site is in Russia or another country or
population the west is suppressing, illegally interfering in, or
committing acts of aggression against, there is not a public peep.
Similar attacks and damage anywhere else in the world bring
statements of outrage from the secretariat.
"...we still haven’t heard any statement condemning the act of
terror at the Moscow Kremlin, a world heritage site.
Nor has UNESCO Secretary-General Audrey Azoulay from France
denounced the murder of Russian journalists although this is
her direct mandate.
It is telling that many Western countries have remained
indifferent to the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and even
opposed a relevant resolution at the recent session of the
General Conference."
Bloc logic and divisive friend-or-foe thinking is gaining ground
in an organisation that was initially supposed to unite nations in
moral and intellectual solidarity."
Sergey Lavrov 22
December 2023
International Monetary Fund
"It is obvious to everyone that the dollar is being used
or could potentially be used as a weapon to achieve political
objectives. Dollar-denominated grants issued by international
financial institutions are being actively used as an instrument of
Sergey Lavrov 31
January 2024
World order [Added 29 November
2023, edited 24 February 2024]
"Instead of a UN-centred architecture, narrow bloc
alliances, closed clubs, behind-the-scenes “best practices”,
allegedly “reliable scientific data”, and pseudo-democratic
‘values’ are being promoted. The world is artificially divided
into friends and foes, the “garden” and the “jungle”. It is
unclear on what basis countries are suddenly declared
“democracies” or “dictatorships”.
This is what the infamous “rules” the West imposes instead of the
international law, appear in reality. No one has ever seen
them, but at the time the ex American President Barack Obama
said that they will be drawn up “without Russia and China”, that
is, only by the insiders, on the basis of adherence to the
so-called “values”.
The basis of such policy is neo-colonialism, the desire to
achieve dominance in political, economic and humanitarian
spheres under the cover of “beautiful” slogans."
Sergey Lavrov 21
February 2024
Historically, the 'world order' was simply the rules imposed by the
west. In fact, they called it the "rules-based international order".
No such rule book exists. The so-called 'rules' are simply invented
by the west announced to the world as being 'it'. Naturally, this
'order' tends to be biased to the west, and is often unfair to
developing nations (Africa is still not represented in the Security
Council of the UN). It is not unreasonable to argue there are
elements of a colonial 'resource extraction' mentality when it comes
to poorer countries. Certainly, resources (oil and mineral resources
in particular) pour endlessly north to Europe and the United
States.Part of this west-centric 'world order' involves interfering
in the internal affairs of other countries, promoting division,
funding extremist groups, promoting coups and insurrections, funding
and training 'protesters', bribing and blackmailing officials and so
on. This has enabled the west to 'divide and conquer', an extremely
successful strategy it has followed for very many years.
"the US-led collective West is doing everything in its
power to preserve its domination, or whatever is left of it, which
they have enjoyed for 500 years of human history. That domination
rests on colonial wars, the exploitation of nations, and many
other elements. It can be described as the privileged position of
the “golden minority.” It is also known as the golden
billion, yet it is a minority. The West is trying to preserve this
status and to force all others, which we describe as the Global
Majority now, to recognise its “privileges.”
are doing this by promoting their own “rules” as the basis of
the world order, something which has become a byword. It means
that the West will make decisions and all the others must
implement them in a way that suits the West at the given
moment. It concerns finance, technology, ideology and
international politics."
Sergey Lavrov 31
January 2024
Thanks in part to the west's strategic blunder of trying to pull
Russia apart, the move to a new world order has accelerated. This
new order is based on fairness, international law (particularly
primacy of the UN), and cooperation. New 'customary international
law' is being created by events. Russia's long path to avoid a
conflict in Ukraine through the UN mandated steps failed. The
Russians postulate that when all mandatory steps have failed, and an
attack on Russian territory (Crimea) is both imminent and no longer
avoidable, Article 51 allows for preemptive self defense. This
concept will almost certainly become customary international law
when it comes to interpreting Article 51. Russia rescued displaced
children in the war zone as the special military operation
commenced. Later, it actively searched out related responsible
adults to take them to a place of safety. This concept hardly needs
cementing into humanitarian law, but Israel's crimes against
children in Gaza now makes it necessary to be very specific about
the duty of states in a conflict zone.
our fight for sovereignty and justice is, without
exaggeration, one of national liberation, because we are
upholding the security and well-being of our
people, and our supreme historical right to be
Russia – a strong independent power, a civilisation
It is our country, it is the Russian world that has
blocked the way of those who aspired to world
domination and exceptionalism, as it has
happened many times in history.
We are now fighting not
just for Russia's freedom but for the freedom
of the whole world. We can frankly say that
the dictatorship of one hegemon is becoming
decrepit. We see it, and everyone sees it now. It is
getting out of control and is simply dangerous
for others. This is now clear to the global
majority. But again, it is our country that is now
at the forefront of building a fairer
world order. And I would like to stress this:
without a sovereign and strong Russia, no lasting
and stable international system is possible."
Vladimir Putin 28
November 2023
Russia describes a world order that is a multi-civilizational world
of truly sovereign states (as defined in the UN Charter). Russia
promotes itself as having a fateful role in bringing this new world
order into being, while at the same time assigning the role of
failed 'federated emperors of evil' to the west. Creating and
holding up this concept to the west is, of course, coercive
diplomacy. It is a warning to the west not to interfere in the
affairs of sovereign states. If the west doesn't understand what is
happening, it should at least get out of the way.
Coercive arrogance Added 26
December 2023
Arrogate means 'to take or claim something without justification'.
The United States uses coercive arrogance to claim that it will
determine the 'rules of the road' across many domains affecting the
global community. Actually, it has no such 'rights'. Ultimately, it
is claiming the 'right of kings', a right derived from their
self-promoted exceptional 'divinity',which therefore permits them to
ignore the world communities agreed rules. The unstated premise is
that the United States is 'the king of the world'.
While the US is very powerful, in terms of international law, it has
no special rights. There are no exceptions for self-appointed
emperors. When it imposes its will on the world by force it is
acting as an outlaw. The bulk of the world cannot accept this
renegade action, and the moves to call outlaws to account is
"I remind you that in 2012, the Obama administration
made a futile attempt to ratify the 1982 Convention. Republicans
in the US Senate buried the idea, arguing that the Convention
violated US national sovereignty...after this episode, the Senate
began to be called the 'graveyard of international treaties'"
Deputy Speaker of Russia's Federation Council, Konstantin
Kosachev, 25
December 2023
The US refusal to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of
the Sea (UNCLOS) has meant the US blatantly disregards its
provisions when it suits it. The USA doesn't travel by the most
direct route when travelling through territorial waters, it
literally goes out of its way to breach the 'direct route' rule in
order to deliberately coercively provoke both Russia and China. (the
UK, a USA proxy, also went out of their way to send a warship
through Russia's Crimean territorial waters - rebuffed with shots
across the bow and a blunt warning that if they do it again they
will be sunk. The UK is an UNCLOS member.) The USA ignores the
reservations countries have registered when they ratified UNCLOS
that allow 'headland to headland' to define a maritime boundary. The
USA comes into bays in Russia, for example, claiming non-existant
rights under UNCLOS, when they are not an UNCLOS member. Classic
coercive arrogance.
In December 2023 the USA, ignoring UNCLOS, arrogated to itself the
right to delineate new areas of the Arctic ocean, Bering Sea,
Atlantic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean as part of the UN continental
shelf. These arrogated claims cut across the claims of Japan and
Canada, both of which are UNCLOS members, in contrast to the USA.
All claims to the continental shelf have to be submitted to a UN
Commission for determination of whether or not they are valid, and
where boundaries between adjacent continental shelves should be set
(see Article 76, paragraph 8 of the Convention
on the Law of the Sea - pdf) . The US may have legitimate
claims, it may not. It is not for the US to dictate to the world.
The world may simply not recognise US claims, which, in an era of
resource depletion, will have many unwanted consequences.
Indicatively, most of the claim covers the Arctic and the Bering Sea
- both of which probably contain significant mineral deposits, as
well as oil and gas.
Even when disputes by UNCLOS members are arbitrated, one party may
not accept the 'arbitral award' (China refused to accept the UNCLOS
arbitral award in its 2016 dispute with the Philippines).
"...despite its non-participation in the proceedings,
China is a Party to the arbitration and is bound under
international law by any awards rendered by the Tribunal.
In line with its duties under Annex VII to the Convention, in the
circumstances of China’s non-participation, the Tribunal has taken
steps to ensure procedural fairness to both Parties without
compromising the efficiency of the proceedings. The Tribunal has
also taken steps to ascertain China’s position on the issues for
decision, based on statements made by Chinese officials publicly
and in communications to the members of the Tribunal....
...In its Award on Jurisdiction, the Tribunal noted that “both the
Philippines and China are parties to the Convention” and that the
provisions for the settlement of disputes, including through
arbitration, form an integral part of the Convention. Although the
Convention specifies certain limitations and exceptions to the
subject matter of the disputes that may be submitted to compulsory
settlement, it does not permit other reservations, and a State
may not except itself generally from the Convention’s mechanism
for the resolution of disputes."
The South China Sea Arbitration Award of 12 July 2016
States may try to wriggle out of their obligations, or claim that
this area of law is 'uncertain', or 'still evolving', but they
cannot wriggle out of the very mechanisms that determine these
matters. They may withdraw from the convention, but then no one will
abide by a decision made by that state arrogating rights to itself
in defiance of the majority. The state that arrogates non existent
'rights' to itself, then has to up the level of coercion from
coercive statements of 'pseudofacts' on the ground to military
enforcement of it's unagreed claims.
The path of coercive arrogance is a path to open resource wars in
the worlds oceans. A path to the law of the jungle, where only might
is right. But even great military power may not be a sufficient
coercive tool. Yemen, which is amongst the poorest nations in the
world, has shown that even small nations can successfully use drone
and low-tech missile based coercive diplomacy against even the
largest nations.
There are other important example of coercive arrogance. The west
has blackmailed it's way into changing the rules of the Organization
for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in order to be able
to 'attribute' who was responsible for an incident involving the use
of chemical substances. It also stacked the technical secretariat,
and admitted patently false 'evidence', ignoring the opinions of
experts and corrupting the process of investigation. In effect, it
destroyed its own credibility, thereby it's findings cannot be
accepted as anything other tha improperly arrogated rights to
independence neutrality. Now that the organisations impartiality has
been successfully neutralised, it can attempt to arrogantly coerce
Russia with loud
declaimations of responsibility for the staged chemical events
set up by British government agents and their foreign proxy arms.
These once proud UN organisations are then used as tools to defame
and supposedly isolate Russia (and to an extent China). The
consequences are obvious - the world will start to develop non-UN
organisations to replace the crippled UN organisations to some
extent. This is a good thing. The competition between them for
public acceptance will result in increased transparency and
accountability, and further expose the shameful and destructive of
the west.
In a twist to corrupting agreements, the US ignores the agreed
rules, and invents its own less arduous rules. Russia followed all
the agreed rules on destroying its chemical weapons, including
stringent verification. All countries of the world except Israel,
Egypt, South Sudan and North Korea have signed and ratified the 1997
international Chemical Weapons Convention. Russia destroyed its
stockpile of chemical weapons, the largest in the world, by 2017.
The USA finally finished destroying its just before the deadline in
2023, but, unlike Russia, the USA didn't have to undergo the
extensive on-site OPCW monitoring of the destruction that is
required by the Convention. An OPCW official simply 'signed off'
compliance. There is the possibility that the USA hid some chemical
weapons, just as they
did with some medium range and shorter range ballistic
missiles supposedly destroyed under the Intermediate-Range
Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty).
Principles for
designing a coercive strategy
According to Alexander George, there are 4 variables that must be
considered when putting together a coercive strategy:
1. What demand to make. What are the specifics? What exactly
'must' an opponent do. What exactly what an opponent not do?
2. Whether or not to create a sense of urgency. Can a
'deadline' be created? What is the timing? Hours? days? Weeks?
Months? How is urgency 'signaled'? Militarily? Verbally?
3. What punishment to select for not complying with variable
1, the 'demands'. Is the punishment reversible if the opponent
complies/is it irreversible? If irreversible, is it
disproportionate? If disproportionate, does anyone significant care?
4. If an inducement is offered as well, what should it be?
Should it be material? If so, what - reversal of restrictions? If
so, in whole or in part? Should it be money? If so cash? Loans? on
what terms? Goods? Lower prices for goods? Access to
technology? Money-equivalent such as reduced tariffs? Symbolic or
feel-good measures? Access to high level figures? Lifting of
restrictions on access to international organisations?
demands - real and fantastic
George considers the first variable - what to demand - is absolutely
critical. The demands lock in the coercers view of what the balance
of interests between the two parties is. In effect, it reveals what
the coercers 'problem' is with the party subject to coercion. But it
doesn't reveal what the coercers 'grievance' is, unless they say so
openly. Is the grievance reasonable or is it overstated? If it is
overstated, then by how much? Is what the coercer wants legal or
illegal? Is the coercer demanding something real, or demanding
acceptance of the coercers belief system ('moral coercion'), or even
crazy ideology? Are they serious, or is it some sort of fantasy? Do
they have a firm understanding of reality, especially geological and
political-military reality?
Moral coercion
A coercive demand generally starts off with a 'moral' argument -
'defending' the rights of some country, whether the supposed
'right' to a certain system of vote-based government, the right to
justice, religous freedom, women's rights, children's rights,
sexual preference rights and so forth. Most of these rights are
already enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(UDHR), which most countries have signed up to, and which most
countries of the world ignore whenever it suits them. (In regard
to the last point, the most important human right is the right to
life itself - regularly ignored by the USA government as it either
uses, enables, or incites military violence in illegally occupied
territories, illegally occupied states, and against sovereign
states alike.)
The Premable to the 30 articles (rights) reads:
"Whereasrecognition of the inherent
dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members
of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice
and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights
have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the
conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in
which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief
and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the
highest aspiration of the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be
compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion
against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should
be protected by the rule of law,
Whereas it is essential to promote the development
of friendly relations between nations,
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in
the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human
rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and
in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to
promote social progress and better standards of life in larger
Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to
achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the
promotion of universal respect for and observance of human
rights and fundamental freedoms,
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and
freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full
realization of this pledge,
Now, therefore,
The General Assembly,
Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a
common standard of achievement for all peoples and all
nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of
society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall
strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these
rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and
international, to secure their universal and effective
recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member
States themselves and among the peoples of territories under
their jurisdiction."
The UDHR articles are used as a 'pick list' of excuses to put a
thin veneer of 'morality' over their various schemes to 'divide
and rule' around the world.
Russia used a legal argument (based on self defense) for it's
right to enter a conflict in Ukraine. This argument is based on
genuine military risk to the Russian Federation, both from an
extremely hostile Ukraine capable of constructing a nuclear
weapons, and from NATO nuclear cruise missiles minutes from
Moscow. The USA government used the argument of 'self defense' to
destroy Iraq. This was nonsensical, a premises with no basis in
fact. The western world applied economic sanctions to
moralistically 'punish' Russia for a genuine self defense. The
world did precisely nothing to punish the USA for its aggression
in Iraq.
Moral outrage is used by Russia additionally to justify its
conflict with Ukraine. Ukraine designated the entire civilian
population of Eastern Ukraine as 'terrorists', because most of
those people refused to accept the banning of the Russian
language, suppression of Russian language media, among other
things. Ukraine then attacked the 'armed rebels' or 'terrorists'
(depending on your point of view) and fired on civilian areas,
killing and maiming civilians, including, of course, women and
children. The world said nothing. Russia organised a ceasefire, an
agreement to pull heavy weapons back, a negotiated settlement. The
west destroyed it, deliberately, and with malicious intent.
Israel attacked the 'armed rebels' or 'terrorists' (depending on
your point of view) in the Israeli occupied Gaza territory. It
disproportionately attacked civilians in an area whose population
was made up of the young. Israel designated all civilians as
terrorists or terrorist sympathisers on the basis the population
of Gaza had voted for Hamas as municipal representatives in 2006.
Hamas has prevented
elections ever since that time. In other words, no one knows
if Hamas has any political support there or not. Anyone under the
age of 35 in Gaza has never voted for anyone, let alone Hamas.
Around 10,000 people, over 4,000 of whom were children, women,
youth, have been killed there in a 6 day period. The world is in
an uproar. In the 19 month period of the Ukraine conflict, there
were around 10,000 civilian casualties - in the whole of Ukraine,
the new (now Russian) territories, the disputed battle zone
territories, and within the Russian federation. Not much said.
In the light of the obvious hypocrisy, the west's attempt at moral
coercion simply rebounds back on it. People hate hypocrisy, as it
is a form of deception, and they are the target.
In the recent example of the US - enabled Israeli crimes against
humanity in Gaza, Hezbollah, which has been dragged, probably
unwillingly, into this conflict to an extent, also uses moral
coercion. But even as it does so, Hezbollah recognises that it
will fall on deaf ears - even the call for sanctions is
half-hearted. Hope doesn't carry much weight. And when morality
conflicts with the wests so-called interests, morality is
conveniently pushed aside.
"...and if we are to
look for a fully legitimate, lawful battle from the legal,
ethical, or religous perspectives, we cannot find one but that
battle fighting against the Zionist occupiers. This is a
seamless battle at the human, ethical, or religious levels. It
is the most evident, the most honest, and the most noble to the
service of the cause of God...
...They are wreaking killing among civilian Palestinians in
Gaza. Most of those killed are women and children. The majority
of the victim are civilians. Churches, mosques, school
buildings, even hospitals are not spared. Everything is
legitimized. Entire neighborhoods are wiped out. School
buildings, places of worship. And the whole world is standing by
We have witnessed victims, men, and women,innocent civilians.
The children of Gaza have unmasked the truth of this barbaric
regime backed by the Western media, who are trying to convince
our peoples to remain silent...
this also reveals the direct responsibility and liability of the
United States. Also the US
hypocrisy. From day one Biden claims to have spoken to the
Israelis about human humanitarian issues. Civilians. All false
claims. For a month Gaza and the Gazans have been reeling under
the brunt of barbaric, ferocious, brutal, ruthless, merciless,
aerial bombardments.
They falsely claimed that Hamas beheaded babies and they failed
to produce a single piece of evidence, yet they remain silent
against it's the images of thousands of babies and children torn
apart in Gaza as a result of the Israeli missiles. Now all
The whole West claiming and preaching about democracy, Humanity,
rule of law, it's nothing but hypocrisy. It is a Lynch law. We
are living in a jungle...
...It is the United
States that vetos condemnation of Israel in the Security
Council. It is the United States that stands on the way of a
ceasefire in Gaza. ..
Supporting Gaza and the Gazans is the least Humane requirement.
those who took out to the street in support, those who donate,
let alone those who fight are under the duty towards Gaza and
Gazins. Those who remain silent must reconsider about their
faith if they claim to be religious, and their honor if they
claim to be honorable.
Arab and Muslim states must spare no effort to at least put an
end to the war. If you are prevented from acting listen to your
religion, your conscience, your values. You should all work for
the top Prime goal to end [the war].
statements are not enough. Sever relations, recall
ambassadors. We cannot condemn at the same time supply gas, oil,
and Food Supplies to Israel. Regretfully enough, in the past
wars the Arab and Muslim states calling for cutting off oil
supplies to the United States. Now we are calling on the Arab
and Muslim states to cut off oil and gas, and food supplies,
from Israel. Stop your exports to Israel.
Gazans are telling
the whole Arab and Muslim countries 'we are not asking for your
arms, weapons, or fighters, but do you not have the least of
honor or dignity to deliver some aid?. Presidents, Scholars,
ministers, many high level and topnotch officials, aren't they
capable of going themselves staging sit-ins on the border line
with Gaza? They can. They can turn the border line as a platform
to address the whole world. Here I do not wish to label others
as traitors, or whatever.
Yet, we should not fall in despair. We should continue to call
on our brothers, we should continue to place responsibility on
the responsible, hoping at a point of time the whole
humanity will listen to the sound of reason and their
conscience may wake up.
Most coercion is for economic benefit, not a 'just cause'.
But it can't be 'sold' to the public that way, let alone the other
party. And this is one of the weaknesses and stupidity of coercive
diplomacy. The coercer can go a long way down the coercion track
without explaining why they are doing what they are doing. Of course
there will be propaganda media-bites providing 'cover', but the real
reasons may remain hidden.
And even when there are meetings, the intending coercer may keep
their real intentions 'up their sleeve'. Or lie about their
intentions. Or say they will do something and not actually do it. Or
do the opposite.
The entire postulate of their threats - that their 'interests' are
legitimate and reasonable - may be false. Or both false and
malicious, simply posturing, or an attempt to 'humiliate'.
The greatest weakness of all when dealing with a reasonable and
sober partner is the wrong-headedness of even using coercion against
them in the first place. Respectful cooperation would have achieved
a better result, more quickly, and with no harm done.
Coercive urgency - risks and
In the old western movies the sheriff says to the bad guy "you've
got until high noon to get out of town", that's coercive urgency.
The underlying demand is for the bad guy to leave so that peace and
civility can be restored to the town. The implicit threat is that
the bad guy will face an armed showdown if the demand is not
complied with. As George says "It is generally presumed that the
sense of urgency adds to the coercive impact". The risk is obvious.
The bad guy may not leave. Now the coercer is faced with
having to go ahead with his threat. The coercer locks himself
out of what other options there may be to achieve the same goal.
One risk is that the party being coerced has no where else to go. If
the threat of violence against the adversary is considered real,
they are forced to make a stand. In which case the adversary, if
they believe a strike is inevitable, may strike pre-emptively. The
belief they are under immanent threat of attack may be right or it
may be wrong, but at that point it makes no difference. In their
mind, other less consequential options have been denied them.
Coercive urgency doesn't work on experienced Russian professional
"Maybe life has hardened me over the past years. In New
York, I had a good schooling in terms of responding to all sorts
of crisis situations at the UN Security Council. Someone would
dash in and say that something had erupted, broken out and it
was necessary to urgently adopt a resolution, when we
wanted to work the matter through and take no abrupt
Sergey Lavrov 17
December 2018
The US government, in particular is very fond of the 'urgency'
gambit when they want to move the other side in a preferred
direction for the US governments benefit. They count on the other
party not being able to analyse the situation properly, not being
able to gather up all relevant information, not being able to listen
to other countries opinions.
"If you wish to steer away from a regional War you must
hurriedly act towards ending the aggression on Gaza."
...We must set the near-term goals which we should all
work to achieve.
The first goal we should work for day and night is to end the war
on Gaza.
The second one is to enable Gaza, the resistance fight in Gaza,
and particularly Hamas, to triumph. These are the two short
term goals. We should not lose sight of these two goals"
The first to cease the war, cease the aggression on the grounds of
humanitarian, ethical, religious, lawful, grounds which are
Hassan Nasrallah, Cleric and Secretary-General Lebanon Hezbollah,
Gaza speech, AlJazeera video translation, 4 November 2023
The time period for action doesn't have to be specific. In this
case, Hezbollah was caught flat-footed by a secret Hamas plan to
seize Israelis hostages to bargain for Hamas prisoner release
and draw world attention back to Gaza. In effect, Hamas coerced
Hezbollah to either act or look weak in the eyes of Israel.
Hamas has long been under pressure to allow elections, which they
initially agreed to hold in September 2023, and so it may have long
been planning a 'showy' political 'win' to gain the support of the
Gazans, and so retain control of the offshore Gazan oil and gas
resource. (Allegedly, the Israelis wanted to exploit the resource
themselves, and supply Gazan their own gas via Israeli
infrastructure and charging Gazans a transit fee. Also - allegedly -
Hamas wanted Russia to be the oil and gas operator). As so
often happens in life, Hamas's well planned move fell apart. On the
face of it, it seems Israeli soldiers over-reacted with little
regard for civilian lives, stirring up a tsunami of Israeli public
anger; but - allegedly - indiscriminately killing their own citizens
and terrorists alike.
"...not only in Gaza envelope, but also Tel Aviv and
Jerusalem it took them hours to come out. They came out in
hysterical state angry, in an insane fashion, that's why when they
headed to recapture the settlement within Gaza envelope, they
perpetrated massacres against the Israeli settlers, not Hamas. Now
we start to hear and read reports and investigations providing
evidence that it was the Israelis who perpetrated the killing
among the Israeli settlers, and in the near future, when the dust
settles, the whole world would come to know that all those killed
within Gaza envelope were killed by the Israeli Army itself, who
was acting insanely in the wake of this big seismic event"
Hassan Nasrallah, Cleric and Secretary-General Lebanon Hezbollah,
Gaza speech, AlJazeera video translation, 4 November 2023
" the United States hurriedly dispatched warplane carriers and
other pieces of their naval fleet, us top brass, generals,
military experts, running to the area to open the Strategic weapon
depots for the Israelis. From the very first days Israel demanded
new weapons new missiles from United States. From the very first
day, Israel demanded 10 billion dollars. Is it a strong state? Is
it an invincible Army, as claimed? A state that required that
amount of US and Western support, heads of state, heads of
governments, defense ministers, top brass, generals, flocking from
all over the world to provide moral support.
This is what Al-Aqsa Typhoon has caused to this frail entity.
These are some of the profound impacts of Al-Aqsa Typhoon
All these must be evaluated and analyzed in detail which we
don't have time to yet."
Hassan Nasrallah, Cleric and Secretary-General Lebanon Hezbollah,
Gaza speech, AlJazeera video translation, 4 November 2023
The Israeli collective punishment of the Palestinian citizens
trapped in Gaza meant Hezbollah felt it had to react in the cause of
resisting the oppression of the Palestinians. But Hezbollah did not
have time to analyse the situation in detail. It therefore tried to
urgently coerce the United States and the Israelis to "hurriedly
He did not give a timeline, but it is generally regarded that his
scheduled speech planned for 11 November 2023 would outline
Hezbollah's intended course - and the course depends on what
happens before that date. So 11 November could be interpreted as a
deadline. But the terms "short-term" and "near-term" are ambiguous.
Act "towards" ending the aggression is also rather ambiguous, but
Nasrallah seems to define 'victory' simply as the end of the Israeli
response, and, implicitly, the beginning of negotiations, with the
prisoner swap being the end goal, and that is the 'victory'.
...we should all now work together to end the war and
aggression on Gaza. Then we act for the resistance in Gaza to
Hassan Nasrallah 4 November 2023
Urgency plus threat applies pressure, but if it is too time-specific
it can lose credibility. The urgency created by Hezbollah's
ambiguous words dissipated after Nasrallah's November, when he made
it plain that Hezbollah would not extend the conflict further unless
Israel attacked Lebanon. Urgency had gone, but coercive threats
On June 12 2024 Russia commenced a series of carefully considered
steps to create a sense of urgency for the Ukrainian politicians to
come to terms. First, the Russian President called the Belarus
President They gave no specific time for Ukraine to do the
desired behavior. But the Ukrainians, being either Russian or very
familiar with Russian cultural norms, were well aware that the terms
offered are the best they will ever get.
Coercive threats
Threats of punishment are seen by George as preferable to
immediately using military coercion. 'Coercive' diplomacy, says
George, "offers an alternative to military action." This is the very
essence of the United States government 'in the box' thinking'.
Normal diplomatic relations are not considered. The expected manner
of dealing with other nations is coercion. The expected response is
obedience. No other way of behaving enters their mind. Lets examine
the 'threat mind'.
Threats, whether verbal or military posturing, have to be credible.
If they are absurd on their face, they will be ignored. If the
United States threatened Russia with a nuclear attack if did this or
that, or if it didn't stop doing something, it would be a suicide
move if it carried out its threat.This is a primary consideration.
Don't issue empty threats. You will make yourself the object of
The threat of punishment "in the event of noncompliance", according
to George, "may be signaled through military actions or by
political-diplomatic moves as well as by explicit verbal warning."
His hierarchy of possible actions starts with the military. This
order of possible actions shines light on the western coercive mind,
a mind which clearly comes from a very dark place.
But sometimes events are unexpected, taking all by suprise, and if
they start with a military conflict, then the coercive response may
have to start at that level, and work backwards to diplomacy and
negotiations. This is vividly illustrated by the Gaza conflict of
October-November 2023.
"I am speaking openly, candidly, and at the same time with
ambiguity. Constructive ambiguity.
All scenarios are open. All scenarios are open on our Lebanese
Southern front. I reiterate all scenarios are open. All
options are laid out. And we can adopt ANY, at any point of
time. We, all together, must be prepared, ready, and available, to
all these scenarios and options to come.
To the Americans, the United States Administration I say: darting
your threats on Lebanon and resistance in the region is pointless.
Not the resistance movement or the resistance countries. It has
reached the point that we received message that if you continue to
launch operations in the South it will not only bombard the
Lebanon but would also bombard Iran. Can you imagine?
To the Americans I say darting your threats on us in Lebanon will
be pointless. Your naval fleets in the Mediterranean will not, and
cannot, cause us to fear. To you I openly and candidly say that
your Fleet that you are using as a threat - we have prepared for
them what it takes.
You the Americans - remember your defeats in Lebanon, Iraq,
Afghanistan and your humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Those who defeated you in Lebanon at the early 80s are still
alive, backed and supported by their children and grandchildren.
If the US and Western politics are calling for steering away
from escalation, this cannot be achieved by threats against
honest, noble, resistance fighters defending the defenseless.
The only course is to end the war on Gaza. Here, there.
That is."
Hassan Nasrallah, Cleric and Secretary-General Lebanon Hezbollah,
Gaza speech, AlJazeera video translation, 4 November 2023
"The Libyan model isn't a model that we have at all when we're
thinking of North Korea. The model, if you look at that model with
Gaddafi, that was a total decimation. We went in there to beat
Now that model would take place if we don't make a deal, most
likely. But if we make a deal, I think Kim Jong-un is going
to be very, very happy,"
Donald Trump, President, May 2018
"North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States
they will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.
He has been very threatening, beyond a normal state, and as I
said, they will be met with fire fury and frankly power the
likes of which this world has never seen before."
Donald Trump, President, 8 August 2018
Donald Trump's threats were intemperate, with no clear idea of the
political goal he was interested in. Militarily, there is little
chance the combined might of the deployed USA forces plus South
Korea could quickly overcome North Koreas well planned and deeply
dug in defenses.
The implicit threat of a nuclear attack would bring consequences
from North Koreas neighbours the likes of which Mr. Trump has never
seen before. The problem with a major military power, such as the
United States, is that the state representatives, who generally have
no military experience and little idea of the consquences of war,
might be inclined to take very risky decisions in the belief that no
nation will resist the United States overwhelming military power.
Well, the Houthis are, Afghanistan did, Vietnam did, North Korea
did. And Lebanon might. Drone and missile warfare plus a deeply
indebted United States had put the final lid on these
dangerous ideas.
Mr. Nasrallahs threats are always taken seriously. Like the
Russians, Hezbollah say what they mean and mean what they say.
However, Mr. Nasrallah and his group think deeply on the political
goals, their achievability, the consequences of destroying USA
assets, the logistic sustainability of a missile-driven conflict,
the number of Lebanese targets that the USA could hit from distant
weapons platforms, what air defenses would be required to resist
strikes, who may join the fight - or rather, who may choose not to
join - and so on.
Any threat must be credible in a constantly evolving situation. If
Hezbollah elects to contribute to the Palestinian cause by seeking
limited aims that also benefit Lebanon (such as settling the disputed
border in Lebanons favor) these may be achievable goals that
don't escalate. The contribution, of course, is to keep a sizable
chunk of Israeli military force 'fixed in place' in the north.
In effect, Israel and the USA agree to be coerced - to lose a
relatively small conflict to prevent an extremely consequential far
large one, and one that would involve large loss of US and Israeli
life and unthought of consequences.
"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are
always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known
knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are
known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do
not know. But there are also unknown
unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one
looks throughout the history of our country and other free
countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the
difficult ones"
Donald Rumsfeld, United States Secretary of Defense, 12 February
Coercive threats are necessary to end constant escalation. The most
effective are those that are both direct and provably backed by
military or economic potential for which the other side (and its
partners) has no answer. The threat is then are tempered by making
it clear that so long as the other side changes its behaviour (and
continues to behave), then there will be no military conflict.
In September 2024 the Russian Federation bluntly warned the United
States, Germany, France and the UK that if they supplied their
proxy with long range weapons capable of hitting the Russian
tactical nuclear force (or sensitive targets such as nuclear power
stations) then Russia would consider that those countries are at war
with Russia. And then all NATO countries could be involved via
article 5 of NATO. Russia has demonstrated its military superiority
in terms of air defense, missiles, artillery, drones and land forces
in the Ukrainian conflict. On October 1 2024 Iran demonstrated to
Israel, the US proxy in the Middle East, that it has missile
superiority. Iran then issued the appropriate coercive threats to
stop US/Israeli escalation.
"Based on legitimate
rights and with the aim of peace and security for Iran and the
region, a decisive response was given to the aggression of the
Zionist regime. This action was in defense of the interests and
citizens of Iran.
Let Netanyahu know that Iran is not a belligerent, but it
stands firmly against any threat. This is only a corner of our
power. Do not enter into a conflict with Iran."
Dr Masoud Pezeshkian, President of Iran, 2 October 2024, on X
(Google translation)
"Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said that his government was
not seeking a war with Israel but would confront any threat in a
resolute manner.
"An exchange of messages does not mean [the existence] of
agreements, and before the response there was no exchange of
After the response, a warning was issued to Sweden to pass it on
to the United States, and it was said that this [missile
attack] was our right to self-defense, and we have no intention
of continuing. We also issued a warning to the United States to
step aside and not to interfere," Iranian Foreign Minister
Abbas Araghchi was quoted as saying by the Tasnim news agency."
Sputnik 2
October 2024
Orchestrating coercion
One of the most fundamental flaws in the concept of a 'mapped out'
forward looking coercive diplomacy is that the premises defining a
'problem' they want to solve are likely to be both illogical and
poorly thought out. Overthrowing governments is a good example. The
west may 'want' to ring Russia (and China) with governments willing
to host coercive military threats, but this concept is premised on
interfering in a countries politics - sometimes very brutally - in
order to achieve that objective. But life gets in the way.
Governments change. The west fails to ask the population of the
vassal country if they are happy about interference. Or, as in the
case of Germany, when the imagined results (economic destruction of
Russia) turns out to be wrong, any tacit support for such
interference disappears with the economic hardship such poor
judgement brings.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make
violent revolution inevitable.
The reverse of this coercion is the policy of directly or indirectly
coercively imposing an oppressive government on a people. It is a
dismally notable reflection of American power that it has always
been able to do both. An even more dismal manifestation is where the
west supports an occupation force against a people. Worse of all is
where the US government, with or without accomplices, is that
occupation force - which means it is necessarily a USA military
force imposing its foreigner boots on some other countries ground
(currently Syria).
Situations change. 'Commitment' may be forced to be re-invented as
'involvement', then to a hastily scrawled note - "goodbye, too bad
it didn't work out for us". George freely admits the concept of
coercive diplomacy is based on an assumption - that a 'rational'
opponent will comply to demands when threats are made. After all,
'irrational' resistance has its own black logic. He admits coercion
won't always work, and that the coercing party must take account of
the specific 'configuration' of a particular situation. I take this
to mean work with observed weaknesses, choose the most suitable
direction of coercive effort as suggested by the known and assumed
constraints and degrees of freedom within a given situation, decide
which cards to play, avoid playing to the adversaries presumed
strengths, and acting in a timely manner. This means the coercing
party must have solid information constantly flowing.
This in turn means that the advisors have access to factual
information. Information that is available in a timely manner. That
the advisors are not distorting the information flow for their
personal ambitions. That their sources are reliable. That they have
capacity to parse out information. That they are actually listening
to the signals from the other party. That they have the (especially)
military wherewithal to assess logistic realities, training
realities, doctrinal limitations, if the strategy includes military
action. That they can acknowledge that any action taken or not taken
may meet a response that is not considered; or that there are
unknowable factors that can't even be brought into an equation. This
is just a brief list.
The 'victim' has a say. Once a coercive course is set against a
major power such as Russia, a push-back is assured. Once the
ultimate objective is understood by the victim of coercion, they
will plan for contingencies. The contingent plans may include
power-factors the coercer didn't account for in their planning.
Russia's development of hypersonic missiles are simply one of many
Who orchestrates the coercive strategy, taking it fluidly from
movement to movement?
So who can look at unfolding events objectively - especially if they
start to go wrong? Who can say to the cabal of high-level inciters
of coercive aggression - "look, this is a bad idea. We have no
legitimate interests here anyway. Don't continue this. This will end
A coercive strategy used against a major power, is flawed at the
most basic initial premise, which is 'let's not negotiate,
let's use coercive force'.
This premise assumes the improbable - that a force can be
developed great enough and for long enough to successfully coerce
Russia, a great power, to obey the west. Such defectively thought
out strategies soon results in a changing kaleidoscope of
consequence whose magnitude of effects - or even existence - wasn't
These consequences are emergent forces. The emerge at different
times, with different weight, different momentum, different
duration. The 'conductor' is then constantly assessing, constantly
guessing, constantly reacting - mute this over here, raise the
volume over there. By how much? For how long? At what tempo?
"...decision makers are not attentive to and do not
correctly perceive all incoming information; various external and
internal psychological factors influence their receptivity to new
information and its assessment, and these factors also affect
their identification and evaluation of options."
Alexander George
The conductors of coercive diplomacy come from an echo chambers full
of like-thinking people. What the conductor 'knows' is the same as
what everyone else in the echo chamber 'knows'. What is the personal
quality of the conductor? Do they have access to other expertise
from 'outside the box'? Are they capable of analysis? Are they
captives of small minds with loud voices? What experiences have they
had? Are their minds conditioned by lifelong immersion in some
political or religious ideology? Are they careful or impulsive? Do
they crack under pressure? Get it wrong, and at the least
there is discord. At the worst, crescendo.
diplomacy likely to cause chaos
The west's 'coercive diplomacy' is more likely to cause chaos in
implementation than 'real' diplomacy because coercive diplomacy is
in essence nothing but a formula for dominance of one country over
another. The purposes of course, is for the enrichment of the
dominating country and especially its politcal-industrial-financial
class. It is an attempt to create 'constructive colonies', that can
be exploited at arms length. It is a modern attempt to implement
Mackinder's 'world Island concept.
The Russians appear much more analytical, careful, risk averse,
far-thinking. The diplomats, at least, reject 'conditional'
scenarios such as "what if x does y?" They deal with conditions as
they emerge, making a move after careful considerations of all the
"As is known, there are no ifs in politics....We
must derive from what is, and work with that. Good or bad,
there is no other President of the United States; there is no
other United States either."
Vladimir Putin 3 October 2018
In fact they have fewer options than those who embrace coercion,
blackmail, call it what you want (it amounts to the same thing).
Why? Because Russia takes principled stances on global events and
foreign relationships. They adhere to the principles outlined by the
United Nations Charter and the various documents that flow from it,
such as the 'Principles
of International Law, Friendly Relations, and Co-operation Among
The Russians (and Chinese) are certainly as interested in the
exploitation of resources in other countries, and trade with other
countries. But the terms are far more likely to represent a fairer
distribution of long term benefits than those that the west tries to
impose. Russia (and China) recognise that fair terms means business
arrangements are more likely to survive inevitable changes in
government in the partner country.
Tools of coercion
There are three major tools used to coerce other nations to do
what the collective West wants:
1. Economic coercion - trade restrictions of one kind or another,
the most powerful of which are generally known as
'sanctions' (which are almost always illegal under
international law)
2. Blackmail
3. Military force (Passive and Active)
Military Force coercion is generally applied by large military
powers at the end of a series of preceding non-military coercive
acts. Military force coercion, a buildup, feints, threats,
responses, escalations and so on, all of which are discussed
seperately prior to discussion of the topic of military
force coercion, which is much further down the page.
Coercion - Sanctions
Coercive test of
George points out that one of the 'non-military' strategies that a
coercive aggressor might use to try to preserve the status quo is a
test of capabilities. (A military strategy can also use this concept
- a series of escalating 'probes' of escalating violence. The
response the aggressor makes - with what force, where, for how long,
with what ferocity, with calculation or reckless disregard for own
and others safety etc - help the coercive aggressor to decide
whether to continue at a certain level of violence, increase it,
reduce it, or abandon violence in favor of a negotiated settlement.)
The United States Government economic blockade of Cuba has lasted
since 1959 - 64 years - and still the Cuban government hasn't been
destroyed. Clearly, the Cuban government has the capability to
resist USA coercion.
The current day American blockade of Cuba is an example of what
George calls "a relatively low-level challenge to the status quo",
the status quo, from the American government perspective, being the
pre-1959 government Cuba.
A test of capabilities means the coercive aggressor has foregone
"coercive diplomacy" in the sense of threats, ultimatums, menacing
military deployments and so on. The aggressor has foregone military
aggression. If the coercer considers that the other party will
'survive' the restrictions and eventually overcome the negative
effects, the coercer may "hope that the expected [initial]
outcome may be reversed through hard work, skill, improvisation, and
efficient use of available resources". He points to the allies
overcoming of the Soviet blockade of Berlin by using a constant
stream of re-supply aircraft.
George considers that the brilliance, so to speak, of the further
restrictive measures will finally take their toll, and the party
under the endless blockade will either have to capitulate and 'bend
the knee' to the aggressor, or risk fighting back with military
His 'test of capabilities' concept seems to me simply coercion. What
is a blockade, the example he uses, if not economic coercion?
coercion - The west's blockade of Russia
Russia joined the World Trade Organisation in 2012. However,
economic sanctions violate the principles of the World Trade
"As we joined the World Trade Organisation, we
confirmed yet again that we are actively creating an open
economy and are ready to closely cooperate with our
partners the world over...We not only started trading
in line with common rules and got the opportunity
to more efficiently protect the interests
of Russian companies, but also undertook obligations
to reduce the level of our tariff protection
and limit support for certain key sectors
of the economy.
We all
remember the complicated national discussion
on whether we should join the WTO or not, what we
gain from it and what we lose. We considered this very
seriously before joining the WTO. I would like
to remind you that the negotiations lasted 16 years.
Overall, I believe we have managed to get our
partners to accept such terms for joining the WTO
that met our interests, and though certain sectors
of the economy had a price to pay, overall
we managed to obtain acceptable terms.
However, in the past months the situation has
changed. The limitations introduced against our country
are nothing but a violation by some of our
partners of the basic principles
of the WTO.
The principle of equal access for all
countries involved in economic activity
to the markets of goods and services is
being violated; the most favoured nation treatment
in trade and the principle of fair
and free competition is being ignored.
All this is politicised, there is no adherence
to the generally recognised rules
of the World Trade Organisation that I have just
A number of countries have actually unilaterally
deleted these and some other WTO principles
for Russia, which is one of the six largest
economies in the world.
In response,
we took protective measures, and I would like
to stress that they are protective; they are not
the result of our desire to punish any
of our partners or influence their decision
in any way."
Vladimir Putin 18
September 2014
The "limitations" the President refers to are the west's so-called
'sanctions'. These 'sanctions' imposed by the west are intended to
coerce Russia into not only further opening up Russia's resources to
western control, but also allow western goods to dominate the
Russian domestic market.
The most important goal of all is to create the difficult social
conditions that might result in the overthrow of the current Russian
government. These are called 'reversible' coercive measures. That
is, the west will 'reward' Russian compliance with
the wests directions by removing some, or even all, the trade
restrictions. This is a standard 'blackmail' card used by those who
play a 'coercion hand'. (Another card they hold is a
'non-reversible' card. That is a military attack on Russia.)
At the moment western government sanctions have made the Russian
Federation is the most heavily sanctioned country in the world. My
detailed article outlining the sanctions on Russia by sector is here.
The USA and West have openly stated they intend to ensure the
"strategic defeat" of the Russian Federation in order to make it
politically dependent on the will of the West. Apart from a
general contempt for international law (UN Charter Article 2 [3] and
[4] ) and the sociopathic tendencies of western governments in their
relations with 'difficult to coerce' countries, the west is
increasingly desperate to 'roll back' the Russian Federations
majority state ownership or control of strategic industries. These
industries include gas, oil, coal, the various minerals, nuclear
power plants, space rocketry, icebreaker construction, rail,
shipping, wheat marketing and so on. They had control of some of
these profitable resource and infrastructure 'rentier' industries
just after the breakup of the Soviet Union, but then Vladimir Putin
was voted into office, and he has gradually returned strategic
industries to the state (the original owners) in the interests of
Russian social development. As one former diplomat noted, 'no wonder
the west hates him'.
Economic coercion first level is 'influence', then threat (also see
'Blackmail', below).
Influence comes through a wide variety of 'channels', including
person to person 'chats' with officials of a country, business
representations to government officials, press-ganging third parties
to convey the message, International fora promoting a certain
'line', and so on.
Economic threat
The potential usefulness of threat depends on the power of the
country doing the threatening. The more powerful a country is, the
greater the risk to the country being threatened. The United States
and China are prime examples. The US is economically very powerful
because many countries send their exports there. The additional
power that the USA has, the 'elephant in the room', is that the USA
may engineer social strife, or even a coup against the government if
a country does not submit arranging its imports and exports to the
satisfaction of the USA government (which is 'level 3 coercion').
The tools used to threaten trade include absurdly high regulatory
standards for export goods, for example hygiene regulations in
export-based food packing plants that far exceed the standards
applicable in their own domestic market. This is an old trick, and
has been used for years by many countries, and by the British, in
particular, to prevent certification of a foreign meat packing plant
(notoriously, the British officials sent to certify a large New
Zealand abattoir and meat packing plants hygiene compliance found a
single animal hair on a stainless steel hook...suspicions remain).
An embellishment to the 'failed inspection' technique, is simply not
to turn up for the final compliance check that ensures
certification. The Russians did this, also to a New Zealand export
food plant. Of course the excuses - unanswered letters (a German and
French favorite in another context, by the way), sick official,
failed to book the flight, endless agenda 'clarifications', change
in staff, etc - can only go on for so long.
Another tool is to bar trade in certain goods - computer chips are a
good example - on the basis they are a 'security concern'.
This is simply based on public policy. The United States, for
example, is notorious for trying to 'strong arm' to change the
public policy of those countries whose public policy is to buy
cheaper generic medicines rather than expensive US or European
patented medicines. Affordable medicines at subsidised prices are
sovereign decisions of course, and made in the best interest of the
people of those countries. But the US and EU want to force those
governments to change policy in the interests of the elites who own
the giant patent medicine companies.
At the extreme of coercive economic diplomacy is the use of 'long
arm' sanctions. The United States government is perfectly within
it's rights to refuse to trade with Iran - Iran is not a member of
the world trade organisation, and so it can't be make a claim
against the US government action.
However, the United States cannot force other countries to comply
with its domestic laws, whether it is which side of the road people
must drive on or whether trade with another country is permitted or
not. And yet this is exactly what the United States government does.
It says to any country wishing to buy Iranian oil (for example), 'if
you buy Iran's oil we will block your exports to the USA, and
persuade (= blackmail) other countries to also block your exports'.
In this way the United States government imposes it's domestic law
on other countries (a breach of the United Nations Charter).
"I talked about Iran. You know its role in global energy
markets. We know that role is diminishing. Its exports have tanked
due to our pressure campaign, and we
have every intention of driving Iranian oil exports to zero
just as quickly as we can."
Michael Pompeo, Secretary of State, USA
Amusingly, the United States government then refers to any shipments
of Iranian oil to Irans few remaining international customers as
'evading sanctions'. These sanctions have zero validity outside the
US borders (unless US vassal countries have passed their own
domestic laws that prohibit the import of Iranian oil).
This was a stellar example of the United States governments coercive
economic diplomacy. It has been eclipsed by the wests comprehensive
coercive diplomatic measures against Russia.
"Another characteristic of coercive diplomacy is the
possibility that the coercing power may couple its threat of
punishment for noncompliance with positive inducements
to encourage the adversary to to comply with the demand...As
with threats of of punishment, positive inducements and
reassurances must also be credible."
Coercive threats may be powerful, but are is more powerful if
accompanied by an inducement.
Trade restrictions did not destroy Russia's economy. But a more
insidious threat had the potential to do significant harm.
In 2014 Ukraine signed a trade agreement with the EU facilitating
free trade between Ukraine and the EU. Tariff-free EU goods would
stream into Ukraine. These cheap goods would re-exported to Russia,
seriously affecting Russian domestic industries and causing
significant unemployment.
At the same many Russian exports to Ukraine would be blocked as they
didn't comply with EU standards.
Russia's Carrot
and stick economic coercion
Russia applied coercive diplomacy by threatening if the EU deal went
ahead as it stood (Russia wanted a 'carve out' of about a quarter of
the goods covered by the EU agreement) then Russian would apply
tariffs sufficient to make up for what Russia would lose, thus
protecting Russian local industries. Russia then offered an
inducement - a better deal. Russia would buy $15 billion of
(probably worthless) Ukrainian bonds and cut the (already cheap)
price of Russian natural gas by nearly a third. (Ukraine was already
refusing to pay its gas bill on the pretext it was too expensive.)
This package was a significantly better offer than the benefits of
the EU package. But 'the west' asked Russia not to buy further bonds
as they wanted the IMF to loan the money to Ukraine.
"...we are in principle ready to look
at taking the steps needed to make the other
tranches available with regard to the purchase
of bonds. But our Western partners have asked us not
to do this. They have asked us to work together through
the IMF to encourage the Ukrainian authorities
to carry out the reforms needed to bring about
recovery in the Ukrainian economy...But given that
Naftogaz of Ukraine is not paying Gazprom now,
the Government is considering various options....
...The formal reason was that he [Yanukovych] did not sign
the European Union Association Agreement. Today, this seems
like nonsense; it is ridiculous to even talk about.
But I want to point out that he did not refuse
to sign the association agreement. He said: “We have
carefully analysed it, and its content does not correspond
with our national interests. We cannot sharply increase energy
prices for our people, because our people are already
in a rather difficult position. We cannot do this,
and that, and that. We cannot immediately break our
economic ties with Russia, because our cooperation is very
I have
already presented these figures: out of approximately 14
billion [dollars] in export, approximately 5 billion
represents second and third technological processing level
products exported to Russia.In other words,
just about all engineering products are exported
to Russia; the West is not buying any
Ukrainian products.
And to take all this and break it apart,
to introduce European technical standards
in the Ukrainian economy, which, thankfully
or unfortunately, we are not using at the moment.
We will adopt those standards at some point, but currently,
we do not have those standards in Russia.
This means the next day, our relations
and cooperation ties will be broken, enterprises will
come to a standstill and unemployment will
And what did Yanukovych say? He said, “I cannot do
this so suddenly, let’s discuss this further.” He did not refuse
to sign it, he asked for a chance to discuss
this document some more, and then all this craziness [the
coup] began...did it really need to be taken to this
level ofanarchy, to an unconstitutional
overthrow and armed seizure of power, subsequently
plunging the nation into the chaos where it finds
itself today? I think this is unacceptable...
I sometimes get the feeling that somewhere across
that huge puddle, in America, people sit in a lab
and conduct experiments, as if with rats, without
actually understanding the consequences of what they
are doing. Why did they need to do this? Who can explain
this? There is no explanation at all for it."
Vladimir Putin 4
March 2014
The west has applied the most consequential peacetime economic
blockade in history. They chose Russia as the victim, a colossal
coercive blunder the Europeans are now (October 2024) regretting. To
date, Russia has not responded in kind. The President is a legalist,
and extremely cautious. All responses are conservative and measured.
Russia can certainly apply coercive economic measures to Europe, but
it hasn't. It has honored all its commercial contracts, even to
"In response to the unfriendly actions
of certain states, Russia has adopted restrictions
on agricultural imports. As we all know
and remember, the prices of agricultural products
in the domestic market initially increased, which is
regrettable. However, this subsequently encouraged
the development of the national agriculture sector.
Today we can see the positive results that Mr Patrushev has
The situation
in industry is somewhat similar. It is not exactly
the same, but there are similarities. Following
the restrictions on the import of industrial
goods, our businesses have become involved in certain
spheres and have often performed more effectively than our
partners, who only supplied relatively cheap products
to the industrial goods market. I would like
to repeat that this partly explains the growth
of our GDP. This is not identical, of course, but this
analogy and comparison are appropriate.
Here is
what I would like to say in this connection. Russia
is a global leader in the reserves of some
strategic raw materials, holding approximately 22 percent
of the world’s gas, nearly 23 percent of gold,
and nearly 55 percent of diamonds.
Mikhail Mishustin) Mr Mishustin, I have
a request for you. Please, take a look
at some types of commodities that we supply
to the global market in large quantities, while
the supply of some goods to us has been
limited. Should we consider restrictions too, like
for uranium, titanium and nickel exports? But we
must not be our own enemy at the same time.
countries are creating strategic reserves and taking other
measures. Overall, if this does not harm us, we should consider
the above move. Not that this should be done immediately,
but we should think about restricting the export
of not only the commodities I have mentioned
but also several other goods.
I will
not elaborate on the reasons for this now.
I believe that our colleagues in the Government
are fully aware of the importance of such Russian
raw materials. I simply mentioned the first goods
that came to mind: uranium, titanium and nickel,
but there are other such commodities as well.
think about it, and report your ideas to me. Agreed?"
Vladimir Putin 11
September 2024
Russian uranium and titanium finished goods are imported by USA. It
is not impossible for the US to find substitutes, but it will take
quite some time. Clearly, this is an implied coercive threat to USA.
Russia will need to find alternative markets for these goods, so
Russia is unlikely to do anything until it can do so without hurting
its own commercial interests. And it may have to wait until existing
contracts expire.
sanctioned or embargoed by the US and EU
By one
count (it's hard to keep up) the United States alone
has embargoes and/or sanctions on people, official organisations
and businesses (including banking) in 'Balkans', Belarus, Central
African Republic, China, Republic of Congo, Cuba, Iraq, Iran,
Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Myanmar, North Korea, Russia,
Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe (at
The EU applied economic coercion to a smaller list of countries,
but, unlike the USA, applies far more economic coercion to the
Russian Federation.
G7 on economic coercion First
edited 10 February 2025
"...the Americans, while they’re specialist in
dialogue with Russia, and the Europeans are special experts
in sanctions, we need both, and this is what we’re doing."
French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian at a joint press
conference with US Secretary of State Tony Blinken June 25, 2021
The west are 'masters' of economic coercion. On May
20 2023 the G7 group of countries released a Leaders
Communique saying:
"we will enhance collaboration by launching the
Coordination Platform on Economic Coercion to increase our
collective assessment, preparedness, deterrence and response
to economic coercion, and further promote cooperation with
partners beyond the G7."
The G7's Leaders Statement on Economic resilience says,
among other things:
"Addressing economic coercion
"<...>We express serious concern over economic
coercion and call on all countries to refrain from its
use, which not only undermines the functioning of and
trust in the multilateral trading system, but also infringes
upon the international order centered on respect for sovereignty
and the rule of law, and ultimately undermines global security
and stability.
At our respective domestic levels, we willuse our existing tools, review
their effectiveness and develop new ones as needed to deter
and counter the use of coercive economic measures.
Recognizing the importance of existing joint efforts including
at the WTO, we will enhance collaboration by launching the
Coordination Platform on Economic Coercion to increase our
collective assessment, preparedness, deterrence and response
to economic coercion, and further promote cooperation
with partners beyond the G7.
Within this Coordination Platform, we will use early
warning and rapid information sharing, regularly consult each
other, collaboratively assess situations, explore coordinated
responses, deter and, where appropriate, counter economic
coercion, in accordance with our respective legal systems"
In December 2023 the EU implemented a legislative tool called the
'Anti-Coercion Instrument'. This is aimed at the very practice the
EU is the world's chief exemplar of - sanctions. The tool is
framed to respond to 'third party sanctions'. These are sanctions
that the US, as first party, typically unilaterally puts on
another country (the third party) if that country refuses to apply
US domestic law against a country the US is trying to coerce (the
second party). US sanctions are domestic law, and don't obligation
by other countries to do anything. Thus, the US chooses coercion
to blackmail or bully other countries to apply US domestic law, a
blatant interference in other countries sovereign independence.
"The Anti-Coercion Instrument (Regulation 2023/2675)Footnote1
is the main legal instrument of the European Union (EU) that
aims to tackle economic coercion against the Union and/or its
Member States. According to Regulation 2023/2675, ‘economic
coercion exists where a third country applies or threatens to
apply a third-country measure affecting trade or investment in
order to prevent or obtain the cessation, modification or
adoption of a particular act by the Union or a Member State,
thereby interfering in the legitimate sovereign choices of the
Union or a Member State’...
Article 8 of the Regulation provides that the Commission
adopts Union response measures by means of implementing
These Union response measures include the imposition of new or
increased customs duties;
the introduction or increase of restrictions on the importation
or exportation of goods or on the payment of goods;
restrictions on trade in goods affecting transiting or internal
measures for goods;
measures limiting the participation in tender procedures in the
area of public procurement;
measures affecting trade in services or the access of foreign
direct investment;
restrictions on the protection of intellectual property rights
or their commercial exploitation;
restrictions for banking, insurance, access to Union capital
markets and other financial service activities;
the introduction or increase of restrictions on the possibility
to place on the Union market goods falling under Union legal
acts on chemicals;
and finally the introduction or increase of restrictions on the
possibility to place on the Union market goods falling under the
Union sanitary and phytosanitary legal acts.
Although such Union response measures can indeed be imposed if
certain conditions are met, the Commission in particular keeps
emphasising that the primary aim of the Anti-Coercion
Instrument is deterrence and only as a last resort will the
Union impose measures against third states.
Indeed, on the day when the Commission published its proposal
on the Anti-Coercion Instrument, it emphasised that the ‘aim
is to deter countries from restricting or threatening to
restrict trade or investment to bring about a change of policy
in the EU in areas such as climate change, taxation or food
The anti-coercion instrument is designed to de-escalate and
induce discontinuation of specific coercive measures through
dialogue as a first step. Any countermeasures taken by the EU
would be applied only as a last resort when there is no other
way to address economic intimidation, which can take many
It means that although the Union now has the possibility to
adopt countermeasures, the Commission will first try to find an
alternative solution with the third state in question and only
after unsuccessful rounds of negotiations will the Union use
such response measures."
V Szép, .The legislative history of the EU’s anti-coercion
instrument. ERA Forum 12
June 2024
What you will have noticed by examining the listed measures is
that most of them (and more) are used by Russia in response to
both the EU's illegal restrictions on Russia, and in response to
the EU's craven third party trade and personnel restrictions (the
EU applying US domestic law restrictions against Russia).
The stench of EU hypocrisy is overpowering. And beyond simply
illogical. They are from the impossible world of Maurits
Escher. The G7's "existing tools" are sanctions. They will
develop "new ones" - which means new coercive sanctions - to deter
any 'counter-sanctions' countries put in place in response to the
G7's sanctions...while at the same time, the G7, the initiators,
architects, and impositors of coercive economic sanctions "call on
all countries to refrain from its [economic sanctions] use", and
at the same time prepare tools - probably copied from Russia's
measures against the EU sanctions - to fight US sanctions
against the EU!
US, Canada, Japan, Australia & Aotearoa on economic coercion
Edited 5 January 2024
On 8 June 2023 Joint Declaration Against Trade-Related Economic
Coercion and Non-Market Policies and Practices at a Ministerial
meeting in Paris on 8 June 2023.
"Joint Declaration Against Trade-Related Economic Coercion and
Non-Market Policies and Practices
The use of trade-related economic coercion and
non-market-oriented policies and practices (“non-market policies
and practices”) threatens and undermines the rules-based
multilateral trading system and harms relations between
countries. The purpose of this Declaration is to express
our shared concern and affirm our commitment to enhance
international cooperation in order to effectively deter
and address trade-related economic coercion and non-market
policies and practices.
1. We express serious concern over trade-related economic
coercionand non-market policies and
practices that undermine the functioning of and confidence in
the rules-based multilateral trading system by distorting trade,
investment, and competition and harming relations between
countries. Trade-related economic coercion and non-market policies and
practices threaten the livelihoods of our citizens, harm our
workers and businesses, and could undermine global security
and stability.
2. Non-market policies and practices of concern include:
industrial policies and practices that promote excess capacity;
pervasive subsidization; discriminatory and anti-competitive
activities of state owned or controlled enterprises; the
arbitrary or unjustifiable application of regulations; forced
technology transfer; state-sponsored theft of trade secrets;
government interference with or direction of commercial
decision-making; and insufficient regulatory and market
transparency. Non-market policies and practices have also
been used as tools for economic coercion.
3. We are particularly concerned with, and oppose,
trade-related economic coercion that
uses, or uses the threat of, measures affecting trade and
investment in an abusive, arbitrary, or pretextual manner to
pressure, induce or influence a foreign government into
taking, or not taking, a decision or action in order to
achieve a strategic political or policy objective, or
prevent or interfere with the foreign government’s exercise
of its legitimate sovereign rights or choices.
This trade-related economic coercion is frequently disguised as
a legitimate government regulatory or public policy measure
unrelated to the strategic objective that it is intended to
advance. It may also occur indirectly through government
entrustment or direction given to state-owned,
state-controlled, or private enterprises.
4. We are also seriously concerned about the use of forced
labour, including state-sponsored forced labour, in global
supply chains. All forms of forced labour are gross abuses of
human rights, as well as economic issues, and it is a moral
imperative to end these practices. We are aware of countries
using these practices to confer an unfair competitive advantage,
and affirm that there must be no place for such practices in the
global trading system.
5. We affirm, in light of relevant international rules and
norms, that this declaration does not
apply to measures that are adopted and maintained in
a transparent manner, in good faith, and for the purpose of a legitimate public
policy objective. These legitimate public policy
measures include: health and safety regulations, environmental
regulations, trade remedies, national
security measures and sanctions, and measures
to protect the integrity and stability of financial systems
and financial institutions from abuse.
6. We urge all governments to refrain from the use of
trade-related economic coercion and non-market policies and
practices and to support free and fair trade based on open,
market-oriented policies and principles that promote a level
playing field and non-discriminatory treatment in international
trade relations, benefit all economies, and help secure shared
prosperity for all.
7. We commit to work together, with all interested partners, to
identify, prevent, deter, and address trade-related economic
coercion and non-market policies and practices, including
through multilateral institutions, such as the WTO. These
efforts will include, where
appropriate, cooperation in WTO committees and in disputes
to challenge these practices. We also commit to the sharing of
information, data and analysis concerning these policies and
practices as well as exploring the development of new diplomatic
and economic tools that support and reinforce the rules-based
multilateral trading system in responding to these challenges."
The stench of US and US vassal's hypocrisy is, once again,
overpowering. But there is a twist.
The Ministers had to release this additional statement because
they realised their policy to coerce was going to shoot the
Europeans in the foot ("or a little higher up" as the Russian
President once said) and benefit the United States. The Europeans
had been duped again.
The US was going to use force the Europeans themselves to change
their public policy, allow US interests to buy (for example) the
French state controlled nuclear industry, scrap the UK ability to
buy cheaper generic drugs, enforce privatisation of anything in
Europe of value and not yet privatised. (There is an intriguing
mention of "measures to protect the integrity and stability of
financial systems and financial institutions from abuse" - SWIFT
restrictions and theft of Russian state reserves are good examples
of such abuse. They are either coming to their senses, or they
coming up with even stupider local 'west-only' bloc digital
currency and exchange. We should never underestimate the stupidity
of western politicians.)
With reference to the United States "where appropriate,
cooperation in WTO committees and in disputes to challenge these
practices", one member of the WTO, namely the United States, has
unilaterally blocked the disputes mechanism of the WTO by the
simple expedient of preventing the formation of a quorum to elect
new disputes mechanism officials (their term has expired). It
isn't a coincidence - there are numerous suits lodged by China,
for one, against the USA practise of discriminating against
Chinese-made goods. It is apparent why the weasel words "where
appropriate" were included - the USA government, believing it
alone is 'exceptional', won't cooperate to allow China to take it
to the disputes mechanism. Because it knows it will lose 'bigly'.
Of course Russia has retaliated. It has been very careful to
stay within commercial law, while at the same time making sure
unfriendly countries - which, after all, are in an undeclared war
on Russia - take as little profit from Russia as possible. A levy
of 10% must be paid to the Russian government. Shares may only be
divested to an approved buyer, and at a value finally decided by a
government valuer. In addition, control of the unfriendly
countries foreign holdings in Russian strategic resources (mainly
oil, gas, and banks and other finance related companies) are now
'temporarily' in Russian hands.
'In response to the international network of sanctions imposed
against Russia following the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine,
the Russian Government published a list of “unfriendly” foreign
States.[1] The list includes the EU Member States,
the U.K., the U.S. and other States with a Russian sanctions
program. Nationals from these countries are subject to an
increasingly complex web of retaliatory countersanctions,
impacting a variety of business and financial transactions with
a Russian nexus.'
Shearman and Sterling 11
May 2023
The weapon of coercive diplomacy can be turned against those
using it. And, so far, the west's economic weapon has failed. Just
as has its military weaponry.
of European and US economic coercion
Obviously, some are more consequential than others. In more
consequential cases there may be 'permissions' to allow
humanitarian goods such as medicine and food, but while these
'exceptions' may be on the books, in reality people are too scared
of 'secondary' sanctions being applied to them, they choose to
stop supplying those goods or services.
As a result, some of the consequences include:
Important western medicines are unavailable in Iran and Syria.
Russian fertilisers bound for Africa are locked in European
Many US and European countries have been forced to leave
Russia, often at a loss.
Russia and Venezuela's gold (in effect) stolen by the west,
coupled with lockout of Russia from most of the SWIFT global
currency remittance have seriously dented faith in the US dollar
and the financial exchange system.
Dramatically increased cost of domestic gas and liquid
transport fuels in the EU due to the EU cutting itself off from
Russian cheap energy supplies.
Trade restrictions on Russia have the most consequences - both
good and bad - for the world. Many of these effects are covered in
detail in my article 'The
West's apartheid international trading system'.
There is no need to go into detail on the negative effect of the
EU's coercive trade restrictions on Russia. They are regularly
reported in the European news media.
The negative effects of the US coercive economic restrictions on
Russia barely entered the consciousness of the average American. The
most consequential effects - loss of faith in the US dollar - are
slow to emerge, yet will have the most impact on the American
Once again, the choice of geopolitical strategy is largely an
expression of economic interests. Yes, there is an element of a
countries 'historic mission' - Russia sees it's role as being a
'civilisational power' bringing a civil interaction between
countries based in fairness, rules based on the United Nations
Charter. The USA sees itself as 'leader of the western world,
promoting the USA view of how the world 'should be'.
Russia, a European state, was at one time on the very threshold of
joining the European Union, embracing the concept of an integrated
Europe that stretched right across Eurasia, from the west coast to
the east coast of greater Eurasia. The west, under the control of
the US government, destroyed all this - and then blocked Russia from
Europe, across all dimensions of life - political, economic,
Thus, inevitably, Russia's economic activity has now turned to East
Asia, Southeast Asia, India, Africa, South Eurasia, Central
Asia, South Caucasus and the Middle East.
Russia's long term geopolitical strategy has now turned to
Mackinder's 'heartland' - minus most of Europe.
economic coercion - state theft
"The British Government, through the Gibraltar
administration, issued a “specified ship notice” against the
Russian-owned, Panama-flagged oil tanker, the Grace-1,
carrying a large cargo of Iranian oil. Before dawn on July 4,
British Marines attacked the vessel and seized it...The Russian
Foreign Ministry condemned the Grace-1 attack on July 5;
it did not condemn Iran’s retaliation on July 19 when the Stena
Impero was boarded by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
(IRGC) on July 19. We told you so, was the response by
Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova on July 11, following
warning messages between Iranian and British warships.
John Helmer,
2 August 2019
One step beyond a simple blockade is state theft of another states
assets, sometimes at the point of a gun, sometimes more politely.
Other examples include the British theft of Venezuelan gold, the EU
theft of Russian commercial bank accounts. Retaliation is
always certain, in some shape or other. As mentioned, Russia has
passed a law acquiring boardroom control of foreign joint ventures
where they involve uncooperative 'unfriendly companies', for
example. The value of foreign assets in Russia is said to be higher
than the value of the gold and bank assets frozen by the west...
Big countries can retaliate, small countries can't. Turkey received
large amounts of oil stolen by ISIS in Syria. Turkey enabled the
wholesale theft of commercial machinery from Syrian businesses when
it first occupied Syrian territory. The United States steals oil and
wheat from Syria - even while cruelly and grievously tormenting the
civilians there with an economic blockade. Yet state theft as a
means of coercion against even a small (and now destitute) state
like Syria have produced no results.
Coercion First edited 26 January 2025
George stated that an 'offensive coercion' strategy to persuade a
'victim' (his word) to give up something of value they have
without putting up resistance is best called what it is - a
blackmail strategy.
The most notable feature is that in the 'defensive coercion'
strategy the attempt is to persuade (albeit using threats)
an 'opponent' to do something, which implies a power balance
between the parties, whereas the blackmail strategy is against a
victim - meaning there is a power imbalance.
"The measures
taken against those who refuse to submit are well-known
and have been tried and tested many times. They
include use of force, economic and propaganda
pressure, meddling in domestic affairs, and appeals
to a kind of ‘supra-legal’ legitimacy when they
need to justify illegal intervention in this
or that conflict or toppling inconvenient regimes.
Of late, we have increasing evidence too that outright
blackmail has been used with regard to a number
of leaders. It is not for nothing that ‘big
brother’ is spending billions of dollars on keeping
the whole world, including its own closest allies,
under surveillance." Vladimir Putin October
24, 2014
"Russia always
worked with Ukraine in an open and honest
manner and, as I have already said, with respect
for its interests.
We developed our
ties in multiple fields. Thus, in 2011, bilateral
trade exceeded $50 billion. Let me note that in 2019,
that is before the pandemic, Ukraine’s trade with all EU
countries combined was below this indicator...
...The officials
in Kiev replaced partnership with a parasitic
attitude acting at times in an extremely brash
manner. Suffice it to recall the continuous
blackmail on energy transits and the fact
that they literally stole gas.
I can add that Kiev
tried to use dialogue with Russia as a bargaining
chip in its relations with the West, using
the threat of closer ties with Russia
for blackmailing the West to secure
preferences by claiming that otherwise Russia would have
a bigger influence in Ukraine."
Vladimir Putin 21
February 2022
"We often hear from representatives of
the Global South that the Americans, on the contrary, are
practicing what they call “coercive diplomacy.” In other
words, they are threatening others with sanctions and other
punitive measures.
Indicatively, they are using these methods against the
negotiators themselves but also against their family members who
own real estate, live or study in the West.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke about this more than once.
In turn, his colleagues and partners honestly told him during
talks that they are aware of this Western attitude towards them.
In the last few years, voting at the UN General Assembly was
often based on this principle of coercion. Mr Lavrov often
recalls a very indicative case from his own practice. A
colleague from a developing nation complained that the Americans
were exerting pressure on his capital to make it renounce
cooperation with Moscow. Mr Lavrov asked him what the Americans
offered in exchange. The answer was a surprise – the Americans
promised not to introduce sanctions. They were not offering any
benefits to his country but promised not to make things worse...
know for sure that the curators from the US, Britain and the EU
brainwashed officials and businesspeople from other countries to
renounce participation in the SPIEF 2023. Letters were sent and
talks held; blackmail and threats were used, as well as
manipulations. The Americans made purposeful trips to
countries that are well-disposed towards Russia to disrupt
agreements that had been reached.
said they know about the signing of some agreements with
Russia and that now they must be cancelled.
And what will they give in exchange? They said they won’t
make it any worse than it is now. This is their logic and
tactic. There is a lot of evidence and facts to this effect."
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova 21
June 2023
"Preparations for the [Russia-Africa] summit are at the final
stage...Almost all countries have confirmed that they will attend.
More than a half of the African countries will be represented
by their top leaders, this despite the daily unashamed
pressure and demands to cancel the visit or lower the level of
representation. Such are our Western colleagues’ “manners.”
The West does not explain anything but says that “Russia is a
threat and you must not have contacts with it because its days are
numbered; beware of betting on the wrong horse.” This is the sort
of “diplomatic” manners that can be expected from them." Sergey Lavrov 30 June 2023
"I repeatedly stated that by issuing threats and exerting
pressure, the United States and the United Kingdom are crossing
every red line there is.
They are now issuing threats to the effect that some
politicians in a particular country have accounts with US
banks or that their children study at American universities.
They stop at nothing."
Sergey Lavrov 23
January 2023
", trade or economic ties, or financial
mechanisms ...created as part of the globalisation effort ... were
touted as a boon for the world at large. Then, overnight, they
turned into a tool of blackmail, pressure, racketeering and pure
Sergey Lavrov 30 June
"We have taken note of the growing number of reports leaked to the
global media about a large-scale search by the United States and
its North Atlantic allies throughout the world for Soviet, Russian
and Western weapons and ammunition for Vladimir Zelensky’s regime.
We know
well about the continuing, unprecedented pressure by the Western
masters of Zelensky and his criminal “team” on the countries
that purchased such weapons and ammunition for national defence.
They are using the most disgusting methods of blackmail, up
to and including threats of physical violence, seizure and
withdrawal of these countries’ property and bank assets in the
West, and enforcement measures against government officials’
immediate families and close relatives."
Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokewoman, 7
July 2023
" Question: When you look back to the beginning of the
war there was a General Assembly resolution that Russia should
pull back its troops from Ukraine. At the time there are 141
states in favor of the motion. As things stand now do you think
the global position has changed, the perception of Russia has
Sergey Lavrov: "I know how was adopted that resolution. I
have many friends in New York. They were privately telling me
that the means used by the Americans to get that many votes were
really specific. The ambassadors in New York were approached by
junior diplomats from an American or British mission and the
question was raised: "Mr. Ambassador, please don't forget that
the vote is tomorrow and don't forget that your bank account is
in Merrill Lynch, that your kids are in Stanford". I'm not
exacerbating. It was exactly the means applied....
...The Americans and the Europeans, NATO, EU members were
running all over the world. Not just presenting the assessment
of what is happening in Ukraine, but putting ultimatum,
blackmailing, threats, sanctions. Unless you condemn Russia,
there would be consequences. You know how they behave. This is
their usual style." 10
December 2023
"I do not want to go into detail at this point, but we know for
certain that every trip by a Russian delegation, including a
Foreign Ministry delegation, to countries in the Arab world, the
Middle East or North Africa is always preceded by Western
diplomats’ demarches. They issue warnings, and in some cases
even “hint at consequences,” as they like to put it.
Serggey Lavrov, 21
December 2023
In George's view, blackmail is distinguished by the fact that
coercive threats are"employed aggressively" to 'persuade' the
victim to 'give something up' something of value without putting
up resistance. Examples include aggressively coercing Russia to
stop using its own pipeline to send gas to Europe, or aggressively
'allow' the west to acquire part of a Russian strategic assets
(natural gas processing and distribution infrastructure, bank
accounts, gold) located in the EU, or arm fighter bombers on
Russia's border with nuclear bombs in order to 'require' Russia to
limit its deployment of hypersonic strategic weapons. Threat alone
may be enough, but if it doesn't work, the erstwhile bully will
have to 'put up or shut up'.
This is not a problem when big nations pick on small nations (the
bully's favorite) especially if the politicians there are corrupt.
According to Sergey Lavrov, the west coerces votes from some small
nations by a mix of bribery and threats to, for example, end the
education of children admitted to prestigious American
But when a large and powerful nation like Russia refuses to be
coerced into implementing western policies and resist - perhaps in
unexpected ways - the west either has to back down or do what it has
threatened to do. Russia has a policy - a duty, they call it - to
advise the west where the 'red lines' are, lines which the west must
not cross unless they are willing to accept consequences to their
"sensitive' (as Russia says) areas of interest. Many assume that if
a 'red line' is crossed then 'military diplomacy' cuts in, and cuts
in immediately. Not so.
When a big country such as USA starts to lose it's ability to carry
through with a threat against a powerful country such as Russia, it
is still worth trying blackmail. There is little to lose from a
verbal threat - the only downside is some possible public ridicule
(which is generally limited and transient anyway). But even if the
odds are immensely stacked against success, if, incredibly, the
blackmail succeeded, the gain for the blackmailer is very large. The
most vivid illustration of this principal was on 24 January 2025
when the President of the United States obliquely threatened to
continue to supply arms to Ukraine in order to deliberately protract
the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Mr. Trump wanted Russia (and Saudi
Arabia and other OPEC members) to reduce the price of oil to pander
to Mr.Trump's domestic concerns.
"It’s a crazy war, and it never would have happened if I
was president. Would never have happened. This is crazy that it
happened, but we want to stop it.
Now, one way to stop it quickly is for OPEC to stop making so much
money and to drop the price of oil, because they have it nice and
high. And if you have it high, that war is not going to
end so easily.
So, OPEC ought to get on the ball, and they ought to drop the price of oil, and that war will stop
right away."
Donald Trump 24 January 2025
Mr. Trump is aware that the illegal secondary trade restrictions the
previous administration placed on Russian owned oil tankers and
traders come into full effect on the 27th of February 2025. Mr.
Trump is willing to leave the restrictions in place to harm Russia
and to wring 'concessions' from Russia - so long as the restrictions
don't harm USA in the process. Which they inevitable and immediately
did, raising international prices to about US$80 a barrel. They will
go higher still if the order is not reversed before March 2025. From
the Russian (and Saudi) point of view, it is all cost and no
reliable benefit. (Mr. Putin suggests the US should join OPEC and
prices can be agreed by consensus. Mr. Trump is unlikely to, because
he knows that the US is no longer the producer of the marginal
barrel, where prices are set. You have to be a nett exporter to set
the marginal price. And the US is a nett oil importer. US ability to
blackmail Russia is gone.)
Hybrid diplomatic strategy
Alexander George payed particular emphasis on advice for the US
government to use 'flexible diplomacy' using rational persuasion and
acceptable compromise, but use coercive threat if the 'partner'
country refuses to obey the USA demands, or if they won't agree to a
comprise that the US was willing to accept. While he didn't include
blackmail, it is clear that the USA includes that when they are
running a hybrid strategy, especially with countries that are
interested in beneficial trade with Russia.
"What we see in the US
administration’s budget request for the next year is, of
course, not diplomacy, but, rather, modern American
diplomacy, which boils down either to threats or sanctions,
or, as we are seeing, to an attempt to purchase allies."
Sergey Lavrov 12
March 2019
"It is no secret that our Western opponents are trying to compel
many of our partners to curtail beneficial cooperation
with Russia through persuasion and with various promises
and blackmail. In the process, they do not care one bit
about the losses to be sustained by these states and their
Vladimir Putin May
24 2023
"We could continue lamenting our Western
colleagues’ new methods in foreign affairs, but it will get us
nowhere. They have made a political decision to isolate Russia
in every sense. In addition, they have been making insane
demands on other countries: they are to avoid any Russian
representatives, to stop visiting them or receiving visits from
them, and to sever trade ties with Russia while buying more
expensive energy resources at a loss.
These are the new methods of Western diplomacy, which has
been reduced to threats, sanctions, punishments and blackmail."
Sergey Lavrov 26
December 2024
In any negotiation, both sides see their own position as reasonable
and the other sides position as unreasonable. It is a form of the
'definition game', where, by my definition, everything I say is
'right', and everything you say is 'wrong'.
In reality, as soon as coercion is introduced, rationality, empathy,
fairness and willingness to find an equitable solution flies out the
Conman diplomatic
strategy edited 10 February 2024
Here comes the conman
Coming with his con plan
We won't take no bribe
We've got to stay alive
Bob Marley 'Crazy baldheads' 1976
The conman strategy can only be executed once. After that, all trust
is gone. Forever.
"We remember well NATO's eastward
expansion...Despite the fact that relations between Russia and our
Western partners, including the United States [at that time],
were nothing short of unique, and the level of relations was
almost allied, our concerns and warnings regarding NATO's eastward
expansion have been totally ignored.
There have been several waves of expansion, and let’s look at
where the military infrastructure of the NATO bloc is now – anti-missile defence
systems have been deployed right next to our borders in Romania
and Poland. These can easily be put to offensive use with the
Mk-41 launchers there; replacing the software takes only minutes.
Vladimir Putin November
18 2021
"...This array includes promises not to expand NATO eastwards even
by an inch. To reiterate: they have deceived us, or, to put it
simply, they have played us...This type of con-artist behaviour is
contrary not only to the principles of international relations but
also and above all to the generally accepted norms of morality and
Vladimir Putin 24
February 2022
The west, and the US government in particular, said to Russia that
if it ends its occupation of East Berlin then the west would not
expand NATO "one inch east". The west knew Russia was (rightly)
highly sensitive to the fact Germany's invaded Russia only about 50
years previously (killing around 27 million Soviet people and
inflecting immense damage). Further, Russia would never allow large
military concentrations of NATO-trained Germans on Russia's border.
And Russia would as much allow nuclear armed US (NATO) aircraft and
cruise missile systems on Russia's border as the United States would
allow nuclear armed Russian cruise missiles and aircraft to be
placed in Cuba.
"I'm coming to a very important point
of today's agenda. After all, the collapse
of the Soviet Union was effectively initiated
by the Russian leadership...
....The second
point is a very important one. I want you
as an American citizen and your viewers
to hear about this as well. The former Russian
leadership assumed that the Soviet Union had ceased
to exist and therefore there were no longer any
ideological dividing lines.
Russia even agreed, voluntarily and proactively,
to the collapse of the Soviet Union
and believed that this would be understood
by the so-called (now in scare quotes)
”civilized West“ as an invitation
for cooperation and associateship. That is what
Russia was expecting both from the United States
and the so-called collective West
as a whole.
were smart people, including in Germany. Egon Bahr,
a major politician of the Social Democratic
Party, who insisted in his personal conversations with
the Soviet leadership on the brink
of the collapse of the Soviet Union that
a new security system should be established in Europe.
Help should be given to unify Germany, but a new
system should also be established to include
the United States, Canada, Russia, and other Central
European countries. But NATO needs not to expand.
That's what he said: if NATO expands, everything would be just
the same as during the Cold War, only closer
to Russia's borders. That's all. He was a wise old
man, but no one listened to him...
...after 1991, when Russia expected that it would be welcomed
into the brotherly family of ”civilized nations,“
nothing like this happened. You tricked us ...I'm talking about
the United States...the promise was that NATO would
not expand eastward, but it happened five times, there were five
waves of expansion. We tolerated all that, we were trying
to persuade them, we were saying: ”Please don't, we are
as bourgeois now as you are, we are a market
economy, and there is no Communist Party power. Let's
At a meeting here in the Kremlin with
the outgoing President Bill Clinton, right here
in the next room, I said to him,
I asked him, ” Bill, do you think if Russia asked
to join NATO, do you think it would happen?“ Suddenly he
said: ”You know, it's interesting, I think so.“ But
in the evening, when we had dinner, he said, ”You
know, I've talked to my team, no-no, it's not possible
now.“ You can ask him, I think he will watch our interview,
he'll confirm it....we were promised, no NATO
to the East, not an inch to the East,
as we were told. And then what? They said, ”Well,
it's not enshrined on paper, so we'll expand.“...
...we agreed with the fact that after the collapse
of the Soviet Union our borders should be along
the borders of former Union’s republics. We agreed
to that. But we never agreed to NATO’s expansion
and moreover we never agreed that Ukraine would be
in NATO. We did not agree to NATO bases there
without any discussion with us. For decades we kept asking:
don’t do this "
Vladimir Putin 9
February 2024
A new cooperative security system wasn't established. As Egon Bahr
implied, a new security system involving all parties needed to be
put in place before the Soviet Union went ahead with
unilaterally ending the cold war. The west pretended to be friendly
and considerate of Russia's vital security interests. They
lied. It was a con.
Never ever again. Almost. The west managed to sucker Russia into
allowing shipborne grain exports through the combat zone, on the
pretext it was for the starving millions in Africa. It, too, was a
con. Most of the grain went to the west and to well-off 'developing'
countries like China. The amount of grain that went to impoverished
food-deficit countries was minuscule.
Diplomacy of Liesedited 5 July 2024
As far as I can make out, the top Russian diplomats almost never
resort to bare-faced lies. The only obvious lies I have noticed are,
first, the lie that the Russian spokeswoman promoted - heatedly - on
the day before Russia's military operation in East Ukraine, that no
Russian invasion was imminent. This could probably be considered a
'ruse of war', and allowable under the Hague Conventions (article
24). The second lie was Sergei Lavrov's denial that the
Russians caught near the headquarters of the Organisation for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons with a boot full of listening
devices were spying. The Secretariat of the OPCW is dominated by the
west, and has been turned into a tool for anti-Russian propaganda, destroying
the hard won reputation of the OPCW as a independent and
non-political body in the process.
Of course the Russians promote their own story, but they seem to be
of the opinion that it is better to be caught telling the truth than
the opposite (this strategy has been slow to pay off in the west,
for obvious reasons). The West takes the opposite course.
The list of lies promulgated in the west, especially around events
in the Middle East, is long enough to fill a book. They hardly need
mentioning, but details of a few - from the horses mouth - are in
this youtube interview with former UN weapons inspector Scott
" threatened Russia with “consequences” for its
alleged attempts to undermine Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and
accused us of “repeatedly refusing” to meet at the level of
foreign ministers in the Normandy format. You know perfectly
well that neither of these allegations are true ..
...Given the misrepresentations of Russia’s approaches to
the intra-Ukrainian settlement process and convening a Normandy
format meeting, we have no choice but to take the unconventional
step of making our correspondence public, including my letter to
you dated October 29, together with the Russian draft of the
outcome document for the Normandy format ministerial meeting, your
response dated November 4, and my detailed comments to it dated
November 6, 2021
. I do hope that making these primary sources available to the
general public will clarify Russia’s true role and intentions
regarding the peace process, and will help build political will,
including in Germany and France, for achieving a fair settlement
in Donbass that is firmly rooted in the Minsk agreements, without
any attempts to convene new meetings in order to further
accommodate Kiev in its policy of sabotaging its obligations at
the connivance of its Western sponsors, and in direct violation of
UN Security Council Resolution 2202 (2015)."
Sergey Lavrov 17
November 2021
"t must be emphasised that Sebastian Fischer’s words are
completely untrue. Let us put it simply, so that it would be
easier to translate into German. This is a lie.
For almost two years, the German side has responded to all
inquiries from the Russian competent authorities regarding the
bombing of the Nord Streams with nothing more than empty excuses
and formal replies. Not a single paper they sent us contains any
It is not the first time that Berlin has tried to convince the
public and the world diplomatic community that it is allegedly
fulfilling all its bilateral obligations of an international
nature. It is trying to “feed” the international community this
unleashed bureaucratic red tape as proof of fulfilling its
international legal obligations. This is a lie. They do
not provide the Russian side with any facts they have on this
investigation, although they are obliged to."
Maria Zahkarova 21
August 2024
Unlike media, diplomacy requires rebuttal when other diplomats lie
about what was sent (or meant). Of course, up until the advent of
social media, rebuttals were filtered through the gatekeeper of what
the public is permitted to know - the mainstream media. This is
changing. Some diplomats are starting to use social media to simply
step over the self-crippled mainstream media and talk with
their audience directly.
"We have heard lots of lies
and false promises from the West. I’m not saying this to
keep searching for arguments to back our past or current
policies, but to re-confirm the fact that we have learned
our lesson. We are no longer looking to the past...The
past has taught us a good lesson....based on the current
situation in our country and internationally, we will
proceed to build our future without relying on our deceitful
colleagues who are incapable of holding up their end of the
bargain, our former Western partners. Sergey Lavrov 30 June
Debater: "so our diplomats are lying?"
Former Ambassador to Russia McFaul: "Yes! Yes! That's the real
world guys. C'mon, c'mon. That's the real world."
Debater: "Wait a second. Wait a second. Aren't the diplomats who
are lying all the time, yet the Russians should trust them when
they offer assurances [to Russia - Ed]?"
Munk debate Ukraine 12 May
"US politicians,
political scientists and journalists write and say
that a veritable “empire of lies” has been created
inside the United States in recent years. It is hard
to disagree with this – it is really so. But one
should not be modest about it: the United States is still
a great country and a system-forming power. All
its satellites not only humbly and obediently say yes
to and parrot it at the slightest pretext
but also imitate its behaviour and enthusiastically accept
the rules it is offering them. Therefore, one
can say with good reason and confidence that
the whole so-called Western bloc formed
by the United States in its own image
and likeness is, in its entirety, the very same
“empire of lies.”"
Vladimir Putin 24
February 2022
Lies have a consequence. All trust is lost. And trust, in essence,
is being confident in the enduring reliability of the other side. It
is likely that the western politicians will continue to lie to
Russia. That's too bad, but nothing can be done about it. It is
simply a reality.
"...we were doing everything in our power
to solve this problem by peaceful means,
and patiently conducted talks on a peaceful
solution to this devastating conflict. Behind our
backs, a very different plan was being hatched. As we
can see now, the promises of Western leaders, their
assurances that they were striving for peace
in Donbass turned out to be a sham
and outright lies.
They were simply marking time, engaged in political
chicanery, turning a blind eye to the Kiev regime’s
political assassinations and reprisals against 'undesirable'
people, their mistreatment of believers. They increasingly
incited the Ukrainian neo-Nazis to stage terrorist
attacks in Donbass. The officers of nationalist
battalions trained at Western academies and schools."
Vladimir Putin February
21, 2023
It is astonishing that the Russians, and Vladimir Putin in
particular, were so ready to take western politicians words as being
honest and truthful. When the west was anxious to trick Russia into
leaving Kiev and giving back a large chunk of territory on the way,
they simply lied to get their way. And then claimed it wasn't their
fault when the verbal agreement was adhered to. You would think the
Russians would have learned from the experience of the lies about
NATO "not moving one inch east" (when Russia volunteered to end the
cold war) would be enough for Russia to insist that absolutely
everything must go in writing. But no.
"When our troops were near Kiev, we received
a proposal and even a plea from our Western
partners to cease fire and stop hostilities
in order for certain things to be done
on the Ukrainian side. We did it. ...The Ukrainian
side did not cease hostilities.
Later we were told that the official Ukrainian authorities
could not control all their military units, because there
were allegedly those that were not subordinate
to the central authorities. This is what we were told,
no more and no less."
Vladimir Putin 4
July 2024
But the problem remains: the west and their proxies are 'bad faith
actors'. They deceive, lie and dissemble. Agreements worked out
with much effort and probably many concessions are made ready for
signing - then abandoned in a flash.
"Second, we were asked to move our troops away from
Kiev in order to create conditions to finally
sign a peace treaty. We did this and faced deception
once again: all the agreements reached in Istanbul
were thrown in the trash.
Such things happened repeatedly."
Vladimir Putin 4
July 2024
The consequence, once again, is the necessity to record and contract
every last word, and add in realisable penalties for no compliance.
And, of course, effective and complete auditing to make sure that
whatever is claimed to have been put in place is really there.
"We put forward an idea to sign a treaty on European
security in 2008 and 2009. There was one
simple thing to it. The 1999 Istanbul Charter for European
Security had indivisibility of security enshrined at the top
Countries are free to choose alliances, but they cannot do so if
by strengthening their security they undermine the security of
It was stated explicitly that all OSCE participants (presidents
and prime ministers signed it) undertake that no country, no
group of countries and not a single alliance within the OSCE
space will claim dominance.
then, almost immediately NATO reprised its policy of
dominance. We told them that the Istanbul Charter was a
political declaration with political commitments that had been
made not by “third secretaries” from embassies, but by
We proposed codifying it, since they were unable to comply
with the commitments made at the top level, and to adopt
the European Security Treaty (legal obligations) using the same
We were
told that only NATO members can obtain legally binding security
guarantees. We noted that we had earlier signed the OSCE
document stating that no one would claim dominance. We were
told it was just a “political statement.”
Later, they claimed that the assurances not to expand NATO were
“verbal,” but when the Russia-NATO Founding Act was concluded, they
said it was in writing, but “not quite” legally binding.
patience was unparalleled. President Putin repeatedly
mentioned several times that he pushed himself to keep the
shreds of trust for quite a while, hoping that
something would “sprout” from the leftover “seed” if the West
comes to its senses and behaves in a dignified and civilised
manner. Nothing happened.
In 2008-2009, the European security treaty was tossed out
after they refused to discuss it with us. There were two
treaties: one with NATO and one with the OSCE (but a legally
binding treaty this time).
In late
2021, President Putin (after delivering remarks at our Ministry)
instructed the Ministry to draft proposals reflecting the
current state of international affairs. The West outright
refused to discuss them. I was among the people involved in this
process. Ministerial delegations at the level of deputy
ministers met first.
January 2022, I had talks with US Secretary of State Antony
Blinken in Geneva. He said that there may be no commitments
regarding the non-expansion of NATO, adding that they had
withdrawn from the INF Treaty, because Russia had “violated”
it earlier. I reminded him that when Washington withdrew from
the Treaty, Moscow agreed (since they believed it was the only
way out of the situation for them) to declare a unilateral
moratorium.We suggested that the Americans do the
Putin’s initiative clearly stated that they can come and see for
themselves what things really are, if they still suspect that
our Iskander systems deployed in the Kaliningrad Region are
equipped with medium-range missiles that are prohibited by the
Treaty. In return, though, we want to be able to go to Poland
and Romania, where they have built missile defence bases equipped
with the facilities whose manufacturer (Lockheed Martin)
claimed in an ad that they were dual-purpose and can be used
to launch prohibited ground-based medium-range missiles (the
Americans deployed these bases and facilities even before the
Treaty was terminated).
They refused. We suggested a fair deal where they come to us
and look at what they suspected us of, and we, in turn, would go
and see what their ad looks like in real life. They said no.
I told
Antony Blinken about our package of proposals. They are
concerned about the developments surrounding Ukraine, even
though they are the ones creating a crisis situation. He said
NATO was out of question. However, we should come to terms with
regard to our proposal about medium-range missiles, meaning that
they can now be deployed in Ukraine as well (since they
are not banned any longer), and the United States will be
willing to limit their number in Ukraine.
I’m not
sure what else I need to say for everyone to understand why the
special military operation became inevitable when Ukraine (under
a blatantly Nazi regime that banned everything Russian) was
flooded with weapons, which fact we saw as a direct threat to
our security, traditions and legitimate interests."
Sergey Lavrov 19
April 2024
The short history above is threaded with lies, assurances given and
then broken. False assurances about American missile systems for
example, and the well-worn USA technique of lies accusing the
opponent of the same breach of terms that they, and only they, did.
The diplomacy of Truth
Very few countries would claim that they always tell the truth, or
even the whole truth. Russia claims to follow a principled approach
in foreign relations, which, to the degree it succeeds, limits its
options to coerce others. The problem for countries that lie for
coercive purposes is that after a while they won't be believed. And,
as in the story of Peter and the Wolf, the day may come when they
are telling the truth on an important and urgent matter and need to
be believed.
But lies between top level officials are probably not that frequent
- withholding information and failing to uphold agreements is far
more prevalent.
Lies, half truths, exaggeration, and deliberately misleading
information are kept for the public, as the public generally has
very little agency, very little power, very little access to
complete and accurate information.
media disinformation, misinformation and lies Added 23 August
This worn out tool can have massive effects on a weak state,
especially if the west combines it with attempts to overthrow a
government using 'rent-a-mob' orchestrated protests directly or
indirectly foreign agent controlled and/or funded.
It has relatively little effect on strong states. But it can have
repercussions for the journalists involved.
"...I would like to remind you that criminal proceedings
have been instituted against a number of such representatives from
foreign media outlets for illegally crossing the state border of
the Russian Federation. All such incidents are carefully recorded,
and appropriate action will be taken against violators.
From the journalistic perspective, these pseudo-reporters can
only be regarded as traitors to the profession who have stooped
as low as direct involvement in the fabrication and
dissemination of Ukrainian Nazi propaganda.
The nature of the stories published following their forays,
including staged videos with Bandera followers holding
POWs and civilians at gunpoint and interviews with militants
openly flaunting Nazi stripes, clearly indicates the true purposes
of this media operation on the occupied Russian lands – to
whitewash the criminal Kiev regime, conceal the crimes it commits
against the civilian population, further destabilise the
information landscape by manipulating public opinion, rehabilitate
Nazism and create enabling climate for the West’s continued
support of the terrorist Kiev clique.
It is quite telling that when such journalists are caught
demonstrating Nazi symbols (which is a criminal offence even in
their own countries), they scramble to remove or retouch the
compromising content.
For example, Ilario Piagnerelli, with the Italian state media Rai
News, has expunged an interview with a neo-Nazi militant wearing
an SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler cap from his
social media accounts....
We consider this kind of Western media activity as evidence of
their direct involvement in a far-reaching hybrid aggression
against Russia."
Maria Zakharova, Spokeswoman Russia Federation Foreign Ministry 19 August
Examples of this type (deliberate misleading the audience by
omission) are a major form of propaganda, designed to legitimise a
governments coercive actions against the subject. An absolutely
endless waterfall of this kind of 'opinion control' pours over us
every hour of every day. Rigorous skepticism is the protective coat.
Disinformation deliberately leaves out important details, which, if
included, give an entirely understanding of the situation to the
impression given when these details are omitted.
Misinformation is false stories spread without intention to deceive.
Generally, a government figure creates a false story knowing it is
false or misleading (intention to deceive), and it is uncritically
repeated throughout media (amplification).
Lies are straightforward, and requires no further explanation.
Coercion with
criminal frameups edited 25 February 2024
First, the 'light' version of this technique is used by the USA,
in particular. The breaches are generally of agreements, or of
international law rather than civil law. They often involve
military threats of one kind or another. Here, every time the USA
wants to break an agreement or create a unilateral security risk
to Russia or its allies, it first accuses the Russians of doing
exactly what it is about to do. It then, of course, claims it 'had
to' take action due to the other sides actions. This has become a
highly predictable USA modus operandi. In fact, any time
you hear the USA make some allegation against Russia, it is a
reliable signal they themselves are about to embark on some
unlateral action that increases the threat to the Russian
Federations security.
The criminal frameup technique is more serious in the 'civil law'
sense, but may not have very much strategic importance. This
technique is a favorite of the UK and EU governments. The idea is
simple, to exploit an existing terrorist or criminal act (whether
government or civilian) by 'hanging' it on the Russian government.
This technique was amplified at the time that the west started
the massive and historic operation to economically, politically,
and culturally coerce Russia into opening up its resources to the
The best known examples are the Skirpal chemical agent poisoning
(probably a farmed-out British operation), the shoot-down of the
Malaysian airliner (highly likely by Ukraine), the poisoning of
the wests Navalrny project (probably UK again), and the chemical
weapon attacks in Ukraine (mixed provenance, possibly enabled by
Turkey and the UK).
"Yes, they have sued us. There is one thing we need to
understand. They say that we have done it to the Skripals and
that we must say whether it was done on orders from President
Putin or whether he had lost control over the secret services
which did this without his consent. Nobody else had a clear
reason [to poison the Skripals], so it is highly likely that
Russia is responsible, they say.
This is baby talk, not a serious investigation.
We put concrete questions to them: Where is Yulia Skripal? Why
has her cousin been denied a visa which we requested officially
many times? Unfortunately, you can’t sue for a visa.
We ask similar questions about the Malaysian Boeing. Why haven’t
they included in their investigation the material that has been
provided by Almaz-Antey, the producer of the Buk systems?
Why haven’t the Ukrainians provided their radar data, unlike
Russia, or the transcript of what their air controllers said?
Why haven’t the Americans provided their satellite information?
No answer. But we will continue to ask these questions and we
will keep reminding everyone that a day will come when these
shameful intrigues will end.
Sergey Lavrov 17
December 2018
The Skirpal project was used as a trigger to reduce Russian
diplomatic staff levels all through the west, as the first part of
destroying all relations with Russia. This is one of their famous
'reversible' punishments.
"No one is going to give us the investigation materials (or at
least to make them transparent) into the 2018 Salisbury incident
or the documents confirming the claimed version of the 2020
poisoning of Alexey Navalny.
Germany said it could not provide them, and there was a
fascinating explanation for that. They didn’t find anything when
they brought him to a civilian clinic but they found evidence at
a military hospital.
We asked them to show us the test results; the Germans replied
they could not do that as it would disclose information about
their biosecurity."
Sergey Lavrov, 10
March 2023
"Let us recall what the world was presented with when the
Russian military left Kiev’s suburb of Bucha. We had not been
there for over two days; the local authorities were there,
proudly declaring on television that “they are back and Bucha is
Almost three days later, neatly dressed corpses appeared on the
central street – they were carefully laid along the street. This
was blamed on the Russian military and a new package of
sanctions was adopted.
year and a half has passed since then but nobody has said a
word about any investigation there or who might be leading it.
We officially asked UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at
the UN Security Council why this universal organisation could
not investigate this crime that was blamed on Russia in front
of the entire world.
We have
already lost hope of receiving any information on the course of
the investigation (if it is being conducted at all).
We still cannot get an answer to a very simple question – is
it possible to name those whose bodies were shown to the whole
world on TV and the internet? We cannot win even this small
They produced the required spillover effect, received an excuse
for more sanctions but stashed their lie well enough to prevent
anyone from discovering it.
appeal or demand to the UN Secretary-General is to use his
authority to clear up at least this issue – identify a list of
people whose bodies were presented to the world. This demand
remains valid. I believe the UN has no right to shun its
responsibility on such issues.
This is especially true now that the developments in the Middle
East have exacerbated the problems of international humanitarian
law to the limit."
Sergey Lavrov, 8
November 2023
Serious questions aren't answered, serious investigations,
including joint investigations, are dismissed or blocked. The
truth must not be uncovered.
Signalling Edited 25 December 2025 (NZT)
In a normal trust-based relationship between countries, both sides
simply lay out their respective positions, and respectfully try to
reach a compromise. When a compromise is not possible, they both
accept their differences and park the issue to one side (unless
the issue is one affecting a countries core interests, such as
preserving sovereignty, or the continued health of the nation).
"We are always ready to expand equitable
interstate dialogue with everyone on the solid foundation of
international law and principles of the UN Charter.
At the same time, we drastically suppress any attempts to
speak with us in a preaching and arrogant manner, let alone
blackmail us and interfere in our domestic affairs. We
always respond in a tough and resolute manner.
Our conversation with any partner can only be mutually
respectful and should be aimed exclusively at finding a
balance of interests.
Sergey Lavrov, 01
December 2021
The above statement was made to Russian Parliamentarians on the
day before Mr. Lavrov was due to have a brief meeting on the
sidelines of the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Stockholm on
December 2. It was a blunt statement about the tone and
conditions for any meeting with the Americans, and the statement
was made several months before Russia launched a special military
operation in Ukraine. Sergey Lavrov was shown
working at a table at the Council meeting, presumably on the
sidelines, with a picture of an arctic fox on the wall behind him.
The Russian word for Arctic fox sounds similar to a crude
epithetic for a part of the female anatomy, and is used as an
oblique reference in Russian street-level culture.
Perhaps it was just a co-incidence.
The Wests tone to Russia prior to the meeting was apparent in
Sergey Lavrov's post-meeting remarks to the press.
"NATO continues to escalate the situation on our borders. The
Alliance refuses to review our proposals for defusing tensions
and preventing dangerous incidents. We have suggested specific
measures on these matters. They continue to actively build up
military potentials in Eastern Europe, including in close
proximity to Russian borders. Every day, we hear vociferous
statements threatening Russia. Sergey Lavrov2
December 2021
This was 'high noon' for diplomacy to prevent conflict. The US
government could see from space that Russia was preparing to 'jam'
Ukraines punitive force aimed at the Donbass. And Russia, too, could
see Ukraines military preparations for launching the attack, and
knew it was inevitable. With the ultimate goal of creating a launch
pad to attack Crimea and to install potentially unstoppable nuclear
cruise missiles on Russia's border. This had the potential to be as
seriously dangerous to the world as the Cuba missile crisis, yet it
was deliberately and calculatedly organised by the United States
government. What do you call the people who would do such a thing,
especially when they deliberately take a position of wilful
But when diplomacy is destroyed, and one side stops engaging in
an adult manner with the other, then 'talking to each other' has
to be done through official statements, social media comments,
press articles, interviews, through intermediary countries, and
through speeches, statements, and documentary deposits at
international fora such as the United Nations Security Council,
G20, and other formats. Sometimes unofficial 'back channel'
interlocutors are used. These are forms of 'signalling'.
The size, makeup, and deployment of military forces are a form of
coercive signalling, and in the case of Russia, a clear signal of
resolute intention. Prior to the Russian military intervention in
Ukraine, when Russia was trying to signal to the west and to
Ukraine not to launch an attack on the rebel provinces, it made a
coercive show of military force, a classic 'threat display'. It
held a massive military deployment exercise within its own border.
Russia was signaling determined intent not to accept a NATO threat
on it's border, or rather a NATO threat from a country with one of
the worlds largest land force army, a military force controlled by
the neo-nazi far right, deeply conditioned to hate Russia. In
addition, when the United States - which travels thousands of
kilometers to engage in large scale NATO 'threat displays' not too
far from Russia's borders - started to complain about a Russian
'threat' from a exercise held within Russia own territory, the
Russian government sent another signal.
Russia signaled a willingness to compromise. It unilaterally
pulled it's forces back from Russian territory near the border.
The signal was ignored by Ukraine and their western handlers.
Unfortunately, the west has deliberately set out to destroy all
diplomatic relations with Russia. Russia has long since laid out
its concerns, over and over again. Now the west has exploited
Ukraines civil war to launch an undeclared proxy war on Russia.
What will Russia do? Russia has already laid out what it will do
in Ukraine, and why. It does not announce a political objective
(to be attained by military force) without having absolutely
ensured the objective is obtainable at an acceptable cost. In such
a situation, what compromises, if any, is Russia willing to make?
The west doesn't know. All it has left is Russia's signals.
George says coercive diplomacy requires a party to use
"appropriate communications" before, during, or after the threat
of force, or use of force to protect that parties core interests.
The use of force in coercive diplomacy is limited, it is a 'threat
display', suggesting worse will follow if the other party doesn't
comply. It is not full-blown strategic war.
The weakness of 'coercive diplomacy' is on full display when this
strategy is used against a powerful country, and at the same time
the coercing aggressor refuses to talk in a respectful, adult
manner. Where are George's 'communications'? This is a 'half
George'. It can't work. It is stupidity at extreme heights.
The aggressor is left with nothing but signals to work with.
George makes the claim that "signalling, bargaining, and
negotiating...are built into into the conceptualization and
conduct of any military alerts, deployments or actions - features
that are not found, or are of secondary interest in traditional
military strategy".
Coercion in the European home of the most powerful defensive land
army in the world - which is also the country with the most
effective nuclear and conventional weapon systems in the world -
and you won't talk? Coercive diplomacy has served the US
government very well when used against some weak states (it failed
in Vietnam and Afghanistan, and will likely fail in Syria). The
idea of using coercive diplomacy against a powerful and determined
state like Russia is wildly misconceived.
It is one thing to foolishly rush down this road to nowhere,
realise the stupidity of the impulse, then stop, and back up
through dialogue and face-saving 'bargaining'; it is the purist
expression of utter administrative incompetence to realise your
mistake, but keep heading down the wrong path while refusing
meaningful dialogue.
"I will look you in the eye and tell you, as President Biden looked President Putin in
the eye and told him today, that things we did not do in
2014 we are prepared to do now.
Now, in terms of the specifics, we would prefer to
communicate that directly to the Russians, to not negotiate in
public, to not telegraph our punches.
But we are laying out for the Russians in some
detail the types of measures that we have in mind.
We are also coordinating very closely with our European allies
on that at a level of deep specificity. "
Jake Sullivan 7
December 2021
Prior to the launch of the special military operation the
west deliberately closed down all bargaining, choosing ultimatums
instead. Russia communicated, clearly and effectively. It sent a
draft security treaty to every NATO state individually (acting on
the premise they are sovereign nations) and requested negotiation
on it. The only reply was from the US government, which simply
dismissed the document.
The west was only interested in threatening Russia, blackmailing
Russia, sweeping aside all Russia's warnings and publicly stated
red lines.
As escalations continued, the Russians continued to signal
intent. Some may appear obscure to the casual reader, but they are
crystal clear to the diplomats and analysts in Washington and
On September 21, 2022 the President of the Russian Federation
"Those who are using nuclear blackmail against us should know
that the wind rose
can turn around."
Vladimir Putin 21
September 2022
A wind rose is a compass-like circular diagram pointing to the
prevailing winds in a given country. When when the United Kingdom
sent depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine, Russia did nothing.
Until the wind was blowing steadily away from Russia and across
Poland towards the UK. Russia then vaporised the warehouse and
depleted uranium. Radiation levels spiked all along the path of
the wind, from Poland to the
Southeast United Kingdom.
Another good example of signalling is quite recent, and it is
nicely described by former diplomat M. K.Bhadrakumar:
“In yet another coincidence, on September 7, Zaporozhye Region
Acting Governor Yevgeny Balitsky (a Kremlin appointee) told TASS out of
the blue that Russia and Ukraine need a neutral platform where
the two countries can negotiate pragmatic solutions to mutual
issues, including prisoner swaps, which would work even as the
special military operation continues. Balitsky was responding to
a pointed question from TASS about the current possibility of
Russia-Ukraine talks.
He went on to state that:
"There should be a
negotiating platform somewhere — at the level of foreign
ministries, at the level of other mediating countries. People
are needed who are, unfortunately, disengaged from the
situation. They are able to tackle the issue in an objective
and pragmatic way, however, there should be a table somewhere
where authorised representatives would interact. This will
allow [POW] swap issues to be resolved, or, for example, the
issue of a moratorium on shelling nuclear power plants. This
will benefit everyone, even in war time, no matter how cynical
this sounds.
So, in any case there should be some kind of platform. It
could launch the beginning of more extensive talks. And
something could grow from this as a result. And, perhaps, we
would be able to resolve the task set forth by the president
Make no mistake, Balitsky is a seasoned politician from
Melitopol hailing from a military family who served in the
Soviet army and had two terms in the Ukrainian parliament since
he entered politics in 2004. No doubt, he spoke on instructions
from the Kremlin.
By the way, Putin had met Balitsky at the Kremlin two weeks ago. Balitsky’s
remarks were carefully timed, and Blinken and his Ukrainian
hosts wouldn’t have missed the message he transmitted — that
Moscow is open to negotiations.
M. K. Bhadrakumar, Indian Punchline 8
September 2023
Weak signals Edited 24 December
2023 (NZT)
Some weak signals are directed to a public audience, others to a
diplomatic audience, sometimes both.
"The leaders of nations Moscow considers “unfriendly” will not
be sent traditional New Year and Christmas greetings from
President Vladimir Putin this year, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry
Peskov told TASS on Saturday. Only Russia’s friends and allies
will receive the messages, he added."
RT 23
December 2023
When you are no longer on someones christmas card list, you know
that either relations between you have broken down over something,
or you are no longer of interest to that person. Same with
international relations.
The weakest diplomatic signals are when diplomats from
'unfriendly' countries have limited access to highest level
government officials. They may be made to 'wait in the corridor'
before the official of the other side brings them in for the
meeting. In the opposite case, diplomats from friendly countries
are according lavish ceremonial greetings, banquets, and the like.
These manoevers send a signal, but there is limited coercive power
in them, except the power to slightly shift public perception of
'what's going on'. And when a country sets out to destroy
relations with another, it well understands that this is the
inevitable price it will have to pay. In other words, it goes into
it with wide open clear eyes, laser focused (if we are to
'supersize' USA diplomatic buzzwords).
When the USA destroyed all sensible diplomatic contact with the
Russian Federation, it backed itself into a 'passive aggressive'
stance. The USA had its arms crossed, it's nose in the air, and
its back turned. It pretended to feel agitated at Russia's defense
of its supreme interest, at Russia's refusal to bow down before
it. In truth, the USA gambled on Russia falling apart politically
due to the unprecedented western sanctions and the body bags of
Russian soldiers coming home. They were waiting to reconcile with
a broken Russia.
The wests proxy war on Russia has failed, the economic war has
failed. The west would like to be involved in setting the terms
for Ukraine's eventual capitulation. Once the USA has finished
'writing off' some more old military stock in Ukraine, it would
like some sort of public relations 'victory' framed around the USA
government success in blocking a non-existent threat - that Russia
would seize the whole of Ukraine.
" Well, we’ve been able to slow him up, stop him. He’s
already lost in the sense that he cannot — can never occupy that
country and successfully do it...We are, as Madeleine Albright
said, the essential nation. We are the essential nation."
Joseph Biden 23 October 2023
In essence, he is signalling that the USA will block a peace
settlement unless Russia agrees to a staged pantomime of
American successful 'peace negotiations'.
However, as Alexander George points out, the threatened
'punishment' for non-compliance has to be credible. But the USA
government has nothing left to threaten Russia with.
The signal is weak.
The USA government position, in a huff in the corner, looks
ridiculous. The world has moved on.
Strong signals [edited
22 June 2024]
Russia gave an uncharacteristically very strong diplomatic signal
to the west when it insisted its December 2021 security treaty be
considered seriously. It was ignored.
In October
2023 Russia deployed Mig-31 loaded with hypersonic Kinzhal
missiles over the Black Sea.
The President heard the report of the Chief of the General
Staff, probably the district commanders, personally listened to
the reports in order to understand what problems there are and
ways to solve them. I think the main topic was the presence of
two aircraft carrier groups in the Mediterranean. On board these
ships, according to my calculations, there are approximately
750-800 Tomahawk missiles, which cover a decent amount of the
territory of the Russian Federation. That's a decent amount of
Our President immediately decided to put the Mig-31 with
Kinzhal missiles on combat duty.
Andrey Gurulev, Russian Lieutenant General, October 2023
This is a very strong military signal. A coercive warning not to
do something, with in this case the 'something' being a surprise
attack on Russia. Or - perhaps -Syria (Iran can take care of
Some very strong signals are stated by the diplomats be be
exactly that:
"Let’s call a spade a spade, the classic, old, previous reading
of nuclear deterrence didn’t work correctly...We recently saw
the president order an exercise to develop practical skills in
the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.
This in itself is a signal that
is read not only by military professionals, not only by
diplomats, but, I really hope, by the general public in
Western countries, which condones their leaders in a
completely irresponsible and dangerous course that is
pushing Western countries into the abyss of direct armed
confrontation with Russia.
...We have never agreed with the
Americans in their idea of a limited nuclear war...We have
always said that if nuclear weapons are used on the battlefield,
it will be very difficult to control the subsequent scenario,
the subsequent course and the path of escalation.
We must do everything possible to
avoid a setback there, because I deeply believe
that it is impossible to ensure a limited nuclear war and
victory in it."
Sergei Ryabkov, Deputy Foreign Minister June 2024, on 60
Minut television show
In early June 2024 the Russian government orchestrated an even
stronger military signal than that of just prior to the launch of
the 2022 special military operation. A massive force of regular
army forces was staged on Russia's pre-accession border. The
makeup of the forces - including the most up to date military
fighting vehicles, the newest tanks, new aircraft, very large
numbers of artillery pieces - and the location (close to Kiev) was
a clear coercive signal, once again, a 'threat display'. The
timing was planned long in advance, and demonstrated masterful
strategic patience and military-diplomatic 'pacing'. Russia fully
controlled events. both military and diplomatic. The west found
itself constantly in check.
Russia waited until the Ukraine was deeply in debt to both USA
and the Europeans, it waited until many disguised western military
personally were either dead or wounded, and the air defense
batteries - including the patriot - destroyed. Russia waited until
the Ukrainian military death and injury numbers were no longer
possible to hide. Russia waited until it had the ability to
produce an excess of war materiel of all kinds; Russia waited
until its reserve troops had a chance to train on a real
battlefield, using new weapons, tactics, and technologies. Russia
waited until the previous President's term had expired and the
Rada was the only remaining legitimate power. Russia waited until
'behind the scenes' talks with some of the Ukrainian power
structures, both civil and high military, started to yield some
results. Russia waited until many of the Ukrainian government's
remaining white supremacist forces, in effect the 'Presidential
guard', had to be sent into the Russian meatgrinder for
destruction. Then Russia struck up it's coercive 'mega signal'.
This time it was really high noon.
First, the President went to China. Then, in late May 2024, to
Belarus, where Russian troops and tactical nuclear weapons are
"Alexander Lukashenko: You have probably noticed that we have
been devoting a lot of time to defence
and security issues lately. As earlier agreed, we
discussed defence and security yesterday...
Vladimir Putin:This year we will mark two important
anniversaries: they are July 3, when we will jointly celebrate
the 80th anniversary of liberating Belarus from Nazi invaders.
This is our common victory. We do remember what price we had to
pay for it and we cherish the memory of our fathers,
grandfathers and great- grandfathers, who defended the life and
freedom for us and the generations to come. ..we have discussed
at length the creation of a single
defence state during the talks.
Advanced Russian defence systems and tactical nuclear
weapons reliably cover the western borders of our
countries and the Collective Security Treaty
We reviewed the progress in the implementation
of the instructions issued we issued on holding
simultaneous exercises in Russia and Belarus
to practice the use of non-strategic nuclear
Alexander Lukashenko: ...The President of Russia has just said
the main thing – we have created a joint force to defend the
Union State.
We are continuously watchingeverything unfolding on
our borders. We see this and know this, starting
from the building of all kinds of fences to fuelling hysteria by
exercises near our borders. As I said, about 90,000 foreign
troops are taking part in them. It is truly surprising what
the Americans, Germans and the rest are doing on our borders....We
want to defend ourselves. How can we do it? We must know
how to use these weapons. These are deadly, dangerous
weapons...So we have to practice.
I frankly admitted that this is our third training session since
the deployment of nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus.
The Russians might have had dozens of such training sessions
-–they did not publicise them before. ...We are doing everything
they [Western countries] did before us and are doing now.
They are training foreign pilots.
In part, the Americans are training German pilots
in Germany to fly with nuclear weapons
carriers – with bombs if they fly planes and with
We are not doing anything special, we are getting ready,
undergoing training. We must be prepared. The world is
unstable and dangerous. We cannot afford to miss
this strike. We cannot afford to miss an attack
as we did in the middle of the past
century. We will not allow this to happen and they
must know about this.But we are not fuelling
tensions. We do not need war. Today we talked only about
peaceful prospects....
....I am grateful to the President
of Russia for including the head
of the group of strategic initiatives
in his delegation. He told us what is even hard
to comprehend, but this is our near future. So we
stand for peace but keep our powder dry.
Vladimir Putin:...after deploying part of Russia’s
non-strategic nuclear potential to Belarus, we began holding
joint exercises with our Belarusian allies. Second, we treat
Belarus’s security the same way as the security of the Russian
Federation And this is probably
the central element of our cooperation in this
..we are not doing anything unusual or anything that NATO
doesn’t do. Mr Lukashenko has just said so. NATO countries
regularly hold the same kind of exercises in areas where US
tactical nuclear weapons are deployed, involving those
countries’ military personnel, combat aircraft and other
delivery vehicles.
What we are doing is a scheduled routine drill; I mean, we are
not aiming for an escalation or anything, but, as we said, this
needs to be practiced. This is a domain where we cannot allow
any failures, mistakes, or incoherence..."
Vladimir Putin in conversation with President of Belarus
Alexander Lukashenko, 24
May 2024
The Lukashenko-Putin conversation was designed to signal to the
west that the 90,000 troops on the border of Belarus (in
particular) will not be allowed to do a 'blitzkrieg' ('Lightning
War' of missiles, drones, aircraft, tanks and artillery along a
narrow front) and invasion as happened in 1939 in Europe. If they
enter Belarus will be obliterated with tactical nuclear weapons -
in their depth, in Poland (as long as the wind is blowing the
nuclear fallout into Poland and not into Belarus or Russia). In my
opinion, this scenario is highly unlikely.
If a corridor in northern Ukraine is opened up for a lightning
NATO run through middle Ukraine to Kiev and then beyond to Sumy,
Poltava, Kirovohrad and Vinnytsya, (highly likely, in my opinion),
then the situation is full of danger and ambiguity. If NATO
entered Odessa, Mykolayiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv
'buffer zone' oblasts, NATO will have potentially entered
Novorussiyan oblasts where Russia may intend to test their
political will for reunification back into Russia. Once again,
this is a very dangerous step.
If NATO pushes into the 4 four partly Ukrainian occupied Russian
oblasts, then, in accordance with the Belarus-Russia 'Union State'
agreement, Belarus may open a new front against NATO-Ukraine on
Ukraine's northern border, probably cutting the NATO line. Russia,
in the meantime, will likely attack NATO force and logistic
staging in their depth (Poland) with long range air and sea
launched hypersonic missiles. As NATO is then party to the
conflict, command and control bases in Germany will also be
destroyed. US satellites will likely be disabled or jammed. Russia
would almost certainly provide air defense and electronic warfare
defense to Belarus under a common command.
If NATO was thinking of an aggression into Belarus, expect a
tactical nuclear weapon response. Stay home. Cancel your plan. If
NATO was planning a lightning strike to Kiev and into oblasts
absorbed into the Russian Federation, expect a decisive response.
Stay home. Cancel the plan. Your forces and command will be
long-reach destroyed with air and ship-launched missiles with
conventional warheads. That was the first signal.
"...The situation evolves as it evolves.
I think this year will determine much. We will wait
and see; we are not in any rush, and less so is
Russia. We have a common position; we are not hiding it
and we will work together..."
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, in conversation with
Vladimir Putin 24
May 2024
"We did not forbid anyone to negotiate, since we are
in favour of negotiations...The discussions about
the need to resume talks are back. Let them be back,
...but they must return on the basis
of the principled agreements that had been reached
during the difficult talks in Belarus and Turkiye,
and on the basis of today’s realities
on the ground. We are ready for this."
Vladimir Putin 24
May 2024
Russia will 'stay the course'. It will is on no particular
timetable. But at the same time, if Ukraine comes to its senses,
Russia is ready to negotiate terms. Until then, it will continue
to destroy the NATO war materiel (and disguised NATO military
personnel), and the Ukrainian armed forces. The objectives are
unchanged - demilitarisation, denazification, liberation of
Russian territory. That was the second signal.
"Who to negotiate with? This is certainly not an idle question,
I agree. Of course, we realise that the current head of state is
no longer legitimate... But if it comes to this, we, of course,
must understand with whom we need and can deal with a view to
signing legally binding documents. In this case, we must be
absolutely sure that we are dealing with the legitimate
authorities. This question must be answered in Ukraine itself,
primarily, I think, by its parliament, the Constitutional Court
or some other government authorities."
Vladimir Putin 24
May 2024
The Russian President stated clearly that no negotiations can
happen until Ukrainian Parliament sorts out who is the legal head
of Ukraine. No documents can be signed without a legally appointed
State Executive. Whats more, he said that due to Ukraine's
constitutional arrangements, Mr. Zelensky's orders are illegal, as
are his directions to the military. This was the third signal.
The next day, on the 25th of May 2024, President Putin had a
meeting with heads of the defense industries, where he outlined
the remarkable increase in war materiel.
"You are very well aware of the fact that we
have substantially increased our output recently, over
the last year and a half or two years, that is
over the period of the special military operation.
From 2021 to 2023 (these figures change constantly, they are
increasing), the growth was more than 22 times
for missile and artillery weapons, 15 times
for electronic warfare and reconnaissance equipment, 14
times for ammunition and munitions, seven times
for vehicles, six times for body armour equipment, four
times for aviation equipment and unmanned aerial
vehicles, and almost 3.5 times for tanks
and armoured vehicles."
Vladimir Putin 25
May 2024
The fourth signal is, 'Russia has more than enough
materiel for a war of attrition not just on Ukraine, but if
necessary, on NATO participants in the conflict'.
On June
12 2024 the President convened what was stated as a 'late
night meeting' with the Defense minister Andrei Belousov, Chief of
the General Staff and First Deputy Defence Minister Valery
Gerasimov, and military district commanders where "Those present
at the meeting reported to the Supreme
Commander-in-Chief on the progress
of the special military operation and plans
for continued action."
This fifth signal was designed to impart a sense of
urgency - the Ukrainian politicians should sort their state
affairs out and come to the table before the Russian juggernaut is
switched on and the rest of Novorussia is taken - from Kharkiv to
Odessa, perhaps even Sumy.
The sixth signal had two major components. On the 14th of
June 2024 the Russian President outlined specific steps for a
negotiated end to the conflict. There was nothing new here - the 4
territories must be emptied of Ukrainian troops, Ukraine must not
have nuclear weapons, NATO cannot be allowed there, there will be
security guarantees and so on - all those things agreed in the
Istanbul agreement.
There are more subtle elements that received little public
attention. They had already been introduced in a long, contorted,
and obscure remark
by President Lukashenko on the 24th of May in the Putin-
Lukashenko press conference. He essentially said that current or
future President, the Ukrainian presidency has no power, that all
decisions on security - war or peace - are controlled by the west.
He is referring, obliquely, to bilateral security agreements
between not just Ukraine and Russia, but also European NATO member
states (individual or collectively) and Russia. But that these
types of indivisible security agreements won't be resolved until
"later". Probably much later. This is the first element.
Mr. Lukashenko noted that while Russia and Belarus see groups in
the Ukrainian polity whose "position we support and those
whom we do not support" there are enough diverse opinions on the
future of Ukraine to represent those who prefer endless war and
those who prefer peace - but while Ukraine is a democracy, the
Rada elections are due but postponed due to martial law. Yet there
are "enough people there both among the military
and civilians willing to head the country
and lead it to war or against war
in a new way". This implies either civilian, military,
or combined revolt to take leadership outside the democratic
process. He is pointing out that if that happens, it could be a
power grab by peacewishers or warmongers. He is therefore
signalling that if the majority of politicians want peace, the
Rada will have to cancel martial law and let elections be held.
This is the second element.
Russia also went to the Security Council on the 14th of June 2024
to brief the UN Security Council '... on threats to international
peace and security caused by the green light of Western states to
Kiev to use West-supplied weapons against the territory of
"We convened today's meeting because the situation around
Ukraine has been following an increasingly dangerous scenario. Western
countries are aiming for another round of escalation, which is
fraught with catastrophic consequences.
The NATO Secretary General recently asserted that "the right to
self-defense includes strikes on legitimate targets outside of
Ukraine, and this is not an escalation.
Western countries...are directly involved in the Ukrainian
crisis and maintain it in the "acute" phase in every
possible way. ...Washington guides its European vassals from
across the ocean, inciting them to a direct confrontation
with Russia. And Europe...blindly follows Washington's
Western militarycontrol the use by Kiev of modern
high-tech weapon systems, high-precision and long-range,
whether it be the British Storm Shadow, the American ATACMS or
French missiles, basically steering through this process in a
manual mode. ..Ukrainian soldiers on the ground lack
technological capability to operate these missiles, wherefore suppliers
of those systems assign flight missions and upload them into
the system....they also determine the final targets of
the strikes. In other words, the fact that NATO countries
are involved in the military actions in Ukraine and are
complicit in the war crimes of the Kiev regime has long been
We will give a proper response to all these
aggressive actions and all those involved in these
crimes will be punished.
...European leaders appear to be getting increasingly out of
touch. They seriously begin to dream of defeating Russia on the
battlefield. Apparently, France and Germany have not learned
the lessons of history...It points either to their complete
lack of understanding of the scale of the threat they
pose, or to their obsessive belief in their own
impunity and exclusiveness....I would like to ask my
Western colleagues if they realize that their leadership is
actually pushing Europe to the brink of a new big war.
Zelensky, whose legitimacy is being questioned even inside
Ukraine, directly declares that only Kiev should determine what
peace would be like. Let me remind you that back in October
2022, he signed a decree banning negotiations with the Russian
We call on UN member states and the Secretariat not to get
involved with the provocative and totally useless meeting in
Bürgenstock and not to play bit parts in the clumsy anti-Russian
intrigues of the West....
African countries, the Arab League, and Brazil have all put
forward ideas that could serve as the beginning of a negotiation
process. China has consistently shown a deep understanding of
the root causes of the crisis. Unfortunately, Kiev and its
sponsors are defiantly ignoring all these peace efforts and
blatantly refuse to discuss them
... the Ukrainian armed forces are cowardly hunting civilians,
destroying residential buildings, kindergartens, schools and
hospitals. And Western countries, having momentarily forgotten
about international humanitarian law, are facilitating this in
every possible way. ...Spokesperson of the US Department of
State, Matthew Miller, went to such lows as to state that
allegedly "there are only military targets and no civilians in
Belgorod, there are practically no civilians left there”.
On June 7, Ukrainian armed forces launched an attack with
ATACMS that caused a section of a residential building in
Lugansk to collapse, killing six people and injuring 60. On the
same day, Ukrainian militants struck a store in the village of
Sadovoye in the Kherson region at a time when a significant
number of visitors and staff were gathered there. First they hit
it with a guided bomb, then with HIMARS, killing 22 people.
Lately, a Russian journalist, Valery Kozhin, a cameraman for the
NTV television channel, was killed in Gorlovka and his
colleagues were wounded. That was a precision strike...the
United Nations Secretariat did not have the courage to name the
guilty party and condemn this terrorist act.
The Kiev regime not only commits crimes against Russian
citizens, but also destroys its own population. In the face of
serious setbacks and losses on the battlefield, the Ukrainian
armed forces are literally trying to plug the holes with
forcibly conscripted men. Confident in their impunity,
representatives of military commissions have opened a hunt for
them, pulling them out of cars and public transportation.
Healthy or sick, they are all deemed fit to go to the front.
...Ukrainian men are being systematically exterminated,
Ukraine's industrial and agricultural assets are being sold
off to foreign investors for next to nothing. There is no money
to pay back on multimillion-dollar loans to international
organizations. All thanks to the Western sponsors of the puppet
Kiev regime. Having squeezed all juices out of Ukraine, they
will throw it away to the dustbin of history..
We have repeatedly said that we are ready to discuss ways to
establish lasting peace in Ukraine and Europe based on the
realities on the ground and with due account for our security
We have consistently demonstrated this – from the Minsk
Package to the Istanbul Agreements, which failed to take place
through the fault of the West. From the very first days, Russia
put forward options for a diplomatic solution to the crisis, aimed
not at freezing the conflict but at actually resolving it.
But our initiatives were ultimately rejected: the West and Kiev
decided to try to defeat Russia. These attempts failed.
Today, the President of the Russian Federation articulated
another concrete peace proposal.
It is based on our principled position: the neutral non-aligned
and non-nuclear status of Ukraine, its demilitarization and
denazification, the full safeguarding of the rights, freedoms
and interests of Russian-speaking citizens in Ukraine,
recognition of the new territorial realities and the status of
Crimea, Sevastopol, the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics,
the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions as constituent entities of
the Russian Federation.
In the future, all these basic and principle-based
provisions should be fixed in the form of fundamental
international agreements. Naturally, this also implies
the lifting of all Western sanctions against Russia.
We recognize the responsibility for stability in the world and
reaffirm our readiness for dialogue with all countries,
but this should not be an imitation of the peace process in
order to serve someone else's vested interests, as in
Bürgenstock, but a serious, detailed conversation on the
whole range of global security issues.
If the West and Kiev refuse this peace proposal, they will
bear the political and moral responsibility for the
continuation of bloodshed. It is obvious that the
realities on the ground, on the line of contact, will continue
to change not in favor of the Kiev regime. And the conditions
for the start of negotiations will then be different."
Vassily Nebenzia, Permanent Representative of the Russian
Federation to the United Nations 14 June 2024
Mr. Nebenzia repeated the elements of the President's peace offer,
but Mr. Nebenzia's recitation included an outline of Russia's
attempts to sign an agreement, the west's undermining of it. The
fifth signal is that the terrorist attack on
non-combatant human life and property is the fault of the the
Ukrainians and the west, and responsible individuals will be
punished. The sixth signal is that Germany and France must pull back
from the increasingly large scale damage they fuel, as they are
'involved' in the conflict -signaling while they are not yet a
party their escalations may end in the German and French arlies
being embroiled in a conflict with the Russian military, with
their inevitable defeat and consequent reparations payments. The seventh signal is that the idea this could become a
conflict frozen at the current line of contact of the armies is a
fantasy. The eighth signal is that in the medium to long run Russia
will pursue a series of principal-based international agreements
(probably bilateral) which will include prohibition on the use of
illegal coercive economic measures. The recent Korean bilateral
agreement is an example of such. The ninth signal is that the conflict only continues due to
the intentionally wrong acts of Ukraine and the west, and
therefore ultimately they will have to pay damages (in some form
or other) under international law.
Direct signals
Here it is made explicit by the diplomat that the words said are
a signal of Russia's concerns, and a desire to meet to discuss
proposals to overcome them.
While engaging in dialogue
with the United States and its allies, we will
insist on the elaboration of concrete
agreements that would rule out any further eastward expansion
of NATO and the deployment of weapons
systems posing a threat to us in close
proximity to Russia’s territory. We suggest that substantive talks
on this topic should be started.
I would
like to notein particular
that we need precisely legal, juridical guarantees, because
our Western colleagues have failed to deliver
on verbal commitments they made. Specifically, everyone
is aware of the assurances they gave verbally that
NATO would not expand to the east. But they did
absolutely the opposite in reality. In effect,
Russia’s legitimate security concerns were ignored and they
continue to be ignored in the same manner even now.
We are
not demanding any special terms for ourselves. We
understand that any agreements must take into account
the interests of both Russia and all other states
in the Euro-Atlantic region. A calm
and stable situation should be ensured for everyone
and is needed by all without exception.
That said,
I would like to stress that Russia is interested
precisely in constructive collaboration
and in equitable international cooperation,
and this remains the central tenet of Russian
foreign policy.
I hope that you will convey this signal
to the leaders of your states. Vladimir Putin 1 December 2021
President Putin said the above at a ceremony in Moscow where new
ambassadors from around the world present their letters of credence.
The new ambassadors from Spain, Austria, Slovakia and Italy, were
present. The remarks were aimed at the west in general, and would be
read by USA State Department officials. Whether or not these
officials conveyed this crystal clear signal to the US President is
unknown. If they did, he didn't listen.
Epochal change signals (Added 21 June 2024)
It became obvious even by late November 2023 that Ukraine would
have to surrender sooner rather than later. President Putin sent a
strong signal to the world - don't you ever do this again. The
world has changed, the global majority have pivoted geopolitically
in the most dramatic fashion. What the west 'got away with' in the
past will never be tolerated in the future. An 'enduring' signal
is a 'meta' signal, a signal that from now on there will be more
signals in the same vein; which are really continually
strengthening repeated warnings, mainly in the form of a series of
individually negotiated bilateral security agreements. Each will
have its own enforcement terms, which will contain within the text
warnings 'signals' to other parties, but veiled in apparently
standard boilerplate diplomatic language.
"We know the threat we are opposing. Russophobia
and other forms of racism and neo-Nazism have
almost become the official ideology of Western ruling
elites. They are directed not only against ethnic Russians, but
against all groups living in Russia: Tatars, Chechens, Avars,
Tuvinians, Bashkirs, Buryats, Yakuts, Ossetians, Jews, Ingush,
Mari and Altai. There are many of us, I might not
be able to name every group now, but again, the threat
is directed against all the peoples of Russia.
The West
has no need for such a large and multi-ethnic
country as Russia as a matter of principle.
Our diversity and unity of cultures, traditions,
languages, and ethnicities simply do not fit into
the logic of Western racists and colonisers, into
their cruel plans for total depersonalisation, separation,
suppression, and exploitation. That is why they have
started their old rant again: they say that Russia is
a “prison of nations” and that Russians are
a “nation of slaves.” We have heard this many times
throughout the centuries. Now we have also heard that
Russia apparently needs to be “decolonised.”
But what do they really want? They want to dismember
and plunder Russia. If they cannot do it by force,
they sow discord.
I would
like to emphasise that we view any outside interference
or provocations to incite ethnic or religious
conflict as acts of aggression against our
country, and an attempt to once again
wield terrorism and extremism as a weapon
against us, and we will respond accordingly...
The bloody conflicts that emerged after the Russian
Empire and the Soviet Union not only continue
to smoulder but sometimes flare up with renewed energy.
These wounds will not be healed for a long time.We will
never forget these mistakes and should not repeat them.
I would like to emphasise once again – any
attempt to sow ethnic or religious discord,
to split our society is betrayal, a crime against all
of Russia. We will never allow anyone to divide
Russia – the only country we have. " Vladimir Putin28
November 2023
The signal was to groups within Russia that might be thinking of
secession (illegal unless their culture and language is
being suppressed - in fact the opposite is true in Russia).
More importantly, the signal it is aimed at any country outside
Russia, and any group outside Russia - religious or political. It is
very blunt. Try to set any ethnic group in Russia against the state
again, it will be seen as an act of aggression (and therefore as a
cause for war), and there will be a Russian response. The days of
putting up with western or any other countries interference in
Russia are over.
signalling edited 02 October 2024
'Signals' can be symbolic - what statues are present in the
background to a meeting, and what do they represent? Green
military teeshirts worn by the Ukrainian President indicated a
willingness to resist, a commitment. These signals were taken to
extremes - such hyper-military signals were worn by himself and
officials even in top level diplomatic contacts around the world.
Then, as it became obvious in early November 2023 that western
money might dry up and the Ukrainian resistance was crumbling, Mr.
Zelensky wore a black Teeshirt in a public address aimed at a
western audience. The symbolic signal is obvious. Defeat. The US
government Director of the Office of Management and Budget noted
US funding for Ukraine will run out by the end of 2023. The US
government then 'found' more funding, the EU agreed to give 50
million euros, and the Zelensky teeshirt turned green again.
Symbolic signals can include the place of delivery of a speech,
or the date on which a speech or other 'communication' (written,
oratorical - or physical) is delivered.
"We did our best to dissuade the Americans from withdrawing
from the treaty [Note: the
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty]. All in vain. The US
pulled out of the treaty in 2002. Even after that we tried to
develop constructive dialogue with the Americans. We proposed
working together in this area to ease concerns and maintain the
atmosphere of trust.
At one point, I thought that a compromise was possible, but this
was not to be. All our proposals, absolutely all of them,
were rejected...
...we have repeatedly told our American and European
partners who are NATO members: we will make the necessary
efforts to neutralise the threats posed by the deployment of
the US global missile defence system.
We mentioned this during talks, and even said it publicly...we
made no secret of our plans and spoke openly about them,
primarily to encourage our partners to hold talks..nobody
really wanted to talk to us about the core of the problem,
and nobody wanted to listen to us. So
listen now.. "
The President of Russia delivered the Address to the Federal
Assembly. The ceremony took place at the Manezh Central
Exhibition Hall.
Vladimir Putin Presidential Address to the Russian Federal
March 2018
The Manezh Central Exhibition Hall was built in 1817 in
honor of 5 years anniversary of victory over Napoleon.
In early October 2024 Iran launched a retaliatory missile strike
on Israeli military, calling it 'Operation True Promise 2'.
What was 'Operation True Promise 1'? It was when Hezbollah drove
Israel out of Lebanon. Operation 'True promise 2' took place just
as Israel commenced an incursion into southern Lebanon in an
effort to seize the territory permanently. The signal is obvious.
"We are always ready to search
for a solution. Needless to say, our positions will never
coincide completely, but we are always ready to seek a balance
of interests and mutually acceptable solutions. The threats
and ultimatums that are now used in relations with us will
not produce the desired results."
Sergey Lavrov 12
April 2019
"...there was not a
single NATO-Russia Council meeting that took place without an
attempt, in the form of an ultimatum, to impose on us a
discussion of the Ukrainian problems in this format.We
always answer...that NATO has nothing to do with Ukraine."
Sergey Lavrov 17 February 2020
"Not all Ukrainians are naive. They were fully
aware of the fact that an ultimatum these days, especially
with Russia, is an utterly senseless proposition....If the
West (this is not about Zelensky) is truly interested in
normalising the situation in Europe...we should sit down for
talks without clutching pieces of paper that read “Zelensky’s
formula” and start having candid talks."
Sergey Lavrov 24
August 2024
Ultimatums don't work on Russia. And Russia's ultimatums should
not be ignored. Russia drafted a US - Russia Security Treaty
agreement in December 2021 and presented it to the US and all NATO
member countries. When asked what would happen if NATO refused to
sign, the reply was that the issue would be solved by
"military-technical means". This is tantamount to war, even if
that word is not used.
"...our contacts with our Western colleagues were mostly aimed
at explaining and promoting the initiative of President of
Russia Vladimir Putin which he voiced for the first time at an
expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry’s Collegium and
repeated yesterday in the Kremlin...
This initiative notes the need to draft guarantees for
preventing the further aggravation of the situation and
stopping the creation of new threats for the Russian
Specifically...not to allow NATO’s further eastward expansion
or the deployment of new weapons systems on Russia’s western
borders, which would threaten the Russian Federation’s security.
...Today, I stressed the fact that we are interested in
agreements heeding security interests of all countries without
exception. We don’t want any unilateral privileges. ..
We will insist that these agreements be examined
seriously, that they should not be shrugged off and rejected,
as our Western colleagues have done many times. This includes
their promises regarding the non-expansion of NATO. During the
reunification of Germany, an agreement was reached with the
German Democratic Republic that no military infrastructure would
be deployed in East Germany. The same was stated in the
Russia-NATO Founding Act and many other documents. The West
ignored everything that took on the form of political
Therefore, we insist that agreements mentioned by President
Putin, whose conclusion we will
demand, should be legally binding and
obligatory for all parties.
We will send the relevant proposals to our Western colleagues
in the near future, and we expect them to treat this matter in
Sergey Lavrov2
December 2021
"At the OSCE, the West at the
highest level committed to the indivisibility of security,
which implies that nobody should promote their security at
the expense of the security of others, and that no country
or group of countries or an organisation could lay claim to
domination in Europe. This was signed in 2010.
Since then, NATO has grown even
more brazen.
When we
suggested that this political document, signed among
others by US President Barack Obama, should be converted
to a legally binding agreement, they said “no.”
We told
them that they had signed it.
To this,
they replied that it was a “political promise” (my
goodness, a “promise” signed by presidents), while
legal guarantees could only be obtained from NATO.
Speaking on February
24, 2022, President of Russia Vladimir Putin again explained
our position in detail.
The Russian ambassadors
received this text.
They were instructed to meet
with the leaders of relevant states and explain our
position. This is what we did.
The West denounced us publicly to
the entire world. Decent people and especially democrats
should have stopped at that.
Russia explained its motives and
the West offered its judgment.
So, let us regard all
others as grown-up and upright people, who have
the full right to make their own decisions based on the
appraisals of both parties. But they are not allowed to do
so. Not only do they [the West] set out their position, they
accompany this with directives on what should or should not
be done.
Sergey Lavrov 8
September 2023
If the United States (and it's subjects in Europe) won't comply with
the OSCE mandate that security must be indivisible, a mandate that
says that a country - any country, including Russia - must not
achieve it's security at the expense of another country (NATO's
blatant expansion up to Russia's border achieves NATO countries
security, but at Russia's expense), then what choice is Russia left
The answer is to drive NATO nuclear-capable cruise missiles and
rocket installations back exactly as far as the furthest range of
NATO missiles and rockets. F35 delivered nuclear glide bombs must be
treated the same way. And in the long run, if that turns out to be
the Baltic sea, then so be it. If it can't be done politically, it
has be done militarily. .
The word 'ultimatum' comes from the latin ultimatus 'the
last one; final' is usually the last step, a final warning after
a series of steps that might involve persuasion, argument,
negotiation, that clearly indicates that the matter is now at an
end, the time for negotiation has passed, and now an unwanted and
probably unpleasant consequence will be played out. In the
diplomatic context, it is the final terms set out to settle a
Russia's ultimatums are deadly serious, in every sense of that
phrase. They should be understood as statement of consequences
that will happen if a certain thing is done. Russians
appear to regard issuing of 'threats' as a very weak position.
They only issue promises, indications of a future reality if their
advanced notice is not taken seriously. Even so, they are always
willing to compromise as long as what they refer to as "a balance
of interests" is achieved. But it takes two equals to tango.
Once military-technical means were commenced - block NATO from
Ukraine and destroy the NATO proxy army on Russia's border -
the west escalated the conflict again and again, Russia step by
step continued to signal all its red lines and its intentions. The
west commenced a series of dangerous adventures whereby depleted
uranium would be spread on Ukrainian territory and Russia blamed
for the frame-up. This triggered a series of hurried - almost
frantic - diplomatic 'consultations' by the British with their
American masters, fully documented by me here.
This wasn't signalling. The West was almost certainly given an
ultimatum. The west was advised of what consequences the west
faced if they carried out this plan, a plan that seems to have
been developed by the British, but almost certainly with US
government support.
The west backed down. Truss resigned. Johnson promised not to run
for re-election.
Drawing a line, red lines, line in the
sand Last edited 8November 2024
This diplomatic 'message' is understood by all diplomats to say
"You have gone far enough. Any further is too far. We will respond
with strong measures if you continue."
The advantage of the 'red line' is that the other side doesn't
know what 'strong measures' you will take. End diplomatic contact?
Put a trade embargo in place? Make a military attack on your
military or your infrastructure? Make a cyberattack? Snap a subsea
cable? Blind a satellite? When will this response come? How long
will it last?
The danger of the 'red line' communication is that the other side
will think you are bluffing, and call your bluff. But Russia
doesn't bluff
The USA 'calls Russia's bluff' consistently, partly because it
has a strategy of risk-taking, and partly because it is under the
delusion that it can predict Russia's behaviour - always,
and always accurately. In spite of acknowledging it may well be
"No strategy will perfectly anticipate the threats we
may face, and we will doubtless confront challenges in execution.
In developing this strategy, the Department considered the
risks stemming from inaccurate
predictions, including unforeseen
shocks in the security environment. Chief among these:
The rate at which a competitor modernizes its military, and the
conditions under which competitor aggression manifests, could be
different than anticipated.
Our threat assessments may prove to be either over-or
underestimated. We might fail to anticipate which technologies and capabilities
may be employed and change our relative military
advantage..In service of our strategic priorities, we will accept measured risk."
USA National Defense Strategy October
27 2022
"Measured"? Is it realistically possible? Probably it works -
most of the time.
But the one time it doesn't work might be critical, especially
when you are dealing with a nuclear power with superior
technology. The US is willing to try to coerce Russia militarily,
and yet "accept measured risk" when, by it's own admission, it's
analyses might be wrong. It is axiomatic that you don't take even
small risks to achieve a minor objective when the consequences
might be catastrophic. To do so is mad.
"The Americans started preparing the current crisis long ago,
right after the end of the Cold War, having decided that the way
to global hegemony was then open. NATO's eastward expansion has
been one of the key components of such a course. We tried hard
to convince them not to do this. We
showed where and why our red lines are
drawn. We were flexible, ready to make
concessions and look for compromises. All this proved futile."
Sergey Lavrov 14
May 2022
"Ukraine joining NATO is out of question. This transcends
the red line concept. It’s just impossible."
Sergey Lavrov 31
August 2024
When creating threats to Russia, adversaries need to understand
that if they ignore Rissia's warnings (red lines) and put the
Russian state at risk, they will receive blunt and rock-solid
ultimatums. Russia is very transparent in it's foreign policy.
They almost always publicly say what will happen if another state
does something that their current moves seem to indicate it is on
that state's mind. (Sometimes behind closed doors) There are no
hidden agendas, and Russia extremely rarely lies (the USA
government, in strong contrast, uses the lie technique all the
"As for the Polish
leaders, they probably hope to form a coalition
under the NATO umbrella in order to directly
intervene in the conflict in Ukraine
and to bite off as much as possible,
to “regain,” as they see it, their historical
territories, that is, modern-day Western Ukraine. It is also
common knowledge that they dream about Belarusian land.
the policy of the Ukrainian regime, it is
none of our business. If they want to relinquish
or sell off something in order to pay their
bosses, as traitors usually do, that’s their business.
We will not interfere.
But Belarus
is part of the Union State, and launching
an aggression against Belarus would mean launching
an aggression against the Russian Federation. We
will respond to that with all the resources
available to us." Vladimir Putin 21
July 2023
But Russia doesn't rush to react when a nuclear power crosses its
red lines. It reacts later, and generally in an asymmetrical way -
that it is, a military move against Russia might be answered by an
economic move. And as Russia has a very flexible foreign policy,
it may be willing to cancel a response if evolving conditions are
favorable to its interests. In other words, it is sometimes
willing to 'take one on the chin' if an immediate response would
ultimately make its position worse, or inhibit an evolving
favorable development (this is an element of Russia's foreign
policy of strategic patience).
But if an evolving course of action seems to indicate the
possibility of an attack on Russia's Union State partner
(Belarus), then the appropriate diplomatic term for 'war without
limit' is given. The most important word in the phrase "all the
resources available to us" is the first word, "all", as,
obviously, it does not exclude nuclear weapons. Equally obviously,
Poland is a NATO member, and if other NATO members involve
themselves in assisting Poland respond to Russia's defense then
they, too become a party to Poland's war. This will include USA.
Russia's recent shift in its doctrine on interpretation of article
51 of the UN Charter allows Russia to launch a pre-emptive strike
if an attack on Russia is imminent.
Question: How
would you explain the growth in tension over Ukraine?
Ryabkov: It is primarily Washington’s geopolitical
project, an attempt to expand its sphere of influence by
getting new instruments for strengthening its positions, which
Washington hopes will eventually allow it to dominate this
region. It is also a way of creating problems for us by
endangering our security.
We have openly pointed out that there are
red lines which we will not allow anyone to cross,
and we also have certain
requirements, which have been formulated exceedingly
I believe everyone is aware of the signal
President Vladimir Putin issued that Moscow needs
maximally reliable legal guarantees of security.
President has instructed the Foreign Ministry to thoroughly
address this matter. We are doing this. In particular, we are
preparing definitive proposals and ideas, which we will submit
for consideration by the Americans, and possibly their allies.
Question: Is it possible to mark red lines
jointly with the United States?
Ryabkov: I believe that this is
inherently impossible. There is such a wide gap in our
approaches to international affairs and priorities in the
so-called Euro-Atlantic that common red lines are
There is only one red line we have marked
jointly, which is very good. I am referring to the
unacceptability of a nuclear war. By adopting
the relevant statement issued by our leaders last June, Russia
and the United States pointed out that they are aware of their
joint responsibility. There will be no winners in a nuclear
war, which must never be waged. This has been emphasised most
definitely. I believe that this is a major positive factor
during the current alarming period in international relations.
As for geopolitical red lines,
no, we are rivals and opponents in
this sense, and we will not suggest that the
Americans do anything like this.
will demand that they do
not cross our red lines, which
we mark based on our national interests."
When Mr. Ryabkov referred to " lines which we will not allow
anyone to cross". These lines are reflected in the draft EU/US/RU
security treaty, and are primarily concerned with "indivisible
security" for all states. You can read the text of the draft
treaty on my site here.
Articles 1, 2, and 3 are the essence, in my opinion.
Article 1
Parties shall cooperate on the basis of principles of indivisible,
equal and undiminished security and to these ends:
shall not
undertake actions nor participate in or support activities that
affect the security of the other Party;
shall not
implement security measures adopted by each Party individually or
in the framework of an international organization, military
alliance or coalition that could undermine core security
interests of the other Party.
"Indivisible security"
presents a problem for the United States. The concept comes from the
OSCE, a European organisation promoting security right across the
European land mass. It is based on the idea that one country cannot
become secure using an arrangement that threatens another country.
Security can not be divided up into our security, but not your
security. A group of countries security cannot be ensured at the
expense of another country. It is security for all, no exceptions.
Russia has embraced this concept wholeheartedly. NATO is an
obvious breach of this concept, as NATO's security is obtained by
creating a massive threat to Russia's security.
"The U.S. and NATO responses to our proposals
received on 26 January 2022 demonstrate serious differences in
the understanding of the principle of equal and indivisible
security that is fundamental to the entire European security
We believe it is necessary to immediately clarify this issue,
as it will determine the prospects for future dialogue.
Charter for European Security signed at the OSCE Summit in
Istanbul in November 1999 formulated key rights and obligations
of the OSCE participating States with respect to indivisibility
of security. It underscored the right of each participating
State to be free to choose or change its security arrangements
including treaties of alliances, as they evolve, as well as the
right of each State to neutrality.
The same paragraph of the Charter
directly conditions those rights on the obligation of each
State not to strengthen its security at the expense of the
security of other States.
It says further that no State, group of States or
Organization can have any pre-eminent responsibility for
maintaining peace and stability in the OSCE area or can
consider any part of the OSCE area as its sphere of influence.
At the
OSCE Summit in Astana in December 2010, the leaders of our
nations approved a declaration that reaffirmed this
comprehensive package of interconnected obligations.
the Western countries continue to pick up out of it only
those elements that suit them, and namely – the right of
States to be free to choose alliances for ensuring exclusively
their own security. The words ‘as they evolve’ are
shamefacedly omitted, because this provision was also an
integral part of the understanding of ‘indivisible security’,
and specifically in the sense that military alliances must
abandon their initial deterrence function and integrate into
the all-European architecture based on collective
approaches, rather than as narrow groups.
The principle of indivisible security is selectively
interpreted as a justification for the ongoing course toward
irresponsible expansion of NATO.
It is
revealing that Western representatives, while expressing
their readiness to engage in dialogue on the European security
architecture, deliberately avoid making reference to
the Charter for European Security and the Astana Declaration
in their comments.
They mention only earlier OSCE
documents, particularly often – the 1990 Charter of Paris
for a New Europe that does not contain the increasingly
‘inconvenient’ obligation not to strengthen own security at
the expense of the security of other States.
Western capitals also attempt
to ignore a key OSCE document – the 1994 Code of
Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security, which
clearly says that the States will choose their security
arrangements, including membership in alliances, ‘bearing in
mind the legitimate security concerns of other States’.
It will
not work that way. The very essence of
the agreements on indivisible security is that either
there is security for all or there is no security for
The Istanbul Charter provides that each OSCE participating
State has equal right to security, and not only
NATO countries that interpret this right as an exceptional
privilege of membership in the ‘exclusive’ North Atlantic
the present situation in Europe, our colleagues from the United
States, NATO and the European Union make constant appeals for
‘de-escalation’ and call on Russia to ‘choose a path of
diplomacy’. We want to remind: we have been moving along that
path for decades. The key milestones, such as the documents of
the Istanbul and Astana summits, are exactly the direct result
of diplomacy. The very fact that the West now tries to revise to
its benefit these diplomatic achievements of the leaders of all
OSCE countries raises serious concern. The situation demands a
frank clarification of positions."
Sergey Lavrov 01
February 2022
The highly educated Mr. Blinken has formulated a 'special' method of
understanding this concept, nicely explained by the amusingly
acerbic journalist John Helmer:
"Article 1 of the Russian treaty proposed that one
state, like the Ukraine, cannot be armed, financed, and supported
by the US or NATO to threaten the security of Russia, according to
the “principles of indivisible, equal and undiminished security”.
US agreement to the principle of “indivisible security” was signed
twice – in Istanbul in 1999 and again in Astana in 2010.
In the Blinken paper this is admitted. He then adds two qualifiers
– “our respective interpretations of that concept” and “[it]
cannot be viewed in isolation”.
This means that Blinken interprets the indivisibility
of security in Europe by dividing itinto the
NATO-Ukrainian version, and the Russian version."
John Helmer, Dances with Bears - 'Blinken's Booby Traps', 06
February 2022
The Russian Foreign Minister sent a letter on the Indivisibility of
Security to "the Heads of Foreign / External Affairs Ministers /
Secretaries of the US, Canada and several European countries" on the
first of February 2022. He asked each country to respond, asking for
"a clear answer to the question how our partners understand their
obligation not to strengthen their own security at the expense of
the security of other States on the basis of the commitment to the
principle of indivisible security.
How specifically does your Government intend to fulfil this
obligation in practical terms in the current circumstances? If you
renege on this obligation, we ask you to clearly state that."
Mr. Lavrov said "We look forward to your prompt reply. It should not
take long as the point is to clarify the understanding on the basis
of which Your President/Prime Minister signed the corresponding
obligations. We also expect that the response to this letter will be
given in the national capacity, as the aforementioned commitments
were undertaken by each of our States individually and not within
any bloc or in the name thereof."
As far as I know, the February 1 2022 letter from Mr. Lavrov went
unanswered by any of the 'sovereign' states it was sent to.
The 'core security interest' of a state is its continued existence.
In the case of Russia, the attack on Russia's economy has been
defeated, and as of March 2024 there is only a military attack left
that would affect Russia's existence. At March 2024, Russia cannot
absolutely exclude that NATO might not attack Russia using a limited
'decapitating' nuclear strike. This is suicidal for the US and the
west, and therefore so unlikely as to be in the realm of fantasy.
Nevertheless, the risk is not zero.
Accordingly, the second in command of the Russian Security Council
(Dmitry Medvedev) has been authorised to issue extremely blunt and
pungent warnings that Russia has the means to strike back, and that,
following the logic of escalation, it runs the risk of not only
powerful conventional attacks on US and EU military and command
centers, but also nuclear exchange. Any nuclear exchange would be
limited to certain targets, but because the west doesn't have
conventionally armed hypersonic cruise missiles, when missiles are
flying at Russia, they are likely to be either en masse waves of
salvoes of long range cruise missiles aiming at Russia's nuclear
strike force, or nuclear armed low-trajectory ballistic missiles.
"I have previously stated that we have reached red
lines. The West’s calls
to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia,
a nation with the largest arsenal of nuclear
weapons, reveal the reckless adventurism
of certain Western politicians. Suchblind faith
in their own impunity and exceptionalism could lead
to a global catastrophe."
Vladimir Putin 7
November 2024
Mr. Macron, a very voluble and unreliable politician, has allegedly
said 'there are no more red lines, there are no more limits'
with regard to intervention in Ukraine. Actually there are. Russia's
red lines. France does not have the military potential to enforce
any 'red line' it sets on Russia. Russia will enforce a red line
protecting it's core interests, and has the military potential to
enforce it.
"As for the {EU] states saying that they have
no ”red lines“ with Russia, they should realise that Russia will
have no ”red lines“ with them either."
Vladimir Putin 13
March 2024
"Macron has said, "there are no more red lines, there are no more
limits" in terms of supporting Ukraine (Le Monde). Then that
means, Russia has no more red lines left for France.
In hostem omina licita."
Dmitry Medvedev 8
March 2024
Notice that the phrasing says "no more red lines left for France".
That is, France has constantly stepped over red lines in Russia -
supplying soldiers and technicians disguised as mercenaries,
supplying and helping target missiles, perhaps helping guide a
missile through radar to shoot down a Russian AWAC. This is the last
warning. Now Russia will strike France if it involves itself in the
conflict any further. They have been warned very very clearly. Can
Mr. Macron hear it?
In hostem omina licita. Anything is persmissible against the enemy.
Parties shall seek to ensure that all international organizations,
military alliances and coalitions in which at least one of the
Parties is taking part adhere to the principles contained in the
Charter of the United Nations.
Parties shall not use the territories of other States with a view
to preparing or carrying out an armed attack against the other
Party or other actions affecting core security interests of the
other Party.
Article 3 directly addresses the wests attempt to use Ukraine as a
proxy tool to launch a military and economic attackagainst Russia - Mr.
Biden's 'hybrid war'.
In essence, the red lines are anything that undermine the
legitimate core interests of Russia. And the core interest of any
state is to be independent, and to be able to act according to the
interests of its own people, free from coercive threat from other
states to 'do' or 'not do' according to some other states
ideological dictates.
"Importantly, our Western partners are ... conducting
provocative military exercises in the Black Sea and other regions
close to our borders. With regard to the Black Sea, this even goes
beyond certain limits since strategic
bombers, which carry very serious weapons, fly at a
distance of only 20 kilometres from our state border.
Indeed, we constantly express our
concerns about these matters and talk about red lines, but of
course, we understand that our partners are peculiar in the
sense that they have a very – how to put it mildly –
superficial approach to our warnings about red lines.
Nevertheless, our recent warnings have had a certain effect:
tensions have arisen there anyway.
In this regard, I have two points to make. First, it is important
for them to remain in this state for as long as possible, so that
it does not occur to them to stage some kind of conflict
on our western borders which we do not need, we do not need a new
Second, Mr Lavrov, it is imperative to push for serious long-term
guarantees that ensure Russia’s security in this area, because
Russia cannot constantly be thinking about what could happen there
Vladimir Putin November
18 2021
The 'serious weapons' Vladimir Putin refers to are nuclear bombs.
The B61-12 nuclear bomb can be dropped outside Russia's borders and
glide to its target, although the range is very limited. The long
term security guarantees are outlined in the draft security treaty
between the United States and Russia proposed by Russia on 17
December 2021
"We really want to maintain good relations with all
those engaged in international communication, including, by the
way, those with whom we have not been getting along lately, to put
it mildly. We really do not want to burn bridges.
But if someone mistakes our good
intentions for indifference or weakness and intends to burn or
even blow up these bridges, they must know that Russia's
response will be asymmetrical, swift and tough.
Those behind provocations that
threaten the core interests of our security will regret what
they have done in a way they have not regretted anything for a
long time.
At the same time, I just have to make it clear, we have enough
patience, responsibility, professionalism, self-confidence and
certainty in our cause, as well as common sense, when making a
decision of any kind. But I
hope that no one will think about crossing the “red line” with
regard to Russia. We ourselves will determine in each specific
case where it will be drawn"
Vladimir Putin April 21, 2021
"With regard to the red lines [regarding Ukraine
bombing civilian areas in Donetsk - Ed.], let me keep this
to myself, because on our part it will include fairly
tough actions targeted at the decision-making centres
that you and I mentioned. Still, the country’s
military-political leadership should be in the lead
on making those decisions. The individuals who deserve actions
of that level coming their way from us should realise
what they may be facing if they cross these lines.
The attacks on residential areas are, of course,
a crime against humanity. This is a humanitarian
problem, which I am sure will be overcome."
Vladimir Putin 17
June 2022
The Russian President is not necessarily referring to solely
Ukrainian military high command. There are NATO personnel embedded
with the high command, helping make decisions on the conduct of the
Ukrainian military operations, including targeting. If attacks on
residential areas can be identified to a NATO target list acquired
by Russia, than those who compiled it could find themselves subject
to the findings of a Russian-convened tribunal.
A Ukrainian bomb exploded on the Kerch Bridge on 8 October 2022, a
day after the 70th birthday of President Putin. Two days later,
Russia responded by attacking Kievs energy infrastructure with
missiles and drones. Further attacks continued, and by November 23
2022 nearly half Ukraines power grid was out of operation, and power
supply to adjacent countries was cut. About $500,000 p.a. of export
electricity has been lost, and repair of the electrical production
and transmission system are conservatively estimated at $8 billion.
By any measure, the Russian response was both swift and tough, as
had been warned 18 months previously. The warning to Ukraine was
clear. It would be 'tough', so tough Ukraine would regret it
"in a way they have not regretted anything for a long time".
Powerful words. It was a asymmetrical in that it was an attack on
energy infrastructure rather than transport infrastructure, and it
continued for quite a long time. And as promised, the response was
quick in coming. (Ukraine was slow to learn, and continued to attack
Russian energy infrastructure in 2024 - resulting in further Russian
attacks on not only Ukrainian energy infrastructure, but German gas
storage facilities within Ukraine.)
This response emphasises that belligerents must pay close attention
to what Russia says, because it doesn't issue so much threats as
promises. And it fulfills its promises.
"President Putin said this clearly in his Address,
pointing out that Russia is always open to broad international
agreements if they suit our interests. But we will harshly respond to any
attempts to cross the red line, which we ourselves will
Sergey Lavrov 28
April 2021
"I hope that in preparation for the summit, those
who are now dealing with Russia in the Biden
administration...will finally appreciate the actions, interests
and position of the Russian Federation, and our red lines, and
will be willing to correct the mistakes in recent years and
will not conduct a dialogue solely from a position that claims
hegemony in global affairs."
Sergey Lavrov 9
June 2021
"...we spent many years
setting out our “red lines” for the West with utmost
consistency and clarity. Everyone knows this. We pointed out
that we refused to accept what was going on along our borders,
not somewhere far away.
There were attacks against the Russian language, Russian culture,
Russian journalists, including killings. They moved NATO closer to
our borders. Romania and Poland have joined NATO. In recent years,
they set their sights on Moldova and Ukraine. We told the West
that drawing our closest neighbours into their war games was
We also drew the attention of the West to what has been going on
in Ukraine for many years. We were told that there is no
Russophobia there, no Nazism, but at the same time, Petr
Poroshenko’s Prime Minister, Arseny Yatsenyuk, referred to people
in Donbass as sub-humans. Even Vladimir Zelensky called them
“animal species” last year, when asked what he thought about
people living in Donbass, even though the Minsk Agreements were
still in force at the time. He said that there were people, and
there were animal species, adding that if someone in Ukraine has a
Russian identity, they better get the hell out of Ukraine and move
to the Russian Federation for the sake of their children and
grandchildren. This is what he said in September 2021. We pointed
this out to the West, but there was no response, no sign that they
viewed this as unacceptable.
In this context, the question is what
were you doing out there while ignoring our pleas regarding
the direct threats to our security right along our borders?
What kind of interests were you defending in Iraq or in Libya?
Did anyone mistreat your compatriots or fellow citizens over
there? Has anyone banned the English language, or French, or
German? Nothing of this sort.
Sergey Ryabkov, Deputy Foreign Minister 13
December 2021
"Any further expansion
of the North Atlantic alliance’s infrastructure
or the ongoing efforts to gain
a military foothold of the Ukrainian
territory are unacceptable for us.
Of course, the question is not about NATO itself.
It merely serves as a tool of US foreign policy.
The problem is that in territories adjacent
to Russia, which I have to note is our
historical land, a hostile “anti-Russia” is taking shape.
Fully controlled from
the outside, it is doing everything
to attract NATO armed forces and obtain
cutting-edge weapons.
For the United
States and its allies, it is a policy of containing
Russia, with obvious geopolitical dividends.
For our country, it is
a matter of life and death, a matter
of our historical future as a nation.
This is not an exaggeration; this is a fact. It is not only a very real threat
to our interests but to the very
existence of our state and to its sovereignty.
It is the red line which we have
spoken about on numerous occasions. They have crossed it. Vladimir Putin 24
February 2022
When Vladimir Putin says NATO infrastructure will not be allowed to
gain a foothold in Ukraine, a country imbued with hate towards
Russia, and says Ukraine is both controlled by the west at the same
time Ukraine is doing everything to obtain 'cutting edge' weapons,
he is likely referring to advanced US missiles, at least (with a
range of at least 1,200 kilometers, 10-12 minutes flight time from
Moscow). President Putin points out that a cruise-missile-armed
Ukraine could perhaps build a nuclear warhead - they know how - and
attack Russia with it. Ukraine is not in any kind of nuclear arms
control treaty.
When the existence of Russia is threatened, Russian nuclear doctrine
allows for the use of nuclear weapons. Just think about what the
west's coercive military diplomacy has done. Pushed west Europe to
the edge of nuclear weapons use. For what? For ideology? Is there
anything more reckless than this? Have they lost their minds?
Russia laid out its red line, and it was ignored. Fortunately, at
the time of writing this, the NATO proxy army (or armies) is being
destroyed. Russia will not have to use nuclear weapons on Ukraine,
or the decision centers that ordered the use of cruise missiles to
attack Russia in its depth.
Ilya Ushenin: "Mr President, I am Ilya
Ushenin from NTV. I have a question about
the notorious red lines. Clearly, in the SMO zone,
we are at war not just with the Kiev regime, but with
the so-called collective West as well. NATO countries are constantly moving
and crossing our red lines. We express our concern
and keep saying that this is unacceptable, but never come
up with actual answers.
Are we going
to keep moving our red lines?"
Putin: "Listen,is
the special military operation itself not
a response to them crossing these lines?
This is the first and the most important
We said many times “Do not do this, let's do that, we are
ready for talks.” In the end, they prompted us
to try to use force to end the war that
they started in 2014. They keep telling us, “You started
the war, Putin is the aggressor.”
No, they are the aggressors, they started this war,
and we are trying to stop it, but we are compelled
to do so with the use of the Armed Forces.
Is this not the answer to their crossing
the red lines? This is my first point.
strikes on Ukraine’s energy system not an answer
to them crossing the red lines?
And the destruction of the headquarters
of the main intelligence directorate
of the armed forces of Ukraine outside Kiev,
almost within Kiev’s city limits, is it not the answer? It
will continue to work selectively. We will not do what
these halfwits are doing when they target civilian sites
and residential areas. Of course, we will not do this.
We will continue to provide selective responses."
Vladimir Putin June
13 2023
Three weeks later, on the 5th of July, Russia published
information about two diplomatic protest notes and warnings
(demarches) given to the USA embassy in Moscow. The public
information note was titled "US involvement in the conflict in
Ukraine". It was an attempt to coerce the USA to stop what they
are doing. It was also a very clear warning.
"On September 15, 2022 and February 21, 2023, the
Foreign Ministry made demarches with protest notes to the US
Embassy in Moscow in connection with numerous facts of the
direct involvement of US citizens, including
retired and active military personnel, in hostilities
as part of formations subordinate to the Kiev regime.
Russian officials said the arms supplied to the Kiev regime
and the personnel servicing them were regarded as lawful targets
for destruction.
We emphasised that to avoid negative consequences, the United
States should immediately withdraw its military personnel,
discontinue arms supplies and stop providing the Armed Forces of
Ukraine with guidance in real time for striking the deployment
sites of the Armed Forces of Russia and civilians.
Russian officials made it perfectly clear
to the Americans that the abetting the mass war crimes
committed by Ukrainian formations is confirmed by objective
evidence that cuts through the standard arrogant official
...The Pentagon and NATO structures are also supplying Kiev with
the full range of intelligence information while NATO officials
plan and directly command operations by the Armed Forces of
...In public statements, Biden administration officials are
justifying strikes on Russian territory... November 2022 the US Department of Defence formed new
headquarters within the United States European Command (Wiesbaden,
Germany) called Security Assistance Group - Ukraine (SAG-U),
staffed by 300 US Army officers. Its main tasks include organising
supplies of Western-made weapons to Kiev and training Ukrainian
troops at US training ranges and on the territory of its European
partners, as well as sharing intelligence with the military
leadership of Ukraine. US officers process and transmit in real
time information about the movement of Russian troops, which is
obtained with the help of Western technical means of surveillance.
A separate subdivision in charge of special operations, including
the organisation of clandestine and sabotage activities, has been
created in conjunction with the Security Assistance Group.
and its allies widely use space and aerial reconnaissance assets
to provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with information about the
Russian Armed Forces. The orbital constellation includes about
450 satellites, most of which are commercial Earth remote
sensing and radiotechnical monitoring satellites. They provide
high-frequency observation of target areas, accurate
identification of reconnaissance objects, and interception of
messages sent by radio communication channels. In the interest
of detailed strike planning, three-dimensional digital models of
targets and surrounding terrain are compiled and refined on the
basis of the US and allied intelligence, and optimum routes for
UAV missiles to bypass Russian air defence zones are developed.
addition to space systems, reconnaissance aircraft and UAVs,
which perform daily flights from air bases in Great Britain,
Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania and Türkiye, are widely used to
monitor the situation. The headquarters of the US forces in
Europe and NATO forces use the data obtained by space and
aviation means to carry out a comprehensive analysis of Russian
troop movements and developments in the area of the special
military operation. Transmission of the processed data to the
Armed Forced of Ukraine is carried out via available telecom
lines (satellite, radio relay, cellular, fiber-optic and
internet). An important role is assigned to the US commercial
satellite communications system Starlink.
At the
hearings in US Congress as early as in March 2022, Lieutenant
General Scott Berrier, Director of the Defence Intelligence
Agency, described the exchange of information between Washington
and Kiev as “unprecedented.” In turn, General Paul Nakasone,
Director of the National Security Agency and Head of the
US Cyber Command, said at the same hearings that
throughout his service he had not seen a better exchange of
accurate, relevant and actionable intelligence information. He
emphasised that the Pentagon was supplying the Armed Forces of
Ukraine with the latest information.
April 22, 2022, NBC News published online an article “US intel
helped Ukraine protect air defences, shoot down Russian plane
carrying hundreds of troops.” Citing current and former US
officials, NBC News wrote: “As Russia launched its invasion, the
US gave Ukrainian forces detailed intelligence about
exactly when and where Russian missiles and bombs were intended
to strike, prompting Ukraine to move air defences and aircraft
out of harm’s way.” It noted that this “near real-time
intelligence-sharing also paved the way for Ukraine to
shoot down a Russian transport plane carrying hundreds of troops
in the early days of the war, the officials say, helping repel a
Russian assault on a key airport near Kyiv....
...the Armed Forces of Ukraine had received information from
the US Defence Intelligence Agency on targets for missile and
artillery strikes in the Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics
and the liberated regions, the movement of Russian troops and
data on the vulnerabilities of the Russian Armed Forces.
December 21, 2022, the Wall Street Journal carried an article
entitled “US Has Eased Intelligence-Sharing Rules to Help
Ukraine Target Russians.” It said that the US had been providing
Kiev “reams of data on the location and movements of Russian
troops and equipment and other battlefield information
under a vastly expanded intelligence-sharing
February 9, 2023, the Washington Post published an article on
how the Armed Forces of Ukraine had attacked targets following
guidance from the US. It cited a comment by Pentagon Press
Secretary Brigadier General Patrick Ryder. “We have long
acknowledged that we share intelligence with Ukraine… and we
have optimised over time how we share information to be able to
support their requests and their targeting processes at improved
speed and scale.”
document by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff of February 15, 2023,
analysed how the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked Russian
targets with US JDAM guided air-to-surface weapons. This is also
evidence of the Pentagon’s direct participation in the
preparation and planning of such strikes.
to the Pentagon’s leaks published online (for instance, by
Politico on April 14, 2023), there are about 100 representatives
of the US Defence Department in Ukraine, including employees of
its central office, intelligence centres and units of task
forces and radioelectronic intelligence.
Late last April, the United States Cyber
Command (USCYBERCOM) sent to Ukraine a task force of
43 experts to help Kiev under the programme of Hunt Forward
Operations. Major General William Hartman, commander of the
USCYBERCOM Cyber National Mission Force, reported this at the
RSA Conference held in San Francisco, CA, on April 24-27, 2023.
to leaks in the media, the US Special Operations Command
supervises the work of the centres of information and
psychological operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In
turn, the Pentagon’s Cyber Command and the National Security
Agency are planning and coordinating cyberattacks under the
Ukrainian flag at Russia’s critical information infrastructure.
The key targets include Russian banks and financial
institutions, transport, energy and telecommunications
infrastructure, large industrial facilities and network
resources providing government services at federal and regional
levels. Ukrainian hacker groups affiliated with US intelligence
agencies are actively involved in these attacks."
Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation 5 July 2023
Once again, the USA foreign policy is to walk right up to the edge
of the precipice, ignore all red lines. Coercive moves taken to
the extreme - and the Americans call this 'measured risk taking'.
I have to wonder if this reckless risk-taking might be part of a
slowly unfolding US government plan to create a sense of immenent
danger, so that Mr. Biden can create a 'statesman moment' like
Kennedy did, contacting his partner and averting disaster at the
last moment. This US-staged dramatic theater, will, of course, be
timed to happen just before the US Presidential election. (Notice
that the major NATO exercises on Russia's border ended in May, and
the US election is in early November 2024). Mr. Biden will emerge
with the rosy glow of the man who saved the world from nuclear
catastrophe. The USA has to have some pretext to yeild to Russia's
ultimatum - sign a mutual security agreement, or you can forget
about arms control agreements.
Constant red line risk-taking can be attrited by Russia - up
to a point
In late
December 2023 Russia destroyed Ukrainian military targets
and "decision making centers" in Kharkov (primarily at the
re-purposed Kharkov Palace Hotel) in retaliation for Ukrainian
attacks on civilians in Belgorod, Russia. Not only were "military
personnel" killed, so were Ukrainian intelligence operatives and
200 foreign mercenaries who were beiing trained to carry out
'terrorist" attacks across the border into Russia. A second high
precision missile strike hit the headquarters of Ukrainian
intelligence in Kharkov, killing "special service officials", more
mercenaries and foreign 'volunteers' who Russia alleges were
preparing for conducting sabotage attacks within Russia. It is
possible that NATO special service personnel or other military
personnel who had 'joined' the Ukrainian army were also killed or
In January 2023 Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the Russian
delegation to the Vienna Negotiations on Military Security and
Arms Control bluntly warned:
"If Washington and NATO countries provide Kiev with weapons for
striking against the cities deep inside the Russian territory
and for attempting to seize our constitutionally affirmed
territories, it would force Moscow to undertake harsh
retaliatory actions. Do not say that we did not warn you...”
Konstantin Gavrilov 2023
France, being slow to learn the Russian red lines, re-supplied
Ukraine with expert mercenaries - probably some of the most brutal
active and former foreign legion personnel.
"On the evening of 16 January [2024], Russian missiles hit a
building in Kharkov that had been converted into a major center
for high-level European (mostly French) mercenaries. It was a
devastating blow, with at least 60 killed and 20 wounded...
...There has been a major influx of high quality mercenaries
with special skill sets in the last few months. The reason for
this increase in foreign professional soldiers was to replace
the Ukrainian special forces who were almost completely wiped
out in the Ukrainian failed "summer offensive", as well as to
try to make a desperate...attempt to forestall the inevitable
Russian offensive.
These elite mercenaries are also some
of the most vicious war criminals in this war, used as
blocking troops, specialists in torture and terrorist tactics,
who have trained the likes of Azov and Pravy Sektor Nazis.
This is reflected in the fact that almost 600 foreign
mercenaries have been charged with specific war crimes by
Russian prosecutors, and obviously, this number will only
Russell Bentley, American-Russian former Militia member 18
January 2024
As Mr. Bentley points out, "elite operators" from NATO countries
came to Ukraine right from the very start of the conflict - but
they kept a very low profile.
But more importantly about the same time, France supplied Ukraine
with long range weapons, weapons that require considerable
technical expertise to operate. These weapons also carried cluster
munitions, and are capable of causing many civilian casualties. In
other words, as military targets are well defended, the primary
purpose of these mssiles is to terrorise Russias civilian
Pierre Levy, the French ambassador to Russia was called to the
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where, allegedly over a
period of hours he was given incontrovertible proof French army
personnel are involved in attacks on Russia. They were likely
'signed up' to the Ukrainian army, but this stupid sham will no
longer be accepted. The Russian protest over this behaviour most
likely included an outline of further steps Russia will take if
French 'NATO staff in drag' appear again.
No doubt the demarche included a vivid and strongly expressed
warning that France is now on the edge of being declared a party to
the conflict.
On Sunday 21st January 2024, in a clear act of state terrorism,
Ukraine fired at least 4 NATO provided 152 mm and 155 mm shells
into a Sunday morning market
in the Donetsk region. Again, there are no military targets there,
just a busy Sunday morning stall-holder market. 28 civilians were
killed and even more wounded.
All we need is Germany to do something equally stupid, and the
whole set of the instigators of the proxy war will have breached
the Russian red lines So far, Germany has refused to supply long
range missiles. So far.
Perhaps they will use the January 2024 NATO 'exercise' to provoke
some sort of incursion, perhaps into western Ukraine.This would
add to the drama, and allow the NATO group to also sign
Russia's security treaty. We will see. (June 7 2024 - they didn't)
The danger is obvious. The USA is guessing where the Russian red
line is (recall that only Russia decides that). If the US
miscalculates, Russia's response won't be seen coming. It will
just happen. More than enough warnings have been given.
Russia doesn't Bluff
Edited 9 March 2024
"Now we have to be aware of this reality and be sure
that everything I have said today is not a bluff ‒ and it is
not a bluff, believe me ‒ and to give it a thought and dismiss
those who live in the past and are unable to look into the
future, to stop rocking the boat we are all in and which
is called the Earth.
In this connection, I would like to note the following. We are
greatly concerned by certain provisions of the revised nuclear
posture review, which expand the opportunities for reducing and
reduce the threshold for the use of nuclear arms. Behind closed
doors, one may say anything to calm down anyone, but we read what
is written. And what is written is that this strategy can be put
into action in response to conventional arms attacks and even to a
I should note that our military doctrine says Russia reserves the
right to use nuclear weapons solely in response to a nuclear
attack, or an attack with other weapons of mass destruction
against the country or its allies, or an act of aggression against
us with the use of conventional weapons that threaten the very
existence of the state.
This all is very clear and specific.
As such, I see it is my duty to announce the following. Any
use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, weapons of
short, medium or any range at all, will be considered as a
nuclear attack on this country.
Retaliation will be immediate,
with all the attendant consequences."
Vladimir Putin 1
March 2018
"Washington, London and Brussels are openly encouraging Kiev to
move the hostilities to our territory. They openly say that
Russia must be defeated on the battlefield by any means, and
subsequently deprived of political, economic, cultural and any
other sovereignty and ransacked.
They have even resorted to the nuclear blackmail. I am
referring not only to the Western-encouraged shelling of the
Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which poses a threat of a nuclear
disaster, but also to the statements made by some high-ranking
representatives of the leading NATO countries on the possibility
and admissibility of using weapons of mass destruction – nuclear
weapons – against Russia.
I would like to remind those who make such statements regarding
Russia that our country has different types of weapons as well,
and some of them are more modern than the weapons NATO countries
have. In the event of a threat to the territorial integrity of
our country and to defend Russia and our people, we will
certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us.
Where there might be a certain amount of flexibility or simply
strategic patience with red lines, when it comes down to Russian
sovereignty (free people in a free and sovereign country, in other
words), the red line is utterly inviolable. If you step across this
'terminal red line', you instantly plummet down a black hole,
consciousness fading, fading, away... Stepping across this red line
is a flash point triggering an instant irreversible phase change in
reality, a reality where 'coercion' or 'not coercion' is devoid of
meaning. There is no way back.
Notice the declarative nature of the statement of consequences (it's
not threat or a bluff). "...we will certainly make use of all weapon
systems available to us". The only response will be a military
response. It may be a nuclear weapons system. It may be a hypersonic
weapons system. It may be both.
If Russia was outlining the consequences that will follow if the US
government (= NATO) makes a limited conventional aggression on
Russia or a Union State ally, then Russia would probably say the
response would be by "all means available", as he did on 13
July 2023, when talking about the consequences for 'unfriendly
countries for inciting a proxy war on Russia in 2014, and becoming a
party participating in direct military conflict in 2022.
"We will have to uphold our right to free and sovereign
development using all available means."
Sergey Lavrov 13 July 2023
The cards in a hand of available 'means' are economic means,
diplomatic means, and military means. Military means could be
various missile explosions, rocket explosions, drone explosions and
so on. Targets could be military headquarters, security force
headquarters, armed assemblages, military equipment, airfields, fuel
dumps, oil refineries, railheads, ships, submarines, docks,
electricity supply, bridges, armament factories, radar facilities,
submarine cables, military satellites and so on and on. The scale
and type of response, the mix of means, and the targets selected,
depends on the scale of the attack on Russia, and the long term
political (economic) importance of the country or organisation.
More specifically, given Russia's previous statements about command
centers and so on, if NATO command continues to provide targetting
data to Ukraine, and continues to supply shells to hit civilian
areas, then Russia's own equation would suggest that, at the least,
US-NATO satellites should be disabled, transatlantic internet cables
cut. At the worst, munitions factories in Europe and maybe USA
destroyed, AWACs proximal to Russia's airspace destroyed, airfields
and train lines shipping the shells from Greece and from Poland
Again, Russia does not bluff. And it plans ahead.
It has an entire army held in reserve to deal with NATO if that
becomes necessary. And the massive January to May 2024 NATO military
exercises make that possibility very relevant.
Inciting race hate towards Russia, prelude to war
Promoting race hate and de-humanising the opponent was used by
Hitler to allow Germans to kill Russians without qualms. The US
government used the same tactics in the American war on Vietnam,
when it encouraged it's soldiers to refer to North Vietnamese people
as 'geeks'. The US government cultivated the Banderists in West
Ukraine, whose Nazi-based white supremacists ideology was
systematically inculcated into the civilian population, including
children. The British and US tabloid press mimicked some of the
world war 2 propaganda images of the Nazi threat, but casting Russia
in the place of the Nazis. There is a massive and coordinated media
propaganda effort using staged atrocities, misattribution, and lies
to cast Russia as committing war crimes and crimes against humanity
in the Ukraine conflict, when in fact the opposite is true.
This is, and always has been, a dangerous game. It is an indication
of the moral degeneration of western politicians that they indulge
in these contemptible practices.
All this is a preparing of the public mind for the west to do what
sane people would never do. Push aggressive coercion to the edge of
the abyss. One step from oblivion.
projection of its crimes onto others
The Western governments and their organisations constantly falsely
accuse their victims of the crime that they commit against others.
It happens so often, and across so many situations, that I must
assume that some psychologists has recommended it as a way to
belittle the accused state at the same time as propogandizing the
public in to thinking that 'everybody does it, so we can't be bad'.
Recently a CNN reporter fed Joseph Biden a 'patsy question' to
elicit the President's current talking point:
CNN: Does this raise any new concerns about Putin potentially
doing more drastic things regarding Ukraine, like nuclear
weapons, or potentially against the U.S., like election
PRESIDENT BIDEN: Well, first of all, they already
interfered in American elections. So that would not be anything
new. They did that last time — they tried to. 13
July 2023
Joseph Biden knew the his statement was false. Why say it?
Because, according to President Putin, the United States intends
to interfere in the Russian 2024 election. In other words, the
American President is preparing the public mind to respond to the
US government's intention to try to coerce the Russian public by
(falsely) claiming that 'we are only doing what they did to us'.
NATO's Vilnius propaganda communique is laced with this 'blame
others for your own crimes' technique. One of the funniest is
"We condemn Russia’s announced intention to deploy nuclear weapons
and nuclear-capable systems on Belarusian territory, which further
demonstrates how Russia’s repeated actions undermine strategic
stability and overall security in the Euro-Atlantic area. We
condemn Russia’s irresponsible nuclear rhetoric and coercive
nuclear signalling. We recall the Joint Statement of the
Leaders of the Five Nuclear Weapons States issued on 3 January
2022 on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races. We
call on Russia to recommit – in words and deeds – to the
principles enshrined in that Statement. " 11
July 2023
First, the NATO has deployed tactical nuclear weapons in Europe for
years and years - 4 countries at the moment, with Poland
possibly to become the fifth. The US wants nuclear weapons stationed
in all NATO countries. In late August 2023 it returned
nuclear weapons to the United Kingdom, having removed them ten years
earlier. Russia has only now deployed tactical nuclear weapons - to
one ally, an ally whose government Europe blatantly tried to
overthrow in a coup.
Second, the USA government steadily and methodically destroyed every
arms control treaty except one. That was only saved by the
unilaterally generous action of the Russian Federation to observe it
for the moment, even when the US government had abandoned it. When
Joesph Biden came to power, he agree to also observe it - for the
time being.
Third, there is no 'nuclear signalling' by Russia. Russia explained
it's nuclear doctrine over and over again, to the point the Russian
Foreign Minister became heartily fed up with both the
misrepresentation and the deafness.
Fourth, the Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear
Weapons States is a Russian initiative, they have previously managed
to extract a commitment from Mr.Trump (no trivial task), Russia has
led and continues to promote this statement, and the west have been
the foot-draggers and 'tag alongs'.
So why all this nonsense from the west? Once again, the west is
preparing the ground, probably in their bizarre concept of 'escalate
to de-escalate' pseudo-psychological idiocy. In short, it suggests
the US government intends to escalate the nuclear threat to Russia -
in Europe, not mainland USA, of course. It may do it little by
little (the salami slice/tap the wedge/boil the frog technique), or
incite some crisis that throws all agreements out the window.
At the same time, the US would like Russia to sign the protocol to
the 'Bangkok Treaty' which asks nuclear states to give binding
security guarantees to the signatories of the Southeast Asian
Nuclear Free Zone. Russia is happy to give the guarantee to
the extent signatories themselves "comply with the treaty provisions
not to have, not to create and not to deploy any elements of nuclear
weapons." This is to avoid a similar situation to the one where
Australia is hosting "elements" of nuclear weapons, breaching the
Rarotonga Treaty nuclear free Pacific agreement. Most likely the US
government wants to 'whitewash' the US breach of regional nuclear
free zones, additionally signing 'nuclear free' agreements with
countries such as Philippines to have the ability to deploy
infrastructure that facilitates deployment of nuclear weapons 'if
"Russia’s actions demonstrate a posture of strategic
intimidation and underline the continued need for NATO to monitor
all of these developments and adapt its posture as
necessary. Allies will continue to work closely together to
address the threats and challenges posed by Russia and reiterate
that any use of Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear
weapons by Russia would be met with severe consequences."
NATO's Vilnius communique 11
July 2023
The western sanctimonious 'holier-than-thou' warnings about Russia must
not do this, that, or the other thing can be useful. They give a
pointer towards the wests intention to commit one (or, eventually,
all) of the crimes mentioned in their so-called 'warnings'. Their
'warnings' to Russia, in other words, can also be read as an attempt
to coerce Russia - obey, or else we will frame you for crimes we
have the capacity to commit. And then there will be "severe"
consequences. Biological Weapons
The United States government did not follow the rules when it
allegedly destroyed its chemical weapons, whereas Russia did. The
United States allegedly evaded the destruction of its biological
weapons program by masking it with a series of 'contracts'.
"...the U.S. State Department launched an active
outreach campaign to neutralise Russian accusations that US
military biologists had violated the provisions of the Biological
Weapons Convention. An important role of the International Science
and Technology Centre (ISTC), which is under U.S. control, plays
an important role in this effort.
This organisation funds Internet activities to combat information
about U.S. biolaboratories in Ukraine and to promote a positive
perception of Washington's projects in the post-Soviet space. The
ISTC has signed a contract with Wooden Horse Strategies, a U.S.
consulting firm.The contractual documents provide for the posting
of relevant material at least eight times a month, as well as the
monitoring of 'pro-Russian' publications on this topic appearing
online and promptly responding to them, including blocking access.
U.S. presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. harshly criticised
the military biological activities of the U.S. Government.
According to his statement, former U.S. President Nixon
unilaterally declared the termination of the biological weapons
program in 1969, but the existing developments were not destroyed.
In order to take the U.S. military out of the picture, all
available information and materials were transferred to the
National Institute of Health.
Kennedy emphasised the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in
biological weapons operations, the first of which was Operation
Paperclip. Thus, specialists from Japan and Nazi Germany were
brought to the United States after World War II to 'transfer
expertise' in military biological research. Let me remind you that
the Japanese developers paid special attention to the use of
biological formulations and the mechanisms of vector-borne disease
transmission and spread.
In this regard, it is no coincidence that the research
organisations of the U.S. Ministry of Defence are interested in
studying the main species of mosquitoes and ticks that carry
epidemically significant infections such as Rift Valley fever,
West Nile fever and Dengue fever.
the work of U.S. military biologists is aimed at the formation of
'artificially managed epidemics' and is not controlled within the
framework of the BWC and the UN Secretary-General's mechanism for
investigating the use of biological weapons.
In the course of the special military operation documents, which
prove the activity of the U.S. Department of Defence's research
institutions in Ukraine, have been discovered.
Earlier we briefed you on Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
activity. We have already pointed out, that due to an extensive
network of branches the institute acts as a supplier of
epidemically significant pathogens.
Three of seven U.S. Navy laboratories are located outside USA
territories, namely in Italy, Сambodia and Peru. The NAMRU
organises its work on establishment of interconnected branches and
offices in regions with unfavourable epidemiological situation.
Only Asian branch of the NAMRU-2 in Phnom Penh analyses over 5,000
pathogens samples, the same number is gathered in South Africa.
Since April 2023 employees of the African branch (NAMRU-6) work
undercover of a civilian organisation - Latin American branch of
the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention...
It should be noted that the Navy's biological warfare unit in
Italy works under the three US strategic commands - Central,
European, and Africa, and its primary purpose is ‘…to study,
monitor and detect diseases of military significance..."
Thus, the efforts of the NAMRU foreign branches is fully in line
with U.S. national interests and strategic planning documents in
the field of biosecurity and is aimed at controlling the
biological situation in the areas, where NATO military contingents
are stationed."
Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection
Troops Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on U.S. military and
biological activity
July 15, 2023
All this may turn out to be perfectly innocent. But why fund the
military to conduct this research? Why not give the money to the
World Health Organisation to conduct the research? After all,
epidemics, as we have seen, are a global concern, not a US
government military concern. Why put these laboratories on Russia's
border? Why did insect-vectored swine fever break out in East Europe
and China, causing the deaths of thousands of pigs? Why develop
possible counter-medicines to the most virulent forms of these
diseases in other country? Why not test them in USA? Obviously it is
cheaper, easier, and less dangerous to the USA to test them
overseas. And distance isolation is a cheap form of insurance if you
are studying dangerous pathogens and vector-borne disease
transmission. Even the most secure Level 4 laboratories has escapes.
Extremely rare, but it has happened. The USA government obviously
uses the dangerous nature of these organisms as a warning to Russia
- do as we say, or an 'accident' may happen (one for which we have
already developed a treatment response). It would be very difficult
- perhaps impossible - to prove the release was deliberate. Once
again, this is a form of coercion.
Chemical Weapons
The west tried - and failed - to pitch one of their own chemical
weapon attacks as a Russian attack. This was the Skirpal debacle and
the Nalvarny debacle. The West attempted to attribute the use of
chemical weapons in Syria to the Syrian government. They failed, but
in the process destroyed the reputation of the Organisation for
Prevention of Chemical Weapons, turning it a non-credible agent of
western propaganda. So far, the wests proxy agents in Ukraine have
failed to accomplish a provocation they can blame on Russia.So far.
"On April 5 and 9 of this year Ukrainian forces
blew up tanks with chemicals which resulted in the release of
toxic substances."
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, April
13, 2022
'Russia has sent 23 notes to the secretariat of the Organisation
for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on the use of toxic
substances as chemical weapons by Kiev, but the OPCW does not yet
see the need to send specialists to Ukraine, Russian Permanent
Representative to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin said on Wednesday.'
Sputnik 19
July 2023
Wilful stupidity
The US government is crammed full of lawyers, ex-lawyers, and
those with legal training. The State Department employs numerous
officials with law degrees. The United States government is expert
at taking the wording of agreements they signed up to and then
twisting, distorting, and dancing on the head of a pin over what a
word or phrase 'means' - when context and history long since made
the intent and meaning clear.
Anthony Blinken is a Doctor of Law. He practised law in New York
and Paris. He and other government officials are far from
'stupid'. They have no lack of intelligence or common sense. They
are not dull. Yet, confronted with a simple and plainly written
document, which the Minsk agreement is, they pretend to
misinterpret it, they give an appearance of not having even read
the 13 clauses of Minsk
"We are being urged to implement the Minsk agreements and are
often accused of not observing them.
However, when we ask our partners, including in the Normandy
format, exactly which part of the Minsk agreements Russia is
not fulfilling and what, in their opinion, Russia is supposed
to do under the Minsk agreements, we get no answer.
This is exactly what they say: – 'We
cannot put it into words'. I am not kidding, this is the
dialogue we are having.
And what exactly have the Lugansk and Donetsk people’s
republics failed to do regarding the Minsk agreements?
There is no answer either; again they cannot put it into
Meanwhile, they publicly demand that we implement them.
And now the second issue regarding who the party to the conflict
is. The Minsk agreements do not state
that Russia is a party to the conflict, we never agreed to
this and never will; we are not a party to it."
Vladimir Putin 13
November 2021
"Question: US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and CIA
Director William J. Burns both visited Russia recently. They
described the talks as fairly constructive. The United States
posits one thing and then we hear different rhetoric. Are they
playing a double game? What is Washington trying to achieve?
Sergey Lavrov: Not only before but also after these
trips, when they comment on the upcoming or recent
contacts as constructive, it still comes down to the idea
that Russia “must.”For example, Russia “must” comply
with the Minsk agreements.
Today US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken listed the requirements
for Russiawith respect to the Minsk agreements,
including maintaining the ceasefire, withdrawing heavy weapons
and ceasing economic interference in Donbass.
During our bilateral meeting, I clarified everything,
quoting specific clauses from the Minsk agreements that state
that all these matters must be resolved through direct
dialogue and consensus between Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk.
This obsession with tethering the whole of the Minsk
agreements to Russia’s actions and conduct is characteristic
of all NATO countries.
There is also some exasperation when it comes to this
We had a rather professional conversation with Mr Blinken...we can see that their
interpretation is completely different from the actual
wording....It is the United States that has the
most influence with the Kiev regime....
...From the beginning, we need to
agree on the fundamental terms of our interaction. And the
only possible terms consist of a direct interpretation of
the Minsk agreements. There is no need to even interpret
them. All it takes is reading and doing what is written.
...we distributed the text of the Minsk agreements and the
Declaration of the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and
Germany among the participants of the OSCE meeting. These
documents had been approved by a UN Security Council resolution.
I directly asked our colleagues to carefully read these
documents before they comment on Ukrainian affairs. Then
many would realise that they should choose different rhetoric."
Sergey Lavrov 2
December 2021
Why do the US government officials (and their European
assistants) do this?
First, no one will admit they understand something that is
inconvenient for them to understand. Second, they were simply
stalling to buy time to militarise. Third, Mr. Blinken and his
officials were fully aware that Russia knows they fully understand
Minsk II and its implications. By pretending to be so stupid that
they cannot comprehend the agreement they were very deliberately
showing contempt to the Russian diplomats. It was a diplomatic
'signal' that the Russian Federation is of little importance. Put
another way, by pretending to be too dull to understand Russia's
concerns about the security of the Russian nation they can
'belittle' Russia.
In exactly the same way, US diplomats pretend not to understand
anything about the causes of Russia's defensive actions, speaking
publicly in propaganda slogans. Behind closed doors they no doubt
understand everything. A leaked State Department document in
effect outlines to Russia the US intention to engage in war
against Russia by all means short of nuclear bombs. John Helmer
neatly encapsulates it's message (slightly formatted by me):
"The paper claims to be a “response to Russia’s request
that the United States provide a direct written response to
Russia’s draft treaty proposal”. What follows is not a direct
response to the seven substantive Russian treaty articles.
Instead, it lays a booby trap for each of the seven Russian
proposals with a reaffirmation of the US intention to continue
with its plans to attack Russia from the territories of other
states, from international waters and the airspace bordering on
Russia – and much more.
To camouflage these booby traps, the Blinken paper lists these
intentions as “Concerns”. The Blinken paper has issued 55 lines
of “Concerns” one for each of the 55 lines of “US Position”.
Only three of the Russian treaty articles are identified in
the Blinken paper – Articles 5, 6, and 7.
By ignoring the first four articles of the Russian treaty the
Blinken paper has [in effect] declared its refusal
“not to undertake actions nor participate in or support
activities that affect the security of the other Party” (Article
1); its dismissal of the “core security interests of the other
Party”; and its rejection of “the principles contained in the
Charter of the United Nations (Article 2).”
The Blinken paper also declares the US intention to continue to
“use the territories of other States with a view to
preparing or carrying out an armed attack against the other
Party or other actions affecting core security interests of the
other Party” (Article 3);
to encourage “further eastward expansion of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization”(Article 4);
and to plan to “establish
military bases in the territory of the States of the former
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that are not members of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, use their
infrastructure for any military activities or develop
bilateral military cooperation with them”
(Article 4).
In the Blinken paper, that last point means it no longer
matters to the US whether Ukraine joins NATO or not. The US
intends to make war on Russia from the territory of the Ukraine
across the Red Line...
...To understand this fabrication and the war plan it conceals,
it needs to be read beside the
Russian treaty proposals of December 17 and compared,
line for line, article by article."
In other words, the US understood, and has long understood,
Russia's security concerns, has ignored them for the last ten
years, and believes it can coerce Russia into having unstoppable
cruise missiles, potentially nuclear tipped, right on Russia's
border. The fact that the US administration pretends not to
understand why Russia has taken the steps it has taken, as though
it is a dull simpleton, lacking all common sense, is simply a
psychological device to demonstrate it's contemptuous assignation
of the Russian people as some form of 'other', lesser, human
being. Mr. Blinken has a jewish heritage, and he knows full well
the implications of antislavic hate. He knows what racist elements
of western Ukraine did in west Ukraine in the post war period. He
knows that in 2023 Russia presented historic footage of these
atrocities to the United Nations. And yet the Americans continue
to rub salt in historic wounds.
On the other hand, perhaps we should pay attention to someone who
has had first hand experience with the current US 'top level'
Jakob de Jonge: "There were so many warnings that this could go
very wrong...not only for the ukrainians but also for the US...
what were they thinking? Did they actively risk a fight, or were
they betting on Putin, you know, sitting back and not acting?"
Jeffrey Sachs: "This is a game of chicken and it's a game that's
played as a game - as they do the war games.
And they constantly miscalculate.
I don't find these people very bright and I don't find them
very much capable of analyzing the likely reactions on the
other side - or the rest of the world."
Jeffrey Sachs, Professor of economics, geopolitical commentator
inverview with Jakob de Jonge of the Hague Peace Projects, 16 September 2023
"This is either an instance of amateurish behaviour, or a
state of madness that has come to replace the intelligence of
diplomats and politicians in the West."
Sergey Lavrov 31
August 2024 on Josep Borrell's wilful pretense that, in
effect, the EU & USA are not to blame for preventing a
settlement in Ukraine
Petty coercion Edited 25
August 2024 Edited 21 November 2024
The United States has made itself the master of petty, childish,
pin-pricking, mean-spirited coercion. These are petty acts
designed to impress upon 'the other' that they are a lesser person
than anybody else. The United States and the west has spent a very
great deal of time and attention, some of it possibly
state-sponsored subterfuges, to isolate Russia from 'normal'
people. (The incitement of anti-Russia race hate in Ukraine prior
to arming their proxy against Russia has been their 'greatest'
The west also tries to direct other countries how they should
talk to Russia. This is both juvenile and contemptuous. The west's
attempts to dictate to the League of Arab States (LAS) is one
example of many.
"..prior to last
year’s visit to the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo,
the US, UK and European ambassadors made public demarches, urging
Cairo to “cancel Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s address”
at the Arab League.
When they were
told that Russia and the Arab League had their own relations
as determined by agreements between them, the Western
diplomats started asking LAS representatives to make the
Arab countries denounce Russia’s actions in Ukraine
after Mr Lavrov’s speech.
They were told
again that the Arab League had its own position on
international developments. Then the ambassadors made a
third request: “Let Lavrov speak and don’t denounce
anything, just avoid posing for a photograph with him.”
I am not joking."
Sergey Lavrov 21
December 2023
The most low-life technique the USA government and western
governments in general uses is to denigrate Russia's decisive role
in the second world war - effectively denigrating the death of 27
million Russian people. The Western politicians and diplomats know
the immense damage done to Russia in World War 2. So they
deliberately denigrate Russia's war efforts and distort history as
part of their mean-minded campaign of childish pettiness. And the
west's proxy war on the Russian Federation, complete with German
tanks attacking Russian troops, has eerie echos of World War 2:
"Desecrating and insulting the memory is mean.
Meanness can be deliberate, hypocritical and pretty much
intentional as in the situation when declarations
commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end
of World War II mention all participants
in the Anti-Hitler coalition except
for the Soviet Union.
Meanness can be cowardly as in the situation when
monuments erected in honour of those who fought against
Nazism are demolished and these shameful acts are justified
by the false slogans of the fight against
an unwelcome ideology and alleged occupation.
Meanness can also be bloody as in the situation
when those who come out against neo-Nazis and Bandera's
successors are killed and burned. Once again, meanness can
have different manifestations, but this does not make it less
Neglecting the lessons of history inevitably leads
to a harsh payback. We will firmly uphold
the truth based on documented historical facts. We
will continue to be honest and impartial about
the events of World War II. This includes
a large-scale project to establish Russia's largest
collection of archival records, film and photo
materials about the history of World War II
and the pre‑war period.
Such work is already underway. Many new, recently discovered
or declassified materials were also used
in the preparation of this article...
The Soviet military leadership indeed followed
a doctrine according to which, in the event
of aggression, the Red Army would promptly confront
the enemy, go on the offensive and wage war
on enemy territory...
Of course, military planning documents, letters
of instruction of Soviet and German headquarters
are now available to historians. ...In this regard,
I will say one thing: along with a huge flow
of misinformation of various kinds, Soviet leaders
also received true information about the upcoming Nazi
aggression. And in the pre-war months, they
took steps to improve the combat readiness
of the country, including the secret recruitment
of a part of those liable for military duty
for military training and the redeployment
of units and reserves from internal military districts
to western borders.
The war did not come as a surprise, people
were expecting it, preparing for it. But
the Nazi attack was truly unprecedented in terms
of its destructive power. On June 22, 1941,
the Soviet Union faced the strongest, most mobilised
and skilled army in the world with
the industrial, economic and military potential
of almost all Europe working for it. Not only
the Wehrmacht, but also Germany’s satellites, military
contingents of many other states of the European
continent, took part in this deadly invasion.
The most serious military defeats in 1941 brought
the country to the brink of catastrophe.
Combat power and control had to be restored
by extreme means, nation-wide mobilisation
and intensification of all efforts
of the state and the people.
In summer 1941, millions of citizens, hundreds
of factories and industries began to be evacuated
under enemy fire to the east of the country.
The manufacture of weapons and munition, that had
started to be supplied to the front already
in the first military winter, was launched behind
the lines in the shortest possible time,
and by 1943, the rates of military
production of Germany and its allies were exceeded.
Within eighteen months, the Soviet people did something
that seemed impossible. Both on the front lines
and the home front. It is still hard to realise,
understand and imagine what incredible efforts, courage,
dedication these greatest achievements were worth.
The tremendous power of Soviet society, united
by the desire to protect their native land, rose
against the powerful, armed to the teeth,
cold-blooded Nazi invading machine. It stood up to take
revenge on the enemy, who had broken, trampled
peaceful life, people's plans and hopes....
The Nazi ‘strategists’ were convinced that a huge
multinational state could easily be brought to heel. They
thought that the sudden outbreak of the war, its
mercilessness and unbearable hardships would inevitably
exacerbate inter-ethnic relations. And that
the country could be split into pieces.
Hitler clearly stated: “Our
policy towards the peoples living in the vastness
of Russia should be to promote any form
of disagreement and split.”
But from the very first days, it was clear that
the Nazi plan had failed. The Brest Fortress was
protected to the last drop of blood by its
defenders representing more than 30 ethnicities. Throughout
the war – both in large-scale decisive battles
and in the protection of every foothold,
every metre of native land – we see examples
of such unity.
The Volga region and the Urals, Siberia
and the Far East, the republics of Central
Asia and Transcaucasia became home to millions
of evacuees. Their residents shared everything they had
and provided all the support they could. Friendship
of peoples and mutual help became a real
indestructible fortress for the enemy.
The Soviet Union and the Red Army, no matter
what anyone is trying to prove today, made the main
and crucial contribution to the defeat
of Nazism. These were heroes who fought
to the end surrounded by the enemy
at Bialystok and Mogilev, Uman and Kiev, Vyazma
and Kharkov. They launched attacks near Moscow
and Stalingrad, Sevastopol and Odessa, Kursk
and Smolensk. They liberated Warsaw, Belgrade, Vienna
and Prague. They stormed Koenigsberg and Berlin.
We contend for genuine, unvarnished or whitewashed
truth about war. This national, human truth, which is hard,
bitter and merciless, has been handed down to us
by writers and poets who walked through fire
and hell of front trials. For my generation,
as well as for many others, their honest
and deep stories, novels, piercing trench prose
and poems have left their mark on the soul
forever. Honouring veterans who did everything they could
for the Victory and remembering those who died
on the battlefield has become our moral duty...
... In the battles for Rzhev
and the Rzhev Salient alone from October 1941
to March 1943, the Red Army lost
1,342,888 people, including wounded and missing
in action. For the first time, I call out
these terrible, tragic and far from complete figures
collected from archive sources. I do it to honour
the memory of the feat of known
and nameless heroes, who for various reasons were
undeservingly, and unfairly little talked about or not
mentioned at all in the post-war years.
Let me cite another document. This is a report
of February 1945 on reparation from Germany
by the Allied Commission on Reparations headed
by Ivan Maisky. The Commission's task was
to define a formula according to which defeated
Germany would have to pay for the damages
sustained by the victor powers.
The Commission concluded
that “the number of soldier-days spent
by Germany on the Soviet front is at least
10 times higher than on all other allied fronts.
The Soviet front also had to handle four-fifths
of German tanks and about two-thirds of German
On the whole, the USSR accounted for about
75 percent of all military efforts undertaken
by the Anti-Hitler Coalition. During the war
period, the Red Army “ground up” 626 divisions
of the Axis states, of which 508 were German.
On April 28, 1942, Franklin D. Roosevelt said
in his address to the American nation: “These
Russian forces have destroyed and are destroying more armed
power of our enemies – troops, planes, tanks,
and guns – than all the other United Nations put
together.” Winston Churchill in his message to Joseph
Stalin of September 27, 1944, wrote that “it is
the Russian army that tore the guts out
of the German military machine…”
Such an assessment has resonated throughout the world.
Because these words are the great truth, which no one doubted
Almost 27 million Soviet citizens lost their lives
on the fronts, in German prisons, starved
to death and were bombed, died in ghettos
and furnaces of the Nazi death camps.
The USSR lost one in seven of its citizens,
the UK lost one in 127, and the USA lost one
in 320. Unfortunately, this figure of the Soviet
Union's hardest and grievous losses is not exhaustive."
Vladimir Putin '75th
Anniversary of the Great Victory: Shared Responsibility to History
and our Future' 19
June 2020
"Moscow is to create the most extensive collection of WWII
documents, open to all persons anywhere, to once and for all
“shut the filthy mouth” of those seeking to rewrite history for
short-term gains, the Russian president said.
Any person, Russian or non-national, will be able to access the
archive, including through a website resource, and the ultimate
goal is to debunk any disinformation about the most devastating
conflict in human history, President Vladimir Putin pledged,
during a meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, held in
St. Petersburg on Saturday.
The creation of the center would leave no chance to those
willing to distort the truth about the war for their own
political needs, he argued.
The center is expected to incorporate the biggest and most
extensive collection of documents, as well as photos and video
footage dating back to the World War II era. The president first
floated this idea during his annual state-of-the-nation address
earlier this week, arguing that Russia should combat “brazen lies
and attempts to distort history.”
...Putin’s words come amid a row between Moscow and Warsaw over
the events that led to the Second World War. Poland has been
revising that devastating conflict’s history for quite some time,
seeking to shun any responsibility relating to events during that
period, while presenting itself as a victim of both Nazi and
Soviet aggression and occupation.
Warsaw has been removing monuments to Soviet soldiers who died
while liberating the city from Nazi Germany occupation, and also
initiated an EU Parliament resolution in September, which claims
that the 1939 non-aggression pact between Moscow and Berlin had
“paved the way for the outbreak of the Second World War.”
This last move did not sit well with Moscow, which labeled it a
falsification of history."
RT 18
January 2020
"This year marks the 75th anniversary of Victory in WWII. Sadly,
there are attempts to brazenly distort history and to equate the
liberators of Europe with Nazi murderers. These attempts
will remain on the conscience of those behind them. No one and
nothing can belittle the decisive role of the Red Army and the
Soviet people in defeating Nazism.
At the same time, we will always keep in our minds the spirit
of Alliance during the War and the ability of the states to
unite and fight the common threat regardless of ideological
Sergey Lavrov 15
February 2020
"To mark the 75th anniversary of Victory, which was celebrated
in 2020, the United States issued a commemorative coin (perhaps
you’ve seen it) dedicated to the victory over Nazism. There were
three flags – American, British, and French – engraved on it.
There was neither the Soviet, nor Russian flag."
Sergey Lavrov 10
March 2023
Russia has been banned from wearing it's national costume at the
Olympics. Russia's Olympic gymnasts are forced to wear a plain
blue tunic (the same
light blue as the territorial flag of pre-Soviet 'Ukraine')
are are barred if they are in any way supported by the Russian
government, or communicate in any way approval or support (even
implicit support) for the Russian military operation in Ukraine
(including 'liking' a tweet).
"The aggressive imposition of humiliating and unjustified
conditions for sports events on our athletes based solely on
their nationality contradicts the Olympic Charter and violates
the fundamental principles of the Olympic movement. It seems
that international sports officials have decided to take the
opportunity to eliminate the strongest competitors by putting
our gymnasts in the most unfavourable conditions.
addition to banning the use of symbols of our country (such as
the anthem, flag, associations with a national sports
federation, etc.), which is not surprising anymore, the sports
functionaries instructed that our gymnasts perform in completely
neutral single-coloured blue or white leotards, which must be
coordinated with the international federation.
me read a piece from this statement: “Women’s competition
leotard, unitard or competition shirt must be of a solid light
blue colour. Men’s competition singlet, unitard or competition
shirt must be of a solid light blue colour. Men’s competition
pants or shorts must be completely white. The Track suit worn by
Individual Neutral Athletes and their support personnel must be
of a solid light blue colour. In Rhythmic Gymnastics, the hand
apparatus must be completely white.”
You are mistaken if you believe that the use of special
clothing and uniforms to conduct coercive racial segregation
of people of various ethnic and national background was
invented by the sports officials in Lausanne this November. This
is not true....
Clothes, just like other tools of oppression, were used to
discriminate, segregate, separate and humiliate. In the
19th-century Britain, it was the local population of the
colonies, in Germany in the 1930s-1940s it was Jews and Roma
people, and in the 20th century America it was people of colour.
In the 21st century, the International Olympic Committee and
sports federations went after Russians and Belarusians by
instructing them to wear uniforms that differed from everyone
else’s. This is not only unacceptable in terms of international
law, but also immoral, unconscionable, inhumane and horrendous
for any normal person."
Russia sports people have been banned from various international
tournaments (or their visa denied). Soccer in Russia is being
destroyed by the actions of the international soccer authorities
"According to a decision adopted by the Bureau of the
FIFA Council and the UEFA Executive Committee, Russian teams,
national teams and clubs have been suspended from FIFA and UEFA
competitions until further notice. As a result, Russia did not
take part in world and continental football championships.
The other day, the UEFA Executive Committee decided at its meeting
in Hamburg to exclude the Russian national team from the Nations
League for the 2024/2025 season draw, to be held in Paris on
February 8, 2024. The Nations League will be part of the 2026 FIFA
World Cup qualification, which means that the latest decision will
determine the situation in football for the next three years.
We believe that the decision to bar Russia from qualifiers long in
advance is proof that the football officials are focused on
destroying football in Russia, thereby ignoring their direct
duties, which is promoting football."
Maria Zakharova, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, December
6, 2023
Russian culture
Various Russian cultural works in literature, dance and so forth
have been banned. Russia has been banned from the Eurovision Song
Diplomatic service edited 15 September 2024
Russian diplomats have not been able to access the banking
services in America needed to pay bills accruing to running the
embassies and consulate offices, Russian attendees at United
Nations fora have been denied entry, even when they were part of
the official program, Russian reporters attending important UN
events have had their visas delayed until the last possible flight
to New York has taken off, Russian diplomatic properties have been
seized, Russian flag taken down from Russian diplomatic premises
at the time of eviction (a gross insult in the diplomatic world),
Russian diplomatic properties searched even before the diplomats
had left the seized buildings, locks changed on seized buildings
so that US secret services can plant 'bugs' at will, the list just
goes on and on.
"If it depended on us alone, we would gladly resume normal
relations. The first possible step towards this, which I regard
as obvious, is to zero out the measures restricting the work of
Russian diplomats in the United States. It was as a response
measure that we restricted the operations of American diplomats
in Russia.
We proposed this to the Biden
administration as soon as it had taken the oath and assumed
office. I have mentioned the idea to US Secretary of State
Antony Blinken. I did not try to press it; I just said that an
obvious way to normalise our relations would be to zero out the
measures initiated by Barack Obama.
Several weeks before leaving
office, he was so annoyed he virtually slammed the door by
seizing Russian property in violation of all the Vienna
conventions and throwing Russian diplomats out.
This has caused a chain
We patiently sat back for a long
time, until the summer of 2017, before taking any response
The Trump administration asked us
to disregard the excessive measures taken by the outgoing Obama
However, Donald Trump’s team
failed to normalise the situation, and so we had to take
reciprocal measures. But the Americans have not stopped there.
We can see that the Biden
administration continues to go downhill"
Sergey Lavrov 28
April 2021
" The impossibility of paying utility bills, threats of cutting off power
or telephone lines. In principle, it is about creating a
toxic atmosphere around embassies in a variety of areas:
bullying in the media, publication of unreliable data, use of
personal data about family members, and threats
to life.
I won’t even mention surveillance, “approaches,” or attempts at
recruitment, which have increased significantly. We regularly
commented on this. This is what Russian diplomats faced. The
Russian diplomatic service should be credited with successfully
passing these tests of strength.
I can
also talk about erasing us from the information space. There
are a number of ambassadors and embassies that are not allowed
to publish refutations in the media or to promote our
position, considering that Russian media have long been blocked
in the information space of unfriendly countries... Our
embassies have largely become the only source of information
about Russia’s official steps. Even this was blocked under all
imaginable threats,
including physical violence."
Maria Zakharova, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, December
6, 2023
"...on December 21, 2023, representatives of the Latvian
security services broke into the Moscow House cultural
and business centre in Riga. They confiscated employees’ devices
and interrogated them. Later, on January 11, the country’s
Saeima passed the bill on its expropriation...The move was
entirely political...the confiscated property was never owned by
any private, public or state entity in Latvia. It was the
property of the Moscow Government.
have previously qualified that move as raiding, stealing,
thieving on a national scale, while grossly violating the
norms of international law that guarantee the inviolability of
other countries’ property.
countries that Riga sees as ideological role models (the United
States and Britain) have been doing the same.
They take away sovereign assets and private assets. They
expropriate assets that never belonged to them. They have
been encroaching upon property for a long time.
Remember how many Russian properties, including diplomatic properties, which
must have immunity...have been taken away and stolen by
the United States.
hold the Latvian authorities and the country’s top officials
fully responsible and financially accountable for such
lawless actions.
Retaliatory steps will be taken."
Maria Zakharova, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, 21 August 2024
Russia is required by the immutable laws of diplomacy to respond
to these provocations, mirroring closure of consular offices and
the like, by, as far as I know, they have not stooped to the
apartheid-like petty prohibitions and restrictions the US
government delights in - let alone threats of violence.
"We are not anticipating any changes that the US elections will
bring. If we are talking about Donald Trump, he has already been
president. During his administration, some of the most severe
sanctions, as it seemed at the time, were imposed. But the Biden
administration has outdone everyone.
it all started with President Obama. At the height of his
term, three weeks before Donald Trump's inauguration, the
President of the United States expelled our diplomats along
with their families and children. There were 120 of them in
total. He did it on New Year's Eve. He ordered them to return
to their homeland on a day when there were no direct flights
between Washington and Moscow. Our staff, along with their
children and belongings, had to travel by coach to New York in
bad weather.
This was done with great finesse by the Obama administration.
And their successors continued this practice."
Sergey Lavrov 1
March 2024
Person to Person Diplomatic Relationships
Donald Trump is infamous for his bullying attempts at domination
using a handshake that turns into an attempt to physically pull
the other person off balance. He did this with European leaders,
failing with President Macron who was ready for his nonsense. He
did it with Mr. Putin, which Mr. Putin clearly did not expect. He
tried it on Mr.Lavrov, but failed. Mr. Trump made a comment on
Mr.Lavrov's strong grip. Perhaps tellingly, he did the same to Mr.
Netanyahu in late 2024 when greeting him at Mar el Largo.
It is necessary to maintain good relations when you are a
diplomatic. It doesn't matter whether or not you are in conflict
with the other side. When Saudi Arabia's
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was being diplomatically
'snubbed' by the west at the G20 in 2018, both men were placed
beside each other as 'outcasts', and realising the silly joke,
they greeted
each other warmly.
"When people know each other, even in a situation where there
are deep-running differences between their respective countries,
it is absolutely normal to exchange greetings when running into
each other in a public place. What I find abnormal is that many
European leaders recoil when they see Russian representatives in
the hallways, backrooms, or at photo sessions.
2023 (I’ve shared this example before) at the summit in India,
we were waiting for the event to begin. I entered the room, and
some of the participants were already sitting there. Two African
leaders were sitting next to European Council President Charles
Michel at a table. I met both of these African presidents on an
earlier occasion. They saw me, and we exchanged greetings. As
decorum dictates, I extended my hand to greet Charles Michel,
but he jumped aside as if stung and looked the other way. So
much for his manners."
Sergey Lavrov 19
November 2024
Does this kind of childish passive-aggressive behaviour coercion
work? Probably not, because Russia always has an eye on the much
longer term goal, a multipolar, UN-centric, cooperative world
where diplomacy is respect-based and takes a balanced approach to
all countries lawful interests. Resistance to change is expected.
It is instructive that the petty apartheid pin-pricking racist
restrictions of the Boer regime did not prevent massive societal
change in South Africa.
terrorism by proxy as a coercive tool First edited
13 September 2024. Last edited 20 February 2025.
"In fact, the Islamic State itself did not
come out of nowhere. It was initially developed
as a weapon against undesirable secular regimes.
Having established control over parts of Syria and Iraq,
Islamic State now aggressively expands into other regions. It
seeks dominance in the Muslim world and beyond.
Their plans go further.
The situation
is extremely dangerous.... is hypocritical and irresponsible to make
declarations about the threat of terrorism
and at the same time turn a blind eye
to the channels used to finance
and support terrorists, including revenues from drug
trafficking, the illegal oil trade and the arms
is equally irresponsible to manipulate extremist groups
and use them to achieve your political goals, hoping
that later you’ll find a way to get rid of them
or somehow eliminate them.
I’d like to tell those who engage
in this: Gentlemen, the people you are dealing with
are cruel but they are not dumb. They are as smart
as you are. So, it’s a big question: who’s playing
who here?" Vladimir Putin 28
September 2015
"The United States is providing support to ISIS and its
members at the Al-Tanf base in eastern Syria, which it
illegally occupies. Everyone is well aware of this.
ISIS itself emerged following America’s attack on Iraq, which
it invaded under a false pretext. Later the United States
assumed administrative control over Iraq. They sent down a
Gauleiter or a Governor-General (whatever you call him), Paul
Bremer, who dissolved all the organisations of the Baath party. He
just dissolved them. These structures were based on Sunni Islam. The
core of ISIS was made up of officers of Saddam Hussein’s army,
who had lost all their means of subsistence. And it was the
United States that created this situation....
Qaeda came into being after the Afghan saga, which also ended
in a lamentable and disgraceful failure.
Jabhat al-Nusra (later Hayat Tahrir al-Sham), in turn, was
created after the invasion of Syria.
are mercenaries, whatever else you call them. ISIS members
are sent to fight in various flashpoint areas for a fee of
several thousand dollars.
It is
clear that these practices are fraught with danger. Eventually,
on completing their mission in a country, they will have to
retire to some asylum. But they have no skills other than to
stage terrorist attacks, handle firearms, and kill people."
Sergey Lavrov 16
February 2024
"Even in Syria, the Vladimir Zelensky regime has been working
with the United States to train Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terrorists
to master the latest UAV manufacturing technology in order to
fight the Russian Armed Forces in the Syrian Arab Republic."
Sergey Lavrov 4
October 2024
The USA has long used terrorists to coerce other countries into
accepting its demands. These usually center around economic
demands, whether for access to resources, or markets for US goods,
or both. The USA supported Osama bin Laden (the west's
"anti-Soviet warrior" as he was styled) to overthrow the Afghan
government, the USA clandestinely supported wahhabi terrorists in
Chechnya to pull Chechnya away from Russia. The USA, Turkey, and
Saudi Arabia supported ISIS terrorists in Syria in an attempt to
destroy the secular government there and replace it with a
sectarian Muslim fundamentalist government, the USA recently
supported Beloch and ISIS terrorists to murder Iranian civilians
and try to incite a civil uprising - the shameful list of
state criminality goes on and on.
"We had representatives from American intelligence services at
our nuclear, military facilities; monitoring Russia’s nuclear
weapons sites was their job. They went there every day and even
lived there. Many advisors, including CIA staffers, worked in
the Russian Government.
What else did you need? Why did they have to support terrorists
in the North Caucasus and use organisations of a clearly
terrorist nature in attempts to break the Russian Federation
apart? But they did this, and as former Director of the Federal
Security Service, I know this all too well. We worked with
double agents, and they reported to us on the objectives set for
them by Western intelligence services. But why?
They should have treated Russia as a potential ally, and made it
stronger, but it all went in the opposite direction; they wanted
to break it down even further."
Vladimir Putin 23
December 2021
When the USA government overtly support terrorists, as they did
in Syria, they 're-brand' the terrorists as 'armed opposition'.
Following this line of hypocrisy, then it was Saudi Arabian 'armed
opposition' who destroyed the twin towers in USA.
You can argue that saboteur attacks against military targets in
Russia are a legitimate part of the current war (although neither
side has declared it a war), but the rules of war prohibit
attacking non-military targets, and demand civilians must be
protected as far as possible. Terrorist attacks on civilians is not
'warfare', asymmetric or otherwise. Targeted killing of
non-combatants is simply terrorism, nothing else, and punishable
as such.
Where the United States supports terrorists, either directly or
by proxy, Russia adheres to international law, refusing to back
terrorists and refusing to use terrorism to achieve political or
military objectives.
"On January 31, the UN International Court of Justice
delivered its judgment on the merits in the case filed by
Ukraine in January 2017 on the Application of the International
Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism
(ICSFT). Russia’s arguments undercutting Ukraine’s groundless
insinuations were heard in The Hague: the Court rejected almost
all of more than 20 submissions made by Kiev during the
seven-year proceedings, and left Ukraine without any
The Court also dismissed Ukraine’s insinuations that the DPR
and the LPR are allegedly terrorist organisations
findings are of particular importance in light of the fact
that Kiev intended to use the Court’s Judgment to support its
demands for the transfer of Russian assets stolen in the West
and the imposition of international restrictions on Russia.
addition, the Court rejected Ukraine’s claim under the ICSFT
that Russia should be held responsible for the crash of Boeing
Flight MH17 and did not accept the Ukrainians’ allegations that
the DPR was involved in the crash.
During the hearing, Russia presented compelling evidence of
fatal flaws in the pseudo-international
investigation of the incident by the Joint
Investigation Team under the umbrella of the Dutch justice
...The UN International Court of Justice stated that Russia
had complied in good faith with its obligations to cooperate
in the field of the suppression of terrorism financing,
including the obligation to identify and freeze assets used to
finance terrorism; to extradite or independently prosecute
perpetrators of terrorist crimes; to provide mutual legal
assistance; and to cooperate in the prevention of terrorist
This is fully consistent with the FATF's earlier conclusions
about the high level of Russia's fulfillment of its obligations
in this area; the FATF assessed Ukraine's claims as being of a
purely political nature.
We were bewildered, against this background, at the Court's
conclusion that Russia had failed to take measures to
investigate two facts contained in information received from
Ukraine regarding persons who have allegedly collected funds in
Russia to help the people of Donbass.
The Court had to go against its own practice and set an
unprecedentedly low bar for proving the applicability of the
Terrorist Financing Convention when there was no
evidence of either terrorism or its financing.
As a result of the proceedings, Ukraine was completely denied
all claims for reparation or other forms of compensation."
Russia Foreign Ministry Press release 31
January 2024
The Court, which Russia does not recognise, confirmed Russia fulfils
its obligations not to support terrorism. But Russia can provide
evidence to the Court, even athough it doesn't recognise the Court's
jurisdiction. The evidence it presented to the Court exposed the
west's attempts to falsely accuse Russia of destroying MH17, a
terrorist act. USA refused to supply the radar data it has showing
where the attack came from - it withheld evidence from the Court,
clearly because that evidence would show that Ukraine fired the
missile from its positions in the Donetsk. Ukraine air traffic
control had previously steered the aircraft directly into the
conflict zone (the Ukrainian controller who did this 'went on
holiday' and has not been seen since).
The Court's decision clears the way for Ukraine to be sued for
reparations by Malaysia and the survivors.
A week earlier, on 24 January 2024, a Russian Air Force Ilyushin
Il-76 military transport plane was shot down in Russia's Belgorod
Oblast, killing the crew and the 65 prisoners of war on board. The
route to the disembarcation airport within Russia (for bussing to
Ukraine) was known to Ukraine. The prisoner swap had been arranged
with Ukraine, probably via the Red Cross, and has been done many
times before. This is a terrorist act. Russian crime scene
investigators have established with absolute certainty that the
aircraft was shot down with a missile from a patriot battery. It is
uncertain who supplied it and who helped operate it - USA? A NATO
country? In any case, Ukraine will have pay reparations. But not
until peace is restored. POW swaps must continue (with a third
country as the intermediate swapping point).
When peace is restored, Ukraine will likely be a constant source of
CIA and MI6 trained terrorists trying to attack Russia, even
although hostilities have ended. If history repeats, as it likely
will, the west will clandestinely nurture and actively help the
terrorists. At this point, they make themselves 'terrorist states'
by proxy. Yet their criminal support for terrorists will achieve no
political aim while at the same time opening the individuals and
involved to prosecution and their employing governments to claims
for reparations.
Why do it?
Their policy of coercive 'punishment' by proxy terrorism will
make them pariahs in the eyes of a large part of the global
population. It is true that what Sergey Lavrov called 'below the
radar' advisories are given to Russia by the USA (and vice versa)
on imminent terrorist attacks on each others territories, but this
doesn't stop the USA inciting, training, and arming terrorists.
Other western countries simply point blank refuse to cooperate
with Russia on terrorism. This refusal, of course, is fully in
line with the George doctrine of psychological coercion, a subset
of isolation as a coercive tool.
"we spent many years trying to persuade the European Union to
put an information sharing mechanism in place. That did not
happen until 2018. The last meeting took place in 2019. After
that, they, too, lost interest. Their actual refusal to engage
with us on specific counter-terrorism issues came long before
the special military operation....
... I double-checked my words that Interpol has never
offered to investigate high-profile crimes before. This is
indeed the case. It did not do this as regards Nord Stream
pipelines or terrorist attacks in Russia in the early 2000s.
Interpol has never demonstrated this kind of zeal before.
...this time it offered its services literally several hours
after the Americans and the Europeans declared that Ukraine
had nothing to do with the attack"
Sergey Lavrov 28
March 2024
"...we maintained efficient cooperation with Western
countries and had corresponding channels until 2022,
including regular consultations on counter-terrorism and
anti-terrorism issues. They were constructive and
politically unbiased in general. They served as an effective
platform to discuss anti-terrorism and other new challenges
and threats.
After 2022, all these formats were scaled down at the
Western partners’ initiative."
Maria Zakharova, spokewoman Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
March 2024
"...the West moved to infringe upon Russia’s rights and
interests at specialised international organisations and formats
and to directly oust our country from them. This includes the
suspension of our involvement in Financial Action Task Force
(FATF) activities for politically motivated reasons, the
unjustified restriction of our prerogatives during consultations
of countries parties to the 2005 Council of Europe Convention on
the Prevention of Terrorism and the 2015 Additional Protocol to
it, as well as a Conference of Countries Parties to the 2005
Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and
Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of
Maria Zakharova, spokewoman Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
September 2024
"the US-led West ...uses foreign mercenaries, including
militants from international terrorist organisations, for
supporting Ukraine.
It is unacceptable to use this issue, as well as the
terrorist groups, as a geopolitical tool for interfering in
domestic affairs and destabilising regimes seen as
“undesirable” by the West.
...On September 3, 2024, the Russian Investigative Committee
charged Ukrainian colonels Pavel Fedosenko, Fyodor Yaroshevich,
Andrey Matviishin and Dmitry Khrapach in absentia with mass
murders...On September 4, 2024, the Second Western District
Military Court gave a life sentence to Dmitry Khrapach,
commander of the 27th Artillery Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed
Forces, for organising the terrorist shelling of the Belgorod
Region...none of the Ukrainian criminals and their
accomplices will escape punishment.."
Maria Zakharova, spokewoman Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
September 2024
"No one today has any doubts that the US, Britain and the entire
NATO community are behind all the terrorist attacks that are
carried out on the territory of our country."
Maria Zakharova, spokewoman Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
September 2024
There must be an adequate response to dissuade state terrorism, in
particular, 'long arm' state terrorism to coerce other countries.
"According to President Putin, all those who masterminded,
organised, sponsored and executed this terrorist attack [on the
Crocus Center] will be brought to justice....Head of Ukraine’s
Military Intelligence Agency Kirill Budanov had the following to
say yesterday: “The allegation that Ukraine committed the
terrorist attack in Crocus is nonsensical. Even though Russia is
an enemy, I do not condone terrorist attacks against civilians.”
No one would believe what this person has to say.
In May 2023, he said “these people with altered psyche (meaning
Russians) should be held accountable. For us, holding
accountable means physical annihilation.” He said that on the
air of the 1+1 television channel. There are many other similar
remarks by Ukrainian officials, including Mikhail Podolyak,
Andrey Yermak, and former Secretary of Ukraine’s National
Security and Defence Council Alexey Danilov, including outright
calls to destroy “Rusnya.” ...We hear threats to kill Russians
in Ukraine physically and legally.."
Sergey Lavov 28
March 2024
"The investigation also gained access to data from the suspects'
cell phones, which contained information incriminating Ukrainian
security services. The investigation also has at its disposal
confirmed data that perpetrators of the attack received
significant amounts of money and cryptocurrency from Ukraine,
which were used in the preparation of the crime.
Moreover, there is evidence that the Kiev regime has been
cooperating with and using Islamist radicals for a long time. We
also know for a fact that the Ukrainian embassy in Dushanbe
recruits mercenaries who are willing to join the International
Legion. The perpetrators of the terrorist attack in the Crocus
City Hall and their accomplices are also mainly of Tajik origin.
In connection with these facts, the Russian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs has transmitted to the Ukrainian authorities
demands under the International Convention for the Suppression
of Terrorist Bombings and the International Convention for the
Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism for the immediate
arrest and extradition of all persons involved in these
terrorist acts."
Vassily Nebenzia, Russian Federation Permanent Representative at
the United Nations 12 April 2024
Ukraine is a signatory to the International Convention for the
Suppression of Terrorist Bombings (1997).
Parties to the convention are required to "...establish jurisdiction
over and make punishable, under their domestic laws, the offences
described, to extradite or submit for prosecution persons accused of
committing or aiding in the commission of the offences, and to
assist each other in connection with criminal proceedings under the
Convention. The offences referred to in the Convention are deemed to
be extraditable offences between Parties under existing extradition
treaties and under the Convention itself." Ukraine and Russia are
parties to the convention. (So is the USA, except it has an
exclusion allowing US military to do literally any act of terrorism,
not charge any military or military support, and refuse to extradite
military guilty of committing or abetting terrorist acts). The
convention creates an obligation to either charge terrorists
domestically, or hand them over to the country that is the victim of
the terrorist act.
This applies whether or not states have an extradition treaty
between each other.
Russia has provided Ukraine with a demand to hand over persons
involved in inciting and/or organising the terrorist act. But
Ukraine hasn't complied (probably because they are high level - or
even the highest level official). Russia may have to wait for a
change of government in Ukraine before the terrorist are handed over
- if they are handed over. Therefore, Russia is entitled to take
other lawful punitive actions.
When a state commits a terrorist act inside another state, then
the affected state has a right to to call those who ordered it,
those who planned it, those who facilitated it, and those who did
it to account.
The 22
March 2024 terrorist attack on the Crocus centre near Moscow
is a case in point. It was carried out by ISIS-K, a Salafi Muslim
group from Central Asia nurtured by western intelligence agencies to
use as a terrorist tool against other countries. While the criminals
were clearly hired by someone to commit these crimes, the main
question was who hired them? A statement allegedly made by a
Ukrainian official was all but a confession. Russia responded by
destroying part of the SBU Security Agency with hypersonic missiles.
Heads of State, government officials and diplomats are exempt
from reprisals, and up until early 2024 Russia (unlike Israel and
the United States governments) stuck to this rule. Russia has
responded to the Ukrainian government terrorist attack on the
civilian Kirsch bridge by attacking and destroying a proportion of
the Ukrainian electricity network. The attack was designed to hit
parts of the system that can be replaced and repaired relatively
quickly. The attack was designed to be punitive (it cost very
large amounts of money to repair) and a deterrent to further
terrorist attacks.
"The life of journalist Rostislav Zhuravlyov ended today as a
result of Ukrainian Nazis’ artillery strike using cluster
munitions against a group of journalists from the
Izvestia Information Centre and RIA Novosti news agency. Three
of his colleagues received shrapnel wounds of moderate
...Everything points to the fact that the attack on the group
of journalists was not an accident: the correspondents were
collecting materials for a report on
Kiev regime militants shelling communities in
the Zaporozhye Region with cluster munitions...
...The very same munitions that are supplied to Kiev by the
United States.
We have no illusions that specialised international
organisations will choose to turn a blind eye to this heinous
crime...which makes them accomplices
in Kiev’s terrorist mayhem.
Washington, along with London and
Paris...are sponsoring terrorists.
...Those responsible for the brutal murder of the Russian
journalist will inevitably suffer the punishment they deserve.
The entire measure of responsibility
will be shared by those who supplied cluster
munitions to their Kiev protégés.
Spokeswoman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 22
July 2022
"...Having lost its last remnants of conscience, London
attributes the new portion of illegitimate unilateral
restrictions to its intention to “protect children.” And yet,
the unlawful measures target specifically the individuals who,
by force of duty and by personal choice, directly participate in
rescuing and helping children from the special military
operation zone. They include the DPR Human Rights Commissioner,
the Adviser to the Head of the DPR for Children’s Rights, the
Moscow Region Commission for Children’s Rights and heads of the
Russian regions hosting the children...
...By demonstrating feigned “care about children,” London
continues, with unparalleled cynicism, to supply lethal
weapon systems to the Kiev
regime that the latter uses against civilians and civilian
infrastructure in Donbass, the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, the Republic of
and other Russian regions.
The munitions and missiles supplied by
the UK
kill, cripple and orphan the same children that the UK
country allegedly wants to protect. This makes London an accomplice
in these and other crimes committed by the Kiev regime and London
will not evade accountability.
Foreign Ministry Official Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova 18
July 2023
"Vladimir Zelensky is rejoicing at the efficiency of Western
arms against the background of massive shelling of
residential areas in Donbass. This is a quote: “Finally,
we feel that Western artillery has become very powerful – these
are weapons we received from our Western partners. This
accuracy is exactly what we need,” said the cynical leader of
this state entity.
Meanwhile, no military or strategic targets were hit during
this shelling of residential areas. The suffering is befalling
civilians in Donbass.
Since late July, the Ukrainian armed forces have scattered
prohibited anti-personnel Petal mines over the centre of
Donetsk and its suburbs. The use of these mines is a crude
violation of the 1997 convention on the prohibition of
anti-personnel mines, which Ukraine ratified in 2005, as well as
the second protocol to the Geneva convention on conventional
arms (that bans mines without a self-destruct device).
Such outrages have become possible and remain
unpunished because the United States and its allies have
consistently covered up the crimes of the Kiev regime for
eight years with the connivance of international human
rights institutions.
They have built their policy on Zelensky based on the notorious
American principle: “Sure, he is a son of a bitch, but he is our
son of a bitch.”
The uncomfortable truth, smearing Ukraine’s luminous image as a
victim of Russian aggression, is being meticulously hushed up
and sometimes openly deleted. Even the Western human rights
organisation Amnesty International that can hardly be suspected
of sympathising with Russia, was subjected to severe criticism
and blacklisted as a Kremlin agent. It was punished just for
confirming in its report the commonly known facts about Kiev
deploying artillery and heavy weapons at civilian facilities.
The criminal shelling of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant by
the Kiev regime militants, which creates the risk of a nuclear
disaster, remains unpunished. The shelling continues despite the
fact that the IAEA staff has been present at the station since
September 1, and it is not hard to identify the party
responsible for the shelling....
...The fate of the Russian troops who ended up in the hands of
Ukrainian nationalists is something that is of great concern to
us. There is ample evidence of abusive treatment, including
out-of-court killings in violation of international humanitarian
law. I’m sure that everyone who is interested in what is
actually happening in Ukraine has seen videos of the Russian
prisoners of war being killed by Ukrainian Nazis. They threw the
POWs to the ground with their hands tied behind their backs and
shot them in the head. Have any of the countries represented
here commented on this crime?
We have a great amount of evidence of these and other crimes
regularly committed by the Kiev regime since 2014. In
cooperation with their colleagues from the DPR and the LPR,
Russian law enforcement agencies record and investigate these
Over 220 individuals have been identified, including
representatives of the high command of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine and military unit commanders, those who were involved
in shooting civilians.
Criminal cases are being investigated involving citizens of
Great Britain, Canada, the United States, and the Netherlands
regarding the facts of mercenary activities and the
perpetration of criminal acts in Ukraine.
Rest assured that all those
responsible, regardless of their nationality, will be held
...No intelligible responses have been issued from the
International Criminal Court (ICC) in the wake of the 2014
bloody coup in Kiev, the Odessa tragedy of May 2, 2014, the
shelling of peaceful cities in Donbass, the bombing of Lugansk
by warplanes on June 2, 2014, or multiple other incidents.
Over 3,000 reports of crimes against residents of Donbass
have been sent to the ICC. There was no response.
Clearly, the senior officials from this “judicial body” have
received a command from on high to step up their activities.
This body has lost its credibility with
For eight long years we have been hoping in vain for someone to
start fighting the impunity in Ukraine.
We are no longer counting on seeing
justice from this or a number of other international
agencies. We are finished waiting.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at a meeting of the UN
Security Council on Ukraine, New York, September
22, 2022
But in early March 2024 Ukraine struck Russian oil refineries
within Russia. The Ukrainians regard these as legitimate targets
of war, and so demonstrate that they are at war with Russia,
although they have not formally declared war. The Russians up
until this date regarded the conflict as a 'special military
operation' whose primary purpose was to liberate those new parts
of Russia that seceded from Ukraine and voted to join Russia.
Another major goal was to secure guarantees that Ukraine will not
host NATO forces. Ukraine, by attacking Russian territory, is
forcing Russia to concede that these are not a series of terrorist
attacks. Taken together, these attacks constitute an 'asymmetric'
war. Russia will be forced to change the scale and intensity of
its current operation to an operation that is more akin to all-out
The Russian responded to attacks on their energy infrastructure
by destroying Ukrainian electricity generation gear, perhaps
including specialist transformers that are designed for the Soviet
era grid and that may take months or even years to replace. The
high precision attacks took place over 8 days in March, destroying
hydro and thermal energy generation plants responsible for 8% of
Ukraines total energy generation capacity.
Russia also destroyed an underground gas storage facility that
was going to be used by the EU to store large volumes of natural
gas for the high demand winter period. (This ratchet up of
coercive pressure was in response to Ukraine not being deterred by
previous Russian less damaging attacks).
The March 22 2024 terror attack on Russian civilians in Moscow
forced Russia to end its rule about not hitting government
officials. On March 26 2024 Mr. Patrushev, the Secretary of the
Russian Security Council, said that there are many things pointing
to Ukraine being behind the terrorist attack. The director of the
FSB, the Russian Security Service, said that Mr. Budanov, the head
of the Ukrainian Intelligence Directorate, is now a legitimate
target for the Russian Armed Forces, and that the FSB should be
recognised as a terrorist organisation. This designation obliges
the Russian government's to find out who was the organiser and
paymaster of the attack, and then bring them to account.
Regardless of any official status. Regardless of the country they
are from. Regardless of the country they run to.
"The Federal Security Service and other law
enforcement agencies are working diligently to identify
and expose the accomplice base behind these
terrorists: those who provided them with transport, planned
escape routes from the crime scene, and prepared
caches with weapons and ammunition.
The investigative
and law enforcement agencies will spare no effort
to establish all the details of this crime.
However, it is already clear that we are confronted not
simply with a carefully and cynically planned
terrorist attack, but a premediated and organised
mass murder of peaceful, defenceless people.
The perpetrators cold-bloodedly and deliberately
targeted our citizens, including our children, with
the intent to kill them at close range. Like
the Nazis who once carried out massacres
in the occupied territories, they planned
to stage a demonstrative execution, a bloody act
of intimidation.
All perpetrators, organisers
and masterminds of this crime will face fair
and inevitable punishment, whoever they may be
and whoever directed them.
I emphasise once more: we will
identify and bring to justice each
and every individual who stands behind these
terrorists, those who orchestrated this atrocity,
this assault against Russia and our people.
understand what the terrorist threat means. In this
regard, we rely on cooperation with all states that
sincerely share our pain and are ready to really join
forces in the fight against a common enemy,
international terrorism and all its manifestations.
murderers, those inhumane individuals who have no nationality
and cannot have one, face one and the same gloomy
prospect – retribution and oblivion. They have no
Vladimir Putin 23
March 2024
"Despite our overwhelming pain and grief, sympathy,
and legitimate desire to punish all perpetrators
of this inhuman atrocity, the investigation must
proceed with the utmost professionalism
and objectivity, with no political bias whatsoever.
We know
that the crime was perpetrated by radical
Islamists. The Islamic World itself has been fighting
this ideology for centuries.
But we are also seeing how the United States is using
different channels to try and convince its satellites
and other countries of the world that, according
to its intelligence, there is supposedly no sign
of Kiev’s involvement in the Moscow terrorist
attack, that the deadly terrorist attack was perpetrated
by followers of Islam, members of ISIS,
an organisation banned in Russia.
We know
whose hands were used to commit this atrocity against
Russia and its people. We want to know who ordered
We need
to obtain answers to a number of questions
in the course of joint work of our security
services and law enforcement agencies.
For example, do radical and even terrorist Islamist
organisations truly have an interest in launching
attacks on Russia now that it supports a fair
resolution of the escalated conflict
in the Middle East? And how do radical Islamists,
who present themselves as devout Muslims and follow
the so-called pure Islam, justify committing atrocities
and serious crimes during the holy month
of Ramadan, which is sacred to all Muslims?
We will
need to answer these and other, more specific
and professional questions in order to carry out
an objective investigation into the crime committed
in Moscow. One thing is absolutely clear: the heinous
crime committed in the Russian capital
on March 22 is an act of intimidation,
as I said.
leads to the next question: who stands
to benefit from it? This act of violence is
likely just one in a series of attempts
by those who have been fighting against our country since
2014, using the neo-Nazi Kiev regime as a pawn.
As for the neo-Nazis, it is widely known that
they have never hesitated to employ the most repugnant
and inhumane methods to achieve their aims...
It is clear that those supporting the Kiev regime do
not wish to be implicated in acts of terrorism
and be seen as sponsors of terrorism. But there
are indeed numerous questions."
Vladimir Putin 25
March 2024
"The Main Investigative Directorate of Russian Investigative
Committee has conducted an inspection after the appeal of a
group of lawmakers … and other people about the financing of terrorist activities by top
officials of the United States and NATO countries. As
a result, a criminal case was opened on the grounds of a crime
under part 4 of the article 205.1 of the Russian Criminal Code
(financing of terrorism) It has been established that the funds received through
commercial organizations, in particular the Burisma Holdings
oil and gas company that is operating in Ukraine, have been
used over the past few years to carry out terrorist acts in
Russia, as well as abroad, in order to eliminate prominent
political and public figures and cause economic damage"
Russian Investigative Committee 9
April 2024
"It is apparent that Ukraine’s missile and UAV attacks on
Russian regions are clearly of terrorist nature. We strongly
condemn these barbaric terrorist acts aimed at destroying
civilian infrastructure, and killing and intimidating civilians.
We have no doubt that those who organised and perpetrated
these crimes, including their foreign sponsors, will be held
to account."
Maria Zakharova,Spokeswoman, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
August 2024
The Ukrainian perpetrators of terrorism and war crimes continue to
be identified and tried in Russian courts, often in absentia.
Sentences are regularly handed down, and those convicted placed on
international wanted lists. What about foreign sponsors of
terrorism? Mrs. Zakharova did not say what being "held to account"
entails. There was no mention of a criminal case being opened
against the "foreign sponsors". It was probably beause there was
no hard evidence, and the statements were largely coercive
threats. But later new evidence came to light clearly implicating
UK officials. The question remains - which ones?
"More facts are emerging about London’s deep involvement
in the planning and implementation of the Kiev regime’s terrorist
attacks in Russia.
In particular, the examination of the electronic components of the
drones which Ukraine used in early August 2024 to attack a fuel
depot in the Kamensky District, Rostov Region, has shown that the
drones’ flight controllers were pre-programmed near the
headquarters of Callen-Lenz GB in Salisbury, UK, and in the
hangars of Safran Seats GB in the vicinity of Newport, Wales.
These two companies provide technological solutions for the
aircraft and aerospace industries.
The drones were assembled in the Vyshgorod District, Kiev
Region, and launched from a site near Slavyansk...
...We regard these facts as evidence of London’s approval of
the terrorist methods used by the Kiev regime.
Britain’s actual financing and involvement in preparing
attacks on the civilian infrastructure and innocent civilians in
Russia makes London fully responsible, on a par with its Kiev
puppets, for the continuing bloodshed."
Maria Zakharova, Spokeswoman, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
September 2024
Mrs. Zakharova then omits any mention of a criminal case against the
companies that pre-programmed the
flight controllers to hit a Russian fuel depot in undisputed Russian
Federation territory. In this case, she makes an ambiguous statement
which could be read as a veiled threat to strike UK "military
facilities and equipment" somewhere in the world.
"The concerned Russian agencies take Britain’s destructive
activity and its relentless striving to escalate the conflict into
account. Conclusions are made, and the best response algorithms
are considered, but it would not be right to speak openly about
the details of this work, for obvious reasons.
We would like to remind you, though, about the warning issued by
the Foreign Ministry on May 6, 2024, that any UK military
facilities and equipment on Ukrainian territory and beyond could
be hit as a response to Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory
with British weapons.
We call on immediately stop supporting the
inhuman regime and refrain from any other actions that can
further escalate the conflict."
Maria Zakharova, Spokeswoman, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
September 2024
She also says, in effect 'don't say we didn't warn you'. She is
laying out a coercive "algorithm" of deterrence, just as Hezbollah
for example, does with Israel - if you do this, we will do the same
to you. The choice of targets for Russia is very wide, and the
'agencies' involved in doing this work are not revealed. Only time
will tell if Russia successfully schools the UK to end it's state
terrorism. And the response may never be publicly revealed - it may
fly under the radar.
When this conflict is wrapped up, I anticipate Russia will hold
tribunals that will call all those in the west (including officials)
who took any part in enabling or enacting these terrorist attacks to
account. Sentences will be passed, mostly in absentia. (The
west, aware of Russia's intentions, is also preparing sham trials
stuffed with false witness and fabrications for the purpose of
discrediting the Russian tribunal. This technique is normal for
them, and the contemptible International Criminal Court pantomime is
simply one part of this process.)
"Finnish mercenary Topi Huhtala was sentenced to 14
years in absentia for fighting on the side of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine between March 2022 and May 2024. He is on the
international wanted list."
Maria Zakharova, 7
August 2024
"On July 31, Moscow’s Basmanny District Court sentenced Ukrainian
television presenter Natalya Moseichuk to five years in prison for
encouraging violence against Russian officers and their families.
She has been on the wanted list since 2023. None of the
criminals will evade punishment. They will be held accountable to
the fullest extent of the law."
Maria Zakharova, 7
August 2024
Arrest warrants may be issued for members of the press who were
complicit in staging some of the false scenarios. Warrants will be
issued for those military in NATO who can be identified as
supplying weapons such as HIMARS to the Ukrainian military when
those NATO military must have quickly come to know that the
Ukrainian military were also targeting civilian areas, which would
be a war crime; except that Ukraine has not formally declared war
on Russia and Russia has not declared war on Ukraine. Which means
that the strikes on civilian areas of Russia are acts of state
terrorism. Most of these strikes are on civilian areas in the
eastern oblasts that voted to leave Ukraine and join the Russian
NATO is desperately worried about Russia's highly accurate and
devastating hypersonic cruise missiles. It said Russia's use of
this weapon of "such dual-capable systems to attack civilians and
critical civilian infrastructure in Ukraine" is "unacceptable".
First, Russia does not deliberately target civilians.
Second, the attack on Ukraines civilian infrastructure might
arguably be a war crime if that infrastructure did not facilitate
any military purpose (such as electricity was also used to cook
soldiers meals). The USA disagrees - the US government destroyed
most of Iraq's civilian infrastructure - power, water, sewerage -
as one of the opening moves in it's illegal aggression against
Iraq - which, by the way, makes such actions state terrorism, as
there was no actual or impending security risk to the US, a
country many thousands of kilometers away from Iraq. The USA
government argues all those facilities are used to support the
Iraqi army and are therefore within the rules of armed conflict.
But the conflict itself had no legal basis in self defense or
immanent threat.
In any case, the argument is moot, because the Russian strike on
power plants in Ukraine is an act of retribution for terrorist
acts (targeting civilian areas within Russian borders) by the
State of Ukraine, and it is designed to deter Ukraine from further
such acts of terrorism.
The strike also acts as a warning to the west - aid and abet
terrorism, and all those participating may be identified and called
to account by a Russian court.
In very serious cases, once the state involved is identified by
sufficient evidence, then it would be legitimate to strike
civilian, security, or military infrastructure both as an act of retaliation and to
deter further state terrorism. In most
cases Russia is not likely to do this, it is more likely to invoke
the international law
of State responsibility which requires a state doing a wrong
act to make full reparations for a 'wrong act', which comprises any
or all of restitution, reparations, and compensation for damage
done, both material and moral.
I think most people will agree that proxy state terrorism, a
tool of the west, is a 'wrong act'. Direct state terrorism, such as the Israeli F35 attack on
Iranian diplomats in the Iranian consulate in Syria is indisputably
a 'wrong act'. It is an act of war. It is a terrorist act requiring
retaliation.The personal damage, the physical damage, moral damage,
and the affront to the dignity of the Iranian state require
compensation. War, retaliation (eliminating those who carried out
the terrorist strike, punishing the terrorist command and control
who gave the orders), and compensation all have their own logic,
tactic, timing and scale, depending on the Iranian short, medium,
and long term geopolitical strategy, and Irans' calculation of its
own and Israel's military and economic potential, both now and in
the future.
Reparations don't just apply to material damage. The Russian State
paid a lump sum to all the victims of the Crocus Center attack, as
well as ongoing pensions, special assistance, rehabilitation and so
on. All this money and a lot more will have to be taken from those
who ordered the attack, and from those government officials who
incited and/or enabled it.
"The...German opposition is behaving even more
aggressively. We will see what they will agree on. We are
following this closely. British and American missiles are
also used. But this does not change the situation
on the battlefield. Yes, they're causing damage
to us, of course, that's obvious.
But, in essence, it does not affect the course
of hostilities and the consequences that are
inevitable for the other side."
Vladimir Putin 13
March 2024
Ukraine has already used the missiles they received from other
countries on Russia's civilian infrastructure. The supplying
western countries not only know this, they actively aid and abet
targeting, as a leaked conversation by German Luftwaffe officers
conclusively shows. Once again, Russia repeats - at the highest
level - that consequences are "inevitable". Compensation, at the
very least, although aiding and abetting terrorism may see
additional punitive measures.
"During one visit to Wiesbaden, Milley spoke with
Ukrainian special operations troops — who were working with
American Green Berets — in the hope of inspiring them ahead of
operations in enemy-controlled areas.
“There should be
no Russian who goes to sleep without wondering if
they’re going to get their throat slit in the middle of the
night,” Milley said, according to an
official with knowledge of the event. “You
gotta get back there, and create a campaign behind the lines.”"
General Mark A. Milley, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
Once again, a campaign of sabotage of war-related infrastructure
behind the lines is permissible in war, but the rules of war forbid
attacks on civilians. Mr. Milley was not only advocating terrorism,
he also trained the Ukrainians in techniques that enable terrorism.
The United States has a long history of state terrorism executed by
the special operations branch of the President's private army, the
CIA. The CIA generally uses proxies to do its dirty criminal work.
But having arranged the training, material and organisation, they
are not able to directly control what their stooges decide to do. In
a case of grotesquely violent state terrorism such as that committed
at the Crocus venue, SBU, GRU, CIA or MI6 or Mossad involvement
becomes an act of war - if Russia wishes to see it that way. And
Russia has the power to mete out severe punishment, not just to
Ukraine, but to individuals and agencies in complicit western
countries. It is up to Russia to set the price.
State terrorism against a large and powerful country like Russia can
become a very dangerous spiral of violence.
Small nations can apply punitive measures to state terrorism (albeit
at some cost) as the Yemeni Houthis have shown. But in general small
states are at the mercy of terrorism unleashed by large states -
almost exclusively western.
States that constantly indulge in terrorist actions are terrorist
states. There are penalties under international law that can be
applied to terrorist states. In August 2024 Sergey Lavrov was asked
if the Ukrainian incursion into Russia's Kursk region and the
reports of Ukraine's alleged intention to use a 'dirty bomb to
spread nuclear material over parts of the Russian Federation were
enough to designate Ukraine as a terrorist state. But, as is so
often the case, politics blocks it.
"In international organisations, the decision-making
mechanism requires approval by the member states. The West has
veto power within the UN Security Council, which means that
they would block any decision, which runs counter to the interests
of their puppets in Kiev.
It is
clear for us that this is a Nazi, terrorist regime
resulting from a government coup organised with the direct
support of the United States."
Sergey Lavrov 19
August 2024
Official designation or not, in the end, it is a matter of whether a
state has the coercive power to force the proxy terrorist to either
pay up, or an ability to apply selective levies applicable only to
the terrorist state (and its co-conspirators/enablers).
"In September of 2022, however, Akhmetov's assets in
Russia were seized for "financing terrorism," because his
SCM Holding was giving significant amounts of money to the
Ukrainian military. Another Cyprus-based company, Fabcell Limited,
appeared at that time as the legal owner of the two mining
enterprises." 26
January 2024
Will the west, and particularly USA, United Kingdom and Germany,
stop their illegal state sponsored terrorism? At this date there
is no reason to think so. They observe the norms and obligations
of anti-terrorist law both selectively and in a duplicitous and
outrageously fanciful manner. Historically these deviant states
incite existing violence-inclined groups within a country to acts
of terror against their government, or a foreign government and
then call them 'freedom fighters', 'armed opposition' or similar.
When they are no longer useful they may decide they are terrorists
after all. Why would they stop perpetrating these crimes? After
all, it is cost-free. So far.
Although it seems unlikely, in some far distant future they may
stop state-terrorism-by-proxy and wish to honestly and
non-selectively cooperate with Russia against terrorism. For now,
Russia will cooperate with the west on eliminating terrorism - on
its own terms.
" If they want to revive this cooperation, they should begin
with reviewing their own approaches and stop creating a new
terrorist cell at the heart of Europe. Before that, it was
Kosovo. Now, the scale is different: they are using Ukraine for
this. This will be their contribution to the efforts against
terrorism in the world. Stop supporting Vladimir Zelensky’s
terrorist regime."
Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman 27
March 2024
...The terrorist operation of the Banderites should remove any
taboos from this topic. Let everyone realize this, including the
English bastards: we will stop only when we consider it
acceptable and profitable for ourselves.
Blessed memory to the dead: military and civilians, all who came
under heavy fire from neo-Nazis. The best memory of them is a
carefully thought-out retribution. Recovery to all the wounded."
Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev
said on 8 August 2024 (Telegram channel)
There is another aspect to reparations for state terrorism:
retribution. This means something taken to payback or punish an
entity or person for wrong done.
While George considers retaliation should be balanced, 'an eye
for an eye', in the case of state terrorism the rules change.
Symmetrical retaliation is not enough. There must be a punitive
element that levies a far greater cost on the terrorist.
In the case of a terrorist incursion into the territory of a
sovereign state an appropriate enduring punishment is annexing
some part of the terrorist states territory - if that is
appropriate to the geopolitical circumstances.
Ukraine's early August 2024 terrorist incursion into the
undisputed Russian territory of Kursk, and the subsequent murder
of some civilians and medical staff, and the kidnapping of others
is one such example. Dmitry Medvedev said on 8 August 2024 that
"another important political and legal consequence of what
happened" was that "from this moment on" the special military
operation was no longer a limited operation "to return our
official territories and punish the Nazis", but to exact " a
carefully thought-out retribution". He said retribution should be
an official change in the operation to an "openly extraterritorial
character". He considered it necessary to openly talk about moving
into the currently undisputed part of Ukraine, specifically
Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev. Even "to Kiev and
beyond." Because Russia has greater military potential than the
west, only Russia will decide when retribution is paid in full.
Russia's view
of Coercive diplomacy
"...multipolarity and the emergence of new centres of
power call for a search for a balance of interests and compromises
to maintain stability in the world. Here, of course, diplomacy
should play a leading role, especially since we have a backlog of
problems which require generally acceptable solutions, including
regional conflicts, international terrorism, food security, and
the environment.
So, we operate on the premise that we can reach agreements
only through diplomatic efforts. Only solutions that enjoy the
support of everyone can be sustainable.
Unfortunately, our Western partners led
by the United States are not willing to agree on common
approaches to resolving problems. Washington and its allies
are trying to impose their own approaches.
Their behavior is clearly based on a desire to preserve their
centuries-old domination in international affairs despite the
objective trends toward a polycentric international order.
This runs contrary to the fact that purely economically and
financially, the United States and its closest allies can no
longer single-handedly resolve all issues in the global economy
and world affairs.
Moreover, various methods of blackmail,
coercive, economic, and informational pressure are used in
order to artificially retain their dominance and to
regain their undisputed positions.
They are not above overt, blatant interference in the internal
affairs of sovereign states, such as Venezuela. Without
hesitating, they publicly threaten Cuba and Nicaragua with the
same scenarios. These are the most recent and odious examples."
Sergey Lavrov 12 April
"It is against our principles to coerce
partners, to give them a “with us or against us”
choice or to interfere in their domestic affairs.
By the way, this is our principled and
crucial difference from Washington and some other capitals
that perceive such practices as almost normal.
Examples are plentiful. Suffice it to recall the military
intervention in Iraq and foreign interference in the Arab Spring
developments or support for the armed seizure of power in Ukraine
in February 2014"
Sergey Lavrov 3
October 2019
"If the West fulfilled its obligations under the UN Charter to
respect the sovereign equality of states as a principle of
international relations, it would not now be running around coercing others to impose sanctions
against Russia, but would give sovereign countries the opportunity
to sort things out for themselves."
Sergey Lavrov 16
June 2022
Russia rejects the notion that one country can impose its will on
the rest of the world, that one country can interfere in other
countries affairs, change the governments of other countries,
blackmail and coerce other countries.
Russia certainly uses coercive diplomacy, but in the
context of responding to threats created by others. After all, it
is better if the irresponsible 'partner' comes to their senses and
backs down rather than Russia having to make a 'military technical
response', as they put it. Russia is flexible enough to ride some
bad behaviour out (depending on the level of potential
consequences of that behaviour), but when it really matters,
Russia does not bluff.
The US government strategy of 'coercive diplomacy' doesn't work on
Russia. Russia is minding it's own business, but it certainly won't
defer to the US, or do what the US wants. Russia is promoting good
relations with everyone, seeking mutually advantageous
business with everyone. Russia is interested in mutual respect,
equality of nations, resolving long standing disputes between
nations in a fair and equitable manner. Russia is only interested in
improving the lot of the Russian people. NATO, a US controlled
cudgel, believes in coercion of all kinds and degrees, tipping over
even into murderous aggression.
"We know how NATO’s ventures end. Let us recall the wars
in Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, crises provoked in other
regions. The bloc’s track record of wrongs includes thousands of
victims, destruction of states and economies.
This list includes pseudo-judicial reprisals, coups d'état and
coloured revolutions. Journalists, artists and athletes, not to
mention politicians and businessmen, have been hit by a wave of
repressions. Criminal methods are being devised to seize public
assets and private property. The bid is placed on extraterritorial
sanctions, economic discrimination, unfair competition, “green”
barriers, restrictions on the flow of technologies and
Sergey Lavrov 21
February 2024
USA behaviour is focused on coercing other countries to change their
domestic and foreign policy to (ultimately) advantage US
Russia rejects this ideology at the most fundamental of levels, and
that is reflected in their foreign policy concept and in their
diplomacy. The west has yet to internalise this reality.
on the Ways and Means to Counter, Mitigate and Redress the Adverse
Impacts of Unilateral Coercive Measures [Added 6
December 2023, 0850 hours UTC, edited 17 December 2023 NZDT, last
edited 20 February 2025 ]
"In gross violation of the principle of sovereign
equality of states, the West is using unilateral coercive
measures. Countries that are victims of these illegal
sanctions (and there are increasing numbers of them) are
well aware that these restrictions harm first and foremost the
most vulnerable strata of society. They provoke crises in food and
energy markets.
We continue to insist on an immediate and full cessation of the
United States’ unprecedented inhumane trade, economic, and
financial blockade of Havana and for the lifting of the absurd
decision to declare Cuba a state sponsor of terrorism.
Washington must, without any preconditions, abandon its policy of
the economic suffocation of Venezuela.
We call for the lifting of unilateral US and EU sanctions
against the Syrian Arab Republic, which openly undermine its right
to development.
Any coercive measures that circumvent the UN Security Council
must be ended, as must be the West's weaponised practice of
manipulating the Security Council’s sanctions policy to exert
pressure on those they find objectionable.
Sergey Lavrov 23
September 2023
"We signed a declaration on the ways and tools of countering,
alleviating and compensating for the negative consequences of
unilateral coercive measures.
This is important for pooling the efforts of the international
community to overcome the illegal sanctions with which the US and
its allies have replaced diplomacy."
Sergey Lavrov 5
December 2023
On December 5 2023 the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic
of Iran signed a bilateral Declaration on unilateral coercive
This is a major legal and conceptual document on dealing with the
coercive actions taken by those who follow a state policy of
coercive diplomacy. This is an extremely important document because
it has the potential for long changes in how countries relate to
each other. It firmly pushes back against bullying, blackmail, and
aggressive behaviour, primarily by the west.
It is addressed to the world.
It outlines legal and morally correct actions for states to follow
when faced with unilateral coercive actions. It outlines a path for
any state to take to levy compensation payable by those taking
illegal coercive actions.
It can be read as a 'declaration of peace' between parties who do
not employ coercive measures against others. It doesn't necessitate
active cooperation.
I believe this bilateral declaration will eventually be signed
bilaterally, or even multilaterally (via BRICS, for example) between
other parties - creating a web of non-coercive diplomacy and
therefore much better relations between signatory countries. On the
of January 2025 Iran and Russia signed a 'Comprehensive
Strategic Partnership Agreement which referred to 'multilateral
initiatives' to eliminate coercive measures.
1. The Contracting
Parties shall counter the application of unilateral coercive
measures, including those of an extraterritorial nature, and
consider their imposition as an internationally wrongful and
unfriendly act.
The Contracting
Parties shall coordinate efforts and support multilateral initiatives aimed
at eliminating the practice of such measures in the
international relations, guided, inter alia, by the
Declaration by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian
Federation on the Ways and Means to Counter, Mitigate and
Redress the Adverse Impacts of Unilateral Coercive Measures
dated 14 Azar 1402 of Solar Hijri (corresponding to 5 December
Eventually, when enough countries join the initiative, a 'law
abiding world' (LAW) would be created. The language of condemnation
of unilateral coercive measures is already being used in the UN,
particularly by countries in the global 'south' which are primary
victims of US and western illegal aggression. More than simply
declaratively endorsing what is, essentially, existing International
Law on coercive behaviour and ending there, states are urged to take
a further step. They are urged to embed the guiding tenets into
their own domestic laws and regulations - for the specific purpose
of enforcing countermeasures and redressing
(compensating) the damage done by coercive measures.
The declaration reinforces that coercive actions that hinder the
meeting of a nations humanitarian needs are not just a violation of
humanitarian law, but a "grave violation". The United States
coercive restrictions on the Cuban and the Syrian people are
outstanding examples. The compensation that the USA is obliged to
pay Syria for theft of the necessaries of life - oil and wheat, plus
damage to electricity infrastructure (severely damaged), homes and
workplaces amounts to many billions of dollars.
The declaration sweeps aside the practice of the USA arrogantly
applying its domestic laws all around the world. It further sweeps
aside the USA and west's illegal practice of kidnapping,
extraditing, and imprisoning those who act to evade the illegal
coercive restrictions applied extra-judicially.
The declaration rejects the ability of states to coercively seize
diplomatic properties, as the USA did with Russian diplomatic
properties in the USA, breaking into them, changing the locks.
There are many types of coercive actions, and the USA is master of
them all. Coercive actions can vary from blocking athletes enjoying
their full human rights to proudly represent their country, through
to death, maiming, psychological damage and moral affront caused by
the US and west illegal aggressions around the world. All
will be subject to legal counter-measures, at least in Iran and
Russia (at this stage). In short, payback time is starting.
Those who create illegal coercive extraterritorial laws, those who
obey another countries laws even within their own jurisdiction,
those who implement coercive acts, those who incite coercive acts,
are all liable. From a practical point of view, individual
government actors for the most part will not be targetted for
compensation, but their employing government. But when the coercive
act tips over into killing and maiming, as the US does in Syria, for
example, then it is reasonable to suppose arrest warrants will be
issued for individual commanders, drone operators, airmen and
soldiers - as well as claims for compensation from the USA and
western governments.
There is a logistic limit to the number of actions that can be taken
under the law
of State responsibility, and cases will probably be
concentrated on the most politically and economically promising - at
The west and the USA is likely to push back. It will not recognise
the jurisdiction of the Russian and Iranian courts. Their
non-recognition is irrelevant. Payment will be pursued, one way or
another. The west will try to take cases against both Russia and
Iran for alleged coercive behaviour. Beyond pointing out the obvious
falseness and hypocrisy, Russia and Iran will simply ignore them. If
the USA or western countries attempt to 'enforce' their bogus
'awards' of damages, by piracy or similar, the two countries may
well take balancing action - and Iran has already demonstrated this,
seizing oil tankers when it's own tankers have been seized.
Taken to extremes, trade in oil to the west via the Persian Gulf
will come to a halt. The Russian and Iranian cases have
International Law on their side, the west has nothing but
propaganda, illegalities,and blood soaked hands. Russia and Iran
have nothing left for the USA and West to coercively destroy. In
contrast, the west can suffer much destruction from lawful
retaliation by both parties.
On 17 February 2025 Sergey Lavrov stated yet again that there are
consequences coming for the Europeans. He stated this in an
uncharacteristically performative way - talking slowly and very
deliberately, with a sober, almost grim mien.
"Question: Could you comment on the results of the
Munich Security Conference? What has caused the hysterical
statements by Western leaders, who insisted that the EU must take
part in the talks on Ukraine?
Sergey Lavrov: I can only say about the results of the Munich
conference that everyone must be held responsible for their
When you violate justice for years, stamping on your own
principles of equality, fair competition, presumption of
innocence, inviolability of property, freedom of speech and
information, when all these principles are mercilessly trampled
underfoot, others’ assets are plundered contrary to the norms of
international law, and the Nazi Kiev regime is nurtured and
supplied with weapons for killing its own citizens, this will
not go unpunished.
They did that in the hope of escaping scot-free under a nuclear
umbrella. But this will not happen. You will receive what is due
for what you have done, as the Bible says.
Sergey Lavrov 17
February 2025
The coercive threat could be read as threat of a military reprisal,
such as a strike with the oreshnik missile system. But that reading
is wrong. USA has probably settled with Russia, and may already made
arrangements to pay compensation. We will never know. The Europeans
have done by far the greatest damage, both economic and military.
Like the US, the British, the French, the Germans made themselves
party to the war through use of NATO manned aircraft, satellite
data, missile flight planning, as well as planning and aiding
seaborne terrorist attacks. The compensation bill will be huge.
The Russian government has already laid the groundwork to enforce
compensation on the west - the European west, at least. It has
created a compensation fund from European assets placed in Russian
administration (for the time being). I don't know how much revenue
flows from these assets, but it may be enough to recover costs of
the western war over time. The reparations that Germany had to pay
for the death and destruction they caused in world war 2 are
instructive. Most reparations were in material things, with a
relatively limited amount of money involved (and most, if not all of
which went back to Germany under the provisions of the Marshall Plan
for German reconstruction).
German reparations
for world war 2 mainly took the form of the transfer of all
industrial machinery (especially manufacturing machinery and machine
tools), railway stock (including locomotives), forced labour,
seizing of all German overseas investments, seizing of all gold,
silver, and platinum held by a German institution as well as by
private individuals, seizure of all foreign currency reserves,
seizure of all patents and research data relevant to military
production (worth an astonishing 10 billion 1948 USD), and
'requisition' of German raw materials and current industrial
production. All these matters were decided at the Yalta
conference of the heads of the Soviet Union, the United States
of America, and Great Britain. (Incidentally, other provisions of
the Yalta conference included the demilitarisation and
denazification of Germany.)
The west has, in effect, tried to impose a preemptive 'mini Yalta'
on Russia. This may, in part, have been psychological coercion -
casting Russia as equivalent to a defeated Germany. (Implying the
west can impose it's will on Russia). The west has seized Russian
gold, seized Russian reserves, attempted to end Russian shipping by
refusing insurance, refused gas/oil Russian resources and/or tried
to set the price, seized assets of private Russian citizens abroad,
tried to 'requisition' the income derived from Russian assets seized
abroad (without success so far), seized Russian fertiliser stored
abroad, and so on. The idea was to create a fund from Russian assets
that the west could use to regularly pay Ukraine as well as pay for
some repairs.
The west can hardly claim these are 'war reparations'. Russia has
not surrendered. If the west insists the illegal seizures are
'reparations' (even if they don't use that word), they are making
themselves party to the Ukraine conflict. At that point, the west's
situation becomes even worse than it already is.
Everything the west has done is illegal. It is legally
indefensible under International Law. If it 'stacks the court' to
obtain favorably defective judgements, then international law
regulating business between nations literally means nothing. At that
point, what is done to Russia could be done to anybody. And what is
done to Russia could be done by anybody to the west.
Russia, on the other hand, has
already placed western businesses in administration, and these
are also accumulating profits. It, too, has blocked payment to
foreigners of investment income. These assets can be released to the
owners, but only by Presidential decision. Russia is yet to
determine what reparations are due from the west for it's proxy war
on Russia. Even when (not if) the west has to release all the
Russian assets it holds, Russia is entitled to retain administrative
control of the assets it has seized, pending the outcome of
reparations calculations. If the western assets cover reparations,
they will be seized - patents, resources, everything.
In contrast, after relevant court cases, either international or in
a special Russian court (the foreign version of which can take
years, if not decades) the west will have to return Russia assets
unconditionally, including assets of private citizens. At the point
Russian citizens assets are released, I suspect Russia will in turn
release the assets of foreign citizens resident in 'unfriendly'
Everything Russia has done is legal. And if, ultimately, it
has no choice but to finally seize western assets under
administration, that too will be done under relevant international
The west has put itself in a trap from which there is no escape.
And now the dance starts - but the conclusion is already known. The
USA and west will - ultimately - be forced to pay. But that is not
the main thing.
The main thing is that it will be obvious to everyone that coercion
as a strategy is a strategy of self destruction.
For the first time ever, the west and the USA will have to
start respecting international law all the time- not just
when it suits them.
Many people in the west are self-censoring and fearful of looking at
a Russian website, thanks to conditioning by their governments,
media and commentators. Therefore I reproduce the document below. I
remind you, my friend, that the only authoritative document version
is the one on the Russian government website. The original can be
read (in english) here.
Signing of the Declaration 'on the Ways and Means
to Counter, Mitigate and Redress the Adverse Impacts of
Unilateral Coercive Measures',
5 December 2023, by Foreign
Affairs Ministers Hossein Amirabdollahian of Iran and Sergey
Lavrov of Russia (photo Russia Ministry of Foreign
5 December 202318:53 Declaration
by the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran on
the Ways and Means to Counter, Mitigate and Redress the Adverse
Impacts of Unilateral Coercive Measures
Russian Federation and The Islamic Republic of Iran,
their commitment to the purposes and principles of the
Charter of the United Nations,
General Assembly resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970
containing the Declaration on Principles of International
Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among
States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,
General Assembly resolution 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974
containing the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of
States, pursuant to which no State may use or encourage the
use of economic, political or any other type of measures to
coerce another State in order to obtain from it the
subordination of the exercise of its sovereign rights,
that "unilateral coercive measures" refers to coercive
measures – other than those enacted by the Security Council
acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United
Nations – taken by a State, group or association of States,
in violation of the principles of sovereign equality of
States and non-interference in internal affairs of States,
including the pressure in any form, whether political,
judicial, financial or economic, in order to compel a change
in policy of another State by causing costs and damage to
that State and those who support its political course,
that unilateral coercive measures in certain cases run
counter to Security Council resolutions adopted under
Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations and violate
Security Council prerogatives under the Charter of the
United Nations,
in mind the importance of free trade for the development of
States and the well-being of their peoples,
that unilateral coercive measures create obstacles to the
full enjoyment of human rights and impede the full
realization of the rights set forth in major international
human rights instruments,
the Declaration of the Russian Federation and the Islamic
Republic of Iran on the Promotion of International Law
signed on 16 June 2020 at Moscow,
the following guidelines on the ways and means to counter,
mitigate and redress the adverse impacts of unilateral
coercive measures:
of any State to unilateral coercive measures is unlawful,
contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and
international law and will entail international
coercive measures, including those of extraterritorial
nature, implemented by the third State, group or
association of States in violation of the Charter of the
United Nations and international law should not be
recognized and implemented.
are strongly urged to refrain from adopting, promulgating
and applying the unilateral coercive measures that impede
the full achievement of economic and social development,
particularly in developing countries.
foreign judgment arising from the application of national
laws, orders and regulations imposing unilateral coercive
measures on other States should not be recognized or
enforced by national courts.
and private properties and assets, including bank
accounts, bonds, real estate as well as consular and
diplomatic premises and facilities, shall be immune from
and not subject to freezing, forfeiture or any other form
of confiscation or restriction arising from the
implementation of unilateral coercive measures by any
authorities. The jurisdictional immunities of States and
the immunity of their properties shall at all time be
observed and protected against the implementation of
unilateral coercive measures.
In the event of economic or financial
loss incurred as a result of the adoption of
unilateral coercive measures, the State that
has inflicted such loss on an affected State,
individuals and legal entities by its actions or
extraterritorial application of its national laws, shall
be primarily held liable for compensation and
road map should be drawn up by States to reduce the
dependency of international trade on national currencies
that are prone to being used to implement unilateral
coercive measures or to sustain a particular State's
monetary hegemony over the global economy.
shall be made to create regional or other forms of
inter-State financial institutions to strengthen their
bilateral and multilateral financial relationships and
eliminate the inequitable practices and processes that
presently characterize certain global financial and
development institutions.
one shall be deprived of liberty or freedom of movement or
be subject to any other form of restriction grounded in
the unilateral coercive acts, laws or policy. Executive
and judicial authorities shall conduct a rigorous review
of all documents and evidence presented to them in order
to avoid giving unwarranted effect to unilateral coercive
evasion or circumvention of unilateral coercive measures
by individuals shall not be considered as a ground for
no circumstances trade in humanitarian goods and
commodities, such as foodstuffs and agricultural
commodities, medicines and medical devices, as well as
spare parts, equipment and associated services necessary
for the safety of civil aviation shall be subject to any
form of direct or indirect coercive economic measure.
Accordingly, any impediment to such trade, including
impediments to transportation, financial transactions and
the transfer of currencies or credit documents, shall be
or intangible cultural properties, cultural, academic and
sports activities, revenues arising from art and sport,
the income of workers abroad, resources pertaining to the
functioning of diplomatic missions and consular posts,
contributions to international organizations, funds
pertaining to students and academic activities, and other
activities of similar character shall at no time be
affected or interrupted even temporarily by any unilateral
coercive measure.
unilateral coercive measure that adversely affects
population of a state and narrows the humanitarian space
by hindering the humanitarian needs of that population or
impeding the full enjoyment of that population's human
rights, including its essential economic, social and
cultural rights as enshrined in international human rights
instruments, shall be considered a grave violation of
international human rights law.
aid in kind or in cash in cases of natural and other
disasters shall not be subject to unilateral coercive
coercive measures in the sphere of culture, restrictions
against specific cultural and historical figures based on
their nationality, citizenship or political convictions
and affiliations, as well as the practice of "cancelling
the culture" of specific nations or peoples shall be
considered unacceptable.
are encouraged to adopt laws and regulations to enforce
the measures stipulated in these guidelines.
at Moscow on 05.12.2023.
the Russian Federation
of Foreign Affairs
the Islamic Republic of Iran
of Foreign Affairs
Compensation [added 0930 6
December 2023 NZT, edited 0930 UTC]
On the 5th of December 2023 The Russian Federation and Iran signed
the "Declaration by the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic
of Iran on the Ways and Means to Counter, Mitigate and Redress the
Adverse Impacts of Unilateral Coercive Measures".
1 says "Recourse of any State to unilateral coercive measures
is unlawful, contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and
international law and will entail international responsibility."
The phrase "will entail international responsibility" means, in my
opinion, "if you do the crime, expect to do the time".
6 says "In the event of economic or financial loss incurred as
a result of the adoption of unilateral coercive measures, the State
that has inflicted such loss on an affected State, individuals and
legal entities by its actions or extraterritorial application of its
national laws, shall be primarily held liable for compensation and
This is unequivocal. The west will be held liable for damages and
compensation. As I predicted here on the 11th of November (above),
Russia "is more likely to invoke the international law
of State responsibility which requires a state doing a wrong
act to make full reparations for a 'wrong act', which comprises any
or all of restitution, reparations, and compensation for
damage done, both material and moral."
Collecting damages from the west will be a long road. Decades long.
The internationally recognised means of collection are very limited.
The institutions are largely western, possibly politicised, and I
don't know if they have ever had to make judgements on coercion as
an illegal instrument - especially as when the coercive instrument
is wielded by the court's very founders. Domestic courts can apply
the international law of State Responsibility, and also any relevant
domestic laws put on the books. The USA has been writing and
implementing coercive domestic laws (illegal under international
law) for years and years.
The upshot is that while Russia and Iran may make judgements against
western government figures, corporations and individuals, they won't
be able to enforce them outside their own borders. Arrest warrants
will be issued in the case of non-payment of damages awarded. But
again, without bilateral extradition agreements, they will never see
the inside of a prison. More likely, foreign assets will be seized.
While guideline
5 protects against seizure of assets, it is only related to
the unilateral coercive seizure of assets. Seizure of assets in
compensation for unilateral coercive seizure elsewhere is the direct
opposite - it is not a coercive measure, it is a legally mandated
compensating action done to undo the harm done by a unilateral
coercive measure.
All Ukrainian attacks on the civilian infrastructure of the Russian
Federation (for example the Kirsk bridge) are of a terrorist nature.
NATO countries have been active in planning and enabling these
attacks, and in providing the financing (or value 'in kind' as
donated weapons) for the weapons and logistics used in the terrorist
actions. But nations are obliged to cooperate to suppress financing
of terrorism. Nations are obliged to extradite or prosecute those
who commit crimes of a terrorist nature. They must also cooperate to
prevent terrorist crimes. Instead, NATO - and particularly the US
and Britain - failed in their obligations of prevention. They
facilitated and proxy-participated in terrorist crimes, perhaps in
the Kurst oblast but certianly elsewhere (including blowing up the
Nordstream pipeline). Therefore, those who participated, planned,
incited, financed state terrorist acts - all these, governments,
media companies - must pay compensation. Compensation set by Russia.
They won't, of course.
But in the long run, ways will be found to extract the money from
them, plus interest accrued.
"I thank those of you who finds courage to “call a spade
a spade”.
I also thank those who continue to spread lies and fake claims
about Russia, as all your words are now registered and will be
part of future trials and processes.
I will refer to the words of our American colleague who spoke
about collective responsibility. I totally concur – it will come
to this. And you are absolutely right – the world is watching, and
all who committed crimes will be held accountable, no matter
whether they are in Kiev, Washington, London or Brussels.
And today, you have the opportunity to see that these processes
are gaining momentum in Russia. Rest assured that we will not stop
Dmitry Polyanskiy, Chargé d’Affaires, Permanent Mission of the
Russian Federation to the United Nations 13 August 2024
The Russia-Iran bilateral declaration is a moral as well as an
International-law defining document. It clearly establishes the
consequences for the US and west bad behaviour, as well as modelling
good behaviour between nations.
But no behavioural 'red lines' will be observed without punishment
for crime. Reward is not needed - being a good international citizen
is rewarding.
A Law Abiding World (LAW) [Added
0230, 7 December 2023]
Once enough momentum builds up, a largely law abiding world is
possible. Whose law? Well, if the world 'signs up' to a universal
set of laws, it will only sign up to the set of laws that all the
countries of the world have already signed up to - the United
Nations Charter. There are other UN instruments that are signed up
to by most countries, although in some cases various countries have
'reservations' that set aside certain provisions. But, in general,
agreement on the illegality of coercion is embedded in the Charter,
which everyone has signed up to. This is the 'backbone' of a law
abiding world.
A Law Abiding World respects the lawful interests of
sovereign states. A Law Abiding World recognises that the peoples
and countries of the world have their own cultural and historical
'ground', and while one system may not agree with aspects of the
organisation and practice of some aspects of other peoples system,
their sovereignty must be recognised unconditionally, and the
current reality accepted. Without coercion or lectures.
"We are convinced that the future belongs to free,
multilinear, and diverse cultures, the broadest possible dialogue
of humanitarian communities in the multipolar world that is
forming today...We believe that creatively-minded and enlightened
individuals want to build a fair, sustainable, and secure world.
We believe that this is backed by a sincere desire to improve the
situation around the world in all the meanings of this word in the
Russian language: the world as accord, the world as society, and
the world as all humanity and the entire planet......
I see the multipolar world
as fair....the wealth possessed by many countries,
especially the European states and the United
States, was largely based on the injustices
of the past and the former world order,
on colonialism and slavery.
And the technological advantages that part
of humanity received at a certain point were not
used fairly. They used them to assert their domination.
Attempts to do this continue up to this day.
...the goal is to make the world more just.
Multipolarity is one way to do this.
What should this world be like? It should consider
the interests of all countries and peoples. They
are not just taken into account but are arranged in such
a way as to balance all interests."
A 'multipolar world' goes beyond a law abiding world. It includes
'balancing interests'. That is, both sides come to agreement of what
each will accept culturally. A good example is the issue of opening
Wahhabi sect mosques and schools in Russia. Russia is a partial
Muslim nation, but the extremist version of Wahhabism was introduced
to Chechnya by the West and Mid-East with the aim of tearing
Chechnya off Russia via terrorist action, suppression of which
caused massive destruction there. Ultimately, Russia agreed to allow
the same number of Wahhabi sect Mosques in Moscow as there are
Russian Orthodox churches allowed in Saudi Arabia. Only the Muslim
religion is allowed in Saudi Arabia. No other religious expressions
are publicly allowed. This is balancing interests. Nothing to do
with International law, everything to do with finding a compromise
accepted by both that accepts the cultural and historic realities of
each side.
all the alternatives to coercive diplomacy
"Diplomacy as a means of peaceful settlement of disputes is
being sacrificed to violent struggle, “hybrid wars”, total
confrontation, and the desire to inflict a strategic defeat on
the rival. Double standards, hypocrisy and direct lies are
brought into play."
Sergey Lavrov 21
February 2024
A tactic (the arsonist-fireman tactic) under the coercive
strategy is to create circumstances where the other party is
denied reasonable settlement through normal diplomacy, and is left
only with coercive defence.
United Nations Security Council
Russia constantly promotes the primacy of the United Nations
Charter as the supreme International law. The Charter is the only
legal instrument that the whole world has signed on to - and which
is legally part of the body of law of all member nations. Chapter
6 requires all states to try to settle disputes peacefully.
Russia spent 7 years trying to find a non-military solution to the
West Ukraine - East Ukraine dispute, shepherding through an
agreement acceptable to both sides, one that allowed Eastern
Ukraine to become an autonomous region.
Remarkably, Russia managed to shepherd the Minsk agreement
through the United Nations Security Council endorsement procedure
- without the USA blocking it. Russia took the legally required
route even although Russia knew NATO was all the while arming and
equipping Ukraine for a military solution to the dispute. Russia
was also aware of NATOs plans to cut Russia off from the Black Sea
and place an American naval base and anti-missile system directly
adjacent to Russia's border. (USA would then have an unconstrained
ability to successfully launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike on
The USA, for it's part, was well aware that this would be about
as acceptable to the Russian Federation as the Russian Federation
placing hypersonic missiles in Cuba would be to the United States
of America. In other words, it was a deliberate and calculated
provocation by the government of United States of America. (More
on that here).
"...many people who are
mature, sophisticated, knowledgeable, talented are doing their
job and many of them, like me, could not imagine…
Before 2014, I could not imagine that such
a conflict was possible between Russia and Ukraine.
If I was told before 2014 that it was possible,
I would have called it madness."
Vladimir Putin 17
November 2023
Provoking a proxy war with the Russian Federation is indeed a form
of derangement. And yet the USA did it. The US instigated coup in
Ukraine showed insanity is a normal condition in the upper parts
of the US political system. Nothing is forbidden. Any adventure,
any risk, any aggression, no matter how self-damaging, is
possible. 2014 became the point when the Russian government
realised to it's horror that these people really are
deranged, and they intended to use Ukraine as a
battering ram against Russia in order to place missiles directly
on Russia's border, as if the lessons of Cuba had not been
Vladimir Putin's 19 June 2020 piece published in the USA reads as
a reflection on the destructiveness of war, but it also outlines
the hard reality of war and, most import of all, the documented
duplicity of other countries in not acting together to end
Hitler's aggression at a very early stage. Which then resulted in
disproportionately massive death and destruction in the Soviet
Union. He was quietly drawing attention to the obvious comparison
with Ukraine's armament and NATO expansion east, and the fact that
many countries could have ended it peacefully at a very
early stage (all NATO decisions are supposedly by consensus - nothing
is agreed until everybody agrees).
The article was signalling that Russia now expected that all
further appeasement of NATO was pointless. That all further
attempts to revive the Minsk agreements that Germany and France
had crippled, and that Ukraine had largely ignored, would simply
buy yet more time to make NATO's proxy force even stronger.
President Putin's article was signalling that Russia now expected
Russia would be backed into a corner, and war was inevitable if
Russia's final effort at diplomacy failed.
By June 2020 the draft wording of Russia's Security Treaty with
both USA and NATO would have been well advanced. A last
ditch attempt at breathing life back into the Minsk Agreement was
But the west only pretended to support an agreement
that had been worked out after protracted Russian diplomatic
efforts (for example 7
June 2021, 16
June 2021, 20
August 2021, 26
September 2021, 22
October 2021 etc etc). Even as time was running out - Russia
could see the Ukrainian military preparations to imminently
re-take Crimea, and the west knew they could - the west continued
to actively undermined all efforts to put the Minsk 2 agreement
fully into effect.
"On October 11, 2021, President Vladimir Putin spoke on the
phone with President of France Emmanuel Macron and Chancellor of
Germany Angela Merkel about revitalising the Normandy Four,
starting with a discussion of possible arrangements at the level
of foreign ministers.
Following on from what President Putin said regarding the
importance of meaningful contacts based on the implementation of
all previous agreements, rather than a meeting for the sake of
appearances, on October 29 we sent a draft final document of the
potential ministerial meeting in the Normandy format to our
colleagues in Berlin, Paris and Kiev. It was an honest and
comprehensive document that covered all the main problems which
are hindering the settlement of the internal Ukrainian conflict,
primarily the Ukrainian authorities’ refusal to lift a finger to
fulfil their obligations and the UN Security Council resolution.
On October 30, 2021, I had a meeting with French Foreign
Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian on the sidelines of the G20 summit
in Rome. He recalled that the leaders of Russia, France and
Germany discussed on the phone the need to hold a ministerial
meeting and proposed doing this in Paris on November 11, 2021. I
replied that we would like to see our colleagues’ reaction to
the substantial proposals we had made, because substance is more important than any
formal agreement to hold a meeting and pose for photographs
and television cameras as a sign that the Normandy format is
effective. We don’t need such window dressing.
I asked if Jean-Yves Le Drian had seen the proposals we sent to
Paris. He replied that he hadn’t had a chance to see them yet
and again insisted that we should meet on November 11.
I said again that, first, we are waiting for a reaction to our
essential proposals.
Besides, even if the agreements matured and the essential part
[of the agreements] was ready, I had a full agenda in Moscow on
November 11, including a visit by the foreign minister of a
friendly country. Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
also said publicly that it is physically impossible for us to
attend the November 11 meeting.
Nevertheless, the other day we received a joint letter from the
foreign ministers of Germany and France where November 11 was
indicated as almost the only option. This is simply ill
manners, let alone contrary to diplomatic ethics.
We sent them our additional arguments in favour of addressing
the essence of the matter rather than just ticking the box.
We enumerated the concrete steps which
the Kiev regime is taking to torpedo the Minsk
agreements. Moreover, Kiev is discussing a draft law that will prohibit
Ukrainian officials from implementing these agreements. President Putin mentioned this in a telephone
conversation with the leaders of Germany and France. They
assured him that they would do their best to prevent the
adoption of that law, but ultimately even the Council of
Europe’s Venice Commission endorsed it.
This does no credit to this organisation, which still wants to
be respected. This is the situation.
There will be no meeting on November 11. We did not discuss any
other date. First of all, we need to understand the potential
outcome we can expect from such a meeting and whether it will be
based on the implementation by Ukraine and its leadership of all
the previous Normandy format decisions, primarily the decisions
adopted by the Normandy Four at the Paris summit in December
Sergey Lavrov 8
November 2021
"When we discuss the Donbass issue in the Normandy format
with our German friends, we explain that it is Kiev that must
implement the Minsk agreements (this is
is written in them). Until recently, we
were told to leave it alone for the time being. They said: Let’s
simply implement the agreements.
How is it possible to implement them
if this requirement is not addressed to the party that must
do it?"
Sergey Lavrov, 14
January 2022
The intra-Ukrainian
settlement process was analysed in detail with a shared understanding of the inviolability
of and lack of alternative to the Minsk Package of
Measures. The Russian side stressed that Berlin's
attempts to portray Moscow as a party to the conflict are
Press release on Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s talks with
Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of
Germany Annalena Baerbock 18
January 2022
The 18th of January meeting with Germany was the final attempt to
persuade the Germans to make their proteges in Ukraine fulfill the
Minsk agreements. Germany and France were the guarantors of the
Minsk Agreements, solely responsible for seeing to it that Ukraine
fulfilled the terms. By this date Russia knew that the west was
using delaying tactics. Russia knew that Annalena Baerbock had no
intention of making a U turn in the cause of peace. Russia was
plainly exposing the culpability and duplicity of the west, but,
in particular, Germany's historic part.
For the west and USA, all the stalling, the evasions, the endless
regurgitation of settled matters, the US and west's bad-faith call
for yet more 'negotiations' , the Ukrainian intransigence - all
this was simply a ruse to buy time to complete the assembly of a
formidable force to settle the issue of the breakaway
Russian-speaking Eastern regions and Crimea by violent means - in
complete violation of the Security Council resolution.
"NATO continues to escalate the situation on our borders. The
Alliance refuses to review our proposals for defusing tensions
and preventing dangerous incidents. We have suggested
specific measures on these matters. They continue to actively
build up military potentials in Eastern Europe, including in
close proximity to Russian borders. Every day, we hear
vociferous statements threatening Russia....
...Against this backdrop, our remarks at the session and our
contacts with our Western colleagues were mostly aimed at
explaining and promoting the initiative of President of Russia
Vladimir Putin which he voiced for the first time at an
expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry’s Collegium and
repeated yesterday in the Kremlin at a ceremony of
presenting the credentials of foreign ambassadors.
This initiative notes the need to draft
guarantees for preventing the further aggravation of the
situation and stopping the creation of new threats for the
Russian Federation.
Specifically, the goal has been set not to allow NATO’s
further eastward expansion or the deployment of new weapons
systems on Russia’s western borders, which would threaten the
Russian Federation’s security. The President of Russia
underscored this aspect yesterday.
Today, I stressed the fact that we are
interested in agreements heeding security interests of all
countries without exception. We don’t want any unilateral
We will insist that these
agreements be examined seriously, that they should not
be shrugged off and rejected, as our Western
colleagues have done many times.
This includes their promises regarding the non-expansion of
NATO. During the reunification of Germany, an agreement was
reached with the German Democratic Republic that no military
infrastructure would be deployed in East Germany. The same was
stated in the Russia-NATO Founding Act and many other documents.
The West ignored everything that took on the form of political
Therefore, we insist that
agreements mentioned by President Putin, whose conclusion we
will demand, should be legally binding and obligatory
for all parties.
We will send the relevant proposals to our Western colleagues in
the near future, and we expect them to treat this matter in
Sergey Lavrov 2
December 2021
These are non-negotiable demands.
The language is uncompromising. Russia very rarely resorts
to language this strong. At this point, the west has almost
succeeded in running out the clock for diplomacy - which is, of
course, their goal. The west knows exactly what the Russian
Foreign Minister says, and this warning tells them they need only
treat President Putins proposal - whatever it is - with contempt
and they will get the proxy war they wanted all along, the proxy
war they spent years preparing for.
"During these years, the Kiev authorities have ignored and
sabotaged the implementation of the Minsk Package of Measures
for a peaceful settlement of the crisis and ultimately late
last year openly refused to implement it.
They also started to implement plans to join NATO.
Moreover, the Kiev
authorities also announced their intention to have nuclear
weapons and delivery vehicles. This was a real threat.
With foreign technical support, the pro-Nazi Kiev regime
would have obtained weapons of mass destruction in the
foreseeable future and, of course, would have targeted them
against Russia.
Our numerous warnings that such developments posed
a direct threat to the security of Russia were
rejected with open and cynical arrogance by Ukraine
and its US and NATO patrons.
In other
words, all our diplomatic efforts were fully in vain.We have been left with no peaceful alternative
to settle the problems that developed through no fault
of ours. In this situation, we were forced
to begin this special military operation.
The movement
of Russian forces against Kiev and other Ukrainian
cities is not connected with a desire to occupy that
country. This is not our goal, as I pointed out openly
in my statement on February 24.
...encouraged by the United States
and other Western countries, Ukraine was
purposefully preparing for a scenario of force,
a massacre and an ethnic cleansing
in Donbass. A massive onslaught on Donbass
and later Crimea was just a matter of time.
However, our Armed Forces have shattered these plans."
"We said many times “Do not do this, let's do that, we are
ready for talks.”
In the end, they prompted us to try to use force to end the
war that they started in 2014. They keep telling us, “You
started the war, Putin is the aggressor.”
No, they are the aggressors, they
started this war, and we are trying to stop it, but we are
compelled to do so with the use of the Armed Forces.
Vladimir Putin June
13 2023
The west diligently blocked or destroyed every effort to achieve
peaceful settlement of the conflict. The draft security treaty,
the 'ultimatum' - and it was clearly expressed as such (if the
west refused to address Russia's security concerns, then Russia
would be left with no other option but to solve it using "military
technical means") was duly cast aside.
But a NATO proxy war in Ukraine is only the means to an end. Ukraine
is not important to the west.
Ending Russia is the west's objective. And always has been. The
Russian President, by then backed by the west onto up to the very
edge of a vortex of unwanted events, gave a speech to the friends
and the citizens of Russia, part lament, part resolve.
"It is a fact that over the past 30 years we have been
patiently trying to come to an agreement with the leading NATO
countries regarding the principles of equal and indivisible
security in Europe.
In response to our proposals, we invariably faced either
cynical deception and lies or attempts at pressure and
blackmail, while the North Atlantic alliance continued to
expand despite our protests and concerns. Its military machine
is moving and, as I said, is approaching our very border.
Why is this happening? Where did this insolent manner of
talking down from the height of their exceptionalism,
infallibility and all-permissiveness come from? What is
the explanation for this contemptuous and disdainful attitude to
our interests and absolutely legitimate demands?
The answer is simple. Everything is clear and obvious. In the
late 1980s, the Soviet Union grew weaker and subsequently broke
apart. That experience should serve as a good lesson for us,
because it has shown us that the paralysis of power and will
is the first step towards complete degradation and oblivion.
We lost confidence for only one moment, but it was enough to
disrupt the balance of forces in the world.
As a result, the old treaties and agreements are no longer
effective. Entreaties and requests do not help. Anything that
does not suit the dominant state, the powers that be, is
denounced as archaic, obsolete and useless. At the same time,
everything it regards as useful is presented as the ultimate
truth and forced on others regardless of the cost, abusively and
by any means available. Those who refuse to comply are subjected
to strong-arm tactics.
What I am saying now does not concerns only Russia, and Russia
is not the only country that is worried about this. This has to
do with the entire system of international relations, and
sometimes even US allies.
The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a redivision of the
world, and the norms of international law that developed by
that time...came in the way of those who declared themselves
the winners of the Cold War.
Of course, practice, international relations and the rules
regulating them had to take into account the changes that took
place in the world and in the balance of forces. However, this
should have been done professionally, smoothly, patiently, and
with due regard and respect for the interests of all states and
one’s own responsibility.
Instead, we saw a state of euphoria created by the feeling of
absolute superiority, a kind of modern absolutism, coupled with
the low cultural standards and arrogance of those who formulated
and pushed through decisions that suited only themselves. The
situation took a different turn.
There are many examples of this. First a bloody military
operation was waged against Belgrade, without the UN Security
Council’s sanction but with combat aircraft and missiles used in
the heart of Europe. The bombing of peaceful cities and vital
infrastructure went on for several weeks. I have to recall these
facts, because some Western colleagues prefer to forget them,
and when we mentioned the event, they prefer to avoid speaking
about international law, instead emphasising the circumstances
which they interpret as they think necessary.
Then came the turn of Iraq, Libya and Syria. The illegal use of
military power against Libya and the distortion of all the UN
Security Council decisions on Libya ruined the state, created a
huge seat of international terrorism, and pushed the country
towards a humanitarian catastrophe, into the vortex of a civil
war, which has continued there for years. The tragedy, which was
created for hundreds of thousands and even millions of people
not only in Libya but in the whole region, has led to a
large-scale exodus from the Middle East and North Africa to
A similar fate was also prepared for Syria. The combat
operations conducted by the Western coalition in that country
without the Syrian government’s approval or UN Security
Council’s sanction can only be defined as aggression and
But the example that stands apart from the above events is,
of course, the invasion of Iraq without any legal grounds.
They used the pretext of allegedly reliable information
available in the United States about the presence of weapons of
mass destruction in Iraq. To prove that allegation, the US
Secretary of State held up a vial with white power, publicly,
for the whole world to see, assuring the international community
that it was a chemical warfare agent created in Iraq. It later
turned out that all of that was a fake and a sham, and that Iraq
did not have any chemical weapons. Incredible and shocking but
We witnessed lies made at the highest state level and voiced
from the high UN rostrum. As a result we see a tremendous loss
in human life, damage, destruction, and a colossal upsurge of
Overall, it appears that nearly
everywhere, in many regions of the world where the United
States brought its law and order, this created bloody,
non-healing wounds and the curse of international terrorism
and extremism. I have only mentioned the most
glaring but far from only examples of disregard for
international law.
This array includes promises not to expand NATO eastwards
even by an inch. To reiterate: they have deceived us, or, to
put it simply, they have played us.
Sure, one often hears that politics is a dirty business. It
could be, but it shouldn’t be as dirty as it is now, not to such
an extent.
This type of con-artist behaviour is contrary not only to the
principles of international relations but also and above all to
the generally accepted norms of morality and ethics.
Where is justice and truth here? Just lies and hypocrisy all
Incidentally, US politicians, political scientists and
journalists write and say that a veritable “empire of lies” has
been created inside the United States in recent years. It is
hard to disagree with this – it is really so. But one should not
be modest about it: the United States is still a great country
and a system-forming power. All its satellites not only humbly
and obediently say yes to and parrot it at the slightest pretext
but also imitate its behaviour and enthusiastically accept the
rules it is offering them.
Therefore, one can say with good
reason and confidence that the whole so-called Western bloc
formed by the United States in its own image and likeness
is, in its entirety, the very same “empire of lies.”
As for our country, after the disintegration of the USSR,
given the entire unprecedented openness of the new, modern
Russia, its readiness to work honestly with the United
States and other Western partners, and its practically
unilateral disarmament, they immediately tried to put the
final squeeze on us, finish us off, and utterly destroy
us. This is how it was in the 1990s and the early
2000s, when the so-called collective West was actively
supporting separatism and gangs of mercenaries in southern
What victims, what losses we had to sustain and what trials we
had to go through at that time before we broke the back of
international terrorism in the Caucasus! We
remember this and will never forget.
Properly speaking, the attempts to use us in their own interests
never ceased until quite recently: they sought to destroy our
traditional values and force on us their false values that would
erode us, our people from within, the attitudes they have been
aggressively imposing on their countries, attitudes that are
directly leading to degradation and degeneration, because they
are contrary to human nature. This is not going to happen. No
one has ever succeeded in doing this, nor will they succeed now.
Despite all that, in December 2021, we
made yet another attempt to reach agreement with the United
States and its allies on the principles of European security
and NATO’s non-expansion. Our efforts were in vain.
The United States has not changed its position. It does not
believe it necessary to agree with Russia on a matter that is
critical for us. The United States is pursuing its own
objectives, while neglecting our interests.
Of course, this situation begs a question: what next, what
are we to expect?
If history is any guide, we know that in 1940 and early 1941
the Soviet Union went to great lengths to prevent war or at
least delay its outbreak. To this end, the USSR sought not
to provoke the potential aggressor until the very end by
refraining or postponing the most urgent and obvious
preparations it had to make to defend itself from an imminent
attack. When it finally acted, it was too late.
As a result, the country was not prepared to counter the
invasion by Nazi Germany, which attacked our Motherland on June
22, 1941, without declaring war. The country stopped the enemy
and went on to defeat it, but this came at a tremendous cost.
The attempt to appease the aggressor
ahead of the Great Patriotic War proved to be a mistake
which came at a high cost for our people. In the first
months after the hostilities broke out, we lost vast
territories of strategic importance, as well as millions of
We will not make this mistake the
second time. We have no right to do so.
Those who aspire to global dominance have publicly
designated Russia as their enemy.
They did so with impunity. Make no mistake, they had no
reason to act this way.
It is true that they have considerable financial, scientific,
technological, and military capabilities. We are aware of this
and have an objective view of the economic threats we have been
hearing, just as our ability to counter this brash and
never-ending blackmail. Let me reiterate that we have no
illusions in this regard and are extremely realistic in our
As for military affairs, even after the dissolution of the USSR
and losing a considerable part of its capabilities, today’s
Russia remains one of the most powerful nuclear states.
Moreover, it has a certain advantage in several cutting-edge
weapons. In this context, there should
be no doubt for anyone that any potential aggressor will
face defeat and ominous consequences should it directly
attack our country.
At the same time, technology, including in the defence sector,
is changing rapidly. One day there is one leader, and tomorrow
another, but a military presence in territories bordering on
Russia, if we permit it to go ahead, will stay for
decades to come or maybe forever, creating an ever mounting
and totally unacceptable threat for Russia.
Even now, with NATO’s eastward
expansion the situation for Russia has been becoming worse
and more dangerous by the year.
Moreover, these past days NATO leadership has been blunt in its
statements that they need to accelerate and step up efforts to
bring the alliance’s infrastructure closer to Russia’s borders.
In other words, they have been toughening their position.
We cannot stay idle and passively
observe these developments. This would be an
absolutely irresponsible thing to do for us.
Any further expansion of the North
Atlantic alliance’s infrastructure or the ongoing efforts to
gain a military foothold of the Ukrainian territory are
unacceptable for us.
Of course, the question is not about NATO itself. It merely
serves as a tool of US foreign policy. The problem is that in
territories adjacent to Russia, which I have to note is our
historical land, a hostile “anti-Russia” is taking shape. Fully
controlled from the outside, it is doing everything to attract
NATO armed forces and obtain cutting-edge weapons.
For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of
containing Russia, with obvious geopolitical dividends.
For our country, it is a matter of
life and death, a matter of our historical future
as a nation. This is not an exaggeration; this is a
It is not only a very real threat to
our interests but to the very existence of our state
and to its sovereignty.
It is the red line which we
have spoken about on numerous occasions. They have crossed
Vladimir Putin 24
February 2022
"...if the coercing power pursues
ambitious objectives that go beyond its own vital or important
interests, and if its demands infringe on vital
or important interests of the adversary, then the
asymmetry of interests and balance of motivation will favor the
adversary and make successful application of coercive diplomacy
much more difficult."
Alexander George
diplomatic channels are closed First edited 24 September
2024. Last edited 14 January 2025.
I have outlined the fact that the United States government's
strategy is to coerce the Russian Federation into obeying the
Government of the United States. One of the tactics the United
States government uses is to refuse to listen to anything the
Russian Federation has to say about the relationship between the
two countries. The United States Government very rudely and
aggressively reduced diplomatic relations down to almost nothing.
This is a carefully contrived 'signal' to the Russian Federation
that the Russian Federation is an inconsequential state, a state
with the economy only the size of Spain, a State that is corrupt,
weak, etc (add any other vivid and purulent propaganda you can
think of).
" is important to emphasise once again that the greatest
danger now lies in the fact that acting in line with the
aggressive course of the United States and NATO on inflicting a
“strategic defeat” on Russia in the Ukrainian conflict that they
had provoked, they keep raising the stakes and are
increasingly drawn deeper into military confrontation.
Clearly, this kind of reckless policy may lead to a direct
armed clash between the nuclear powers. I don’t think there is
any need to go over the nature of the strategic risks arising
in connection with this and the potentially catastrophic
nature of the further development of events according to the
worst-case scenario.
aware of the seriousness of the situation, we are sending,
tirelessly and consistently, signals trying to sober up
Western countries.
However, the problem is that, overcome with anti-Russia
hysteria and absorbed in the all-out hybrid war against our
country, the West is not ready to see our position adequately.
So, the responsibility for the further degradation of the
situation lies fully with the Western capitals.
our part, we can firmly reiterate that Russia is determined
to uphold its security interests.
We recommend the West not to have any doubt about it.
Maria Zakharova, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, 21
June 2023
The west's coercive policy is a monumental blunder. Coercion and
diplomacy are mutually exclusive. Where does it go from here?
Back to diplomacy, mutually respectful interactions based on a
balance of interests and search for compomise?
The west refuses to talk to Russia in a correct manner.
" is evidence of arrogance, frenzy and impudence of
our Western partners, who think they can act with impunity.
Washington said, “Attack!” and all the countries that are
expelling our diplomats saw that anything goes, that they can
thrash and ban Russia, cancel its culture, and so on.
Actually, there is nothing we can talk about with the Western
countries. Our embassies, although depleted, have kept on some
But there is nothing to talk about, because the West is
boycotting any contacts and has shut down all channels of
communication, which were once numerous between Russia and the
EU and between Russia and NATO. Instead
of using these channels, which should be used at a time of
crisis first of all, they have shut them down. It’s
their loss.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink, as the
saying goes. Sanctions and bans are adopted, and we hear their
haughty and pompous shouts that the sixth, sevenths and eights
packages of sanctions are coming.
Do you think we will want to meet with them or discuss anything
with them in this situation? No, we won’t. We have other partners
we can talk with."
Sergey Lavrov 17
May 2022
Who did Russia have to talk with when it issued it's final coercive
ultimatum on 12
September 2024? No one. He talked directly to the west only
via the official transcript of his words on the Russian Federation
Presidential statements website. His words were echoed by officials
of the Russian Federation Mission to the United Nations. Later,
Sergey Lavrov repeated them in an interview. Dmitry Medvedev hinted
via telegram that Kiev will be hit by conventional missiles,
possibly even the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle (which strikes
at a speed of up to mach 30), and whose kinetic force alone
has the destructive impact of
21 tonnes of TNT.
"What arrogant Anglo-Saxon dimwits fail to admit,
though, is that you can only test someone’s patience for so long.
It will turn out in the end that certain moderate Western analysts
were right when they warned: ‘True, the Russians are not likely to
use this response, although… it’s still a possibility. Besides,
they may use new delivery vehicles with conventional payloads.’
And then – it’s over. A giant blot of molten-grey mass in the
place where ‘the mother of Russian cities’ [historical name of
Kiev] once stood. Holy shit, it's impossible, but it happened…"
Dmitry Medvedev 14 September 2024, Telegram
Were there other back channel communications? No one knows. I
suspect that the military at the highest level of Russia
communicated directly to highest levels of the US military that if
such long range weapons were used against Russian tactical nuclear
bases then named targets in continental USA would be hit by Russian
conventional wweapons, and that the deceision had already made and
everything was in place for such a strike.
"Russia has explained in detail in what circumstances
we will be ready to resume the dialogue on strategic stability:
when mutual respect, equality and advancing towards finding a
balance of interests will be ensured. The Americans think
....they are helping Ukrainians to aim modern types of long-range
weapons at our civilian and infrastructure facilities and at the
same time declare: let them shoot at each other while we will sit
down to talk. This is ridiculous. This does not do credit to those
who are involved in foreign policy in the Washington
They have lost all diplomatic competences...Unfortunately,
we have what we have. This irreparable confidence of the United
States in its own righteousness, omnipotence and impunity has led
to the fact that the US foreign policy is now led by people
who do not know how to do diplomacy...The United States
has lost diplomacy as a method for establishing contacts,
holding candid discussions, and identifying ways to strike a
...They are accustomed to making demands. They have
even stooped to rudely and publicly telling China what to do.
Reportedly, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu had a
telephone conversation with US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt
Campbell. The US official said Washington was dissatisfied with
Beijing supporting Moscow. How can they say such a thing to the
great power of China? "
Sergey Lavrov 28
March 2024
And the west cannot talk to Russia even if it wanted to, as the west
has no adequate diplomatic culture, and, as outlined below,
western diplomats are little more than ideologues. It's diplomats
have no reasonable and substantive proposals to make. Their
capacities are limited to cheap tricks, insolence, rudeness,
hectoring, arrogance, presumptious 'schooling', contrived outrage,
and delivery of dogma, ultimatums and preconditions.
Will conditions change with the Trump Presidency starting 20 January
2025? Mr. Trump is aware he has been beaten in Ukraine. He is aware
the longer the conflict goes on the more mineral and grain lands US
investors will lose. He is aware that maximum profit from sale of
bombs and other military materiel has already been maxed out. He is
aware he can no longer extract minerals and grains from Russia. He
is fearful of the Oreshnik. He is fearful the US weapon sales
industry will be further discredited through utter inadequacy in
countering Russian missiles. The NATO (USA) can be further crushed
militarily in Ukraine, or he can get out 'voluntarily' and the
Russians will allow him to save face (they almost always do this if
it suits their interests). Russian diplomats cannot do very much
more than make encouraging noises, treating any unusually realistic
remark as a positive step, and 'talking it up' as a signal to the
incoming administration.
"Michael Waltz, who I understand is expected to become
the National Security Adviser, alongside President Trump in a
wide-ranging interview, highlighted the root causes of the
conflict. They alluded to the Kiev regime’s induction into NATO,
contravening agreements made through Soviet and subsequently
Russian-American dialogues, as well as within the OSCE. These
agreements, reached by consensus at the highest level and endorsed
by presidents, including President Barack Obama in 2010,
stipulated that no nation or organisation within the OSCE should
seek dominance, nor should any nation bolster its security at the
expense of others. Yet, NATO has pursued precisely what it vowed
not to do, as Donald Trump has pointed out.
This marks the first occasion an American and indeed any
Western leader has openly acknowledged that NATO was
disingenuous when it signed numerous accords with our country
and within the OSCE. These agreements served merely as a
facade, a piece of paper, while in practice, NATO has advanced
towards our borders, infringing upon the terms under which East
Germany integrated into the Federal Republic. This includes
advancing military infrastructure nearer to our borders and
planning military bases, including naval bases in Crimea and on
the Sea of Azov. These facts are well-documented.
The fact that this root cause is finally being incorporated
into the American narrative after months, if not years, of our
reminders, is indeed positive.
Sergey Lavrov 14
January 2025
Deterrence Edited 3 March 2024
Deterrence, according to George, is the threat of physical or
economic harm if a certain action is done. It works well when a
strong partner applies it against a weak 'partner'. Obviously, it is
unlikely to work against an equally strong, or stronger 'partner'.
But there is a time dimension to who is, at any point, weak, or weak
relative to another party. Lebanon was weak relative to Israel in
2006, and yet still managed to push Israel out of most (but not all)
of Lebanon. In 2023, Lebanon's self defense force is far stronger -
thanks to Iranian funding and weaponry, and thanks to Hezbollahs
experience in fighting west and Gulf Arab funded and armed
terrorists in Syria. Israel is also much stronger, due in large part
to western funding and weaponry. Israel can do enormous damage to
Lebanon, but now Lebanon can do enormous damage to Israel. Neither
side wants that. In a sense, time has given Israel the destructive
power equivalent to nuclear weapons (which Israel has but cannot use
at close quarters).
Israel relentlessly continues to shrink the physical size of the
fractured and dispersed Palestinian territories while increasing the
amount of explosive power it could deploy to the level that any
further use of explosives will simply be making the rubble in
Palestine bounce. But Israel itself has not yet been reduced to
And although Hezbollah is weaker than Israel time has given the
ability - for the moment - to reduce parts of Israel to rubble. At
great cost , but Hezbollah may agree to pay that price in certain
circumstances. This is a powerful deterrent.
The Middle East is deeply scarred by US government military
adventures that directly and indirectly killed millions, permanently
contaminated the dusty ground with tiny particle of 'depleted' US
and Western government uranium; the US government forces remain
illegally in Syria, from whence it unabashedly steals Syrian oil.
Yet the US government has the deluded idea that it alone has:
"...unparalleled comparative advantage in
building partnerships, coalitions, and alliances to strengthen
deterrence, while using diplomacy to de-escalate tensions,
reduce risks of new conflicts, and set a long-term foundation for
United States government National Security Strategy October
Every part of this statement reads like a bad-taste joke.
Regarding the use of diplomacy, Russia's entire foreign policy is
based on a multipolar
world, with an inter-connected net of partnerships,
bilateral agreements, economic and political fora, world-leading
and legendary diplomacy, conflict reduction, predictability,
transparency, non-interference, and peacemaking efforts across
regions. It has few consequential military alliances, Belarus
being the only demonstrated one.
Russia, with the best defensive land army in the world, has no
need of assistance, and the demonstration of it's power, the
acknowledged 'deep learning' on effective conduct of conflict
across all weapons platforms, world-beating defense systems, and
permutations of armed formations and equipping - let alone
redundancy in logistic capacities - are the most powerful possible
deterrence to ill-considered actions by anyone in the future.
Military sophistication, leadership, endurance, and
uninterruptible access to mineral resource are the major
power-factors of military potential as a deterrence. Russia has
all of this.
Russia also has a treaty with the Collective Security Treaty
Organisation (CSTO), but this is largely to do with dealing with
terrorism, insurgencies (generally organised from outside the
region), destabilising coups, and peacekeeping efforts.
'Non-state actor' coercion - such as terrorism - is relatively
immune from deterrence, and the main requirement to counter this
form of aggression is vigorous, determined, well-organised and
well-resourced communal policing to protect all Eurasian homeland
"Question: Article 5 of NATO’s Washington
Treaty says that an attack on any NATO member will be considered
an attack against them all. Article 4 of the CSTO is similar:
“In the event of aggression (armed attack that threatens a
member’s security, stability, territorial integrity and
sovereignty) against any of the participating states, all other
participating states, at the request of this state, will
immediately provide the necessary assistance, including military
assistance.” Isn't this the case now?
Lavrov: It says “at the request of this state.” We
have not requested any assistance from anyone. We believe we
have every resource to attain the special military operation’s
goals, and to end the war launched by the West using the
Ukrainian regime after the coup d'état.
We can
see that it is NATO fighting us....But Russia will resolve all
the issues itself...
CSTO responded in 24 hours when President of Kazakhstan
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev requested help in stabilising the
situation in January 2022, during the period of an externally
inspired surge in violence, attempts to seize state buildings.
As Armenia and Azerbaijan continue to look for ways to stabilise
the Caucasus, the CSTO is also ready to help...
Question: Do we potentially retain the
ability to turn to CSTO allies for help in the event that the
aggression against Russia escalates?
Lavrov: It says that any party has this right. I
have already answered why Russia does not use it. It should not
have to do so in the future. We see no need in terms of the
equipment of our Armed Forces and how they operate in the space
of the special military operation.
CSTO is now developing peacekeeping capabilities at the
initiative of Kazakhstan. One of the Under-Secretaries-General
has also been designated responsible for peacekeeping, and there
is the Agreement on Peacekeeping Activities of the CSTO
Sergey Lavrov 2
February 2023
Other countries are building effective deterrence assets and
strategic partnerships. For example, Iranian missile, drone and
rocket technology is going from strength to strength. Like Russia,
it will soon be able to defend its territory from depth. Iran held
an exercise in 2021
launching ballistic missiles and drones at a mock-up of the
Israeli Dimona nuclear reactor (the Shimon
Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center), which, in their propaganda
video, they labelled “WMD production center”. Presumably,
this is a signal that Iran believes Dimona is where Israel builds
its nuclear weapons. The IRGC chief commander Major General
Hossein Salami reportedly said words to the effect that 'the only
difference between the military exercise and a real attack to
Israel is a change in the angle and trajectory of the missiles'.
Iran can also close the Straits of Hormuz, choking off oil to the
west while allowing oil to flow to the east. The United States
government is very sensitive to this possibility.
For the first time, Iran can deter the USA and Israel from any
aggressive moves. The lesson is clear. If you want to be left in
peace, either develop effective sophisticated defense mechanisms
that will impose huge costs on the United States military - or
join a defensive security treaty, such as some version of Russia's
2008 security treaty proposition. Both are powerful
deterrents to coercive military aggression.
Both Iran and Russia had to develop new weapons to in response to
US government coercive aggression. The US government aggression
includes the ring of anti-ballistic missile the west and japan are
building around Russia (and China). These missiles are designed to
shoot down any intercontinental ballistic missile response to any
US government sneak nuclear attack. As a direct result of the US
government coercive moves, Russia has built the most advanced air
defense system in the world. This defense is still not perfect,
and in addition it is impractical to place it everywhere around
Russia's approximately 22,000 kilometers of border.
While Russia's size makes it hard for Russia to defend itself,
Russia's size also works to its advantage. It makes it practically
impossible for the attacking party to find all the mobile missile
launchers distributed throughout Russia's land area of 16,376,870
square kilometers (6,323,142 square miles). A powerful defense against missiles is a strong deterrence
by itself, because it implies any missile attack will largely
fail, except for a 'saturation attack' by very large numbers of
missiles launched simultaneously from multiple directions.
But, in general, Russia's anti-missiles defense system is a 'good
enough' defense, such that if the US government launches a
surprise nuclear strike on Russia, the defenses will probably buy
enough time to enable Russia to launch a retaliatory strike on
mainland USA.
A US and/or NATO nuclear strike capable of 'saturating' the entire
Russian land mass (including Kalingrad, adjacent to Germany) would
have to be so massive that it would create a nuclear winter that
would kill almost all life on planet earth.
"They [USA] are using
various far-fetched pretexts to deploy ground-based anti-missile
systems in close proximity to Russian borders.
Projects are rapidly unfolding to develop marine vessels, which
regularly appear near the Russian coast.
The United States is also implementing plans to develop the
space segment of its global missile defence system, which
actually envisages the deployment of anti-missile strike weapons
in space in the future.
In addition, in the context of their missile defence efforts,
Washington included, at the doctrinal level, the possibility of
carrying out “disarming” strikes against the missile
capabilities of those countries that the United States considers
to be its adversaries.
It should be understood
that attempts to present the global missile defence system
as a purely defensive project are nothing more than a
smoke screen.
By building up its anti-missile
capabilities, the United States
mainly seeks to gain a decisive advantage by creating
conditions for dealing the first strike to the enemy and
protecting itself from retaliatory actions. This
can and is already leading to serious consequences... It is
upsetting the strategic balance of power in the world and
spurring an arms race, including missiles..
For our part, we
intend to act in accordance with the task set by the
President of Russia to ensure a conflict-free coexistence by
maintaining the balance of power and strategic stability.
In our dialogue with Washington on this track, we promote the concept of a comprehensive
review of factors affecting strategic stability, embracing
all weapons capable of solving strategic problems – nuclear
and conventional, offensive and defensive. At the same time,
when we discuss strategic defensive systems, we
primarily mean due consideration of the missile defence
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova 3
May 2021
In fact, Russia wants to be able to avoid an arms race, as this
drains money needed for social development. The USA, in line with
its coercive policy, wants to use missile interceptors (paid for
by the host country) as a so-called 'shield' all around Russia's
borders for one purpose and one pupose only - to force Russia to
spend massive amounts on very expensive anti-missile complexes.
And they are very expensive. The USA also wants to use
Ukraine to bog down Russia in a war, a war that drains the Russian
Federal budget. At the same time the USA is very fearful of
Russian hypersonic weapons, and is trying to 'buy time' to
develop its own hypersonic cruise missiles - and place them
directly on Russia's borders. But Russia won't take the bait, they
won't enter an arms race - they will substitute technical
superiority for quantity.
"We are also aware of the Western attempts
to draw us into an arms race, thereby exhausting us,
mirroring the strategy they successfully employed with
the Soviet Union in the 1980s. Let me remind
you that in 1981–1988, the Soviet Union’s military
spending amounted to 13 percent of GDP.
current imperative is to bolster our defence industry
in such a way as to increase our country’s
scientific, technological and industrial capabilities. We
must allocate resources as judiciously as possible,
fostering an efficient economy for the Armed
Forces, and maximising the return on each
ruble of our defence spending.
It is crucial for us to expedite the resolution
of social, demographic, infrastructural and other
problems we face while simultaneously advancing the quality
of equipment for the Russian Army and Navy."
Vladimir Putin 29
February 2024
Russia has already developed and deployed unstoppable manoeuvering
hypersonic missiles that could be tipped with tactical strategic
nuclear warheads. The scramjet boosted 3M22 Tsirkon (Zircon)
cruise missile has a range of up to about 1,000 kilometers and
travels at about 10,000 kilometers an hour. Its weight and speed
give it enormously destructive kinetic power, even without an
explosive warhead.
Avangard is a manoeuverable hypersonic glide
vehicle launched from an intercontinental
ballistic missile (ICBM) with, for practical purposes unlimited
range. It is a strategic nuclear weapon, and as such, is limited
by the newSTART treaty (expiring 2026).
The massive new nuclear-powered strategic ICBM 'Sarmat' can circle
the globe via the Antarctic, avoiding all existing US coastal
anti-ballistic missile installations, and attack USA with multiple
nuclear warheads, boosted by manoeuvering hypersonic glide
vehicle. The USA does not have any of these technologies at this
Why did Russia have to develop these new weapons? Because the US
government tore up all the existing missile control treaties
except one (it expires in 2026). The US government deliberately
destroyed the strategic balance (mutually assured destruction if
either side launched a nuclear attack) The US government believed
it could develop enough anti ballistic missiles installations on
Russia's Eastern border to reliably shoot down any Russian nuclear
capable missile. Thus enabling tactical nuclear weapons on bombers
and cruise missiles in land-based silos to be used against Russian
command centers and military installations in a 'decapitating'
The USA government has failed in its duplicitous plan to go
straight to military threat using missiles placed adjacent to
Russia's land and sea borders. Ironically, Russia wanted to
develop a new strategic arms treaty, bringing in hypersonic
missiles (currently excluded from the arms control treaty) and
other new technologies, as well as addressing other problems
(mainly the USA government cheating - both absolutely and
legalistically - on the treaty). Russia would like to bring in
other European countries, such as France and Britain, which are
not currently covered by the treaty. USA would like to bring in
Obviously, the newSTART treaty will, by mutual agreement, be
extended once again. Arms control treaties take many years to
reach agreement. This requires non-coercive diplomacy. It requires
a certain level of trust. But the USA government cannot be
trusted. This is not an emotional statement, it is a factual
statement. Therefore, if a treaty is to be acceptable to Russia,
it must be so tight it squeaks - no loopholes; excruciating
detail; voluminous conditions for inspection, penalties to
non-compliance. Anything less is, to be blunt, non-viable. This
makes the timeline even longer.
"If the United States and its allies
ultimately show that they are ready for this, there will be a
chance for reaching new viable agreements with them in
the areas of strategic
stability and arms control.
We have not abandoned the possibility of signing international
treaties to regulate our relations with the West in the field of
strategic stability in the future, after we
attain the goals of the ongoing special military operation.
I would like to repeat that this is only possible based on
respect for Russia’s fundamental interests. This is the
underlying message of the Foreign Policy Concept.
[Commenting on the possibility of a START Treaty
including France and Britain] This possibility does not
exist in the current situation.
Arms control is inseparable from the general geopolitical and
military strategic situation. Any serious steps in this area
are always linked with constructive political processes in
relations between the contracting parties.
There should be at least mutual realisation of the need for
dialogue-based solutions and the political will to encourage
the sides to conduct substantive talks based on compromise.
West is not doing anything like this.
On the contrary, the US and its allies are waging a total
hybrid war against Russia in a bid to inflict a strategic
military defeat on our country and to try to contain it
politically and economically. They hope that they will
eventually manage to subordinate a weakened Russia to Western
dictate from a position of strength.
as history has shown many times, this approach to Russia has
no prospects for success."
Director of the Foreign Ministry Department for Nonproliferation
and Arms Control Vladimir Yermakov 25 April 2023
In the meantime, the USA ambition to 'deter' Russia with
missile threats has failed. The new weapons secure Russia's
ability to respond to a US attack, and that response will be
unstoppable. The US government coercive policy includes the
concept of a 'first strike' - a nuclear strike without warning,
out of the clear blue sky. This is an implicit threat. In fact,
the USA government has stated it could be for any reason - a
cybersecurity attack on USA that the USA 'attributes' to Russia,
for example. The USA government could make a claim that it came
from Russia, and the world would have only their word for it. But
the USA has a history of lying.
Russia won't be intimidated. It is discussing 'mirroring' the USA
government position - an unannounced, out-of-the-blue nuclear
attack on USA mainland. With unstoppable hypersonic missiles,
launched from submarines just off the USA seaboard.
This is another problem with coercive diplomacy. You can calculate
risk using data on things you know about, but how can you
calculate risk when highly consequential things you not only don't
know about, but could never even imagine, suddenly appear in the
picture? All your calculations immediately turn to dust (or
something more unpleasant) in your hands.
"...we ourselves have always had to factor in
what Russia may do in response to any given thing that we or
others do, or the Ukrainians do, and we have." Anthony Blinken, USA Secretary of State, 10
September 2023
"we haven’t encouraged and we haven’t enabled any use of weapons
outside of Ukraine’s territory."
Anthony Blinken, USA Secretary of State, 10
September 2023
"In this [security] sphere,
we have to primarily focus on US programmes and projects that
are a matter of concern for us.
This includes the US global
anti-missile defence, the prospects of US deploying
offensive weapons in space, the prompt global strike
programme, and many other questions...It
would be impossible to come to a common denominator on
matters of strategic stability without taking these
questions into consideration.
Americans refuse to listen to us when we try explaining why
this matters.
adopted an arrogant and mentoring tone, claiming
that from now on the United States will discuss arms control
only when decisions help strengthen its own security..
me reiterate that we do not really
understand whether the Americans are interested in
keeping arms control in place as a means of
ensuring security.
Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey
Ryabkov 17
April 2020 "
It is much better if the US government keeps arms control
treaties, because it helps both sides understand the 'line of
thinking', politically and diplomatically. It increases
predictability. But when one side arrogates to itself a position
of imaginary 'dominance' over the other side, as the United States
Government officials do, then Russia has to assume the worst
possible outcome and act accordingly - especially when the
Americans are found to be not only completely untrustworthy and
duplicitous, but also doctrinally determined to destroy the
Russian Federation by all means short of nuclear war.
All conflicts end in diplomatic negotiations (surrender
is also a form of negotiation). The ultimate coercive 'diplomatic'
strategy is to impose violent conflict on the the other country
(directly or indirectly) in order to 'deter' that country from
following an independent foreign policy.
The violent punishment can be inflicted directly by the US, as
they did in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria (most recently), or
through proxy forces armed, financed, and instructed by the US, or
by US agents and proxies. The proxy forces the US and its
complicit 'allies' use to instigate violence are armed
non-government terrorists (labelled as 'armed rebels' or 'freedom
fighters' by their western backers).
For the first time, USA has extended this long-arm punitive
technique to 'groom' a countries population (Ukraine) to incite
hatred against another country, help create conditions for a civil
war, help instigate a violent coup (the 2014 Maiden), incite a
countries politicians to choose war over diplomacy, then arm,
train and coach its military to act as the US proxy armed force.
All the while using it's Ukrainian proxy's territory to threaten
the adjacent country (Russia) with nuclear-capable cruise missiles
and major conventional armed force accumulations placed directly
on the border of that major military power (Russia). Even after
the west was warned time and again not to do it.
Russia has no choice but to show that it is not deterred by the
US government coercive efforts.
As the Russian government has repeatedly stated, the conflict
ends as soon as the US government (and its western aides) stop
pumping weapons and money into Ukraine. Only the US has the power
to stop the conflict (it could be done within a day). But the USA
has no incentive to stop the deaths.
The death of Russian soldiers is a coercive 'punishment' meted
out to Russia (Ukrainian deaths are not material to the USA) to
convince Russia to enter arms control agreements on terms
favorable to the USA.
Russia's foreign policy concept, it's diplomatic conception of
how it will interact with other states is that Russia, in a
nutshell, is 'proud and free'. It won't kneel before anyone
- and never has. Not to the French, not to the Germans. Former
Warsaw Pact countries understand this very well. The US government
has zero interest in understanding Russia, except to deliberately
rub salt into the wounds left by world war 2.
Instigating conflict is contrary to one of the principles
outlined in the 'Declaration on Principles of International Law
concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in
accordance with the Charter of the United Nations' (October 1970):
"Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing,
instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife
or terrorist acts in another State or acquiescing
in organized activities within its territory directed towards
the commission of such acts, when the acts referred to in the
present paragraph involve a threat or use of force."
'Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning
Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance
with the Charter of the United Nations'
"The Russian side noted that official US assurances that the
United States does not encourage such attacks on Russia are
hypocritical and mendacious in the context of direct evidence
showing that weapons and equipment, supplied by the Pentagon for
the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, help prepare and
perpetrate terrorist attacks by Ukrainian militants."
Russian Federation Press release on demarche to US Embassy in
Moscow 26 May 2023
The USA escalation techniques, which started small and built up,
have run their course.
The war that the US planned to launch on Russia - a war the
US knew the Ukraine could not win - has not forced Russia to
comply with US government wishes.
"...In the 'try and see' approach...a demand is
employs one limited coercive threat or action and waits to see
whether it will persuade the opponent before making another
threat or taking another step.
...the gradual turning of the screw [strategy] relies on the
threat of a step-by-step increase in coercive pressure rather
than of escalation to strong, decisive military action..."
Alexander George
Yes, the US has created conditions for all NATO countries to
carry nuclear bombs, and to hold bigger NATO exercises on Russia's
border while carrying dummy bombs. But this is kabuki. Russia has
neutralised these theatrics with nuclear armed submarines
patrolling off the US coast. It will be vastly expanding the
number of aircraft capable of carrying hypersonic weapons -
modifying its advanced fighter aircraft for this task. These
aircraft will be based in the Middle East, in Syria, at least.
Certainly in Kalingrad, adjacent to Germany. The US can make as
many 'provocative acts' as it likes, it makes no difference to
Russian power.
History records Mr. Blinken's attempt to coerce Russia into
accepting Ukraines NATO militarisation and endless threat to
Russia's security. History records the US government determination
to block and subvert any chance for peace. History records the US
governments pathological preference for violence, but using the
hands of others as US governmental instruments of death and
So much for Mr. George's advice on choosing the appropriate coercive
diplomacy strategy:
"The starkest variant of the [coercive diplomacy]
strategy includes all three ingredients of a full-fledged classic
(1) a demand on the opponent
(2) a time limit or sense of urgency for compliance with the
(3) a threat of punishment for noncompliance that is credible
and sufficiently potent to convince the opponent that compliance
is preferable to other courses of action.
...An ultimatum may be
inappropriate, infeasible, or even highly
risky in a particular situation."
Alexander George.
At the point the armed conflict started, the USA government jumped
right to the top of the economic escalatory ladder, as they said
they would.
US government has closed Russian consulates, seized Russian state
property, seized Russian state and private money, barred Russia
from international sports, attempted to humiliate Russian state
personnel in every possible way, tried to isolate Russia from the
international community..
The US government has reached the limits of diplomatic coercion. And
The US government, along with the west, has imposed the most far
reaching economic
coercion ever seen in modern times. And failed.
The US government, along with compliant western countries, has
attacked Russia through the hands of its proxy armed forces in
Ukraine. And failed.
The US government has attempted to intimidate Russia with veiled
talk of western use of tactical nuclear weapons in Russia. And
failed. All
that is left is for the US and western governments to admit
their mistake and start repairing the damage they have done.
Response to
inciters of proxy war
The NATO conference of 11-12 July did not end the sale of weapons
and munitions to Ukraine. Russia may respond by ending them itself.
It is legal to sell weapons to any country. Weapon sales
bring in large incomes to USA, Russia, and some European countries.
But according to the Hague Conventions it is illegal for a belligerent
country to move them across the territories of neutral
Article 2 Belligerents are forbidden to move troops or convoys of either
munitions of war or supplies across the territory of a neutral
Article 3
Belligerents are likewise forbidden to:
(a) Erect on the territory of a neutral Power a wireless
telegraphy station or other apparatus for the purpose of
communicating with belligerent forces on land or sea;
(b) Use any installation of this kind established by them before
the war on the territory of a neutral Power for purely military
purposes, and which has not been opened for the service of public
Article 7
A neutral Power is not called upon to prevent the export
or transport, on behalf of one or other of the belligerents, of
arms, munitions of war, or, in general, of anything which can be
of use to an army or a fleet.
Article 16
The nationals of a State which is not taking part in the war are
considered as neutrals.
Hague Conventions: Convention (V) respecting the Rights and Duties
of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land. 18
October 1907.
West is a
party to the Ukraine conflict edited 16 September 2024
Russia is questioning who should be considered a belligerent (a
'party' to a conflict). It is increasingly casting the USA
government as supporting and participating in terrorist acts in
In principle, the conflict is essentially over at the point when
Ukraine has exhausted its artillery munitions and most of its
armoured vehicles and aircraft, then at that point the
conflict has effectively come to an end (because lightly armed
infantry are hopelessly ineffective against Russian artillery and
"There is no doubt that the West has declared war on
us. They are not hiding it.
Even though they are saying they are only sending weapons to
Ukraine, which does all the fighting. Everyone knows it’s a
Western instructors oversee the planning carried out by the
Ukrainian General Staff, help with targeting the
strikes (we are 100-percent certain of that) and do much
According to our data, the European External Action Service has
drawn up recommendations for Ukraine, which rely on the assumption
that winning by the methods Ukraine is using now is impossible,
and it will lose. In light of this, more long-range weapons
should be made available to Ukraine for it to be able to target
the “heart” of Russia (as the EU puts it) and thus sow
confusion and panic, and undermine the trust of the people.
Isn't that direct participation in the war? Of course, it is.
Strategy is what matters most in any war, and strategy is
decided far away from Kiev."
Sergey Lavrov 16
February 2024
"Vladimir Putin: They have established a headquarters
abroad, outside Ukraine, which is effectively planning all these
operations. Is that right?
Shoigu: Yes, Mr President, and this goes beyond
external management; it entails control of all
the forces. They have their instructors everywhere....
of last year’s plans for a large-scale,
extensive counteroffensive were made in the United
States and by NATO instructors, who devised very
detailed strategies. Therefore, their defeat came
as a serious shock to them, because
the methods, technologies and patterns they had likely
used elsewhere and tried to apply here too have
Sergei Shoigu, Defense Minister, reporting to President Vladimir
20 February 2024
If the conflict can only continue if western countries
supply munitions, armour, artillery pieces, and satellite targeting,
then those western countries are now left fighting Russia. And this
is exactly what has happened. The city of Donetsk has been regularly
shelled by Ukraine for over a decade. Most of the shelling came from
Ukraine forces which occupied and massively fortified the adjacent
satellite city of Avdiivka. Once that town was liberated in late
February 2024, the Donetsk resident thought the random death from
the sky would stop. Instead, the west supplied shells with an
extended range, and civilian targets continued to be hit. Ukrainian
infantry are no more than mercenaries. The west is now fully in
control of prosecuting the war on Russia.
Therefore those western countries involved in ensuring the
re-vitalisation of what should be a 'dead' conflict can be construed
as a parties to the conflict, and a belligerent.
“...yes, we have to do more to defend Ukraine. Yes, we
have to do more also on tanks...But the most important, and the
crucial part is, that we do it together and that we do not do the
blame game in Europe, because we are
fighting a war against Russia and not against each
Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister Germany, Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe, 24
January 2023
"The collective West led by the US and
the Anglo-Saxons is conducting an undeclared hybrid war
against Russia. It is using the Kiev regime as an
instrument of this war. The Ukrainian Nazis are supplied with
modern weapons and ammunition; instructors and mercenaries are
sent to Ukraine. The enemies are openly declaring their
goals – to defeat the Russian army on the battlefield, undermine
our political and economic sovereignty and push Russia to the
periphery of global politics"
Sergey Lavrov 19
June 2023
"The bottom line on the “costs” of supporting Ukraine:
1️. Zero American service members in combat.
2️. Zero American service members killed in Ukraine.
3️. A very small percentage of the American defense budget has
been spent to assist Ukraine’s military.
4️.The Ukrainian military systematically
dismantling Putin’s Army.
Good deal for America and all who love freedom."
American Senator 15
July 2023
"the Western countries' military personnel have been present
in Ukraine for a long time. They had been there
before the coup d'état, and after the coup their
number has grown several times.
Today they are involved both directly as military advisers
and as foreign mercenaries, and they suffer
Yet I am certain that even if foreign countries are
to send their troops officially, it will not change
the situation on the ground –
and this is the most important thing because arms
supplies change nothing."
Vladimir Putin 13 March 2024
Sergey Lavrov publicly identifies 'the enemies'. Without naming
them, he indicates those who 'openly declaring they wish for
Russia's defeat on the battlefield and those who impose sanctions on
Russia' are the enemy. On July 7
2023 Sergey Lavrov's spokesperson identified those who
supplied war materiel, mostly NATO members. Only some publicly
stated they wished to defeat Russia on the battlefield, but the list
of potential enemies of the Russian Federation are: Germany, United
States, Britain, France, Australia, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Czech
Republic, Slovakia, Japan, and New Zealand. Turkey, at the moment,
is not there, even although they supply drones to Ukraine. And, up
until now, neither is Israel, which also arms Ukraine.
is a hybrid war that the West is waging against Russia,
while using the Kiev
regime to do the fighting. This is a very clear
There is no Russian-Ukrainian war or confrontation.
There is the West using Ukraine as a tool to inflict a
“strategic defeat” on Russia. We can generalise this as a
hybrid war against our country.
is it a hybrid war? Because it is being waged by proxy: the
West is doing it under the colours of another country and in
using the political capabilities and figures it has planted
in that country in advance.
The campaign includes a wide range of trade
wars against Russia, which were unleashed long before it,
as well as an information aggression against our
country, with the latest technologies used to exert information
and psychological pressure on Russians. This includes
cyberattacks, calls made from Ukraine with callers posing as
representatives of Russian law enforcement agencies or banks, or
bomb scares concerning civilian infrastructure (we have listed
those repeatedly).
Furthermore, they are using financial institutions to make our
lives even more difficult, complicate economic relations with
the world, including in making payments, and disrupt the
development of entire industries in Russia by blocking
cooperation in technological and scientific spheres.
This is a true hybrid war that the West has unleashed against
our country using the Kiev regime to do the job."
Maria Zakharova 6
December 2023
Those who applied sanctions on Russia could also be regarded as
enemies, as the war declared by the west is hybrid - military,
economic, and incitement to hatred (a precursor to terrorism). By
early December 2023 Russia was (indicatively) shifting to post-war
thinking - emphasising that, firstly, the west had 'planted' its
agent in Ukraine, an agent that allowed the 'grooming' of the nation
to far right racist white supremacist thinking. Secondly, the west
used these Clockwork Orange droogs to attack East Ukrainian Russians
- in the full knowledge Russia would ultimately win. The Russian
spokeswoman goes further - emphasising that the war was never a war
on the Ukrainian people - it was a war responding to a western
force. Implicitly, ordinary Ukrainians unwitting victims of western
The west's hybrid war was not intended to be a successful
territorial conquest of Russia - it was a war of military and
psychological attrition, economic attrition, intended to degrade
Russian people's living conditions to the point social cohesion
failed and Russia became weak. There were 2 objectives: first make
Russia ripe for planted western sock puppet comprador leadership
there, and second, implement the west's tried and tested 'divide and
conqueror technique'. In other words carving off various areas of
Russia into independent states, or incite separatist sentiment,
leaving them in perpetual internal conflict and breeding terrorists.
Ukraine was a means to this end. And when the USA has made its
profits it will do what it always does - it will walk away, leaving
Ukraine with a ruined economy, a ruined society, bankrupt, corrupt,
depopulated, mired in gang violence, drugs, alcoholism, and suicide.
The bitter fruits of the west's coercive policy.
"The United States ... is
waging a war against the Russian Federation using
the Ukrainians as proxies."
Sergey Lavrov 26 June
"...The Russian side emphasised the fact that hostile actions by the United States, which had long since
become a party to the conflict, have plunged
Russian-US relations into a profound and dangerous crisis, fraught
with unpredictable consequences. It is high time Washington
realised that any form of aggression against Russia will continue
to be invariably repelled in the most resolute way."
Russian Federation Press release on demarche to US Embassy in
Moscow 26 May 2023
"When the special military operation began, the
United States and other NATO and EU countries stepped up their
proxy war against Russia. In fact, they had
launched that war in 2014. ...aggressive steps by
unfriendly states create an existential threat for Russia."
Sergey Lavrov 13 July
"... a larger and highly significant, if so far
imperceptible mistake is that the United
States is becoming more directly involved in this conflict.
It is becoming involved – this is an obvious thing. And let no
one say that it has nothing to do with this. We believe it has."
Vladimir Putin 18
October 2023
"These German generals discussed ways to supply Ukraine with
long-range weapons (they mentioned the TAURUS) for attacking
the Crimean Bridge and ammunition depots in a more subtle way.
How to make sure they are not noticed ..., while the
Americans and Brits are already there.
They also discussed whether it is possible to target missiles
remotely without being in Ukraine. One of the generals
said this would still be qualified as direct participation.
They know what they are talking about. In one exchange, one
general mentions that “men from the US in civilian clothes” are
there. I
don’t know how to say it but all of our
NATO colleagues are guilty as hell. "
Sergey Lavrov 1
March 2024
"We know what American troops in the Russian
territory are. These are invaders. That is how we will treat
them even if they appear in the territory
of Ukraine, and they understand it."
Vladimir Putin 13
March 2024
The Russian President is unequivocal. Not only has the United States
been directly involved in the Ukraine conflict, it is becoming even
more involved as time goes on. He brushes aside the US Government
claims they are not involved. This is important. It is important
because Russia is warning the United States it has made a mistake,
and it is notifying the United States that they 'cannot see' that it
is a mistake. They cannot 'see' their mistake because they are not
experiencing any pushback from Russia.
The USA says there are no 'official' USA military on the ground in
Russia's new territories or in Ukraine. On March 15 2024 the Russian
Ministry of Defense said of "the 1,113 'soldiers of fortune'
arriving from the US lost 491 killed". No doubt many more were
wounded. The Russian President bluntly states that if "American
troops", that is armed fighting formations, appear in the territory
of Ukraine they will be treated as "invaders', that is, attacked
just as the other US specialist troops disguised as mercenaries are
I believe the USA (along with Germany, Britain and France) will
eventually have to pay compensation
to Russia - in some form or another.
As Poland supplies repaired armoured vehicles, Germany supplies
tanks (and, with Ukraine, will
build a plant in West Ukraine (not East Ukraine) to build
armoured vehicles and manufacture
artillery shells, mostly for Ukraine) has, France supplies
various missiles, the United Kingdom supplies tanks and missiles,
and the United States supplies artillery, missiles, military
communication apparatus, various forms of 'military assistance' -
the full list is long - all are belligerents and therefore a
military response can be made on those countries own territory
to counter the belligerents' military measures.
"The news about plans by Rheinmetall to build a tank
factory in Malorossiya [East Ukraine], looks like Kiev regime’s
primitive trolling. If krauts still go on with it for real,
they’re very welcome. The decision should be greeted with
fireworks by Kalibres and other Russian pyrotechnic devices
Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chair of the Security Council of the
Russian Federation 5
March 2023
If a belligerent, they are attacking a country with a massive
conventional and nuclear potential. Why do they even think of doing
it? Why do they think they will get away with it?
Question: "Why do we get targeted,
while defending our interests?.."
Lavrov: "I cannot be responsible for the
psychological condition of people who repeatedly, daily prove
their lack of sanity." 25 June
Russia is required by international law to go to the United Nations
to try for peaceful solutions. It did this on 29
June 2023.
No non-military solution arose from the meeting.
On 5 July 2023 Russia told the USA government to stop supplying arms
and personnel to Ukraine:
"On September 15, 2022 and February 21, 2023, the Foreign Ministry made demarches with
protest notes to the US Embassy in Moscow in
connection with numerous facts of the direct involvement of US
citizens, including retired and active military personnel, in
hostilities as part of formations subordinate to the Kiev regime.
officials said the arms supplied to the Kiev regime and the
personnel servicing them were regarded as lawful targets for
We emphasised that to avoid negative
consequences, the United States should immediately
withdraw its military personnel, discontinue arms supplies
and stop providing the Armed Forces of Ukraine with guidance
in real time for striking the deployment sites of the Armed
Forces of Russia and civilians.
officials made it perfectly clear to the Americans that the
abetting the mass war crimescommitted by
Ukrainian formations is confirmed by objective evidence that cuts
through the standard arrogant official explanations."
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation 5 July 2023
The Russian government has also added the charge of abetting war
crimes to it's charge. Elsewhere, it has highlighted the role of the
USA government in facilitating terrorist acts (drone strikes on
civilian objects) on the territory of the Russian Federation. The
USA seems to be the focus, even although Germany and the UK and
France are prominently involved. Adding it all up, we have the USA
being charged with being a belligerent, and abetting war crimes, and
terrorism. The matters presented are more than enough justification
to a military technical response.
Finally, in early September 2024, the UK Prime Minister Starmer went
to USA to request permission to use extended range versions of the
Storm Shadow to attack Russian depths (the targets are
pre-programmed in the UK). The US President Biden was coincidentally
mulling whether to allow the Ukrainians to use Lockheed Martin's
MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) deep within undisputed
Russia, and perhaps supply the new extended range JASSM-ER missiles
to the Ukrainians. These are targeted and programed by US
military-technical staff (regardless of whether they are in uniform
or are under cover as 'civilian contractors' or similar). The
Russian President warned that this would change the nature of the
conflict from a special military operation to clear Ukrainian troops
from newly acceded Russian territory to a NATO war of aggression on
"If this decision is made, it
will mean nothing short of direct involvement – it
will mean that NATO countries, the United States,
and European countries are parties to the war
in Ukraine. This will mean their direct involvement
in the conflict, and it will clearly change
the very essence, the very nature
of the conflict dramatically.
This will mean that NATO
countries – the United States and European
countries – are at war with Russia.
And if this is the case, then, bearing in mind
the change in the essence
of the conflict, we will make appropriate decisions
in response to the threats that will be posed
to us."
Vladimir Putin 12
September 2024"
Initially, as at 16 September 2024, Mr.Biden appears to have backed
down from his self-assured arrogantly stupid decision to endanger
the very existence of the world. He (allegedly) will not authorise
use of the US missiles in the depth of undisputed Russia. ATACMS
will continue to be used - and shot down by the Russians - only
within the disputed territories. But on the 19th of November ATACMS
were used.
"On November 19, six ATACMS tactical
ballistic missiles produced by the United States,
and on November 21, during a combined missile
assault involving British Storm Shadow systems and HIMARS
systems produced by the US, attacked military facilities
inside the Russian Federation in the Bryansk
and Kursk regions.
From that point onward, as we have repeatedly
emphasised in prior communications, the regional
conflict in Ukraine provoked by the West has
assumed elements of a global nature. Our air
defence systems successfully counteracted these incursions,
preventing the enemy from achieving their apparent
The fire
at the ammunition depot in the Bryansk
Region, caused by the debris of ATACMS missiles,
was extinguished without casualties or significant damage.
In the Kursk Region, the attack targeted one
of the command posts of our group North.
Regrettably, the attack and the subsequent air
defence battle resulted in casualties, both fatalities
and injuries, among the perimeter security units
and servicing staff. However, the command
and operational staff of the control centre
suffered no casualties and continues to manage
effectively the operations of our forces
to eliminate and push enemy units out
of the Kursk Region."
Vladimir Putin 21
November 2024
The British missiles have some US components in them, which means
the British must have US consent on where and how the missiles are
used. At first it appeared that the US has refused to allow the UK
to use its long range missiles inside undisputed Russia, limiting
them to the Ukrainian disputed area of 'new Russia'. It is possible
that the US and the UK were relying on the 'gentlemens agreement'
limiting the export of missiles to those that have a flight limit of
300 kilometers and a payload limit of 500 kilograms. That went out
the window (allegedly - the english text is not available yet) with
the change to the Russian nuclear use doctrine. Allegedly the
document included an article ending agreements on non proliferation
of weapons. This was necessary to allow the new Oreshnik missile to
be field tested before final deployment decisions are made. And the
need for a short to medium range missile arose exactly because the
Americans had already abrogated both the INF treaty and the
agreement. America had already started to develop short and medium
range missiles to be deployed in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea etc
against Russia. As part of the dusty and now anachronistic 'containment'
concept formulated centuries ago. Russias new military doctrine says
that as the US programs these new missiles, they become a party to
any conflict where those missiles are fielded by an ally or 'bloc'
member. Russia had to think what to do in response. Oreshnik is the
In short, the combination of the new Russian missile, plus the
doctrine of collective punishment for any NATO (or other alliance)
member attacking Russia has placed an albatross around the US neck.
Who would buy a US short or medium range missile that can be
destroyed by Russia's Oreshnik? Who would join a 'defense'
organisation if an attack on Russia by some flakey member assures an
attack by the Oreshnik on all members of the group? Checkmate.
In February 2024 Germany refused to supply their Taurus long range
missile to Ukraine. Following President Putin's 12 September
statement they reiterated the policy, allegedly because the
“Programmable Intelligent Multi-Purpose Fuze” system makes it
accurate and highly effective in striking objects such as the Kerch
bridge. Germany was allegedly fearful they would become party to
another war against Russia. The company that manufactures the Taurus
then announced it would
not manufacture or stock the missile, but enter into supplying
parts for Raytheon’s patriot missile system factory in
Schrobenhausen, Germany. (The US patriot system will be put in place
in European NATO countries as part of the US forward-based homeland
airdefense system.)
And now the Patriot system is now redundant.
For Europe, the Oreshnik can be a peacemaker .
new postulate - armed force to prevent an absolutely inevitable
armed attack Edited 20 November 2024
On the 19th of June 2023 Russia announced that it has 'interpreted'
Article 51 on the use of self defense to now include the right to a
'preventative' strike when it is obvious that an armed attack is
"I would like to focus on
important innovations in our conceptual interpretation of the
acceptable conditions for the use of force in self-defence.
We have confirmed our commitment to Art. 51 of the UN Charter.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin once again stressed this at his
meeting with African delegations in St Petersburg on June 17.
We note that we will be ready to take
symmetrical and asymmetrical measures in response to the
unfriendly use of force against us.
We have introduced a new postulate on
it being possible to use the Armed Forces not only to rebuff
but also prevent an armed attack on Russia or its allies, if
this armed attack is absolutely inevitable.
Thereby we unequivocally let potential aggressors know that Russia
will resolutely defend its right and the right of our allies to
free and safe development." 19
June 2023
NATO does not have the military capacity to meaningfully attack
Russia. In the near-zero chance that NATO did escalate military
preparations and threats on Russia's borders, military diplomacy
would still come into play. There is clearly an escalatory ladder
available to Russia at this point. At one end of the scale Russia
could easily launch a preemptive hypersonic missile from a submarine
offshore the coast of the United States and destroy the factory that
makes the HIMARS missiles (for example). It would be hit and
destroyed before the United States has any time to react. It would
clearly be non-nuclear, but would certainly be demonstrative. But
Russia is very cautious. It is extremely unlikely to do this at this
"...this kind of reckless policy may lead to a direct
armed clash between the nuclear powers. I don’t think there is any
need to go over the nature of the strategic risks...and the
potentially catastrophic nature of the further development of
events according to the worst-case scenario.
...the West is not ready to see our position adequately. So, the
responsibility for the further degradation of the situation lies
fully with the Western capitals....we can firmly reiterate that Russia is determined to uphold its security
We recommend the West not to have any
doubt about it.
Maria Zakharova, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, 21
June 2023
Russia is more likely to start at the first rung of the escalatory
ladder. This means a carefully targeted response, and not
necessarily at obvious military targets. Initially the response
might be a ban on exporting titanium or some other goods to the
United States. In November 2024 the 'lame duck' Biden administration
increased escalatory military coercion on Russian territory in the
full knowledge it was a lost cause. He did this knowing that the
change to Russia's nuclear doctrine would classify his acts at
becoming a party to the Ukraine conflict and that in some
circumstances Russia would consider a nuclear response to US and
NATO. Russia simply introduced restrictions on aluminium to America.
Coincidentally, perhaps, two major fiber optic cables from Norway to
Germany were damaged.
If a preemptive strike was of a military nature, Russia would almost
certainly initially chose a target that is 'sensitive' for the
United States but doesn't involve loss of life. Possibly military
In a larger scale response Russia might advise the United States
military illegally based at Al Tanf that the base will be destroyed
with cruise missiles in 30 minutes time. In the case of Germany, the
factory that manufactures leopard tanks might be destroyed
(including the new one in Poland).
Topping all possible responses, Russia's reported supply of nuclear
capable intercontinental ballistic missiles (capable of hitting
mainland USA) to North Korea is a perfect example of applying great
pressure to the USA in 'areas sensitive to them'.
Consider this scenario. It is possible that if NATO supplies Ukraine
with weapons capable of reaching further into Russia, and important
Russian infrastructure or strategic military assets could be
destroyed. If this coincided with one of NATO's provocative 'dummy'
nuclear attack 'exercises' on Russia's border, Russia might
preemptively destroy some important NATO military infrastructure.
What infrastructure? That associated with the use of nuclear capable
fighters in close proximity to Russia's border - aircraft hangars
and airfields. They would probably give the same 15 minutes warning
that the US government gave Russia in the time of the Trump
administration when the USA and France etc launched cruise missiles
at Syrian airfields where Russian staff were also present.
"The collective West not only steers an unrestrained
flow of weapons to the Kiev regime, but also hosts training of AFU
and nationalist battalions, providing the Ukrainian forces with
intelligence for target designation and even authorizing strikes
against specific targets with Western weapons.
At the same time Western
countries assert diligently that they are not involved in a
conflict with Russia. In other words, they pose as neutral.
But international law, including the provisions of the 1907
Hague Conventions and customary international law,
unequivocally forbids neutral states to take any
such action. Otherwise it leads to the loss of
neutral status and turns the state into a party to an armed
Trying to justify themselves, our former partners say the 1907
Hague Conventions to have become outdated. Weird to hear this from
states whose military authorities on a regular basis issue
bulky volumes about the laws and customs of war. By the way,
those also include a considerable section of rights and duties
of neutral states that incorporates among other things the norms
of those “dated” Conventions. I stress that this is not
about some doctrine-style publications. This is about practical
guides for army and navy commanders, which provide for the
harshest measures to be taken to respond to violations of
neutrality, including the use of force.
The 1907 Conventions
are effective international treaties that no one ever
abolished. Their main goal is to prevent the proliferation of
armed conflicts and engagement of further actors in them.
This is relevant today as never before,
because the collective West openly declares a goal of
dealing a “strategic defeat on Russia on the battlefield”
and backs up these reckless claims with no less reckless
All this suggests a metaphor about playing
with fire, but things are actually even worse. In its militarist
frenzy, having lost any connection to reality, the West is
knowingly provoking a direct clash among the nuclear powers."
Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on arms
deliveries to Ukraine, 29 June 2023
Mr. Nebenzia's argument hinges on whether or not the Hague
Conventions and customary international law do in fact forbid
neutral countries sending arms across another neutral countries
territory to a belligerent. If Italy, Greece, Poland and Germany are
neutral, they can't allow the USA, UK, or France to send arms across
their territory to Ukraine.
Mr. Nebenzia lays out to the International community an argument
that there is no basis for the US to claim a neutral status, that
the US, not Russia is the aggressor.
NATO as an organisation cannot claim collective self defense as the
UN hasn't been notified, and even by claiming collective self
defense NATO would identify itself as being at war with
NATO countermeasures (even if a belligerent) should be proportional
and they aren't; and even if NATO counter-measures were legitimate,
then Russia is also entitled to make counter-defense against
It is not possible know how, where, when, and for how long Russia
might strike when the west forces Russia to commit to larger scale
military force. Once again, Russia is very transparent and
predictable about its foreign policy intentions, right up to larger
scale military response. Mr. Nebenzia's comments are part of that
transparency. Russia's demonstrative military manoevering is a form
of military coercive diplomacy designed to convince the west to
refrain from doing something, or reverse an unacceptable action
before it is too late.
Russia did this dance prior to launching the military operation in
Ukraine, but the west, while they understood the signal very well,
continued their planned military action on the Russian population of
eastern Ukraine. Everything has its limit.
When 'the time for diplomacy has passed' (as Sergey Lavrov once
famously put it), Russia's military response intentions are largely
a black box. The west will know nothing - until after it has
At the time of Mr. Nebenzia's address to the UN Security Council it
was clear to all competent military analysts that Ukraine was, in
effect, already defeated. It was obvious to the well informed that
NATO alone is the one keeping the conflict going, and therefore NATO
is fully responsible for the continued slaughter of Ukrainian men.
In addition, it is the west that refuses peace negotiations,
insisting Ukraine continues to fight, the west refuses
negotiations unless the west-approved list of preconditions is
agreed to. The preconditions, of course are nonsensical,
unrealistic, and are designed by the Zelensky government to prevent
negotiations. The Zelensky government is in essence a
poorly-controlled puppet of the west, and so these preconditions are
western conditions set by their Ukrainian proxy.
"Another argument is based on labeling our country an
"aggressor" with reference to the resolutions of the 11th
Extraordinary Special Session of the UN General Assembly. The
United States, which has unleashed a record number of wars of
aggression in modern history, pompously declares that one can
help the "victim of aggression" without losing one’s neutral
Any self-respecting expert on international law would make a
laughing-stock of such an argument...The main issue is that the
UN Charter does not authorize the General Assembly to establish
facts of "aggression”. Making any qualifications of this
kind violates the provisions of the Charter and is null and void ‘ab
So it turns out that "aggressor" is not a legal qualification,
but a political assessment. Without a legal basis, the entire
construct of "qualified neutrality" falls apart.
The portrayal of NATO, to which Ukraine is so eager to enter, as a
purely defensive alliance sounds like an unfortunate joke against
the extensive record of unprovoked and unjustified military
aggressions involving this militaristic bloc.
The speculations in the Western legal doctrine about alleged
collective self-defense under Article 51 do not stand up
to scrutiny either. There are two main issues here. We
cannot recall the Security Council being notified, even though
according to the UN Charter, this should be done immediately.
Besides, a statement of "self-defense"
against Russia would have been tantamount to stating oneself
at war with our country.
What’s even more interesting is a reference to alleged
counter-measures under the international law. As we all know,
such measures must meet the criterion of proportionality. But what kind of
damage has Russia done to the United States or the European
Union that would explain the killing of our citizens with
Western weapons, the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipes,
or terrorist attacks on prominent Russian public personalities?
Before it is too late, we recommend the authors of such
speculative constructs to give some thought to the main
question, which is as follows.
What should Russia’ counter-measures be
in this case?
...when the Kiev regime, under pressure from its sponsors, stepped
back on the agreements already made and also established a legal
ban on peace talks with Russia, it became clear that Western
states are not interested in achieving a sustainable and lasting
peace in our region.
So what is it that we have today? Last March, Western
countries did not allow Ukraine to agree with Russia on a
peaceful coexistence and to become a neutral non-aligned state
posing no threats. Instead, they are arming the country in a mad
expectation that Ukraine will be able to defeat Russia.
The Western equipment is burning down, while the Kiev regime and
its sponsors are running out of Ukrainian and other old Soviet
equipment.’s Ukraine can only fight using the weapons it
gets from NATO. It has almost nothing else...Ukraine has no
weapons of its own, but still has Ukrainians, who are being
herded to the slaughter...The Kiev regime's mobilization
reserve has not yet run out (although this is what’s coming)...
...The balance of power will not be altered by any weapon
supplies, and most independent military experts already admit
openly that the defeat of the Kiev regime is only a matter of
...our opponents still have in their "stash" high-profile staged
terrorist attacks, which they try to "hang" on Russia, such as
Bucha or the destruction of the Kakhovka dam. God forbid they
should dare to provoke an accident at the ZNPP, which they keep
firing at...Today we circulated a letter as an official document
of the UN Security Council and General Assembly...that we have no
intention of blowing up the plant that we control and urge the
Secretary-General and the international community to influence
Kiev to refrain from provocations against the ZNPP.
Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on arms
deliveries to Ukraine, 29 June 2023
of armed conflict Edited 28 November 2024
Escalation can be slow or rather fast. The best example of slow
escalation is the the US proxy war on Russia.
Slow escalation
"We calibrate our measures of a
military character depending on what the Americans will be
realizing. We are not cranking up an arms race; we react
to what is happening. The first steps have been taken,
the radar is in place in the Kaliningrad oblast and the
President also mentioned the possibility of deploying Iskander
missile systems there – at subsequent phases (if required).
general, the meaning of the whole idea underlying the
President's message is to give a push to negotiations, to
give a push to an agreement. If that fails, then other
measures will follow.
Measures to enhance the
capacity of our strategic nuclear forces to overcome missile defense systems.
Lots of
options are possible – up to and including withdrawal from the
New START treaty, which, in principle, the Americans also
know, they understand it. But that is not our choice; we would
not want this kind of development.
general, the response is very compact, very efficient,
effective, and, again, contains a political signal in favor
of negotiations." Sergey Ryabkov Deputy Foreign Minister, 21
December 2011
Mr. Ryabkov clearly lays out the principles
The first principle is that Russia does not escalate. It
simply reacts to the circumstances placed in front of it in a way
sufficient to overcome any threat to any element of Russia's
wellbeing. The second principle is to negotiate a way
through conflict (respectfully, keeping in mind each parties
legitimate interests, and seeking a balanced and acceptable
outcome). The third principle is to use military-technical coercion
as a last resort, and then defensively and conservatively, but in
restrained compact 'bursts' if possible (to allow negotiation at
the earliest possible moment), emphasising both maximum
effectiveness and efficient employment of various
military-technical potentials - all the while explicitly keeping
the door open to negotiations, including concessional enticements
(if appropriate).
"This is exactly why we keep
emphasising the risks in the US and NATO’s actions. They seem
to have plunged into an illusion of impunity as they play around with chimeras like
“escalation control” and “escalation dominance.” We continue sending the West sobering
signals on the need to prevent a disaster, but
they remain deaf to our appeals.
Moreover, they maliciously distort them for propaganda
purposes. Director of the Foreign
Ministry Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control
Vladimir Yermakov 25 April 2023
People forget that escalation can start slowly and unfold over
many years. Ten years, in the case of the West's attempts to put a
puppet regime into Russia. Ten years on, it was conclusive from
Russian satellite imagery that NATO staff were directly involved
in the conflict. Some argue that by attempting to respond to
coercive escalation in a proportional or mirror manner simply
prompts the other side to escalate further.
Fast coercive escalation is very dangerous. But paradoxically,
slow coercive escalation can end up in the same dangerous place.
Nevertheless, Ukraine announced it planned to launch an
offensive in the new Russian territories with the objective of
taking Crimea, a dangerous new escalation. The above is the full
text of the interview (if you could call it that) that followed
after Ukraines announcement. It is was a very obvious 'signal' to
the United States not to escalate their proxy war on Russia, and
an attempt to coerce the US government into stopping it's
dangerous military coercion from increasing in scale and scope.
The Ukraine and its US government handler did not backdown.
Two days later the below-ground war planning rooms of the
Soviet-era Ukrainian Military Intelligence building were hit with
the precision strike of an advanced Russian hypersonic missile and
destroyed. The Soviets had designed this underground facility to
resist nuclear shock waves.
The demonstration of the kinetic potential and reach of this
missile sent a strong cautionary warning to both the Ukrainian and
US government side. Aircraft were observed transporting personnel
to hospitals outside Ukraine. It is possible NATO officers were in
that room. Of course, the United States government could never
admit it if they were, for obvious reasons.
In the same way that the west steadily escalated the economic
pressure put on the Russian Federation, so it has escalated the
scale of military involvement in their proxy war on Russia.
At first, the west commenced intensive cyberattacks:
"...the Pentagon’s Cyber Command and
the National Security Agency are planning and coordinating
cyberattacks under the Ukrainian flag at Russia’s critical
information infrastructure.
The key targets include Russian banks and financial
institutions, transport, energy and telecommunications
infrastructure, large industrial facilities and network
resources providing government services at federal and regional
Ukrainian hacker groups affiliated with US intelligence
agencies are actively involved in these attacks."
Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs 5 July 2023
Question: Weapons supplies [to Ukraine] made
headlines this week; they have even been promised fighter jets.
Until recently, few dared even mention anything like this.
Tanks, fighter jets – where is the limit to this escalation?
Lavrov: Until recently, they were afraid to mention anything
other than helmets and bulletproof vests. This is
what German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said.
What we see now is an unacceptable
analysts in the West are already talking about “decolonising”
Russia, meaning partitioning our country. They are playing with fire.
There can be no doubt about it.
Sergey Lavrov, 28
May 2023
"NATO countries...are climbing the escalation ladder step by
step and in their arms transfers have already gone the way from
non-lethal weapons to long-range missiles.
Next are combat aircraft, which were developed as dual-capable
systems....And what is then? Sending their own combat units and
formations into battle with a significant amount of modern heavy
equipment? Giving them nuclear weapons?
...with each new level, the degree of freedom of those
making decisions becomes less and less...Where does this lead?
Just look at the history of the US being drawn into the Vietnam
War and remember how it ended.
Now the consequences of escalation getting out of control
will be much more grave.
We see not only the involvement of NATO countries and the
alliance as a whole in the conflict around Ukraine.
We also see that preparations for a direct clash with Russia
have already begun. Relevant plans include increasing the
size of the armed forces and the number of weapons, their
redeployment to the East, increasing military production,
developing military transport infrastructure, creating strategic
reserves, dehumanizing Russians in propaganda and even building
prisoner of war camps...
Those who seriously hope to “inflict a
strategic defeat on Russia” need to understand that there is
no need to fuss...they will not live to see their planned
victory over a Great Nuclear Power.
Anton Mazur Deputy Director of the Department for
non-proliferation and arms control, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Russia 18
July 2024
" ...the use of US weapons in Kursk and Ukraine or
anywhere else is an act of escalation for us, and it will
have serious consequences.
We are absolutely blunt about this with our US colleagues."
Dmitry Polyanskiy, Chargé d’Affaires of the Russian Federation 14 August
sequence of slow escalation was summarised at the 16th
BRICS summit at Kazan :
" was not Russia's actions that precipitated
the escalation in Ukraine, but rather the 2014 coup
d’etat, supported primarily by the United States. It was
even publicly disclosed how much financial support the then US
Administration allocated towards preparing and orchestrating
this coup.
Is this not a pathway to escalation?
Subsequently, we were misled for eight years
with assurances that everyone sought to resolve the conflict
in Ukraine through peaceful means, specifically via the Minsk
Later on, ...several European leaders openly admitted
that they had been deceiving us, as they had used that time
to arm the Ukrainian military. Is this not the case? It
is indeed.
Further steps towards escalation involved Western countries
actively arming the Kiev regime. What was the outcome?
It led to the direct involvement of
NATO troops in this conflict. We are aware of
the actions undertaken and the methods employed when unmanned
marine vehicles are deployed in the Black Sea. We know who is
present there, from which European countries – NATO members
they are, and how they conduct these operations.
The same applies to military instructors, not mercenaries, but
military personnel. This also pertains to the deployment of
high-precision modern weaponry, including missiles such as
ATACMS, Storm Shadow, and so on. Ukrainian servicemen cannot
execute these operations without space reconnaissance, target
indication and Western software – requiring the direct
involvement of officers from NATO countries...
...of course,
people get scared whenever the international situation
deteriorates or when they witness escalation
in various conflict zones, be it the Middle East
or Ukraine.
But we are not the ones behind this
escalation. It is always the other side that seeks
to escalate tension.
But we are ready
for this escalation. It is up
to you to decide whether the countries
who are doing this are also ready."
Vladimir Putin 24
October 2024
First Ukraine was supported with years of NATO training and
Then Ukraine was supported with intensive satellite and other
intel and data processing and interpretation.
Then sent body armour for Ukrainian soldiers.
Then shoulder launched defensive missiles.
Then Soviet era artillery and other munitions from ex-Soviet
Then shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles.
Then M777 howitzers.
Then old ex-Soviet tanks.
Then armoured fighting vehicles.
Then HIMARS multiple launch rocket system.
Then NASAM antiaircraft/guided missiles.
Then anti-mining armoured ploughs.
The advanced German leopard tanks.
Then Storm Shadow missiles.
Then cluster bombs.
Then powerful unmanned marine drones
Then Taurus missiles with a 500 kilometer range (stopped in late
Then HIMARS launched MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile Systems
(ATACMS) with 160 kilometer range equipped with cluster munitions
Then on 23 February 2024, Ukraine shot down a Russian A50 AWAC
over 200 kilometers from the line of contact. This may be a French
made Aster30 system, which has a range
of 600km, it may be a modified S200, it may be some other
western missile. The British also have the Aster30 system, and
it has probably been
supplied to Ukraine. Several hours before the
shootdown an article appeared in a Ukrainian news site repeating
a recent NATO announcement Ukraine has the right to attack
Russia in its depths.
Then on August 6 2024 Ukraine
entered the undisputed territory of the Russian Federation
(Kursk) using NATO weapons and intelligence. A combined
Ukrainian and NATO country 'mercenary' force of over 30,000,
brutally attacking locals, and kidnapping some civilians. It is
widely suspected the target was to capture the Kursk nuclear
Then NATO supplied Ukraine with
F16 planes, capable of carrying and launching JASSM missiles with a range of
about 370 kilometers (similar to the UK storm shadow missile).
Then the US
said it was 'considering' supplying these same JASSM-ER systems, with a range
"over" 370 kilometers. The JASSM-ER has a range of about
925 kilometers, and can easily reach Moscow, St Petersburg,
and beyond. It has the range to reach one of the Russian
Federations strategic airbases - which hosts bombers that launch
Russia's nuclear and conventional hypersonic missiles.
Then, in the dying months of the
Biden administration, the export to Ukraine of 'long range'
ATACM missiles were allegedly authorised by Mr. Biden. In the
early morning of the 19th of November 2024 six USA-controlled
ATACMS were fired at Bryansk, in undisputed Russian territory.
The new Russian policy on nuclear deterrence was also signed on
the 19th of November 2024, coming into effect on the day of
" President Putin conveyed that on numerous occasions
and let everyone know that our stance would change if the
long-range capability (up to 300 kilometres), which they are now
discussing, gets approved.
this isn’t an “approval” for Ukraine to use long-range missiles,
but their way to announce that they will from now on hit targets
at a distance of up to 300 kilometres."
Sergey Lavrov 21
November 2024
"We basically take our position on the basis of what is going on
physically. And physically, ATACMS, apparently not as long as
300 kilometres, are being used, including this early morning in
Russia, against the Bryansk Region of Russia, which is bordering
Ukraine. And we
proceed from the understanding that this is happening, and
that any modification of ATACMS cannot be used without
American experts and instructors, including satellite data,
programming, and targeting."
Sergey Lavrov 21 November 2024
Mr. Lavrov recognises the ATACMS
used were unable to strike further than 300 kilometers, partly
because the Americans select the targets and program the
missiles to fly less than 300 kilometers, and partly because any
close approach to the line of combat would endanger the
Ukrainian launch platforms. Even if the ATACMS used had the
capacity to fly further than 300 kilometers, the Ukrainians are
unable to change the programming to exploit that capability. The
USA continues to dance on the edge of the cliff in spite of
Russia's previous warnings.
to build up multifaceted missile threats to Russia, the United
States has openly and manifestly launched the deployment of
ground-based intermediate- and shorter-range missiles, which
were previously prohibited under the INF Treaty, around the
world. ...Washington deliberately destroyed the treaty...
After that, the
United States immediately revitalised the creation and testing
of that class of missiles and started forming special
region-specific military units ...Today, the United States is
deploying these missile systems in Europe and the Asia-Pacific
Region...which shows that the manufacturing and testing of
these weapons are in full swing.
We hereby expressly declare that we reserve
the right to respond in kind, no matter where US-made
intermediate- and shorter-range missiles are deployed,
which would amount to the termination of Russia’s unilateral
moratorium on the deployment of these weapon systems.
In reply to US actions, Russia will step up the upgrade and
start manufacturing similar missile systems.
This would not take long, taking into account the previously
announced R&D projects and progress in the Russian defence
If a deployment decision is taken, we reserve the right to
deploy these weapons at our discretion."
Russian Federation Foreign Ministry statement 6
May 2024
The phrase "no matter where US-made intermediate- and
shorter-range missiles are deployed" clearly means on Russia's
border close to Poland and Romania, and in Russia's Kuril Islands,
just north of Japan. The phrase "we reserve the right to deploy
these weapons at our discretion" implies the various short range
and medium range missiles could be deployed on Russia's Pacific
coast within range of Alaska and South Korea, and wherever US
missiles are deployed in Europe and the United Kingdom. They could
also be deployed in North Korea, and China, although, even when
stationed in Russia, the 5,000 km range allows these countries to
be protected from US missiles deployed in the Asia Pacific,
although, with appropriate low altitude radar coverage, closer is
better. Deployment in Venezuela puts these missiles less than
3,000 kilometers from US CENTCOM in Florida. Syria, Iran, Yemen
can all be 'covered' by Russian missiles fired from the Black Sea
shoreline. And while the US can fire a salvo of hundreds of cruise
missiles at Russia from its carriers in the Mediterranean, those
same carriers are within easy reach of Russia's land based
intermediate range missiles, not to mention air launched missiles.
The intermediate range missiles deployed by USA are slower. And
Russia has the worlds best anti-missile defense missiles. The
United States knows this.Yet they continue to escalate.
"More broadly, this unending escalation can lead
to serious consequences.
If Europe were
to face those serious consequences, what will
the United States do, considering our strategic
arms parity? It is hard to tell. Are they looking
for a global conflict?" Vladimir Putin 28
May 2024
"Question: Over the past few days, we have been
hearing statements at a very high level
in the UK and the United States that
the Kiev regime will be allowed to strike targets
deep inside Russia using Western long-range weapons...Could
you comment on what is going on?
of Russia Vladimir Putin: ...this is not
a question of whether the Kiev regime is allowed
or not allowed to strike targets on Russian
territory. It is already carrying out strikes using unmanned
aerial vehicles and other means.
But using Western-made long-range
precision weapons is a completely different story.
The fact
is...the Ukrainian army is not capable of using
cutting-edge high-precision long-range systems supplied
by the West. They cannot do that.
These weapons are impossible to employ without
intelligence data from satellites which Ukraine does not have.
This can only be done using the European Union’s
satellites, or US satellites – in general, NATO
satellites. This is the first point.
The second
point – perhaps the most important, the key point even – is that only NATO military
personnel can assign flight missions to these missile
systems. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this.
it is ...about deciding whether NATO countries become directly
involved in the military conflict or not.
If this decision is made, it will mean
nothing short of direct involvement – it will mean
that NATO countries, the United States,
and European countries are parties to the war
in Ukraine. This will mean their direct involvement
in the conflict, and it will clearly change
the very essence, the very nature
of the conflict dramatically.
will mean that NATO countries – the United States
and European countries – are at war with
And if this is the case, then, bearing in mind
the change in the essence
of the conflict, we will make appropriate decisions
in response to the threats that will be posed
to us."
Vladimir Putin 12
September 2024
"The President mentioned this several times: if long-range
missiles are going to be applied from Ukraine into Russian
territory, it will also mean that they are operated by American
experts, military experts. And we will be taking this as a
qualitatively new phase of the Western war against Russia, and
we'll react accordingly."
Sergey Lavrov 19
November 2024
Russia has now
publicly made its position absolutely crystal clear. If the west
provides long range missiles (which can carry a 'bunker busting'
payload, unlike drones) then NATO has made itself a party to the
conflict, and all NATO assets can legitimately be attacked by
Russia, no matter where they are on earth (or space). If you
consider Mr.
Ryabkov's comments of 2011, we can
deduce that Russia will simply neutralise the threat placed in
front of it, rather than over-reacting. Arguably, the threat
is from NATO satellites. Russia may have the
means to 'fry' the electronics using its land-based
laser system.
A long range missile (over 300 kilometers)
sent into undisputed Russian territory by a non-nuclear state
whose ally is "involved" in the conflict allows Russia to use
nuclear weapons. This is stated in article 11 of Russia's
revised nuclear doctrine. The relevant condition for use is if
the attack is a 'decapitating strike' on command and control,
an attack on military infrastructure (such as radar) which
would disrupt a nuclear response, and an attack with
conventional forces that "critically" threaten the territorial
"integrity" or sovereignty of Russia. But article 12
refers the "inevitability of retaliation in the event of
aggression against the Russian Federation and/or its
allies". It refers to nuclear weapons in particular, but
can be understood as a general principle, using other weapons.
These other weapons will now include the massive kinetic
strike power of the Oreshnik hypersonic missile system.
A "significant" launch of an attack by
aerospace forces of an enemy may elicit a transition to a
nuclear response. Ukraine is not formally an ally of NATO.
It's incursion into Kursk was not critical, the Ukrainian
strike on a Russian radar station involved in nuclear
deterrence was not enough to disable it. These attacks did not
pass the nuclear threshold. Responses, per Alexander George,
are flexible, show determination to force a behaviour to stop,
and are retaliatory rather than escalatory. This means that as
long as the missiles remain within the 300 kilometer range
window, Russia's military technical response will be on
Ukraine. For example, the Oreshnik 'signal' to Ukraine was
ignored, and Ukraine launched ATACMS into Russia, hitting a
local field radar, but remaining within the 300 kilometer
window. On 30 November 2024, Russia responded with an attack
on the electricity system of the undisputedly Ukrainian
NATO members,
including USA, are part of the 'Missile
Technology Control Regime' (MTCR)
which is an informal 'political understanding' that agrees not
to supply missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's) that can
carry 500 kgs or more of explosives and travel over 300
kilometers to other countries. It is not legally binding, so it
is up to NATO to decide whether to supply Ukraine with +300
kilometer 'long range' missiles or not. But NATO is really USA.
Unless the europeans exercise their power of veto within NATO
for the first time, the europeans may end up as the target -
while the US watches from the safety of isolation. Or so the US
west may not 'take the Oreshnik hint'. The US may escalate
further, using european hands. If Russia is ultimately forced to
make further reprisal strikes, it could be the NATO planning
headquarters where the route of the missiles is worked out
(probably in Poland), it could be the trojan horse 'anti-ballistic
missile' facility the US now runs in Poland. There are a range of
targets. Will the USA step in with conventional, let alone nuclear
weapons? Mr. Putin says it is hard to say. In my opinion the USA
would do nothing, because if it did, US bases or satellites could
be destroyed. The Russian response will be decisive and "in mirror-like
manner", tit for tat. Russia said so on 21
November 2024.
Providing F16 aircraft is almost the final escalation. F16
fighter aircraft are capable of carrying modified indigenous
Ukrainian missiles designed to act as a 'dirty' bomb. If capacity
to release a tactical nuclear glide bomb were added to the F 16s,
this would be an existential threat to the Russian Federation.
This is a realistic threat because Ukrainian engineers may have
the competency to build a small nuclear glide bomb, and certainly
have the capacity to build their own 'dirty bomb' capable of being
carried long distances by cruise or ballistic missile. In this
case, the Russia response would target undisputed Ukraine,
probably with multiple hypersonic strikes, possibly even a
decapitating strike.
"....The 60th Munich Security Conference on February 16-18 was
reduced to nothing but discussions of the situation in Ukraine and
how to prevent the failure of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine...Ukrainian representatives again spoke about the need to
restore the country’s nuclear status. ...Indicatively, at the
Munich Security Conference in February 2022, Zelensky threatened
the audience with revisiting Kiev’s renunciation of nuclear arms.
are convinced that the international community must take
seriously these dangerous statements, all the more so since Ukraine has preserved the scientific and
production potential to manufacture nuclear arms since
Soviet times."
Maria Zakharova 21
February 2024
Providing JASSM-ER (or similar) F16-launched missiles that hit
Russia's strategic assets or command and control centers would be
the final escalation. (Hosting these Ukrainian aircraft and their
extended range missiles within NATO countries would add to it, but
not change Russia's targeting). Russia would be entitles to
transition to nuclear weapons. But won't. As long as Oreshniks are
available, they will use those in a mass hypersonic weapon
precision attack whose effect will be the equivalent of a small
tactical nuclear weapon, but without the civilian casualities.
NATO assets could be targeted, in line with the stated policy that
Russia would strike at those who launched the weapons and those
who ordered the strike. If you program the missile, you choose to
become an aggressor.
The question is, if the US is a party to the war, if the west is
at war with Russia, who should be hit first? And hit
demonstratively, to stop further conflict in its track. Russia has
gone to the Security Council to warn NATO that if it supplies long
range missiles to Ukraine it will be a party to the conflict and
it will be at war with Russia. The 19 November 2024 change to the
Russian nuclear doctrine reinforces the coercive deterrent
warning. All this was done to prepare the legal grounds for the
use of the Oreshnik.
Russia has already fulfilled its obligations under the UN Charter
to discuss its concerns with the aggressor and outline further
steps if the aggressor doesn't back down. If coercion doesn't work
it is entitled to rely on article 51 - self defense. And recall
that Russia has operationalised the "new
postulate" - that when a fight is unavoidable Russia is
entitled to make a preemptive strike. Mr Ryabkov's
2011 comments provide a guide to Russian reactions, but the
context of this unacceptable escalation by the west is
completely different.
Today, anyone relying on the 'safety' of
yesterdays contextual Russian principles will end up shocked and
shaken - or worse.
"Question: How would you comment Ukraine’s
demands as set forth in The Guardian? They seek the green light
to use the Storm Shadow missiles to target Moscow and St
Petersburg as a way to force Moscow to negotiate.
Lavrov: This is blackmail,
an attempt to pretend that the West seeks to avoid any
excessive escalation. In reality, they are full of mischief.
Avoiding escalation is not what the West is after. To put it
into plain language, they are simply picking a fight.
Kirby, who is the White House National Security Communications
Advisor...said that escalation would be dangerous, since it
would be extremely ill-advised to let the situation slide into a
world war and that Europe would be the one to suffer in the
Recently, John Kirby said this again. For Americans, any talk
about the third world war comes down to something that would
affect Europe alone...this idea reflects the mindset of the
American planners and geostrategy experts who believe that they
can simply sit the whole thing out.
I think that it is important to understand in this
situation that we have our own doctrine, including the
one governing the use of nuclear weapons. An effort to
update it is underway.
Moreover, these Americans are well aware of the provisions
it sets forth.
This fact transpires from the Freudian slips they make when
they say that having a third world war would be a bad thing
because they do not want Europe to suffer. This is what this
American mindset comes down to.
They have a mindset of a master sitting somewhere out there
overseas and believing to be totally safe and secure,
thinking that not only Ukrainians, but also, as it turns out,
Europeans would be willing to do the dirty work and die for
We have
long been hearing speculation about authorising Ukraine to use
not only the Storm Shadow missiles, but also US-made long-range
missiles. There was an anonymous source in Washington who said
that they were working on it. This source purported that their
overall view of Ukraine’s request is quite positive. I will stop
at that. President Vladimir Putin said all about it quite a
while ago.
all we can do is confirm once again that playing
with fire is a dangerous thing for the men and women in
charge of nuclear weapons across the Western world, but they
are playing with matches as if they never grew up.
the West is ...doing everything to have Ukraine continue the
escalation (as they call it) in hopes... that we will lose our
cool and do something that will allow the West to “change the
chessboard.” It won’t work.
We will
fulfil our goals and do so just like President Putin said, in a
way that will meet our interests in the best way: first, save
our people and, second, protect the people whom the Nazi regime
in Kiev declared terrorists and deprived them of basic rights,
including the right to their own religion, faith, language, and
much more.
They will not be able to provoke us"
Sergey Lavrov 27
August 2024
"With regard to our relations with the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea, you may be aware that the Treaty on Strategic
Partnership was ratified, I believe, just today. It has Article
4, and we have never doubted the fact that the DPRK leadership
takes our agreements seriously. However, it is up to us to
decide what we will do and how we are going to do it, and we
will act in accordance with this article. First, we need to hold
talks regarding the implementation of Article 4. However, we
will be in contact with our North Korean friends to see how this
process unfolds.
Vladimir Putin 24
October 2024
In that case the Atlantic Ocean may not be big enough to protect
mainland USA from harm.
the peacemaker ends escalation in Europe Edited 25
November 2024
On 19th of November 2021 the US and the UK attacked Russian
territory with missiles, presumably operating under the 'old' 300
kilometer rules mentioned above.
Russia responded with the new unstoppable hypersonic short to medium
range Oreshnik missile. Neutralising the American anti ballistic
defense shield it was erecting around Europe.
There are two competing postulates for how the Oreshnik works.
Ballistic missile expert Professor Ted Postol has made an initial
analysis of what little information there is about the
Oreshnik. In his initial view (which he says will almost certainly
change with new information) a rocket carries the re-entry vehicles
to around 60,000 feet, at which point the submunitions are released,
and using the 'lift' of the atmosphere, they travel relatively
'flat' (suppressed mode) before sharply descending to their targets.
The other postulate, by Patarames' of Deep Dive Defense youtube
channel, is that the missile is carried into space, and the 6
submunitions independently orient themselves to face the preselected
target. They then dive at a steep angle straight down onto it
at incredible speed. They have an initial inertial guidance system
for orienting in and aiming in space, but thereafter the need no
further guidance system of any kind.
In any case, the plasma that forms as the result of extreme speed
and heat of friction shields them from radar, but the infrared
signature can be picked up by satellites. This might be relevant for
Russia's other slightly 'slower' hypersonic missiles, but is
irrelevant for the Oreshnik.
In any imminent mass threat to Russia where conflict is unavoidable,
you can bet the NATO satellites will be blinded before a mass
missile strike using all classes of hypersonic missiles.
A mass missile strike with conventional warheads would have the
effect of a tactical nuclear weapon strike.
"No one else in the world has such weapons
yet, as we and you know. Indeed, sooner
or later other leading countries will have them, we know
what kind of designs are being worked on there.
However, it will be tomorrow, or in a year
or two. Meanwhile, we have this system today. And this
is essential."
Vladimir Putin 22
November 2024
A mass strike with Oreshniks armed with tactical nuclear weapons
would be entirely different. Professor Postol notes that if mass
Oreshnik strikes carried nuclear warheads the entirety of Germany
would look like Hamburg after it was destroyed in world war 2. Why
would Russia put nuclear arms on a missile system when a mass attack
of such weapons with conventional warheads is the equivalent of a
strategic nuclear weapon? After all, this is Russia's own
neighbourhood. And as the Alaskan coast of USA is also Russia's
neighbour, they would probably use conventional weapons to destroy
USA's early warning radar system as a partial response to a serious
US aggression. North Dakota, where US strategic ICBMs are deployed,
is probably within range of intermediate nuclear weapons such as the
current version of Oreshnik if those weapons were deployed in
eastern Russia.
In addition, because US nuclear submarines threaten Russia with
intermediate nuclear weapons off Russia's coastline, then Russia
must also threaten USA with intermediate range nuclear weapons off
the US coastline. Russian submarines have a strike capacity using
unstoppable hypersonic missiles, and in time US subs will as well.
These facts mean that the USA and Russia will always threaten each
other with nuclear weapons.But it doesn't have to be that way in
In spite of the new reality of the overmatching deterrence created
by deployment of the Oreshnik, Europe might still choose to host US
intermediate range conventional weapons. But, recalling that US
assurances are meaningless, and recalling that any agreement between
USA and Russia not to arm intermediate range missiles with nuclear
warheads can be broken by any new US administration at any time,
Russia must always deploy their intermediate conventional weapons as
a deterrence force. Under the new Russian doctrine, if a NATO member
commits an aggression on Russia, Russia reserves the right to
preemptively destroy any or all NATO military materiel and commands.
(On the 19th and 21st of November 2024 the British and the Americans
attempted to kill military commanders in Russia US and British
controlled missiles) Such actions will receive a "mirror response".
Subject to the law of proportionality, of course. NATO
countries might then escalate in a multifront response. Given
weapons such as Oreshnik would then be required in large numbers,
does Russia have the capacity to produce them? The answer is yes,
This is also a very strong coercive signal to the west.
"Vladimir Putin: Let us assume that
the decision on the serial production of this
system has been made. As a matter of fact, it has
already been essentially organised. Given the particular
strength of this weapon, its power, it will be put into
service with the Strategic Missile Forces.
First Deputy Chair of the Military-Industry Commission of
Russia Vasily Tonkoshkurov: The system was indeed
developed in the shortest possible time and is
entirely based on Russian technologies. Import substitution
issues have been resolved. The defence industry enterprises’
research, development and production base makes it possible
to launch a serial production of this type
of weapon as quickly as possible." 22
November 2024
Mr. Trump no doubt hoped to use new hypersonic nuclear capable
medium range missiles to coerce Russia into signing a hypersonic
weapons deal that would advantage the USA. For example by Russia
agreeing not to field a hypersonic missile any faster than a US one.
Obviously, as the Russian President has said, advanced technology in
this field is Russia's "competitive advantage". And Russia is
developing further systems. Russia can simply leave matters as they
"...we will continue these tests, including
in combat conditions, depending on the situation
and the nature of the security threats posed
to Russia. All the more so as we have
a stockpile of such products, a reserve
of such systems ready for use."
Vladimir Putin 22 November 2024
Russia now has the technology, the skilled workers, and the minerals
to quickly and efficiently produce new missiles, new designs, and
improvements on existing designs.This partly state-owned military
complex is also a competitive advantage. It is important that
adversaries are aware of your potential if you are to successfully
apply coercive diplomacy.
"[the developers and productions teams involved in
creating] the Oreshnik system...and the short time
it took you to develop this new system inspire pride
and admiration. They convincingly show that the domestic
school of rocket engineering possesses tremendous potential
and is capable of addressing the most complex tasks
to ensure Russia’s security and sovereignty.
In this
context, importantly, the Oreshnik system is not
an upgrade of old Soviet-era systems, even though we
are all originally from the Soviet systems, and we
were all raised on the accomplishments
of previous generations and, to a certain degree,
we built on their achievements. However, this system is,
in fact, the result of your work that was done
in modern Russia, new Russia. The system relies
entirely on contemporary cutting-edge innovations".
Vladimir Putin November
22 2024
Europe can buy the American missiles if they want. But it does
nothing to create atmosphere of peace. The situation becomes similar
to the old West in USA when two
gunslingers face each down at high noon, slowly walking towards
each other, each with a hand on the grip of the holstered colt
peacemaker. The first to to unholster start the competition.
The one who is fastest to draw and shoot is the one left standing.
Right now that would be Russia. And it is not likely to change.
This is a problem for Europe, and for the moment, not for the
United States.
prospects: Oreshnik program ends US escalation
But while the current Oreshnik is a medium range non-strategic
missile, the Oreshnik program is on-going.
"Considering the positive results of this
launch, it seems reasonable to ...improve its capabilities"
Sergei Karakayev, Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces November
22, 2024
Ultimately, the system may be matched with one of Russia's
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (whose range is around 11,000
kilometers). If the ICBM is fired from the middle of Russia and
the Orenshnik re-entry vehicles are released at the 4,000
kilometers apogee of their 8,000 kilometer journey, their re-entry
arc could take them as far as New York State. The US-Israeli Arrow
3 is the only anti ballistic missile system that has a hope of
hitting the missile in space. But it has a maximum range of 2,400
kilometers. It can cover east Russia, at best - but only if
deployed on the Alaskan coast.
If such a long range variant is developed - it won't be that
difficult - Russia will be able to destroy the American factory
making long range cruise missiles fired by Ukraine against
Russia using the Oreshnik's
conventionally armed re-entry warheads. Which are unstoppable,
so Russia can inform USA well in advance - days even - to clear
the area. How kind.
The purpose of US missiles in Germany and missiles shields in
Europe is simply to soak Europe for more money. Trump wants every
European country to pay 2% of its budget for NATO compatible
weaponry. If they won't pay, you can bet he will try to coerce it
from them using tariffs.
The European anti ballistic missile shield is now redundant.
Attempts by the Europeans to overmatch Russia in hypersonics will
probably be costly and won't necessarily succeed. Europe doesn't
have the mineral resources or self sufficiency to build large
numbers of missiles that would be needed for a first strike.
Worse, their economies are in trouble because of their own
self-harming refusal of cheap Russian natural gas and their
massive spending on fueling the conflict in Ukraine. The best
strategy for Europe would probably be the Turkish strategy. Buy
some American, some Russian, and some Chinese missiles.
In this case, NATO countries will turn to bilateral arrangements
to avoid being co-targeted by Russia. But first they will have to
become 'friendly countries', pay their dues and change their
Russia might hire out or maybe sell versions of this missile and
other missiles to friendly countries. India, Iran, Yemen, Syria,
China, Venezuela all come to mind. Or they could sell components to
friendly countries that are in a bilateral security agreement with
Russia. Such components could boost the military potential of
indigenously created missiles. But in all cases, it would be Russia
that programs the targeting. Just as the Americans do today
with their HIMARS systems that launch the ATACM. This is similar to
what is done with the France - UK air-launched storm shadow
missiles. These missiles include American parts, and Americans
decide who the missiles can be used against.
Taken as a package, the combined missiles and radar systems of
Russia, with the current Oreshnik as centerpiece, ensure peace. It
may be a hair trigger peace, but that in itself is a massive
incentive to caution and common sense. The Oreshnik truly deserves
the name 'peacemaker'.
At this point, escalation in Europe ends. There is nowhere else to
go. Other than nuclear weapons. And if an aggression is inevitable,
then under Russia's new doctrine NATO tactical nuclear weapons can
be destroyed preemptively. No number of Patriot systems can prevent
Perhaps then the brilliant minds in the west will let the world have
relative peace.
Fast escalation Added 11
August 2024
The rapidly heating up conflict in the Israel-Lebanon theatre is a
good example of a fast-moving escalation, at great danger of
escalating out of control. This is the great advantage of fast
escalation in coercion - it creates a very great sense of danger
and urgency, which gives the possibility of achieving a settlement
which could not otherwise be reached. Or utter disaster.
The example below encapsulates the tit for tat nature and the danger
of miscalculation.
"The Islamic Resistance continued on Friday striking the Israeli
occupation posts and settlements near Lebanon southern borders
in response to the Zionist aggression on South Lebanon and
support of Gaza.
Hezbollah Military Media issued consecutive statements to
detail the attacks and their outcomes.
The first statement mentioned that the Islamic Resistance
fighters targeted a gathering of “Israeli” enemy soldiers in the
vicinity of Al-Metula site with missile weapons at 09:40 am on
Friday, August 9, 2024, resulting in a direct hit.
The second statement underscored that, in response to
the “Israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages
and safe homes, particularly in the town of Hanaouay, the
Islamic Resistance fighters bombarded on Friday, August 9, 2024,
the command headquarters of the 769th Brigade in Kiryat
Shmona barracks with a salvo of Katyusha rockets.
The third statement affirmed that, in response tothe
attack and assassination carried out by the enemy in the towns
of Hanaouay and Al-Naqoura, the Islamic Resistance
fighters on Friday, August 9, 2024, launched an aerial attack
with a squadron of precision drones on the command
headquarters of the coastal battalion belonging to the
newly established Western Brigade in Liman, targeting the
positions and concentrations of its officers and soldiers,
hitting their targets accurately and inflicting confirmed
The fourth statement mentioned that, in response to the
“Israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and
safe homes, particularly in the towns of Kfar Kila and Aita
Al-Shaab, the Islamic Resistance fighters on Friday, August 9,
2024, targeted buildings used by enemy soldiers in the Kiryat
Shmona settlement with appropriate weapons, resulting in a
direct hit.
The Israeli media circulated a video which showed the moment a
Burkan missile landing in Kiryat Shmona.
In response tothe assassinations and attacks
carried out by the “Israeli” enemy, particularly in the towns
of Al-Naqoura and Hanaouay, the Islamic Resistance
fighters bombarded on Friday, August 9, 2024, the command
headquarters of the 769th Brigade in the Kiryat Shmona
barracks with Falaq rockets, according to the
fifth statement.
The sixth statement maintained that, in response to the
“Israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and
safe homes, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted on Friday,
August 9, 2024, a building used by the enemy soldiers in
Al-Manara settlement with appropriate weapons.
According to the seventh statement, the Islamic Resistance
fighters targeted at 01:25 on Friday, August 8, 2024, Al-Sammaqa
site in the occupied Lebanese Kfarshuba Hills with rockets,
hitting it directly.
The eighth statement maintained that the Islamic Resistance
fighters targeted on Friday, August 8, 2024, buildings
housing Israeli soldiers in Al-Manara settlement with
appropriate weapons, inflicting direct hits.
The ninth statement affirmed that, in response to the “Israeli”
enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes,
the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted on Friday, August 8,
2024, buildings housing Israeli soldiers at Doviv settlement
with appropriate weapons, inflicting direct hits"
Almanar article 9 August 2024
The article goes on to describe a further 8 military actions along
the border. All these responses and skirmishes are aimed at showing
that the Hezbollah entity will not back down, it has formidable
capabilities, and those senior Israeli officers who direct assaults
into Lebanon will be killed or wounded, just as Israel targets
Hezbollah's senior men.
On 01 October 2024 Israel jumped straight to the top of the
escalation ladder and murdered Hassan Nasrallah and senior
commanders, and then launched a bombing campaign to force the
displacement of a million people from Southern Lebanon.
Neither side wants a massive response, but Israel must learn that
the world has changed, and it cannot use land theft, threats,
violent assaults, murder, destruction, and genocide to force its
will on others in the region, sovereign or not.
Decision making in
escalation Added 12 August 2024. Edited 2 October 2024
" we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know
we know.
We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know
there are some things we do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we
don't know. is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones"
Donald Rumsfeld 12
February 2002
There are many interlocking fast and slow evolving factors
influencing the 'decision output' of an analytical system used to
decide a course of action - or no action at all.
What hard facts are available?
An analysis is only as good as the accuracy of data. Accuracy
depends on availability.
What capabilities does the opponent have?
Obviously, responses depend on what is possible, that is, in
the military sphere, the type and number of weapons. The question of
what is likely to be used is a different and complex
question addressed below (to some extent).
When it comes to weapons systems - and missiles and drones in
particular - while some hard facts are always well understood,
evidence of an opponents current damage-causing military potential
may be thin, and in a few cases, totally absent. Further, some new
weapons systems may be successfully hidden. Upgraded existing
weapons may have new capabilities - for example, missiles may
extended range, new guidance systems, new maneuverability and newly
expanded launch platforms. If they have not been used in a conflict,
assumptions are based on the destructive potential, range, and speed
of older missiles in the 'family', or simply on the physical
dimensions of the missile.
The list of assumptions, estimates and 'assessment's' of whatever
degree of confidence becomes very long. Staying with a missile
example (as these are now so important in warfare) there is often
incomplete knowledge of how many missiles are deployed, in storage,
or quickly available. Locating the opposing parties rockets and
missiles, especially the locations of the deployment of small, short
range missiles and mobile rocket launchers is particularly
difficult. The larger the country the harder to find, especially in
mountainous or forested, or sandy conditions. For example, small
Iranian and Houthi missiles deployed in 'firing pits' just under the
sand or soil surface literally burst out of the ground. They are
virtually invisible to satellite surveillance. The same goes for
drones, both in the air on the sea, and subsea drones. Numbers,
locations, capabilities, resupply rate - all have to be estimated.
Same with electronic warfare capability, radar locations and types,
GPS and starlink jamming capacity, and so on and on.
Analysis of what a party may 'do'
Analysis of what the a party 'might' do has to make assumptions that
are little more than guesses or opinions. The analyst might believe
they 'know' what the other party is 'likely' to do, based on past
experience or a third parties advice about how that entity
And the party that is the subject of such an analysis of course
makes its own analysis along the same lines.
Both sides analyses are for the most part informed guesses (unless
one party has a spy, or spy equipment in place). If informed guesses
seem unreliable (and potentially subject to dangerous
miscalculation), consider the phrase "you think you know what I
think about you, don't you?".
Its one thing to think you know how the other side will react. It is
a much greater stretch to develop a hypothetical scenario where you
say to yourself , 'I will make it look as if I will do 'x'. I think
they will do 'y' in retaliation for 'x'. But I know how they
think. They will think my 'x' is a false threat, a bluff, and they
will think I am really going to do 'z', and therefore position
themselves to deal with the 'z' they imagine I intend to do. Because
they think they know how I think, they will misdirect
themselves, and this will make it easier for me to do the 'x' that
they discount!'
This may seem a bit like chess, where the range of immediate
possibilities is limited, and you can figure out what the other
player may conceivably do. It may also be possible to know (based on
past observations) how an opponent typically moves in a given setup
on the board. But chess has only two dimensions, and has well
understood rules. Other dimensions of life - for example economics,
politics, emotions - play no part.
Analysis of political-military 'terminal pain point'
But when any possible reaction (military, political, economic, or a
combination) to an impending situation simply makes things worse for
yourself it is best to stop. The neutral solution is to use
diplomacy, and negotiation - even if it is negotiating terms of
Military pain point
There are several actors deciding the other sides military
potential and demonstrated resolve mean that the pain they can
inflict goes beyond the point that can be borne militarily. The
key indicators of military resolve within a conflict are low and
falling morale, breakdown of discipline, loss of control of
frontline troops, corrupt officers, desertion, and increasing
numbers of psychologically damaged soldiers. These effects are
amplified in non-professional armies of civilian conscripts,
willing or unwilling.
As the Afghanistan and Gaza conflict show, urban and near-urban
warfare in populated areas carried out with highly mobile small
squads in close quarters, drones, planted explosives, urban
sniping, and so forth is very difficult to suppress. In a
population committed to resistance, the idea of 'winning' is the
wrong concept.
A non-expeditionary conflict fought with missiles (air, land, or
sea based) between Israel and Iran is a mismatch of capacity, and
as importantly, a mismatch of concentration of targets. Many
targets in Israel are deliberately placed near civilian buildings
in the belief Iran would not attack them for fear of civilian
casualties. (Israel's attacks on Gaza observes no such niceties) .
But precision missiles can now destroy targets - even designated
levels within a building - with relatively high confidence that
damage to adjacent civilians will be minimal.
The military must assess their own ability to shoot down missiles
and drones, the ability of the western powers to do the same, how
sustained a drone and missile attack is likely to be, when Israel
will run out of anti-missiles defences, when allies will have to
replenish missiles, where they will do it, whether re-supply ports
like Haifa will be targeted, how to cope with a simultaneous
Hezbollah attack, whether the west will attack Lebanon as a
result, what type of targets Iran would prioritise (logistics,
energy, nuclear weapons sites, military ports, Mossad facilities,
military staff command sites, arms factories, radar installations,
chemical factories, etc), where to place the limited air defenses,
whether GPS will be available, whether power will be available,
whether oil and gas will be available, and so on.
If targets hit by Iran 'require' an Israeli reply, they have to go
through the same process again, but in the knowledge that there
will be an escalation by Iran as Iran then needs to re-establish
deterrence anew.
Most importantly, they have to assess Iran's ability to quickly
locate aerial attacks, ability to shoot down missiles and
aircraft, and Iran's ability to jam either or both.
"The range of the new surveillance extends well beyond the
S-300 strike distance of 200 kilometres, and covers US drone
and aircraft bases on the Arabian peninsula, as well as US
warships in (and under) the Persian Gulf and off the Gulf of
Early warning of US air and naval-launched attacks has now
been cut below the old 4 to 6-minute Iranian threshold.
Counter-firing by the Iranian armed forces has been automated
from attack warning and target location. This means that if
the US is detected launching a swarm of missiles aimed at
Iran’s air-defence sites, uranium mines, reactors, and
military operations bunkers, Iran will launch its own swarm of
missiles at the US firing platforms, as well as at Saudi and
other oil production sites, refineries, and pipelines, as well
tankers in ports and under way in the Gulf.
“The armed forces of Iran,” said a Russian military source
requesting anonymity, “have air defence systems capable of
hitting air targets at those heights at which drones of the Global
Hawk series can fly; this is about 19,000 to
20,000 metres.
Iran’s means of air defence are both foreign-purchased
systems and systems of Iran’s own design; among them, in
particular, the old Soviet system S-75 and the new Russian
S-300. Recently, Iran transported some S-300’s to the south,
but that happened after the drone was shot down [June 20].
Russian specialists are working at Bushehr now and this means
that the S-300’s are also for protection of Bushehr.”"
John Helmer, 25
June 2019
John Helmer's report was over 4 years ago. Given Iran helped
Russia in its conflict with Ukraine by licensing Iranian drones so
that they could be produced at Russian arms factories, it is
certain Russia returned the favor - even before the Israeli strike
on Iranian territory. Were even more advanced air defense missiles
supplied? Advanced radar? There are a range of possibilities, but
they remain largely unknown. (also see above 'strategic
defeat of Israel')
Israel would have to assess the number of submarine launched
missiles it has to reach Iranian facilities deep within mountains
(the vast missile base in the Alborz mountains, Tehran, is
at least 500 meters deep), the kind and quantity of explosive
power needed to damage, if not destroy them, the missile flight
time to the target, and the detection and response batteries
deployed to neutralise such attacks. All in the knowledge that
once an attack is identified, the response will be immediate. The
US then has to worry about whether a submarine launched attack
will be done by Israelis, but blamed on the US (or possibly,
although unlikely, vice versa).
Then there are the known unknowns. Does Iran have underwater
listening stations around its waters? And does it have underwater
drones capable of destroying Israeli or US submarines? (Just one
obvious example).
Then there are unknown unknowns. Iran is a technologically highly
capable society. It may have developed various novel defensive or
offensive capabilities that the US and Israeli have no conception
of, and that they therefore could not even speculate about.
If, after considering all the factors the military staff conclude
the price of an escalation is too high, they have to convince the
by now highly emotionally triggered politicians to stop. The
question for the Iranians - and maybe the Americans as well - is
whether or not the politicians will listen.
"...the potential for a full-scale war and its
associated high costs have become more pressing, as highlighted
by Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi when he emphasized Iran’s
missile capabilities during the retaliatory operation:
During Operation True Promise, more than 100
missiles were launched toward Israel in just 100 seconds, at a
rate of one missile per second. The United States, Israel, and
their regional allies never anticipated that Iran could
execute such a precise and large-scale operation....""
Much depends on the competency of military staff officers, their
access to the key political figures, their integrity, their
willingness to tell the plain unvarnished truth, and even the
force of their personality.
Political pain point
The political side is the flakiest of all. Emotions turned on
'high may cause a major failure point in a systematic, fact-based
analysis. Analysis may be distorted by competing influential
factions in government. Other distortions include orrupt
politicians enriched as long as conflict continues, strong
personalities with extreme religous or political dogma clouding
their judgement, fear of the shifting mood of the electorate. As
tension from all sides builds the politicians make poor decisions
- poorly considered, cowardly, recklessly defiant decisions,
contradictory decisions, decisions inadequate to effectively deal
with the root cause of multi-dimensional calamity.
"The American deployment of naval forces and the
arrival of aircraft at U.S. bases in Arab countries will not
alter the decision to retaliate. The response to the enemy is
a strategic and essential measure to deter the criminal and
malicious Israeli enemy, which brazenly commits atrocities. No
matter the attempts to contain the response, they will fail...the
decision is inevitable from all support fronts, and any
delay in the response is a calculated measure to ensure it
is painful for the enemy, ...the
delay in response has had a tangible impact on the enemy,
which has never before faced such fear.
This is evident in the cancellation of flights and the widespread
anxiety among Israeli settlers. Panic and fear have gripped
the entire Israeli occupation entity.
Hezbollah’s impactful operations against the Israeli
enemy continue, as demonstrated by video footage. Fear
and anxiety among Zionists regarding the group’s response
are evident, as it is expected to be both painful and
consequential.” Sayyed
Al-Houthi Leader of Yemeni Ansarullah organisation15 August 2024
The mood of the great majority of the people is, at a certain
point, overwhelmingly important. Uncertainty creates fear that
builds and builds as long as there is no resolution. The Israelis
have reinforced houses, and are well practiced in sheltering when
the warning sirens sound. To that extent, they are 'used to'
episodic and limited bouts of fear. The Palestinians live with low
level fear and uncertainty all the time, and to an extent are
hardened to it. But the Israelis have not experienced a determined
and sophisticated missile and drone attack. Yet the Iranian
carefully staged deterrent attack demonstrated that the most
sophisticated and powerful Iranian missiles will almost certainly
hit their intended target.
The Iranian deterrent signal failed to impress the Israeli
politicians. Now the Israeli population live in fear as it awaited
the Iranian response (part of Iran's 'punishment' of Israel).
The Israeli politicians have to assess whether Iran will make a
limited response, or whether the Iranians will keep their word and
make the decisive
response they said they would if Israel attacked Iran again.
The politicians must also consider the worst case aftermath of a
spiral of escalations. Again, Israel is a tiny country. Haifa is
within range of both Hezbollah and Iranian missiles. It is an
important military port, regularly used by the USA. Again,
infrastructure is expensive to replace. The economy is in bad
shape, and worsening by the month. Dual passport European and
American Israelis are fleeing. Some are considering the long term
viability of Israel under such an aggressive self-defeating
theological government. Capital is likely to flee if a conflict
drags out. The USA may decide to pull it's military pseudo-bases
out from Israel - especially if US ships are damaged.
Further, the Hezbollah armed forces are some of the best irregular
military operatives in the world, many with considerable
experience in field operations. Their ability to infiltrate
northern Israel has meant Israel must house the locals as great
cost in the safety of more southern regions. This is expensive and
embarrassing for Israel.
"The Rezwan forces are highly skilled and have undergone
rigorous training. They are proficient in using anti-tank
weapons and explosives. They possess the ability to travel long
distances and perform difficult missions in mountainous areas.
Additionally, they excel in carrying out secret and sensitive
military operations in a thoroughly professional manner.
Rezwan forces are said to be divided into seven- to 10-man
squads, each operating independently without constant orders or
logistical support from a central command. Their main feature is
actually the operational independence given to its commanders,
and these commanders are allowed to make quick tactical
decisions on the battlefield. They have the speed, flexibility
and noteable striking capability that characterizes any military
Yediot Aharonot quoted Israeli security sources as saying, “As
long as the Rezwan unit is on the Lebanese border, the
residents of the northern settlements who have been evacuated
have no hope of returning to their homes.”
Military operations along the northern borders have led to
widespread evacuations of settlements.
The Israeli Ministry of Housing and Immigration reports that
hundreds of thousands of settlers have left the occupied
territories since the start of the war.
According to the latest reports, more than 250,000 Israeli
citizens have been displaced by the war, with some 164,000
ordered or recommended to evacuate with government
compensation and nearly 150,000 evacuated without being asked.
The number of Israeli refugees increases daily."
South Front 16
August 2024
Analysis of outside support
Iran and Palestine have the support of the massive number of Muslims
around the world. This should not be dismissed.
Iran has apparently achieved the understanding (at least) of Gulf
states - an historic achievement. An oil embargo on western states
complicit in genocide in Gaza is not impossible. Iran may have
received various items of military equipment from Russia, or other
useful military or logistic aid.
"Andrei Kolesnikov: Kommersant newspaper, Andrei
the use of Western long-range weapons be viewed
as an act of aggression? Overall, can
the shelling of Belgorod and Russian territory
in general be viewed as an act
of aggression?
Putin: This matter requires further investigation, but it
is close. We are looking into it. What are we dealing with
in this case? Those who supply these weapons believe that
they are not at war with us.
As I have already said, including in Pyongyang,
we reserve the right to supply our weapons
to other regions of the world.
I would
not rule out this possibility in terms of our
agreements with the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea.
We can also adopt the same position
on the question of where these weapons end up.
Take the West, for example. They supply weapons
to Ukraine, saying: We are not in control here, so
the way Ukraine uses them is none of our business.
Why cannot we adopt the same position and say that
we supply something to somebody but have no control over
what happens afterwards? Let them think about it. 20
June 2024
"Today, we are all determined to implement everything we have
agreed upon with the Russian Federation. As you noted
in your remarks, we must properly address the areas,
in which the Americans are acting against us. We will
join our efforts in addressing these matters.Our
military-technical cooperation is making strides"
Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of the Islamic
Republic of Iran Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf 11
July 2024
The United States has clearly stated that they will help defend
Israel. This is likely to be the same as last time, limited
to attempts to shoot down drones and missiles. It is also clear that
they do not want escalation, as their ships can easily be disabled
by Iran, and escalation will almost certainly result in the
restriction or re-direction of Middle East oil via second and third
parties, with none going to USA and the west.
In the worst case, if USA strikes Iran, it will launch precision
ballistic missile attacks on US facilities in the Middle East. The
cost of shipping insurance will skyrocket, as will oil prices.
In the Lebanese theatre, it is plausible that Turkey (a Sunni
country) might enter northern Lebanon (predominantly Sunni) under
the pretext of sending forces to help Hezbollah (who have specified
the issue is Hezbollahs alone, and outside forces should not
interfere - which may be a warning to Turkey). Of course, as in it's
action in Syria, once Turkey enters another countries Sunni region,
it never leaves.
""Turkey is playing a dangerous game by granting
nationalities [dual citizenship] to Sunni groups in the north,
sometimes under the pretext that some of them belong to the
Turkmen ethnicity, and at other times on the pretext that they are
of Turkish origin, and the number of those [Sunni Lebanese] who
have obtained Turkish citizenship has reached more than 50,000.”
This blatant foreign aggression is exactly how Turkey started a
war in Syria, by infiltrating the country through its mercenaries
and supplying them with weapons."
The Phoenix Daily 5
November 2020
Russia, the balancing power, will not help Hezbollah directly. But
it will now likely help Syria defend itself from Israeli
air-launched attacks.
The USA will probably provide Israel with glide bombs and
air-launched stand-off missiles at least. Given Hezbollah's coercive
warnings to the US, it will probably not attack Lebanon itself. It
has to keep in mind that Hezbollahs political wing has played an
important role in the makeup of the Lebanese governemnt, and, due to
to their relative incorruptibility, their popularity may increase to
the level of being able to govern Lebanon in the not too distant
future. At that point, the USA may be told to downsize the number of
staff in their hugely expensive and palatial Beirut 'diplomatic'
compound - the second biggest embassy in the world. It may be told
to match the small number of Lebanese diplomats in the Lebanese
embassy in USA.
Analysis of global reputation
The Israelis intend to push the Gazan Palestinians off the scraps of
land they hold (an element of the crime of genocide under article 2
clauses a, b, and c of the Convention on the Prevention and
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.) They were (and are) to be made
refugees in a foreign country, probably Jordan or Egypt. The rich
oil and gas resources will be seized by Israel and probably
co-developed by USA. Both countries are immune to global
condemnation, as the pain of global outrage is vastly offset by the
riches gained from exploiting the stolen hydrocarbon reserves. Moral
outrage has little - if any - impact on the US economy.
Israel is far more vulnerable. Diamond trading and tourism can be
affected by moral outrage. Possibly the longest lasting effect might
be decisions by consumers to boycott Israeli produced goods. The
'anti-sematism' coercive threat the Israels have used for years now
has lost all power in the face of the Israeli brutality and the
western politicians total loss of all moral authority by refusing to
condemn or make any unbiased move to stop it.
"The resistance of the Palestinian nation has turned the
world of resistance into a global resistance, and today resistance
is not exclusive to Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Islamic
countries, but even in the Western world, resistance is mentioned
as a belief, a doctrine, and a political discourse in the
international arena and Americans as well as Zionists have to
accept the fact...
...Today, from the International
Court of Justice in The Hague to the US Congress in Washington
and from the United Nations General Assembly in New York to the
Human Rights Council in Geneva, from the East to the West, from
Islamic and non-Islamic states, from Muslims and followers of
other religions, they have realized the truth that resistance is
a superior and correct discourse and it has become a reality,
and this is what bothers the US and the Zionists.”
Ali Bagheri, Acting Foreign Minister of Iran 14
August 2024
Iran, Hezbollah, and the Houthis reputation amongst a huge part of
the global community has been enhanced. And this will have long-term
positive consequences in the Middle East. Russia and China's
reputation as stable and predicable peace-preferring major-state
partners in the Middle East and Africa (in particular) continues to
be enhanced.
This reputational success is very helpful to the Russian and Chinese
efforts to build up all of Eurasia, the Middle East, Turkey, Asia,
Africa and South East Asia into a vibrant multi-cultural network of
trade and cultural exchange.
Analysis of the will to resist
Will to resist must be coupled with some capacity to resist. But
Netanyahu underestimated the ability of the Hamas organisation to
resist the Israeli army. At 13 August 2024 the military wing of
Hamas continues armed resistance in Gaza, and Israeli military
continue to be killed and wounded there. A recent poll allegedly
found over 80% of Palesinian people supported Hamas as leaders of a
struggle both to oppose Israeli creeping invasion of the last
scrappy remnants of their land, and to create a sovereign
Palestinian state. The Palestinian view of a 'final solution' to
this issue is the creation of viable fully sovereign Palestinian
state. Israel sees endless oppression and ultimately expulsion of
Palestinians from their own native land as their 'final solution'.
But the Palestinians will never stop resisting these Israeli
plans, and they will likely continue to obtain help from Iran. The
Israelis know this.
Hezbollah, although not a state, and therefore not a contracting
party to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide, accepts the premise of the convention that
"genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is
a crime under international law which they [contracting parties]
undertake to prevent and to punish."
Hezbollah, a political and Lebanese home-defense non-state organisation,
substitutes its religous-political commitment to morality and
justice (as it sees it) to unilaterally fulfill a states
obligation to 'impose criminal sanctions' on individuals responsible
for acts of genocide. The 'sanctions', in Hezbollahs political-moral
construction takes the form of a military attack on those military
commanders and forces engaged in the act of genocide of the people
of Gaza. First, in Israel, as Israel continues to assassinate
Hezbollah leaders and attack Lebanese villages. And second, against
the USA government, as USA government is complicit in the Gaza
genocide, an act punishable under Article 3 (e) of the convention.
"We all must establish this fact: the United States is totally
responsible for the war raging in Gaza against unarmed defenseless
people. It is the United States that vetos condemnation of Israel
in the Security Council. It'is the United States that stands on
the way of a ceasefire in Gaza. It is the United States proving
once again, as described by Khomeini, it is the greatest Satan,
the great devil.
From Hiroshima to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, the
United States must be held liable and then penalized for all what
it has been perpetrating against our people and the peoples of the
Hassan Nasrallah 4 November 2023
In the meantime, Iran supplied Hezbollah - a well trained and
experienced military force - with considerable numbers of
short range ballistic missiles, short range guided missiles, and
large numbers of drones.
Iran had already demonstrated to Israel that their advanced
ballistic missiles could accurately hit Israeli targets, and the
Israeli anti missile defences cannot stop them. Professor Postol of
MIT has shown that many
Israeli targets will be hit in the case of another mass missile and
drone salvo by Iran against Israel. Damage could be quite severe,
depending on what missiles the Iranians use, the number of sub
munitions per warhead, the targets, the explosive load, and the
duration of attack.
If the time of an attack is unannounced US and other planes deployed
to use anti missile weapons to bring down Iranian cruise missiles
and drones will be bottlenecked by aerial re-fuelling rate. Many
drones will be shot down. But the drones (which are cheap) are there
to exhaust defensive anti-air missiles (which are very expensive).
Some drones will 'leak through' anyway. Although they carry a small
explosive load, they can easily set oil storage tanks on fire,
amplifying their effect and proxy-avenging the strike on Yemeni oil
facilities by Israeli aircraft.
The Israelis know this, as do the Americans. What's more, the
Iranians know the Israelis and Americans know this.
If an Iranian response has the potential to cause serious damage, a
coordinated Iranian and Hezbollah response would be very damaging
indeed. The Israelis also know this.
Why, then, did Israel deliberately attack Iran by killing the Hamas
hostage negotiator in an Iranian official government guesthouse?
Obviously, they knew any intention of the Americans to 'defend' them
would not be much help. Israel might receive some severe blows,
should Iran choose a disproportionate response. Therefore, the
Israelis are calculating that USA will attack Iranian nuclear
facilities with submarine-launched cruise missiles on their behalf.
Do they know the Americans will? Or are they gambling?
Iran's signals
Categorising the attack
As stated above, Iran previously
signaled that any further Israeli military aggression would
"assuredly" result in a stronger and more resolute response. Note
the phrase "military aggression".
Was this a military aggression? It used military equipment (not a
bomb), but the Middle East is awash with such weapons. What did the
Iranian investigation reveal? If it was done by a military unit,
Iran will be obliged to make a response that is more damaging than
the earlier 'demonstrative' deterrence attack. Nevertheless the
military response has to be proportional. Iran is entitled to reply
to the insult to its sovereignty. (As an aside, Israel has insulted
Syria's sovereignty with airstrikes on a near weekly basis, and the
United States and other western countries have insulted Syria's
sovereignty for years by illegally occupying territory and stealing
oil and wheat).
But the victim was not an Iranian, and although a peace negotiator,
Israel regards any member of Hamas as a terrorist. This means a
response on the military track should reflect territorial incursion
and not much more. Deterrence
must be added on top. A military response will probably be on some
element of the Israeli command or facility involved in the attack
(this has been a previous pattern).
If it was by Mossad, or a proxy of Mossad, then it is a terrorist
attack. Does Iran think it is state terrorism? The fact that Iran
approached the UN to consider listing Israel "institutions" as a
terrorist entities strongly suggests Iran considers the attack a
terrorist attack.
"Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the
United Nations in Geneva, Ali Bahreini, sent letter of strong
protest to UN officials, and cited the basis for recognizing the
Israeli regime as a terrorist one, the Fars news agency reported
on Wednesday.The Iranian Ambassador in Geneva explained that according
to article 2.1 of the International Convention for the
Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, the institutions of
the Israeli regime should be recognized as terrorist"
Sputnik 14
August 2024
Seeking redress in accordance with International Law
Iran has already approached the UN to have Israel listed as a
terrorist state, with all that implies (UN sanctions, at least).
Unsurprisingly, it got nowhere.
Punishment for State
When it comes to punishing terrorism, then the command and control
of the entities involved should, if possible, be punished. This
means punishing Mossad and any co-opted military organisations
involved in the case of the Israeli murder of a Palestinian official
while visiting Iran as an invited guest (for Iran's Presidential
inauguration). Alternatively, the factory that produced the murder
weapon could be struck. The attack on the Hamas political bureau
negotiator (Ismail Haniyeh) was likely with a short range 'Spike'
missile manufactured by the 'Rafael Advanced Defense Systems'
complex in Haifa. This very large complex also manufactures the Iron
Dome and David's Sling anti missile protective system, as well as
cruise missiles and guided rockets.
On 17 September 2024 Israel triggered thousands of booby-trapped
pagers bought by the Hezbollah organisation. These were allegedly
mainly used by civilians employed by Hezbollah (Hezbollah is a one
of the political parties in the Lebanese government, but also
independently provide welfare services to civilians) At least
13 people were killed, and more than 4,000 injured. Many people were
blinded when they looked down at the pager to read the message.
Nurses and other medical staff had a hand badly injured or
destroyed. This form of terrorism is prohibited by international
law. Israel should, as a principle, be punished by the international
On 18 September 2024 Israel exploded walkie-talkies killing 14
people and wounding about 450 others.
On September 23 2024 Israel demanded citizens of southern Lebanon
leave their homes, bombed the road out of the area, then killed over
558 people - men, women, children - in 1,300 airstrikes. A
further at least 1,800 people were wounded. Around 1 million people
were displaced - almost 20% of Lebanon's total population. It became
clear Israel, with US complicity, was created new atrocities with
the object of displacing a people from their territory - a war
crime, and potentially an act of of genocide.
So, as the clock ticked and the hour approached, the murderous
regime in Tel Aviv braced for a response to its terrorism in Gaza,
Tehran, Beirut and beyond.
Punishment, as ever, is inevitable. Even so, balanced against the
necessity of punishment is a desire by everyone to both solve the
core problem, and deter Israeli from aggression in future.
The scale of punishment can't be guided by the US response to
hunting terrorist leaders following the 911 event - that would be
massively disproportionate.
But we can be guided by response to the American CIA (and co-opted
US military) murder of Iranian diplomat Major General Qasem
Soleimani who was on a mediation mission in Iraq. It is, in
principle, an almost identical incident.
The Iraqi airbases that coordinated and launched the attack on the
Iranian diplomat (the al-Asad and Erbil airbases in Iraq) were hit
by 12 Iranian ballistic missiles in 'Operation
Martyr Soleimani'. As the person the Israelis murdered this
time was not an Iranian, and was not a diplomat, then fewer
ballistic missiles are called for. Considering the above, maybe only
2 or 3 missiles fired at the same (Mossad) target. There is no
shortage of other targets.
"Press TV website in a previous
analysis reported about political, military, and
intelligence installations in Tel Aviv as potential targets due to
their direct involvement in the terrorist attacks in Tehran and
Beyond Tel Aviv, Haifa is home to several important military
bases, regime headquarters, and strategic military industries,
making it a significant target of the imminent retaliation.
The credibility of Haifa sites as
potential targets has been supported by recent reports in
Israeli media outlets such as Haaretz and Yedioth Ahronoth, and
more notably, in a speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed
Hassan Nasrallah."
Press TV 15
August 2024
Warrants to arrest the American President (Trump) and others who
directed the terrorist attack that killed Major General Qasem
Soleimani are still current
."From the perspective of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Trump
is a criminal who must be prosecuted and punished in a court of
law for ordering the assassination of General Soleimani...Iran
has chosen the legal path to bring him to justice."
Head of Iranian Mission to the United Nations
July 2024
must re-establish the deterrence equation with Israel
Hezbollah's possibilities are much more limited. It has no
strategic depth. It has limited weapons manufacture possibilities.
It must live adjacent to Israel. It is a small country. Yet the
equation, the balance of terror, must be re-established. If it
isn't, Israel will continue airstrikes.
And this is the clue. An appropriate response to the Israeli airpower (missiles,
bombers, and drones) that continually invade Lebanese airspace and
kill Hezbollah top officials would be attacks on that airforce.
Both the command and the facilities. As the Press TV article
points out, Haifa provides rich pickings. And Hezbollah has
rockets, missiles, and drones that can hit Haifa.
The exchange of missiles and drones between Hezbollah and Israeli
forces in late September 2024 - although heavily in favor of
Israeli forces - did succeed in degrading Israeli air defense to
some extent. The Iranian retaliatory hypersonic ballistic missile
response of October 1 2024 allegedly hit Israel's main airforce
bases, destroying, it is claimed, a small number of F35 aircraft.
Iran is unlikely to be a 'big brother' covering for Hezbollah
against Israel in the long run. Iran is interested in peace and
development, not the endless destabilisation that US is inflicting
on Iran via the US's proxy - Israel. But Iran has
shown its power, and will longer be dictated to by the hybrid
USrael entity. It will provide even more defensive and offensive
weapons to Hezbollah, with air defence the new priority.
Israel's only hope is to cut a deal with Hezbollah where Israel
gets out of Lebanese territory, and a mutual non-aggression pact
made. All conflicts end in negotiation. It is the only way out of
Israel's self-created mess. This is the ideal time to negotiate.
Because the alternative will be so much worse.
A mutually satisfactory deal enhances predictability. But first
they must let go of mentally crippling traditions. Let future
leaders of that land destroy a fairly settled new equation at
their peril.
"Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic
facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to
add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce...
....Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they
please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances,
but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted
from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs
like a nightmare on the brains of the living."
Karl Marx, German philospher, 1852
enhances deterrence
"I must then address...the Resistance, the Mujahideen
(fighters in the way of God), be them leaders, soldiers or persons
in charge, who ...were on the battlefield, at every time, along
the Lebanese border with occupied Palestine, and ready... It is by
their presence, their state of alert, their courage, their
efficiency and their sacrifices that we realized and confirmed all
the equations that dissuade the enemy and protect our country....Since
the first moments, we have announced...that we would not remain
silent about these two aggressions, that we would not accept
that new equations are imposed ... and that we wouldn’t let
the achievements of our July 2006 victory be squandered. And
that’s why we said we would retaliate with certainty to these two
Hassan Nasrallah 02
September 2019
"Israel needs to understand that when they kill one of our
mujahedeen, we will kill one of their soldiers. This is the
Hassan Nasrallah 30
August 2020
"And this will bring us to the same equation. A civilian
for a civilian. Again. The demeanor of the enemy against Lebanon
will be a factor IN PLAY."
Hassan Nasrallah 4 November 2023
Hassan Nasrallah often refers to the 'equation' governing
deterrence, escalation, and retaliation in relation to conflict with
the state of Israel. In essence, Israel has been shown that for
every attack on Hezbollah it will suffer a reciprocal attack of a
similar scope and pain level. Hezbollah is deliberately predictable.
Every time Israel ignored the equation, Hezbollah struck back
increasingly harder. This creates deterrence, and thus mutes
conflict. But some politicians over-ride sensible military
'understandings'. Based no on logic or analysis, but on personal
"I come to the most important point to which all should
pay attention, because it is on it that I will base the conclusion
of this whole episode of confrontation, and the new equation
in force.
In the past, when we were attacked, where did we respond? In the
Shebaa Farms, inside the Shebaa Farms. Because there are Israeli
military positions inside the Shebaa farms. The traps we laid for
Israeli tanks and vehicles were placed on occupied Lebanese
territory. The rest of the border, that is to say the border of
Lebanon with the territory of Palestine occupied in 1948, and
which the enemy considers as its official and indisputable border,
its usurping State and its entity, the very fact of touching this
border was considered by the enemy for decades as one of the
largest red lines. Israel could not tolerate anyone allowing
himself to touch the barbed wire delimiting the border, sending
any drone flying over its territory, firing in the air, or
throwing a grenade at it. No way! Israel responded violently to
any such violation, for it was a red line in their eyes! What
happened yesterday is that the main red line of Israel for
decades has been shattered by the Islamic Resistance! That’s
what happened yesterday.
It’s not a red line anymore. It’s over. This period is well
and truly over, regardless of what the Israelis can say and
And even tastier, this Israel, which normally [Laughter]
responds to any shot, any projectile and any grenade by air
strikes, assassinations and massive destruction, yesterday,
Israel has made considerable efforts to absorb the blow at all
And even their incendiary and phosphorous strikes (against
empty lands and forests) were mostly defensive, and aimed at
building a smokescreen to protect themselves from further
strikes, as they imagined that the Resistance was going to
strike again the barracks of Avivim and other positions.
But they wanted to get over with it and especially not
escalate, being ready to conclude a truce at any price.
What is the result of all this? First, we confirmed and
even reinforced the deterrence equation.
If Netanyahu wanted to change the
equation in his favor, we confirmed it and even reinforced
it in our favor.
Our deterrent force is now greater. We have increased it by one
step. He feared a retaliation from us, but thought we would
respect some red lines.
But we said and demonstrated that we no longer have any red
Since Netanyahu tried to change the rules of engagement, our
response was to break absolutely all the red lines (of Israel).
We have passed from a stage where our responses were launched
exclusively against (a thin band of) occupied Lebanese
territory, namely the Shebaa Farms and the Kfar Chouba Hills, to
a stage where our response directly strikes the territory of
occupied Palestine! It’s something new. It’s completely new.
And we do not have to hit the border area. We can strike at 1, 2
or 5 kilometers, or, if need be, far more distant points, in the
full depth of occupied Palestine.
What is the message we sent? This is where our accomplishment and
success lie. The message is clear: if you attack us, all your
borders, all your soldiers and all your settlements, whether at
the border, deep or at the very extremity of your entity, will
be threatened and may be targeted by our response, absolutely
and categorically. This does not pose us any problem."
Hassan Nasrallah 02
September 2019
After the establishment of the new equation, relative peace was once
again restored. But this was not a decisive tactical defeat of
Israel - it was not a repeatable and painful tactic for which the
Israel had no counter - it was simply that the cost of Hezbollah's
tactic was greater than the Israeli electorate was willing to
Until Mr. Netanyahu's 2023 - 2024 reckless escalation destroyed the
Mr. Netanyahu and his extremist theological group created the
trigger circumstance and the unlivable conditions for Palestinians.
The first and immediate purpose was to shift the Israeli public
psyche so that they would accept the pain of Hezbollah's new tactic.
Such acceptance of losses would, in principle, at least, opening the
way for an Israeli escalation. The second, and more medium to long
term purpose was (and is) to force the majority of Palestinians into
"..we salute the epic people - unmatched, unrivaled -
the people of Palestine, the people of Gaza. We have seen them on
TV screens - man, woman, child, baby, crawling from underneath the
rubble; yet he cries out saying 'all what is lost is to sacrifice
for the sake of our homeland, for the sake of our cause'. We
cannot put this into words, we can not express their fortitude,
bravery, patience, and resolve... ...The same applies to the
residents of West Bank - patience, fortitude, and resolve"
Hassan Nasrallah 4 November
Retaliation Edited
7 June 2024
"Retaliation and reprisals - carefully measured
reprisals, chosen to match but not exceed the adversary's
actions, may be necessary to communicate clearly an
intention to resist and, hence, offer the possibility that the
opponent will desist or that the crisis may enter a stage of
Alexander George
"Regarding the INF Treaty, we
have said everything there is to say in response to groundless
accusations by the United States. President of Russia Vladimir
Putin has set out the Russian position: Russia will
respond symmetrically. The Americans have suspended
their participation in the Treaty, and we have done the same.
Therefore, it will become null and void six months after we
receive an official US note on withdrawing from the Treaty."
Sergey Lavrov 6
February 2019
Retaliation is usually sanely possible for either the evenly
matched, or the strong against the weak. Retaliation is also for
those with nothing left to lose, those with their back against the
wall, in unendurable circumstances. Even then, it is often only
the most strong personalities or ideologically unafraid of death
who will fight back in a lop-sided battle they know they will
George incorrectly claims that coercive acts are always taken in
response to something the other party did first. This is false.
The USA simply invents a 'pretext' for taking coercive steps. It
can be as school-yard childish as Russia's 'malign' behaviour. In
other words, Russia is non-specifically 'naughty'. A bizarre
reversion to childhood baseless declaratory accusations of the
playground. Retaliation, on the other hand, is a response to a
coercive action. It is important to keep that in mind. If
the coercer didn't do a coercive action in the first place there
would be no retaliation.
Sergey Lavrov: "We have many Russian proverbs that
Sovietologists should know such as “take measure seven times and
cut once” or “Russians saddle slow, but ride fast.” I have no
intention of threatening anyone or making any allusions.
I know that this flagrant terrorist attack [Ed: on the Nord
Stream pipeline] will not remain uninvestigated.
If an objective, unbiased and transparent investigation is
blocked or reduced to someone saying that the Swedes, the Danes
and the Germans have arrived at some conclusions, so let this be
the final verdict, we will, without a doubt, ponder our
response to the West for this attack..."
Question: "There’s another Russian proverb. I do not want to
provoke you, but it may be applicable to the situation at hand.
Tell me if it's not. Here it goes: You pay a person back in
the same coin."
Sergey Lavrov: "No doubt about it. By all means." 10
March 2023
Seven months later, the gas and telecommunications pipeline from
Finland to Estonia and Latvia, put in place in 2019 " to reduce
local markets’ dependence on Russian gas" was damaged. In June
2024 a Norwegian pipeline 'developed a crack' and had to be shut
for repairs. All this may, of course, be coincidental.
"Over the weekend, Finland and Estonia said that the undersea
Balticconnector gas pipeline running between the two countries
across the Baltic Sea was temporarily shut down due to a
suspected leak.
Finnish and Estonian gas system operators Gasgrid Finland and
Elering said an unusual drop in pressure in the pipeline was
seen shortly before 2 a.m. on Sunday, after which they shut it
However, it gave no reason for the suspected leak and announced
it was jointly investigating the incident with Elering. 12
October 2023
Ukraine attacked undisputed Russian territory with US and British
missiles. An ex-Soviet missile manufacturing complex - possibly
housing specialist from US and British countries - was
destroyed with a missile salvo that included a new hypersonic
missile. It, or other missiles likely penetrated deep into the
fortified concrete bunker.
" .We consider ourselves entitled to use our weapons
against military facilities of those countries that allow
to use their weapons against our facilities,
and in case of an escalation
of aggressive actions, we will respond decisively
and in mirror-like manner...when choosing, if
necessary and as a retaliatory measure,
targets to be hit by systems such as Oreshnik
on Ukrainian territory.."
Vladimir Putin 21
November 2024
This was retaliation for long range missiles fired into Russia
even after Russia's earlier clear warning not to do it.
Long range missiles were fired into Russian territory again a day
or so after. A massive missile and drone attack on multiple
targets across undisputed Ukrainian territory. Apart from knocking
out more of the power supply, it also destroyed concentrations of
military personnel, including 'specialists' from western
"Are there risks involved in strikes on Russian
territory? Undoubtedly, as I have reiterated
on numerous occasions. These actions denote the direct
involvement of Western nations in an armed
conflict. How could it be perceived otherwise? If their experts
are orchestrating flight plans, relaying intelligence
to themselves, and coordinating strikes
on targets within the Russian Federation, then
of course, such risks exist.
I indicated
they received a response today. Our Armed Forces have been
executing retaliatory strikes over the past couple
of days. Today, there was a comprehensive operation:
90 missiles were deployed alongside 100 unmanned strike
vehicles. Seventeen targets within Ukraine were struck,
encompassing military, military-industrial, and auxiliary
facilities that support the armed forces
and industrial defence enterprises."
Vladimir Putin, 28
November, 2024
Retaliate means to 'do unto the other what the other did to me'.
No more, no less. An eye for an eye. It comes from the latin
retaliare "pay back in kind", that is, what you did to me, I will
do to you. It is a re-balancing, getting even. But the accent is
on equalisation.
The USA has placed nuclear weapons in the hands of the Europeans,
far from the US homeland. They are there to threaten the Russian
Federation. In 2022 Russia placed nuclear weapons in Belarus.
It seems Russia may have provided North Korea with nuclear
missile technology - but not nuclear warheads. North Korea has
developed its own warheads, but its technological ability to
quickly and accurately launch intercontinental ballistic missiles
has lagged. This has now changed, thanks to Russia's illegal
retaliatory measures. Washington, the instigators of strife, who
believed they were 'safely' thousands of kilometers away in their
'continental island', is now in North Korea's crosshairs. As is
It seems Russia might now be aiding North Korea's attempt to
develop a reliable nuclear tipped intercontinental ballistic
missile (capable of reaching the USA mainland), in contravention
of United Nations Security Council Resolution
2321 (2016).
"The reported physical dimensions and flight trajectory data of
the Hwasong-18 is nearly identical to that of the Russian
Topol-M ICBM (SS-27 Mod 2). This missile is equipped to penetrate existing U.S. ballistic
missile defenses with countermeasures and deliver multiple
thermonuclear weapons to targets in the continental United
A Hwasong-18 missile force will require the U.S. to consider
additional concepts for missile defense including the use of
airborne drone interceptors (“airborne patrol”).
A transfer of this ICBM or its related technology from Russia would
violate an unwritten
international protocol to both refrain from and prevent
transferring nuclear strike capabilities to other parties...
...The key concern is that unlike the North Korean liquid
propellant ICBMs we have seen over the last few years, this
particular ICBM could not possibly have come into the hands of
the North Koreans without the full support and cooperation of
the Russian government.
In addition, North Korea could not maintain and operate Topol-M
ICBMs without substantial cooperation and training from the
Russian government and its scientists. As such, the sudden
appearance of the Hwasong-18 in North Korea cannot be ignored as
simply “business as usual.”
The Topol-M can deliver multiple thermonuclear bombs to the
continental United States, and since North Korea has
demonstrated in nuclear underground tests that it has
thermonuclear weapons, it now has the ability to deliver these
thermonuclear bombs to the continental United States...
The new North Korean ICBM capability significantly enhances the
threat to the United States mainland with a nuclear attack if
the United States were to intervene in a crisis....This is not
unlike the dilemma that confronted the U.S. and its allies
during the Cold War – would the United States trade Washington
for Berlin?
North Korea’s objective is to threaten the U.S. so that South
Korea would not trust the U.S. commitment to come to its
Professor Theodore Postol, former Science and Policy advisor on
Strategic Nuclear issues to the Chief of Naval Operations
This raises the question of why Russia would break international
law, something it is at pains to respect.
"Speaking about the nuclear
issue, these are primarily Pyongyang and Washington but we
will be ready to accompany their bilateral dialogue also in
the framework of the six-party process with the participation
of Russia, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea. This is
probably the most important issue on the bilateral agenda that
Russia and China are now working to resolve.
I must say that the work on
this issue is difficult. I have already said that the United
States is almost openly talking about the inevitability of a
military solution although everyone understands the
disastrous consequences of such a venture.
When there were conditions
for transitioning to dialogue, provocative actions were
undertaken in the vast majority of cases – increasingly
large-scale military exercises around North Korea, which
provoked another round of tensions. We have a joint
roadmap with China and we will actively promote it.
of one specific consequence, I have to return to the nuclear
problem of the Korean Peninsula. If Kim Jong-un is
required to wrap up his nuclear military programme, in
exchange for a promise to lift the sanctions, then this is
precisely the essence of the agreements between Iran and the
international community. If they just put it aside now and
tell Iran it should stick to its obligations, and they
re-impose the sanctions, put yourselves in North Korea’s
are promised that sanctions will be lifted in exchange for
abandoning its nuclear programme, so they do, but the
sanctions are not lifted. Or, on the contrary, an agreement is
reached, and then the Americans just say the next morning that
they are ‘men of their word’ – they give their word, then
break their word. This is a popular joke."
Sergey Lavrov 15
January 2018
The first point is that, as usual, the USA impedes all attempts to
move stage by stage to peace. The second point is that it stirs up
war-talk, making aggressive moves (training with South Korea to
murder the North Korean President - a transparently empty
coercive threat meant to intimidate), coupled with
aggressive rhetoric. The third, and most important point, is the
creation of an unprecedented nuclear threats to North Korea, China
and Russia - almost adjacent to their southern borders. The fourth
point is related. If one side breaks its word, then the other side
is relieved of its responsibility to abide by the agreement.
"Pyongyang denounced the second meeting of the US-South Korea
Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG). Established in April during
the summit of US President Joe Biden and South Korean President
Yoon Suk-yeol, the NCG gives Seoul a say in the planning and
use of Washington’s nuclear armament and is modelled after a
similar NATO nuclear-decision making body.
Washington and Seoul agreed on Friday to establish guidelines
for their nuclear collaboration by mid-2024. They also agreed to
hold joint war games, supposedly in response to a nuclear attack
from the North, which Pyongyang’s Defense Ministry denounced as
an “an open declaration on nuclear confrontation.
...the US and its allies have antagonized and goaded North
Korea to justify building an anti-ballistic missile system
throughout the Indo-Pacific region that ultimately targets
This includes Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)
batteries in South Korea and Guam, as well as associated radar
systems in Japan. Rather than to protect civilian populations,
these are designed to cover American bases from counter-attack
in a US-instigated war.
The collaboration between the US, South Korea and Japan has now
expanded into a de facto trilateral military alliance”
Ben McGrath, World Socialist Website, 19
December 2023
This is why 'reality
politics' comes into play, illegal or not..(See also the US
government's intellectually bankrupt 'containment
concept'.) The possibility the USA would lauch a pre-emptive
nuclear strike on North Korea is remote, but not zero:
"Eight days after Kelly arrived at the White House as chief of
staff, Trump warned that North Korea would be "met with fire
and fury and frankly power, the likes of which this world has
never seen before." When Trump delivered his first speech
to the U.N. General Assembly in September 2017, he threatened to
"totally destroy North Korea" if Kim, whom he referred to as
"Rocket Man," continued his military threats....Kelly was more
concerned about what Trump was saying privately, Schmidt
"...behind closed doors in the Oval Office, Trump continued
to talk as if he wanted to go to war.
He cavalierly discussed the idea of using a nuclear weapon
against North Korea, saying that if he took such an action,
the administration could blame someone else for it to absolve
itself of responsibility," ....
Kelly brought the military’s top leaders to the White House to
brief Trump about how war between the U.S. and North Korea could
easily break out, as well as the enormous consequences of such a
conflict. But the argument about how many people could be
killed had "no impact on Trump," Schmidt writes..."
NBC News on the revised ition of US Chief of Staff John Kelly's
book on the Trump Presidency 13
January 2023
If these statements are true, then Russia, presumably now aware of
how dangerous Mr. Trump was, is almost compelled to retaliate to
the US implementation of the so-called 'containment policy' being
enacted against itself and China. North Korea is simply a US proxy
trip-wire tool. Goad it to attack South Korea, let South Korea do
the fighting (eliminating another economic competitor) and using
the conflict as an excuse to place nuclear weapons as well as a
'missile shield' in Japan (given South Korea is destroyed).
The nett result of Russia's retaliation will be the ability for
Russia and China to implement Mr. Lavrov's 6 party agreement to
take to the Security Council, an agreement where North Korea
denuclearises step by step at the same time as sanctions are
progressively withdrawn. This is similar in concept to the Minsk
agreement. China and Russia and probably some other BRICS or SCO
country will act as guarantors, and also provide security to North
Korea in the case it is attacked.
If the USA blocks the Security Council endorsement, I guess that
Russia and China (and probably many other countries in the global
south) would observe the agreement unilaterally, and ignore
Security Council Resolution 2321. In other words, learn from the
wests sabotage of Minsk and the US refusal to implement the
Iranian agreement and simply create 'facts on the ground' and
ignore the west's cries of outrage. (And in March 2024 Russia
blocked continuation of the UN oversight committee that monitored
North Korea's 'forever' sanctions.)
Russia is retaliating for USA plans to base nuclear missiles in
South Korea, a short distance from both China and Russia's border.
At the same time, the USA is building anti-missile shields based
in South Korea, Japan and Guam. These shields are somewhat
pointless, as both Russia and China have sea, land, and
air-launched hypersonic cruise missiles that are immune to the
vunerability of the slower 'turn point' of a ballistic missile.
The Russian retaliation is a coercive step, and is fully
reversible. US nuclear weapons and conventional forces out of
South Korea and North Korea reciprocates in a step-like manner in
conjunction with step by step removal of UN sanctions. Mr. George
would be proud.
The Russian 'violation' of what Professor Postol calls an
'unwritten' protocol could be seen as retaliation for the verbal
assurances by the west that they would not move NATO "one inch
further" to the east, a false claim, as the
archive shows.
"At first, NATO member states denied the very fact that the
West had made promises not to expand NATO to the east. However,
when the officials who took part in those events and
negotiations started publishing their memoirs, they could no
longer deny facts or claim that nothing had happened. Instead,
they started saying that even if there had been some verbal
promises, there were no official written documents."
Maria Zakharova, Spokeswoman Russian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, February
25, 2022
"We know the worth of such verbal assurances, fine words and
Take the recent past, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when we
were told that our concerns about NATO’s potential expansion
eastwards were absolutely groundless. And then we saw five
waves of the bloc’s eastward expansion.
Do you remember how it happened? All of you are adults. It
happened at a time when Russia’s relations with the United
States and main member states of NATO were cloudless, if not
completely allied.
Vladimir Putin 21
December 2021
George emphasises reprisals (he really means retaliation) that are
reciprocal, chosen to "match but not exceed" the adversaries
action. Well, the west has provided Ukraine with billions in
weapons and training to attack Russia. Russia is, under this
doctrine, entitled to do the same. Russia, if it ignores UN
Security Council Resolution 2321, can supply North Korea with air
defense complexes, drones, or any other armaments (and training),
for that matter. Except that Russia is far more mature and
long-sighted than the US governement, and avoids creating further
strife in the world. Like China, it is interested in mutually
beneficial trade, not war. But if the west pushed too far, it will
reciprocate with a "tough" retaliatory response.
"... if our Western colleagues continue their obviously aggressive
line, we will take appropriate
military-technical reciprocal measures and will have a tough
response to their unfriendly steps."
This was Russia saying "don't say we didn't warn you". When you are
dealing with a powerful and serious state like the Russian
Federation, unrelenting coercion eventually brings retaliation.
On 5 June 2024 Russia changed its foreign policy to allow the arming
of 'friendly' countries with advanced weapons. This is
unprecedented. It is in direct response to the US arming Ukraine and
bloviating that countries 'should not supply the Russian Federation
with nay form of materiels that could be used in the conflict with
Ukraine - while at the same time, in an act of blatantly obvious
in-your-face monumental hypocrisy it supplies Ukraine with war
materiels, 'resigned' former US military personnel acting as
mercenaries, targeting data, target route planning, money and more.
June 6 2024
"Yesterday, the President of Russia for the first time allowed
the sending of our weapons to regions that are at war with
states that supply weapons b. Ukraine (or rather, these
weapons are used throughout our country). In other words, those
forces that are in conflict with America and NATO countries.
This is a very significant change in our
foreign policy. After all, as the Yankees and their
European slobbering dogs argue: we have the right to transfer any
weapons to b. Ukraine (that is, the enemy of our country), and all
other countries cannot help Russia. In other words, we will
destroy you in every possible way, but no one dares to supply the
Russians with weapons/equipment/other property to defend the
Let the United States and its allies now
feel the direct use of Russian weapons by third parties.
These individuals or regions are deliberately not named, but they
could be anyone who considers Pindostan [Editor -
derisive term for Ukraine] and its comrades their enemies. Regardless
of their political beliefs and international recognition.
Their enemy is the USA, which means they are our friends .
And let the use of Russian weapons by yet-to-be-named “regions”
be as destructive as possible for their and our adversaries.
And let “sensitive objects of the states supplying weapons to
Kyiv” burn in hellish flames.
They burn together with those who control them.
And we will rejoice at their successful strikes with our weapons
against our common enemies!"
Dmitry Medvedev June 6 2024 via Telegram social media platform
Clearly one of the third parties is North Korea. Belarus has already
been mentioned. Afghanistan is a possibility. Iran is also a
possibility - although, like China, they can take care of
themselves. Syria is also obvious. Syria already has some
Russian-supplied lower level anti-missile complexes. Now they will
get updated versions (if they can afford them). More likely, they
will get missiles capable of striking Israeli command centres, which
will end the almost weekly Israeli strikes on Syria. If the Russian
speaking part of Moldova declares independence on the basis its
rights to language and cultural expression are suppressed by the
Moldovan government - which they are - it, too might receive
It my opinion it is almost certain that Russia will supply China
with cruise missiles that have the range to reach Guam. I think this
qualifies as one of the "unforeseen
shocks to the security environment" that the US worried
about when it decided to engage in very risky coercive strategies.
This is a symmetrical response,and, technically, could be reversible
(per George) and it certainly shows Russia is serious. But it is
also a major shift in foreign policy, and wasn't taken lightly.
Retaliation First edited 24 June 2024, Last edited 30
November 2024
Retaliation is selective. Russia carefully selects which target
to respond to. What's more, when the response is military, it
has the ability to hit exactly what it wants, where it wants,
when it wants, and causing the amount of damage they want.
An attack by seaborne drones receives a blow against the facility
that makes them. Those who planned an attack on the Kirsk bridge
have their operations room blown to smithereens with a precise
deep-penetration missile/munition strike. Attacks on Russian power
plants receive a strike on an urban power plant distribution
facility, perhaps done at night to preserve civilian lives.
"I wish to reiterate once more: we will certainly
respond to such acts of aggression against
the Russian Federation.
The timing, methods, and weapons employed will be
determined by the General Staff
of the Ministry of Defence, as each
target necessitates a specific approach
and appropriate weaponry.
For instance,
it would be futile to target a minor objective with
a hypersonic missile, akin to “using
a sledgehammer to crack a nut.” However, we will
utilise our entire arsenal against significant targets.
As I have previously mentioned, we do not rule out
the combat employment of Oreshnik
on military-industrial facilities or command centres,
including those in Kiev. We remain cognisant that
the Kiev authorities continue their attempts to target
our critical assets, including those in St. Petersburg
and Moscow."
Vladimir Putin, 28
November, 2024
Prior to break out of full blown
hostilities (war), retaliation is proportional and carefully
graded in seriousness. If retaliation fails to
dissuade, and reprisals are necessary to unilaterally end the
aggression, then the proportionality shifts from 1:1 to maybe 10:1
in favor of the one imposing costs, and come with a 'package' of
further economic measures. But reprisals are are complicated
decision, with many short, medium and long-term factors to add to
the final decision.
Russia has often retaliated with a 'shot across the bow', and in
the case of a British warship intruding into Russian waters
offshore Crimea, it was literally that. Russian aircraft will do
the aerobatic equivalent. These are clearly understood warnings
just short of violence. These are what George calls "exemplary or
symbolic use of limited military action to help persuade the
opponent to back down". Afterwards, generally, a blunt warning is
given, either publicly or privately, of what will happen if the
offending party does it again. Russia has forced down US drones in
the Black Sea, damaged a US drone in Syria, and demonstrated their
air superiority in close contacts with US government fighters
illegally operating in the Al Tanf area of Syria.
When Israel and the United States government arranged for a
sophisticated Russian electronic monitoring aircraft to be shot
down by friendly fire in Syria the top defense officials of Israel
were made to come to Moscow. What was said remained behind closed
doors, but Israelis never tried the trick again. An American
government spy plane was later shot down with a shoulder fired
ground to air missile in Afghanistan by muhajadeen. This may be
This brings up the question of proportionality. If the United
States, for example, arranges the destruction of a Russian
electronic air defense aircraft (early warning and control
aircraft), should Russia arrange the destruction of just one
similar USA aircraft? The United States has about 30 AEAWACS but
Russia has only about 9 equivalent aircraft (after the january and
February 2024 shootdown, 7). Proportionally, Russia should arrange
the destruction of 4 USA AWACS.
On June 23 2024 Ukraine launched an attack on targets in
Sevastopol. The route is planned by the USA. The route lead over a
popular beach and the attack was timed for a public holiday. One
of the US target-route programmed ATCAM missiles was hit by an
anti missile missile fired by the Russian defense batteries. The
cluster munitions killed 3 beach goers and injured 127 more. The
USA knows from satellite data where the anti-missile defenses are,
the type, the range. They may have calculated that, on this route
and on this day there was a good chance that debris (at least)
would fall on the crowded beach below. Russia holds the US at
least partly to blame. Retaliation will likely be proportional,
but almost certainly not immediate and not near Russia. The
resulting death and injury will be to US servicemen, not to
civilians. Russians don't deliberately put civilians in harms way.
Of course this does not apply to military trainers and mercenary
staff of unfriendly countries.
"It goes without saying that when choosing, if necessary
and as a retaliatory measure, targets to be
hit by systems such as Oreshnik on Ukrainian
territory, we will in advance suggest that civilians
and citizens of friendly countries residing
in those areas leave danger zones. We will do so
for humanitarian reasons, openly and publicly"
Vladimir Putin 21
November 2024
Proportional responses, as Alexander George and Mr.
Nebenzia pointed out, are important. Russia is expert at
managing escalation. They never play the opposing sides game by over-reacting,
or lose sight of their long term objective. They patiently warn
over and over again, so if a retaliation is finally necessary, the
west is given a 'tough' lesson. Respect Russia's 'red lines' in
defense of its legitimate security interests - or else
"We will continue to seek pragmatic
engagement with competitors about strategic stability and risk
reduction. Our approach will emphasize measures that head off
costly arms races, reduce the likelihood of miscalculation, and
complement U.S. and allied deterrence strategies."
United States government National Security Strategy October
same document says the US military "must seek to avoid
unknowingly driving competition to aggression".
'Aggression', of course, is just a US government euphemism for
responding to US government prior escalating military
coercion. The correct word is retaliation. These
statements have to be 'tongue in cheek' - in light of US
government escalatory behaviour, they are just a cynical joke.
You said not so long ago that the deployment of US missiles on
land close to the Russian borders could lead to a crisis
similar to the Caribbean [Cuban crisis] one. How likely
is this scenario, given that Trump is not very much like John
F. Kennedy, and Vladimir Putin is not Nikita Khrushchev?
Ryabkov: I believe that the deployment of such
systems in Central Europe, and even in Western Europe, will
lead to a radical change in ways to ensure our national
has to do with the flight time and the response time to a
particular launch. No country’s missile attack warning
system is capable of telling remotely whether the missile
launched has a nuclear warhead or some conventional
deployment of such weapons, with a range covering most
of the territory of the Russian Federation, at least its
European part – if we are talking about the hypothetical
deployment of such systems in Europe – would require
response measures on our part.
measures do not necessarily have to include the deployment of
similar (or some other) systems only in places from where they
could hit these new American weapons.
Substantial asymmetry is possible
in our response.
the Caribbean missile crisis lessons need to be remembered and
refreshed. We are offering an alternative in the form of a
moratorium on the deployment of such systems.
have declared our own moratorium. We believe that responsible
NATO politicians could take a similar step.
But we are always told that NATO is
a defensive alliance; we constantly hear the chant that NATO is
fighting for peace and is a guarantor of security. So go ahead,
dear NATO gentlemen, show us in practice how you will continue
fighting for peace now."
Sergey Ryabkov, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian
Federation 11
October 2019
When Mr. Ryabkov refers
to "asymmetry" in Russia's response to US deployment of
land-based cruise missiles so near Russia's border that some
will get through to Moscow, he is (probably) not referring
to placing Russian cruise missiles in Mexico (or Cuba), near
USA's border. Which would be a symmetrical response. No,
more likely he is referring, in one case, to Russian
sea-based cruise missiles 4 minutes from USA beachfront real
estate - and a nuclear torpedo capable of generating a tidal
wave that would drown the eastern seaboard of the United
"...we have developed unmanned
submersible vehicles that can move at great depths (I would say
extreme depths) intercontinentally, at a speed multiple times
higher than the speed of submarines, cutting-edge torpedoes and
all kinds of surface vessels, including some of the fastest. It
is really fantastic. They are quiet, highly manoeuvrable and
have hardly any vulnerabilities for the enemy to exploit.
There is simply nothing in the world capable of withstanding
Unmanned underwater vehicles can carry either conventional or
nuclear warheads, which enables them to engage various targets,
including aircraft groups, coastal fortifications and
In December 2017, an innovative nuclear power unit for this
unmanned underwater vehicle completed a test cycle that lasted
many years. The nuclear power unit is unique for its small size
while offering an amazing power-weight ratio. It is a hundred
times smaller than the units that power modern submarines, but
is still more powerful and can switch into combat mode, that is
to say, reach maximum capacity, 200 times faster.
The tests that were conducted enabled us to begin developing a new type of strategic weapon that would
carry massive nuclear ordnance."
Vladimir Putin 01
March 2018
" light
of the plans to build a global
anti-ballistic missile system...all agreements signed within
the framework of New START are now gradually being
devaluated, because while the number of carriers
and weapons is being reduced...the US,
is permitting constant, uncontrolled growth
of the number of anti-ballistic missiles,
improving their quality, and creating new missile
launching areas.
If we do not do something, eventually ... all of our
[nuclear] missiles [launched in reply to a US
nuclear attack] could simply be intercepted.
Despite our numerous protests
and pleas, the American machine has
been set into motion, the conveyer belt is moving forward.
There are new missile defence systems installed in Alaska
and California; as a result of NATO’s
expansion to the east, two new missile defence areas
were created in Western Europe: one has already been
created in Romania, while the deployment
of the system in Poland is now almost complete.
Their range will keep increasing; new launching areas are
to be created in Japan and South Korea.
The US global missile defence system also includes five
cruisers and 30 destroyers, which, as far as we
know, have been deployed to regions in close
proximity to Russia’s borders. I am not
exaggerating in the least; and this work proceeds
So, what have we
done, apart from protesting and warning? How will
Russia respond to this challenge? This is how.
all these years since the unilateral US withdrawal from
the ABM Treaty, we have been working intensively
on advanced equipment and arms, which allowed us
to make a breakthrough in developing new
models of strategic weapons."
Vladimir Putin 01
March 2018
"You have asked about Ukraine and where the red lines run. They
are, above all, the threats to us that can come from that
territory. ...the issue concerns the possible deployment in the
territory of Ukraine of strike systems with the flight time of 7–10 minutes to Moscow, or 5
minutes in the case of hypersonic systems....So,
what should we do? We would need to create similar systems to be
used against those who are threatening us.
...we can do this already now, because we have held successful
tests, and early next year we will put a new sea-launched
hypersonic missile with a maximum speed of Mach 9 on
combat duty. The flight time to those
who issue orders will also be 5 minutes.
Where are we heading? Why are we doing this? The creation of
such threats for us is the red line."
Vladimir Putin 30
November 2021
"Those who issue orders" are, of course, the Pentagon, as
well as mainland USA Central Command. A military attack on
Russia cannot be made unless someone in the top echelon of
the military obeys an order from the President or the
National Security staff. They then are the ones who "issue
orders". Diplomatic staff, including the President (the
Commander in Chief of the military), are usually exempt,
even if they are the ones who gave the order in the first
The Russian measures are the inevitable consequence of the
US placing sea-based cruise missile launch platforms all
around Russia (and now China, incidentally). The US ships
are a platform to launch a crippling nuclear 'first strike'
on the Russian Federation. Once all these platforms are in
place and the land based Asian and European platforms are
also in place, then it is just a matter of waiting until the
US has achieved hypersonic manoeuvering cruise missiles.
After that, the US can launch a crippling and unstoppable
'tactical' nuclear first strike on Russia at any time.
This is almost the very top rung of the US military
escalation ladder.
It doesn't matter whether US missile silos or aircraft
launch these nuclear weapons or nominally NATO aircraft and
missile silos. NATO countries are now routinely trained in
launching tactical nuclear weapons against Russia. And
Russia is ringed with NATO countries. Further, US policy now
allows the US to form alliances with non-NATO countries. The
US plan for such countries is very clear. In time, they,
too, will host sea-borne nuclear weapons, host US land based
nuclear weapons, and be trained in launching tactical
nuclear weapons from nuclear-capable fighter aircraft.
Washington. What on earth are they doing? Is their
self-preservation instinct failing? Such an escalation… Sergey Lavrov:
Washington believes that its
self-preservation is ensured by the Atlantic Ocean.
It is a big delusionif they try to bring
the world to the brink of the third world war. But so far
Washington is stirring up its satellites against the
Russian Federation believing that it will get
away with it." Sergey Lavrov 26
May 2023
"Vladimir Putin: There is
no depleted uranium yet.
Gazdiev: There is coming from the UK. We have already
seen articles in various neo-conservative
organisations – there was a widely covered one that
insisted on making tactical nuclear weapons available
to Ukraine.
The question is: is
the United States not afraid to endlessly escalate
the situation and raise the stakes?
Putin: They pretend not
to be.
In fact, there are many people there who think clearly
and are unwilling to lead the world into
a third world war in which there will be no winners;
even the United States will not come out of it
as a winner.
Militarily, Russia is already 'at' where the US
wants to be. Russia has already deployed
tactical nuclear weapons on unstoppable hypersonic cruise missiles -
for use against those European countries that decide
they want to harbour US nuclear weapons on their
soil and that decide to host US ships with
potentially nuclear tipped cruise missiles.
Russia has
already deployed
submarine launched unstoppable
hypersonic cruise missiles carrying
tactical and strategic
nuclear warheads for use in a
potential ultra-close proximity
first strike against the US
mainland. Surface ships are being
equipped with the same
nuclear-capable hypersonic weapons.
And, due to US escalation, Russia
has finally copied the US doctrine
of permitting an unannounced decapitating
strike' - albeit under very specific
circumstances. We can only
congratulate the United States
government for its success.
"ATACMS: 300 kilometres.
How are they used and how are they transported? They handed
over a missile system (the Pentagon, the Americans
did). But how is it used? Ukrainian military personnel cannot do
everything on their own and launch strikes with this
missile. They are simply technologically unable to do this
because it requires satellite reconnaissance; then, based
on satellite reconnaissance data (and this is American
satellite reconnaissance), a flight mission is formed
and then entered into the missile system. And then
the soldier who is next to it does it simply
automatically: he presses the buttons. He may not even know
what will happen next.
can the Ukrainian military – not the ones who are
just sitting there and pressing buttons – but
the higher-ranking ones do when it comes to target
assignment? They can identify a target that is
a priority for them.
But they are not the ones who decide whether
a particular target should be hit, because,
to reiterate, a WTA (weapon target assignment) is
formed and effectively entered only by those who
supply the weapons. If we are talking about ATACMS, then
the Pentagon is doing it. If it is Storm Shadow, then
the British are. It is even more straightforward
in the case of Storm Shadow, because
the target assignment is entered automatically, without
the involvement of the military personnel
on the ground. The British do it, that is all
there is to it.
And when
the Bundeswehr military were pondering an attack
on the Crimean Bridge or other targets, they were
thinking for themselves. No one was doing it for them,
right? They were going to do it. The same goes
for the French specialists. Western specialists do it.
have no illusions about it. How are we supposed to respond?
we will, of course, improve our air defence systems. We
will be destroying their missiles.
we believe that if someone is thinking that it is possible
to supply such weapons to a war zone
in order to deliver strikes at our territory
and to create problems for us, why can we not
supply our weapons of the same class to those
regions around the world where they will target sensitive
facilities of the countries that are doing this
to Russia? The response could be symmetrical. We
will give it a thought....
Ultimately, if we see that these countries are
being embroiled into a war against us, and this
constitutes their direct involvement in the war
against the Russian Federation, we reserve the right
to respond in kind. Generally speaking, this path may
lead to serious problems. I think that covers it all."
Vladimir Putin 5
June 2024
Proportional retaliation. Missiles of the same class -
sophisticated missiles, 300 kilometer range, all types of
warhead, including cluster munitions. Retaliation anywhere.
Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, North Korea. But it isn't limited
to short range missiles. In late 2024 the US and west
contemplated sending extended range missiles to Ukraine. These
could hit Russia's nuclear forces housed at bases deep inside
Russia. This why Russia may have supplied long range
(intercontinental) missile technology to North Korea. The US
brought it on itself.
Russia has consistently told the US government of its red
lines. It is impossible - literally - for the US government
not to know Russia's red lines. Yet the US government policy
is exactly the policy of removing all diplomatic options while
at the same time moving to maximum escalation of military
threat. Therefore, again, these US statements about 'seeking
strategic stability', and the US wanting 'risk reduction' are
self-serving sanctimonious claptrap. The US government knows all
Russia's core concerns, it knows Russia's sensitivities (such
as its memory of the losses of world war 2) and, like a
child that has yet to fully learn self control, it
pushes, pushes, pushes on these sensitivities. Quite
deliberately. Even when it is warned there will be
consequences, it keeps doing it. Why?
Because the United States government believes it 'understands'
Russia, and can therefore slowly escalate its military
participation in its war on Russia (the 'boil the frog' tactic)
without being seen by Russia as a party to the conflict, and
without triggering a sudden runaway series of events that leads to
a Russian response on mainland USA.
This bring up the time dimension. How long can a country - or
non-state organisation for the matter - 'turn the other cheek'
when it is the object of all forms of coercion, apparently
endlessly? Retaliation may wait for a very long time until the
aggrieved party has developed the human, technical, and logistic
power potential to retaliate (I suggest Iran is a case in point -
it has endured endless Israeli incited terrorism, and the day it
responds militarily is the day it has accumulated enough military
potential to retaliate against Israel and, if necessary, the
United States.). The question is then - how long have the
grievances been accumulating, and what proportion of the 'tab'
should be settled?
the case of military retaliation, when the Russians say "we will
provide a tough response", expect the worst. Somewhere in the
world. A good example is Russia's response to the NATO plans to
place nuclear capable cruise missiles adjacent to Russia's border,
in South Korea and Japan. In late 2023 Russia supplied North Korea
with an advanced hypersonic nuclear missile capable of reaching
any part of the United States mainland (link Youtube
interview Ray McGovern ex CIA analyst).
Asymmetric retaliation edited
2 January 2024
"We note that we will be ready to take symmetrical and
asymmetrical measures in response to the unfriendly use of force
against us."
Sergey Lavrov 19 June
"On December 26, 2023, the Republic of Korea added 682 products to
the list of goods and technology subject to export controls.
...This is already Seoul’s third package of anti-Russia economic
sanctions, which are expected to come into force in early 2024.
Russia reserves the right to take reciprocal actions. Moreover,
we will make sure that the measures we take are not necessarily
symmetrical. So, they should not be surprised later" Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman
Maria Zakharova, 27
December 2023
Whereas retaliation tends to be 'one for one', Russia's
retaliation may be asymmetric - in scale, in sector, in means, and
in timing. Retaliation is generally well understood by both
parties - they are the 'rules of the game', which means if the
aggressor does a certain action they know beforehand
exactly what will happen in response. However Russia has stepped
outside 'the rules'. Russia may respond 'in kind', but it may
respond in a completely different way. An 'eye for an eye' does
not necessarily apply. It may be 'an eye for a leg' for example.
The aggressor knows that 'something bad' is going to happen in
response, knows it will be roughly proportional, but doesn't know
what it will be. Most likely the aggressor thinks they know what
the response will be, and have already planned a response. But a
response from 'out of left field', while proportional, may be
asymetrically consequential, if not immediately, then over the
long run.
The illegal economic restrictions inflicted on Russia by the West
'should have' resulted in Russian counter-sanctions. There were
none. But Russia insisted on payment in Rubles. And so the cascade
of moves to bilateral currencies began. And so the move to payment
of commodities in a gold-backed digital 'token' has started. This
has a very long way to go, but ultimately it may collapse the sale
of US government debt to other countries. Sale of debt finances a
significant part of the US government spending programs. Some of
these programs will have to shrink. The consequences are obvious.
The most important consequence is that the US government will no
longer be able to afford to run its current partially
taxpayer-funded 'war sales' business at the current scale.
Russia's retaliation?
On the 7th of July 2023 the Foreign Ministry spokewoman detailed
exactly which weapons have been supplied to Ukraine by western
countries (10 so far). She indicated that if countries that
haven't supplied former Soviet era weapons and munitions to
Ukraine want good bilateral relations from now onwards, then they
should resist all blackmail and inducements.
She did not even mention future bilateral relations with the
west. This is a diplomatic signal, and a far more powerful
one than not displaying the national flag of a visiting dignatory
in a host country photo op (as happened to the USA when Mr.
Blinken visited Saudi Arabia). I suspect this is serious.
You could pass it off as simply a reciprocal cold shoulder to the
west's conspicuous 'jilting' of Russian diplomats - but for Janet
Yellen's visit to China in early July 2023. She had clearly gone
to ask China to buy more USA debt. 'Official' China, it appears
has been shifting away from holding US debt. Official China has
been buying gold. In USA, as in the UK, when no one wants to buy
your debt, you have to offer a higher interest rate.
Bilateral trade arrangements don't have to be made through any
particular forum, they are simply agreements worked out between a
pair of countries. Countries whose currency is subject to wild
fluctuations would possibly be told to buy gold tokens. That way
exchange rate risk to the other party is eliminated. If trade is
unbalanced and gold tokens can't be used, then the existing
currency exchange systems can still be used. The yuan is likely to
assume a greater role over time as
Russia will do bilateral trade with those who didn't send weapons
against it; who didn't place economic sanctions on it; who didn't
engage in lies, distortion and hateful propaganda against it.
Russia will consider doing bilateral trade with those who stop
complying with all western 'long arm' domestic trade legislation.
This means Russia will also agree to them joining BRICS.
It also means the 10 countries that wanted to fight Russia with
someone else's hand will be shut out of BRICS.
It also means that the US dollar will slowly become devalued, and
that the yuan will slowly increase in world trade. Direct currency
swap lines between friendly countries (especially in South America
and Africa) will ease liquidity crises without having to resort as
often to the International Monetary Fund. Perhaps a gold-backed
trading stable coin will provide an incentive for corrupt
governments to live within their means, as stable tokens will hold
value and probably only be used to against the non-parity part of
bilateral trade.
This speculative scenario is not even blackmail diplomacy, because
Russia wants nothing from the 'proxy war 10'. Nor is it trying to
stop the 'proxy 10' from doing something. It is simply not
interested in them.
Escalation dominance Edited
22 November 2024
'Escalation dominance' in armed conflict is decided by four major
factors - first, technological superiority in weapons; second,
abundant supply of such weapons; third, industrial and resource
capacity to continuously produce such weapons for a planned
duration plus unexpected contingencies; fourth, highly competent
combined military forces management; fifth, self reliant and
fiscally sound economy.
Russia has all 5 factors. No other country has. Russia alone has global
escalation dominance.
"...the fact is that not only are we in a position to
enact these swift, severe sanctions, we are ready to given
the stakes of the matter. ...these sanctions and economic measures
would be different from ones we, the United States Government, has
levied in the terms of their scope, in terms of their
These would be measures that we, the United States, intentionally
did not pursue in 2014, but also in the way they’re implemented –
because they would start at the top of the escalatory ladder
as we need – would need to send a very strong signal
to Russia and countries around the world that might
seek to undermine the rules-based international order that this is
something that the United States and our allies and partners
around the world would not countenance."
Ned Price, US State Department spokesperson, 2
February 2022
As at August 2023 the US has about reached the top of its
escalatory ladder, economic and military. Russia is not yet at the
top of its military escalation ladder (and it is a longer ladder
than the USA's one), and Russia is far from the top of the
economic 'escalation ladder'. At this point, a further Russian
response is more in the nature of a reprisal, as it cannot be
answered by the US or the US "allies and partners" in the west.
The US 'preemptive warning' to disobedient countries around the
world not to undermine the US-invented so-called 'rules-based
international order' is increasingly being seen as a paper tiger.
Countries around the world are starting to arrange their
international affairs in a manner that places them out of reach of
US and western interference.
Mr. Price apparently still 'needed' to send a very strong signal
to Russia and countries around the world. It was not about their
unilateral self-serving 'rules based order'. It was a signal that
they are small minded, vindictive, foolish, untrustworthy,
intemperate, unwise, hubristic and reckless. Mr. Prices's
government, in the decomposing days of the Biden Presidency,
planned and executed an attack on Russian territory, along with
the United Kingdom.
Russia then sent a very strong signal to the USA and
countries of the NATO bloc that attacks on Russia
would not be countenanced. Russia launched a new, completely
unstoppable hypersonic short to medium range missile against a
Ukrainian missile factory. The doctrine on their use included the
absolute guarantee of a response to an aggression, that they would
be used in a mirror fashion, and that they would be used against any
country as a retaliatory measure. Thereby negating all of the US
plans to sell short and intermediate range missiles to European
countries, Taiwan, Japan, Central Asian countries, and the
"To reiterate, we are conducting combat tests
of the Oreshnik missile system in response
to NATO’s aggressive actions against Russia. Our decision
on further deployment of intermediate-range
and shorter-range missiles will depend
on the actions of the United States
and its satellites.
We will
determine the targets during further tests of our
advanced missile systems based on the threats
to the security of the Russian Federation.
We consider ourselves entitled to use our weapons
against military facilities of those countries that allow
to use their weapons against our facilities,
and in case of an escalation
of aggressive actions, we will respond decisively
and in mirror-like manner.
I recommend that the ruling elites
of the countries that are hatching plans to use
their military contingents against Russia seriously consider
Vladimir Putin 21
November 2024
"...there are no means of countering such weapons today.
Missiles attack targets at a speed of Mach 10,
which is 2.5 to 3 kilometres per second. Air defence
systems currently available in the world and missile
defence systems being created by the Americans
in Europe cannot intercept such missiles. It is
I would
like to emphasise once again that it was not Russia, but
the United States that destroyed the international
security system and, by continuing to fight...they are
pushing the whole world into a global conflict.
...But we are also ready for any turn of events.
anyone still doubts this, make no mistake: there will always be
a response."
Vladimir Putin 21
November 2024
Reprisals Edited
22 December 2023
"...reprisals - carefully measured reprisals, chosen to
match but not exceed the adversary's actions, may be necessary to
communicate clearly an intention to resist..."
Alexander George
reprisal is equated with 'punishment' for misdeeds - entirely
appropriate in the context of the USA governments perfidious
setting up of Russia for loss. But originally it meant 'taking
back', usually property of some sort to compensate for property
In the case of colonial 'mining' of a
country, because mineral are used up and can't be returned,
reprisals have to shift to the concept of compensation.
Compensation for lost opportunities and lost income where
colonists payed a pittance for the resources they extracted.
In the long run, the global south may decide economic retaliation
against the US and west for lost resources are well and truly
Russia may decide reprisals, in the punishment sense, are due. And
if reprisals are not immediately useful, then reparations
certainly are
With the exception of diplomatic reprisals, where the unwritten
diplomatic rule is simply 'tit for tat' and therefore
symmetrical, reprisals have a larger asymmetry than
simple retaliation for any particular harmful act done.
Retaliation is more like action and reaction.
Reprisals are one sided, that is, the offended party decides what
is an appropriate 'match' to the harm done. The offended party
(Russia) may include a huge range of factors - historic damage,
insult to a nations status, humiliation across cultural spheres,
economic losses, delayed development, loss of opportunities,
historic damage from the offender using terrorists to attack it by
proxy - it is Russia's choice.
The choice, in turn, depends on how much power Russia has at any
point in time. 'Power' can be military, economic, or political.
Cultural force is a multiplier of the 3 major forces, and is
largely internal (educational levels, national unity, competent
leadership, shared history of suffering and resistance at almost
any cost). The 'force' (which American politicians call
'pressure') generally changes with time, whether increasing or
decreasing. The other time element is duration. How long a given
degree of force can be sustained. Endurance of military force is
lock-step related to economic force and domestic cultural force.
Political force is highly contingent on internal and external
political fluxes.
The greatest of these power - levers is Russia's economic power,
yet this is the power that Russia must use with the greatest
caution. Russia takes a long term view, and while it doesn't need
USA economically, culturally, or politically (except as noted
below), it needs USA cooperation in nuclear weapons security,
climate change security, and biological and chemical weapons
security. Russia also takes a long term view. All this tempers the
nature, scope, scale, and duration of reprisals Russia will
undoubtedly impose on the USA government.
While both retaliation and reprisal are punitive in nature,
reprisals include the notion of taking back lost 'real assets'.
(For example, the Russian-speaking oblasts of the Ukraine
political entity). While the aim of both retaliation and reprisals
is to dissuade the aggressor from ever trying a similar
provocation again, reprisals are a package of economically,
politically, and culturally consequential measures that 'take
back' sovereign and economic rights, in other words a
're-balancing' or 'setting thing right'.
Russia deploys strategic patience as an overlay in their
decision-making process.
At the same time, when a swift response is the most useful
response, it is made promptly.
Strategic defeat edited 10
February 2024
President Putin was asked whether Russia would use nuclear
weapons, he provided a detailed answer. My key message is to
look at and analyse what the EU and NATO leaders say. This
is flat-out aggressive rhetoric. They keep repeating
the mantra that Russia must suffer a “strategic defeat.”"
EU and NATO countries surely have [strategic analysts]. The
Pentagon certainly does. They keep threatening Russia
- a nuclear power - with “strategic defeat” every day and
for the whole world to hear.
Sergey Lavrov 30 June
A 'strategic defeat' is the defeat of the opponent through the
application of various strategies - economic, propaganda, paid-for
coups, trained and assisted religous or political agitation
(non-violent or violent), and, finally, straight military overthrow
and subsequent impostion of another governments will on the
militarily defeated country. You can probably think of many
instances where one or more of these strategies has worked and where
it hasn't. They work best in small and corrupt countries, without a
strong sense of nation.
A strategic defeat results in an enduring advantage to the victor.
It is generally an economic advantage. In addition, a strategic
defeat seriously degrades the opponents ability to wage war.
The Europeans were 'in charge' of ensuring that Russia's economy was
destroyed, with European and US businesses providing the capital to
buy up the 'juicy bits' and turn Russia into a colony whose
resources would be mined for the benefit to the West.
"The collective West not only steers an unrestrained flow of
weapons to the Kiev regime, but also hosts training of AFU and
nationalist battalions, providing the Ukrainian forces with
intelligence for target designation and even authorizing strikes
against specific targets with Western weapons...the collective
West openly declares a goal of dealing a “strategic defeat on
Russia on the battlefield” and backs up these reckless
claims with no less reckless steps."
Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on arms
deliveries to Ukraine, 29 June 2023
"...the West using Ukraine as a tool to inflict a “strategic
defeat” on Russia. We can generalise this as a hybrid war
against our country. Why is it a hybrid war? Because it is
being waged by proxy: the West is doing it under the colours of
another country and in using the political capabilities and
figures it has planted in that country in advance.
The campaign includes a wide range of trade wars against Russia,
which were unleashed long before it, as well as an information
aggression against our country, with the latest technologies
used to exert information and psychological pressure on
Maria Zakharova 6
December 2023
"Up until now there has been the uproar and screaming
about inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia
on the battlefield. Now they are apparently coming
to realize that it is difficult to achieve, if
possible at all. In my opinion, it is
impossible by definition, it is never going to happen"
Vladimir Putin 9
February 2024
The great irony is that the United States and western governments
have inflicted a "strategic defeat" on Ukraine, not Russia.
Ukraine is socially and politically in disarray, it's economy
seriously damaged, its manpower depleted, its political duplicity
exposed, the fact of being controlled by other countries exposed,
the puppet nature of the current President exposed, Ukraines's
inability to respond to simmering popular anger laid bare.
The west has also failed to inflict a strategic military defeat on
Russia in the sphere of 'strategic stability' - mutually balanced
nuclear weapons deployment.
The US, via US and NATO country weaponry, was 'in charge' of a
strategy to seriously degrade Russia's non-nuclear military
capacity. Russia's nuclear weapons dominance would be handled by the
USA. NATO nuclear tipped cruise missiles placed in the countries
around Russia - the 'rimland' - when combined with co-located anti
missile complexes, would ensure USA/NATO could launch a preemptive
decapitating low-yield nuclear strike on Russia in the dead of
night. Alternatively, nuclear capable bombers in NATO countries
would make a coordinated surprise attack on the Russian Federation
under cover of a NATO training exercise.
strategic defeat of USA in the Middle East Added 19
April 2024. Edited 3 May 2024
The USA has been trying to overthrow the Iranian government for
decades. It, as usual, wants a compliant government so that American
businesses can make money exploiting Iran's raw materials. The US
government wants to control Mackinder's 'rimland', blocking the
Eurasian 'heartland' from the sea and 'containing it. Iran is a
'rimland' country.
Importantly, the USA, above all else, wants to be able to keep the
people of the region divided against each other, because war and
fear of war creates a lucrative market for the arms industry and the
1% 'ers who become immensely wealthy from its taxpayer guaranteed
profits. The arms industry kicks some of it's taxpayer-pumped
profits to the campaigns of US politicians; and the benefits also
spread to the inflated salaries of top military careerists, who
gratefully loudly promote "more war", "more arms", in return.
The US government used their puppet Saddam Hussein to prosecute a
war on Iran that lasted a very profitable 9 years, and resulted in
around 200,000 Iranian deaths, with 1,000 of those deaths being from
chemical poisoning from Iraqi chemical weapons. (Much of the
chemical precursors and manufacturing equipment came from the West.)
US arms were sent directly to Iraq from Israel, and US private arms
dealers sold Soviet weapons to Iraq (sourced from East European
Iran, under-developed and lacking a significant coherent modern arms
industry, was unable to confront the US government directly, and
could only supply manpower and training to Hezbollah, the Lebanese
citizen army confronting Israeli murderous incursion into Lebanese
Today, Iran now has the technical and industrial capacity to supply
arms to Hezbollah and, to some extent Yemen. But it's arms industry
still remains - at this time - the faintest shadow of the huge
western arms industry.
Against this background, seeing Iran as weak, successive US
governments have continued economic coercion on Iran, and they have
used Israel as a government terrorist
organisation to try to destabilise Iran politically. The events of
April 2024 have now put an end to US meddling in Iran. Iran has
inflicted a strategic defeat on the USA - and therefore Israel, who
acts as the the proxy for US to commit wrongful state terrorist
acts. And this strategic defeat has been imposed on USA and Israel
without losing a single Iranian soldier.
"To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the
pinnacle of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the
pinnacle of skill."
"Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of
victory in the attack."
Sun Tzu Chinese general and military theorist 'The Art of
War' c.400–320 bc
Israeli-US defence of their most sensitive and secret
military-technical missile and intelligence complex was believed to
be invincible. It proved to be 'almost' invincible. Almost. But even
an initial penetration rate of 1% is enough when heavy missiles are
involved. 'Almost' isn't good enough. The USA is not invincible.
Israel is vulnerable. Iran's first of October 2024 retaliatory
missile strike doesn't change anything, it simply reinforces the
point. Once again, large numbers of 'sacrificial' conventional
missiles exhausted and confused the Israeli air defenses, and the
small number of Iranian hypersonic missiles, the 'real' strikes
weapons, hit their targets.
Israel is a proxy of
the US Edited 22 May 2024
Those who count on such assistance should recall the
sad experience of all leaders of countries that had relied on
the United States. As soon as the situation changed, Washington
remorselessly left those leaders to their own devices and
launched a new stage of its selfish policy."
Sergey Lavrov 5
November 2023
Israel is a willing tool of US government coercive policy. As Joseph
Biden has several times said "if Israel didn't exist we would have
to invent it". Israeli agents are instrumental in doing the US
government's illegal dirty work, including terrorist attacks on
Iran. Israel has murdered several Iranian nuclear scientists, and
almost routinely murders Iranian military advisors working with the
Syrian government to resist the terrorists the US government placed
there. The US acted out of character to 'go it alone' and murder Mr.
Soleimani, a top Iranian military figure - and indeed diplomatic
passport holder - who was largely responsible for organising the
fight against the ISIS takeover of Iraq. Iran responded to the
premeditated US attack with pre-notified extremely accurate missile
attacks on the US base in Iraq that the drone was launched from. The
US government - to date - appears to have learned its lesson and has
not carried out another state terrorist attack on Iran since. Or at
least not an overt one. Israel, the US proxy, learned nothing from
the Iranian deterrent response. This isn't surprising, given the
character of the current Israeli political class.
This character is exploited by the US government political class -
the entire class is wedded to a bizarro 'Rube
Goldberg machine' where, while the machine is, like
Goldberg's, "deviously complex", it is, unlike Goldberg's
machines, highly practical. This machine is designed to transfer
money from US taxpayers to American politicians, their hangers-on
and has-beens via the US military. The Presidents men (CIA and
various 'security agencies') help create crises in smaller
countries, US military start bombing, the US Senate and Congress
back the aggression, the military industrial financial industries
ramp up war materiels and try out new military technologies, the
industries such as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon make a lot of money,
some of this goes to US politicians as donations, and a great deal
more to shareholders - among which are the US political class. Every
bomb is a profit center.
Summarised, it is an elaborate taxpayer bleeding machine in the
ultimate interests of the US vampire elite.
The worse disaster for politicians is when a war or conflict ends.
When the Korean conflicted ended, the American war on Vietnam was
launched. When that ended, the wars in Iraq were instigated, when
that wound down a war on Afghanistan was launched, when that ended a
war on Russia (via Ukraine) was launched. That has failed. NATO
requires a fear mongered Europe, an operation in full cry. NATO is
largely US, as all weapons systems must be compatible, with US a
major standard setter. Ultimately, that too will fade as NATO
countries see how inadequate US weapon systems are when in a real
war (Ukraine conflict), from Patriots to Abrahams. Yet a war on
China is impossible - for a long list of reasons.
All that is left is some minor profits from bombing a tiny area of
Palestine into oblivion, using its Israeli proxy. The oil offshore
Gaza may be a useful addition to the oil the US is stealing from
Syria, but, to be honest, it is 'small beer' in the overall scheme
of things. Israel is the US politcal classes last stand - unless it
can provoke Israel to Attack Iran. A proxy war on Iran using Israel
would be very profitable for the US - but won't last long.
Both Ukraine and Israel share some common characteristics that make
them useful tools in the hands of the US government. Both
governments are dominated by ideologically driven 'hard right'
politicians. Both administrations behave arrogantly and impetuously.
Both are convinced of their own superiority as a people. Both
suppress resident populations that don't share the ruling groups
ideology and language. Both have a history of brutality to
civilians. Both have a tendency to bite their masters hand. Both
ignore international law when it suits them.
Both governments are paid well by the US government for their very
considerable - if not entirely faithful - services.
And both Ukraine and Israel are the US government's last trump card.
Only these two irrational actors can be relied on to continue to
recklessly pursue a failed US government cause - the overthrow of
the Russian and Iranian governments. Ukraine is on the cusp of
realising the awful truth - it has been used by the US government
and, as the project has failed, Ukraine has been tossed aside.
Having made it's money from weapon sales and Ukrainian agricultural
asset acquisition, the US will soon walk away without a backward
glance. Ukraine's recourse to state terrorism has been severely
punished, by reciprocal strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure and
through a 'targeted hunt and kill' program directed against the
state and private military (including NATO officers and technicians
working in Ukraine) who ordered and directed the attacks. Those not
punished on the battlefield will be found and punished in Russian
courts or otherwise.
Instead of learning from Russia's actions, and returning to
compliance with the United Nations Charter (Israel is a signatory),
Israel spat on international law and killed Iranian diplomats and
staff and also destroyed an Iranian diplomatic premises. This is an
act of state
terrorism and, under International law, grounds for Iran to
declare war on Israel. It was a very deliberate and outrageous escalation
of Israels long running direct and proxy attacks on Iranian
Iran's lawful response to the Israeli state terrorist act
First, Iran took the complaint to the UN Security Council, as the UN
Charter requires.
Second, Iran proposed to the Security Council that it would forgo
it's right of response if the UN Security Council did two things.
First, denounce Israel's terrorist attack on Iran's diplomats in the
strongest possible terms; second, resolve to demand Israel hand over
the Israelis who prepared and carried out the attack. The demand was
legal, complying with existing international law on suppression of
terrorism. The demand was
reasonable in the circumstances, it was realistic, and it
could be easily met. Israel should have assessed the risk of not
handing over the culprits would be far greater than the risk from
unhappy domestic political reactions. The Security Council neither
condemned the attack nor demanded the criminals be handed over (due
to veto by the US).
" As the majority of the members of the Security Council
declared at the April 2 meeting here, the attack was a clear
violation of the Charter of the United Nations, international
law and the Vienna Conventions, and thus is strongly
Regrettably, the Security Council, has not taken any action
during the past months to our official and repeated requests to
prevent further attacks by the Israeli regime on Iran's
interests, and official military counter-terrorism counselors;
due to the unfortunate and completely irresponsible behavior
of the United States, the UK and France, in response to this
illegal attack, this council failed even to issue a mere statement
containing a simple condemnation!" Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran 19 April 2024
The Israeli aggression was on 1 April 2024. As the UN Security
Council did not act, Iran was left with the choice of ignoring the
attack or making a response. Israel is fully aware of Iran's new
hypersonic missile capability. Yet Israel crossed all Iranian red lines - wilfully,
like a reckless child. Israel must have known Iran would have to
respond, but presumably Israel was trying to use moral coercion
to persuade the USA government to launch a war of aggression on
Iran's policy on those who cross it's lawful red lines is the same
as Russia's - militarily punish those who gave the orders, planned
and carried out the attack, whether directly or by the use of
proxies. These figures are the military and secret service arms of
government, not diplomats and top government figures. Iran had
previously punished the US military for the murder of the Iranian
military and diplomatic figure Major General Qassem Soleimani. The
US Ayn al-Assad base in Iraq from which the attack was launched was
given a demonstration of Iranian power. The Iranians targeting
accurately avoided killing US military personnel, as this was a
coercion stage 3 demonstration of intent to violently resist US
coercion in future, as well as a credible demonstration of Iran's
military capacity, particularly its ability to make accurate
strikes. It showed Iran's determination to resist USA violence, but
using a minimum of military force against US servicemen on the
Those who ordered and those who planned the murder have not been
forgotten. Arrest warrants are still in force for the then US
President (Trump) and Secretary of State (Pompeo), Head of CENTCOM
(General Kenneth Franklin McKenzie), and 30 or so other US officials
involved in the murder of the Iranian diplomat. If Trump becomes
President the warrant will probably be suspended for the duration of
his presidency, until such time as he is simply a US citizen once
Iran had no choice but to move to level three of coercive diplomacy
- use of limited and proportional military-technical force to change
the regimes future hostile and illegal behaviour. In essence, it
demands a permanent change in the Israeli extreme right wing regime
policy, even if it doesn't demand a change in regime. The intention
is to physically demonstrate a will to escalate if Israeli behaviour
does not change. It is not an attempt to militarily 'defeat'
Military defeat of Israel-USA would require to change the nature of
its engagement. It would require Iran to use a modified strategy
involving a wider scope, immensely larger scale, and different
choice and timing of targets (locally and internationally).
Iran's Deterrence Signal to Israel and the US
Iran signaled almost everything. It signaled it would be a military
response. It signaled it would involve drone, cruise missiles and
ballistic missiles. It stated it would be limited in scope and time.
It stated it would regard this strike as being a proportionally
suitable, and was a final and satisfactory punishment for Israels
immediate and previous crimes. It stated it would avoid civilian
casualties and civilian infrastructure. It gave 72 hours prior
notice of the strike.
As required by
Article 51 of the UN Charter, Iran, as a law abiding
member, gave the Security Council immediate notice of the measures
it took in self defense.
"Upon instructions from my Government and pursuant to
our letter dated 1 April 2024 concerning the Israeli regime's
armed attacks against the diplomatic premises of the Islamic
Republic of Iran in Damascus, the Syrian Arab Republic, which led
to the martyrdom of seven Iranian senior military advisories
(A/78/838-S/2024/281), I would like to inform you that, in the
late hours of 13 April 2024, the Islamic Republic of Iran carried
out a series of military strikes on Israeli military objectives.
action was in the exercise of Iran’s inherent right to
self-defense as outlined in Article 51 of the Charter of the
United Nations, and in response to the Israeli recurring
military aggressions, particularly its armed attack on 1st April
2024 against Iranian diplomatic premises, in the defiance of Article
2 (4) of the Charter of the United Nations.
Regrettably, the United Nations Security Council has failed in
its duty to maintain international peace and security,
allowing the Israeli regime to transgress red lines and violate the
fundamental principles of international law. Such violations have
exacerbated tensions in the region and threatened regional and
international peace and security.
a responsible Member of the United Nations, the Islamic Republic
of Iran is committed to the purposes and principles enshrined in
the Charter of the United Nations, and international law, and
reiterates its consistent position that it does not seek
escalation or conflict in the region.
warning about any further military provocations by the
Israeli regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran reaffirms its
unwavering determination to defend its people, national security
and interests, sovereignty, and territorial integrity against any
threat or acts of aggression and to respond to any such threat or
aggressions vigorously and in accordance with international law.
The Islamic Republic of Iran will not hesitate to exercise its
inherent right of self-defense when required. Should the
Israeli regime commit any military aggression again, Iran’s
response will assuredly and decisively
be stronger, and more resolute.
I should be
grateful if you would circulate the present letter as a document
of the Security Council." Ambassadors Letter to UNSC Regarding
Irans Response to Israeli Regimes Aggressions 13 April 2024
"Mr. President,
No member state -- I repeat -- "no member state " would
ever remain silent in the face of such a brazen and serious
military attack on its Embassy, which is considered a symbol of
its sovereignty as well as the killing of its
officially-assigned diplomat agents.
For the purpose of preventing the escalation of tension,
considering the regional situation and giving opportunity to the
role of the United Nations, the Islamic Republic of Iran, until
recently showed considerable restraint against other terrorist
missile attacks of the Israeli regime. When we saw repeated
greenlight of the White House to the continued Isrtaeli regime
crimes and murder in the light of the continuous inaction of the
Security Council to stop the Israeli attacks, we could no longer
exercise patience against attacks to our embassy and
Therefore, Iran's military response on 13 of April, was first
and foremost, absolutely necessary because Iran had no other
Secondly, it was not premeditated ab initio but was
carried out in response to a series of attacks and recurring
aggressions by the Israeli regime on Iran's interests,
especially on our Embassy in Syria;
Thirdly, Iran’s response took place in the fulfillment of Iran's
right to legitimate defense under international law;
Fourthly, Iran’s response considered the criterion of
non-aggression to civilian people and places;
And fifthly, Iran’s response was directed solely on two
military bases of the Israeli regime used in the attack on our
Embassy, and therefore it was completely limited and
proportionate in terms of scope and military requirements.
Moreover, since it was clear that the supporters of the Israeli
regime ...would definitely assist the regime in neutralizing the
Iranian attack, our legitimate defense was put up to ensure we
achieve our objective.
The calculated and accurate design of our attack which
carried a message and was limited and minimal within the
framework of the international law and legitimate defense as
well as the damages incurred on military targets and
non-aggression to civilian areas by the armed forces of my
country guaranteed the proportionality and accuracy of our
assessment in exactly hitting the target.
I emphasize that Iran's legitimate defense and proportionate
and counter action have terminated. Therefore, the Israeli
regime must be compelled to stop any further military
adventurism against our interests.
Certainly, in case of any use of force and aggression by the
Israeli regime against the Iranian interests, the Islamic
Republic of Iran will not hesitate a bit to exercise
its inherent right to give a decisive, strong and immediate
response to it to make the regime fully regret its actions.
This is an unchangeable decision.
I would like to make it abundantly clear with a loud voice from
New York that Iran has always been a positive part of regional
developments particularly in stabilizing peace and lasting
security, including the fight against terrorism, and will have
no reservations and we will not compromise at all with
any party over our national security and interests as well as
the collective security in the sensitive region of West Asia."
Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Islamic Republic of Iran 19 April 2024
After its response, Iran notified
the UN Security Council of the actions it took and why it took them,
as is required by article 51 of the United Nations Charter. It
advised the United Nations Security Council of its resolve to defend
itself in future against any further breach of the peace by Israel.
It further advised the United Nations Security Council that if
Israel attacked Iran militarily Iran would reply with a stronger,
and, more importantly, "decisive" response. 'Decisive'
implies that the nature and result of the military response would be
so damaging to Israel that Israel would be too afraid of Iran to in
future make any decision that crossed Iran's red lines. This is
fully in line with the doctrine of escalation - that is, if a
proportional and limited military response does not bring the
opponent to negotiation through the UN, then, if the opponent
escalates with further significant aggressions, the military
retaliation should be maximal and decisive.
Strategic defeat of
Recall, a 'strategic defeat' boiled down to the defeat of the
opponent through the application of various strategies - economic
strangling, greater military threat, or potent direct military
engagement coupled with an ability to endure and outlast.
A strategic defeat results in an enduring advantage to the victor.
It is generally an economic advantage. In Iran's case it increases
Iran's ability to develop it's economy and trade relations in peace.
A strategic defeat generally seriously degrades the opponents
ability to wage war. In the case of Israel, it remains fully able to
engage in war with Iran, but Iran's military potential and
resource/logistics base is such that - given Israel's small
country size - Israel would be destroyed as a viable Jewish
nation. Bear in mind that Iran's 2021 exercise practicing a
strike on the Dimona nuclear facility (allegedly the site producing
and/or storing Israeli nuclear weapons) only differed from a real
attack was a change in the angle and trajectory of the missiles,
at least according to Major General Hossein Salami.
Israeli aircraft have a limited ability to reach within striking
distance of Iran (the US recently supplied a few extended range
F16's), and Iran has its own anti-aircraft missile defense systems
the Khordad 15 and
Bavar-373. The Bavar system is similar in range and capablities
to Russia's most advanced versions of the S300, with the latest
Bavar version able to detect targets as far away as 450
kilometers away - including Israeli stealth F35 jets - as well
as track 60 targets at once. The Bavar system's Sayyad 4B missile able to hit drones,
ballistic missiles and fighter jets, including F35s. Iran also
has Russian S-200 and S-300, which are still formidable systems,
and the S-300, in particular, may have been upgraded to near
S-400 level.
Iran's layered
air defenses include at least 3 mid range (up to 200
kilometers) missile systems, the most recently developed of which
(the Arman), which can defeat short-range ballistic rockets such
as the US ATACMS, the Israeli predator Hawk, and the Russian
Iskander; as well as both guided and unguided glide bombs (as used
by Israel in its Gaza campaign of genocide). Any that
penetrate the mid layer then face the short range layer of
defensive missiles, which includes at least 3 types (Azarakhsh,
Majid and Zoubin). The Azarakhsh is an advanced and flexible
system designed to bring down slow moving drones and quadcopters
and other types of aerial threats. It is used to protect important
military-economic installations, but the mobile version can be
deployed at short notice anywhere. It is integrated into Irans
overall missile defense network.
Iran has relatively few fighter aircraft, around 20
Iranian-upgraded legacy F-14's, some Su-24's, maybe 20 or so
Iranian upgraded Mig-29 Fulcrums. (The Mig-29's have been upgraded
so that they can be refueled in flight by Irans 707 and
747 tankers to allow a greater operational range.) Overall,
aircraft have a limited value in Iran's air defense.
But Iran builds all it's own missiles and anti-missile systems -
unlike Israel, which must import missiles as well as many of the
missile components used in those missiles it does produce
domestically. Iran's manufacturing facilities have been working
hard to produce extremely large numbers of indigenously
manufactured ballistic missiles, and presumably, air-defense
missiles. (A senior Iranian official once commented that Iran
churns out endless numbers of ballistic missiles "like cigars".)
A small number of these ballistic missiles were used by Iran in
it's coordinated strike on the 13th of April. The separate waves
of drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles all arrived in
Israel at the same time. They overwhelmed the US-Israeli layered
defense, and 7 of 9 ballistic missiles hit their target - two
elaborately protected airbases in the Negev desert. It
appears some of the ballistic missiles had warheads that had the
ability to maneuver and release decoy chaff as they entered the
more vulnerable terminal phase, which coupled with their speed,
made them unstoppable. And these weren't even Iran's most advanced
and powerful missiles.
The areas the missiles hit are protected by the most advanced
layered missile-radar-targeting complexes in the western world.
"On the night of 13-14 April 2024...Iranian missiles
rained down on Israel, and there was nothing Israel could do to
stop them....Iranian missiles, integrated into a plan of attack
which was designed to overwhelm Israeli missile defense systems,
struck designated targets inside Israel with impunity.
Despite having employed an extensive integrated anti-missile
defense system comprised of the so-called “Iron Dome” system,
US-made Patriot missile batteries, and the Arrow and David’s
Sling missile interceptors, along with US, British, and Israeli
aircraft, and US and French shipborne anti-missile defenses,
well over a dozen Iranian missiles struck heavily-protected
Israeli airfields and air defense installations."
Scott Ritter, Military Analyst and writer 'The Missiles of
April' 14
April 2024
In effect, Iran proved it could do as much or as little damage to
Israel as it wished at any time that it wished, and in any part of
Israel that it wished. Israel has some of its strategically
important structures in civilian area (and at least one facility
on the roof of a hospital), but Iran has demonstrated the ability
to land precise strikes. As it did with its retaliation to the US
terrorist attack that murdered Soleimani, the strikes were very
deliberately targeted at areas and structures of the bases
unlikely to have staff present. Iran's missiles don't yet have the
range to reach the US mainland, so a punitive strike against the
military that ordered and directed the attack wasn't possible. But
the Iranians did attack and destroy the Israeli facility in the
Israeli occupied Syrian Golan Heights that was instrumental in
targeting and directing the attack. The Israelis have said nothing
about this strike, and neither have the US, so it is uncertain if
staff directly complicit in the terrorist 'hit' on the Iranian
diplomats were killed or not. Given the 'laws' of retaliation
require a mirror or proportional response in the first phase, then
it seems to me it is likely Iran killed some of those who launched
or guided the strike that killed the Iranian diplomats. But, just
as nothing has been said about Russia's deadly strike on the
underground facility in Ukraine that likely contained NATO staff
involved in planning an attack on Crimea, so nothing will be said
about Israeli casualties at the Israeli Golan Heights
military-intelligence site.
Iran has imposed what should have been a powerful factor of
deterrence on Israel. (A few months later Israel struck a
Palestinian negotiator staying at an Iranian guesthouse.)
Israel can do nothing to change this situation (short of a
nuclear attack from Israeli nuclear armed submarines), and thus
has suffered a conventionally armed strategic defeat.
Further, Israels claim it will escalate once again and strike Iran
for exercising it's self defense deterrent strike implies that
Iran should, under a postulate that when an attack on a country is
inevitable and imminent - as Israel has publicly announced -
then a preemptive strike in self defense is permissible under
Article 51 of the UN Charter. Such a preemptive strike would be
both maximal and decisive. Iran has held back the means to inflict
massive damage on Israel. Israel knows it. Setting aside Israeli
use of nuclear weapons, Iran currently has escalation
dominance because it has a closed arms industry, access to
mineral resources, land based supply lines, a relatively self
reliant economy outside the west, and an ability to choke off
almost all shipping to Israel. And its allies, if necessary.
Israel cannot, and will not ever again make a credible strike on
Iran or its lawful interests anywhere (military and other Iranian
staff officially deployed abroad, pipelines, transport, ports,
rail lines, oil and gas facilities and so on).
new balance of power in the Middle East
If Israel escalates and meaningfully attacks Iran - as it publicly
said it would - Iran could reply by attacking Israeli forces
illegally stationed in Syria's Golan heights, amongst other
targets. Such as attack would have to be decisive. Such a large
scale missile attack opens the door to Syria liberating its Golan
territory from the ground - probably with Iran providing a
constant supply of rocket and missile munitions. The illegal
occupation of Syria by the US based in nearby Al Tanf will be
forced to end. Once the Golan is free, the backdoor to the
possibility of an imposed establishment of a fair division of
historic Palestine is open. This is just one of many possible
scenarios, but what all scenarios have in common is destruction of
Israels military-industrial potential.
On the 19th of April 2024, a few drones allegedly attacked several
areas of Iran. The drones were said to be shot down by Iran. No
damage was done. Israel did not claim responsibility, and Iran
said they did not intend to respond to Israel for what was not
much more than a petulant symbolic act of no effect. The Iranian
foreign Minister when asked for his comment on the attack brushed
it off, saying simply "what attack?". Prior to Iran's retaliatory
military response Iran asked Russia to tell Israel that Iran had
no wish to escalate.
"After Iran’s response to the unacceptable strike at its
consular office in Damascus where people were killed, there were
contacts between the leaders of Russia and Iran as well as between
our and Israeli representatives. We clearly recorded in
these conversations the idea that Iran does not want escalation.
We conveyed this idea to the Israelis.
Iran cannot fail to respond to the flagrant violations of
international law and the status of its diplomatic office but it
doesn’t want escalation.
Practically all specialists qualified Iran’s answer in this way.
Judging by everything, Israel’s yet another response on the
facilities in Isfahan was much in the same manner".
Sergey Lavrov 19
April 2024
It is notable that the Iranian Permanent Representative to the
United Nations had previously referred to Israel's attack on its
diplomats as an "International wrongful act". This is a term used
in the Law of State Responsibility.
"Following the Israeli regime's cowardly terrorist and
armed attack against our diplomatic premises in Damascus the
Syrian Arab Republic, on the first of April, we notified the UN
Security Council and Secretary-General of such international
wrongful acts as well as of Iran’s inherent right under
international law to respond to such terrorist armed attacks
Amir Saeid Iravani, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of
the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations 15
April 2024
The implication is that at some point Iran will sue Israel for compensation. From
now on, Israel will have to obey international law when it comes to
September 2024 escalation edited 3 October 2024
killed Major General Haj Abbas Nilforoushan, an Iranian military
commander, in its operation to kill Hassan Nasrallah. Further, US or
its interlocutors had organised a deal by which Iran would not
respond to the killing of the Hamas hostage negotiator (Dr. Ismail
Haniyeh) while a guest of Iran in return for a permanent ceasefire
in Gaza.
“After Martyr Haniyeh’s assassination, Iran went through
a tough period of self-restraint amid repeated requests by the
Americans and Europeans, who would ask us to exercise
self-restraint so they would establish a ceasefire in the Gaza
Strip, However, after Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s and General
Nilforoushan’s martyrdom, the situation was no longer tolerable”
Chief of General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General
Mohammad Baqeri 2
October 2024
Iran made a highly conciliatory speech as the UN General Assembly
meeting of late September 2024 - followed by Israel making an
extremely aggressive speech. Netanyahu implemented the killing of
the Hezbollah leader immediately after finishing his speech. The
Iranian President had to publicly apologise to the Iranian public
for his naivety in believing the western lies. The Iranian President
was publicly humiliated. The Israeli murder of Ismail Haniyeh while
an official guest of Iran remained unpunished.
Iran was obliged to respond. On the 13th of April 2024, in a letter
to the UN Security Council, Iran had already said that if Israel
commits a further "military aggression again" against Iran, then "Iran’s response will
assuredly and decisively be stronger,
and more resolute".
In other words, the escalatory step would be higher, and the
decision on that response had already been made and planned out.
Note that Hezbollah had already carried out their coercive threat to
strike Israeli industry and Haifa
itself if Israel escalated attacks. They also threatened attacks on
Israeli airpower.
Israel escalated and, as it turns out, Iran made good on the
Hezbollah threat.
Iran had previously advised the UN Security Council of what would
happen if Israel escalated. Allegedly both the US and Russia were
advised of the targets and the number of missiles that would be used
in a retaliatory response. They were said to be advised 12 hours
before that an attack was scheduled. (The day after the strike the
Iranian Foreign Minister said no messages had been exchanged before
the strike. It is not clear if he meant with Israel, or with USA and
The response, which the Iranians called 'Operation True Promise 2'
('Operation True Promise 1' was the 2006 Hezbollah operation to
evict Israel from Lebanon after 18 years of Israeli occupation -
there is a signalhere),
came at night to minimise civilian casualties. The targets were
military, not civilian (in contrast to Israeli which ignores the
rules of war). Targets included Mossad headquarters (probably
unsuccessfully), Nevatim airbase (the main Israeli military base
from which F35 bombers are launched), Hatzerim airbase, Ramon
airbase, Hatzerim airbase, strategic radars, and concentrations of
troops and tanks around Gaza.
"three Israeli military bases in Tel Aviv were hit
during the operation.
In this operation, a number of air and radar bases, as well
as centers for conspiracy and assassination planning against
resistance leaders and IRGC commanders were targeted, the
statement said.
The IRGC noted that even though the designated areas were
shielded by advanced defense systems, 90% of the missiles shot
successfully hit their targets.
“The Zionist regime has been terrified by the intelligence and
operational dominance of the Islamic Republic,” it added."
Press TV 01
October 2024
Once again, Iran warned Israel not to escalate further:
"Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations has
warned that the Islamic Republic would serve potential further
aggression by the Israeli regime against the country with a
“harsher response.”
...Amir Saeid Iravani said that in the event the regime
repeated its illegal actions against the country, “Iran’s
response will be expedient, decisive, and harsher than the
past...Iran will not hesitate in this regard,” he added.
...Defense Minister Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh, ...said
earlier that the country would serve the regime with a “far more
severe” reprisal if it chose to respond to the Islamic
Republic’s retaliation."
Press TV 01
October 2024
The Iranian UN Mission styled the response “legal, rational, and
legitimate”. Iran is legally entitled to defend itself from murder
of its military figures. Bear in mind that Israel has not declared
war on Iran. Iran can send military advisors to any country that
requests them, same as the USA or any other country does.
The Iranian response, from the point of view of escalation, is
rational. The attack was from only a part of Irans capability, and
it was an attack to demonstrate to Israel that it has the will to
respond, and the means to do a very great deal of damage to Israel
if Israel escalates further. Israel is not interested in diplomacy,
does not respond to Iran's coercive threats, so military coercion
must be used to change Israe'ls behaviour. The strikes directed at
Mossad, and the airforce that caused the death of Brigadier General
Nasirzadeh (at least) are rational. The equation is that the
punishment will be on those facilities that were the instruments of
the crime. Further up the escalation ladder,
those non-diplomats who commanded and controlled the implementation
can be targeted. If the extremely unlikely event that war is
declared, the politicians themselves can be targeted.
"Major General Bagheri emphasized that the IRGC chose
three locations as primary targets of ‘Operation True Promise II’,
specifically the Mossad headquarters, Nevatim Airbase and Hatzerim
The first was chosen because the spy center has been found
responsible for several assassinations, the second because F-35
jet fighters are stationed there, and the third because it was
used to assassinate Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in a
devastating attack in Beirut on Friday.
He further underscored that the economic and industrial centers of
the Israeli regime and the people in the occupied territories were
not targeted in this operation, although this was completely
Press TV 3
October 2024
From Iran's perspective, the issue of Israel's murders of Iranian
guests and military is now settled. If Israel does anything to Iran
again, Iran will strike harder, with more missiles, and more
advanced missiles. Escalation can continue, but in a war of economic
attrition, Iran, like Russia, can survive with Eurasia at its back.
Israel can only survive at the expense of the US taxpayer. Without
being asked, Israel takes bread from the US taxpayers hand, tears
off a chunk and hands it it back.That chunk will become larger and
larger if Israel escalates further.
Israeli intransigence
Israels initial reaction was to vow to continue to escalate,
apparently without end - which is an economic and military
"Iran made a big mistake tonight - and it will pay for
it. The regime in Iran does not understand our determination to
defend ourselves and our determination to retaliate against our
enemies. Sinwar and Deif did not understand this, Nasrallah and
Mohsen did not understand this, and there are probably those in
Tehran who do not understand this. They will understand. We will
stand by the rule we have established: whoever attacks us - we
will attack him"
Benjamin Netanyahu 2 October 2024
If the US decides to allow Israel to destroy itself with its
own hands - very unlikely - then no one else can stop it.
Sadly, Dmitry Medvedev may be right:
"The knot is tightening in the Middle East. Sorry for
the innocent lives lost. They are but hostages of a disgusting
state: the USA.
Meanwhile, it’s clear to everyone that a full-scale war is the
only way to a shaky peace in the region."
Dmitry Medvedev Deputy Chair of
the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Aug
1, 2024
Why is Iran's strike is a strategic defeat of the US in the
Middle East
The US now faces the fact that its best missile defenses can be
reliably breached by Iran. The US cannot attack Iran with aircraft
unless it is prepared to see a large number of them shot down. It
cannot use the bases in the Middle East to attack Iran because the
UAE, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia won't allow it. Even if those countries
did allow it, Iran would attack those bases with ballistic missiles
and destroy them. Now the US is forced to use Cyprus, or aircraft
carriers standing off at least 2,000 kilometers. Missiles launched
towards Iran from that distance will invite an immediate reply by
Iran, probably attacking US bases in Israel and the Middle East.
Iran has also imposed deterrence on USA. There is nothing the US can
do to change any of these facts (short of a nuclear attack from US
nuclear armed submarines), and thus has suffered a conventionally
armed strategic defeat in the Middle East.
escalation - the threat of tactical nuclear weapons Edited 21
November 2024 Last edited 26 December 2024
"But with regard to — I — I
don’t think there’s any real prospect — you never know — but
of — of Putin using nuclear weapons. Not only
has the West, but China and the rest of the world has said,
“That’s — don’t go there. Don’t go there.”
Joseph Biden, President of the United States of America, 13
July 2023
"Question: And the final question: is this it?
Are we on the verge of World War III?
Lavrov: Better ask President Biden that. He was the
one who said that the only alternative to a new sanctions
package is a ‘third world war’.
That’s a strange way of thinking.
...Last June in Geneva, he and President Putin once again
reaffirmed what the US and the USSR leaders stated back in
1980s: in a nuclear war, everybody loses, so it must never
happen. In January 2022, all five leaders of the permanent
member-states of the UN Security Council signed a collective statement
expressing the same idea.
So, if you ask a person if there was
an alternative to sanctions, and his only alternative is
war, he must realise that World War III could only be fought
with nuclear weapons.
But our Western partners couldn’t let go of their old habits if
they believe this could happen in spite of all five permanent
UNSC members declaring they are against it."
Sergey Lavrov 2
March 2022
Sergey Lavrov, of course, is referring to the USA use of nuclear
weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in world war 2. The alternative to
illegal sanctions can be expressed in a single word. Stop
.Mr.Lavrov's remark is also a reference to the USA constantly not
only ignoring international law when it suits them, but also
constantly breaking their word - even a signed statement made in a
venue like the United Nations Security Council. Their signature
means nothing.
Yet Russia persists. Nuclear deterrence is just that - deterrence.
They must never be used.
"...we totally, almost totally forget about the reality of nuclear the past, every national leader and every
national government that had custody of nuclear weapons came
to the conclusion and absorbed the fundamental truth that they
served no utilitarian function.
And that the overriding, the imperative was to avoid situations
not only in which they were used as part of some calculated
military strategy, but to avoid situations in which circumstances
might develop where...they would use them because of accident, misjudgment, or something of the
...[Joe Biden] seems to be in a state, hard to describe, in which
certainly...could permit the kind of encounter with the Russians
that all his predecessors avoided. the kind of
encounter where it is which nuclear weapons might
be somehow resorted to in some uncalculating...way. And you see
that, by the way, in articles published in places like Foreign
Affairs and other respectable journals, by defense
...there are people of some note who are writing and talking along
these lines, and some of them are neocons of note, like Robert
Kagan, Victoria Nuland, ...and others of that ilk. And so, yes,
this is pathological, and therefore really leads us into territory
I don’t think we’ve ever been in or experienced before."
Professor Michael J. Brenner, Professor Emeritus of International
Affairs, former Director of the International Relations &
Global Studies University of Texas, 15
April 2022
"Question: about this decree which, as we learned
today, is about the nuclear doctrine in Russia. Should the world
be prepared for a nuclear response from Russia after the US
decision adopted this weekend, and the first attack on the Russian
territory today?
Sergey Lavrov: Well,...we are strongly in favour of
doing everything possible to prevent a nuclear war.
We were the first to suggest it to the United States during the
Soviet Union times. Mikhail Gorbachev and President Reagan
made a joint statement, which said that nuclear war can never be
won and must never be started. The same statement we confirmed in
January 2022 in the format of P5.
the Ukrainian war against Russia by the West started, quite a
number of politicians in the West were assuming that there might
be a nuclear element in this war.
Liz Truss, who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, when
she was asked whether she would be ready to press the red
button, said, “Yes, this is Prime Minister's obligation and
The Chief of Staff of the German Army was quoted as saying that
Russia must understand that NATO is a nuclear alliance.
In France, Macron and French officials repeatedly mentioned
this as well as many other European politicians.
never started this conversation.
The update of the military doctrine does not add anything
that the West does not know and that is different from the
American doctrinal documents on conditions of using nuclear
We are convinced that the nuclear weapon is first and
foremost a weapon to deter and to prevent any nuclear war.
This is how we handle this situation.
West is less honest.
It's really shocking to see that every now and then Japan
introduces a resolution to the General Assembly which says that
we have to commemorate the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Never ever this resolution mentions who did it in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. In Japanese textbooks for schools and universities,
the chapter about the summer of 1945 starts with the phrase
“Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Soviet Union
enters the war.”
The Americans never apologized.
This is also sending a wrong message to the current debates
about nuclear weapons. We are in the front line in the General
Assembly, in the Security Council, and in the International
Atomic Energy Agency defending the world which would not be
threatened by nuclear weapons.
The declaration that we adopted at G20 summit clearly says
that we want to move towards the world free of nuclear
weapons. This is our position."
Sergey Lavrov 19
November 2024
The USA government considers that Russia won't use nuclear weapons.
The context was Ukraine, the unspoken subtext was NATO members. My
opinion - it is no more than that - is that the assessment is likely
correct. But the US government's assessment lacks nuance.
Yes, Russia will likely use hypersonic Khinzal cruise missiles
rather than tactical nuclear weapons. They have as said as much.
Hypersonic weapons will likely be used in Eurasia, the 'Heartland',
and where Russian people live. Obviously, Russia doesn't want
nuclear fallout on the Heartland soil.
Russia is extremely unlikely to use nuclear weapons on mainland
United States - except if the USA government launches a nuclear
attack on Russia. And the USA government probably won't do that. But
the USA government is clearly medium-term aiming to incite European
nations (and Japan) to hold US tactical nuclear weapons on their
soil, nuclear bombs launchable by advanced F16's and by F35-A's.
This is very obvious. The US styles this as 'deterrence', but really
it is a form of coercion - blackmail, actually.
Russian conventional hypersonic weapons are already threatening the
United States mainland. They are on Russian submarines somewhere
offshore the USA coastline. These submarine-launched Russian weapons
have a flight time to target that matches the short flight time of
USA cruise missiles launched from US nuclear-armed strategic force
submarines (Trident class) lurking off the Russian coast.
The US is preparing to modify its close in-shore attack submarines
(Virginia class) currently armed with conventional tomahawk cruise
missiles so that they can also carry allegedly low-yield (less than
10,000 tonnes of explosive power) nuclear tipped cruise missiles.
The US wants to fit ramjets to the tomahawk to increase its speed
from the current subsonic to supersonic, and increase the tomahawks
size so it has a greater range. The Virginia class subs will have to
be modified to take them. The range of the tomahawk is currently
1,250–2,500 km. The US will also put nuclear tipped tomahawk cruise
missiles on some surface ships.
"US lawmakers have recently focused on how to modify
Virginia-class attack submarines (SSN) to install nuclear-armed
sea-launched cruise missiles (SLCM-N).Last week they summoned Vice
Adm. Johnny Wolfe to discuss the complexities and uncertainties
concerning arming attack submarines with SLCM-N."
Sputnik News 29
May 2024
These US moves really date back to 2018,
when Russia announced new unbeatable weapons developed in response
to the US 'missile shield' being placed close to Russia's border,
something Russia had been worried about since the USA announced the
plans in 2007. As a result, the USA arbitrarily pulled out of the INF
Treaty (under Pres. Trump) in August 2019.
In response, Russia placed dual conventional/nuclear hypersonic
missiles on it's strategic submarines, and, more recently, on some
surface ships.
Russia realised it will soon be ringed by nuclear capable cruise
missiles that could arrive in Moscow in a matter of minutes. As a
result, it placed air-deliverable cruise missiles at depth within
Russia to enable a response even after Moscow was destroyed. Even at
depth, Russian strategic bases can be hit by the planned modified
tomahawks. But most, if not all, will be shot down by Russia's
extremely advanced air defences. In any case, there will be
sufficient time for Russia to launch it's unstoppable Sarmat
intercontinental ballistic missile armed with multiple hypersonic
manouevering nuclear missiles. Vast areas of USA will be destroyed
or polluted with nuclear fallout.
For the moment, the US west coast and interior will soon be
threatened with low radar profile, long distance, hypersonic cruise
missiles - also air launched. Probably both conventionally armed and
maybe also armed with tactical nuclear weapons.
But the US arogates to itself the right to launch a cruise missile
suprise attack on Russia, while threatening that if Russia responds
with hypersonic cruise missiles, then the USA will attack Russia
with nuclear weapons.
The US government's 27
October 2022 National Defense Strategy says that if any
"adversary" - which is a code word for the Russian Federation
- attempts to "achieve strategic results with conventional
capabilities" then the US would think about how 'active'
and 'passive' measures might be used to decrease the risk of
a strike against critical infrastructure. The example the document
gives is the use of "cruise missiles" to strike critical
A 'strategic' strike is an intercontinental strike on arms supply
and military potential (including command centers) such that it
affects the ability of the US to protect and uphold its sovereignty.
That is, a strike by Russia, China, or North Korea (and soon Iran)
on multiple targets on the US mainland. "Conventional capabilities"
is an ambiguous term, but probably means conventional cruise
missiles that at re-entry don't follow a ballistic trajectory (some
hypersonic ballistic missiles), or air, submarine, or surface ship
launched hypersonic cruise missiles.
'Active' measures means, presumably, anti-missile defense systems,
such as the US Patriot system. Perhaps 'passive' measures includes
electronic warfare. The main concern is 'critical infrastructure'.
This because submarines - the most likely weapons launch platform
for conventional cruise missiles - have a finite capacity. Any
damage done to military infrastructure could relatively quickly
The US policy on using nuclear weapons in a war says "consistent
with prior reviews, our nuclear strategy
accounts for existing and emerging non-nuclear threats with
potential strategic effect for which nuclear weapons are
necessary to deter...nuclear weapons are required to deter not
only nuclear attack, but also a narrow range of
strategic level attacks. This is a prudent approach
given the current security environment and how it could further
Non-nuclear high-consequence "strategic-level" attacks refers
primarily to hypersonic missiles with conventional munitions (which
only Russia and China have). The 'allies' of course, are NATO
countries. Europe must be confident the anti-missile shield the USA
is building around Russia's borders will work. It will to a limited
extent. It will be helpless against hypersonic cruise missiles,
which are the missiles that would be used in Europe, were that
necessary. In other words, the anti-missile defense shield in Europe
is a US weapons manufacturers profit centre, not much more.
"Allies must be confident that the United States is willing and able
to deter the range of strategic threats
they face, and mitigate the
risks they will assume in a crisis or conflict"
Ukraine shows that the USA can do little 'to mitigate the risks',
because mitigate really refers to air defense, and the USA Patriot
air defenses have proven to be inadequate against Russian hypersonic
missiles. Thus the USA must default to it's position it will use
nuclear weapons if attacked with hypersonic missiles.
The US government claims "Modernising US nuclear forces is key
to assuring Allies that the United States is committed and capable
of deterring the range of threats US nuclear strategy addresses."
Apart from modernising its intercontinental ballistic nuclear
weapons the US government is gambling on arming all US NATO fighter
aircraft stationed in Europe with 'tactical' nuclear weapons. This
creates the risk of a widespread preemptive nuclear strike on
Russia. A completely unacceptable risk. The idea was to create
a threat to coercively 'force' Russia to negotiate a new
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, a treat which the
USA unilaterally pulled out of in 2019.
As the United States is the perpetrator of these coercive threat
arrangements, Russia has had to engineer a similar threat to the
United States in retaliation. One instrument, the Sarmat nuclear
missile, can attack the USA from a direction where there are no
antimissile defenses. It's warhead may contain multiple conventional
and/or nuclear strike vehicles. And just as the American fighter
launched bombs nuclear glide bombs can be varied to drop 'dialable'
high to low yield bombs, bombs designed to attack underground
bunkers, ground level burst, or air burst bombs, so can the
bombs on the Sarmat. As mentioned above, Russia has also introduced
hypersonic cruise missiles capable of being fired from Russian
territory and hitting mainland USA. These can be armed with
conventional munitions or tactical nuclear weapons
The "employment" of nuclear weapons claimed by the US to have been
vetted by lawyers to ensure it complies with the Law of Armed
Conflict. The US Law of War Manual is supposed to reflect the Law of
Armed Conflict, which also forms US national law. The DoD Law of War Manual recognises that
"[t]he law of war governs the use of nuclear weapons, just as it
governs the use of nuclear weapons, just as it governs the use
of conventional weapons". The
Americans make the cynical statement "longstanding US policy is
to not purposely threaten civilian populations or objects, and
the United States will not intentionally target civilian
populations or objects in violation of LOAC."
"A nuclear detonation
produces effects overwhelmingly more significant than those
produced by a conventional explosive, even if the nuclear yield is
relatively low. A typical nuclear detonation4
produces energy that, weight for weight, is millions of times more
powerful than that produced by a conventional explosion. It also
produces an immediate large, hot nuclear fireball, thermal
radiation, prompt nuclear radiation, air blast wave, residual
nuclear radiation, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), interference with
communications signals, and, if the fireball interacts with the
terrain, ground shock"
Nuclear Matters Handbook 2020
Any US nuclear strike, even if directed solely at a military
target, will cause excess cancer deaths from inhalable
micro-particles containing radioactive elements. So-called
'depleted' uranium has similar potential ineradicable adverse
health effects, the science of the risk of which is actively
suppressed in the west (after all, being sued eats into weapons
contractors profits).
If deterrence fails, the USA government says
it will use it's "flexible nuclear capabilities" ('dial-a-blast)
"to achieve our objectives should the President conclude that the
employment of nuclear weapons is necessary". Naturally, if used
against Russia or a Russian ally, the USA mainland
will receive a response, which may or may not be a nuclear
The US President dictates the policy and strategy with regard to use
of nuclear weapons. If the US uses a
nuclear weapon "the United States would seek to end any conflict
at the lowest level of damage possible on the best achievable
terms for the United States and its Allies and partners.
It is also a further extension of the concept of using East
Europeans as a proxy of the USA government to fight Russia on the
US government's behalf. All the risk remains in Europe (and
Japan). The costs to USA are minimal. The profits to USA are good.
Deaths and injuries suffered by 'combatants' (if that is the correct
term for victims of a tactical nuclear attack) are not worth
mentioning. 'They' suffer "over there'. 'We' enjoy our calm life,
very far from the harm we incite. But coercion, including tactical
nuclear weapon coercion, I suggest, has now gone as far as it can
go. Europe is now protected from the incompetence of the servile
European politicians not by weapons, but the maturity, decency, and
patience of the top Russian politicians and career diplomats who
very carefully manage and calibrate retaliation to the wests
reckless escalation.
"The conditions for Russia's use of nuclear weapons are
clearly defined in our Military Doctrine. They are well known, and
I will not repeat them once again.
At the same time, I would like to draw attention to the fact that
the United States and its NATO satellites are creating risks of a
direct armed clash with Russia, and this is fraught with
catastrophic consequences.
Just one example of an extremely dangerous turn of events is the
United States plans to transfer F-16 fighter jets to the Kiev
We have informed the nuclear
powers, the United States, Britain and France, that Russia
cannot ignore the ability of these aircraft to carry nuclear
weapons. No amount of assurances will help here.
In the course of combat operations, our servicemen are not
going to sort out whether each particular aircraft of this
type is equipped to deliver nuclear weapons or not.
We will regard the very fact that the Ukrainian armed
forces have such systems as a threat from the West
in the nuclear sphere."
Sergey Lavrov 13 July
"The US-made F-16 multirole fighters are expected to be deployed
in the Ukrainian war theatre soon. Russia has pointed out on
numerous occasions that we cannot disregard the fact that the
F-16 is a “dual-capable” aircraft that can carry both
conventional and nuclear weapons. The aircraft of this class
formed the core of the pool used for NATO’s “joint nuclear
missions.” No matter the modification of these aircraft, we
will regard them as nuclear-capable and will view this
action by the United States and NATO as a deliberate provocation.
In this
connection, we have taken special notice of the Polish
leaders’ statements that Warsaw has deliberately and in
practical terms asked Washington to consider deploying nuclear
weapons in Poland."
Foreign Ministry statement on the Russian Armed Forces’
exercises held to practice for the use of non-strategic nuclear
weapons 6
May 2024
I think that it is important to understand in this
situation that we have our own doctrine, including the
one governing the use of nuclear weapons. An effort to
update it is underway.
Moreover, these Americans are well aware of the provisions
it sets forth.
...They have a mindset of a master sitting somewhere out there
overseas and believing to be totally safe and secure, thinking
that not only Ukrainians, but also, as it turns out, Europeans
would be willing to do the dirty work and die for them.
We have
long been hearing speculation about authorising Ukraine to use
not only the Storm Shadow missiles, but also US-made long-range
missiles. ...I will stop at that. President Vladimir Putin said
all about it quite a while ago.
Now, all we can do is confirm once again that
playing with fire is a dangerous thing for the men and women
in charge of nuclear weapons across the Western world..."
Sergey Lavrov 27
August 2024
"We firmly adhere to the principle I mentioned earlier: there
can be no victors in a nuclear war. President Vladimir Putin has
reiterated this on numerous occasions. Nonetheless, I would
caution against testing our patience and resolve to defend our
legitimate national interests by all available means.
Vladimir Putin elaborated on this during the Direct Line and in
previous addresses.
We trust that those with ears will
listen, and those with minds will comprehend."
Sergey Lavrov 25
December 2024
Deployment of tactical nuclear weapons - on any delivery platform
- near Russia's border is the ultimate, and terminal
escalation. To re-iterate, it means any European nuclear-capable
F16 (or other nuclear capable fighter) approaching the Russian
border can be considered to be a nuclearaggression
threat. The fighter threat will become even more acute as
pilotless remote controlled fighters and drone-bomber hybrids become
a reality.
Any NATO exercise somewhat near Russia could be considered a facade
hiding a genuine decapitating attack on Russia by massed tactical
nuclear weapons. The recent NATO summit re-affirmed NATO's intention
to provoke Russia.
"NATO and Allies will continue to undertake necessary,
calibrated, and coordinated activities, including by exercising
relevant plans."
NATO Vilnius Summit Communiqué 11
July 2023
In a recent military 'exercise' the USA government ordered its
nuclear bombers to practice flying a nuclear bombing run at Russia,
coming to within 20 kilometers of the Russian border. Bear in mind
that glide bomb technology is constantly advancing, and these bombs
may have increasingly greater ranges. Imagine what would happen if
Russia did the same to the US?
What will Russia do when or if the USA government fully achieves its
plan to distribute nuclear capable fighter aircraft to countries
adjacent to Russia's borders? What will Russia do when the west
'assures' Russia the bomb slung under each of these aircrafts is a
dummy nuclear bomb, and it is just a training run? Well, if you read
the new doctrine on self defense outlined by Sergey Lavrov on 19
June 2023, you might have an inkling. It's worth repeating:
"I would like to focus on important innovations in our
conceptual interpretation of the acceptable conditions for the use
of force in self-defence. We have confirmed our
commitment to Art. 51 of the UN Charter. President of Russia
Vladimir Putin once again stressed this at his meeting with
African delegations in St Petersburg on June 17.
... We have introduced a new postulate on
it being possible to use the Armed Forces not only to rebuff
but also prevent an armed attack on Russia or its allies,
if this armed attack is absolutely inevitable.
Thereby we unequivocally let potential aggressors know that Russia will resolutely defend its right and
the right of our allies to free and safe development."
Sergey Lavrov 19
June 2023
Russia's allies are Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and
Russia cannot know if nuclear capable aircraft carry a nuclear bomb
as they approach within glide-bomb range of the Russian border.
Given the wests clear statement they are at war with Russia and want
to defeat Russia, then the worst interpretation must be put on such
an approaching aircraft. After all, they know Russia's fear of
unannounced nuclear strike from across the border. Russia knows the
USA government readily uses proxy forces to attack it. Russia knows
the USA government believes the Russian government won't use nuclear
weapons against mainland USA. But Russia has publicly laid out it's
red lines, including the main one - it will not tolerate the
threat of an unstoppable USA nuclear surprise attack from
adjacent land.
Russia doesn't have to worry about a nuclear attack by its European
neighbours. Russia's dual hypersonic/nuclear cruise missiles have a
range that allows them to be launched by SU34 from within Russia.
Currently, the SU34 has been fitted to take a hypersonic cruise
missile with a range of 4,500 kilometers. Any part of Europe can
easily be struck, and as there are currently 150 SU34's in service -
and more being produced "like hot cakes" , according to military
expert Andrei Martyanov, the Wests problem of striking them before
takeoff is insurmountable. They are almost like a swarm of
nuclear-capable drones.
While the USA can travel thousands of kilometers to create a
dangerous provocation on Russia's Europe border, Russia can launch
its 4 new Tu-160M strategic bombers in the Russian far east, all of
which can carry the new Kh-BD
cruise missile, (BD = Bolshaya Dalnosti, or
‘long-range) which has a range of over 6,500 kilometers, even when
launched from central Russia. When launched from Russia's Anadair
airbase in the far north, the range is far enough to strike a large
part of continental USA. Each bomber can carry 12 of these missiles.
USA wants to use its newly developed long range missiles to threaten
these bases deep inside Russia - using Ukraine and Poland. Once
these long range land based missiles are deployed in Poland and
Romania, Russia will have to attack and destroy them. There is no
other option. As these missiles are deployed into more and more
European countries, those nuclear tactical missile launch
facilities, too, will have to be attacked and destroyed.
The inept European 'leaders' know this and do nothing. Yet this is
extremely dangerous.
In the final analysis, nuclear weapons of any kind pose such risk of
all kinds that no side will use them. Even the USA politicians,
almost the most reckless, and bombastic and irresponsible
power-group on earth, are aware that using nuclear weapons will
instantly turn off their stream of rich donations, share-buying
opportunities - and life itself.
In reality, the posturing with various anti-missile shields, nuclear
bombers, nuclear cruise missiles on other countries borders - all
this is simply an elaborate rinsing of money from US taxpayers
wallets into their own.
Nuclear coercion is simply a necessary 'performance' to keep alive
the 'insecurity machine' that convinces the US public it is their
patriotic duty to be robbed by these manipulators.
Trans-national self defense zone
Ideally, Ukraine must once again become neutral. Ideally, no foreign
forces will be permitted on Ukrainian soil. Ideally, all foreign
weapons systems capable of launching a surprise attack on Russia
will move a safe distance away from the Russian border. It may not
turn out that way. Yet Russia's security must be guaranteed. At the
same time, other countries adjacent to Russia must have security
guarantees (including Ukraine, of course). Once again a
comprehensive security treaty is the best solution. Russia offered
such a treaty on 17
December 2021. Russia may not be able to convince adjacent
countries to come to the table. Another solution may have to be
found, a coercive solution, but where there is no weak 'threat',
simply promise of 'military technical means' to enforce Russia's
Russia may well advise the USA and western governments any nuclear
capable aircraft flying into a buffer zone whose width is determined
by Russia will be shot down without further warning. War ships
carrying nuclear or hypersonic non-nuclear weapons entering the
Black Sea, or Russia's Northern Sea route will be crippled or sunk.
This is simply the practical enforcement of what Russia tried to
obtain in article 5 of the security treaty it offered in 2021.
"The Parties shall refrain from flying heavy bombers
equipped for nuclear or non-nuclear armaments or deploying surface
warships of any type, including in the framework of international
organizations, military alliances or coalitions, in the areas
outside national airspace and national territorial waters
respectively, from where they can attack targets in the territory
of the other Party."
In May 2024, Russia warned the United Kingdom that if Storm Shadow
missiles supplied by the UK to Ukraine hit Russian territory then
Russia will consider the UK to be a party to the conflict. Why?
Because it has to be assumed the storm shadow missiles can be
modified to carry a tactical nuclear weapon. There is allegedly the
space to do it if the BROACH
warhead is removed. Therefore, it has the right to regard any Storm
Shadow entering Russian airspace as potentially a 'decapitating'
tactical nuclear strike. It follows that Russia has the right to
respond by launching a 'decisive' conventional (at least) response
against any UK military facility or munitions asset, or a punitive
strike on those who ordered the launch, and those who carried it
out. The same logic holds for all cruise missiles stationed within
strike distance of Russian territory that may be able to be
converted to carry tactical nuclear warheads.
Russia may impose a 'no missile zone' all around the outside of its
border. Any installations containing (or believed to contain)
nuclear capable missiles would be destroyed after a suitable
warning, under the doctrine of pre-emptive self defense. Hypersonic
cruise missiles would likely be used for this task.
This is simply the practical enforcement of what Russia tried to
obtain in article 6 of the security treaty it offered in 2021.
"The Parties shall undertake not to deploy
ground-launched intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles
outside their national territories, as well as in the areas of
their national territories, from which such weapons can attack
targets in the national territory of the other Party."
Article 7 says:
"The Parties shall refrain from deploying nuclear
weapons outside their national territories and return such weapons
already deployed outside their national territories at the time of
the entry into force of the Treaty to their national territories.
The Parties shall eliminate all existing infrastructure for
deployment of nuclear weapons outside their national territories.
Parties shall not train military and civilian personnel from
non-nuclear countries to use nuclear weapons. The Parties shall
not conduct exercises or training for general-purpose forces,
that include scenarios involving the use of nuclear weapons."
Once again, Russia will not tolerate a ring of potentially nuclear
tipped cruise missiles all around its border. The tomahawk cruise
missile has a nuclear version. It is allegedly 'retired'. If it is
quietly brought out of 'retirement', would anybody know? Russia bent
over backwards to try to keep the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces
Treaty in place, even to the extent of implementing a goodwill
unilateral moratorium on deployment, so long as the US did not
deploy missiles that were previously banned under the INF treaty.
The Russians proposed countries come and physically inspect the
Iskander missile to ensure it complied with the INF requirements.
They refused.
"Immediately after this
happened, apart from expressing regret over the treaty’s demise,
President of Russia Vladimir Putin announced a unilateral
moratorium on the deployment of ground-based medium and
short-range missiles in Russia. It banned the deployment of the
missiles prohibited by the defunct treaty unless similar US
systems appeared in a given area. This was a unilateral
Later, a
few years ago, when this moratorium failed to generate much
interest, President Putin took one more step. He sent a
detailed message to the US and the other NATO and EU members
and our Eastern neighbours (about 50 states in all). In this
message, the Russian leader described in detail our moratorium
proposal and supplemented it with an invitation to cooperate.
suggested that the Western countries also announce a
reciprocal moratorium on their own without signing any legally
binding agreements, simply as a goodwill gesture. In this
detailed message, we discussed the West’s skeptical statements
about Russia’s unilateral moratorium on the deployment of
ground-based systems that were banned by the former treaty.
The West’s politicians reasoned: “Russia is as cunning as a
fox. It has already deployed Iskanders in the Kaliningrad
Region that violate the parameters of the former treaty” while
the NATO countries have no counterpart, thus this would be an
inequitable exchange.
to begin with, nobody has proved that Iskanders violate
INF-established criteria and bans on the range of missiles.
The Americans refused to provide any rationale on this...
President Vladimir Putin said...: considering
the mutual mistrust, we suggest measures to verify a
reciprocal moratorium.
We invite you to come to the
Kaliningrad Region and see these Iskanders. In exchange, we
want our experts to visit missile defence bases in Romania
and Poland because Lockheed Martin, the producer of missile
launchers openly promotes them on its website as dual
purpose: for launching both counter-missiles and anti-strike
cruise missiles....Let’s check: you are concerned about our
Iskanders, and we are worried about the dual purpose of
those missile defence launchers."
Sergey Lavrov 9
June 2021
The United States (NATO), having freed itself from arms control,
proceeds to piece-by-piece implement its plan for a coercive missile
ring around Russia and China. This is why the USA is so anxious to
keep its military forces in Taiwan. US forces are also gingerly trying
to encamp on Kimen Island, just 3 miles off China's coast.
They are styled as 'training forces', but undoubtedly will slowly
evolve into 'perma-exercise' forces, rotating constantly, and
therefore 'technically', "not permanently" stationed there - the
usual sophistry from the US foreign policy establishment.
On the 6th of May 2024 Russia responded to the increasing US threat
with the following statement:
"...attempting to build up multifaceted missile
threats to Russia, the United States has openly and
manifestly launched the deployment of ground-based intermediate-
and shorter-range missiles, which were previously prohibited
under the INF Treaty, around the world.
Having rejected Russian initiatives on maintaining the viability
of that treaty, including by settling mutual concerns on the basis
of reciprocal verification measures, Washington deliberately
destroyed the treaty, which had for years been a pillar of
international security and strategic stability.
After that, the United States immediately revitalised the
creation and testing of that class of missiles and started
forming special region-specific military units and working on the
establishment of the relevant infrastructure.
Today, the United States is deploying these missile systems in
Europe and the Asia-Pacific Region, allegedly for the
duration of military exercises held jointly with its allies, which
shows that the manufacturing and testing of these weapons are in
full swing.
We hereby expressly declare that we
reserve the right to respond in kind, no matter
where US-made intermediate- and shorter-range missiles are
deployed, which would amount to the termination of
Russia’s unilateral moratorium on the deployment of these
weapon systems.
In reply to US actions, Russia will
step up the upgrade and start manufacturing similar missile
This would not take long, taking into account the previously
announced R&D projects and progress in the Russian defence
industry. If a deployment decision is taken, we reserve the
right to deploy these weapons at our discretion."
Foreign Ministry statement on the Russian Armed Forces’
exercises held to practice for the use of non-strategic nuclear
weapons 6
May 2024
Russia is effectively saying that even if the USA locates missiles
beyond the maximum range restricted by the defunct INF Treaty (about
5,500 kilometres), Russia may still target military facilities and
deployments within the 500 to 5,500 kilometer envelope with either
conventional or nuclear intermediate range (or shorter range)
missiles. This means that most of the 'unfriendly' countries in
Europe will now be covered by such missiles as the hypersonic (mach
10) Kinzhal. All of Russia's border districts (including Kaliningrad
a short distance from Berlin) will have air-launched Kinzhals - as
most likely will Belarus. The missiles will generally be launched
from within Russian borders by MiG-31K aircraft (Russian submarines
can already launch Kinzhals from any ocean).
Any missiles launched at Russia by any NATO platform - mobile or
stationary ground based system, F16, F-35, or surface ship will
receive an instant response with a conventionally armed hypersonic
missile. Any sizable logistic-backed armed land and air force
complex poised for an imminent strike across the Russia runs the
risk of being hit with a massive pre-emptive fire of short and
intermediate range conventional missiles, or, if the wind direction
is right, tactical low yeild nuclear tipped missiles.
At the same time, Russia is interested in avoiding escalation to the
level of nuclear weapons, and has said so ad nauseum.
NATO is well aware that strikes with tactical nuclear weapons may be
the final result of a series of NATO out-of-control ever escalating
coercive threats. If no comprehensive security treaty is negotiated
they may end up destroying their own countries security and
prosperity in their pathological fixation on destroying Russia's
security and prosperity.
If a USA (NATO) long range missile destroys strategic targets in
Russian territory, whether fired with US (NATO) hands or via the US
(NATO) proxy, Russia will instantly respond to any US installation
or target within 5,500 kilometers of any part of Russia's borders
with conventional missiles. The US may respond with a tactical
nuclear weapon strike.
And so it both begins and ends.
Buying time
Buying time is not a coercive strategy in itself. It is a diplomatic
strategy to stall another parties coercive strategy, sometimes
involving making uncomfortable concessions. The concept is to create
a space where either the building thunderclouds can fade away, or
where concrete measures can be developed to deter the coercer from
carrying through with their plans. It implies that the victim of a
planned coercion has either a reason-based insight or even a
reasonable suspicion of what the other party plans to do.Suspicions
have to be acted on if the consequences of not acting are serious.
It also implies the party negotiating with the suspected duplicitous
party should at first take assurances at face value, just in the
off-chance the coercer decides to downgrade the originally planned
level of coercion. Or circumstances may require them to abandon
coercive diplomacy entirely. Small events can trigger a cascade of
increasingly large events, including unforeseen actions by not just
the victim of coercion, but by others with intersecting interets. As
Vladimir Lenin famously said "There are decades where nothing
happens; and there are weeks where decades happen".
"When the war was stopped, including at the request of
Berlin and Paris, the renowned Minsk agreements were signed.
Importantly, then Chancellor of Germany Merkel, President of
France Hollande, and President of Ukraine Poroshenko who put their
signatures under this document alongside President Putin, never
intended to act on it, which they have since openly confessed.
They were banking on buying time, flooding the Ukrainian
regime with weapons and resolving the Donbass “issue” by force and
drown it in blood.
They had been bombing it throughout the eight years that the Minsk
agreements were in force.
Eventually, they came up with the final decision that there was no
place for the special status."
Sergey Lavrov, 30 June
Ukraine used the attempted re-negotiation of the already agreed
Minsk agreement to buy time to arm, pour concrete and train their
military to NATO standards.
"In my opinion, they [the west] are trying to
temporarily freeze this conflict, secure a ceasefire and bide
their time, so they can again flood Ukraine with weapons, create
new military infrastructure and transfer new long-range lethal
weapons. At least, this scenario is favoured by American political
scientists. Recently, Foreign Affairs published an article by
Richard Haass and Charles Kupchan, who described exactly this
scenario: achieving a cessation of fire and having a respite."
Sergey Lavrov 30 June 2023
Even the fact of massive losses on the Ukrainian side can be 'gamed'
by the west. In order to set up a public climate of acceptance in
the west for the apparent necessity for 'negotiations' the western
press finally started admitting the truth about the scale of
Ukrainian losses, and the hopelessness of the 'offensive'. They even
allowed the head of the Ukrainian medical recovering team to make a
statement on social media outlining the endless losses and the
futility of it all. When Member of the European Parliament Clare
Daley asks
the head of NATO a question, and referred to "half a million dead"
Ukrainian military, Stoltenberg no longer questioned the number.
Negotiations are needed, for humanitarian reasons, if nothing else.
But even 'peace' negotiations can be drawn out, and used to buy time
to re-arm Ukraine and train more Ukrainian conscripts.
"Sometimes it seems as if these are not even their own people
that they are throwing into this counteroffensive; it is
as if they are not their own people. Frankly … this is
what the commanders from the front line are telling me.
It is amazing....
...Since the start of the counteroffensive, they have lost 71,500
troops. They have suffered significant losses, including 543 tanks
and nearly 18,000 armoured vehicles of various classes, and so on.
So, it appears that they want, as their Western curators are
telling them, to bite off as much territory as they can, pardon my
And then, when all resources, both personnel and equipment and
ammunition, are close to zero, they will seek to stop the
hostilities, saying they have been talking about wanting
negotiations for a long time now, but use these talks
only to buy time and to replenish their resources and
to restore the combat capabilities of their armed forces."
Vladimir Putin 12
September 2023
Buying time cuts both ways. George said "Buying time to explore a
negotiated settlement [is a] defensive strategy [that might be]
resorted to when the defender is operating under political,
diplomatic, or military disadvantages..." . Russia married an
attempt of a 'show of force' coercive military move designed to
trigger a peace process while buying time for strengthening their
military and gaining some strategic ground, in case the west
sabotaged the budding peace negotiations (as they did with the Minsk
2 agreement).
"Look, our troops were outside
Kiev. First, we reached an agreement, which turned out
to be a good agreement about how to resolve
the current situation peacefully.
Even though they tossed it,
nevertheless, we used this time
to get where we are now which is practically
all of Novorossiya and a significant portion
of the Donetsk People's Republic with access
to the Sea of Azov and Mariupol.
And almost all of the Lugansk People's
Republic, with a few exceptions." Vladimir
Putin 13
June 2023
Passive Military Coercion
"Then, incidentally, they announce maneuvers in the
Pacific. For defense. Uh, huh.
The Pacific is a great big ocean. We have a tremendous coastline
on the Pacific. Will the maneuvers be off the coast, two or three
hundred miles? Oh, no. The maneuvers will be two thousand,
yes, perhaps even thirty-five hundred miles, off the coast.
The Japanese, a proud people, of course will be pleased beyond
expression to see the united States fleet so close to Nippon's
shores. Even as pleased as would be the residents of California
were they to dimly discern through the morning mist, the Japanese
fleet playing at war games off Los Angeles."
Major General Smedley Butler, 1935, 'War is a Racket'
Today, the United States incidentally announces 'exercises' in the
Pacific, the China Sea, the Black Sea, the Baltic sea, in Europe.
For defense. Uh, huh.
Nothing really changes. Same room, slightly different wallpaper.
This is passive military coercion, an implicit threat designed to
make a country comply with USA government wishes. (It is also a
major military expense, and therefore very profitable for the
banking-military-industrial complex. A not inconsequential benefit,
as the profits are distributed to the very few.)
A defining feature of passive military coercion is the display of
military potential well outside the coercers adjacent territory at a
time when there are no real threats coming from that country. China
is making no military threats to the United States, for example. It
has no history of invading other countries - in strong contrast to
the USA. China's legitimate claim to Taiwan is well known, and
everybody in the world knows Taiwan will eventually peacefully
return once again to the mainland - unless the USA government
interferes. China's claim to large swathes of the Chinese Sea is
contested, and is yet to be resolved by the affected parties via the
appropriate International body. Even so, it is deliberately
provocative for the US government to fly nuclear bombers through
what China claims as it's airspace. This is passive military
In contrast, the massive USA military force placed in the Eastern
Mediterranean in October 2023 was responding to a real threat to
Israel's existence in its present form. The European USA 'ally'
nations were 'fortuitously' holding exercises in the Mediterranean
at the same time. The Hamas uprising in the Gaza occupied
territory triggered a cascade of coercive rhetoric from the Muslim
'street', with an unknown potential to morph into military action to
ultimately coercively finally create the Palestinian State promised
75 years ago. A promise made by the western 'dividers up of land'
but never delivered because Israel has bloody-mindedly violently
blocked it all the years since. There is no threat to the United
States there (beyond some US military illegally occupying parts of
Syria). But the US government politicians and top-level foreign
policy advisors have very deep ties to the state of Israel, which
means the US government chooses to defend Israel militarily for
personal and for geopolitical reasons. The US government naval force
is a deterrent force, not a display of passive military coercion.
Grey Zone
Military Force Coercion Added 17 February 2024. First
edited 22 February 2024. Last edited 31 January 2025.
The 'grey zone' is "activities by a state that are harmful to
another state and are sometimes considered to be acts of war, but
are not legally acts of war" according to the Cambridge
The West has been supplying targeting data to Ukraine, using drones
and satellites. Russia has positive proof of this. Russia has
repeatedly emphasised that providing this data to attack Russia
means that the United States
is a party to the conflict. As some of these attacks
deliberately target civilians and civilian infrastructure with no
military purpose, USA is abetting war
crimes committed against Russia. The USA repeatedly denies
this, even though they know Ukraine uses targeting data to attack
Russia forced down a USA drone operatng in the exclusion zone, but
the USA simply moved further out in to the Black Sea. Every major
operation against Russian ships in the Black Sea was accompanied by
adjacent USA drone activity, quite likely providing vital data to
enable sea drones to hit their target. They possibly helped guide
Ukrainian missiles through Russia air defences in order to strike
naval assets in Russia's Crimean naval base.
In December 2024 a Russian plane visited the USA, some say to
do the routine transfer of Russian diplomatic staff. Others
suggested it may have been a meeting with the CIA and other US
so-called 'security' and ironically-called 'defense' agencies (more
accurately, 'aggression agencies'). I speculate the purpose was to
advise the USA that Russia intended to blind or 'dazzle' the US
reconnaissance satellites. Russia launched a military satellite in
2024 (Cosmos 2575). The US had recently launched 6 satellites
allegedly to "detect and track missile launches", perhaps as part of
the USA government's Europe-based 'missile shield', which is
designed to protect continental United States at Europe's risk. It
is possible the US has the capacity to enable some of its satellites
to destroy or jam some of Russia's 160 satellites.
"Against a potential rudimentary, but growing, ICBM
threat from North Korea, Iran, and Iraq, a boost-phase system
would destroy the missiles during the firing of the second or
third stage of a three-stage ICBM.
Instead of an interval of 20 minutes or more during which the
warhead is coasting in space toward its target in the United
States, a boost-phase intercept would need to be conducted
within the 250-second burn time of an ICBM. But that is
...the construction and deployment timeline would actually be more
efficient if the system were devised to be as simple as possible,
without sacrificing its effectiveness. This means least reliance
on existing systems that need to be modified (such as the complex
multi-mission Aegis cruiser) and the willingness to develop an
national missile defense-class interceptor from proven elements and to base it on land near the state of
concern or on cargo ships converted for the single
purpose of carrying these interceptors.
Richard Garwin, Boost-Phase Intercept: A Better Alternative. Arms
Control Today September
These 6 satellites are able to see 'over the horizon' and give a
warning of a missile launch, ballistic or hypersonic, with the
prospect of hitting it while the missile is in the accelerating
stage. Provided there are ground-based missiles on the border of the
so-called 'adversary' country. In large countries like Russia and
China, that's impossible. Further, Russia at least, will never ever
allow anti-missile missiles on it border. The Ukraine conflict is a
minor manifestation of that immutable fact. So the sensor are in
space, and more will be added.
"Sec. 2. Policy. To further the goal of
peace through strength, it is the policy of the United States
(a) The United States will provide for the common defense of
its citizens and the Nation by deploying and maintaining a
next-generation missile defense shield;...
...Sec. 3. Implementation. ...the Secretary of Defense
(a) Submit to the President a
reference architecture, capabilities-based requirements, and an
implementation plan for the next-generation missile defense
shield. The architecture shall include, at a minimum, plans
for: ...
...(ii) Acceleration of the deployment of
the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor layer;
President Donald Trump Executive Order 27
January 2025
While the USA signaled even before 2000 that it was contemplating
destroying all strategic stability by an 'on-your-border'
anti-missile intercept system at the boost phase, it was signaled as
land based.
On February 17 2024,
misleading blather appeared in the main stream media about
'Russian nuclear weapons in space'. Well, the Russians warned USA
they make themselves party to the conflict in Ukraine when they use
satellites and drones to provide targetting geolocations, so at
first I suspected the Russians have put satellites in place that
will jam, or, less likely, even permanently 'fry' the satellites
that provide this data. 'Dazzling' with intense light is technically
relatively easy, but blinding permanently is another much greater
degree of difficulty.
If it is possible at all, 'frying' would be done with bursts of very
high intensity narrowly directed energy in immediate proximity to
these satellites. If they are shielded against such attacks, then
the optical apertures will be vunerable to directed energy burst.
All this requires a long lived source of 'abundant' energy.
Satellites have used sophisticated small nuclear power supplies for
decades. It is nothing new.
On February 20 2024 the Russian President, in conversation with
Defense Minister shoigu, put paid to this speculation:
February 2024
Vladimir Putin: Mr Shoigu, there is another issue unrelated
to current developments along the forward edge
of the front line of the special military
operation. This pertains to the commotion stirred
by the West, including the United States,
regarding the deployment of nuclear weapons
in outer space.
position is clear and transparent: We have always strongly
opposed, and continue to oppose, the deployment
of nuclear weapons in outer space.
On the contrary, we urge the involved parties
to uphold all agreements in this sphere, and have
proposed expanding this collaborative effort several times.
For some
reason, the West has brought up this issue once again
and is acting rather emotionally. How can you explain this?
Shoigu: Mr President, first, I would like
to clarify that this is not happening. Second, they
know that we are not doing this…
Putin: “Not doing” meaning that we do not deploy weapons
in outer space.
Shoigu: Exactly, I am referring
to the deployment of nuclear weapons
in outer space and the use of any other
nuclear weapons systems against satellites or creating
debris fields that would hamper the effective operation
of satellites.
In reality,
they know that we are not doing this, yet they are raising
a fuss nonetheless. Mr President, we are surprised because
everyone is aware of our capabilities, and you openly
told the world about this during your Address
to the Federal Assembly in 2018.
know that our Poseidon, Peresvet, Burevestnik
and Sarmat projects have reached the completion phase,
and that the Avangard project has been completed. Two
regiments have been put on combat duty.
We can add a few other options in this situation.
They are not speaking about this, but it really
is something they should be afraid of.In our
opinion, they are probably not speaking about this because
they do not possess such systems.
As we see it, there are two reasons
for the recent commotion. First, they want
to scare senators and members of Congress into
approving the allocation of funds designed not only
for Ukraine but for fighting Russia
and delivering a strategic defeat to it.
Second, they may be doing this to try to convince
us in this awkward manner to start a dialogue
on strategic stability.
Putin: Yes, I agree with that.
Shoigu: This is the most likely explanation.
Putin: Yes, I agree. As for space, we are
only doing in space what other countries are doing,
including the United States. And you are right,
of course, that they are aware of this."
When the United States government intends to do something marginally
legal, dangerous, or aggressive but not an act of war, it very often
makes absolutely baseless accusations that it the intended victim is
doing exactly what the US is secretly planning to do. The US then
'justifies' its outrageous actions by claiming it is acting "in
response" to the other side. It is a childish piece of deception.
You can barely even call it sophistry, but this 'grey zone'
technique is often quite successful, as post-fact argument is strung
out while 'new facts' are progressively created. On this basis, you
could predict that the US real ultimate intention is to put nuclear
weapons in space. But it is unclear. typical grey zone. Nothing new.
What is new is the possibility of creating a precise weapon using a
much larger version of this nuclear power source, one that is
effective in powering a burst of intense energy. Russia has
implemented the highly energy intensive version of this technology
in a ground based system, but it is not clear how far into space it
can reach.
It is noteworthy that the senior Russian officials only mentioned
nuclear systems in space, and systems that would result in space
debris. But it is possible it has implemented a space-based
'dazzle' system to interfere (presumably temporarily) with
optics-based satellites. This has the advantage of being a
non-kinetic system, and does no damage to the actual satellite. Is
it an act of war to do this? No damage is done to the satellite. The
issue is in the grey zone. Close-approach electronic jamming of the
major defense satellites also cannot be ruled out. Is that an act of
war? Again, it is in the grey zone. The Russians are believed to
have long had the capability of jamming GPS signals, so that
missiles that use this system cannot find their target. Is that an
act of war? Once again, the grey zone.
"The disruption of Finland's global positioning system
(GPS) signal during recent NATO war games came from Russian
territory, the Finnish foreign ministry said on Thursday. The
Kremlin on Monday dismissed an earlier allegation from Finnish
Prime Minister Juha Sipila that Russia may have intentionally
disrupted the signal during the war games. Finland's air
navigation services earlier this month issued a warning for air
traffic due to a large-scale GPS interruption in the north of the
country...the issue is being discussed with the Russian Federation
through diplomatic channels, the ministry added in a statement on
Yahoo News 16
November 2018
All this is predicated on developing the technology to discover the
adversary's satellite's weak points. The Russians have probably
achieved this task.
"The development of Russia's secretive project Nivelir
("Leveler") has reportedly been carried out by the Central
Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics.
The endeavor supposedly envisaged building small satellites
designed to inspect other satellites in space. The first three
satellite-inspectors were reportedly attached to three
communications satellites launched between 2013 and 2015.
According to other sources, Russia has been experimenting with
satellite inspectors since 2017. The satellites maneuvered in
orbit, moving away from each other and then getting closer. In
2019, the Cosmos-2535 and Cosmos-2536 devices were launched. Their
goal was to study the impact of "artificial and natural factors of
outer space" on Russia's space devices and to develop "technology
for their protection."
It is understood that the idea behind placing satellite-inspectors
in specific orbits is to affect "adversary" satellites in various
ways, including "inspecting" them, i.e. collecting all necessary
information on them."
Sputnik News 15
February 2024
The next task is to stop the adversary using these satellites
against the Russian Federation. It is reasonable to think, given the
American reaction, if genuine, that the Russians have also achieved
"...the Tirada-2S radio-electronic communication
suppression system is capable of electronically jamming satellite
communications with complete disabling. In this case, satellites
can be deactivated directly from the Earth's surface."
"On March 1, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin first
mentioned Russia's laser weapon for air defense and anti-satellite
warfare, the Peresvet, during his address to the Federal Assembly.
The Peresvet...entered experimental combat duty in the Russian
Armed Forces in December 2018. By February 2019, the Russian
president announced the laser installations had confirmed their
unique characteristics along with the Kinzhal hypersonic missiles.
According to Russian military observers, the laser system is
capable of blinding the optical systems of reconnaissance
satellites, drones, and aircraft. The Peresvet project remains
classified, so it's hard to say what type of laser it is equipped
with. Some scientists believe that this is a nuclear-pumped
laser, others believe that the complex uses an oxygen-iodine
laser (OIL) with iodine explosive pumping."
Sputnik News 15
February 2024
"The 14Ts034 designator is also seen in court
documentation published in 2019 in which the Ministry of Defense
sues RFYaTs-VNIIEF for not having met certain obligations under a
project called Stuzha-RN, for which the two parties signed a
contract on December 4, 2012.[13]
The goal of Stuzha-RN was to finish R&D work on what is
literally called a “mobile complex to suppress electro-optical
reconnaissance satellites and dual-use Earth remote sensing
satellites.” This is unmistakable evidence that dazzling and/or
blinding of satellite optical systems is at least one of
Peresvet’s objectives, the targets being optical reconnaissance
satellites and remote sensing satellites used both for civilian
and military purposes (which is what is meant by “dual-use”.)
These orbit the Earth in relatively low, high-inclination orbits
and would be easier targets for a laser system than early warning
satellites, most of which operate in geostationary orbit.It is not
clear if Stuzha (which means “severe cold”) is another secret
Ministry of Defense name for Peresvet or refers only to one
particular R&D phase of the project."
The Space Review 15 June
The 'nuclear pumped laser' may be a different implementation, not of
the 'project excaliber' that the USA experimented with in the cold
war era, but the Soviet 'Skif' project, a space based laser. This
project, too, never went anywhere after the cold war. Russia is
developing its globe-circling 9M370 Burevestnik nuclear cruise
missile powered with a small nuclear engine. Therefore, other
projects that require a good nuclear power source for jamming (at
least) electronic systems used for electronic surveillance,
navigation and communication are feasible. These nuclear powered
systems would require reactors that could produce around 30 to 50
kilowatts, and could jam satellite signals over a large area. Once
again, jamming could be turned on and off, like a light switch. No
damage done to the satellite.
But the amount of power needed for a laser to destroy
satellites is probably absurdly large, and therefore infeasible. But
questions remain.
"The exact type of high-power laser used by Peresvet
remains known. One Russian analyst recently concluded that the
most likely type was a nuclear-pumped laser... Another recent
Russian article, citing only “scientific forums,” says Peresvet
most likely uses an explosively pumped iodine photodissociation
laser, a type of laser in which a detonator is activated to
dissociate perfluoroalkalyl iodides in the gain medium and raise
the resulting iodine atoms to the energy levels needed to produce
a laser beam....It is also the one recommended for use in the 2013
RFYaTs-VNIIEF patent that is likely related to Peresvet.
The patent holders...claim it has a longer range than two other
types that could potentially be used...The reasons given for that
are its ability to work in pulsed rather than continuous wave mode
and its operating wavelength (1.315 µm, in the near infrared), which
allows the beam to easily pass through the atmosphere.
However, the power levels of explosively pumped iodine
lasers given in scientific literature far exceed the
ones that would be required for the simple dazzling or
blinding of sensors, raising the question why they would
be needed for a system like Peresvet."
The Space Review 15 June
And the other aternative, the directed radiation beam from some
nuclear explosion in space is fraught with problems of space debris
destroying your own as well as the enemies satellites, and has been
ruled out by the Russians anyway. Whatever the Russians have done,
it appears to have had an impact on the American leaders. Russia has
probably, in my opinion, dazzled or blinded a drone or American
military satellite by way of demonstration of 'what will happen if'.
Probably temporarily, as Russia typically starts low on the
escalatory ladder. Whether they may have done this to one of the
expensive electro-optical 'Keyhole' satellite systems, or one of the
large number of small ELINT/SIGINT satellite (or, less likely, a GPS
satellite) is not yet important. What is important is what Russia
intends to do with this capability, and under what circumstances.
There is a move by the United States to militarise minisatellites in
low earth orbit. The Pentagon's Proliferated Warfighter Space
Architecture will see small cheap intercommunicating satellites in
low earth orbit, with new satellites being put in place "almost
weekly." The objective is to create a great deal of
redundancy in the system, so if some satellites are knocked out,
others take over. Low earth orbit is already packed with
satellites owned by Elon Musk's SpaceX, and these have allegedly
been used by Ukraine as a communication channel by frontline troops.
Musk's SpaceX has 5,438
Starlink craft in orbit, and the company aims to eventually
have around 40,000 in low earth orbit. There are other companies
with similar ambitions. It is likely that in the long run there will
be a 'Kessler event', where colliding and breaking up satellites
will propagate further collisions ending in a very great deal of
space junk. At the moment starlink satellites do about six maneuvers
per satellite before they naturally fall out of orbit and burn up.
Even so, the ability to quickly launch these satellites makes them
attractive for military use. So far, the US military has only
launched a handful of low earth orbit tracking satellites, but this
number could easily proliferate in future.
"Sec. 3. Implementation. ...the Secretary of
Defense shall:
(a) Submit to the President a
reference architecture, capabilities-based requirements, and an
implementation plan for the next-generation missile defense
shield. The architecture shall include, at a minimum, plans
for: ...
...(v) Development and deployment of a
custody layer of the Proliferated Warfighter Space
Architecture; "
President Donald Trump Executive Order 27
January 2025
Like all satellites (and space junk) their orbital location is
registered, so, in principle, they could be hit targeted by one of
Russias jamming or directed energy systems, depending on orbital
"A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket successfully launched at 5:30
p.m. Wednesday from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in
Florida, carrying a payload intended to bolster national missile
The launch for the Missile Defense Agency and the Space
Development Agency put six satellites into low-Earth orbit. Two
of those satellites are for the MDA's hypersonic and ballistic
tracking space sensor satellite program.
"This launch represents a pivotal time for MDA as we enter a
new phase of missile warning, tracking and defense," MDA
Director Heath Collins said in a
statement. "These HBTSS satellites are an essential step
forward in our efforts to stay ahead of our adversaries."
The other four satellites carried by the SpaceX Falcon 9 are
SDA Tranche 0 tracking layer satellites, which are part of the
SDA's proliferated warfighter space architecture program."
Yahoo News 15
February 2024
The satellite issue has certainly been raised in America. Is it a
political stunt to lever further aid to Ukraine? That seems
implausible, as it has no particular bearing on that issue.
It is possibly a device, a dipomatic trojan horse, to be able to
start to re-institute diplomatic contact with the Russians. A face
saving move. This is what the Russian President suggested to
journalist Tucker Carlson. He asked " Do you think it is too
humiliating at this point for NATO to accept Russian control of what
was two years ago Ukrainian territory?" The Russian President
replied "I said let them think how to do it with dignity. There are
options if there is a will."
The United States is - at least apparently - in a dilemma. It claims
there is some sort of issue that requires talking to Russia, but, of
its own choice, has no direct diplomatic contact.
"...I am limited by how much I can share about the
specific nature of the threat, I can confirm that it is related to
an anti-satellite capability that Russia is developing.
...First, this is not an active capability that’s been deployed.
And though Russia’s pursuit of this particular capability is
troubling, there is no immediate threat to anyone’s safety. We are
not talking about a weapon that can be used to attack human beings
or cause physical destruction here on Earth. That said, we’ve been
closely monitoring this Russian activity and we will continue to
take it very seriously.
President Biden has been kept fully informed and regularly
informed by his national security team, including today. He has
directed a series of initial actions, including additional
briefings to congressional leaders, direct diplomatic engagement
with Russia, with our allies and our partners as well, and with
other countries around the world who have interests at stake...
...our general knowledge of Russian pursuit of this kind of
capability goes back many, many months, if not a few years. But
only in recent weeks now has the intelligence community been able
to assess with a higher sense of confidence exactly how Russia
continues to pursue it...
...The President directed the team to — to start to inform allies
and partners, including — not — not that Russia is an ally and
partner, but to include diplomatic engagement with Russia on
this....We will engage directly. We plan to engage directly with
the Russians about this and — as well as allies and
partners...There’s — there’s no issue of — it’s not about
trusting. And I think — I think our record on dealing with — with
Russia appropriately, I think, is pretty well-established. We
don’t — it’s not about blind trust with Russia. In fact, it’s
quite the — quite the opposite...Look, it’s — we certainly — we’re
not — we’re not in a position where we’re trusting what’s
coming out of Russia and what they say. We watch what they
do. And we analyze what they do and then we make our own decisions
— our own policy decisions about what we’re going to do based on —
on their actions or their inactions...We’ve reached out to — we
reached out to the Russian side, but we have not secured
actual conversations at this point. ...We are engaging
— we’re going to engage with Russia."
John Kirby 15
February 2024
Russia has pushed the Ukraine funding narrative. They also
acknowledge it may be a clumsy attempt by the Americans to re-engage
in a dialogue on strategic defense.
According to Mr.Kirby, Russia has so far been uninterested in
talking to the USA. Yet Mr.Kirby's comments introduce the
possibility Russia may have issued a coercive threat to the USA.
Alternatively, and perhaps more likely, the USA has issued a
coercive threat to Russia, in order to obtain better terms for the
Ukraine settlement.
Russian coercive threat to USA
Russians have already demonstrated how they can jam GPS, and now may
have demonstrated they can blind or dazzle a military spy satellite;
if so, why escalate now? Perhaps because of the Ukrainian terrorist
rocket attack on Belgorad. But I don't think so. The problem they
are trying to solve is twofold. First missiles flying against
Russians. Second, the USA supplying targeting data for those
"...SPACECOM delivers tremendous value across our Joint
Force, with satellite communication, early warning radars, GPS
that enable not only navigation for people, planes, trucks,
and ships – but also the precision-guided munitions that
have become a hallmark of how the US military fights in the modern
Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen H. Hicks 10
January 2024
The whole problem can be solved by the west stopping the supply of
missiles. Then no blocking of US satellites is necessary. The
Russians already said
in the Carlson interview that as soon as the west stops supplying
weapons the war will end. Maybe the Russians have set up a coercion
scenario, saying, 'well if you keep protracting the death and
destruction by supplying weapons to Ukraine, a country which has no
meaningful weapons production capacity left - then we will block
your satellites so that your missiles cannot be targeted as as
If the west refuses, the blocking will expand in scope and scale.
Every time a USA drone is flying prior to or during a Ukrainian
attack on Russian civilians, a military satellite will be
temporarily disabled, or (if technically feasible) 'fried' with
intense directed energy. Then the USA can make its foreign policy
decisions based on this new reality. And based on the fact that
Russia has escalation
USA coercive threat to Russia
Coercion is what Americans 'do'. It is their signature move - the
only page in their playbook. the satellite 'crisis' was invented
around 15 February, at the same time as the Americans launched new
military satellites into space. When the Americans are about to make
an aggression, they usually try to claim the victim is being
aggressive to them in the first place, and they are 'only
responding'. This technique is well
"US officials, that Washington had privately warned
Moscow not to deploy a new nuclear-armed anti-satellite weapon
which would allegedly violate the Outer Space Treaty and threaten
US national security interests " There is no and cannot be any
progress on this issue," Russian Deputy Foreign
Minister Sergey Ryabkov told reporters. "The reason is clear -
the absurdity of US' accusations against us of allegedly
intending to deploy some systems with weapons-grade nuclear
components in space."
"As it has been continuously said recently, and as [Russian]
President [Vladimir Putin] said, we have no such intentions,"
Ryabkov added. "The Americans pursue the goal of demonizing
Russia by making accusations of this kind. Therefore, the
contact on this issue is completely unproductive."
..He also called it unacceptable that the US side had leaked
details of the talks held between US National Security
Advisor Jake Sullivan and Russian Presidential Foreign Policy
Advisor Yury Ushakov, which Moscow and Washington agreed to
keep confidential.."
Sputnik News interview with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey
Ryabkov 24
February 2024
The 'confidential' talks were held between US National Security
Advisor Jake Sullivan and Russian Presidential Foreign Policy
Advisor Yury Ushakov. Both report to the respective Presidents. The
contact on the fabricated "issue" may have been completely
unproductive, but the question of the USA military satellite
military capacities remains. If the USA has developed the technology
to supress Russian anti missile defense ( a big 'if'), then the USA
may have been trying to coerce Russia into agreeing to favorable
terms with Ukraine. The USA President could then crow how he
'forced' Russia to give up this or that.
The USA 'neocon' 'elites' who control the Presidency are
'GeorgioSpykmaniacs'. That is they follow Alexander George and
Spyksman's outdated coercive diplomacy slavishly. That ideology
includes the concept of 'coercive threats, which, quoting the above "The
threat of punishment "in the event of noncompliance", according to
George, "may be signaled through military actions or by
political-diplomatic moves as well as by explicit verbal warning."
His hierarchy of possible actions starts with the military." If the
USA has any form of credible threat it believes it can safely use
against Russia to coerce them into giving something up, it will do
it. It can't use direct military force. It can use the 'grey zone'
of electronic warfare. It can use its willing proxy as its 'long arm
once removed', so to speak.
If so, the USA will first give an oblique signal of its intentions,
then have confidential talks at the near-highest level to threaten a
specific action if there is no Russian compliance. If Russia refuses
to comply, a demonstration of the coercive USA's consequences will
follow. If there is still no compliance, there will be another
demonstration. After that, unless Russia finds a counter, the
escalatory mode tips into a state of strategic initiative on the USA
side - denial of safe airspace for Russian aircraft.
On January 31st 2024 Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland
visited Ukraine where she announced "I also leave more confident
that, as Ukraine strengthens its defences, Mr. Putin is going to
get some nice surprises on the battlefield and that Ukraine will
make some very strong success". The two new upgraded Russian
AWAC are said to cost about $500 million each. A hypothetical
shooting of one down won't change the course of the conflict, but an
element of (potential) enduring aerial denial covering NATO
countries would be a very 'strong' USA success, even after
On Tuesday the 19th of February NATO' Stoltenberg said "...according
to international law, Ukraine has the right to self-defence, and
that includes also striking legitimate military targets, Russian
military targets, outside Ukraine. That is international law and, of
course, Ukraine has the right to do so, to protect itself.”
Mr. Kirby publicy touted possibility of talks with Russia on the
15th of February.
USA military satellites were deployed on 15th of February.
Let's assume talks with Russia were held soon after 15th of
February, say 17th of February. By the 18th it would be clear Russia
is not going to concede to the USA.
On the 23rd the most advanced version of the Russian AWAC A50 was,
it seems, shot down. There has been no official confirmation - or
denial. It has 'friend or foe' software that physically prevent it
being shot down by friendly fire. After the January 2024 incident,
it is inconceivable that these expense assets don't have layered
airdefense in front of them, even operating from some depth in
Russia. If it was indeed shot down, it was either it was shot down
by a missile that 'leaked' through Russian airdefense - and this is
the simplest explaination - or some American satellites have an
ability to jam Russian air defense systems. Most likely, following revelations
in a leaked German military conversation, NATO experts were using
data from their electronic warfare intelligence to find a weakness
in Russia's anti-missile defenses.
This 'leak' is a signal. It is a warning to Germany not to aid
Ukraine in attacking the Kirsch bridge. If a Russian AWAC was indeed
shot down, the leak proves Germans are active enablers of terrorist
attacks inside Russia. In which case Russia can choose to add it to
the eventual german bill due for compensation, or they can shoot
down a German AWAC. Taking the compensation course is the most
logical, but nothing can be ruled out.
On the 29th of February, the Russian President styled the American
psych-op about space weapons as simply USA pre-election posturing,
and a very amateur attempt to coerce Russia into discussing
strategic defense in space, in other words, a deluded attempt at
unilateral 'agenda setting" - only including what the US wishes to
talk about.
"Here is a good example of their hypocrisy.
They have recently made unfounded allegations, in particular,
against Russia, regarding plans to deploy nuclear weapons
in space. Such fake narratives, and this story is
unequivocally false, are designed to involve us
in negotiations on their conditions, which will only
benefit the United States.
At the same
time, they have blocked our proposal
which has been on the table for over 15
years. I am referring to the agreement
on preventing the deployment of weapons
in outer space, which we drafted back in 2008.
There has been zero reaction to it.
It is totally unclear what they are talking about.
are reasons to suspect that the current US
administration’s professed interest in discussing strategic
stability with us is merely demagoguery. They simply want
to show to their citizens and the world,
especially in the lead-up
to the presidential election that they continue
to rule the world, that they would talk with
the Russians when it will benefit them and that there
is nothing to talk about and they will try
to inflict defeat on us otherwise. Business
as usual, as they say.
But this
is unacceptable, of course. Our position is clear: if you
want to discuss security and stability issues that are
critical for the entire planet, this must be done
as a package"
Vladimir Putin 29
February 2024
The coercive threat was made explicit in January 2025. President
Trump issued a 'grey zone' order to place missiles in space to
intercept ballistic and hypersonic missiles at the point of
launching. This means they would have to be more or less overhead
"Section 1. Purpose. The threat of attack by
ballistic, hypersonic, and cruise missiles, and other advanced
aerial attacks, remains the most catastrophic threat facing the
United States.
President Ronald Reagan endeavored to build an effective defense
against nuclear attacks, and while this program resulted in many
technological advances, it was canceled before its goal could be
realized. And since the United States withdrew from the
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002 and initiated
development of limited homeland missile defense, official United
States homeland missile defense policy has remained only to stay
ahead of rogue-nation threats and accidental or unauthorized
missile launches.
Over the past 40 years, rather than lessening, the threat from
next-generation strategic weapons has become more intense and
complex with the development by peer and near-peer adversaries of
next-generation delivery systems and their own homeland integrated
air and missile defense capabilities.
Sec. 3. Implementation. Within 60 days of the date of
this order, the Secretary of Defense shall:
(a) Submit to the President a
reference architecture, capabilities-based requirements, and an
implementation plan for the next-generation missile defense
shield. The architecture shall include, at a minimum, plans
...(iii) Development and deployment
of proliferated space-based interceptors capable of boost-phase
(iv) Deployment of underlayer and terminal-phase intercept capabilities
postured to defeat a countervalue attack;...
...(vi) Development and deployment
of capabilities to defeat missile attacks prior to launch
and in the boost phase;
President Donald Trump Executive Order 27
January 2025
As noted by Mr. Putin above, Russia has fought a campaign against
the militarisation of space for many years. It is worth repeating
one example from 2018 in full.
"We have taken note of the National Defence
Authorisation Act for Fiscal Year 2019 passed by the US House of
Representatives. This document, in particular, provides for
allocating funds to build a space-based echelon for intercepting
ballistic missiles (including the development and deployment of a
new early warning satellite group by the end of 2022). The
completion of the interception system is planned for 2030, but
testing of prototypes is to begin as soon as in 2022, once the new
sensors are put into service. The bill instructs the US Missile
Defence Agency to start implementing these programmes regardless
of the recommendations of the still ongoing revision of the
missile defence policy.
It seems, given US President Donald Trump’s instruction to create
the Space Force as an independent service branch separate from the
United States Air Force, the preparations for creating the ABM
space group is another step towards implementing the policy of
America’s dominance of outer space. These efforts are a direct
confirmation that Washington does not intend to abandon the plans
to use force in outer space proposed by the previous
Such actions by US lawmakers do not contribute to a constructive
dialogue on strategic stability, or to a favourable atmosphere
within the framework of the review process of the destabilising
effect on strategic stability and international security.
Given that the US Congress is talking about the development and
creation of space-based anti-ballistic missile defence weapons, we
would like to mention that there is a direct correlation between
strategic offensive and defensive weapons, as stated in the 2010
START Treaty. Washington's prior attempts to secure its military
supremacy have invariably ended in heightened international
tension and new rounds of the arms race.
We are certainly closely following the US moves and are carefully
analysing the possible consequences. We urge the American side to
show good judgment and not repeat the mistakes of the past. Armed
confrontation in outer space can have no less detrimental impact
than the nuclear arms race unleashed by Washington back in the
middle of the last century, with the whole world still failing to
cope with its consequences.
Russia stands resolutely against such reckless undertakings.
We give priority to the use and exploration of outer space for
exclusively peaceful purposes.
Our approaches are also reaffirmed in the July 26 Declaration of
the 10th BRICS Summit, which emphasises the paramount importance
of strict compliance with, and the need to consolidate and
strengthen the current regulatory regime that provides for the
peaceful use of outer space. The Declaration also expresses the
collective concern of the BRICS members over the possible arms
race in space and its transformation into an arena for military
In recent years, we have come up with a number of initiatives
aimed at preventing an arms race in outer space, the key one being
the Russian-Chinese draft treaty on prevention of the placement of
weapons in outer space and of the threat or use of force against
outer space objects, an updated version of which was submitted to
the Conference on Disarmament in June 2014.
We are supported by sensible forces in all countries and intend to
continue active result-oriented work towards this end.
We would like to hope that common sense will prevail in the United
States. We count on Washington to finally abandon the plans that
would have the most negative impact on the state of international
security, and to support in deeds, rather than in words the
efforts by responsible countries aimed at real strengthening of
international security and strategic stability."
Foreign Ministry statement on the US House of Representatives’
passing of the 2019 defence budget bill 27
July 2018
It is obvious the USA intends to place so-called interceptors in
space. At first these will be conventional missiles. But they are a
Trojan horse. Later they will be nuclear armed, and will no longer
be interceptors, but a response to Russia's Oreshnik 'rods from
God', which they will quite likely deploy in space over the USA in
response to these US grey-zone coercive moves. Or Russia could mimic
the move. This 'nukes overhead' nonsense is unacceptable to both
sides. If the US persists, then the Russian pre-emptive strike in
self defense postulate may be operationalised.
There will be no warning.
All these coercive US grey zone moves - liminal between war and
peace - entirely ignore what was obvious at the time of the Rumsfeld
Commission in 1998. A missile shield is pointless. Nuclear and other
weapons could be fired from surface ships, and in particular, cargo
ships. And lets not forget the submarines off the US coast (and in
increasing numbers) can fire missiles from anywhere along the
coastline. These 'close in' fires have such a short flight time (4
minutes or so) that missiles shields have no time to react. And US
undershields are few and far between. And fare very poorly against
hypersonic missiles anyway.
In short, a missile shield is not much more than an expensive show
to pander to an uniformed public. But Mr. Trump is going to go ahead
anyway. Or so it seems...
Welcome to the coercion grey zone.
Active Military
force coercion edited 28 November 2024
Coercive diplomacy, as conceived by George, permits use of
limited military force, but only just enough force and "of the
appropriate kind" to "demonstrate resolution and to give
credibility to the threat that greater force will be used if
necessary". It is related to the concept of escalation dominance,
but escalation is often used to increase conflict, not deter it.
"Margarita Simonyan (RT):...Donetsk is being pounded
every day. This week, they attacked the maternity hospital.
Our film crew later captured these women on video
as they were giving birth in a basement
by a caesarean section. They also hit a farmers’
market killing a mother and her 11-year-old son.
In this regard, people have the following question.
Of course, we are slapping them on the hands
for doing so, but is it not time to punch them
in the jaw? What exactly do you have in mind when
you talk about the red line, after which
the decision-making centres will come under attack? This is
what a punch to the jaw is all about, as far
as I understand.
Putin: Look, we are talking about a special military
operation, and when conducting it we must not turn
the cities and towns that we liberate into
a semblance of Stalingrad.This consideration
comes naturally in our military planning. This is
my first point."
Vladimir Putin 17
June 2022
Importantly, military force used in coercive diplomacy has no
relationship to a conventional military strategy. That is, looked
at through the eyes of military planners, it 'makes no military
sense', and may even expose military forces to avoidable losses.
The deliberate incursion of a British destroyer that went out of
its way to move into closed waters around the Crimean Peninsular
(using the 'freedom of navigation gambit) is a good example of
military coercion just short of a military strike. That is, the
warship was repeatedly 'buzzed' with armed Russian aircraft,
and shore batteries fired warming shots close by. They could
easily have incapacitated the ship if they wanted. It was an
extrordinarily risky attempt at coercion, and after it the British
were bluntly warned that if they tried it again they would be
"It was clear that the destroyer
entered [our territorial waters] in pursuit
of military objectives, trying to uncover
the actions of our Armed Forces to stop
a provocation, with the help
of the reconnaissance aircraft they were trying
to identify how we operated, and where things were
was located and how they operated. We saw this
and sent them the information which we deemed
necessary. I may have let this slip; I hope
the military will forgive me...
You said that this put
the world on the brink of a global war.
No, of course, not. Even if we had sunk that ship, it is
nevertheless difficult to imagine that this would have
put the world on the brink of a third
world war because those who did this know they could not win
a war like that. This is very important.
Vladimir Putin 30
June 2021
Russia used 'demonstrative military coercion' signalling
serious intent when it made a rapid strike force to the gates of
Kiev. And then stopped. It was logistically overstretched, and it
took military losses along the line. But it had the required
effect. Ukraine agreed to come to the negotiating table, and a
mutually acceptable draft settlement treaty was negotiated. This
limited action followed by negotiations fits with George's
coercive diplomacy concept - military force used is not strategic
force, but "a component of a more complex political-diplomatic
strategy for resolving a conflict of interests".
The seven year build up of NATO trained and equipped forces in
Ukraine (while pretending to look for a diplomatic solution) shows
that in reality NATO was trying to establish a forward base for
anti-ballistic missiles, a launch complex that could host nuclear
tipped cruise missiles. These in turn could be used to coerce
Russia into 'giving away' the advantage Russia's hypersonic
missiles give.
Ukraine would also be cut off from economic interaction with
Russia, and the possibility of east-west economic and transport
connectivity nipped in the bud - to advantage the US government.
The US knew beforehand - or ought to have known - that there was
a close to certain probability that this effort at coercive
diplomacy wouldn't work. But the political stakes for the
United States government were so high that the US government
decided to try to trap Russia into having to fight in Ukraine,
with the hope it would be so wasteful of Russian lives that the
Russian government would be seriously weakened, and maybe
overthrown. First order of business was to kill any chance for
peace in Ukraine - and the Russian coercive 'signal' of a
lightning strike to the gates of Kiev seemed to set the stage for
a settlement between Russian and Ukraine.
George's conception of use of military force is that is a
restrained, "flexible" strategy, accompanied by signals,
negotiations, with the goal being to "stop or to undo encroachment
instead of bludgeoning him into doing so, or physically preventing
him from continuing".
But what he neglects is the 'puppeteer' factor - a country (or
non state organisation) taking the road of military coercion may
decide at some point that the time is right to end conflict and
take the diplomatic option - but those who control that actor may
insist the conflict continue. And if that actor relies on
financial support from their extraterritorial 'sponsor', they are
faced with a dilemma - face a possible social collapse due to lack
of money for the necessities of life, or continue a conflict that
further degrades their own peoples safety and security. The
conflict is even more acute when the other side offers a way out -
a negotiated settlement.
If the now losing would-be coercer refuses negotiation and
chooses continued conflict, then military 'coercive diplomacy' has
no place and no meaning - if such an oxymoronic term ever had
meaning in the first place.
The Ukraine-Russia settlement treaty was suddenly thrown out by
Ukraine after a visit from US government agent Boris Johnston (who
was also Prime Minister of Britain at the time). Why? George
explains - "...the strategy of coercive diplomacy may be abandoned
in favor of full scale military operations". And this is the path
the west chose.
"At the current stage, we are acting in line with what our
Western colleagues said – there must be a victory on the
battlefield. These are their words. They renounced talks and
compelled the Kiev regime to quit the negotiations in late March
2022, when it was still possible to end it politically."
Sergey Lavrov 2
February 2023
War is usually binary, you either win or you lose. Sometimes it
becomes frozen, as in the Korean peninsular. This is the
slim-chance gamble (from their point of view) the west made.
War is politically risky for those who incite and enable it, and
when you incite and enable war with Russia it is the kiss of
political death.
A high cost, high bloodshed strategy is redolent with political
repercussions and the risk of stirring up strong negative emotions
in voters on the losing side who were personally affected by the
war. Strong emotions of anger, resentment, and even violence are
unleashed. These emotions are then directed against the leadership
who ordered the military attack.
It is made worse when the decision to abruptly or incrementally
inflict violent on another party is made recklessly and without
meaningful popular consultation (or no consultation).
It is made worse still when the population realise they were fed
lies and propaganda to 'manufacture' their consent.
"...the regime in Kiev is ready to go
to any length to save its treacherous hide
and to prolong its existence. They do not care
for the people of Ukraine or Ukrainian
sovereignty or national interests...Traitors like them are
ready now to open the gate to their foreign
handlers and to sell Ukraine again."
Vladimir Putin 21
July 2023
The fact that those far-off people who incited the conflict gain
financially from ownership of shares in companies of a
military-industrial-financial complex, or more accurately,
military-industrial-financial business - (all involved make money
every time a bomb falls) also contrasts glaringly with the modest
incomes and oppressive debt burden of the general population of
the aggressor country, a debt burden increased by the tax-cost of
funding the waging of a war-business inside the borders of someone
else's country when that country has no prospect of paying back
the debt. War-force should be the last choice of coercive
However, military destruction of other countries is a highly
profitable business for the American 1% ers, and these business
people have undue influence on American politicians. Therefore armed
aggression by the US politicians are likely to continue, albeit
increasingly constrained as more and more nations move to missiles,
drones and electronic warfare.
"We are now engaged in bringing a military solution
to a problem called “a war of the West at large against the
Russian Federation.” They are using Ukraine as an expendable
material, drugging Ukrainian soldiers for them not to feel any
pain and driving them to the front lines like cattle."
Sergey Lavrov 30 June
The west never had a hope of winning this war. (The true breadth and
depth of Russia's adaptation and advancements in all spheres of the
application of military art is laid out in detail Andrei Martyonov's
2019 book 'The
(Real) Revolution in Military Affairs'.)
The US government certainly won the 'undeclared' economic war on
Germany. I detail the plan, 'a plan as cunning as it is immoral', here.
But the US government lost
the economic war against Russia - and to its whispered alarm,
is slowly starting to experience some of the unintended
consequences. The US government can't afford to start a full-blown
economic war on China at this point, and by the time it is
ready China will have finished making the many adjustments needed to
limit the damage the US government can inflict.
Worse, Russian general staff are steeped in the study of land war in
Russia, the Russian political class have a good understanding of all
the dimensions of preparing for war and executing plans, and the
military, in their turn work hand-in-glove with government with full
knowledge of the realities of the Russian economy, it's potential
and its limitations.
Government and the military staff have long known of the plan to
break up Russia, and likely worked together for years to develop an
economic plan to deal with a conflict encompassing European NATO (a
relatively small and mainly land-based problem) and US NATO (a large
and mainly space and subsea force problem).
Russia's military theorist Alexander Svechin said:
"In light of the information at one's disposal on
the political goal of the war, assessments of friendly and
hostile strengths should lead to the formulation of definite
missions for the economic front, a statement for the resources
for accomplishing these missions and a calculation of the
minimal economic base needed for waging war"
The west started its proxy war on Russia at a moment in Russia's
social, economic, and technological development when it had every
reason to be confident it could not lose militarily, even against
NATO. As Russia is a nuclear power, at no point in the past was a
military conquest by the west feasible. But in the past Russia was
also in no position to impose its will on the west. The only way
Russia could be pulled apart and sold off would be if disharmony
in society caused it to destroy itself from within. The only way
to create internal disharmony was for the west to enable and
assist terrorists within Russia, while simultaneously wrecking the
Russian economy through a blockade.
Russia had been warning the west for decades not to expand NATO to
within strike range of Russia's borders. But any sober calculation
of Russia's economic base at that time would have quickly revealed
Russia's economic base was insufficient to sustain military action
to impose Russian will on the post-Soviet west, "giddy" as Jeffrey
Sachs put it, with the false conclusion the west had 'won' the
cold war, and could now do anything - including assisting
terrorists in Chechnya. In 2004 Russia had barely begun it's long
journey to rebuild itself.
"...We are living
at a time of an economy in transition,
of a political system that does not yet correspond
to the state and level of our society’s
We are living through
a time when internal conflicts and interethnic
divisions that were once firmly suppressed by the
[former] ruling ideology have now flared up.
We stopped paying
the required attention to defence and security
issues and we allowed corruption to undermine our
judicial and law enforcement system.
Furthermore, our country,
formerly protected by the most powerful defence
system along the length of its external frontiers overnight
found itself defenceless both from the east
and the west.
It will take many years
and billions of roubles to create new, modern
and genuinely protected borders.
But even so, we could have
been more effective if we had acted professionally
and at the right moment.
In general, we need
to admit that we did not fully understand
the complexity and the dangers
of the processes at work in our own
country and in the world. In any case, we
proved unable to react adequately.
We showed ourselves
to be weak. And the weak get beaten.
Some would like to tear
from us a “juicy piece of pie”. Others help them.
They help, reasoning that Russia still remains one
of the world’s major nuclear powers,
and as such still represents a threat
to them. And so they reason that this threat should
be removed.
Terrorism, of course,
is just an instrument to achieve these aims.
As I have said many
times already, we have found ourselves confronting crises,
revolts and terrorist acts on more than one
occasion. But what has happened now, this crime committed
by terrorists, is unprecedented in its inhumanness
and cruelty.
This is not
a challenge to the President, parliament
or government. It is a challenge to all
of Russia, to our entire people. Our country is
under attack.
The terrorists think
they are stronger than us. They think they can frighten us
with their cruelty, paralyse our will and sow
disintegration in our society.
It would seem that we
have a choice — either to resist them
or to agree to their demands. To give
in, to let them destroy and plunder Russia
in the hope that they will finally leave us
in peace.
As the President,
the head of the Russian state, as someone
who swore an oath to defend this country
and its territorial integrity, and simply
as a citizen of Russia, I am convinced
that in reality we have no choice at all.
Because to allow
ourselves to be blackmailed and succumb
to panic would be to immediately condemn millions
of people to an endless series of bloody
conflicts like those of Nagorny Karabakh, Trans-Dniester
and other similar tragedies. We should not turn away from
this obvious fact.
What we are dealing with are
not isolated acts intended to frighten us, not isolated
terrorist attacks.
What we are facing is
direct intervention of international terror
directed against Russia. This is a total, cruel
and full-scale war that again and again is taking
the lives of our fellow citizens.
World experience shows us
that, unfortunately, such wars do not end quickly.
In this situation we simply cannot and should not
live in as carefree a manner
as previously. We must create a much more effective
security system...
...But most important is
to mobilise the entire nation in the face
of this common danger. Events in other countries
have shown that terrorists meet the most effective
resistance in places where they not only encounter
the state’s power but also find themselves facing
an organised and united civil society...."
Vladimir Putin addressing the nation on 4
September 2004 regarding the terrorists who murdered
children in the Russian town of Beslan
The Russian President was alluding to the west when he refers
to "international terror" and "full-scale war".
He alludes to the fact that effective resistance depends on two
factors - first, state power; second, a united civil society
organised to a common purpose. But in 2004, Russia was weak.
Building an economy and society capable of resisting outside
forces would take time and money - and leadership.
"What can
we say then about our own country that, after the collapse
of the Soviet Union, suffered heavy blows in all
areas, in social policy and in the economy?
Following the serious events in Chechnya
in the first half of the 1990s, our Armed
Forces and our special services were barely on their
feet and were in a state
of semi-disintegration.
Vladimir Putin 2
September 2005
By 2022 Russia had gone a long way to rebuild its economy from the
ground up, retrieving former state-owned strategic mineral
resources from the hands of western and local Russian oligarchs.
"... in 2014,
our ill-wishers were just taking their first steps as they
tried to limit our technological sovereignty
and obstruct our development. Back then, we talked about
the need to take vigorous steps to ensure our
technological sovereignty.
I must say that,
first, our predictions have come true; everything happened
just as we said it would.
They provoked
the conflict in Ukraine and used it
to their advantage.
I believe all
of that was done with a purpose to create
additional conditions for limiting our economic growth
and restraining Russia's development.
Back then, we began
thinking about what we should do to ensure our
sovereignty. Much has been achieved, but there is still much
to do..."
Vladimir Putin 8
September 2023
As it became obvious that the United States government was
preparing an armed conflict for Russia using their long-time
hate-groomed Ukrainian dupe, so Russia accelerated planning and
execution of logistic lines, industrial production, weapons
development and review. Luckily, the western blockades on Russian
goods was accompanied by US blockade on Russian banking
transactions and theft of Russian state reserves. I say luckily
because non-western countries were horrified at these actions,
realising that they could be next. It made it so much easier for
those neutral or friendly countries to develop economic ties with
Russia, and, especially start limited bilateral trade outside the
dollar system.
Russia has waged a war of attrition in Ukraine for a number of
reasons. Economically, it still pays Ukraine for the transit of
Russian gas across Ukraine. The contract ends in 2024, and the
Nordstream would have replaced it. Now a Turkish-Russian pipeline
across the Black Sea will partially replace Nordstream. In any
event, Ukraine is deeply in debt, and has limited capacity to use
its remaining material resources to climb out of it. It is propped
up by USA and European taxpayers.
The west stopped all efforts by Russia to negotiate a peaceful
settlement. Even when it was clear that Ukraine had run out of
resources and could only keep the war going by importing weapons
and money from the west, Ukraine refused to negotiate.
Russia's high-precision Iskander missiles progressively destroyed
accumulations of military personnel, command centers, weapons
repair factories, then power dispatch equipment, and finally power
generation equipment. The ultra fast (hypersonic) air
launched Kinzhal struck sensitive military staff meetings and
Ukrainian missile launchers before they could be moved to places
of relative safety. In other words, the west and Ukraine had gone
far past the stage where Russia had "given credibility" to its
threats to use "military-technical" means to bring the opposite
side to the table, in line with George's dictum that it may
ultimately become necessary to " give credibility to
the threat that greater force will be used if necessary".
Iskander strikes were responses to Ukrainian escalation, and
limited. But ultimately, a combination of destroying all weapons
NATO fields via its proxy, an ever-increasing rate of death of
Ukrainian conscripts, the burden of mounting Ukrainian debt, and
the realisation by the EU politicians their economies are slowly
self-destructing due to high energy costs, all together will
coerce Ukraine to do what the west persuaded it not to do in 2022
- agree terms to end the conflict. The virtually unstoppable
long-arm strikes by the Iskander and Kinzhal missiles on important
military and infrastructure targets ought to have been enough to
convince the west and Ukraine that they should terminate the war.
But George did not factor in the fact that even when an adversary
agrees to meet negotiated demands due to the other sides
demonstration of force, corrupt politicians can sabotage the
peace in their own interests. This is exactly what happened
in April 2022. In this situation, the same resolve to use force
should be directed at the inciter of the corrupt politicians. But
when the inciter is a nuclear power, this course is not
appropriate. Other coercive means have to be found, assymetric
means, perhaps on a longer time frame. Which then means the
conflict is drawn out for longer, and military tactics have to
change to conserve forces.
As the US makes increasingly dangerous overt and covert moves in
its 'secret' war on Russia, even after the termination of the
conflict (highly likely, in my opinion) the US military-political
complex may find that Russia will finally "demonstrate resolution"
of "an appropriate kind" on the USA. A military strike on the US
mainland is never the first choice. There should be other options,
diplomacy and negotiations at least. But the Americans have closed
that door, locked and bolted it. All that is left is their own
methods - coercion of one sort or another, overt or covert. Russia
is capable of that.
"In response to the deployment
of American and British long-range weapons,
on November 21, the Russian Armed Forces delivered
a combined strike on a facility within Ukraine’s
defence industrial complex. In field conditions, we also
carried out tests of one of Russia’s latest
medium-range missile systems – in this case, carrying
a non-nuclear hypersonic ballistic missile that our
engineers named Oreshnik. The tests were successful,
achieving the intended objective of the launch.
In the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, one
of the largest and most famous industrial complexes
from the Soviet Union era, which continues to produce
missiles and other armaments, was hit.
We are
developing intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles
in response to US plans to produce
and deploy intermediate-range and shorter-range
missiles in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.
We believe that the United States made a mistake
by unilaterally destroying the INF Treaty in 2019
under far-fetched pretext. Today, the United States is not
only producing such equipment, but, as we can see, it has
worked out ways to deploy its advanced missile systems
to different regions of the world, including
Europe, during training exercises for its troops. Moreover,
in the course of these exercises, they are
conducting training for using them...
We consider ourselves entitled to use our weapons
against military facilities of those countries that allow
to use their weapons against our facilities,
and in case of an escalation
of aggressive actions, we will respond decisively
and in mirror-like manner.
I recommend that the ruling elites
of the countries that are hatching plans to use
their military contingents against Russia seriously consider
It goes without saying that when choosing, if necessary
and as a retaliatory measure, targets
to be hit by systems such as Oreshnik
on Ukrainian territory, we will in advance suggest
that civilians and citizens of friendly
countries residing in those areas leave danger
We will do so for humanitarian reasons, openly
and publicly, without fear of counter-moves coming
from the enemy, who will also be receiving this
without fear? Because there are no means of countering such
weapons today. Missiles attack targets at a speed
of Mach 10, which is 2.5 to 3 kilometres per second.
Air defence systems currently available in the world
and missile defence systems being created
by the Americans in Europe cannot intercept such
missiles. It is impossible...
We have
always preferred and are ready now to resolve all
disputes by peaceful means. But we are also ready
for any turn of events.
anyone still doubts this, make no mistake: there will always
be a response."
Vladimir Putin 21
November 2021
As George noted, military coercion is a restrained strategy,
accompanied by 'signals' to make the opposing side stop what they
are doing, and most particularly, undo encroachment. Mr. Putin's
sent a strong signal in September 2024, and an even stronger one
on the 21st of November 2024. The encroachment, of course, is the
wests backing of Ukraine's decision to seize back the two
republics which seceded from Ukraine and federated with Russia.
The more important encroachment is NATO's encroachment on Russia's
border in order to station nuclear cruise missiles there. Minutes
from Moscow. NATO should bear in mind that it has been repeatedly
warned by Russia ever since 2007 not to bring its strike forces so
close to the Russian border. If NATO countries enter Ukraine
- individually or collectively - without Russian agreement, then
Russia will deliver a decisive defeat on them by using Oreshnik,
Iskander and other missiles to destroy their air power, radar,
munitions dumps, oil refineries, gas storage hubs, pipelines,
electric power generating plants in a single powerful blow. The
variable means of response, and the variety of targets to select
fits with George's concept of 'flexibility' in military rebuffs.
And as George points out, negotiation is an important element,
even in the midst of a strong military response to encroachment.
And Russia has left this door open right from the very start.
Oreshnik system allows unbeatable military force coercion of the
USA and Europe Added 26 November 2024
As at end
2024 the Oreshnik system has limited reach, maybe 4,000
kilometers. It can reach limited parts of the US west coast -
including the US strategic missile deployment site in North
Dakota- if launched from the far east of Russia. But if the US forces a
showdown via some strike into Russia, the reply will
probably use the Oreshnik. There is, however, a possibility
it could be shot down.
In certain
circumstances, the Oreshnik hypersonic ballistic missile
system can be challenged by the US-Israeli Arrow 3
anti-ballistic missile system. (Which is really a 'forward
deployed' anti-ballistic missile for the defense of the
USA - not Israel - against a future Iranian nuclear ICBM.
Israel is more or less directly on the 5,000 kilometer
long flight path of Iranian missiles traveling to the USA
east coast. As at 2024 Iran's longest range missile has a
range of only 2,000 kilometers, but that will increase
with time.)
But the Oreshnik
can be destroyed in space only
if the Arrow 3 system is installed in the west Alaskan
coast, and the Russians launched the Oreshnik
within range of an Alaska deployed Arrow. That is,
anywhere from the middle of Russia across to far eastern
Russia. The western part of Russia is too far away from
western USA for the current range of the Oreshnik
to reach. But
the US can hardly relax.
Here is the danger for the US if it insolently attacks Russia:
ultimately, variants of the Oreshnik system may use one of
Russia's long distance Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
(their range is around 11,000 kilometers) rather than missile
booster rockets of shorter range. A long range ICBM booster
rocket will easily enable the Oreshnik
to reach anything in the whole continental USA. How so?.
Because if the ICBM is fired from the middle of Russia and the
Orenshnik re-entry vehicles are released at the 4,000
kilometers apogee of their 8,000 kilometer journey, the
re-entry arc could take them as far as New York State.
The US-Israeli Arrow 3 is the only anti ballistic missile
system that has a hope of hitting the missile at the moment of
apogee in space. The apogee is the point in space when the
launch missile slows and releases its re-entry munitions. They
then orient themselves, lock onto the ultimate target, and
start accelerating back to earth. The Arrow has a maximum
range of 2,400 kilometers. But that means the re-entry
vehicles are already accelerating to their target by the time
they are within range and going too fast for the Arrow 3 to
hit. Yes, the Arrow 3 can cover east Russia, but it simply
cannot stop a long range Orenshnik launched from
mid or west Russia.
If such a long range variant is developed - it won't be that
difficult - Russia will be able to destroy the American factory
that makes the long range cruise missiles fired
by Ukraine against Russia using
the Oreshnik's conventionally armed re-entry warheads.
Conventionally armed, not nuclear.
The Oreshnik ICBM releases its multiple warheads
in space, at the top of ascent. The 6 or so warheads orient
themselves to their individual target, and speed down on it "like
a meteorite" - as the Russian President put it when he introduced
the first hypersonic weapons to the world in 2018. (Some
analysts say the initial re-entry munition then itself fires
another 6 sub-munitions, for a total of 36 explosive heads.)
This weapon will be used to react to US aggressions. It will not
be used as an offensive weapon.
"We consider ourselves entitled to use our weapons
against military facilities of those countries that allow
to use their weapons against our facilities,
and in case of an escalation
of aggressive actions, we will respond decisively
and in mirror-like manner.
I recommend that the ruling elites
of the countries that are hatching plans to use
their military contingents against Russia seriously consider
Vladimir Putin 21
November 2024
The characteristics that make it perfect in 'active' military
coercion are:
When used alone or in conjunction with other
conventionally armed hypersonic weapons it can deliver just the
needed amount of force to mirror the initial insult. Not too much,
not too little.
It allows a range of military force types to be delivered -
surface acting munitions against concentrations of manpower and
war material, barometric munitions for use where forces are
hiding in rubble, ground-liquifying penetrating force to break
through concrete bunkers and penetrate deep into heavily
re-inforced undergound fortifications, and so on.
It lowers the threshold of use because there is
nothing the enemy can do to stop it
It is relatively cheap
It is entirely indigenously made
There is a well trained and experienced production
pipeline well protected deep inside Russia
Operators are already trained
There will be a very rapid improvement cycle
It cannot be stopped by any missile defense system
Because it can't be stopped, there is an
opportunity for people from friendly countries to be told to
leave by a certain date or hour.
"we will in advance suggest that civilians
and citizens of friendly countries residing
in those areas leave danger zones."
Vladimir Putin 21
November 2024
The threat of further mirror strikes is absolutely
credible. Russia can strike anything and anyone is chooses,
when it chooses.
The strike on the USA target can be launched from
within Russia's border.
It is well known that Russian doctrine includes
the principle of not only providing a mirror response, but
where the aggression in unprovoked - as it always is in the
case of the USA 'elite' thugs - then those military officers
who ordered the strike and those who carried out the order
are targeted.
In the case of an unprovoked aggression a punitive
counterstrike may be needed. The flexibility of these
hypersonic weapons systems are such that the 'dial' for this
can be set to any level and type at all.
The entire Russian nation is configured to operate in
wartime conditions, economically, culturally, psychologically.
The entire world runs on cheap energy, and Russia has a lot of it
- in state majority-owned hands. Russia is unlikely to be
economically exhausted by a war. And in the extreme case, as
Russia has almost no trade with the continental USA, there is no
economic reason not to strike mainland USA with hypersonic weapons
if the US enables strikes Russia.
overdominance means nuclear weapons will be used Edited
27 November 2024
When the Oreshnik was demonstrated in use on 21
November 2024, various American current and former military
people proclaimrd that because its dominant nature, the
Oreshnik nullified all the land, sea and air military potential of
NATO, and therefore the USA, having nothing to match it, will have
to use nuclear weapons in a conflict with Russia. Several high
level American figures went further, saying the USA had to make a
preemptive nuclear strike on Russia.
America will not strike Russia with strategic nuclear weapons.
Russia will not strike USA with strategic nuclear weapons.
To do so would mean the end of the world. With
no world, there is no economic gain. And conflicts are
always about economic gain. .
If the massively powerful silo-based strategic intercontinental
ballistic missile nuclear weapons can't be used, that leaves
American preemptive strikes on Russia with tactical nuclear
weapons. Their destructive power is still enormous, and can be
dial-selected from 'low' yield enormous to 'mid range' yield
enormous. They are intended to destroy troop concentrations,
military staff headquarters, military ports and other large
military targets. The USA plans to station nuclear capable cruise
missiles in Germany in 2026. The USA would like to use the hands
of their German proxy to launch them. Would the USA really use
nuclear weapons for a preemptive 'decapitating' strike on the
Russian command? I don't think so.
First, a preemptive strike is by definition an unprovoked
aggression. It is illegal. This is the worst possible war crime
against a people, according to the judges of the Nuremburg trial.
"To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only
an international crime; it is the supreme international crime
differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within
itself the accumulated evil of the whole" See 22 Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the
International Military Tribunal 427 (1948)
All those involved, both German and American, would automatically
become war criminals, and liable to be hung on conviction.
Russia's doctrine states that if NATO deploys tactical medium
range nuclear weapons on its borders, then Russia will deploy
tactical nuclear weapons targeting those facilities. But probably
not on its border, but at depth, where they will survive hidden in
forests. Russia's Oreshnik nuclear response will hit Germany and
the USA, probably destroying military command and control in USA.
The Russian terms for cessation will certainly include delivery of
all personnel involved to Russia for trial and punishment.
Second, the laws of war require proportionality, no matter what
weapons are used. That includes nuclear weapons. If NATO involved
itself in an aggression against Russia and found itself losing (a
near certainty), it is not entitled to use such a disproportionate
weapon. Once again, it would constitute a war crime.
Third, Russia's air defense are best in the world, and multiple
tactical nuclear weapons would have to be launched to ensure one
nuclear armed glide bomb, cruise missile, or ballistic missile
'leaks' through. Together, such a mass attack with nuclear weapons
would constitute a strategic nuclear strike. This would
precipitate a strategic nuclear strike on USA by Russia's
submarines (accepting that the land-based launch silos of the
Sarmat ICBM, which launches the unstoppable nuclear armed Avangard
glide vehicles, are destroyed).
Fourth, the Russian hypersonic weapons are capable of carrying a
nuclear payload. They are solid fueled and therefore immediately
fireable. And they are unstoppable. They are carried on road
mobile vehicles and hard to locate. There will always be the
possibility of a response in kind with either conventional weapons
of tactical nuclear equivalence (most likely), or, unlikely,
tactical nuclear weapons. Once again, this is without mentioning
Russian submarines.
Fifth, the only possible response to the threat of a preemptive
nuclear strike by USA is, of course a preemptive strike on the
USA. Russia, unlike the American elites, are not barbarians. They
would probably preemptively destroy some of the USA strategic
nuclear missile installations as a demonstration - using
conventional hypersonic Oreshnik.
Sixth, if the USA did explode a tactical nuclear weapon on a
military target on Russian territory, Russia would almost
certainly destroy the platform that carried out the strike,
destroy the command that ordered it, and destroy the military
commanders involved. This makes such a strike unattractive to
those who are told by the US 'elite' politicians to carry it out.
They may well decide to refuse to carry out the order (and also
see point one in this regard).
Seventh, if USA exploded a tactical nuclear weapon on Russian
territory, and Russia made a convincing response, that made it
obvious that damage to America would be unbearable unless America
came to terms, the terms would have to include some uncontaminated
American territory to compensate for the land America contaminated
with nuclear fallout.
Alaska would is the only possible option for appropriate
When military
strategy fails
"In war, the losing side has several options. Fighting
to the death is one of them, capitulation and surrender are
another. Depending on their rank, religion, honour, and offshore
bank accounts, the losers may run away or commit suicide.
The Ukrainian regime, with the assistance of the North Atlantic
Treaty (NATO) states and President Joseph Biden, have come up
with an entirely new ploy. This is to escalate the combat,
sacrificing all their troops and their equipment, and pretend
this is winning — before they do a runner.
Not even Adolf Hitler and his propaganda minister Joseph
Goebbels, in their last days in the Berlin bunker, thought of
this. But then Miami, Malibu, or the Côte d’Azur weren’t haven
options for them.
At the current attrition rate on the front line, the Ukrainian
army will have lost another one hundred thousand men
dead and about three hundred thousand wounded by Christmas;
their reserves will have been committed to the fight and
exhausted; the army will have neither resupplies of
ammunition nor replacement NATO artillery and other
equipment to fight on."
John Helmer, 15
July 2023 'Real War to Defeat, Fake propaganda to
Victory - NATO is in Two Minds, Splitting'
Anyone who thinks a military strategy can always succeed against
a poorly armed force - even an irregular force - is wrong.
Consider the US government experience of 20 years in Afghanistan,
or the Saudi government force in Houthi Yemen, or the Israeli
adventure against Hezbollah in Lebanon, among other examples.
Coercion through violence (whether direct or through a proxy) can
fail. It may also bring the opposite result to what the rich
'elites' who devise these schemes wanted to achieve. That's hardly
The ultimate irony is the Ukraine example - Russia for years
refused to recognise the Russian speaking break-away region, and
insisted the regions remain in Ukraine. All in the hope the
Ukrainian government would agree to implement the Minsk Agreement,
allowing the breakaway regions to keep their culture and language
as a part of a Ukrainian Federation. Even after the start of the
Russian operation to protect the Russian speaking citizens in
those regions, Russia was willing to compromise. Russia was on the
point of signing a peace agreement in Turkiye that would have
allowed the breakaway republics to remain under Ukrainian control
for 15 years, after which a referendum would be held. But at the
very last minute the West refused to allow the Ukrainian President
to sign it .As a result the Wests proxy military strategy
continued on, and Russia will take land containing valuable
mineral and agricultural resources into it's Federation. Any
Western-owned strategically important business interests there be
probably be subject to the same conditions as exist in the rest of
Additionally, when the bombs stop falling, the bitterness of
death and destruction remains. And then the inciters, the
aggressors, must talk to their victims. For example, ask for
business concessions (under the guise of 'investment') in the
country whose economy they directly or indirectly tried to totally
wreck. Ask to talk to the same politicians they tried - directly
or indirectly - to kill or displace.
As for the general population - if you sow death and maiming, you
will harvest anger and bitterness. It generally takes three
generations and economic recovery for the emotional fires in the
heart to burn right down. It takes many more generations of
normalised relations before, for most, it finally goes out.
Then there are the war crimes. These will be prosecuted by the
victor, which clearly will be Russia. (The west, of course will
have its show 'trials' - which will open up demands for the US and
western governments to be put in the dock and made accountable for
the millions of people the west has killed, maimed, maimed and
starved). Those who committed these crimes and those who incited
them will be held to account, without let of time. This is not
Iraq, where those who documented the US government war crimes were
suppressed, and in one case killed.
".Everyone knew that the Ukrainian armed forces,
especially the nationalist battalions, were using civilian sites
to deploy heavy weapons since the onset of the crisis (back in
2014, when they shelled Donbass with heavy weapons and used
aviation). This practice continued uninterrupted and ran rampant
when the special military operation began. Heavy weapons were
placed in the cities next to kindergartens and right in school
buildings. Rounds were fired from there, thus causing
retaliatory strikes against civilian sites. The internet is rife
with witness accounts where Ukrainian citizens approach
Ukrainian troops demanding that they leave kindergartens,
schools, retail stores, and other civilian sites. The
evidence abounds, but no one paid any attention to it. J
ust like everyone quickly forgot about the footage of
the POWs being shot in the head and dumped in a pit with their
hands tied behind their backs, just like the Nazis did....
No one is talking about what happened when residential areas
were shelled and children were killed in Donbass. There’s an
Alley of Angels in Donbass. I do not recall any Western
journalist showing any interest in what was happening behind the
line of contact in the territories that the UN Security Council
promised to give a special status to.
journalists have been working 24/7 since the beginning of the
coup on the line of contact. They show the destruction and
atrocities committed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
We demanded that the OSCE put on record the consequences of
the bombing raids on these territories and the shelling of the
civilian sector. However, for years that the OSCE mission
operated there, it simply reported the number of ceasefire
violations, shellings, and casualties, without specifying the
number of casualties on the militia’s side and casualties on the
side of the Kiev regime.
When we finally succeeded in getting this data
published, it turned out that almost all of the casualties on
the militia side came from indiscriminatebombing
attacks, while the destruction on the side of the Kiev regime
was the result of retaliatory fire. This truth is being swept
under the rug.
You are a journalist and you can conduct investigations. The
numerous fakes and lies have been dwarfed by the Western
coverage of what happened in the town of Bucha, where in
early April 2022 the bodies of the people who had been allegedly
tortured and killed by the Russian army were displayed. There
were scores of dead bodies strewn on the main street.
They were shown publicly three days after the Russian army
withdrew from Bucha. It would look more credible if the bodies
had been hidden in a basement. But TV cameras filmed them lying
on the central street of that town. We are well aware of
such staged performances. Bucha is the most cynical of
them all. We
asked for the names of the people who were “killed” there. It
has been more than a year now, but no one is going to provide
the names. No one is talking about an investigation.
...Bucha was used to disrupt the signing of a peace
agreement with Russia and for imposing another batch of
anti-Russian sanctions. Who are the people that were tortured
there? Probably their relatives should know about it."
Sergey Lavrov 30 June
Anyone who thinks a military strategy - including a strategy of
using a trained and armed and highly motivated proxy force such as
NATO's Ukrainian proxy - against a well trained, very well
motivated, very well equipped and very well led peer can succeed
is at least delusional - if not suicidal. Especially when the peer
they are fighting also has some unmatched modern technologies,
unmatchable industrial capacity, and has secure logistic supply
It is important to remember that sensible military strategy is
best made by well informed, unbiased, and highly trained
professional military strategists, working in agreement with sober
and mature politicians.
But when politicians amend the military strategy in order to
'look good', then disaster can result. We have seen this played
out in Ukraine. The Russians are the epitome of data-driven,
reality-based, military strategist experts. Ukraine - and to an
extent the US - had military strategy interfered with by
politicians. Force requires clear analysis of first, what the end
objective is, and second, if it is reasonably achievable with the
resources at hand and the realities of the situation the conflict
is placed in (set and setting).
The western politicians, are funders, inciters, and culpable
parties to this proxy conflict, yet provide no leadership, no
vision, all just ad hominen attacks and fact-deficient
vacuous prattle. The politicians claimed 'HIMARS are a game
changer', 'Patriots change the game', Storm shadow, Leopard tanks,
F16s, and so on. But western politicians are profoundly ignorant
of military affairs. Productive engineering base, industrial
capacity, technical capacity, logistic capacity, national self
provisioning, innovation, rapid implementation, advanced and
constantly improving military doctrines - these are deciding. The
west can't match it. End of story.
"During the year, we increased
the production of our main weapons by 2.7
times. As for the manufacture
of the most in-demand weapons, we increased this
by ten times. Ten times! Some
industrial companies work in two shifts and some
in three. They practically work day and night
and do a very good job.
As we say
in such cases, I would like to use this
opportunity to thank our labourers and engineers
that are working day and night. Many of them go
to the frontline to adjust equipment right
in the zone of hostilities and do
a very good job.
So, when we are
talking about one of our main goals –
demilitarisation – this is exactly how it is being
achieved. They have less and less of their
own equipment – almost nothing is left of it. They have some old Soviet plants where they
try to repair hardware but the number is
constantly decreasing because when we get information
on what is taking place and where, we try
to deal with it.
Meanwhile, our production is growing
and the quality is improving.
The specifications – the range
and precision – are being improved.
If we did not have this special
military operation we probably would not have understood how
to upgrade our defence industry to make our army
the best in the world. But we will do this."
Vladimir Putin 13
June 2023
When the plan fails, as it has in Ukraine, the inciting parties,
having set fire to the other sides reasonable compromise and
proposed settlement, then insolently take a role as the 'only
ones' dousing the flames. They urge 'diplomacy', as if these
wreckers and haters weren't the same people who deviously
sabotaged all Russias diplomatic efforts in the first place.
What almost always follows next is the blackmail strategy,
whereby the west promises to 'suspend' sanctions on Russia, as
long as Russia does what the west says on other matters,
such as deployment of hypersonic missiles.
But when the country you are trying to blackmail has the upper
hand militarily, economically, diplomatically, and morally, then
vacuous threats are no more than weak prattle.
Failed coercion -
settlement edited 10 February 2024
"The issue of whether or not this is going to keep Putin
from continuing to fight, the answer is: Putin
has already lost the war. Putin has a real
problem. How does he move from here? What does he
do? And so, the idea that there’s going to be — what vehicle
is used, he could end the war tomorrow; he could just say, “I’m
But what agreement is ultimately reached depends upon Putin and
what he decides to do. But ...there
is no possibility of him winning the war in Ukraine.
He’s already lost that war. Imagine if — even
if — anyway. He’s already lost
that war."
Joseph Biden, 13 July 2023
"The colossal resources that were pumped into the Kiev regime, the
supply of Western weapons, such as tanks, artillery, armoured
vehicles and missiles, and the deployment of thousands of foreign
mercenaries and advisers, who were most actively used in attempts
to break through the front of our army, are not
helping...the whole world sees that the vaunted Western,
supposedly invulnerable, military equipment is on fire,
and is often even inferior to some
of the Soviet-made weapons in terms of its
tactical and technical characteristics.
of course, more Western weapons can be supplied
and thrown into battle. This, of course, causes us
some damage and prolongs the conflict.
But, firstly, NATO arsenals and stockpiles of old
Soviet weapons in some countries are already largely
And secondly, the West does not have
the production capacities to quickly replenish
the consumption of reserves of equipment
and ammunition. Additional, large resources and time
are needed.
The main
thing is that formations of the Armed Forces
of Ukraine suffered huge losses as a result
of self-destructive attacks: tens of thousands
of people.
despite the constant raids and the incessant
waves of total mobilisation in Ukrainian cities
and villages, it is increasingly difficult
for the current regime to send new soldiers
to the front. The country’s mobilisation resource
is being depleted.
People in Ukraine are asking
a legitimate question more often: for what,
for the sake of whose selfish interests, are
their relatives and friends dying. Gradually, slowly,
but clarity comes.
We can
see the public opinion changing in Europe, too. Both the Europeans and European
elites see that support for Ukraine is, in fact,
a dead end, an empty, endless waste of money
and effort, and in fact, serving someone
else’s interests, which are far from European:
the interests of the overseas global hegemon,
which benefits from the weakening of Europe.
The endless prolongation of the Ukrainian
conflict is also beneficial to it... Vladimir Putin 21
July 2023
Settlement terms are determined by the victor. In the case of
Ukraine this is Russia. Mr. Biden must have known this at the time
he made the above statement. Russia made their terms known
in late
March 2023. (I have summarised them here.)
But the Russian terms worsen as Ukraine 'holds on' unreasonably,
in a bizarre and pointless Monty Python 'Black Knight'
"We would like to finish, as soon as possible, the war the
West was preparing for and eventually unleashed against us
through Ukraine.
Our priority is the lives of the soldiers and civilians that
remain in the zone of hostilities."
Sergey Lavrov 28
December 2022
Unlike the west, Russia always wanted the conflict in Ukraine to
end in settlement as soon as possible.
"...for the Russian side, peace always has priority over
combat. So, let me remind you that we already participated
in a negotiation process with Kiev, in the spring of 2022, and
came close to a positive outcome. However, all efforts were
undermined by the Anglo-Saxons,
whose plans clearly did not include the cessation of
hostilities. They have remained obsessed with the manic idea of
inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia...
Of course, we have meticulously studied all the peace
initiatives we have received. We have held special consultations
with several of our partners and discussed their ideas in
detail...We agree with many of our partners’ proposals...
At the same time, we have to admit that Vladimir Zelensky’s
Western curators completely refuse any form of de-escalation. The
Kiev regime has directly and immediately rejected the
possibility of talks on peace initiatives proposed by China,
Brazil and African countries. Advisor to the Head of the
Office of the President of Ukraine Mikhail Podolyak said that
“talks would be meaningless, dangerous and deadly for Ukraine
and Europe.”"
Sergey Lavrov 13 July
Question: During the special military operation we are
liberating Russian territory. How do you feel about Western
countries helping our enemy?
Vladimir Putin: The point is not that they are helping
our enemy. They are our enemy...
Ukraine itself is not our enemy whereas those who want to
destroy Russian statehood and to achieve, as they say, a
strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield, are mainly in the
West, but still, there are different people there. There are
people who sympathise with us and who are with us at heart.
But there are the elites who think the existence of Russia (at
least in its current state and size) is unacceptable. They want
to disintegrate it....For decades, they have simply been writing
frankly about it: divide Russia into five parts, one is too
Therefore, they have been nurturing the Kiev regime for quite a
long time, precisely to create this conflict. Unfortunately for
us, they have achieved this...the entire “civilised” West is
fighting us.
...They [Ukraine] were supplied with more than 400 tanks...and
in a year we will produce and overhaul 1, fact, there
will be probably more. It is like this almost across the board.
Therefore, though it has been their goal to deal with Russia
from time immemorial, we will deal with
them faster, it seems.
...The point is not that we do not like that they are supplying
Ukraine, that’s not the core of the problem.
The problem is not with Ukraine, but with those who are
trying to destroy Russia using Ukraine. That is
the problem. But they will fail: it is simply out of the
question, absolutely out of the question.
I think that the realisation is starting to dawn on them, and
the rhetoric is changing: those who were talking just
yesterday about the need to inflict a strategic defeat on
Russia are now looking for the right words on how to quickly
end the conflict. ...We have no desire to fight endlessly, but we are not
going to cede our positions either.
You fought there, you were wounded there; are we going to
surrender everything now?
The cameras are on, otherwise I would make a certain gesture
here now; you all know what kind of gesture it is.
So, it is not going to happen."
Vladimir Putin, visiting a Military Hospital, in discussion with
injured military personnel, 1
January 2024
"Up until now there has been the uproar and screaming
about inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia
on the battlefield. Now they are apparently coming
to realize that it is difficult to achieve, if
possible at all. In my opinion, it is impossible
by definition, it is never going to happen. It seems
to me that now those who are in power
in the West have come to realize this
as well. If so, if the realization has set in, they
have to think what to do next. We are ready
for this dialogue.
Carlson: Would you be willing to say,
”Congratulations, NATO, you won?“ And just keep
the situation where it is now?
Putin: You know, it is a subject matter
for the negotiations no one is willing to conduct
or, to put it more accurately, they are willing but do not
know how to do it. I know they want. It is not just
I see it but I know they do want it but they are
struggling to understand how to do it. They have
driven the situation to the point where we are
at. It is not us who have done that, it is our partners,
opponents who have done that. Well, now let them think how
to reverse the situation. We are not against it.
would be funny if it were not so sad. This endless mobilization
in Ukraine, the hysteria, the domestic
problems – sooner or later it all will result
in an agreement. You know, this will probably sound
strange given the current situation but the relations
between the two peoples will be rebuilt anyway. It will
take a lot of time but they will heal."
Vladimir Putin 9
February 2024
Settlement with Ukraine will bring only partial settlement with
the West.
Ukraine must restore Ukraine's founding principles of neutrality
and non-bloc status (outlined in the 1990 declaration of
independence) and de-militarise. Ukraine must never join NATO,
de-nazify, re-affirm its non-nuclear status, and not join the EU,
and Ukraine must recognise as part of Russia the territories
Russia has occupied and in which it has held referendums which
confirm a majority desire to join Russia.
That is just the Ukraine element, which, is 'not even the main
thing'. The 'main thing' is to either negotiate or coerce the west
to move nuclear weapons away from Russia's border. Either method
will do, but Russia always prefers negotiation. The west, because
it is run by ideologues and has lost the culture of diplomacy,
doesn't know how to negotiate in good faith.
the threat to Russia posed by the west Edited 21 November
Once the measures to end the threat from Ukraine are in place, the
west will have partially met the promises made to Russia at the
time the then Soviet Union agreed to move out of East Germany.
It only remains to move antiballistic missiles away from the
Russian border. But how?
Russia might decide to use the doctrine of premptive self defense
to coerce the west into removing missiles to a safe distance. This
can be done by ultimatum - remove all platforms in Europe capable
of launching any projectile capable striking Russia within a 25
minute window from launch 'or else'. The projectile could be
nuclear-capable, field rocket, cruise missile, ballistic missile,
glide bomb, torpedo, suicide drone (including underwater drone),
or an artillery shell. If
the west refuses to comply, Russia could launch missile attacks to
destroy the platforms - multiple rocket launch systems, cruise
missiles, integrated ground launched missile systems, nuclear
bomber, nuclear capable fighter-bombers, ships with missile and
torpedo systems, suicide drone storage areas and/or production
facilities, ammunition dumps and/or production facilities. The
scale of such an operation in the vastness of Europe makes this
scenario impossible. Russia had difficulty finding Ukrainian
weapons systems. The problem of locating weapons systems across
that part of Europe within a 30 minute launch zone of hitting
Russia seems an insurmountably difficult and expensive task.
That leaves either negotiation or one of the strategies within
coercive diplomacy - that of economic coercion.
Negotiation will have to be done over many many years, via
protracted diplomatic negotiations on arms control in general. The
process will speed up as the European States fall into economic
collapse due to high energy prices.
Russia has a certain amount of leverage on oil prices. All
economies exist only because of energy sources that are both
economically affordable and reliably available. The 'price' of
re-establishment of cheap Russian energy is likely to be a 30
minute flight-time de-militarised zone around Russia, removal of
all US nuclear bombs from Europe, and progressing the Russia-USA
Strategic Arms Treaty (including coverage for hypersonic weapons)
so that agreement can reached before expiry in 2026.
In addition, in regard to Europes 'sanctions', it goes without
saying that every form of 'sanctions' will have to be removed
first, and compensation paid for pipeline damage and lost revenue.
This use of coercive diplomacy is more than justified given the
desire of the USA and Europe to not only incite and arm others to
kill Russians, but also to attempt to overthrow the Russian
government. This is use of coercive diplomacy in retaliation,
reprisal, reparation, and re-balancing - all in one, and all
richly deserved.
"With regard to our allies and strategic partners not ending
their relations with the West, we haven’t severed relations with
it, either. As far as I, the West, had a grudge
against Russia that dared to defend its legitimate historical
interests. The West acted out its anger by severing almost all
relations with us.
This began long before the special military operation. In
December 2016, then US President Obama kicked out dozens of our
citizens three weeks before leaving office. Then, five
properties were taken from us in violation of intergovernmental
agreements and in violation of the Vienna Convention on
Diplomatic Relations. These sanctions continued to escalate...
We maintain diplomatic relations with Western countries and we
are not shutting ourselves off. President Putin recently
emphasised this when he said that we are not self-isolating. Of
course, we maintain relations with
those who are willing to act honestly (based on
equal rights and compliance with international law, including
the UN Charter-enshrined provision that makes it obligatory for
everyone to respect the sovereign equality of large and small
states alike).
We are not “shutting the door” on the West. It is the West that
is trying to isolate itself from us.
But if and when reasonable people come to power there, and
if they suggest that we consider opportunities to
expand our contacts, which are still there, but have been
reduced to the bare minimum, we will
see what they have to offer. We will respond
based on our core interests.
Never again during the life of
the current politicians and the generation that will come
after us, at least not when it comes to developing
strategic sectors of the economy and areas that are critical
for the sovereignty and independence of the Russian
Federation, will we rely on “projects” involving our Western
Sergey Lavrov 30 June
Russia would like to achieve a mutually acceptable arms settlement
with the west, but is in no hurry, because it has both defensive
dominance and threat dominance against all NATO countries
(including the United States). The continuing advances in Russia's
defensive dominance and in threat dominance are novel,
robust, large scale and affordable. The education, technical
training, commitment, and state-system research and industry base
that creates these continuously advancing weapons systems will
almost certainly guarantee Russia's relative security even if the
west never signs a mutual security treaty.
The Oreshnik, the hypersonic short to medium range is a
peacemaker. It opens the possibility of bilateral security
agreements with Russia, where Russia provides the unstoppable
hypersonic missile, and the partner country gets on with spending
its money on constructive activities, rather than wasting it on
But this is still a somewhat brittle security, predicated on fast
and effective response to coercive provocations by the western
'leaders'. In the best of systems, things can go wrong. A mutual
security treaty would give resilience, and ability to prevent and
deal with incidents professionally and correctly. The
neutralisation of the Patriot system and the European ballistic
missile defense system (which is really intended to defend USA,
not Europe), as well as any so-called anti missile defense systems
offshore China (Taiwan, Japan), give a very large impetus to USA
signing a mutual security treaty with Russia.
"As for the prospects for dialogue with the United
States on the New START or reaching an agreement to replace it
with another treaty, we sent a clear signal that there will be
no dialogue as long as Washington continues with its anti-Russia
It is obvious to us that the American proposals on launching
nuclear arms control talks while keeping them separate from the
negative military and political context and the dismal state of
relations between Russia and the West are inadequate.
We can see through what Washington is after: they want to
mitigate nuclear risks to themselves while securing an advantage
in terms of other military capabilities. This approach,
which the Americans refer to as compartmentalisation – a rather
obscure and opaque notion, is absolutely unacceptable.
It basically means that Russia is an enemy, but we want to get
something from it. The fact that the United States and its
allies persist with their efforts to promote escalation in and
around Ukraine without hiding their intention of inflicting a
strategic defeat on Russia, makes this even more unacceptable.
We do
not reject the concept of arms control.
That said, any eventual dialogue on
ways of minimising the potential for conflict or agreement
on the way we will coexist with the West in the future,
would require equality and respect for Russia’s core
security interests, as well as acknowledgment of the whole
new geopolitical reality. There is no point in
discussing this topic any further unless the United
States and its allies are ready to accept this."
Sergey Lavrov 28
December 2023
Russia has nuclear dominance over the United States, and it has
invincible homeland security. The issue of arms control can be
'parked'. Forever if necessary.
Russia will not, for the medium term future, do joint projects
with the west where it involves mineral extraction, nuclear
energy, and wheat production. Nor will it do joint pipeline
projects, or use western turbines, or involve itself in joint
aviation projects. All are strategic.
"We see how the EU’s ruling circles are acting to the detriment
of the fundamental interests and wellbeing of their citizens.
They are obediently following the overseas hegemon’s
anti-Russian course on almost all issues...It would be
sufficient to mention that the US prohibited the European
countries to maintain the dialogue with Russia on energy, which
provided the Europeans with unprecedented prosperity for
Naturally, there can be no “business as usual” with such
partners. We are not going to knock on
closed doors or initiate joint projects.
Fortunately, the European Union is not our only partner; we
have many friends and like-minded forces in other parts of the
If and when Europe begins to feel the cruel hangover from the
current Russophobic zeal and then sobers up, if coherent
national-oriented politicians appear there who understand the
advantages of an equal and mutually beneficial partnership with
Russia, I assure you, there will be no problems on our side....
We will continue to work with those few Europeans who value
their friendship with Russia. We are not going to cooperate
with the Russophobes."
Sergey Lavrov 27
December 2022
In the meantime, the Russians have already said their future
bilateral relations with the west will reflecting the degree they
participated in the economic and military coercion of Russia.
Putin has said more than once: when and if they come to their
senses and come up with proposals to restore relations in a
particular form, then we will look into what they are asking
for and what each of their roles was in unleashing a
hybrid war against the Russian Federation."
Sergey Lavrov 26 June
When finally coercion fails and you have negotiate, you have to
give promises that you will or won't do something. But the west
has lost all credibility by saying something won't be done - not
expanding NATO "one inch east" for example - and then breaking the
agreement.The west has iron-clad demonstrated that any
post-coercion assurance they give is likely to be a lie.
So Russia can really only afford to allow agreement in small
stakes games only - games Russia can afford to lose to western
Russia has lost soldiers dead and disabled, buildings and
infrastructure damaged and destroyed, money (cost of war),
Central Bank money has been stolen. Nothing can bring back the
dead, but pensions must be paid, as must lifelong rehabilitation
and care for the seriously wounded. On-going payment, in gold or
inflated prices for goods sold to the USA might be indicated.
These are, of course 'reparations', a word which is
derived from the principle of 'putting back in order',
repairing, making ready for use once again.
material reparations to repair damaged towns and villages may not
be extractable from the West, Ukrainian soldiers convicted of war
crimes may be forced to work to repair the damage their army
Russia relations
with Europe
"We proceed from the fact that when and if our Western
colleagues, our neighbours on the continent, decide to reclaim
their common sense, stop playing their ideology-driven and
confrontational schemes imposed on them by the Americans and a few
other aggressive neighbours (yours [Belarus] and ours), refuse to
be subservient to Washington in everything and start acting like
independent states and thinking about their national interests, we
will not slam the door in their faces.
However, the terms of our interactions will be determined by
mutual benefit, not their wishes."
Sergey Lavrov 26
October 2023
"Where reviving relations is concerned, President Vladimir Putin
also mentioned this subject in his interview. He explained that
the West should recognise its mistake and find a convenient way
out, with the understanding that the problem of Ukraine, as we
have outlined it, must be solved.
He added that relations would be restored one day, but exactly
when this would take place does not depend on us. It is their
President Putin recalled that Russia has made numerous
concessions and goodwill gestures, but has now reached its
ceiling. The West’s only response to our good deeds was a
telltale gesture involving one hand. " Sergey Lavrov 16
February 2024
"It dispels illusions and makes every self-respecting nation that
wants to ...rely on its national interests, follow our example by
achieving sovereignty in areas that are vital for the survival of
nations. This is not about autarchy. President Putin has said many
times that we are open to cooperation.
But as far as our former Western partners are concerned, we
cannot rely on agreements with them, including legal agreements"
Sergey Lavrov 28
June 2023
Europe has destroyed all trust. Their proxy involvement in the
Ukrainian conflict have cemented that in. Russia has destroyed their
tanks and other military equipment, including the German tanks they
intended to roll once again over Russian soil.. Worst of all, they
still refuse to negotiate a comprehensive security treaty providing
security for Europe and Russia indivisibly.
Their diplomatic dealing with Russia were dismissive, arrogant,
manipulative and duplicitous. Worse, they were unreliable and
There was a commercial agreement to build a pipeline to bring cheap
'green' gas from Russia to Germany, ensuring reliable energy
security and cheap manufacturing many years into the future.
Germany, a financial partner in the project, allowed someone to
destroy it at the very point the first gas was to start flowing.
(Mr. Biden tried to hide his smirk.)
What is the point of having any agreement with them, whether
commercial or political ? It is pointless. They say they are
serious, but in reality are just teasing. Whatever the cause, their
current politicians are quite unstable.
"Importantly, a half-truth is worse than a lie. In fact,
Mr Steinmeier left out some important episodes and turning points
in the events that he mentioned....
...Mr Steinmeier forgot to say that Germany, France, Poland
and the entire European Union showed total helplessness and lack
of self-respect. Their signatures were trampled on.
Tacitly, they even began to encourage this whole thing when
they realised that the thugs who came to power would help the West
in every possible way and manipulate it.
They remained silent when these people burned dozens of innocent
people in Odessa’s House of Trade Unions and when, on June 2,
2014, Ukrainian Air Force bombed central Lugansk...Later,
during the attempts to resolve the situation months and years
later, we asked them how they allowed a coup to happen. They
told us it was “not quite a coup.” Then what? “The costs of the
democratic process.” How can you say that with a straight
Frank-Walter Steinmeier forgot to mention February 2015, when,
alongside the Normandy format leaders, he co-authored the Minsk
agreements. Soon after the signing, actually the next day, Petr
Poroshenko and his team, speaking in the Verkhovna Rada, refused
to act on them....
...Then we unanimously approved the Package of Measures at the
UN Security Council. It has become part of international law and
thus binding.
They ignored it and in every possible way encouraged the
Ukrainian regime as it continued to sabotage its obligations.
We continued our efforts to find compromises, and were ready to
make additional concessions and encourage the republics with which
Kiev refused to talk to directly to do so as well. At some point
during the talks we supported what was called the “Steinmeier
formula” as a sign of our flexible approach. When we had to decide
what should be done first - granting a special status or holding
elections - he came up with a solution that suited everyone and
became known as the “Steinmeier formula.”
A couple of weeks after the “formula” had been approved and
everyone welcomed it, it was consigned to oblivion as well.
Petr Poroshenko and Vladimir Zelensky after him were vehemently
opposed to following it."
Sergey Lavrov 11
April 2022
"Germany and France played a leading role both in the Kosovo issue
and in the Minsk agreements.
What did the special status for Donbass mean in the Minsk
agreements? The right to use their own language in all
areas. That was not something unheard of under international
conventions; that was a mandatory right.
Next, there was the right to have their own law enforcement
agencies, the right to approve the appointment of judges and
prosecutors, and to establish simplified economic ties with the
neighbouring regions of the Russian Federation. The decision
to establish the Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo
contained these same clauses, almost word-for word.
In both cases, the EU was the guarantor, that guarantor was
humiliated when those requests were arrogantly denied without
explanation. They saw no need to explain. The EU did not ask
either Kiev or Pristina why they refused to fulfill what they
The Russian Federation killed the European's plans to destroy the
Russian Federation. The five stages of grief are denial, anger,
bargaining, depression; and finally acceptance of an uncomfortable
new reality. The European Union seems stuck in a miasma of the first
four stages all at once. And it is impairing their their mental
"Their current policy is rooted in bitterness and
derangement (excuse the non-diplomatic word choice), though it’s
not all about Ukraine
but rather turning that country into a bridgehead from which Russia can finally be subjugated
and subordinated to the global system built by the West...
...Our special military operation is designed to put an end to
NATO’s unlimited expansion and to keep the US
and other NATO countries from achieving total domination in the
world arena."
Sergey Lavrov 11 April 2022
Russia cooperates with other countries interested in building a
fairer world that is based on universal principles. The various
mechanisms of this 'multipolarity' have been mentioned. But at the
same time the west cannot be trusted. No legal or political
agreement with the west can be trusted to be respected. I think this
means that every interaction with the west will be limited to areas
of mutual benefit, such as cooperating on tracking and preventing
terrorist actions. All contract-based commercial transactions will
have to be switched to a 'bad risk' basis. That is, all future
commercial transactions will have to be 'pay in advance'.
Various Russian investments in energy infrastructure in Europe have
been seized or destroyed. Russia will probably have to find a way to
obtain compensation.
The Russian-owned infrastructure that still exists - such as some
gas pipelines - will have to be insured against damage, with the
European customers of the pipeline not just indemnifying it against
damage, but also putting up a bond (maybe gold) to be held by Russia
(or a trustworthy third party such as China) in case the Europeans
go back on their agreement to pay up.
The question of stolen Russian assets is another matter. This is
outright theft by EU politicians. It is a causus belli, that
is, under customary international law Russia is entitled to attack
the thieving states - United States, European States, Japan,
Australia, etc., for theft of Russian state property. Russia is far
too wise to do anything so hot-headed. The Russians, with great
foresight, have arranged commercial matters within European
investments in Russia so that these assets can be seized under the
Law of State Responsibility. The assets are said to be
sufficient to cover the theft. In addition, the states that did this
will be sued for damages, under the same law. But not in a European
Court. In a Russian Court.
"Question: It has recently come to
light that the Prosecutor’s Office of Germany is seeking the
seizure of Russian assets in favour of Germany’s own budget. Was
this expected? How can we retaliate?...
Lavrov: ...They are a thievish kind of people...
Earlier, they were thievish politically (in the sense of
going back on commitments and trying to cheat), but now we can
use this word, thievish, literally.
They are scampering to find some legal avenues to confiscate
Russian assets.
Or, as a first step, they plan to confiscate the profits
derived from these assets ...According to our information, the
Americans are secretly advising them on how to change their laws
so that they can ultimately steal these funds."
The scene is set. Russia will have a commercial relationship with
unfriendly European countries, but on terms where it either has
effective insurance, or if it can seize goods or monetary bonds if
the other side breaks agreements. Russia will have normal or close
to commercial relations with the few friendly European countries.
As for diplomatic relationships and cooperative projects, the
diplomatic relationships are Russia will not start to normalise
until Europe has been punished for their economic and proxy military
attack on Russia (athough the Russians would never publicly put it
as bluntly as that).
The defeat of NATO and a humiliating imposition of terms requiring
NATO withdrawal from proximity to Russia will be punishment enough
on the military side.
Monetary compensation for the destruction done by Europe's proxy
army will be a long and slow process, disputed at every step by the
Euopeans. It will probably end up with awards from Russian courts
against the coercing parties. The European courts will come up with
their own bullshit awards against Russia in stratospheric sums as
'bargaining chips'.
It is impossible to know how it will 'nett out' in the long run.
Russia is likely to continue to promote direct people to people
cultural relations with Europe, mainly in performance art,
literature, sport, etc. Russia will certainly promote scientific
collegial activities particularly in climate change, health,
epidemic control, and conservation issues. Russia will also maintain
its tradition of open fora to discuss 'big picture' political and
business issues. These fora, such as the Valdai Discussion Club, are
also people to people initiatives.
The unaccounted cost of Europe's coercive diplomacy
The EU and the USA have cost themselves large sums of taxpayer money
diverted to military purposes, burnt through money that should have
been used for domestic societal purposes, and have destroyed many
promising business opportunities with Russia.
In addition, they have accelerated the process of eroding the
purchasing power of both the US dollar and the euro - with
potentially serious long-term social costs.
Neither the US nor the EU can afford further expansive
militarisation. Their military technologies are largely unsuited to
a war against the vast resources of the two major Eurasian powers -
Russia and China. Nor will they be able to overcome Iran's
missile-based defensive posture. They would lose massive amounts of
men and military materiel if they tried, and the flow of energy from
the Middle East would be very severely curtailed, tanking the
western economies. Flows of energy in McKinders heartland would be
largely unaffected.
NATO is an outdated, dysfunctional US money grubbing machine. It is
a liability to the EU, and to the American people. The world wants
peace and trade, and is disgusted with USA government coercive
violent behaviour.
When NATO is done, the world is probably made safer (depending on
the form, scope, and scale of a European cooperative defense
Russia relations with
USA Edited 15 January 2024 (NZT)
"My current position allows me to speak more
categorically and openly than was possible in certain other
periods, without regard to the need to build some kind of direct
diplomatic communications.
It is impossible to build normal relations with the United
States of America in the coming years and decades after what
It will not happen.
...we don’t care at all who we work with."
Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council 25
February 2024
For the reasons outlined below, the USA has no
capacity to abandon its coercive policy.
Russia's relations with USA can be repaired, but re-building
trust is now nearly impossible, and it is entirely the US
governments fault.
Russian politicians of the future have no right to place any
trust in the United States of America. A degree of trust might be
re-established in the far distant future.
First, the USA governments must lose their arrogance, hubris and
callous disregard for others. This means the
military-industrial-political complex will have to be brought
under effective control of the American people.
"...The problem lies in the loss of diplomacy and their
inability to conduct a professional dialogue. This is due to the
morbid feeling of their own exclusivity, exorbitant arrogance,
attempts to impose a distorted picture of the world on all
others, the use of unseemly methods of fighting Russia and the
funding of illegitimate ways of conducting the international
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, 21
June 2023
"A foreign politician said that when they discuss the
foreign policy of the West and the United States, it would be
wrong to talk about double standards. They have only one
standard: we are the boss around here, and we do whatever we
If we are unable to achieve a result in any particular
region, we will destabilise the situation there and fish in
murky waters.
If we
look at all of America’s reckless undertakings around the world
over the past 50 years, since the Vietnam War, we will see that
the US has not benefited any country or region in whose affairs
it interfered.
only serves to confirm a conclusion that I just voiced: it is
in their interests to destabilise all and sundry.
After that, the United States will print a huge amount of
dollars and wait for someone to come begging for these dollars
in the hope that the US will “help” them again.
Those who count on such assistance should recall the sad
experience of all leaders of countries that had relied on the
United States. As soon as the situation changed, Washington
remorselessly left those leaders to their own devices and
launched a new stage of its selfish policy."
Sergey Lavrov 5
November 2023
While unfolding geo-political and geo-physical phenomena will make
this shift inevitable in the long run, the biases in the structure
of the US governance system makes it almost impossible for 'we the
people' to have any real agency to do anything. Probably 'the
people' would have to make amendments to the US constitution. But
the ruling elite see 'power' and 'people' as dangerous to their
personal interests. Hubris rules the day.
Relations will remain at low levels until the US government comes
under the real control of the American people, which, as stated,
means the American people being able to bring about systemic
change in democratic representation and power. However, it would
be a mistake to think that this is inevitable.
"Although the international environment has become more
contested, the United States remains the world’s leading
power. Our economy, our population, our innovation, and our
military power continue to grow...our military remain
unparalleled. We are experienced in using and applying our
power in combination with our allies and partners ..."
United States government National Security Strategy October
the councils of government, we must guard against the
acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or
unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists
and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our
liberties or democratic processes.
We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and
knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of huge
industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful
methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper
...Another factor in maintaining balance involves the element
of time.
As we peer into society's future, we - you and I, and our
government - must avoid the impulse to live only for today,
plundering, for our own ease and convenience, the precious
resources of tomorrow..."
President Dwight Eisenhower 17 January 1961
An often overlooked point is that USA doesn't 'need' Russia. Yes,
it would 'like' to control Russia's mineral resources. Yes, it
would 'like' to break Russia up in order to install US friendly
governments on China's border. But there is very little bilateral
trade. The only interaction the USA needs is arms control. But the
USA has destroyed all the mechanisms, and can't be trusted anyway.
Russia has technology to destroy USA unilaterally, and now,
copying USA policy, pre-emptively. USA will suceed in acquiring
MAch 5 hypersonic cruise missile technology in 2024 or 2025, but
Russia will remain ahead, and already has mach 10 technology.
In other words, Russia doesn't 'need' arms control with USA or
with any of the USA vassal states in Europe. By 2017, it was
already clear to the Russian President that the new -
and as yet unannounced - weapons meant Russia's security was
assured. Nevertheless, reliable or not, verifiable arms
control is fundementally good for the world. And joint action on
terrorism is as well. Joint action on climate change is not just a
global good, the immutable laws of physics show it is a global
existential emergency.
"The United States is a great power, the world’s
largest economic and military power. Granted,
unfortunately, our bilateral trade is negligible, almost
nothing: $20 billion. All the same, the impact
of the US is global, very significant. It is one
of our most important partners, no doubt.
We will continue working despite all difficulties. That is,
of course, if they also want this.
If they do not, we will not."
Vladimir Putin 19 October 2017
According to a statement made by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister
Sergey Ryabkov in late December 2023, “I can’t rule out that at
some point in the future…Washington won’t go below this near-zero
level that our relations are currently at, if there is no
brightening when it comes to… views on what is happening
[regarding] Russia and Ukraine..”. He noted that there couild even
be a complete breakdown in relations, except for several narrow
areas (presumably arms control). He also noted that, in effect,
Russia doesn't need the USA, that while Russia was not looking to
cut off ties with the USA,
" ...the diplomatic relations in themselves are not a totem to
be worshipped, or a sacred cow to be protected...We are ready
for any scenario”
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, late
December 2023
Foreign Minister Lavrov essentially repeated the same message
about the same time:
"Our readiness to restore a full-fledged dialogue with
the United States should not be taken for granted. ...
...Although the White House is still cautious about completely
ruining what remains of the relationship, the Americans are
clearly not ready to engage in an honest dialogue based on mutual
respect and consideration of each other's interests.
We will
only be able to develop a formula for peaceful
coexistence and cooperation in certain areaswhen
Washington acknowledges our core national interests and engages
in sincere negotiations...
The US
political establishment, regardless of party affiliation, views
Russia as an enemy and an existential threat. Given the existing
bipartisan consensus on this matter,...In general, the outcome
of the US presidential race is not of great concern to us."
Sergey Lavrov 31
December 2023
"The ruling elite of the United States views Russia
as an adversary and a threat regardless of party affiliation.
The former president did nothing to improve Russia-US relations
during his four-year stint in the White House.
have no illusions and do not expect the anti-Russian course of
the United
States to change
in the foreseeable future. We are prepared to work with
any leader who wins the American people’s trust. What matters to
us is not specific political figures, but their policies towards
Sergey Lavrov 21
February 2024
Relations are largely limited to arms control issues. Anything
else will come at the end of arduous negotiations. And Russia can
walk away from any negotiation that has no prospect for achieving
something for the security and well-being of the Russian people.
"Question: ...Are there any areas where we have
real contacts for cooperating and working together with our
Western colleagues?
Sergey Lavrov: Practically none" 28
March 2024 .
There is one thing that nobody can walk away from. The fact that
climate change is shaping up to be a global emergency. At that
point, Russia and the United States governments will likely put
aside their differences on the economic and power-forming fronts
and work together to meet the urgent challenge. Or, at least, this
can be predicted from President Putin's remarks in June of 2013.
"To date, we don’t have any significant
ideological differences. But we do have fundamental cultural
Individualism lies at the core
of the American identity while Russia has been
a country of collectivism.
One student of Pushkin legacy has formulated this
difference very aptly. Take Scarlett O'Hara from ‘Gone with
the Wind’ for instance. She says ‘I’ll never be hungry
again’. This is the most important thing for her.
Russians have different, far loftier ambitions, more
of a spiritual kind, it’s more about your relationship
with God. We have different visions of life. That’s why it
is very difficult to understand each other but it is still
The US
is a democratic state, there’s no doubt about that,
and it has originally developed as a democratic
state. When the first settlers set their foot on this
continent, life forced them to forge a relationship
and maintain a dialogue with each other
to survive. That’s why America was initially conceived
as a fundamental democracy....
take the Soviet Union. We know a lot about Stalin now.
We know him as a dictator and a tyrant. But
still I don’t think that in the spring
of 1945 Stalin would have used a nuclear bomb against
Germany, if he had had one. He could have done it in 1941
or 1942 when it was a matter of life
or death. But I really doubt that he would have done
it in 1945 when the enemy had almost given up
and had absolutely no chance to reverse
the trend. I don’t think he would. Now look
at the US. They dropped the bomb on Japan,
a country that was a non-nuclear state and was
very close to defeat.
So there
are big differences between us. But it’s quite natural that
people with such differences are determined to find ways
to understand each other better. I don’t think there
is an alternative.
Moreover, it’s not by chance that Russia and the US
forged an alliance in the most critical moments
of modern history – that was the case in WWI
and WWII.
Even if there was fierce confrontation, our countries united
in the face of a common threat, which
means there is something that unites us. There must be some
fundamental interests that bring us together. That’s something
we need to focus on first. We need to be aware
of our differences but focus on a positive
agenda that can improve our cooperation"
Vladimir Putin, 11
June 2013
"Vladimir Putin: What I want – and I am completely serious – is
that this nightmare about Russia’s alleged interference with some
election campaign in the United States ends.
I want the United States, the American elite, the US elite to
calm down and clear up their own mess and restore a certain
balance of common sense and national interests, just like in the
oil market.
I want the domestic political squabbles in the United States to
stop ruining Russia-US relations and adversely affecting the
situation in the world...
...Firstly, I do not believe President Trump was compromised. The
people elected him, the people voted for him. There are those who
do not like this; those who do not want to respect the opinion of
the American voters. But this is not our business – this is an
internal matter of the United States.
Would we be better off or worse? I cannot say either...
We will work. The US is the largest world power, a leader in many
spheres, our natural partner in a variety of projects, including
global security, the non-proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction, terrorism, climate change, as well as the
environment. We have a lot of common problems which overlap that
we have to work on together.
We presume that sooner or later the moment will come when we
will be able to restore full-fledged relations"
Vladimir Putin 3 October 2018
There are many global threats to face both now and in the future.
It is clear that some of these threats will worsen. President
Putin emphasised this in his major speech of November 2024. These
risks must be faced collectively. USA and west must
cooperate with the rest of the world to help solve them.
Putin's new rules for International relations Added 16
November 2024 Edited 21 November 2024
Vladimir Putin made a very important speech on November 7th 2024,
at the Valdai Discussion Club. The 2007 Munich speech was about
security for all. This has still not been attained, but Russia is
now in a position where it has negated the west's threats, and has
made good progress on bilateral and multilateral security
agreements with the countries of Greater Eurasia. These agreements
cover both military and economic security (which are, of course,
intertwined). He emphasised that if anyone tries to break Russia
up, as the west did after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it
would be a mistake. The world that would result from such a
fruitless action will be bad for the west (as we already see in
the case of the effect of economic blockades on Russia's gas
supplies to the EU). It will not help the global majority
progress. So don't do it.
On November 2019 Russia added a 'negative incentive' for those
still thinking they might like to "tear from us a “juicy piece
of pie”" as President Putin said. Russia's Nuclear
Deterence Doctrine was altered to allow the right to use nuclear
weapons "in the event of an aggression against the
Russian Federation and/or the Republic of Belarus as constituents
of the Union State using conventional arms, if such an aggression
creates a critical threat for their ...territorial integrity." Of
course, integrity literally means 'wholeness'. Even a small 'bite'
out of the vast Russian territory destroys Russia's wholeness
instantly. This is a coercive threat, and tactical nuclear weapons
would not be used unless it was a substantial threat to Russia and
the wind was blowing fallout away from Russian territory.
In the context of the current (2024) aggression by the NATO proxy
army, where NATO has not used nuclear weapons, long range missiles
(which travel 300 kilometers or more, according
to Russia), or air support and glide bombs, a force of over 30,000
NATO proxy men and material to invade and occupy a tiny part of
the Russian Federation was not considered a sufficient threat to
trigger the use of tactical nuclear weapons on USA, Germany, or
France. That should not be considered permission for anything in
future Russian international relations.
Attitudes harden in response to human and material costs.
Especially when the USA egregiously and unnecessarily adds to the
human losses and material solely for the profit of the smirking
vulturous 'elite'. Russia is unlikely to be as forgiving in
future. Why? Because if it happens again it shows that NATO has
learned nothing. In such a case, the laws of coercion state that a
harder punishment must be meted out to a 'repeat offender' in
order to finally convince them that red lines must not be crossed.
Otherwise, the offending party will do it again and again.
Mr. Putin pointed out the coercive mistakes of the west, the fact
that the wests role as global hegemon has ended, and made sure
that everyone in the west very clearly understands that Russia
will not be defeated by anyone, ever. More importantly, Russia
clearly stated it will prevent the west from "aspiring to global
dominance in their tracks". Without exception. Of course, he is
primarily referring to the USA and its vassals (or rather, duped
"...Napoleon and Hitler set out to subjugate Europe. Now, the
United States has taken it over...and the European Union was
shown its place. The story of Nord Stream 2 vividly illustrated
the EU’s actual place in the international arena. It was coerced
into doing what it is now doing, end of story."
Sergey Lavrov 3
March 2022
Russia now has the luxury of promoting peace and security for all
without deadlines. Not without threats from the west and various
set-backs, of course. That is a given. But Russia regards itself
as a civilisational power, one 'destined' to patiently promote
peaceful civil society by the contradiction of uncultured forces
around its borders and across the Atlantic.
Vladimir Putin made what was in essence a statement of 'the new
rules' at the 21st session of the Valdai Discussion Club. First,
he laid out 6 principles of international relations in this new
epoch of indivisible security. Then he took a realistic line on
the inevitable disruption flowing from the rise of the global
majority, and the global majorities determination to go their own
way as sovereign nations, rejecting western patronage, coercion,
blackmail and bullying.
Mr. Putin 'schooled' whoever has the ears to listen that
diplomacy, consensus, compromise, is the only way forward under
the new rules. Which are really the existing rules, as embodied in
the UN Charter and other Internationally ratified documents,
conventions, and treaties.
"It is clear that this concept works for a crude colonial
approach, for the exploitation of the global majority. The
problem is that this essentially racist ideology has taken
root in the minds of many, creating a serious mental obstacle
to general harmonious growth.
The modern world tolerates neither arrogance nor wanton
disregard for others being different.
To build normal relationships, above all, one needs to listen
to the other party and try to understand their logic and
cultural background, rather than expecting them to think and act
the way you think they should based on your beliefs about them.
Otherwise, communication turns into an exchange of clichés and
flinging labels, and politics devolves into a conversation of
the deaf...
...Look at how the World Trade Organisation operates – it does not
solve anything because all Western countries, the main economies,
are blocking everything. They always act in their own interests,
constantly replicating the same models they used decades and
centuries ago – to continue to control everyone and everything.
It should be remembered that everyone is equal, meaning that
everyone is entitled to have their own vision, which is no better
or worse than others – it is just different, and everyone needs to
sincerely respect that. Acknowledging this can pave the way for
mutual understanding of interests, mutual respect and empathy,
that is, the ability to show compassion, to relate to others’
problems, and the ability to consider differing opinions or
This requires not only listening, but also altering behaviour and
policies accordingly.
Listening and considering does not mean accepting or agreeing,
not at all. This simply means recognising the other party’s
right to their own worldview.
...this is the first necessary step towards harmonising different
mindsets. Difference and diversity must be viewed as wealth and
opportunities, not as reasons for conflict... era or radical change and transformation invariably brings
upheavals and shocks, which is quite unfortunate. Interests clash
as if various actors have to adjust to one another once again. The
world’s interconnected nature does not always help mitigate these
differences...On the contrary, it can make things worse, sometimes
even injecting more confusion into their relations and making it
much harder to find a way out.
Over the many centuries of its history, humanity has grown
accustomed to viewing the use of force as the last resort for
resolving differences: “Might makes right.” Yes, sometimes this
principle does work.
Indeed, sometimes countries have no other choice than to
stand for their interests with arms in hand and using all
available means. That said, we live in an interconnected and
complex world, and it is becoming increasingly complex. While the
use of force may help address a specific issue, it may, of course,
bring about other and sometimes even greater challenges. ...
Our country has never been the one to initiate the use of force: we
are forced to do that only when it becomes clear that our
opponent is acting aggressively and is not willing to listen to
any type of argument. And whenever necessary, we will
take any measure we need to protect Russia and all
its citizens, and we will always achieve our goals.
We live in an intrinsically diverse, non-linear world. This is
something we have always understood, and this is what we know
today. It is not my intention today to revel in the past, but I
can remember quite well the situation we had back in 1999, when I
became Prime Minister and then went on to become President. I
remember the challenges we faced at the time. I think that Russian
people... remember the forces which backed terrorists in North
Caucasus, who supplied them weapons, sponsored them, and offered
moral, political, ideological and informational support and the
extent of these practices...
... Despite the dire economic situation in the wake of the 1998
economic crisis and despite the devastated state of our military,
we came together as a nation to fend off this terrorist threat and
went on to defeat it. Make no mistake about that.
Why have I brought this to your attention? In fact, once again
some have come to believe that the world would be better off
without Russia. At that time, they tried to finish Russia
off after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Today, it seems
that someone is once again nurturing this dream. They think that
this would make the world more obedient and pliant.
...Russia stopped those aspiring to global dominance in
their tracks many times over, no matter who it was. This is how
it will be in the future, too. In fact, the world would
hardly get any better. This message must finally get across to
those trying to go down this road. It would do nothing but make
things even more complicated than they are today.
Our opponents are coming up with new ways and devising new tools
in their attempts to get rid of us. Today, they have been using
Ukraine and its people as a tool by cynically pitching them
against Russians and turning them into cannon fodder, all while
perorating about a European choice. What kind of choice is that?
Let me assure you that this is not our choice. We will defend
ourselves and our people – I want this to be absolutely
clear to everyone.
Russia’s role is certainly not limited to protecting and
preserving itself. It may sound a bit grand, but Russia’s very
existence guarantees that the world will retain its wide colour
gamut, diversity and complexity, which is the key to successful
development. These are not my words. This is something our friends
from all regions of the world often tell me. I am not
To reiterate, we are not imposing anything on anyone and will
never do. We do not need that, and no one else needs it,
either. We are guided by our own values, interests and ideas of
what is right and what is not, which are rooted in our identity,
history and culture. And, of course, we are always ready for a
constructive dialogue with everyone.
Those who respect their culture and traditions have no right
not to treat others with the same respect.
Conversely, those who are trying to force others into
inappropriate behaviour invariably trample their own roots,
civilisation and culture into mud, some of what we are witnessing.
Russia is fighting for its freedom, rights, and sovereignty....
...This can be seen particularly clearly in the context of NATO’s
eastward expansion. They promised they would never expand, but
they keep doing it. In the Caucasus, and with regard to the
missile defence system – take anything, any key issue – they
simply did not give a hoot about our opinion.
In the end, all of that taken together started looking like a
creeping intervention which...sought to either degrade us or,
even better for them, to destroy our country, either from within
or from outside.
Eventually, they got to Ukraine, and moved into it with their
bases and NATO. In 2008, they decided at a meeting in
Bucharest to open the doors to NATO for Ukraine and Georgia. Why,
pardon me for my plain language, why on earth would they do that?
Were they confronted with any difficulties in international
affairs? Indeed, we did not see eye to eye with Ukraine on gas
prices, but we addressed these issues effectively anyway. What was
the problem?
Why do it and create grounds for a conflict?
It was clear from day one what it would lead to ultimately.
Still, they kept pressing ahead with it. Next thing you know
they started expanding into our historical territories and
supporting a regime that clearly tilted toward neo-Nazism.
Therefore, we can safely say and reiterate that we are fighting
not only for our freedom, not only our rights, or our sovereignty,
but we are upholding universal rights and freedoms, and the
continued existence and development of the absolute majority of
the countries around the world. To a certain extent, we see this
as our country’s mission as well.
Everyone should be clear that putting pressure on us is useless,
but we are always prepared to sit down and talk based on
consideration of our mutual legitimate interests in their
entirety. This is something that we urge all international
dialogue members to do.
In that case, there may be little doubt that 20 years from now, in
the run-up to the 100th anniversary of the UN, future guests of a
Valdai Club meeting, who at this point may be schoolchildren,
students, postgraduates, or young researchers, or aspiring
experts, will be discussing much more optimistic and
life-affirming topics than the ones that we are compelled to
discuss today."
Vladimir Putin 7
November 2024
Why the US
Government Coercion Policy is hard to change First edited
23 March 2024. Last edited 23 January 2025.
Money talks
The Military Industrial Complex makes sure the politicians on the
House Armed Services Committee receive substantial
donations to the politicians re-election funds.
Some current and former officials have business (or employment) ties
to the military industrial complex. It is in their interest
to keep the war industries profitable. Unsurprisingly, this means
forever conflict. The so-called 'elite funder class' influence who
becomes the personnel advising on government policy and the
personnel implementing it. Obviously they chose people who will
advantage their own business interests. 'Defense' spending - more
correctly 'foreign expeditionary aggression spending' - is so
profitable for so many powerful 'elites' it is immune to highly
pertinent questions on its relevance to todays realities.
The small group of people who make Americas foreign policy
oversee a massive budget, whose largesse is spread across
industries in many states, and which supports a very large number
of conractors. Accountability is all but irrrelevant - 2023
audits found 63% of the militaries about 3.8 trillion
dollars of assets could not be accounted for.
Foreign policy aligns with the profitmaking potential of the
powerful weapons contractors. Every
bomb dropped is a profit centre. Every bomb that reaches the
end of its serviceable life in a warehouse is a cost when it has
to be disposed of. Massively expensive and high-tech machinery
like the F35 make huge profits in endless repair as well as in
sales overseas. Government 'loss aversion' means they are
prisoners to technology, even when it is flakey, insanely
expensive, or no longer relevant to modern battlefield realities
(although, in a rare moment of sanity, the US Army ended
its program to develop an armed scout helicopter - even with 2
billion spent - as drones and satellite reconnaisance made such a
military platform totally redundant).
In short, the US government is bought and paid for by the weapons
The American public have become increasingly angry at the massive
spending of taxpayer money on wars 'over there' rather than
spending money 'over here' (in 9 months of 2022 the elites took
$91 billion from taxpayers to spend on war materiel for the
US-Ukraine proxy war on Russia). Public resentment makes no
difference. The public has no agency. Their voices will be muted.
But money talks, and talks loudly. Therefore coercive diplomacy
will continue to rule. And the risk of dangerous and irresponsible
escalation engineered by this small cabal of aggression-enabling
ideologues will rise. It is important to realise that even
'defeat' on the battlefield is very profitable. Winning or losing
doesn't matter as much as spinning out conflict for the longest
possible time.
Aside from well-paid careers and enrichment for western
politicians, officials, and policy advising organisations, the
ultimate objective, 'the big dollars' go to the banking industry,
the arms industry, and associated facilitating businesses. As
Major General Smedley Butler wrote in 1935 in his book
'War is a Racket':
"War is a racket. It
always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the
most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the
only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the
losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not
what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside"
group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of
the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few
people make huge fortunes."
Major General Smedley Butler 1935
"To understand the foreign-policy scam, think of today’s
federal government as a multi-division racket controlled by the
highest bidders.
Despite these remarkable and costly debacles, one following the
other, the same cast of characters has remained at the helm of US
foreign policy for decades...
...What gives? The puzzle is solved by recognizing that American
foreign policy is not at all about the interests of the American
It is about the interests of the Washington insiders, as
they chase campaign contributions and lucrative jobs for
themselves, staff, and family members.
In short, US foreign policy has been hacked by big money.
As a result, the American people are losing big. The failed
wars since 2000 have cost them around $5 trillion in direct
outlays, or around $40,000 per household. Another $2 trillion or
so will be spent in the coming decades on veterans’ care.
... Military-linked outlays in 2024 will come to around $1.5
trillion, or roughly $12,000 per household, if we add the
direct Pentagon spending, the budgets of the CIA and other
intelligence agencies, the budget of the Veteran’s Administration,
the Department of Energy nuclear weapons program, the State
Department’s military-linked “foreign aid” (such as to Israel),
and other security-related budget lines.
Hundreds of billions of dollars are money down the drain,
squandered in useless wars, overseas military bases, and a wholly
unnecessary arms build-up"
Prof. Jeffrey Sach 26
December 2023
American dominance and coercion is part of the machinery of the
racket. Nothing changes. Except now the actual fighting and dying
aspect has now been franchised out to others. But the license holder
will still reap the profits - while the frachisee goes broke, in all
senses of the word.
American global business, and especially raw material extraction
businesses - on unfair American terms - is the oldest racket, and
still a profitable one. Governments can be overthrown by CIA funded
coups or military attacks. But international competitors must be
handled more delicately - either suppressed or eliminated by one
means or another. China, in particular is a competitor for this
business. But so is Germany. American military power is ebbing, and
mineral resources tightening. The East is rising.
"...we find ourselves at another hinge moment in history
– grappling with the fundamental question of strategy, as Nitze
defined it: “How do we get from where we are to where we
want to be, without being struck by disaster along the way?”
Anthony Blinken 13
September 2023
'There', of course, is American domination of resources and of
'rules' of trade and commerce. A strategy of coercion is a
successful money-making tool for the elite of America. There is no
incentive to change it. 'Along the way', war is a very profitable
business. As Smedley Butler said 88 years ago:
"Munitions makers. Bankers. Ship builders. Manufacturers. Meat
packers. Speculators. They would fare well. Yes, they are
getting ready for another war. Why shouldn't they? It pays high
dividends...What does it profit anyone except the very few
to whom war means huge profits?...It would have been far cheaper
(not to say safer) for the average American who pays the bills to
stay out of foreign entanglements.
For a very few this racket, like bootlegging and other underworld
rackets, brings fancy profits, but the cost of operations is
always transferred to the people -- who do not profit...A
few profit -- and the many pay. But there is a way to stop it...
It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of
Major General Smedley Butler, 'War is a Racket', 1935
Captive Presidents
The President of the United States hands over the broad foreign
policy implementation to a cabal of security agencies and the
like. They have great freedom of operation. The implementers are
ideologues and deeply familiar with George's coercion concepts.
And this they apply.
US Presidents defer to these people when it comes to making
important decisions.
On January 20th 2025 Donald Trump, the incoming President issued
a series of Executive orders and Memoranda. One memorandum
(National Security Presidential Memorandum/NSPM-1)
titled 'Organization of the National Security Council and
Subcommittees', reformed the Council and its committees in order
to achieve complete, honest, and objective advice (including
dissenting opinions) and timely and faithful implementation
("...timely responses to, and implementation and monitoring of,
decisions, directives, objectives, instructions,
inquiries, tasking, and policy guidance of and by the
President, National Security Advisor, and the higher-echelon
committees of the national security system.") This explicit
direction to all those charged with delivering policy means that
Presidential and National Security Advisor must be delivered
without delay and in a good faith manner. In short, this
particular President is determined not to be a captive of the
Hydra-headed hive-mind Security Agency 'Borg'. The Borg will find
that resistance is not only futile, it is also punishable.
The National Security advisor oversees the committees that
"develop and provide policy options and analyses for consideration
by higher echelon committees of the national security system"
.These committees coordinate amongst themselves and the
'interagency' integrates options, advice, and analysis before
feeding it back up the chain.The same committees must take
responsibility for implementation in a timely manner by, amongst
other things, reviewing performance.
"The National Security Act of 1947, as amended (the Act),
established the NSC to advise the President with respect to the
integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating
to national security....
...Along with its subordinate committees and staff, the NSC
shall be the President’s principal means for coordinating
Executive departments and agencies in the development and
implementation of national and homeland security policies,
strategies, activities, and functions, their integration
across departments and agencies within their purview, and for
long-term strategic planning.
(b) Chairs. The President will chair the NSC.
When the President is absent from a meeting of the Council, he
may appoint a Cabinet-level official to chair.
2. NSC Staffing Responsibilities of the National Security
(a) Role of the National Security Advisor. The
National Security Advisor shall be responsible, as
appropriate and at the President’s direction, for
determining the agenda for the NSC, ensuring that
the necessary papers are prepared, and recording and
communicating Council actions and Presidential decisions in a
timely manner.
In addition to the statutory members of the Council, the National
Security Advisor has been designated a member of the National
Security Council. In addition "The National Security Advisor
retains the discretion to determine the attendee list for all
meetings of the NSC, including by requesting the attendance
of any senior official of the Executive Branch." The head of the
CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff will generally attend in
advisory (non-voting) capacity only. Any NSC member can suggest an
agenda item, but it is up to the National Security Advisor whether
to include it or not. Apart from helping the President plan and
prioristise, one of the most important tasks of the NSA is to
advise and recommend to the President policies and procedures for
the various security agencies, make sure the policies are still
relevant, and if so, are being carried out as directed.
The policy mechanisms may not be that different from what existed
previously, I simply don't know. The two elements that are most
impactful are:
1. Does the President receive full and objective advice,
including dissenting opinions and analysis?
2. The personal opinion and temperate of the President.
The new reforms include presumably longstanding instructions
(1977) about objective advice:
"(c) Fair, Balanced, and Thorough Processes.
In accordance with sections I and II of the Message of the
President in the Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977, the NSC
staff shall ensure that the processes it organizes, coordinates,
and manages fairly and thoroughly gather the facts,
intelligence, and other relevant information necessary to NSC
decisions; fully analyze the issues; consider a full range of
views and options; assess the prospects, risks, costs, and
implications of each option; and distill these options for the
President, other NSC principals, and senior officials
participating in the subsidiary committees of the NSC or HSC,
in a fair, balanced, and organized way. The National
Security Advisor and subordinate NSC staff shall represent the
views and differences of NSC principals and other senior
officials to the President with accuracy and fidelity.
(d) Policy Development. In accordance with sections
I and II of the Message of the President in the Reorganization
Plan No. 1 of 1977,[8] the NSC staff shall facilitate
the development and refinement of interagency policy options,
and develop additional options besides those proposed by
departments and agencies as necessary, both to complement,
supplement, and enhance their work, and to offer the President
and other NSC principals and other senior officials a
sufficiently broad menu of operationally feasible options for
consideration, deliberation, and decision.
The lower level staff must deliver objective advice to the
Principals. A sub-Cabinet level Deputies committee keeps a watchful
eye on the quality of the advice from below, before it gets to the
Principals. The Principals Committee is an interagency forum
that discusses current and emerging security issues, and policy
options in response. The Principals Committee must arrive at
consensus on which security matters should be taken to the
President. But these senior Cabinet-level 'Principals' must distill
the advice from the agencies before they present it to the
President. And here is where the problem is. Or here is where the
solution is. Depending on the stature and integrity of the National
Security Advisor. Because the NSA alone determines who the
"attendees" on the the Principals Committee will be. Will the
Principals biase their advice, leaving out or downplaying
'inconvenient' advice. As they did in order to launch a war of
aggression on Iraq? The heads of the CIA and the Military are
generally present (but non voting) and have a certain sway, But the
National Security Advisor has the most sway - they set the agenda
and the meeting materials to be considered.
In short, the NSC has considerable power to make sure that the
Presidential policy is effectuated, and that Presidential orders and
the NSC Advisors orders are carried out. The relationship of the
NSC Advisor and the President is key. The best NSC Advisor will need
to have an excellent general intelligence and an outstanding
emotional intelligence if clear and objective advice is to reach the
In addition, career public officials in government agencies will be
fired if they don't carry out government policy:
"The President’s power to remove subordinates is a core
part of the Executive power vested by Article II of the
Constitution and is necessary for the President to perform his
duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”
Because SES officials [Career Senior Executive Service]
wield significant governmental authority, they must serve at the
pleasure of the President.
Only that chain of responsibility ensures that SES officials are
properly accountable to the President and the American
people. If career SES officials fail to faithfully fulfill
their duties to advance the needs, policies, and goals of the
United States, the President must be able to rectify the situation
and ensure that the entire Executive Branch faithfully executes
the law. For instance, SES officials who engage in
unauthorized disclosure of Executive Branch deliberations, violate
the constitutional rights of Americans, refuse to implement policy
priorities, or perform their duties inefficiently or negligently
should be held accountable."
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies 20
January 2025
Apart from the obvious contentious agency (FBI), "agencies" include
the CIA. The mechanisms are in place to receive full information and
policy options. The mechanisms are in place to make sure policy is
delivered faithfully and efficiently. In principle, he is as free a
President as there can be. Charles Schumers "“Let me tell you, you
take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday
at getting back at you” will be tantamount to being the losing
contestant on Mr.Trump's 'The Apprentice" TV show.
US coercive foreign policy can be changed, in a context of a fully
informed President. Whatever course Mr.Trump takes, coercion or
cooperation, it will be taken fully informed, with 'eyes wide open'
as the Americans like to say. All consequences will be on him. The
President is accountable. Coercion or cooperation. Trick or treat.
The 'coercive' policy has roots in academia - George himself is a
good example. Staff and graduates of the 'Alma maters of coercion'
end up being identified by existing powerful politicians (in both
the two parties) and groomed for future positions in the
administration. Like live lobsters in a seafood restaurants
aquarium, they are kept 'fresh' in 'think tanks' until they are
needed to be appointed to government positions. Anyone who
deviates from the military-industrial-coercive line disappears
from the menu. You can argue against received institutional
'norms' under the appearance of academic freedom, but not too
much, and not for too long.
Coercion is an ideology. It is embraced, lived, breathed, by a
depressingly large part of the American political class (a group
that has not changed much over the decades, as Mark Twains description
shows). This ideology is based on the idea that America is
the 'leader' of the world because the American political and
economic system is superior, a self-praising conclusion nurtured
by the whole society, and a 'fundamental' conclusion held with a
fervor bordering on fanaticism.
The origin of the ideology that America has a 'natural' right to
impose its 'rules' on the world is derived from America's feeling
of cultural superiority, which in turn arises from the idea that
Americas 'values' of free speech, relative personal freedom etc is
uniquely American. It certainly is not. These concepts are
embodied in the 1948 Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, which most countries signed up
to, although few (including the USA) fully comply with it.
(Coercive diplomacy itself is a breach of at least articles 1, 2,
3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 25, 28 and 29.)
"The problem is that it is extremely difficult for the
US ruling circles to accept the changing world order. Many of them
are simply organically incapable of moving away from thinking in
terms of their own superiority...”
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, late
December 2023
"If the idea of domination at any cost, based also
on forceful actions, dominates the American society,
nothing will change, it will only get worse."
Vladimir Putin 9 February 2024
"America's status as the world's premier power is unlikely to be
contested by any single challenger for more than a generation. No
state is likely to match the United States in the four key
dimensions of power -- military, economic, technological, and
cultural -- that confer global political clout. Short of American
abdication, the only real alternative to American leadership is
international anarchy. President Clinton is correct when he
says America has become the world's "indispensable nation."
Zbigniew Brzezinski 1997
The ideology, and the consequent right to interfere anywhere in
the world, cannot be questioned. And not asking questions
is core to maintaining the rigid system of American sclerotic and
inflexible foreign diplomacy. 'Diplomacy' that is now privatised
and held hostage by the cabal popularly known as 'neocons'.
"Personnel is policy"
Scott Faulkner, Director of Personnel, Reagan Presidency
Coercion is also the only instrument left after multiple
contradictions inherent in US political ideas are awkwardly
reconciled. The instrument is crude, simply a cudgel.
"The factors that condition the policy of states are many; they
are permanent and temporary, obvious and hidden; they include,
apart from the geographic factor, population density, the
economic structure of the country, the ethnic composition of the
people, the form of government, and the complexes and pet
prejudices of foreign ministers; and it is their simultaneous
action and interaction that create the complex phenomenon known
as "foreign policy.""
Nicholas Spykman, "Geography and Foreign Policy, I". American
Political Science Review, 1938
Inevitably, ideology, married up with the tools of coercion, becomes
a self-sclerifiying system that cannot possibly meet the needs of
the time. The system fills with contradictory concepts, there is no
imagination, and this rigid nexus is a place that kills any ability
for professional discourse to take place. Key staff, appalled by
what amounts to institutional artheriosclosis, start to leave.
Professor Jeffrey Sachs: "'s so off
the wall - but I understand what he's talking about, I understand
that they're off the-wall!
They are so confused. They want to be tough to China, so being
tough to China apparently means killing people right and left, or
engaging in a losing war in Ukraine that is leaving hundreds of
thousands of Ukrainians dead. They're very confused people.
They have a wrong idea of the world.
They have an absolutely wrong idea of China! The Chinese
cannot figure this out, by the way. The Chinese are very
sophisticated - I was just in Beijing, I talk regularly with the
Chinese foreign policy officials - they cannot figure out what are
they talking about."
Judge Napolitano: "'they' of whom you speak - is the
Biden foreign policy establishment? "
Professor Sachs: "Essentially,'s also the
the broader political class in Congress as well, so it probably
extends beyond the White House. But, they're absolutely
dumbfounded by this.
It's so lacking coherence, professionalism, ideas, concepts,
reality. And it's sad to see Blinken talk like this. It's a
But I can only tell you Judge, I hear it from others in Washington
also - they've completely lost the melody, they don't get it
at all, and what's weird about this, by the way, is that at
the same time they're trying to improve the diplomacy with China
because they're trying to get ready for a Biden - Xi summit around
the the Apec meetings at the end of November - and then Blinken
comes out and says, 'yes we need this war against Gaza and the
Ukraine war to show how tough we are to China...'
...the Chinese are looking at this in amazement as the US
basically goes over the edge in disasters, isolating itself from
the rest of the world."
Professor Jeffrey Sachs interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano,
'Judging Freedom' 01 November 2023
Professor Sachs neatly describes the absurdities that are an
inevitable result of a system of coercion born in the colonial
era, growing up in the era of post-war wealth and power in the
USA, and now aged and unfit - mentally weak, refusing to face the
reality of his fading strength. As the Russian President points
out, nothing will change until the so-called 'elites' mindset
changes from coercion to cooperation. (Vladimir Putin uses the
word 'domination', but coercion is the tool to dominate).
"But if, in the end, one comes
to the awareness that the world has been changing
due to objective circumstances, and that one should be
able to adapt to them in time, using
the advantages that the U.S. still has today, then,
perhaps, something may change.".
Vladimir Putin 9
February 2024
The change - the objective change - is that China, a cooperative
and non-aggressive nation, is using a mix of (partly) state
directed business capital and (largely) state directed social
provisioning (cheap housing, heap food, cheap medical care,
excellent infrastructure etc) to grow in a relatively sustainable
way. Global mineral resources are diminishing (at different rates)
and the world has to share what there is in a fair manner, while
at the same time use capital and 'distributed technology' help
leap-frog least developed nations into energy, water, and food
What, exactly, must the USA adapt? Its mind set. It must abandon
coercion and humbly and respectfully seek cooperation. The Russian
President leaves open the possibility that there may be a gradual
movement to a changed mindset over time. I am certain that if it
did happen - fanciful although that is - US government policy
would change very quickly. I am skeptical, because the people of
the USA have never been able to achieve any agency over these
controlling 'elites'. Their control is not just ideological, it is
Americas Apparatchiks Added 8 March 2024
An 'apparatchik' originally referred to a functionary who carried
out the orders of the politcal organisation (apparat), in this
case the communist party. In America's case they are the mid and
high level functionaries, who are not only the apparatus of the
state, these functionaries are the state. This
apparatus is an interconnected network of committed ideolgues,
indestructible, self reproducing, constantly recruiting and
brainwashing at one end, and sloughing off the no longer efficient
waste at the other end. You can't fight them. They are like a blob
of protoplasm, an amoeba, engulfing and silencing opponents, with
no apparent head, yet usually ruthlessly functional, in spite of
their sometimes bumbling inefficiencies.
"Why is America strong? I ask you not to think about any
conspiracy theories. I say this completely seriously.
When they talk about the deep state, if you don’t take all
sorts of stupid theories, but if we talk seriously, then this
deep state is just a very strong state apparatus at the middle
level, which does not care who is in power: a Democrat or a
Republican, a funny old man who forgets the names of leaders of
other countries, or a completely strong leader.
This state apparatus holds everyone in its hands.
And this is exactly what allows America to overcome a variety
of obstacles.
In fact, creating such a state apparatus is a very serious and
big task.
And this must be treated with respect.
This allows them to overcome a lot of difficulties.
But even this state apparatus is not able to fully remove the
problems and contradictions that this or that leader can bring."
Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council
25 February 2024
Inauthentic politicians and political appointees
As Mark Twain pointed out, many of those who 'know best' for us
are duplictuous and inauthentic "It has always been a peculiarity
of the human race that it keeps two sets of morals in stock–the
private and real, and the public and artificial."
This is hardly new - it has always been so. But the culture of
'hidden agenda' which the public must not know about is deeply
embedded in American, British, German and French political and
strategic cultures. Of course there are authentic and transparent
politicians. But they very rarely achieve positions of power.
Those with the characteristics attributed to used car salesmen
are more likely to succeed - charming, apparently open, jovial,
self deprecating even, sometimes (falsely) humble - but behind
closed doors strategising covert and overt actions they know the
public won't agree with.
Cultural biase
"When you want to take a look at what the Soviets were saying
internally about this issue, that issue, this issue they didn't
lie. Maybe didn't put all the information out there. But they
didn't lie, and you would get more insight, and I think Ray got
more valuable insight - as as an analyst - and I got valuable
insight as an analyst, by reading that, than you do by reading the
the highly compartmented intelligence, the sigint [US govt.
signals intelligence] and other things that...the [US govt]
analysts put together.
They were almost always wrong because they're tainted by our
own prejudices, by our own biases.
But if you go and just read what they say...if you want to learn
about Putin...he's one of the most transparent leaders...there
is...When he holds a meeting in Russia it's broadcast there's a
record of it, there's a transcript of it, it's it's all out there
for people to see. ...[Russia's] transformation...wasn't done in
secrecy it was done with total see an effective
leader, a manager who sits down who listens to people, who absorbs
what they tell him, and then makes decisions based upon that to
the betterment of of Russia"
Scott Ritter, 'CIA Analyst Ray McGovern and Scott Ritter talk
about Russia and Ukraine' Sep 16, 2023
It is politically convenient for US politicians to create a
less-wholesome 'other' because the US political policy is to attempt
to dominate, be the 'master ('dominus' in latin), of the
other. 'The other', necessarily, must become the servant ('servus'
in latin), and therefore servile.
Part of creating cultural myths about 'the other' is inventing
and repeating ignorant 'one-liners' about 'the other' (whether 'the
other' is Russia, China, Syria, Vietnam, Iraq,
Venezuela,Afghanistan, Libya, or any other 'adversary' or 'enemy' of
the political moment). The lies, distortions facts, and
mischaracterisations add to the cardboard cutout simplistic view of
the self-created 'opposition'.
All sorts of base motives are attributed to Russia, the people and
politicians are actively denigrated, expressions of Russian culture
suppressed, and Russian voices censored.
Any attempt to genuinely understand the culture, motives, and
legitimate concerns of Russia can then be easily dismissed. This
phantasmic 'thought-set' has become a self-reinforcing illusion in
the highly contrived and shallow geopolitical culture of the United
"...the United States is extremely arrogant - or naive. When
you read Blinken's speech,
nothing is real, nothing is true, and you wonder, is he completely
just lying at each point, or is he so naive that he really doesn't
understand the situation? I don't know the answer, frankly, to
that. I found the speech amazing in how cliched and juvenile it
The fact of the matter is, the United States is continuing to try
to maintain its dominance... There's no serious discussion in this
document at all. Yes, he acknowledges this is a 'hinge moment', I
think he quotes Biden as calling it but the whole speech is a
bunch of cliches about why the United States needs to maintain its
power, and why those who don't want the U.S leadership are just
evil, Russia and China are evil, and so they need to be combated,
and this is the great struggle.
And if you frame the world this way, you just are not telling the
truth, and not explaining what's really going on.
The United States is the country with military bases in 85
countries around the world; it's the one that pushes military
enlargement; it is the biggest user of unilateral coercive
economic measures - which are against international law.
Also in this document Blinken talks about the economic coercion by
China. Are you kidding?!
The United States by every objective account is way in the lead
of using universal unilateral coercive measures against whole
economies, often for decades, such as Cuba or Venezuela or Iran.
Not a mention of this reality at all, just how terrible it is what
China is doing. It's a game, but it's so thin...
I just saw - again I may be paraphrasing, and it was just a banner
across the newsstream - that said that president van der Leyden
called Xi Jinping a dictator. Following the kind of empty and
nasty rhetoric of Biden...right now this is a hatred being stoked
daily by terrible speeches by our secretary of state and shocking
war mongering by our columnists in the New York Times and
Jeffrey Sachs 'The US Covert and Overt Operations', Dialogue
works, 16 September 2023
The obvious consequence of an intemperate, speech-bubble, cultural
biase towards a powerful and consequential country, whether China or
Russia, is that ill-informed and ignorant people create ill-informed
and inadequate foreign policy. Leaving the United States and the
West highly vulnerable to important unintended consequences -
geostratically, geopolitically, and geologically.
Racism Added 3 March 2024
just like any other ideology promoting racism, national
superiority or exceptionalism, Russophobia is blinding
and stupefying"
Vladimir Putin 29
February 2024
Western colleagues must abandon colonial thinking, stop
living at the expense of others, and refrain from adopting
arrogant, essentially racist, approaches to international
Sergey Lavrov 1
March 2024
The American elites promote anti-Russia hatred, overtly and
subtly. Thanks in part to commentators on social media, fewer and
fewer people are buying it. Even so, the elites live in their own
bubble world, so the prevailing Russia-hatred infects most all of
them. The most vivid illustration is the USA refusal to vote for
the UN
Resolution on 'Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism
and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms
of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related
intolerance'. The preamble to the the 74 clause resolution
includes the following:
the relevant provisions of the Durban Declaration and Programme
of Action adopted by the World Conference against Racism, Racial
Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance on 8
September 2001,9 in particular paragraph 2 of the Declaration
and paragraphs 84 to 86 of the Programme of Action, as well as
the relevant provisions of the outcome document of the Durban
Review Conference of 24 April 2009,10 in particular paragraphs
11, 13 and 54,
Alarmed at the
spread in many parts of the world of various extremist political
parties, movements, ideologies and groups of a racist or
xenophobic character, including neo-Nazis and skinhead groups,
and at the fact that this trend has resulted in the
implementation of discriminatory measures and policies at the
local or national level,
Noting with
concern that, even where neo-Nazis or extremists do not formally
participate in government, the presence therein of extreme
right-wing ideologues can have the effect of injecting into
governance and political discourse the same ideologies that make
neo-Nazism and extremism so dangerous,
Alarmed at music lyrics and video games that advocate racial
hatred and incite discrimination, hostility or violence,
Concerned by
the use of Internet platforms by groups that advocate hatred to
plan, fundraise and circulate information about public events
aimed at promoting racism, xenophobia and related intolerance,
such as rallies, demonstrations and acts of violence,
Mindful of the
role that the Internet can play in promoting equality, inclusion
and non-discrimination as part of strengthening democracy and
respect for human rights, Seriously concerned
that neo-Nazi groups, as well as other groups and individuals
espousing ideologies of hatred, have increasingly targeted
susceptible individuals, mainly children and youth, by means of
specifically tailored websites with the aim of their
indoctrination and recruitment,
concerned by all recent manifestations of violence and terrorism
incited by violent nationalism, racism, antisemitism,
discrimination based on religion, belief or origin, including
Islamophobia, Christianophobia and Afrophobia, xenophobia and
related intolerance, including during sports events,
with deep concern the continued alarming increase in instances
of discrimination, intolerance and extremist violence motivated
by antisemitism, religion or belief, including Islamophobia and
Christianophobia, and prejudices against persons of other ethnic
origins, religions and beliefs,
the existing lack of uniformity of norms regarding protected
speech and expression and prohibited racial discrimination and
advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that
constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence,
Noting with
concern, in this regard, that the variation in national
standards prohibiting hate speech may provide safe havens for
neo-Nazi, extremist, violent nationalist, xenophobic or racist
speech owing to the fact that many neo-Nazi and relevant
extremist groups of a racist or xenophobic character operate
transnationally by relying on Internet service providers or
social media platforms,
Stressing that
the purpose of addressing hate speech is not to limit or
prohibit freedom of speech, but to prevent incitement to
discrimination and violence, which shall be prohibited by law,
Expressing its
concern about the use of digital technologies by extremist and
hate groups, including neo-Nazi groups, to disseminate their
ideology, while recognizing that digital technologies are of
great importance for the enjoyment of human rights and for
combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related
1. Reaffirms
the relevant provisions of the Durban Declaration and of the
outcome document of the Durban Review Conference, in which
States condemned the persistence and resurgence of neo-Nazism,
neo-Fascism and violent nationalist ideologies based on racial
and national prejudice and stated that those phenomena could
never be justified in any instance or in any circumstances;
2. Recalls the
provisions of the Durban Declaration and of the outcome document
of the Durban Review Conference, in which States recognized the
positive contribution that the exercise of the right to freedom
of expression, in particular by the media and new technologies,
including the Internet, and full respect for the freedom to
seek, receive and impart information can make to the fight
against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related
It is impossible to reasonably object to such concerns. There is no
mention of Russia - or any other sovereign state - in the text. But,
in essence, the USA (and some other countries) object to the
resolution because it was put up by Russia. Disregarding the
pathetic constructions they use to try to explain the inexplicable,
the 'reason' is USA elitist racism. Russia put it up, it will be
objected to because it was those 'Russians' that put it to the
“For expressions of likelihood or probability, an analytic
product must use one of the following set of terms:
01-05% – almost no chance, remote;
05-20% – very unlikely, highly improbable;
20-45% – unlikely, improbable;
45-55% – roughly even chance, roughly even odds;
55-80% – likely, probable;
80-95% - very likely, highly probable;
95-99% – almost сertain(ly), nearly certain.
Analysts are strongly encouraged not to mix terms from
different rows.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, US
Intelligence Community Directive 203,January 2, 2015, page 3”
According to respected ex-government analysts such as Scott Ritter
and Ray McGovern, those in charge of studying Russian government and
popular opinions have a shallow and culturally biased understanding
of Russian politics, Russian history, and Russian culture.
Accordingly, the analysts in the 17 or so security agencies
reporting to the politicians create reports with 'confidence levels'
that cannot be correct. But they look very authoritative. Those
reports that go against the prevailing ideology are, of course,
This is nothing new. As the cynical world war 2 phrase
self-illustrates “excrementum vincit cerebellum” (bullshit baffles
brains). American politicians are deeply ignorant of the world in
general, and Russia and China in particular. They thrive on a steady
diet of a mix of popular media propaganda and security agency
briefings massages to echo, confirm, and thereby amplify the
prejudices of the high level people to whom they must bow and
curtsey (if they want their career to progress).
Manipulation by the agenda-driven unaccountable leashless
government agencies
"[Kennedy] understood that the world was dangerous
and he was going to avoid it. And yet the first year was a massive
debacle because the CIA came to him and said, "Mr. President, now
you have to implement the invasion of Cuba."
And he had serious doubts about it, but like most presidents and
certainly most presidents in their first months, he kind of went
along and said, okay, you can do it, but I'm not going to give air
cover. And some flaky set of decisions from the CIA and
Kennedy had them go forward.
And of course the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba was itself a
debacle, a disaster."
Jeffrey Sachs on the Chris Hedges Report 30
September 2023
...I think first, it's fair to say, that being president of the
United States is a tough job and it's impossible to do right in
the early days and early years, because you don't get it.
And our security state in the United States, which was created
by the National Security Act of 1947, which created a secret
security state and a private army of the United States called
the CIA, which is one half its function, because it does
intelligence and it does private warfare of the United States.
And the whole apparatus is secret and largely out of control.
And it is absolutely out of control by any public understanding or
scrutiny or accountability or congressional oversight today as it
was in the early 1960s."
Jeffrey Sachs on the Chris Hedges Report 30 September 2023
The apparatus that Professor Sachs describes has been out of the
control of the American people for a long time. It was 'out of
control' when the Church Commission was set up, and it remains out
of control now.
"There exists in our nation today a powerful and
dangerous secret cult -- the cult of intelligence.
Its holy men are the clandestine professionals of the Central
Intelligence Agency.
Its patrons and protectors are the highest officials of the
federal government. Its membership, extending far beyond governmental circles,
reaches into the power centers of industry, commerce, finance,
and labor. Its friends are many in the areas of important public
influence -- the academic world and the communications media. The cult of intelligence is a secret fraternity of the
American political aristocracy.
The purpose of the cult is to further the foreign policies of the
U.S. government by covert and usually illegal means, while at the
same time containing the spread of its avowed enemy, communism.
Traditionally, the cult's hope has been to foster a world order in
which America would reign supreme, the unchallenged international
Today, however, that dream stands tarnished by time and frequent
failures. Thus, the cult's objectives are now less grandiose, but
no less disturbing.
It seeks largely to advance America's self-appointed role as
the dominant arbiter of social, economic, and political change
in the awakening regions of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. And
its worldwide war against communism has to some extent been
reduced to a covert struggle to maintain a self-serving
stability in the Third World, using whatever clandestine methods
are available."
Victor Marchetti, former special assistant to the Deputy
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and John D. Marks,
former officer of the United States Department of State 1974 in
their book 'The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence'
The CIA, under Dulles, mislead the 'green' John Kennedy and caused
him great embarrassment over the failed 'Bay of Pigs' US invasion of
Cuba fiasco. He was angry and frustrated, and, according to the New
York Times (1966) he told an aide words to the effect that he
'wanted to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to
the winds'. There was an enquiry into the CIA, but Kennedy and the
Congress left it intact. It remained Kennedy's (and all subsequent
Presidents) private tool for coercive criminal acts and coercive state
The CIA is the President's creature, but it also provides an
absolutely necessary and useful intelligence service. But unless an
incoming President, has prior experience in dealing with the 'cult',
he is putty in their hands. So there is an intersection of the
agenda and biases of upper level staff of the CIA and the background
knowledge - and temperament - of the incoming President.
As Professor Sachs points out, it is easiest for a 'green' president
to go along with the advice given, until he at least finds his feet.
The head of the CIA is a political appointee, and can usefully
filter agency ambitions, but if the political appointee is an
ideologue, then he or she is likely to skew the Presidential
coercive advice even more radically.
When I say 'coercive advice' I consider it a given that this is
virtually all the advice the president receive - all more temperate
and fact-based advice that doesn't fit current ideologies having
been diverted to the waste stream.
The question arises - what if the President doesn't bend to agency
heads opposing strongly held ideology? According to Ray
McGovern, former CIA analyst, in the case of John Kennedy, the
evidence is compelling that the CIA and military acted together to
murder the American President because he would not provide them with
the war that they wanted. Presumably todays USA agencies are
unlikely to murder a President (once elected) whose policy they
strongly disagree with. However, they may blackmail Presidents. Mr.
Trump swore he would "drain the swamp". He had a dozen or so action
points - preventing retiring military from joining arms
manufacture firms and so forth. Not one was item on the list was
completed. He was conspicuously warned by a senior senate member
that if an elected President - a President! - "angers" the unelected
intelligence community "they have six ways from Sunday at getting
back at you".
Therefore, if the military industrial financial complex wants to
continue coercive policies and the President does not, the
President best change his mind.
Top-down manipulation of the government agencies in order to hear
only what the President's Security Council wants to hear
"the National Security Act of 1947, the one that created the CIA,
says zero about covert action, all it says is that the CIA shall:
"perform such other the functions and duties
related to intelligence affecting the National Security as the
National Security Council May from time to time Direct"
Now what is the National Security Council? That's an Advisory
Board to the President. The president is the one who directs. The
president is one who gives the orders"
Ray McGovern, retired CIA Analyst November 2023
The National Security Council members come from hand-picked men and
"The National Security Council (NSC) is the President's
principal forum for considering national security and foreign
policy matters with his senior national security advisors and
cabinet officials. Since its inception under President Truman, the
Council's function has been to advise and assist the President on
national security and foreign policies. The Council also
serves as the President's principal arm for coordinating
these policies among various government agencies.
The NSC is chaired by the President. Its regular
attendees (both statutory and non-statutory) are the Vice
President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the
Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, and the Assistant to the
President for National Security Affairs. The Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff is the statutory military advisor to the
Council, and the Director of National Intelligence is the
intelligence advisor... "
Naturally, the President's advisors are picked to give the President
exactly the advice he wants to hear. The President can change his
staff at whim. Therefore, there is inbuilt pressure to 'follow the
President's line'. This pressure in turn feeds down through the
layers of bureaucracy. Ultimately, it becomes a Presidential echo
chamber. All the President hears are his own thoughts and his own
This is the major weakness of any Presidential system. An elected
'President' can't be cast aside when top politicians realise he is a
liability, or with a personality defect that leads to very bad
decisions. In a Parliamentary system where the 'Prime' Minister is
elected by the Ministers, and simply the 'first among equals', such
a defective leader can be voted out by a cabinet vote of no
confidence and 'be gone by lunchtime'. She is then quickly replaced
by the leader of a cabinet faction with the most support. Or, if
suffering from 'burnout' (or realising she has made a major
strategic blunder whose consequences are yet to come to light) she
can quietly step down and be instantly replaced by cabinet vote.
In the case of coercive diplomacy, when the policy is obviously
heading for a disaster, the damage could be quickly limited by a
nervous cabinet voting the reckless one out of the top seat. But in
the American system, if the President insists on steering the
Titanic straight for an iceberg because he 'knows' the ship is
strong enough to smash it, no one can stop him. The tragedy, of
course, is that even while heading for disaster, all the advisors
will be praising his resolve, his navigation,and his transcendent
Cognitively biased decision making
"...coercive diplomacy...assumes pure rationality...But in real
life decision makers are not attentive to and do not correctly
perceive all incoming information; various external and internal
psychological factors influence their receptivity to new
information and its assessment, and these factors also affect
their identification and evaluation of options."
Alexander George
'External' psychological factors probably refers to leaders social
set - who their colleagues and social class are - and the 'norms'
and prejudices in that setting ('group think'). Georges "these
factors also affect their identification and evaluation of options"
discretely refers to the fact that analysts who wish to 'get ahead'
in the job tell their superiors what they know their superiors
really want to hear - usually support for an existing institutional
or higher government level political position.
Overconfidence is inevitably the result when dispassionate analysis
is substituted with 'opinion' mixed with inability to admit (or even
be aware of) personal bias, let alone under-education on the matter
being opined on. This was perfectly expressed by Nobel prize-winning
psychologist Daniel Kahneman, author of the book 'Thinking Fast and
"There was a study by Phil Tetlock about the ability of
pundits, CIA analysts and academic experts to make long-term
strategic predictions, looking five to 10 years ahead.
They couldn't do it, but believed they could.
And the people who were most overconfident, and had the strongest
theory? They're the ones who were on TV.
We're blind to our blindness. We have very little idea of how
little we know. We're not designed to know how little we know.
Most of the time, [trying to judge the validity of our own
judgements] is not worth doing. But when the stakes are high, my
guess is that asking for the advice of other people is better than
criticising yourself...
Daniel Kahneman, psychologist 24
November 2011
Unwillingness to think
Inadequate and unprofessional popular journalism has dumbed-down and
manipulated public thinking to the point that both academics and
otherwise thoughtful and analytical ordinary people have lost the
both the will and perhaps the ability to ask skeptical questions.
The will and ability to look at other sources of information beyond
the lock-step public media is gone. All that is left is an echo
chamber. The echo chamber resonates not with 'prove it', but with 'I
believe'. Even highly respected academics like Professor Brenner has
stopped attempting to engage in public discourse. People can't hear
dissenting voices, with different premises, with facts that sit
uncomfortably with what they have been told. The level of cognitive
dissonance is too high. There is no one to talk to.
"I had expressed highly skeptical views about what I
believe is the fictional storyline and account of what has been
happening in Ukraine, back over the past year and most pointedly
in regard to the acute crisis that has arisen with the Russian
invasion and attack on Ukraine. I received not only an unusually
large number of critical replies, but it was the nature of them
that was deeply dismaying.
One, ...most of them came from people whom I did know, whom I knew
as level-headed, sober minds, engaged and well informed on foreign
policy issues and international matters generally.
Second, they were highly personalized, and I had rarely been the
object of that sort of criticism or attack—sort of ad hominem
remarks questioning my patriotism; had I been paid by...Putin; my
motivations, my sanity....
Third was the extremity of the content of these hostile messages.
And the last characteristic, which really stunned me, was that
these people bought into—hook, line and sinker—every aspect of the
sort of fictional story that has been propagated by the
administration, accepted and swallowed whole by the media and our
political-intellectual class, which includes many academics and
the entire galaxy of Washington think tanks.
And that’s a reinforced impression that had been growing for some
time, that to be a critic and a skeptic was not just to engage in
a dialogue..., but to place one’s views and one’s thoughts and
send them into a void, in effect. A void, because the discourse as
it has crystalized is not only uniform in a way, but it is in so
many respects senseless, lacking any kind of inner logic, whether
you agree with the premises and the formally stated objectives or
In effect, this was an intellectual and political nihilism.
...And he is, Putin himself, an extraordinarily sophisticated
thinker. But people don’t bother to read what he writes, or to
listen to what he says.
I know, in fact, of no national leader that has laid out in the
detail and the precision and the sophistication his view of the
world, Russia’s place in it, the character of interstate
relations, with the candor and acuity that he has.
It’s not a question of whether you believe that that depiction he
offers is entirely correct, or the conclusion that he draws from
it, with regard to policy. But you are dealing with a person and a
regime which in vital respects is the antithesis of the one that
is caricatured and almost universally accepted, not only in the
Biden administration but in the foreign policy community and the
political class, and in general.
And that raises some really basic questions about us, rather than
about Russia or about Putin. As you [the interviewer]
mentioned, the question was: what is it that we’re afraid of? Why
do Americans feel so threatened, so anxious?...What is there today
that really threatens us? At the horizon, of course, there is
China, not Russia; although they now, thanks to our unwitting
encouragement, have formed together a formidable bloc. But...even
the Chinese challenge is to our supremacy and our hegemony, not to
the country directly...
...we have to look in the mirror and say, well, we’ve seen...the
source of our disquiet, and it’s within us; it’s not out there,
and it is leading to gross distortions of the way in which we see,
we depict and we interpret the world...geographically and in terms
of...different arenas and dimensions of international relations.
And of course, continuing along this course can only have one
endpoint, and that’s disaster of some form or other...
...I truly believe that we are talking about collective
Professor Michael J. Brenner, Professor Emeritus of International
Affairs, former Director of the International Relations &
Global Studies University of Texas, 15
April 2022
Pandering to popular uninformed prejudice
The American 'system' of echo chamber group-think becomes an
inescapable trap. The politicians use their compliant and
brain-dead mainstream media to create a false cardboard-cutout
image they call 'Russia', a fantasyland holograph embued with
certain powers, motives, impulses, reactions. They tell the public
how to 'feel' about this 'Russia'. Once the population 'knows' how
to believe about anything pertaining to Russia - as presented by
the journalistically derelict mainstream media - anything outside
the existing political framing triggers immediate 'cognitive
dissonance', and is angrily rejected.
Politicians who attempt to bring reality into the discourse cut
their own throats. Even when someone has taken the time and
trouble to go to a land 'over there' and try to find something
more closely corresponding to reality, if they try to convey what
they have learnt - at first hand - they are instantly tagged and
reviled as [insert leader or country] sympathiser. Politicians
also learn to lie. Even when they know what they are saying is
absurd on various levels, they still repeat popular tags and
labels, because if they don't, they won't have an audience.
And if they don't have an audience, they can't get elected, they
can't get big donations. So, like Tulsi Gabbard, they withdraw.
Lying pays in a 4 year electoral cycle
"First of all, no one can join NATO while a war is going
on...because that guarantees that we’re in a war, and we’re in a
third world war."
"Putin has already lost the war. Putin has a real
problem. How does he move from here? What does he
do?... there is no possibility of him winning the war in
Ukraine. He’s already lost that war. Imagine if — even
if — anyway. He’s already lost that war."
Joseph Biden, President of the United States of America, 13
July 2023
At the time the US President said this all competent military
analysts were stating the obvious - Russia has now won the war.
Ukraine was unable to advance. When Ukraine withdrew any
significant distance, it was unable to permanently regain that
lost ground. So why lie? Because the current President is up for
re-election in 2024, and needs 'to save face'. If instead of lying
he called off the USA governments attacks on Russia, he would
immediately prevent the death or maiming of several hundred
Ukrainian conscripts per day. But then he would have to admit that
his officials are lying and dissembling, and the media is lying
and dissembling to the American public, day in, day out. And that
would be bad for his chances at re-election.
"Truth is treason in the empire of lies.”- George
Why do top officials also lie? Because their position, their
career, their remuneration depends on supporting the agreed lies.
If they step out of line and admit the truth, they are regarded as
being a traitor to the greater cause.
Hill is where warmongers and principles go to die. It’s an
assisted living facility for psychopaths...The
whole place smells like night terrors and urine...It’s
where they warehouse souls too atrophied and mummified to take
a stand against the empire in order to give Americans the
illusion of living in a democracy."
Caitlin Johnson, social commentator 31 August 2023
Apparently US politicians suspend all empathy when it comes to the
suffering they cause others. President Biden recently
said "A job is...about your dignity, how you’re treated, and
being able to make a living and you can tell your kids it’s going
to be okay." While he - personally, but while representing the
American people - applies crippling trade restrictions to Syria, a
country the USA government attempted to destroy using the ISIS
thugs and other criminal extremists. And funded and armed these
brutal thugs. At the same time, it helps Israel use Syria as a
punching bag, striking Syrian military and foreign advisors on
virtually a fortnightly basis. And Israel has done this for years,
under US protection.
The US government occupies the Syrian oil fields and uses proxies
to control the major wheat producing areas. The United States
government steals Syrian oil. Entire factories were looted by the
terrorists and shipped to Turkiye (before Russia put a stop to
it). The Syrian industrial base is deeply damaged, as is the
infrastructure - except in the north, where the Kurds receive a
constant stream of aid and largesse from the west - including, no
doubt from the pillaging of Syria's oil and wheat. Syria was once
self-sufficient in oil and in food. Now it is a beggar. The US
government destroyed Syrian jobs. It took the food from Syrian
families mouths. Even while Syria is still fighting the last
terrorist groups in the west, the US government keeps it's
sociopathic boot on the Syrian peoples throat. No mercy, not even
for the hungry, the sick, the unemployed. Winter is coming.
Electricity is limited to a few hours a day. Wood is unaffordable.
This is what the American government does to ordinary people to
coerce the Syrian government...collective punishment. A crime
against humanity.
This is a vivid illustration of the utter lack of empathy for the
civilian populations of the countries the US government illegally
places its boots in. This is just one story among a long history
of blatant and gross interference in other countries. The US
supplies the bombs the Israeli government uses to commit what may
amount to a genocide in Gaza, killing and maiming thousands of
womean, children, infants, civilians. Some of these bombs were
personally signed by US politicians. By August of 2024, the US war
businesses had sent 50,000 tons of their prime war materiel to
Israel to assist Israel's genocidal over-reaction. At the same
time as the USA government provides with one hand the means for
Israel to continue to commit war crimes on a captive
population, the other hand provides a little food - while also
blocking food arriving from the major UN aid agency in that area.
It is clear that many, if not most, American politicians have no
empathy for 'the other'. They are concerned for the wellbeing of
their own children, but callously hurt and kill other nations
children. The US government treat with nonchalant indifference the
real prospect of becoming forever damned by history as a convicted
accomplice to genocide.
Sociopathological US politicians are not just a recent phenomenon.
"Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna get through it. We're
going to cream them. This is not anger. This
is all business. This is not "petulance." That's
all bullshit. I should have done it long ago. I just didn't
follow my instincts.
South Vietnam may lose. But the United States cannot
lose...Whatever happens to South Vietnam, we are going to cream
North Vietnam...For once, we've got to use the maximum power
of this country...against this shit-ass little country."
President Richard Nixon, Oval office tapes, May
4, 1972
An ineradicable culture of total indifference to
the pain and suffering the US government causes to 'foreign'
people is deeply embedded within much of the political class of
that country. I'll leave it to appropriate professionals to
suggest why.
The USA mainland has not been ravaged by war
"Everything they are inventing now, spooking the world
with the threat of a conflict involving nuclear
weapons, which potentially means the end
of civilisation – don’t they realise this?
The problem is that these are people who have never
faced profound adversity; they have no conception
of the horrors of war. We – even
the younger generation of Russians – have endured
such trials during the fight against international
terrorism in the Caucasus, and now,
in the conflict in Ukraine.
But they continue to think of this
as a kind of action cartoon."
Vladimir Putin 29
February 2024
The USA has caused numerous wars, but these wars are always "over
there". US politicians use the patently absurd trope that the US
fights "them" over there so that the US doesn't have "to fight
them here". The USA is almost a continental Island. Armed invasion
by another country is a laughable idea, absurd at every level. The
only genuine danger to the mainland USA is it's own politicians.
But because the USA has not experienced the death and destruction
of war on its homeland, it is completely cavalier about trying to
destroy other countries. The only war-related remedy that would
change the USA coercive policy is to introduce compulsory military
service, no exceptions, no 'soft service options' for the elite.
Loss aversion
Once the US foreign policy flywheel starts to turn, it is hard to
stop. Even as things start to fall apart, the US government, not
wishing to 'lose face', stubbornly refuses to 'do the right
thing'. As the popular American saying goes they 'double down on
USA aims to destroy its old equipment using Ukraine.(Listen to Scott
Ritter a military expert and analyst describe in detail why
Ukraine cannot win, and has never had a real chance).
Deceit Added 4 March 2024
"We understand the need for assurances to the countries
in the East. If we maintain a presence in a Germany that is part
of NATO, there will be no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for
forces of NATO one inch to the east."
Memorandum of conversation of US Secretary of State James Baker
addressing USSR President Gorbachev, Moscow, 9 February 1990 (US
National Security Archive)
The US state constantly uses deceit as a tool to acquire one-sided
advantage over other nations. The US state 'glad-hands' and
ego-strokes the leaders and functionaries of it's so-called
'allies', convincing them they are part of an exclusive 'club' of
superior countries. It is a deceit, a carefully crafted underhand
sham. The EU as well as the US did the same with Russia after the
breakup of the Soviet Union. But the EU was - and is - oblivious to
the real meaning of the 'smile' of the American crocodile. The
United States is in economic competiton with the EU. Their hidden
'economic warfare' against the EU has few limits. I wrote about his
in 2022, which can be read here.
The US state intends to either restrict the export businesses of its
EU 'allies', or create conditions where they willingly move to the
United States. Alternatively, it buys a majority stakes in the
The destruction of German business, in particular, by destroying the
cheap Russian gas source is too well known to repeat. While that is
the major instrument of the destruction of their German dupe, there
are many other tools. Ultimately, the US may use currency
restrictions. Why not? Any pretext will do.
The US is still using deceit against China, inventing pretexts to
limit competiton from Chinese businesses.
The US state initially used deceit against Russia, but now it is
quite openly trying to destroy Russian competition. Just some of the
decitful practices of the US and its gullible EU proxy were recently
listed by Sergey Lavrov:
"For many years after the Soviet Union broke up, as the
new Russia was undergoing its formation in a new capacity, we
believed the promises of the West. We were told that it was a time
of universal prosperity, with no ideological opponents, and that
we were all in the same boat, living and working together honestly
for our common benefit.
turned out that all those promises were a sham.
We did not see any equality in economic relations with the
It took us a very long time to join the World Trade
Organisation. The European Union was wearing us out, as they
say, by bargaining for concessions.
There were many other issues in our relations with the EU, our
nearest neighbour. Although we were very close trading partners,
any economic actions, steps and agreements were achieved with
great difficulty.
we were deceived on the most important issue for us:
equal and indivisible security. This principle is stated
in a series of decisions of the so-called Organisation for
Security and Cooperation in Europe. Starting from the Istanbul Summit in 1999, this
principle was proclaimed and has been reaffirmed many times
since, including at the highest level.
solemn commitment states that no country or group of countries
in the Euro-Atlantic region will seek dominance. However,
while NATO was signing this commitment with one hand, it was
signing agreements on enlargement with the other,
relentlessly violating all the principles that were seemingly
honestly agreed upon within the framework of the OSCE.
I will
not go into detail about what happened with Ukraine. You are
aware of it. A coup d’état, a regime completely subservient to
the Americans, who already had hundreds of people sitting in
ministries there. Just as now they claim that they have their
mercenaries, but in fact, there are army officers there,
including British and French. We are well aware of this. And it
all ended with what we have now.
When we were implementing the Minsk agreements,
we believed that this was a way out of the crisis that Ukraine,
especially its eastern regions, found itself in. We thought that
we would be able to avoid any negative consequences...."
Sergey Lavrov 1
March 2024
The list of deceitful behaviour by the US state is very long. The
most consequential is deceit around military aggressions. The white
'anthrax' brandished by the Americans as a reason to destroy Iraq.
Which wasn't there. The missiles in Iraq. Which weren't there. The
uranium rods in Iraq. Which weren't there. The babies pulled out of
Kuwaiti hospital incubators. Yet another lie. The closing of
Libyian airspace, which was a deceit to cover a full blown air
attack on the Libyan State. The chemical weapons facility attacked
with American cruise missiles. Which had no such chemical weapons.
The sarin attack in Syria. Which was implemented by other states and
proxies inside Syria. Deceit. Lies and deceit.
But, to the west's advantage, deceit works. Largely because the
media in the west is controlled by a very narrow group of 'elites',
who make sure that inconvenient truths are either not reported,
distorted, or buried.
Relations with China Added 8 March 2024
"We will be more confident and self-reliant in cultivating the
features of China’s diplomacy. We will be more open and
inclusive and conduct diplomacy with a broad vision. We will
uphold fairness and justice, and further establish the ethos of
China’s diplomacy. We will promote win-win cooperation,
and stay true to the ideal of China’s diplomacy.
Russian natural gas is fueling numerous Chinese households, and
Chinese-made automobiles are running on Russian roads. All this
shows the strong resilience and broad prospects of China-Russia
mutually beneficial cooperation.
Maintaining and growing the China-Russia relationship is a
strategic choice by the two sides based on the fundamental
interests of the two peoples. It is also what we must do
to keep pace with the trend of the world.
China and Russia have forged a new paradigm of major-country
relations that differs entirely from the obsolete Cold War
approach. On the basis of non-alliance, non-confrontation and
not targeting any third party, China and Russia strive for
lasting good-neighborliness and friendship and seek to deepen
their comprehensive strategic coordination.
In today’s world, hegemonism finds no support, and division
leads nowhere. Major countries should not seek
confrontation, and the Cold War should not be allowed to come
Wang Yi Minister of Foreign Affairs, China 7
March 2024
"Relations between Russia and China...have not been shaped
to suite the current global environment; nor are they
the result of a short-term political opportunism.
Russian-Chinese relations have been shaped for twenty years
in a careful, phased-out manner. At each step,
the Russian and Chinese sides have both guided
themselves by their own national interests as they
understood them. While encouraging the other side
to take the next step, both have always taken into
account each other’s opinions and interests. We have always
tried to reach a compromise, even on complicated
issues inherited from the old days.
relations have always been driven by goodwill. It helped us
solve the border delimitation issues that had remained
outstanding for 40 years. Our shared desire to remove
all possible obstacles to our joint progress in future
was so huge that we managed to compromise
in a mutually acceptable way. And then we began
to develop economic cooperation, also gradually, filling
the niches that were once owned by other countries
in our relations, but were not as effective
as our mutual cooperation in a particular area.
For instance, in the area of energy that has
a special place in our relations. Russia now ranks
first among Chinese partners in the supply,
for example, of energy to China in value
progressively became Russia’s first trade partner in terms
of trade turnover, and Russia gradually rose
to the sixth place among China’s trade
and economic partners.
would I note? We had different ratios for exports
and imports at different times. For our part, we
have tried to cover the needs of the Chinese
economy, and our Chinese friends have never ignored our
views as regards some imbalances, particularly
in trade in manufactured goods. We have been
gradually, step by step and year by year
increasing and improving this trade balance. That is
the way we are advancing in almost every area.
to mention the role that Russian-Chinese relations
play in ensuring stability in the world. Relation
between Russia and China are a fundamental factor.
of this together leads us to believe that we are
moving in the absolutely right direction
and in the interests of both
the Chinese and Russian peoples."
Vladimir Putin 16
October 2023
"Look at what China's Belt and Road initiative is –
it is a global initiative and concerns practically every
region of the world, all of them: the American
continent, Africa, Europe, our neighbours
in the Asia-Pacific region, and Russia
as well.
What is
called the Eurasian Partnership is a local-scale
project. It is a vast space and it is an absolute
priority for us, for Russia, but it is not
as global as the Chinese initiative. Therefore,
without any doubt, one complements the other, and we
have said as much in our statements. We have worked
on this from both sides.
we are interested in the Belt and Road
Initiative’s development. Because when we develop our own
infrastructure (the Trans-Siberian Railway, the BAM,
the Northern Sea Route, the North-South corridor, our
railways and road networks, and so on), which
I mentioned speaking at today’s plenary session, if
this infrastructure grows along with the Chinese Belt
and Road, it will add a synergistic effect
to the efforts and investments that we are now
making in developing Russian capabilities.
We are
interested in this, and we will work together. There
is no competition here.
...President Xi suggested speaking in private. He
and I had a private conversation indeed, just
talked over a cup of tea. We talked for another
hour and a half, maybe two hours, and discussed
some very confidential issues face to face. It was
a very productive and informative part of our
Vladimir Putin 18
October 2023
"Over the three quarters of a century, our
countries have travelled a long and at times
difficult way. We have learnt well the lessons
of the history of our relationship
at different stages of their development. Today, we
know that the synergy of complementary strengths
provides a powerful impetus for rapid comprehensive
is important that Russia-China ties as they are today,
are free from the influence of either ideology
or political trends.
Their multidimensional development is an informed
strategic choice based on the wide convergence
of core national interests, profound mutual trust, strong
public support and sincere friendship between
the peoples of the two countries. I am talking about our joint efforts
to strengthen the sovereignty, protect
the territorial integrity and security of our
In a broader sense, we are working to contribute
to the development and prosperity of Russia
and China by enhancing equal, mutually beneficial
economic and humanitarian cooperation, and strengthen
foreign policy coordination in the interests
of building a just multipolar world order.
All this is the key to a future success
of our comprehensive strategic partnership
in the new era.
China has remained our key business partner for 13 years,
and in 2023, Russia ranked 4th among
the PRC's major trading partners. Our countries have made
an informed choice in favour of equal
and mutually beneficial economic ties a long time
Vladimir Putin 15
May 2024
Balancing interests, slowly building trust, cooperation for mutual
benefit, respect-based relationships, not against 3rd parties,
seeking world peace and trade. Nothing more needs to be said.
persuasion and compromise diplomatic strategy Edited 15
March 2024
" ...political rage is only a temporary thing and will go
away on its own after they run out of steam, then we will
be ready to conduct a serious, professional and propaganda-free
conversation that remains within the bounds of the law."
Sergey Lavrov 18
October 2018
"What is happening in Ukraine and what is happening in Israel
is showing how profoundly, profoundly, dangerous it is not to
have diplomacy, not to engage in problem solving... try to rely on force and to believe that the United
States through force can absolve a country of the
responsibilities of decency and International law and
diplomacy and cooperation. And they can't"
Professor Jeffrey Sachs interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano,
'Judging Freedom' 01 November 2023
This strategy is sparingly used by the West, but this is where the
west will have to turn to in future. Throughout the west's endless
name-calling, unilateral restrictions, uncooperative behaviour, and
endless dangerous - and sometimes murderous - staged offenses, the
Russian diplomats have been endlessly patient and polite, although
the Foreign Minister's reference to the western polity as "partners"
is actually ironic.
Question: In your interviews, you nearly always
refer to our foes as partners. Why? Sergey Lavrov: Sometimes, I fail to express irony through
intonation. 17
December 2018
"One must always be polite. We
are polite people.
We speak on any topic, as we believe that it is
necessary to communicate, to listen to each other.
However, the fact that we speak politely does not mean
we would make any concessions that run contrary to the
core national interests of the Russian Federation."
Sergey Lavrov 15
May 2019
"I understand those who think that Russia could be more aggressive
in reacting to the openly high-handed, unseemly rhetoric from
Western leaders.
In our diplomatic and political culture, we are not used to
resorting to thuggish rhetoric.
We are polite people and are used to achieving our goals in a
civil and civilised manner. As we say: “God is not in power
but in truth.”
Sergey Lavrov, 3
February 2021
The outrageous and deliberately arrogant and provocative, sometimes
contemptuous behaviour of the western so-called 'diplomats' is
generally a ritualistic performance, kabuki theatre, much of it a
'threat display' of 'toughness' aimed at their domestic audience. It
is a form of psychological coercion designed to cause frustration
and annoyance. Whether or not it works on the domestic audience is
uncertain (especially as social media can open a window on a world
hidden behind the propaganda curtain). Psychological coercion
doesn't work on professional diplomats.
"I don’t think any member of the Government, not to
mention the Foreign Minister, should let themselves get rattled.
To be honest, I find it easy to deal with. But those who take it
harder must keep their perfectly justified feelings to themselves.
As the old Hollywood saying goes, “Never let them see you sweat.”
Sergey Lavrov 12
February 2021
"It goes without saying that we are ready for a dialogue with our
Western colleagues, but only if it’s based on equality, mutual
respect and the search for a fair balance of interests rather
than the ultimatums we keep hearing and which demand that Russia
“change its ways” before the West even agrees to talk to us.
We all went to school. Our teachers also admonished us. But those
were teachers we loved and recognised.
Sergey Lavrov 24
June 2021
It seems to me this rather farcical insistence on an impossibly
positive Russian diplomatic stance was directed and led at the
insistence of the Russian 'Diplomat-in Chief', Vladimir Putin. Of
course, his decision was informed by the tone at the top of the
Russian diplomatic continuum, particularly Russias highly respected
foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov. Russia has professional
diplomats, unlike the US government, which has a shifting mish-mash
of political appointees who toe the US uniparty foreign policy line.
"We will continue pursuing
peace-loving neighbourly foreign policy and will remain open
to constructive cooperation with our foreign partners in all
geographical areas and in any format based on mutual respect,
predictability and negotiability.
This fully applies to the United States, the West as a whole and
such agencies as the EU and NATO, all the more so since many
countries in Europe realise the futility of this line towards
confrontation with Russia that has been imposed on them.
I am convinced that common sense will eventually prevail. We
will probably never be absolutely the same. There will always be
differences in our approaches to these and other problems. But
let us uphold our positions through dialogue rather than threats
and ultimatums."
Sergey Lavrov 20
November 2018
Ultimatums, "you are either with us or against us" false dichotomies
and other aspirations formulated as 'imperatives', whether
childishly couched in condescending tones or not, have no place in
diplomatic negotiations with mature adults.
" one should be presented with
the “either-or” choice.
We cannot try and substitute the essence of the problem, and
tasks for resolving it, by our geopolitical ambitions."
Sergey Lavrov 8
October 2021
"Often there prevails the
desire to issue accusations, ultimatums and demands. We
believe that today, as never before, it is important to
try to return to the sources and basics of diplomacy, to the
painstaking, protracted, occasionally thankless, but
eventually effective search for points of contact and
compromises, and to the coordination of positions. We
are ready for this work and are ready to conduct it with all
our partners without exception."
Sergey Lavrov 14
October 2020
"We have to comment on ...Mr Borrell’s ...statement...This
particular text is based on the illusion and dangerous
self-deception that it is possible to speak to Russia in a
language of threats and ultimatums. I don’t know why they so
stubbornly close their eyes and ears to our statements that
talking to us like that is unacceptable and that any attempts to
conduct dialogue from this position are sure to fail." Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman
Maria Zakharova 1
July 2021
"It appears that our Western partners cannot, or more likely
don’t want to deal with us on the basis of mutual respect, or to
look for mutually acceptable solutions...There is little doubt
that...tomorrow we will hear ultimatums and aggressive
statements, most of them Russophobic, demanding that we change
our policy. We will try to encourage them to talk, but there
is a limit to everything.
We prefer dialogue aimed at reaching mutually acceptable
agreements that will ensure collective security as well as the
security of all parties to the agreements, most likely the OSCE
in the first place.
are ready for this. If our Western
partners have lost or are losing (the process has not
reached the final stage yet) the culture of dialogue and
the culture of looking for compromise, this means that we
are knocking on a locked door, which will never open. I
hope this is not so."
Sergey Lavrov 1
December 2021
The west, and particularly the USA government, set about destroying
diplomatic relations with Russia. They have done a very thorough
job, from seizing Russian diplomatic property in USA to endlessly
hysterically vilifying the Russian head of state. The US government
is willing to engage with Russia to get what it wants, but it is a
one way street from its point of view. Hopelessly self centered
which means it is also short sighted.
"In 2009, President Obama and I thought we could achieve key US
national interests with Russia through an approach with three
elements: finding specific areas for cooperation where our
interests aligned, standing firm where our interests diverged, and
engaging consistently with the Russian people themselves"
Hill Clinton 'Hard Choices, published 2014
The key national interests were the so-called new START treaty (the
old one had expired the the US "hadn't had any weapons inspectors on
the ground in Russia checking what was happening in their missile
silos", to quote Mrs Clinton ), sanctioning Iran, and air access to
Afghanistan's northern border to conduct military operations. The
other key national interest, illegitimate, but key, was to incite
dissent in any and every way possible within Russia in order to
overthrow it and install a malleable President ready to once again
hang out the 'for sale' sign.
"We re-submitted our
proposals during a visit by US National Security Adviser John
Bolton to Moscow in August and later in October, when he was in
Moscow again. These proposals are about starting a serious,
candid and professional dialogue on the INF Treaty, compliance
with the START Treaty, and a number of other proposals regarding
our approaches to strategic stability. We got nothing in
response from the US partners. We occasionally remind them about
They keep saying that we need to correct our mistakes and stop
the violations.Adults don't talk like that." Sergey Lavrov 7
December 2018
"The other side often has a problem...which is that they are good
at showing firmness bordering on rudeness, but they are rather
unprepared for dialogue."
Sergey Ryabkov, Deputy Foreign Minister 20
December 2021
"Unfortunately, relations between Russia and the United
States, which directly affect global security and stability, are
going through a deep crisis. It is rooted in fundamentally
different approaches to the formation of the modern world order.
Madam Ambassador, I do not wish to upset the positive atmosphere
of the ceremony for presenting the letters of credence and I know
that you probably won’t share my opinion, but I must say that the
use by the US of such foreign policy tools as support for the
so-called colour revolutions, including support for the state
coup in Ukraine in 2014, ultimately led to the current crisis in
Ukraine and exacerbated the deterioration of Russia-US relations.
But we have always supported the development of Russia-US
relations exclusively on the principles of equality, mutual
respect for each other’s sovereignty and interests, and
non-interference in internal affairs. We will continue following
these principles in the future as well.
Vladimir Putin 5
April 2023
From 2014 onward, from the second Obama term as President, there has
been an ever-worsening move to extreme coercive diplomacy by US
government administrations. Effectively, there is no US government
diplomatic engagement with Russia.
Regardless of what the US government administrations do in future,
Russia will continue to exclude any form of diplomatic engagement
other than those engagements fully compliant with the principles of:
1. Equality
2. Mutual respect for each others sovereign decisions made in
compliance with International law
3. Mutual respect for each others legitimate interests
4. Non-interference in internal affairs
Those are not Russian rules. Nor are they western rules. They flow
from the rules in the United Nations Charter and associated
Recently, these United Nations based rules are re-gaining some of
their power, or so it seems. Coercion has no place there. It is a
place of cooperative diplomacy.
It is a great irony that Zbigniew Brzezinski, who promoted
Mackinder's coercive 'heartland' concept, did a complete 'about face
in 2016'.
He realised that Russia and China were too powerful to successfully
coerce, and promoted cooperative diplomacy instead. He was ignored.
There is another irony The military coercion boot is now on the
other foot. Russia could coerce the United States. Salvos of the new
the Kh-BD cruise missile can be air launched from bombers flyiing in
eastern Russia and travel about 6,000 kilometers to reach large
parts of Northwest continental United States. This is a cruise
missile, not a ballistic missile, and it has a low radar profile. In
time, it will likely replace the nuclear tipped Kh-BD, as well as
current conventionally armed shorter range missiles (limited to
roughly 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers).
Strategic balance has been restored, but it has not been formalised
by treaty. Russia wants mutually acceptable security treaties to be
negotiated, covering all outstanding matters - NATO army exercise on
Russia's borders, tactical nuclear weapons on NATO fighter aircraft
- also on Russia's borders, and so on. Ironically, Russia could
simply leave matters as they are. But it has now created threats to
the United States that are arguably greater than the semicircle of
missiles the US government will place around Russia's border.
"Why has the West adopted this position? I am
referring to the West, primarily the Anglo-Saxon
world, since former Prime Minister Johnson would have never
travelled there on his own initiative, without seeking
Washington’s advice...So he went there on a mission
to make the case for fighting Russia until
the last Ukrainian (without saying so directly),
or should we say until victory and Russia’s strategic
defeat. This is probably the kind of result they hoped
they see that it is not working out the way they
expected, they probably have to make adjustments.
But this is a matter of the art
of government and politics, since politics,
as we all know, is the art of compromise".
Vladimir Putin 14
February 2024
"President Putin made it clear that the West must admit the fact
that it adopted the wrong course, one that ultimately failed.
Let the West look for a way out of the situation without losing
President Putin underscored that the West must return to the art
of diplomacy. Just like the art of politics, the art of
diplomacy is the art of compromise.
all this presumes that the legitimacy of our
demands must be recognised, a non-bloc status,
that the expansion of NATO and the militarisation of Ukraine as
a threat to the Russian Federation should be renounced, and that
the Nazi policy of legislative and physical extermination of
Russians and Russian-speaking citizens in Ukraine be put to
Sergey Lavrov 16
February 2024
Once again, Lavrov states Russia's absolute core interests will
never ever be bargained away. They are eternally non-negotiable. And
so they should be. What's more, the west's war on Russia using
Ukraine as a proxy is failing, as all parties knew it would. At the
same time, Russia has become militarily, socially, and economically
powerful. Its integrated potential across these spheres unite as an
unmoveable, deeply buttressed force..
Now it is up to the west to come to Russia and recognise Russia's
immutable red lines. Because the victor sets the terms.Ukraine will
have to return to neutrality. NATO or any NATO-like structure will
not be allowed in Ukraine. Ukraine will not host foreign military on
its territory, including 'temporary citizens'. Racist white
supremacy and neonazi ideology will be banned.
The real concern is NATO, and the proliferation of intermediate and
shorter range missile systems ringing Russia. Something will have to
be done. And it was done, on 17th of December, 2021, a little after
this remark:
"the Americans have declared their intention to deploy
land-based missile systems that were banned under the INF Treaty,
not only in Europe, but also in the Asia-Pacific, is of course a
matter of concern for us. We believe that this would upend
strategic stability and the balance that we have.
We reaffirm the proposal that President Vladimir Putin made
several years ago to the United States and other NATO members to
introduce a reciprocal moratorium on the deployment of such
missiles in all regions of the world and to introduce
verification measures so that NATO can be sure that Russia does
not have systems of this kind, while enabling us to ascertain
that missile defence bases in Romania and Poland cannot be
refitted with offensive cruise missiles.
Our Western colleagues have been unwilling to commit themselves
to this moratorium, and do not want to hold talks on this issue.
This is sad. Furthermore, there is evidence that NATO planners are
now looking east, and have already said, through the words of NATO
Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, that NATO’s mission should
include the Indo-Pacific region. What they say is their mission
should cover the entire world.
I believe that these are very dangerous games. We will do everything to counter trends of
this kind and make sure that all countries
understand the danger of moving in this direction.
Sergey Lavrov 27
October 2021
But Russia cannot coercively impose a return to the 1997 status,
where no NATO forces were allowed in the former Soviet East European
states. But it can and will coercively enforce Article 4 of the 17
December 2021 draft "Treaty Between the United States of America and
the Russian Federation on Security Guarantees'. This article says:
Article 4
United States of America shall undertake to prevent further
eastward expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and
deny accession to the Alliance to the States of the former Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics.
United States of America shall not establish military bases in
the territory of the States of the former Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics that are not members of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization, use their infrastructure for any military
activities or develop bilateral military cooperation with them.
In other words, Ukraine, Georgia, Serbia, and the Central
Eurasian 'stans' will not be allowed to join NATO (Sweden is so
close to membership it is a given). Russia can't do much about the
existing NATO countries on it's borders. So long as they don't
host land-based cruise missile installations close to Russia's
border (capable of hitting Russia before it can react), Russia is
not too concerned. Russia is extremely concerned about the Aegis
Ashore missile 'defense' system currently operational in Deveselu
Romania, and the Aegis Ashore installation in Redzikowo,
Poland (which is set to be operational in spring or summer of
2024, if it isn't delayed again). These two installations will
have to be either removed or subject to the most stringent
inspections to make sure they never have their software and
warheads swapped out to change the missiles missions to
pre-targeted nuclear cruise suprise attack missiles rather than
the current anti-ballistic missile configuration. In fact, Russia
will have to have full 24/7 monitoring of the computer software at
least - which the US will never accept. US 'assurances' are
meaningless, as are 'spot' inspections.
If the the United States refuses to cooperate, Russia will be
free to create a similar threat the United States as the United
States presents to Russia. Russia has had to abandon its 'no first
use of nuclear missiles' doctrine in order to match the US
doctrine which allows first use suprise attack on almost any
pretext at all, including alleged cyberattacks. Therefore Russia
will probably move Russia's suprise attack capability to the far
east of Russia, opposite the US Pacific coast. While it would be
entitled to put alleged 'anti-ballistic missiles' in Cuba, it
probably won't, for Cuba's sake. But who knows? The USA is immune
to compromise, immune to rational discussion. So be it.
Finally, Article 6 is designed to solve the problem of Aegis
Ashore in Romania and Poland.
Article 6
The Parties shall undertake not to deploy ground-launched
intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles outside their
national territories, as well as in the areas of their national
territories, from which such weapons can attack targets in the
national territory of the other Party.
So far, USA is uninterested in resolving this threat to Russia's
core interest - a USA setup near Russia's border with potential to
launch suprise nuclear attack on Moscow which Russia will have no
time to react to. Russia will have to create a similar threat to
USA, probably with air-launched long-range small cruise missiles
(KH-102 and the newer longer range Kh-BD), launched from central or
eastern Russia, and capable of reaching the USA Northwest coast and
far inland. Russia's long range Tu-160 (Blackjack) strategic bomber
can carry 12 KH-102, and presumably could carry a similar number of
the longer range (3,700 miles or more) Kh-BD. More heavy
nuclear-capable bombers will be built. How many more?
Alll these missiles can be launched from within Russian airspace.
Russia's fleet of Tu-160s are being modernised, and new bombers
built. This is significant, because the US insists on using its NATO
proxies to do exercises practising nuclear bombing runs flying to
within 20 kilometers of Russia's border. As more and more nuclear
bomb carrying F35 aircraft variants spread throughout the NATO
airfleet, and as more and more non-nuclear NATO states are trainedto
deliver the American nuclear bombs they host on their territory, and
as bombs themselves become guided small-winged 'glide bombs' -
and with booster engines - the more danger there is of US suprise
attack on Russia. Especially when these 'practice runs are
integrated with a large scale coercive 'exercise' not that far from
Russia's border.
Russia has argues that these exercise are a direct threat to
Russia's core interest - its very existence. This is why they
included a clause in the security guarantee Treaty:
Article 7
Parties shall refrain from deploying nuclear weapons outside
their national territories and return such weapons already
deployed outside their national territories at the time of the
entry into force of the Treaty to their national territories.
The Parties shall eliminate all existing infrastructure for
deployment of nuclear weapons outside their national
Parties shall not train military and civilian personnel from
non-nuclear countries to use nuclear weapons. The Parties shall
not conduct exercises or training for general-purpose forces,
that include scenarios involving the use of nuclear weapons.
The United States, in line with its policy of coercive 'diplomacy'
refuses to engage with Russias concerns. Once again, immune to
reason, selfish, arrogant, and insouciant.
Russia's options are limited. They would be justified in shooting
down any F35 making a bombing run toward the Russian border, but
generally Russia saves such escalations until last. The USA's
coercion doctrine, in contrast, makes its first move the most
dangerous and provocative coercive move it can think of, hoping to
create a strategic initiative that forces Russia to react in terms
that are favorable only to the USA.
Most likely, Russia will respond by practising nuclear bombing runs
within Russia, clearly aimed at an attack on the USA. Probably in
the middle of the night. Without warning. All these steps would be
visible to US satellites (unless thay have been 'dazzled' for the
duration of the launch). This will cause great anxiety to the USA -
have they gone too far with their provocations of Russia?
And here is the irony. The START Treaty, which USA crippled and then
shelved, limits the number of heavy nuclear bombers each side may
deploy. Russia's compliance is entirely voluntary.
"As for the methods they
use, the Americans opt either to dismantle contractual
frameworks by withdrawing from them, as was the case with the
ABM, INF (Intermediate
Nuclear Force Treaty) and Open Skies treaties, or create
conditions which make it impossible for the other side to fulfil
their obligations. This is what happened with the CFE Treaty and
the New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty).
follows a simple logic. The very foundations of US dominance are
crumbling, which is largely attributable to the blunders of the
Americans themselves, so confident were they in their
exceptional nature, their infallibility and impunity.
They placed their bets on force in an attempt to slow down the
erosion of their hegemony. This is why they have been seeking to
secure their military supremacy and have a free hand to use
force. And this is how we can explain their refusal to accept
any restrictions in terms of arms control or other instruments
for ensuring a strategic balance of interests among
international actors.
Let me
share just one example with you: the United States used a
far-fetched pretext for dismantling the INF Treaty. In reality,
the United States felt that it needed the missiles banned by the
treaty, including against China. The restrictions became a
nuisance to them, so they got rid of them without any hesitation.
This step clearly had a negative bearing on regional and global
security. With the United States moving forward with its plans to
deploy ground-based intermediate and shorter-range missiles in
Europe and Asia-Pacific, Russia faces the increasingly urgent
question of whether sticking with the moratorium on deploying
similar weapons makes any sense, considering that this moratorium
hinges upon the non-deployment of these US-made weapons in these
Sergey Lavrov 28
December 2023
Andrei Martyanov makes a pungent observation on where the American
intransigence has led themselves to:
Translation: "First of all, we will make sure that we are
guaranteed to be protected from any aggression from any
potential enemy, including the United States, and only then,
when we have one hundred percent guarantees in this area (now
they are, but they need to be supported at proper level
further), only then will we look, at a possibility of something
further down the road... this is an open question, it is very
difficult, and in any case, the United States should understand
that there are no unilateral concessions, no simple
steps towards them, just their wishes without the willingness of
the United States to compromise, to take into account our
interests, our concerns in various areas related to what the
United States is doing in terms of developing its own military
organization, creating new systems, and their appearance in
different regions - without this they will not succeed with the
point of view of "putting under control" our latest weapons
systems, "said a senior Russian diplomat. (Russian Deputy Foreign
Minister Sergei Ryabkov)
In diplomatic language it is called "fvck off".
Andrei Martyanov 29
July 2021
Russia voluntarily complies with the so-called 'new' START Treaty.
Why comply at all when faced of USA irrationality and belief in
deeply self-centered "I win - you lose" coercive behaviour. It
would be illogical for Russia to voluntarily comply at this time.
And given American inability to stick to agreements, it is
illogical for them ever to agree to limits on the defense
of Russia's core interest. In March 2024, the Russian President
re-emphasised this:
"we have already
been promised a lot of things many times before. We
were promised that NATO would not expand
to the East, but then we saw NATO at our
We were
promised...that the internal conflict in Ukraine
would be resolved by peaceful, political means....
We were promised
that the Minsk agreements would be honoured,
and then they publicly announced that they never intended
to fulfil their promises, instead they only took
a pause to arm the Bandera regime
in Ukraine.
We were promised
a lot of things, so that is why promises alone
are not enough.
...we are open
to a serious discussion, and we are eager
to resolve all conflicts, peaceful means.
However, we must
be sure that this is not just another pause that
the enemy wants to use for rearmament, but
rather a serious conversation with security
guarantees for the Russian Federation.
We know various options
that are being discussed, we know the ”lures“ they are
going to show us in order to convince us that
the time has come.
Once again, we want to resolve all disputes
and this particular dispute, this particular conflict, by peaceful
means. And we are ready for that, we want that.
But this should be a serious negotiation with provision
of security for the opposing side,
and in this case we are primarily interested
in the security of the Russian Federation.
That is what we will proceed from...
...we need
guarantees. These guarantees have to be put down
on paper, and they should suit us and they
should make us trust them. That is what I mean.
would probably be premature to publicly say that it could
be possible. But we certainly will not buy any empty promises." Vladimir Putin 13
March 2024
Vladimir Putin is making a very subtle coercive threat: if the
west doesn't sign an all-party security treaty that suits Russia,
fully meets its needs for security - code for removing short and
medium range missiles, including alleged anti-missile
installations in Poland and Romania - then ultimately if the west
refuses to solve the disputes he mentions - the west's forces on
Russia's doorstep - then it will inevitably lead to Russia solving
the dispute by "military-technical means".
In the meantime, at the date of the President's comments, the
Americans are 'fishing' for their usual childish one-sided
solutions to the threat that Russia has created to the US
mainland, throwing a few trinkets on the table, offering
happy-clappy 'assurances', and expecting Russia to be impressed.
Strategic patience
"Regarding further talks
on this or any other subjects dealing with strategic stability
and arms control, President Putin has also clearly set out our
position. There is no shortage of initiatives that we have
submitted to our colleagues in the United States, NATO and the
West generally. We have repeatedly mentioned them, calling for
launching talks that should not be delayed. For example, this
concerns matters linked with the possible extension of the New
START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), due to expire in 2021.
Our Western colleagues, including US colleagues, did not respond
in any way.
Therefore, as you know, President Putin instructed
Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu and me not to raise these
matters any more but to wait calmlyuntil (and if)
our Western partners respond to our proposals on the
entire range of strategic stability matters that were
submitted long ago." Sergey Lavrov" 6
February 2019
One of the features of Russia's rational interaction and compromise
diplomatic strategy is strategic patience. The coherence and
unchanging nature of their diplomatic strategy endures because it is
based on a long diplomatic institutional memory made possible by
career diplomats with long service. More importantly, Russia has
never experienced global hegemonic 'unipower', and has had to get
along with everybody. While at the same time dealing with complex
relationships with culturally different states surrounding - and
within - its borders.
Russia is an old civilisation with a long and sometimes turbulent
history. It has had to learn patience. Meanwhile, the dogs bark, but
the caravan moves on.
Place of Trust in Relations between States Edited 5 May 2024,
last edited 17 February 2025
"we will be, as always, open to cooperation with anyone
who is ready to do so on the equal basis, on the basis of mutual
respect and searching for balance of interests, and the countries
to the east of Russia are much more disposed to act on this basis,
and we will certainly reciprocate for the benefit of both us and
our partners. We are not closing the door on the West. They are
doing so.
But when they come back to their senses and when this door is
reopened, we will be looking at proposed projects of
cooperation with a very important thing in mind to which I
alluded to already – that we will be going into cooperation with
them knowing very well that we cannot be sure that they are
reliable and that they are credible as long-term partners."
Sergey Lavrov, 18
March 2022
"Our patience was unparalleled. President Putin repeatedly
mentioned several times that he pushed himself to keep the
shreds of trust for quite a while, hoping that
something would “sprout” from the leftover “seed” if the West
comes to its senses and behaves in a dignified and civilised
manner. Nothing happened."
Sergey Lavrov 19
April 2024
"Vladimir Putin: Our most serious mistake in relations with
the West is that we trusted you too much. And your mistake is
that you took that trust as weakness and abused it.
It is therefore necessary to put this behind us, turn the page and
move on, building our relations on the basis of mutual respect and
treating each other as equal partners of equal value."
Vladimir Putin 19
October 2024
"The Nazi philosophy of hatred for Russians is what really unites
the Kiev regime and its American patrons. The hateful
Russophobic remarks by other officials and representatives of
the political establishment in Washington and Kiev are still
fresh in memory. ...
...It's no secret that the Kiev ghouls and their overseas
curators not only wish the death of the Russians, but directly
engage in killings and terrorist attacks.
I wonder if everyone in the West now understands that the Kiev
regime openly engages in terrorist activities ...Until when
will Washington, London and Brussels sponsor these thugs? Up
until the point they fly their planes into the City of London? Russia Ministry of Foreign
Affairs 29 May 2023
"In diplomacy, the
principle of reciprocity applies to everything – to good
attitudes and to concessions, as well as to rude behaviour."
Sergey Lavrov 30 June 2023
"It was the Western
countries (primarily the US and the UK) ...are not interested in
ending the Ukraine conflict...They want the issue to remain
toxic, to continue taking lives in our region, literally
draining its financial, physical and moral resources. They
succeeded with Ukraine. That country has been bled financially,
ideologically, politically, and morally....
...this Anglo-Saxon duo, which drove this whole
anti-Ukraine and anti-Russia campaign in the first place, has
provoked this conflict by orchestrating the coup in Ukraine,
fostering neo-Nazi collaborators as the new heroes of Ukraine,
helping to overthrow the real heroes from their pedestals,
decomposing Ukrainian society, bribing, blackmailing and
instilling this corrupt logic throughout the entire Ukrainian
It was they who latter slammed shut the mousetrap for the Kiev
regime, and for the whole of Ukraine by preventing the country
from negotiating. This is a is documented. ..more and
more details will now emerge from privies, eyewitnesses and
anyone who had access to the relevant information.
Everyone realises that the West has betrayed Ukraine and
its people, cynically taking advantage
of the trust that the Ukrainian people placed in it,
believing in a “bright future.”
How could they be so trusting? They should have learned and
understood history... One way or another, they trusted the West, and the West
cynically deceived them, and that's a fact."
Maria Zakharova 6
December 2023
"Andrei Kolesnikov: Mr President...What would you say
to Vladimir Putin from 2000 if you had
the chance?...What would you warn him against?
Putin: What would I warn him against? Against
naivety and excessive trust in our so-called
'Results of the Year' live public and media questions session (4
hours) 14
december 2023
Realistically, it is not a good idea to trust an 'adversary', or
rather, a state where there is an 'adverserial relationship'. Any
statement made may be a deception. Real motives and long-term
intentions may be hidden. Promises may be aimed at leading you into
the trap of setting aside caution in favor of unearned trust.
Relations with such duplicitous entities should probably proceed on
the basis of low-cost, reversible, reciprocal steps where benefit is
mutual. In specific circumstances it might be useful to unilaterally
show good faith or honest intentions in order to convince the other
side of your serious intent. But only where the potential cost is
low. The starting point is sticking to agreements. Globally, trust
must be restored and made enforceable. Initially, the process may be
between members of the global south, as the west has thoroughly
'blotted its copybook'.
"The restoration of trust is the top priority now,
as the representative of Guyana pointed out yesterday. So far,
there was no hint of dialogue. Another important statement he made
was that trust could only be rebuilt if all parties without
exception comply with the agreements reached. This is not
the case so far."
Sergey Lavrov 18
July 2024
Kiselev: Mr President, I am afraid we appear too
generous, don't we? Wouldn’t it be the case that we
conclude another agreement with them and they will cheat
us once again? And we will console ourselves with
the thought that we did it all honestly and it was
they who cheated. Are we doomed to always end up with egg
on our face?
in the 1990s, the United States coined themselves
medals for the victory in the Cold War,
and the decades since that time have been
the decades of great lies.
How can we ever hope that they finally conclude
an honest treaty with us and comply with it
and give us guarantees? I do not know how we are
to handle them. Do you really believe this is at all
Putin: I hate saying this, but I don’t trust
anyone....But we need guarantees. These guarantees
have to be put down on paper, and they should
suit us and they should make us trust them. That is
what I mean.
would probably be premature to publicly say that it could
be possible. But we certainly will not buy any empty
I prefer to rely on the facts rather than be
guided by wishful thinking and assurances that
everybody can be trusted.
You see, the responsibility
for the consequences of any decision
of this magnitude is immense. For this reason we
will do nothing that would prejudice the interests
of our country."
Vladimir Putin 13
March 2024
The potential cost for any decision on arms control that embodies
trusting the west is very very high.
The west cannot be trusted. This is an established objective truth.
At the personal level, no concessions of any kind will be made to
the inciters of hate within the western governments. At the state
level, Russian diplomats recognise that business still has to be
done, no matter what type of person is across the table. This is why
the President says it is a mistake to place "excessive" trust in
western countries. In other words, business will continue, but the
experience of western duplicity now requires rigorous safeguards to
ensure the west will either do what they agreed (in writing) to do,
or receive an immediate penalty. An agreement to end the Ukraine
conflict will be the test of the west. If they fail that, then the
future for west Eurasia is very uncertain.
"We are open to negotiations. However, given the
disappointing history of talks and consultations with the West and
Ukraine, especially concerning the European security agreement,
which I hope will be reached eventually (and will address the
Ukraine crisis), we will be very careful with the wording.
We will ensure that the document includes safeguards
against repeated misinterpretations and dishonest practices that
have plagued past agreements"
Sergey Lavrov 18
July 2014
"We need binding legal agreements that will lay out
the conditions for ensuring Russia’s security and the legitimate
security interests of our neighbours. However, they should
exist in an international legal context that would preclude
chances of violating these agreements."
Sergey Lavrov 26
December 2024
Better progress in relations result when the parties tell the truth,
rather than lie and deceive. Even better mutually satisfactory
progress is made when both parties keep their word and do what they
say they will do.
Russia tries to uphold the precept of keeping their word, keeping
confidential negotiations confidential, telling the truth, and
generally the whole truth, and avoiding lies and deceit (except in
war). It clearly lays out its policy in foreign relations. Russia
acts consistent with its foreign policy outline and with
international law, as laid out in the United Nations Charter.
Building Trust
Trust is slow to build, and quick to destroy. This is the same in
all human relations. The Russian Federation, under the leadership of
Vladimir Putin, has worked hard and consistently to build trust with
all countries, especially the large and powerful countries.
Relations with some countries have been longstanding, built up
through reliable and honest interactions, and as a result achieved a
high and comfortable level. The results meet the needs of both
sides, and most particularly for protecting each countries
sovereignty, which helps build a bulwark against coercion. Both
countries are strengthened as a result.
Russia now has trusting relations with China and Iran, in
particular. But his and his teams effort to build trust through
consistancy, predictability, honest dialogue, and willingness to 'go
the extra mile' to try to solve problems have failed in the west.
Not through any defect in the diplomatic style or approach, but
because the west wishes to punish Russia for not obeying the wests
directions. Of course, they want to acquire a large stake in
Russia's natural wealth as well. This is not a fault on Russia's
part, it is a concious decision by western politicians
Strategic Stability Cooperation Initiative
President William Jefferson Clinton of the United States of
America and President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation
met today in New York and agreed on a Strategic Stability
Cooperation Initiative as a constructive basis for
strengthening trust between the two sides and for further
development of agreed measures to enhance strategic stability
and to counter the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction,
missiles and missile technologies worldwide. In furtherance of
this initiative, the two Presidents approved an implementation
plan developed by their experts as a basis for continuing this
The Strategic Stability Cooperation Initiative builds on the
Presidents' agreement in their two previous meetings. The Joint
Statement on Principles of Strategic Stability, adopted in
Moscow on June 4, 2000, and the Joint Statement on Cooperation
on Strategic Stability, adopted in Okinawa on July 21, 2000,
establish a constructive basis for progress in further reducing
nuclear weapons arsenals, preserving and strengthening the
ABM Treaty, and confronting new challenges to
international security.
The United States and Russia reaffirm
their commitment to the ABM Treaty as a cornerstone of
strategic stability.
The United States and Russia intend to implement the provisions
of the START I and INF Treaties, to seek early entry into force
of the START II Treaty and its related Protocol, the 1997 New
York agreements on ABM issues and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test
Ban Treaty, and to work towards the early realization of the
1997 Helsinki Joint Statement on Parameters on Future Reductions
in Nuclear Forces. The United States and Russia also intend to
seek new forms of cooperation in the area of non-proliferation
of missiles and missile technologies with a view to
strengthening international security and maintaining strategic
stability within the framework of the Strategic Stability
Cooperation Initiative between our two countries.
The Strategic Stability Cooperation Initiative could include,
along with expansion of existing programs, new initiatives
aimed at strengthening the security of our two countries and
of the entire world community and without prejudice to the
security of any state.<...>
<...>Early warning information. The United States and
Russia, in implementation of the Memorandum of Agreement between
the United States of America and the Russian Federation on the
Establishment of a Joint Center for the Exchange of Data from
Early Warning Systems and Notification of Missile Launches
signed in Moscow on June 4, 2000, intend to establish and
put into operation in Moscow within a year the joint center
for exchange of data to preclude the possibility of missile
launches caused by a false missile attack warning. The
Parties will also make efforts to come to an early agreement on
a regime for exchanging notifications of missile launches,
consistent with the statement of the Presidents at Okinawa on
July 21, 2000.
Missile Non-Proliferation measures. The United States and
Russia intend to strengthen the Missile Technology Control
They declare their commitment to seek new avenues of
cooperation with a view to limiting proliferation of missiles
and missile technologies. Consistent with the July 21,
2000, Joint Statement of the Presidents at Okinawa, they will
work together with other states on a new mechanism to integrate,
inter alia, the Russian proposal for a Global Control System for
Non-Proliferation of Missiles and Missile Technologies (GCS),
the U.S. proposal for a missile code of conduct, as well as the
Confidence and transparency-building measures.
Bearing in mind their obligations under the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the United States and
Russia will seek to expand cooperation related to the
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) to promote a
mutually beneficial technical exchange that will facilitate the
implementation of the CTBT after its entry into force.
The United States and Russia are prepared to discuss
confidence and transparency-building measures as an element of
facilitating compliance with, preserving and strengthening the
ABM Treaty.
These measures could include: data exchanges, pre-notifications
of planned events, voluntary demonstrations, participation in
observations, organization of exhibitions, and strengthening the
ABM Treaty compliance verification process.
The Presidents of the United States and Russia have agreed that
officials from the relevant ministries and agencies will meet
annually to coordinate their activities in this area, and look
forward with interest to such a meeting in the near future.
The United States and Russia call upon all nations of the
world to unite their efforts to strengthen strategic
"Together with the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, the ABM Treaty not only created
an atmosphere of trust but also prevented either
party from recklessly using nuclear weapons, which
would have endangered humankind, because the limited
number of ballistic missile defence systems made
the potential aggressor vulnerable
to a response strike.
did our best to dissuade the Americans from
withdrawing from the treaty. All in vain.
The US pulled out of the treaty
in 2002.
Even after that we tried to develop
constructive dialogue with the Americans. We proposed working together
in this area to ease concerns and maintain
the atmosphere of trust.
At one point, I thought that
a compromise was possible, but this was not to be.
All our proposals,
absolutely all of them, were rejected.
"In 2014, when it all happened, the EU...imposed sanctions on our
country and cancelled the Russia-EU summit planned for June 2014,
destroyed every other mechanism that it took us decades to
create, such as biannual summits, annual meetings between
the Russian Government and the European Commission, four common
spaces that underlay four road maps, 20 sector-specific dialogues,
including a dialogue on visa-free travel and much more. All of
that was ruined overnight. Relations have been non-existent
since then.
From now on, we will never
trust the Americans or the EU. ...When and if
they get over their obsession and come back with some kind of a
proposal, we will see what exactly it is about.
We will not play along with their self-serving plans.
If it comes to resuming the dialogue, we will push for a level
playing field for everyone and a focus on balancing the
interests of all participants on an equal footing.
Sergey Lavrov
30 June 2022
"...we can no longer trust the West
in matters of security, trade or economic ties, or financial
mechanisms that were created as part of the globalisation effort,
which were touted as a boon for the world at large. Then,
overnight, they turned into a tool of blackmail, pressure,
racketeering and pure theft."
Sergey Lavrov 30 June
Trust is built by partner countries being predictable, reliable, and
honest. Predictable because their intentions are clearly signalled
and they have built up a record of doing what they say they will do.
Reliable because they don't suddenly change their mind and destroy
all previous hard-won mutually beneficial agreements. Honest because
their actions are never a deceit, sham, or subterfuge for a hidden
different goal. Trust is built over the longest time. When
long-standing trust is betrayed it is a salutory lesson.
"...regardless of what we learn, our attitude
toward what was done by the Turkish authorities will not
change. I repeat, we treated Turkey not only
as a friendly nation but as an ally
in the fight against terrorism and nobody
expected this treacherous stab in the back."
Vladimir Putin, 8
December 2015, in conversation with Defense Minister Shoigu
on Turkey shooting down a Russian Sukhoi 24 returning from an
anti-terrorist operation in Syria
Rational argument, compromise, respecting legitimate interests,
respectful interaction, pragmatic cooperation and predictability is
the very essence of Russian diplomacy. Like China, Russia recognises
that confrontation and a desire to control other nations in pursuit
of US corporate profit and extraction of other countries mineral
wealth has no future.
The fact that the American government signed a positive and
practical roadmap for strategic stability in 2000 and then simply
unilaterally pulled out of it in 2002 - the ink was barely dry! - is
a powerful testament to the fact that the US governments has no
capacity for acting in a trustworthy way, even on the most important
matter for the world - security from nuclear annihilation. The
Russian President at that time naively believed everything was rosy,
the cold war was dead and buried, and Russia and the west would
cooperate in a normal manner. He admits that in the 2000's he was,
simply put, naive and gullible.
"I had the naïve idea that the called
“civilised” world realised what had happened to Russia, that it
had become a different country, that there was no longer any
ideological confrontation, which meant that there were no
grounds for confrontation.
If there were any negative elements in the Western nations’
policies towards Russia (among other things, their support for
separatism and terrorism in Russia was apparent, I saw it as
director of the Federal Security Service), I gullibly believed
that this was just inertia in thinking and action: they were
used to fighting the Soviet Union and kept on doing it.…
...Meanwhile, the reality was (I got a 100 percent confirmation of
this later) that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they
thought that “we just need to be patient – and we will make
Russia collapse, too.”
Such a big country by European standards, with the world’s largest
territory and a fairly large population … “is generally
redundant.” It would be better, as Brzezinski suggested, to
split it into five parts and subjugate them separately, and [then]
to use their resources...proceeding from the premise that
all of them will lack weight on their own, they will not have
their own voice or the ability to defend their national interests
the way the Russian state is doing now. It was only later that I
realised that."
Vladimir Putin, 17 December 2023
Both Russia and China view cooperation simply to fulfill some
ideological concept is wasted effort. Inter-country cooperation
should be toward practical goals, centered around the fair flow of
trade in pursuit of better living conditions for the peoples of both
sides of the trade and cultural equation. Trade and culture alone
don't fully define relationships between countries. Practical
cooperation is required if we are to correctly deal with problems
such as global warming, drugs, cybersecurity, arms control, food
security, terrorism and so on. Shared problems, problems that affect
all countries, require universal cooperation, whatever the political
or cultural differences countries have. And that in a connected
world-system this cannot be achieved at someone else's expense, and
it cannot be enduringly achieved by strategies of coercion and
"We are genuinely interested in honest, productive
and pragmatic interaction.
Everyone – and I want to emphasise this, ...everyone who acts,
thinks and does otherwise is damaging the global economy, in fact,
shooting themselves in the foot, and the foot of those who are
still forced to obey their dictates.
But this is their choice; we are ready to cooperate with
anyone who wants to work with us on the principles I mentioned,
at any second, at any time."
Vladimir Putin 24
May 2023
"I would like to note in this context that Russia has always taken
a responsible and genuine approach to interaction with all
countries. We fulfil in full – I would
like to emphasise this – in full and on time – the agreements
signed in the Eurasian Economic Union.
We fully carry out all of our agreements.
...referring to the energy crisis in Europe...who is to blame for
this? Yes, there was a crisis, but now, fortunately, energy prices
are becoming economically substantiated. But who is to blame for
what happened?
The Nord Stream pipelines were blown up. Nord Stream-2 was not
Poland closed the Yamal-Europe gas route via its territory. Did we
do this? No, they did.
There were two main gas pipelines through Ukraine. Ukraine closed
one of them. We didn’t.
Incidentally, we are supplying Europe
with gas via the second line while Ukraine is safely cashing
the money for transit despite calling us the aggressor.
We fulfil all of our commitments.
I would like to emphasise this.
Vladimir Putin 24
May 2023
Russia hopes that in future the states
belonging to the Western community will realize that their
policy of confrontation and hegemonic ambitions lack prospects,
will take into account the complex realities of a multipolar world
and will resume pragmatic cooperation with Russia being guided by
the principles of sovereign equality and respect for each other's
interests. The Russian Federation is ready for dialogue and
cooperation on such a basis.
The Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, 31
March 2023
Rebuilding Trust Added 21
February 2025
Reality ultimately puts everything in its place. The United States
abruptly moved to abandon the 'petty apartheid' campaign against the
Russian diplomats. Why? It needs Russian cooperation in various
areas of it's own interests. And in particular, returning to the
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty that Donald Trump withdrew from in
"Another unpleasant surprise came during the
presidency of Donald Trump, who dubbed New START a "bad deal" in
2017 and announced in 2018 that the United States would withdraw
from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
The United States groundlessly accused Russia of violation of the
INF Treaty by testing and deploying a "banned" missile system,
referring to the ground-launched cruise missile 9M729. Eventually,
the treaty was torn apart at Washington's initiative on August 2,
Russia and China lambasted the Trump administration for shattering
global security. Since its inception, the INF Treaty led to
the elimination of 2,692 US and Soviet nuclear and conventional
ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges
between 500 and 5,500 kilometers, thus facilitating the attempt
at the de-militarization of the major nuclear powers.
“Instead of engaging in a meaningful discussion on international
security matters, the United States opted for simply undercutting
many years of efforts to reduce the probability of a large-scale
armed conflict, including the use of nuclear weapons,” Russian
President Vladimir Putin stated on August 5, 2019.
New START was slated to expire on February 5, 2021. While the
Russian leadership signaled its readiness to sign a new five-year
extension, the Trump administration sought a new framework for
the agreement and said that it would only renew the treaty if
Russia made additional commitments...."
Eventually, the extension of New START was discussed by Vladimir
Putin and Trump's successor, Joe Biden, during a phone talk on
January 26, 2021.
"President Biden pledged to keep the American people safe from
nuclear threats by restoring US leadership on arms control and
nonproliferation. Today, the United States took the first step
toward making good on that pledge when it extended the New START
Treaty with the Russian Federation for five years," the White
House's press release said on February 3, 2021. "Extending the New
START Treaty ensures we have verifiable limits on Russian ICBMs,
SLBMs, and heavy bombers until February 5, 2026."
Sputnik News 21
February 2023
"By February 5, 2018, Russia and the United States were supposed
to reduce the aggregate numbers of these arms to the levels set
out in Article II of the Treaty and not to increase them
subsequently. Russia fully complied with its commitment, which
the US recognised.
We cannot confirm that the US did this as well.
According to the United States, its aggregate level of deployed
and non-deployed heavy bombers and strategic missile launchers
amounts to 800, but in reality this number is much bigger.
Washington did not count 56 submarine ballistic missile launchers
and 41 B-52H heavy bombers. It claims that they were converted
into a conventional-only role.
Russia is not able to verify the US “conversion”, as is
envisaged by Item 3, Section I of Part Three of the New START
Treaty’s Protocol.
In addition, the US does not count four silo launchers designed
for training and tries to justify this by putting them into the
category of silo training launchers that are not covered by
the Treaty.
This US-created problem obviously undermines the Treaty and
directly affects the prospects for extending it.
A search for ways to resolve this problem has been futile so
We will continue trying to prevent the US from gaining unilateral
advantages and to compel it to fully comply
with all of the Treaty’s commitments.
After Washington destroyed the INF Treaty, New START is the last
international treaty to limit the Russian and US nuclear missile
potentials and to make activities in this area predictable and mutually
Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation Statement, 20
September 2019
And maybe the US needs Russian rocketry to bring the stranded
American astronauts back.
"...the crux of resolving all highly acute issues,
including the Ukrainian settlement, lies in the fact that without
enhancing the level of trust between Russia and the United
States, it is impossible to resolve many problems, including the
Ukrainian crisis. The very purpose of this meeting was precisely
to enhance trust between Russia and the United States."
Vladimir Putin 19
February 2025
What the Russian President of Russia was referring to was the
"level" of trust that currently exists. That level is very low. It
mostly resides with US operational staff in some fields, probably
some military officers involved in arms control and in civilian
space agency staff, in the main. Who needs to do the 'enhancing' of
levels? The US side. How? By making agreements (in writing, as
memoranda of understanding, if nothing else) and then sticking to
them. If the US side sticks to the agreements, then, over time, the
level of trust in the US side increases a little. This refers to the
political side.
The commercial side is easy, because all commercial contracts are
heavily bound by conditions and penalties. But because the west and
US governments have shown how easily they steal assets (or blow them
up) the US businesses will have to give sureties resident in Russia.
And from now onward the court for settlement of contract disputes
will only ever be a Russian court. The US and European businesses
didn't do these things - but they will have to live by the trustless
conditions created by their own governments.
There will never be 'full' trust in the way that we understand it.
History has shown that the main countries of the political west
-USA, Germany, United Kingdom, France - are unpredictable,
unstable, duplicitous and untrustworthy. But an enhanced level of
trust is certainly appropriate if handled with great caution.
Trust Between Heads
of State Added 15 February 2024. First edited 16 February
2024. Last edited 16 January 2025.
Russia learned a very hard lesson about trust between heads of
state when Gorbachov accepted that the cold war was over and
agreed to leave East Germany and the other
East European Soviet States. He learned that his fellow heads of
state could not be trusted. It was the time of 'opening up' the
Soviet Union to the west. In an atmosphere of 'friendship', back
slapping, handshakes, photo ops. There were effusive assurances
that the United States, Europe and Russia were now one big happy
family, the cold war was over. A rosy world was promised, a world
of economic cooperation, development, cultural exchange, travel,
friendship even. And because the cold war was over, the armaments
no longer needed. Land-based intermediate range missiles in Europe
were destined for destruction - previously unimaginable - and
mutual friendship, trust-based relationships was about to blossom.
Everyones security was assured.
Friends trust each others word, the west was now a friend, and the
west swore NATO would not move "one inch east". The East European
former Soviet states would provide a buffer for both sides that
ensured that no sudden land invasions could take place. The now
independent former Soviet states could have their own armed
forces, but they would be non-aligned, in effect, neutral.
But, incredibly, nothing was put on paper. No mutual security
Treaty signed. The Russian head of state simply trusted the
western heads of state. In reality, the west hid
their true agenda from the Russian side. As far as the west was
concerned, the prospect of war on Russia wasn't actually over -
it was just postponed. Ronald Reagan, an accomplished actor, was
just the man to con the Russians. Russia
trusted the heads of state at their word, on a handshake
agreement.What a colossal blunder.
Years later, President Putin also thought that everything could be
'happy families' once the Yugoslavia crisis died down. In
retrospect, he admits he was naive to think so.
"I became President in 2000. I thought:
okay, the Yugoslav issue is over, but we should try
to restore relations. Let's reopen the door that Russia
had tried to go through."
Vladimir Putin 9
February 2024
In essence, while some nations can be trusted to do as they say,
it is essential to put everything in writing. After all, what is
one leaders promise worth when heads of state change - sometimes
unexpectedly? Does anyone even remember the promise, let alone how
it was expressed?
leaders don't have to like each other to be able to work
constructively on matters of mutual interest - but it helps. And
the reverse is true. Leaders may like each other on a personal
level, even although one side is working to interfere with the
other countries security. Even when the two countries top
diplomats are in near open conflict, relations can be amicable
on the personal level, but achieve nothing
"You just asked me if another leader comes
and changes something. It is not about the leader, it is
not about the personality of a particular person.
I had a very good relationship with, say, Bush.
I know that in the United States he was portrayed
as some kind of a country boy who does not
understand much. I assure you that is not the case.
I think he made a lot of mistakes with regard
to Russia, too. I told you about 2008
and the decision in Bucharest to open
the NATO’s doors to for Ukraine and so on.
That happened during his presidency....
in general, on a personal human level, I had
a very good relationship with him. He was no worse than any
other American, or Russian, or European politician.
I assure you, he understood what he was doing as well
as others. I had such personal relationships with
Trump as well.
It is
not about the personality of the leader, it is
about the elites’ mindset."
Vladimir Putin 9
February 2024
" and large, we are absolutely indifferent to who is at the
helm of power in the United States.Yes, they have personality
characteristics. Although, looking at the current president and
the previous one, I always have the feeling, I don’t know about
you, that I am watching comic book characters, in a sense - heroes
who utter memes, which form memes, and who are the basis for
endless jokes and everything that the Internet and social networks
are replete with...
...Let's compare [the policies of], say, Biden on the one hand,
and Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, and even the same
Reagan, on the other hand. Well, these are fundamentally different
And this is probably a big problem for America. Therefore, this
does not matter to us."
Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council 25
February 2024
When leadership changes, possibilities for cooperation on nuclear
and hypersonic arms controls disappears. This is, indeed, a problem
for the American political system. There is no long-term reliable
presidential 'partner' to talk to, regardless of who the leader is
in any given cycle of the US presidential 'tweedledum and
tweedledee' foreign policy system. The true rulers - the government
'elite' functionary cabal - are like shark's teeth. As one wears
out, another one takes its place - not absolutely identical, but it
functions in exactly the same way.
This is a pivotal point. As Vladimir Putin points points out, the
personality of the leader is of much less importance than the
"mindset" of the cabal of unelected elites who dictate American
foreign policy. As far as American leaders go, the Russians prefer
'old school' leaders, who, for less bad or bad, are predictably so.
Mr. Biden is predictably bad, carrying out the coercive policies in
pursuit of MacKinder's fantasy world. The coercive policy, as laid
out by George, is a roadmap of how American leaders will act. Mr.
Biden follows Goerge's techniques assiduously. Mr. Trump sometimes
strays from the dogma, but not in a good way, in a dangerous way,
because he is reckless, narcissistic, and highly impulsive. Instead
of following a predictable pattern of escalation of coercive
practise, he is just as likely to jump straight to the end of
Georges ever-escalating measure to coerce, running to the very brink
of a preemptive nuclear war - "nothing is off the table" - creating
a threat to the very existence of the Russian Federation that is
both real and imminent This unpredictability - which Mr. Trump
cultivates and boasts about - is extremely dangerous for Russia. And
therefore extremely dangerous for the world.
Mr. Biden has moved step by step through all the stages and tricks
in George's playbook. He is now at the last page. He will not step
over Russia's clearly stated red line by sending 'official' US
forces to Ukraine. He knows what Russia will do if he does, because
he has been told publicly.
"The United States announced that they are not
going to send troops. We know what American troops
in the Russian territory are. These are invaders. That
is how we will treat them even if they appear
in the territory of Ukraine, and they
understand it. Vladimir Putin 13
March 2024
Vladimir Putin prefers an America with a predictable President, not
to talk to, necessarily, but simply because it gives some assurance
that they won't act impulsively and attack Russia with nuclear
weapons, or create a threat of a magnitude that threatens the
existence of the Russian state. At which point Russia will likely
use nuclear weapons on USA soil (but not in Europe, for obvious
"I will tell you one thing that will prove that
my preferences have not changed.
do not interfere in any elections in any way,
and I have said more than once that we will work with
any leader trusted by the American people,
the American voter.
I find
curious that in his last year as president, Mr
Trump, current candidate for president, rebuked
me for sympathising with Mr Biden. It was more than
four years ago. This is what he told me during one of our
conversations, excuse me for a direct quote: ”You want
Sleepy Joe to win.“...
...I have said that Mr Biden is a representative
of the traditional school and this is
proved. Yet, apart from Mr Biden, they have enough
specialists in Russian-American relations and strategic
Vladimir Putin 13
March 2024
The "proof" is in the negative, what he has not done.
President Biden has not provided long range weapons to attack
The "specialists in Russian-American relations" President Putin
refers to are people like George Burns, now head of the CIA, who, as
ambassador to Russia sent a cable on the 1st
of February 2008 to the American State Department and joint
ENLARGEMENT REDLINES. And Mr. Burns is currently in a position to
advise Mr. Biden that Russia does not bluff. The speialists in
nuclear weapons are professional military who are well aware that
Russia has submarines off the US coast that have nuclear armed
cruise missiles that can accurately hit any part of the USA mainland
within minutes of launch, and that cannot be stopped by any existing
(and probably fute) American anti-missile 'shield'.
The military and a (very) few of the State Department 'old hands'
are serious people, and command the President's attention. Their
clear-headed advice will always be acted on by a traditional coercer
who understands when they have exhausted all reasonable coercive
ploys. Mr. Trump may not.
Even when relations are amicable, as they were between Germany's
Angela Merkel and President Putin, the west deliberately tried to
humiliate the Russian President at a personal level as part of
their coercive strategy. At one of the meeting, (maybe it was a G8
meeting) some years ago, the Russian Preseident was placed by
himself at the lunchbreak to eat his meal. It was a disgustingly
petty act, but as Vladimir Putin has explained, when you represent
the Russian Federation, you are not entitled to take such things
personally, you have a job to do for the people of Russia. He
admitted that it is impossible not to feel it on the personal
level, as anyone would, but again, it is necessary to remember
that these 'slights' and attempts to humiliate are not aimed at
Vladimir Putin the person, but aimed at humiliating and
denigrating the Russian State, that is, in effect, the Russian
people. It was an obvious application of petty
coercion, which is a subset of psychological
coecion tactic.
The contrast with the trust-based personal relationship with
President Xi could not be greater. It was well described in
President Putin's interview with Xinhua News in the 15th of May
"A special
and prominent role in the development of our
relations has belonged to wise and shrewd politicians
and state leaders, such as Xi Jinping, President
of the People's Republic of China.
We first met back
in March 2010, and we have been seeing
and calling each other regularly ever since. President Xi
maintains a respectful, friendly, open
and at the same time business-like style
of communication. Our every meeting is not just
a dialogue between old friends, which is important, too,
just like for everyone, – but also a fruitful
exchange of views on the most topical issues
on the bilateral and international agenda.
I have fond memories
of the state visit of President Xi Jinping
to Russia in March 2023, immediately after his
re‑election as President of the PRC. Just like
in 2013, our country was the first one he visited
as head of China. We had more than five hours
of a face-to-face conversation,
and the next day we followed an extensive
and substantive official schedule.
This unprecedented level
of strategic partnership between our countries determined
my choice of China as the first state
to be visited after the official inauguration
as the President of the Russian Federation."
Vladimir Putin 15
May 2024
Note that trust between leaders is not the same as forgoing
competition - President Putin has previously remarked that the
Chinese leadership are hard bargainers - and that fact meets with
his full approval. The current deep trust between Russia and China
goes back to their cooperation in world war 2 and the bloody
effort to liberate themselves foreign invaders, their cooperation
in helping to defeat colonial powers in Asia and Africa, their
historic similar ideological social formats, and, as importantly,
the overcoming of some major differences in the journey to
re-inventing their relationship.
Untrustworthy Leaders
The western leaders like to cast the Russian leadership as
'untrustworthy', which is part of psychological coercion.
Objectively, the opposite is true.
"Recently, Emmanuel Macron...made a series of statements
that President Vladimir Putin is famous for not respecting
agreements and obligations, so he cannot be trusted and must
continue to focus on achieving “Russia’s strategic defeat on the
battlefield.” Allegations that Vladimir Putin does not comply
with agreements sound very exotic coming from Emmanuel Macron
and in general a Frenchman, France’s leader.
This is said by the president of the country whose Foreign
Minister in February 2014, together with ...Germany and Poland, guaranteed
an agreement between President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich
and the opposition. The next morning it was trampled upon.
All administrative buildings were seized and, instead of creating
a government of national unity to prepare for early elections, the
creation of a “government of winners” was announced....
called Paris, Berlin, and Warsaw and said that their
representatives had guaranteed this agreement. We urged them
to make the opposition respect what they all signed up for.
They began to respond to us in a very inarticulate way. Their
point was that there may be unconventional iterations in
democratic processes sometimes.
February 2015, France signed the Minsk agreements only for the
signatory, President Francois Hollande, to say later that they
were not going to implement any decisions regarding Minsk-2,
and now this country’s president is saying that we are the
ones who are unable to honour the agreements we reach.
The same was later said by former German Federal Chancellor
Angela Merkel and former President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko.
French President Emmanuel Macron, who personally convened the
Normandy Format in December 2019, also said this.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir
Putin and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky attended the
meeting. After much bickering and wrangling, the document was
agreed upon ...It presented a compromise in itself and
provided for enacting this special status only after summing up
the results of the elections in the territories of the DPR and
If we
talk about other would-be achievements of France, then there is
a lot to recall. As part of the EU, it promoted many conflict
resolution decisions that no one was going to subsequently
These examples expose the European Union’s diplomatic
performance and manners. You can add 2013. Then, with the
help of the EU, an agreement was reached between Belgrade and
Pristina on the creation of a Community of Serb Municipalities
in Kosovo. It was loudly and triumphantly presented as the
greatest diplomatic victory. After that the Kosovars and
Albanians told the European Union that they would not do
And the European Union ate the dust.
French or other EU members who acted this way only to
demonstrate their impotence down the road are not the ones to
talk about making deals or about someone’s authority."
Sergey Lavrov 28
March 2024
"As you understand, [US-Russia initial] diplomatic contacts
prefer silence....Our American counterparts opted to
publicise the outcome.
We have a different stance regarding the agreements that
have been reached. This is the result of one of the
channels through which these communications occur.
I would like to highlight that for diplomacy to be effective,
we prefer to maintain the confidentiality of agreements."
Sergey Lavrov 12
February 2025
Format - Formal Person-to-Person meeting
There is a pervasive belief by the public that the heads of states
decide everything. No, they listen to, and discuss with, the top
power group. In the end, it is generally the Head of States choice
as to which course to follow. In other words, decisions on most
issues have already been made before Heads of State meet. If the
heads are from friendly countries, agenda details will have been
formalised before the meeting, and agreements made on what can be
formally settled, and what will be a matter of negotiation. Even
so, heads of state are able to explain positions and make comments
on the decisions the other partner has made, or on decisions they
are proposing to make. This is simply person to person, generally
confidential, and can have quite an impact.
"Tucker Carlson: Well, but you would not be
speaking to the Ukrainian president, you would be
speaking to the American president. When was
the last time you spoke to Joe Biden?
Putin: I cannot remember when I talked
to him. I do not remember, we can look it up...
Carlson: ...But he is funding the war that
you are fighting, so I think that would be memorable?
Putin: Well, yes, he funds, but I talked to him
before the Special Military Operation, of course.
And I said to him then,
by the way – I will not go into details,
I never do – but I said to him then: ”I believe
that you are making a huge mistake of historic
proportions by supporting everything that is happening
there, in Ukraine, by pushing Russia away.“
I told him, told him repeatedly, by the way. I think
that would be correct if I stop here.
Carlson: What did he say?
Putin: Ask him, please. It is easier for you,
you are a citizen of the United States, go
and ask him. It is not appropriate for me
to comment on our conversation."
Vladimir Putin 9
February 2024
"You know, as a rule, we do
not make public issues that we discuss unless we agree
on what we will share with the media."
Vladimir Putin 26 December 2024
Bilateral person-to- person exchanges can also be arranged when
heads of state are both present at an International forum such as
the G20, or ASEAN. Again, they are agreed to in advance, and there
is an agenda. They are usually attended by officials.
International business discussion groups, such as the Valdai Club
may also provide a chance to present a government point of view
with other government heads of state also present on the stage,
and, as it is informal, views can be presented provocatively.
Format - Speeches
Whether at the United Nations or other venues, speeches are a very
important medium for delivering a message to other heads of state,
and especially when relations have totally broken down. They have
the advantage of being on the public record, so that both policy
and warnings can be put before the world audience and on the
record forever.
One of the most consequential speeches ever made was President
Putin's speech at the 2007 Munich Security Conference (snippets
and link to the fulll speech here).
In 2007 he set out the fact that a multipolar world was inevitable
simply because of the economic rise of the global south and East
(especially China and India). He told the United States, in
carefully chosen words, that it cannot become the global dictator,
not as an emotional statement, but as an objective fact, due to
the trajectory and acceleration of global development.
Format - Interviews
The Russian President has given many interviews over the years,
but as the west started their campaign of psychological coercion
and Russia-directed hatred, interviews with western media were
pointless. The western interviews were 'attack' interviews
designed to smear Russia with every possible sin. Every
interviewer faces the problem of the subject 'running out the
clock', where replies are so long that only limited topics can fit
into the alloted time. Every official faces the opposite problem -
the interviewer will not allow them to give the full context
necessary to understand the issue, or the official point of view.
But, in general, Russian interviewers are more interested in
'listening to understand' than their western counterparts, who are
generally only interested in 'gotcha' sound bites. Amusingly, when
a western journalist doesn't follow the usual tactic in an
unlimited-time interview, it can throw the current Russian
President slightly off-balance. He had prepared in advance for an
issue by issue accusatory interview (Russian officials have heard
all these accusations over and over again, and are well used to
rebutting them).
"I believe that your Carlson – “your”
as a member of the journalistic
community – is a dangerous man, and here is why. To be
honest, I thought he would be quite aggressive and ask
so-called tough questions.
I was
not just prepared for this, I wanted it, because it
would give me the opportunity to respond with
equally sharp answers, which would add a certain
character to our conversation.
But he chose a different tactic. He tried
to interrupt me several times, but still, surprisingly
for a Western journalist, he remained patient
and listened to my lengthy monologues, especially
when I spoke about history. He gave me no cause
for doing what I was prepared to do.
That is why, to tell the truth, I did not
fully enjoy that interview. But he acted strictly according
to his plan, and he did what he intended.
As for how informative it turned out to be
in the end, that is not for me to judge. It
is for the viewers, listeners and possibly
readers of this material to judge...But there were
other topics too that had to be raised,
in my opinion. Still, I decided not
to inject new topics into our conversation without being
prompted to do so by the journalist."
Vladimir Putin 14
February 2024
Mr.Carlson was not "dangerous" because he asked 'gotcha' question
- which the Russian President can effortlessly segue into an
endless list of examples of western, and particularly American
hypocrisy - but because he didn't do that, and forced the Russian
President to lay out detailed, but much less colorful arguments
and facts.
The current Russian President presents a problem for western
interviewers in that 'gotcha' questions invariably get back a
'gotcha' answer that is embarassing for the west. But in any
'style' of intervew, if diplomatic relations are all but
non-existent, President Putin there is invariably a diplomatically
coded message in some of the comments he makes. These may not be
obvious to the general public, but they are - or should be - to
the US government analysts. If they are incompetent, they will
miss them, and if the senior coterie around the US President are
ideologically-driven sociopaths they won't relay them accurately
to the President, or won't relay them at all. But Presidents and
Prime Ministers can always watch the interview himself, without
intermediation, if he wishes.
"Pavel Zarubin: Mr President, your interview with Tucker Carlson has
already garnered one billion views. While there has been
a lot of positive feedback, we can see the kind
of comments that Western leaders are making.
For example, the Prime Minister of the UK
and the German Chancellor labelled your explanation
that the special military operation had been caused
by a threat from NATO as “absurd”
and “clearly ridiculous.” What do you think of this?
President of Russia
Vladimir Putin: First of all, it is good that they have
been watching and listening to what I say. If
we are not able to maintain a direct dialogue today
due to certain reasons, we should be grateful to Mr
Carlson for acting as an intermediary. So, it
is good that they are watching and listening."
Vladimir Putin 14
February 2024
interviews were not fully reported, sometimes misrepresented, or
important context deliberately omitted. A favorite technique is to
omit preceding context, publishing only a contextless statement
which appears to be the official view, but in reality, when taken
in the context of preceding or following remarks, turns out to be
different - and sometimes completely different.
"The fact that they are distorting my words
and misrepresenting things is concerning. Why? Because
I never said those things. Nowhere
in the interview did I say that the start
of the special military operation in Ukraine is
linked to the threat of a NATO attack
on Russia. Where in the interview did
I make such a statement? The interview was
recorded. They can go back and pinpoint exactly where
I said this."
Vladimir Putin 14
February 2024
Sometimes the interviewers simply haven't done their homework, or
have 'misunderstood' (I am being charitable) what was said a
classic example is the reason for launching the special military
operation in Ukraine. It was not because the Russian Federation
was "afraid" of an attack on Russia by NATO or the USA. It was
because the Russian people of Donbass and Lughansk were being
attacked and killed by Ukrainian authorities. Russia had acheived
a peaceful settlement (the Minsk Agreements), and Ukraine had
ignored their own agreement.
He also addressed a second matter, the movement of the NATO forces
east to Russia's border, an on-going issue since the NATO
expansion east, repudiating the NATO-Russia Founding Act
of 1997. That is a seperate issue, and will take years to resolve,
if it is ever resolved.
"What I actually said was that we have been
constantly deceived about NATO’s non-expansion
to the east. By the way, then NATO
Secretary-General, a representative of Germany, made
such a promise. He explicitly stated NATO would not expand
even an inch to the east. After that, NATO
proceeded to expand five times, completely deceiving us.
Of course, we were concerned about the possibility
of Ukraine being drawn into NATO, as it poses
a security threat to us. So, this is what
I actually said."
Vladimir Putin 14
February 2024
The urgent thing was to prevent a re-run of the savage attacks on
the people of east Ukraine that the Ukrainian forces carried out
in 2014-2015. Russia has 'eyes in the sky' like everyone else, and
they could see the marshalling of forces, the logistics and
command centers for this attack being built. As commentators put
it 'a lot of concrete is being poured'. It was clear what for. The
Russian officials tried right up to the last moment to talk them
out of it. But at a certain point, the attack was clearly
imminent, and thousands of civilians would be slaughterd. Russia
had to act. This was clearly set out in President Putin's Address
to the Nation on February 21 of 2022.
"I would like to be clear
and straightforward: in the current circumstances,
when our proposals for an equal dialogue
on fundamental issues have actually remained unanswered
by the United States and NATO, when the level
of threats to our country has increased significantly,
Russia has every right to respond in order
to ensure its security. That is exactly what we will do.
regard to the state of affairs in Donbass, we
see that the ruling Kiev elites never stop publicly
making clear their unwillingness to comply with
the Minsk Package of Measures to settle
the conflict and are not interested
in a peaceful settlement.
On the contrary, they are trying
to orchestrate a blitzkrieg in Donbass
as was the case in 2014 and 2015. We all
know how these reckless schemes ended.
a single day goes by without Donbass communities
coming under shelling attacks. The recently formed
large military force makes use of attack drones, heavy
equipment, missiles, artillery and multiple rocket
launchers. The killing of civilians,
the blockade, the abuse of people, including
children, women and the elderly, continues unabated.
As we say, there is no end in sight to this.
the so-called civilised world, which our Western colleagues
proclaimed themselves the only representatives of, prefers
not to see this, as if this horror and genocide,
which almost 4 million people are facing, do not exist. But they
do exist and only because these people did not agree with
the West-supported coup in Ukraine in 2014
and opposed the transition towards
the Neanderthal and aggressive nationalism
and neo-Nazism which have been elevated in Ukraine
to the rank of national policy.
They are fighting for their elementary right to live
on their own land, to speak their own language,
and to preserve their culture and traditions.
long can this tragedy continue? How much longer can one put
up with this? Russia has done everything to preserve
Ukraine’s territorial integrity. All these years, it has
persistently and patiently pushed
for the implementation of UN Security Council
Resolution 2202 of February 17, 2015, which
consolidated the Minsk Package of Measures
of February 12, 2015, to settle
the situation in Donbass.
was in vain. Presidents and Rada deputies come
and go, but deep down the aggressive
and nationalistic regime that seized power in Kiev
remains unchanged. It is entirely a product
of the 2014 coup, and those
who then embarked on the path of violence,
bloodshed and lawlessness did not recognise then
and do not recognise now any solution
to the Donbass issue other than a military
In this
regard, I consider it necessary to take a long
overdue decision and to immediately recognise
the independence and sovereignty
of the Donetsk People's Republic
and the Lugansk People's Republic.
I would
like to ask the Federal Assembly
of the Russian Federation to support this
decision and then ratify the Treaty
of Friendship and Mutual Assistance with both
republics. These two documents will be prepared
and signed shortly.
We want those who seized and continue
to hold power in Kiev to immediately stop
hostilities. Otherwise, the responsibility
for the possible continuation
of the bloodshed will lie entirely
on the conscience of Ukraine’s ruling regime."
Vladimir Putin 21
February 2024
reason for the military operation is crystal clear. But apparently
western journalists either can't understand plain language, are
incompetant, lazy, or under editorial pressure not to understand
inconvenient facts. In an interview about the interview (!) a few
days later, the Russian President repeated again the clear reason:
"However, what served as the trigger was
the current Ukrainian officials’ outright refusal
to comply with the Minsk agreements, coupled with
Ukraine’s relentless attacks on the unrecognised
republics of Donbass, the Donetsk People’s Republic
and the Lugansk People’s Republic, which continued
for eight years and resulted in numerous deaths.
Realising that there are no prospects of resolving this
problem under the Minsk agreements, these republics
formally requested our recognition. We recognised them
and signed a treaty of friendship and mutual
assistance. After that, as required by the UN
Charter, we fulfilled our obligations under the treaty.
As I said,
did not initiate this war; rather, we are striving to end
it. During the first phase, we tried to achieve this
through peaceful means, specifically, through the Minsk
agreements. However, it became apparent that we had been
given the runaround once again.
Both the former German Chancellor
and the former President of France admitted
and publicly stated that they had never intended
to honour the agreements and had merely used
them to buy time to supply the Ukrainian regime
with more weapons, which they successfully did.
Our only regret is that we did not take action sooner,
believing that we were dealing with honest people.
Vladimir Putin 14
February 2024
At least one interview with President Putin was cleverly edited to
leave out uncomfortable bits, and segments 'cut and pasted'
to create an image of an 'evil' cynical Putin. Other
interviews are barely reported at all. Further, Russian
media overseas were banned as being 'propagandists, not
journalists'. Naturally the laws of tit for tat resulted - after
much provocation - in banning some western media in Russia in
return. Russia reached a stage of development where it's security
was more or less ensured (in spite of the attempt by a NATO
militarised Ukraine to take Crimea). Relations with the west had
been methodically destroyed - so why talk?.
"In the war of propaganda it is very
difficult to defeat the United States because
the United States controls all the world’s media
and many European media. The ultimate beneficiary
of the biggest European media are American financial
institutions. Don't you know that?
So it is possible to get involved in this work, but it
is cost prohibitive, so to speak. We can simply shine
the spotlight on our sources of information,
and we will not achieve results."
Vladimir Putin 9
February 2024
This situation changed dramatically when the American journalist
Tucker Carlson came on the scene. He was already a well known
figure, son of a diplomat, and a TV personality (even if somewhat
polarising). When he was forced out of the mainstream he took a
very large audience with him. He worked to achieve prominance in
his personal capacity, and was very successful, mainly through
using 'X' (twitter) video streams to reach his audience over the
heads of the main stream media. He eventually persuaded the
Kremlin to have an open format interview with President Putin,
without a time limit and without unilateral editing. The result
was that Russia was simply able to 'leapfrog' mainstream media
control, bringing the Russian viewpoint to an audience of well
north of 200 million globally (some claim a billion across all
media). This was a very unusual intersection of a fully
independent journalist who had created a means of saying what he
pleased outside anyones control, a person with a massive audience,
and a Russian State which was comfortable with not saying
anything to anyone; but nevertheless welcomed a medium to address
other world leaders, albeit in diplomatic code. Which he did. He
laid out terms for the west in regard to Ukraine.
"Tucker Carlson: ...I think you are saying
you want a negotiated settlement to what's happening
in Ukraine.
Putin: Right. And we made it, we prepared a huge
document in Istanbul that was initialled
by the head of the Ukrainian delegation.
...He put his signature and then he himself said: “We were
ready to sign it and the war would have been over
long ago, eighteen months ago. However, Prime Minister Johnson
came, talked us out of it and we missed that chance.”
Well, they missed it, they made a mistake,
let them get back to that, that is all. Why do
we have to bother ourselves and correct somebody
else’s mistakes? ... they stopped negotiations. Is it
a mistake? Yes. Correct it. We are ready. What else is
Carlson: Do you think it is too humiliating at this
point for NATO to accept Russian control of what
was two years ago Ukrainian territory?
Putin: I said let them think how to do it
with dignity. There are options if there is a will.
until now there has been the uproar and screaming
about inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia
on the is impossible
by definition, it is never going to happen. It
seems to me that now those who are in power
in the West have come to realize this
as well. If so, if the realization has set in, they
have to think what to do next. We are ready
for this dialogue.
Carlson: Would you be willing to say,
“Congratulations, NATO, you won?” And just keep
the situation where it is now?
Putin: You know, it is a subject
for the negotiations no one is willing to conduct
or, to put it more accurately, they are willing but do not
know how to do it....It is not just that I see it but
I know they do want it, but they are struggling
to understand how to do it. They have
driven the situation to the point where we are
at. It is not us who have done that, it is our partners,
opponents who have done that. Well, now let them think how
to reverse the situation. We are not against it.
Vladimir Putin 9 February 2024
Almost everyody will read this as if it is just about the Ukraine
conflict. It's not. President Putin talked to his counterparts via
agencies. He said "If you really want to stop
fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. It will be over
within a few weeks. That's it. And then we can agree
on some terms before you do that, stop.” That is the Wests
part in this. Stop sending weapons. He said Ukraine should reverse
its legislation prohibiting a settlement, then return to the
document (which the Kremlin spokesman has said will be different
to the original draft agreement). That is the settlement with
Ukraine, the minor issue.
When President Putin states it is impossible for the west to
inflict a strategic "by definition" he means that a successful
strategic defeat would mean the end of the Russian state. Russia's
nuclear doctrine allows for nuclear strikes, including, under the
recent amended postulate,
a preemptive strike on the west (which is really USA, as the USA
controls the western foreign policy). Nuclear strikes are, at
least, extremely dangerous. Most would consider that an
This is the 'signal to the western heads of state - you have lost
your proxy war. You will never defeat Russia.
Nuclear weapons are extremely dangerous. We will not allow you to
create a 'Cuban crisis' by placing nuclear weapons on our border.
You will eventually solve the problem of developing hypersonic
nuclear weapons, just as we have. We will not tolerate them within
a dangerous flight time of our border. On the other hand, Europe,
also, is threatened by our nuclear hypersonic weapons. In
the longer run, it would be better to come to a comprimise that we
can all agree to. Western leaders are completely untrustworthy.
You tear up weapons control agreements at will. Once you in the
west have hypersonics and we agree to a comprimise, the conditions
will have to include the most stringent and intrusive inspections
No matter how embarrasing it is for you, it is you who will have
to find a way out of the diplomatic mess you have made. We are not
in a hurry. We can destroy your military, industrial, and command
centers within 4 minutes, using hypersonic missiles launched from
our submarines off your coast. Therefore our security is assured.
But we are not against taking steps to make the world safer. But
we will not be giving away our current advantage. Take it or leave
Format - Telephone Conversations
Heads of State don't just ring each other up and nut out a
problem. Generally.
Heads of state do telephone each other to 'feel out' the other
sides position as new challenges (and crises) arise. They may
phone when a country is considering changing a policy, which
decison, if carried through, has a negative impact on the other
country. Once again, before placing the call, advisors generally
discuss everything beforehand, and are the advisors are sitting by
the head of states desk when the telephone call is made. These
'unscheduled' calls are generally not officially reported in any
detail. Generally just a few lines of who called who, at whose
initiative, then a bland generality of what the topic was. The
content of the call is kept confidential, away from the press, so
that the discussion can be candid. This confidence is precious. If
you abuse the privilege, you lose the privilege. As French
President Macron found out.
"Fyodor Lukyanov: turned out that when you spoke
with President Macron shortly before the special military
operation began, there were journalists in his office. The call
was broadcast over the speakerphone, and they recorded everything.
A somewhat unusual format. Okay, this is not the first time. How
do you feel about such things?
Vladimir Putin: Negatively. I believe there are certain
formats of communication between heads of state and they must be
observed, otherwise the partner will lose credibility. There
is nothing wrong with media representatives becoming familiar with
what we discuss. All you need to do let the other party know about
it, that is all.
Fyodor Lukyanov: Did they?
Vladimir Putin: Of course, not. During telephone calls,
including through secure communication channels, we always
assume that these are confidential calls that are not supposed
to be made public, or if they are then the parties should agree
on that in advance. If done unilaterally, this, of course,
is not good.
Fyodor Lukyanov: When Mr Macron calls you, do you ask who is there
in the same room with him?
Vladimir Putin: No.
Fyodor Lukyanov: Why? Maybe you should.
Vladimir Putin: Because I now assume that someone is listening. 27
October 2022
Format - Letter Writing
One of the other "formats of communication between heads of state"
includes letter writing. This enables an exchange of views which
can gradually align until only 'sticking points' are left.
According to an American National Archive article, Russia's
President Gorbachev and American President
Reagan held an extended conversation by letter, which gradually
brought the two sides together until there were only two issues
'In his first letter to Gorbachev, which Vice President
George H.W. Bush carried to Moscow for the funeral of Gorbachev’s
predecessor, Reagan invited Gorbachev to meet. Gorbachev and
Reagan became pen-pals who wrote long letters – sometimes
personally dictated, even handwritten – explaining their positions
on arms control, strategic defenses, and the need for nuclear
Their first meeting took place in Geneva in November 1985,
where in an informal atmosphere of “fireside chats” they began
realizing that the other was not a warmonger but a human being
with a very similar dream—to rid the world of nuclear weapons.
That dream came very close to a breakthrough during Gorbachev
and Reagan’s summit in Reykjavik; but Reagan’s stubborn
insistence on SDI and Gorbachev’s stubborn unwillingness to take
Reagan at his word on technology sharing prevented them from
reaching their common goal'.
National Security Archive 2
March 2016
Reagan's initial letter to General Secretary Gorbachev set the
tone and desired direction of relations. It was respectful and
there was nothing obviously coercive about it. It is worth
reproducing in full.
March 11, 1985
Dear Mr General Secretary
As you assume your new responsibilities, I would like to take this
opportunity to
underscore my hope that we can in the months and years ahead
develop a more stable
and constructive relationship between our two countries. Our
differences are many, and we will need to proceed in a way that takes both differences
and common interests into account in seeking to resolve problems and build a new
measure of trust and confidence.
But history places on us a very heavy responsibility for
maintaining and strengthening peace, and I am convinced we have before us new
opportunities to do so. Therefore I
have requested the Vice President to deliver this letter to you.
I believe our differences can and must be resolved through
discussion and negotiation.
The international situation demands that we redouble our efforts
to find political solutions
to the problems we face. I valued my correspondence with
Chairman Chernenko, and believe my meetings with First Deputy Prime Minister
Gromyko and Mr. Shcherbitsky here in Washington were useful in clarifying views and issues
and making it possible to move forward to deal with them in a practical and realistic
In recent months we have demonstrated that it is possible to
resolve problems to mutual benefit. We have had useful exchanges on certain
regional issues, and I am sure you are
aware that American interest in progress on humanitarian issues
remains as strong as
ever. In our bilateral relations, we have signed a number of new
agreements, and we
have promising negotiations underway in several important fields.
Most significantly, the
negotiations we have agreed to begin in Geneva provide us with a
genuine chance to
make progress toward our common ultimate goal of eliminating
nuclear weapons.
It is important for us to build on these achievements. You can
be assured of my personal
commitment to work with you and the rest of the Soviet leadership
in serious
negotiations. In that spirit, I would like to invite you to visit
me in Washington at your
earliest convenient opportunity. I recognize that an early answer
may not be possible, but
I want you to know that I look forward to a meeting that could
yield results of benefit to
both our countries and to the international community as a whole.
Ronald Reagan
His Excellency
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev,
General Secretary, Central Committee,
Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Moscow, U.S.S.R.
[Source: Margaret Thatcher Foundation] via US National Security
While the previous Soviet leaders were unresponsive, the new
General Secretary was. The force and personality of leaders
matters. The end result of these communications was the
elimination of an entire class of nuclear weapons. The US
benefitted by buying enriched nuclear fuel for its nuclear power
plants, using decommissioned uranium products from both its own
and Russia's missiles. But that was just a tiny side benefit for
the USA.
It bought Reagan time to get his 'star wars' anti-ballistic
missile program off the ground, a program designed to give USA a
one sided advantage at the outbreak of a nuclear war.
Luckily, it failed. It also allowed the west to 'groom' their new
'friend' into trusting the happy coterie of world leaders - he
was, after all, 'one of them, in the club'. Gorbachev was so
thoroughly in their thrall that he had no problem in dismantling
the existing security system without first nailing down a
Maybe Reagan knew something. After all, President Putin hinted at the 2007
Munich Security Conference that they would develop new weapons to
counter star wars, weapons of a new class, that could not be
defeated. Well, these things aren't developed overnight. Were the
Russian weapons really being worked on as a response to Reagans
star wars? Or was the opposite the case, Americans had become
aware of some find of new weapons being developed in Russia - and
star wars was their response?
Whatever the case, Reagans charm worked. Gorbachev agreed to
break up the Soviet Union, the first step for the west's long
term goal of tearing Russia into digestible bits.
The mechanics of the breakup were appalling. He left the only warm
water port in Ukraines hands (and therefore ripe for NATO to
establish a base there once the final expansion domino had
fallen), and he abandoned the Russian population of Eastern
Ukraine. Former Soviet States in Eurasia, such as Tajikistan
weren't given clearly defined borders. Former Soviet
countries were abandoned with no transition plan, unsure of even
basics such as passports or what currency to use. Countries such
as Poland were given 'soft loans' to help transition to a
capitalist economy. Russia's needs were exactly the same, but when
economist Professor Jeffrey Sachs advised the western governments
that this was also the solution to ease Russia into a modern
western capitalist economy, the western governments point blank
refused to help. They gave no reason. The reason, of course, was
to make sure Russia became a 'failed state' (the same con game is
at play in Ukraine, by the way - but there won't be much on the
table for the west to steal).
These same ' friendly' global leaders had conned
the Russian head of state. So much for trust between heads of
was now 'ripe' for the implementation of coercive polices,
policies that wrecked Russian society and put the major Russian
state assets into foreign and local oligarch hands.
Then came a new head of state. Putin. And wrecked all the west's
plans to control the 'heartland' and 'contain'
Russia. Format - Impromptu person-toperson communications In 2014 the Australian Prime Minister Anthony said "I'm going to shirtfront Mr. Putin, you bet .. I am".
'Shirtfronting' is a term to describe a tactic in Aussie Rules
football where a player charges into the chest of the opposing
player in order knock them over. Australia was hosting the G20
meeting at which Mr. Putin was due to arrive, and Mr Abbott was
aggrieved that '"the rebels" in the Donetsk had allegedly shot
down MH 17, which had Australian citizens on board. (By the way,
it is almost certain Ukraine was responsible for the crime. We
will soon know.)
Of course Mr. Abbott was speaking metaphorically,
and his bluster was mostly show for the public. The Russian
President probably didn't pay it any attention - there were many
important economic issues to discuss at the G20, and economics
trumps everything. (Mr. Abbott and Mr. Putin later went on to cuddle
koalas together.)
Australia's foreign secretary, attended an international meeting
in Italy prior to the G20 that was also
attended by Vladimir Putin. Clearly Mr.Abbott's promised
'shirtfronting' was not going to happen, so Ms Bishop was sent to
deliver the next best thing. Ms Bishop was no doubt instructed to
find an opportunity to deliver an impromptu demarche (a diplomatic
maneuver to deliver, in this case, a protest) to the
Russian President. Nothing is a coincidence in the world of
"I was sitting opposite President Putin. He hadn't
agreed to a bilateral meeting with me, nor did I expect it
because I'm a foreign minister and I wasn't his counterpart," "But
I had to speak to him about MH17 and Russia's lack of
Ms Bishop then described the moment she noticed Mr Putin's
advisers had left him, and she decided to seize the opportunity to
talk to him.
"He was alone at the table. So I hot-footed around the other side
and tapped him on the shoulder," she said. Ms Bishop said the
Russian President asked her to move away from the table — packed
with microphones — before they commenced a robust conversation in
"I delivered Australia's message to him as forcefully as I could
...His eyes never left my face, and they are piercing blue eyes.
And he said: 'So this is what you call a shirtfront?' I said:
'It's more of a diplomatic buttonholing.'"
ABC news 5
October 2018
Such posturing probably doesn't have any influence
on real work behind closed doors, contrary to what the public
believe, but at the same time it is counterproductive. Time and
again, Russia has helped various countries out of difficulties of
one kind or another (for example, Russia helped evacuate American
diplomats from Yemen at one point in the past). Unfriendly actions
will simply make them less inclined to go out of their way to help
in future. This is universal basic human behaviour. Don't reward
bad behaviour.
As President Putin once remarked, international relations are
mathmatical. Every situation has to be dealt with as it is, and if
a preferred way of solving a problem in relations - such
as security threats - cannot be solved that way, it is not a cause
of bitterness or recrimination. Regret, certainly, but not
resentment. Whatever action one side takes causes a reaction from
the other side.
"Tucker Carlson:...would you have joined NATO?
Vladimir Putin: If he had said yes, the process of rapprochement
would have commenced, and eventually it might have happened if we
had seen some sincere wish on the side of our partners. But it
didn't happen. Well, no means no, okay, fine.
Tucker Carlson: Why do you think that is?... I know, you’re
clearly bitter about it. I understand. But why do you think the
West rebuffed you then? Why the hostility? Why did the end of the
Cold War not fix the relationship?...
Vladimir Putin: You said I was bitter about the answer. No,
it's not bitterness, it's just a statement of fact. We're not
the bride and groom, bitterness, resentment, it's not about
those kinds of matters in such circumstances.
We just realised we weren't welcome there, that's all. Okay,
fine. But let's build relations in another manner, let's look
for common ground elsewhere.
Why we received such a negative response, you should ask your
leader." 9
February 2024
"...the United States is actively developing
and already strengthening an anti-missile defence
system. Today this system is ineffective but we do not know
exactly whether it will one day be effective. But in theory
it is being created for that purpose.
So hypothetically we recognise that when this moment arrives,
the possible threat from our nuclear forces will be
completely neutralised. Russia’s present nuclear
capabilities, that is. The balance of powers will be
absolutely destroyed and one of the parties will
benefit from the feeling of complete security. This
means that its hands will be free not only in local but
eventually also in global conflicts.
We are discussing this with you now.
I would not want anyone to suspect any aggressive
intentions on our part. But the system
of international relations is just like mathematics. There
are no personal dimensions.
And of course we should react to this. How?
Either the same as you and therefore
by building a multi-billion dollar anti-missile system
or, in view of our present economic and financial
possibilities, by developing an asymmetrical answer."
Vladimir Putin 10
February 2007
This exchange underscores an important point - while the head of
state has the final say, policy is made under advice from military
experts, the national security team, the intelligence agencies,
and the top level professional diplomats. In other words, the
military, intelligence, political, financial and industrial
'elites', tempered perhaps by competent diplomats. The quality of
these people is critical, because they advise the President. The
President hand picks many of them, so the quality of the
Presidential candidate is of exceptional importance.
The Russian rules for selecting who may run for the Presidency
tend to throw up experienced candidates of maturity and good
judgement, and advisors are more sober and inclined to reject
notions of national superiority, coercion and hegemony .Many are
steeped in science, mathmatics, logic and history, and their
national history inclines them to long term thinking.
In the USA system, candidates are more heavily influenced by
ideology and big money. Both Presidential candidates and the
advisors the President picks are products of a culture of national
superiority, 'exceptional' rights, ruthless pursuit of economic
dominance at the expense of others. Coercion coupled with military
aggression are the strategies used to achieve both personal and
national advantage over other countries.This is the cultural
From the Russian perspective, when the best and most sensible
option for both parties is closed out by the maximalist zero sum
thinking of other side, then other options must be explored.
Mathmatical values have to be placed on the various other
available (or pending) options, potentials calculated, and the
problem solved. An equation is found that meets Russia's
legitimate national interests in whatever changing circumstances
may bring. When it comes to Russian national security, this
requires very long term planning. What President was referring to
in 2007 at Munich was presumably the work he or his predecessors
had commissioned to create an asymmetrical answer to the problem
of the immense cost of the arms race. Maybe the Russians got wind
of the US plan to build a missile shield. As it turned out,
Russia's asymmetric answer was revealed in 2018, at another
landmark speech by Vladimir Putin. It was hypersonic and clever
conventional strategic weapons, including unstoppable hypersonic
nuclear weapons, a globe circling nuclear-powered strategic
nuclear weapon whose track avoided missile shield installations in
Alska, and nuclear torpedos drones now possibly waiting in the
waters offhore the USA east coast.
much for 'trust based' relationships with unfriendly countries.
There are, of course, trust based relationships with heads of
states in other countries that have withstood the most important
test of all - the test of time. Russia has trust-based
relationships at the Head of State level and below with a number
of countries. China is just one example. A great deal can be
accomplished to further states legitimate interests when personal
relations between heads of state are friendly, and both countries
have proven themselves as trustworthy, reliable partners. Most
important of all, trustworthy in economics and international
affairs, even when their positions on a given matter don't fully
Conversely, Heads of State who champion or go along with coercive
policies directed at Russia mean that Russia's relations with
those Heads of State, while they are always polite, are limited to
those areas where both states legitimate interests mutually
coincide. After all is said and done, why assist the coercer in
matters outside your own interests? It would not be reciprocated
when the boot is on the other foot, and like anyone else, the
Russian people have their self respect.
Format - Government Agency Intermediaries
The United States deliberately set out to destroy all relations
with Russia, from top to bottom. As always happens with
non-professional people, they ended up embarrasing themselves. The
USA made sure that there was no one to talk to. But then changing
global circumstances simply force the US to talk to Russia. But
they destroyed all relationships.They have to go through 'back
channels', government agencies or intermediary countries.
"The [Syrian] Constitutional Committee is now on pause
largely because Geneva has undermined its reputation as a
neutral platform. I spoke with Swiss Foreign Minister
Ignazio Cassis on the sidelines of the UN Security Council session
on Palestine in New York. I explained to him why we could no
longer view Geneva as a truly neutral platform that could
facilitate meetings on settling differences.
has taken an overtly anti-Russia position. It is enough to say
that they recently approved a foreign policy concept saying
that Switzerland is striving to enhance European security not
with Russia but against it. This is written in their
official documents. What kind of mediation can they provide?
Now they are trying to impose on others their mediation on
Ukraine but nothing will come of it. This player cannot be
Sergey Lavrov 13
February 2024
Switzerland, when it was a neutral country, was one such
intermediary. But now that Switzerland had abandoned neutrality,
supplying missiles to Ukraine, it has lost that role.
"Tucker Carlson: ...[the conflict in Ukraine]
seems like it could...evolve into something that brings
the entire world into conflict, and could initiate
a nuclear launch, and so why don’t you just call Biden
and say “let’s work this out”?
Putin: What's there to work out? It's very
simple. I repeat, we have contacts through various
I will tell you what we are saying on this matter
and what we are conveying to the US leadership: ”If
you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop
supplying weapons. It will be over within a few weeks.
That's it. And then we can agree on some terms
before you do that, stop.“
easier? Why would I call him? What should I talk
to him about? Or beg him for what? ”You're going
to deliver such and such weapons to Ukraine. Oh,
I'm afraid, I'm afraid, please don't.“ What is there
to talk about?"
Vladimir Putin 9
February 2024
So the American head of the CIA, Mr. Burns, probably ended up
talking to the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai
Patrushev, the head of the Russian Security Service (FSB)
Alexander Bortnikov, or perhaps head of the Russian Foreign
Intelligence Service, Sergey Naryshkin. They are probably not as
easy to talk to as President Putin. Military channels are open,
but only to the degree that 'deconfliction' may be required in
areas like Syria, where Russia is present legally and the USA
Sometimes special rapporteurs are used to convey messages directly
from one President to another, but this is unusual.
Reality politics edited 3
September 2024. Last edited 15 February 2025
Russia was invaded by Napoleon. And beat the French back to
Russia was invaded by the German Nazis. And beat the Nazis back to
Russia will never be invaded again.
American politicians talk behind closed doors about "breaking up"
the Russian Federation. This is unrealistic at best, a phantasy.
Russia will never allow state-supported neo-nazi ideologues to
brutalise and oppress Russian people again. Anywhere. No part of
the 4 Russian-speaking Ukrainian oblasts that joined the Russian
Federation will be given back to Ukraine. This is a moral,
political, and military reality. Settlements will reflect this
reality, but as the conflict is protracted by Ukraine then new
realities on the ground emerge.
"An EU ministerial
meeting was held the other day. Most recently, Josep Borrell
said there was no alternative to talks other than the Zelensky
formula.I thought they had
done at least some training and have an idea of how to pursue
reality-based politics."
Sergey Lavrov 31
August 2024
"...the West is casting a benevolent eye on Russophobia, the
discrimination campaign and the banning of everything that is
Russian, as well as openly racist actions with a Nazi flavour
(because Nazism is flourishing in Ukraine in addition to
extermination of everything that is Russian). Most of the
nationalist battalion troops wear Nazi division tattoos and
carry SS Nazi division banners and chevrons"
Sergey Lavrov 30 June
"We are operating on the premise of objective realities,
primarily, the realities that are enshrined in our legislation, in
particular, the Constitution. Following the results of the
referendum, four new territories – two people's republics and two
regions – joined the Russian Federation. There is no question
about that. The West is unable to come to grips with that and, as
in a fairy tale with a sad ending, is getting mired deeper and
deeper in a swamp with every step."
Sergey Lavrov 2
February 2023
Russia will never allow a threat to its security.
"EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Josep Borrell, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and
virtually the entire US administration are talking about
inflicting a “strategic defeat” on Russia on the battlefield.
They don’t mention talks, only the battlefield. We are ready to
keep working on the battlefield and will do so. We know what we
are fighting for.
We are fighting to eliminate a direct military threat to our
security, which, contrary to its assurances, the West is
creating right on Russia’s borders as it drags Ukraine into
its game and is promising it NATO membership once again."
Sergey Lavrov 30 June
NATO or other similar foreign military grouping will never be
allowed to base itself in Ukraine. This is the reality.
Sevastapol will never be given up. It is part of the Russian
Federation. This is the reality.
Russia will not allow anyone to shut it out of the Black Sea.
This is the reality.
"The West...has significant leverage in the operation. We are
now trying to move the Ukrainian artillery to a distance that
will not pose a threat to our territories, but the more
long-range weapons they send to Kiev, the further they will
need to move them away from the territories that are part of
our country."
Sergey Lavrov 2
February 2023
Russia will never allow artillery or rockets to bombard Russian
territory. This is the reality.
Russia will never allow any Russia-hating country to place
potentially nuclear armed cruise missiles 10 minutes from Moscow.
This is the reality.
Finally, under the new Trump administration, the United States
quickly and unambiguously shifted to 'reality politics'. First,
the US President acknowledged that the decision to shift NATO and
it's weapons right up against the Russian Federation was a
mistake, and made conflict an inevitability. All previous US
administrations were aware of this - but tried to inflict a
'strategic defeat' on Russia anyway. Then the Defense Secretary
made a brief and blunt speech at the Munich Security Conference
that in effect announced the West's attempt to break up Russia by
sanctions and military means had failed. Recognising the reality
of the West's defeat on the battlefield, the US did an immediate
'about face' and embraced 'Real Politik'.
"We will only end this devastating war – and establish a durable
peace – by coupling allied strength with a realistic
assessment of the battlefield.
We want, like you, a sovereign and prosperous Ukraine. But we
must start by recognizing that returning to Ukraine's pre-2014
borders is an unrealistic objective.
Chasing this illusionary goal will only prolong the
war and cause more suffering.
A durable peace for Ukraine must include robust security
guarantees to ensure that the war will not begin again.
This must not be Minsk 3.0.
That said, the United States does not believe that NATO
membership for Ukraine is a realistic outcome of a negotiated
Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth 12
February 2025
The Russian chief concern has always been the need for a Security
Treaty with NATO based on indivisible
security. Realistically, there will be no durable
peace until NATO countries sign bilateral or multilateral security
agreements with Russia.
Real politik demands that Ukraine will sign an agreement with
Russia, but equally, as Ukraine is utterly duplicitous, the
EU/NATO countries will also have to sign agreements.
And if Ukraine doesn't, the hard truth is that Russia will impose
a 'missilepoint' policing of a military-free zone on the Ukraine
side of the border that will match the flight distance of any
missiles that Ukraine is supplied with, or builds itself
domestically. And real politik says that European countries will
make peace with Russia and settle on agreed (Russian) terms. In
writing, even if not sealed in a treaty. Because, as events have
proven, Russia does not need Europe. But, realistically, Europe
needs Russia.
"The presidents of Russia and the US have talked at last. This
is very important in and of itself. The previous US
Administration cut off all high-level contacts in an attempt to
punish and humiliate Russia. As a result, the world was
balancing on the brink of the Apocalypse. How did we get
there? some point that the US appointed itself the
country-in-chief on our planet with the exclusive right to wage
a hybrid war against our people, to mete out justice and grant
pardons. It was a grave mistake, which nearly wiped humanity off
the face of the earth. ...
...there can be no chief country or planetary ruler.
This is a lesson that must be learned by the arrogant American
elites and the so-called deep state (US bureaucracy). is
impossible to bring us to our knees. The quicker our adversaries
realize this, the better.
If they don’t...The Doomsday Clock will keep on ticking towards
midnight, and then we will surely “behold a pale horse, and the horseman’s name will be Death…”"
Dmitry Medvedev, VK, 13 February 2025
The question now is: does Mr. Trump's embrace of reality extend as
far as admitting the necessity to settle with the Russian
Federation? And sign a Treaty similar to the treaty Russia
offered the USA and NATO in 2021. An offer that was a last
minute attempt to stop a war with the west's Ukrainian proxy.
The power factor
""We see that the dominance of the dollar is disappearing,
settlements in national currencies appear, and, ultimately, the
paradigm is changing. And if we recall the classic
‘money-commodity-money-price' scheme - this is the Bretton Woods
paradigm, then now a completely different formula comes out in
first place – ‘commodity-money-commodity’: first we sold gas,
then we extracted it, our product – our rules.
We don't play games that we didn't make up the rules for....
You cannot describe the state of your energy system or economic
system without knowing the rules of a particular commodity
market, or knowing the volume of supply in that market.
And in this situation, it turns out that the institutions of
the Bretton Woods system, global international institutions,
lose their meaning. They don't work, and they die off
quietly...The Bretton Woods system of nominal value regulation,
in contrast to the possible control over the supply of
commodities, provides a powerful inflationary
Aleksey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, at
the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, June
16 2022
As Aleksey Miller points out, in a high-demand commodity market,
those with the potential to supply the flow of that 'tier' of a
commodity that has the highest demand - a quality product from a
proven reliable supplier sold on favorable terms - have market
demand power. This is as true of carbohydrates (wheat) as it is on
hydrocarbons (gas, oil). (In time, the same will apply to the
transnational sale of 'green' electricity.) 'Nominal control' of
the commodity flow - by manipulating the US dollar value - means
nothing when the seller sets the terms of sale.
The sellers rules or nothing. That is market-supply power. The
'rules' of commodity sales have previously been largely in the
West. Where Russia is the producer of the marginal quantity of a
commodity, Russia sets rules that meet it's own interests - and
the interests of 'friendly countries'. Non-friendly countries
(hostile countries interested in destroying Russia) can buy or not
buy, but Russia won't give then the discount that they might give
to friendly and strategically important countries.
Real commodities priced in the un-debased money of
economically powerful countries now wins out over dollars as a
'commodity' whose flow is controlled by one country. Power
has shifted.
Russia is in the top 5 in the world for
steel production. Russia has a massive natural gas
reserve. It will supply China with large
volumes of overland pipeline gas cheaply and reliably.
Russia's LNG shipments are increasing, and are made the more
competitive by the opening up of the northern sea route. Russia is
the world's 9th
largest bauxite producer, and produces 10% of global primary
aluminium. Russia is the world's 4th largest titanium
exporter. It has very large lithium
reserves. Russia provides about 18%
of world coal
exports. Russia has about 8% of global uranium
resources. Russia supplies 43% of the world's enriched
Its military
industry is effectively state-owned, highly responsive to
government direction, with no middlemen and price gouging.
Russia's scientific-engineering capacities are world class, and
Russian hypersonic weapons are but one manifestation of this.
Russia is almost entirely self
sufficient in food production, is a major wheat exporter,
and a major animal feed materials exporter.
Russia now has the most powerful defensive military force in the
world. Its mineral resource and agriculture-based economy is world
scale. These are essential products and are in high demand
The profits derived from exploiting raw materials are turned to
social purposes through majority government ownership.
It's value-added industrial output is very small, but its
economic self-sufficiency is probably now the highest in the
It's expertise in advanced energy solutions - innovative nuclear
power plants - is top level.
Its educational system is focused on science, technology, energy
and mathematics and technical training.
Russia is one of the top-most respected diplomatic actors in the
whole world.
In other words, it is a self-contained and confident power, it can
easily weather any future political, and economic crash. It cannot
'weather' an adverse episode of extended hot and dry climatic
conditions that destroy its ability to produce grains - but no
country can.
Russia could easily threaten a country to do or not do something,
using its dominance in hypersonic strike weapons. For example, it
could have blackmailed Germany into fulfilling its existing
commercial contract and open the Nordstream pipeline (referring to
the situation before the US or its proxy blew most of it up).
But in the long run Germany would simply do what it is doing now
- building terminals for LNG imported from the USA and Middle
The USA successfully blackmailed Germany into not turning on the
new pipeline. And it (or its proxy) did use its military
power to blow it up. Quite a contrast.
Once again, in the long run, Germany will simply pay to repair it,
and once again buy Russian gas.
In the meantime, the USA has effectively destroyed a significant
part of Germany's value-added industrial base. In 2020 industry made
up 27% of Germany's GDP, whereas it made up only 18% of USA
What has USA achieved with the misuse of its commercial and military
power? Not just in Germany, but anywhere in the world?
It has achieved a strategic blunder of historic importance.
coercion - a massive strategic blunder
The west:
*failed to stop Russia's economy from not just surviving, but
*failed to stop Russia oil and gas exports
*failed to admit the negative effects of expensive gas on European
*failure to prevent money transfers in trade
*failed to destroy the ruble
*failed to control the price of Russian oil and gas
*failed to prevent foreign capital investing in Russia
*failed to hold onto unreasonable profits flowing from joint
*failed to block Russian grain exports
*failed to keep Russian fertilisers off the global market
*failed to kill Russians at the predicted rate
*failed to understand Russia's meatgrinder military strategy
*failure to forsee the Russian ability to kill the more highly
trained military
*failure to create a dirty bomb out of the Zaporozhye nuclear plant
*failed to forsee the effective use of cheap drones on Ukrainian
*failed to drag the conflict into a frozen conflict
*failed to demonstrate the Patriot anti missile system was effective
against modern missiles
*failed to account for the advanced nature of Russias submarine
*failed to put a finger on the scale of strategic nuclear weapon
*failed to intimidate Russia into giving one sided concessions in
arms control
to incite a coup that would overthrow President Putin
*failed to erode the popularity of the President
*failed to intimidate Russian society
*failed to turn African countries against Russia *failed
to turn India against Russia *failed to turn Middle Eastern countries
against Russia *failed to turn Brazil against Russia
*failed to apply the UN resolutions to create the state of
Palestine resulting in endless injustices against Palestinian
people by the Israeli government, and, ultimately downward
coercive spirals
*failed to prioritise the needs of their own citizens
*failed to forsee the flood of stolen Ukrainian weapons into
European cities
*failed to forsee the danger of heavily indoctrinated neonazi
Ukrainian refugees flooding into Europe