"Today, Ukraine is addressing that threat. We’re carrying out NATO’s mission today, without shedding their blood..."Russia is not 'against' the ordinary people of Ukraine - far from it. Russian Government officials agree that the conflict is instigated by the US and UK (primarily) as part of a long-standing plan to dominate Russia economically and culturally.
Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov 5 January 2023
Time is running out - very fast. When the spring ground dried out enough to take tanks, the Russian blitzkrieg will be able to launch.
"The events in Ukraine aren’t a clash between Moscow and Kiev. It’s a military confrontation of NATO, first of all the US and Britain, with Russia. Fearing a direct engagement, NATO instructors push Ukrainian men to certain death...[the SMO will] put an end to the West’s bloody experiment to destroy the fraternal people of Ukraine...
...We are not at war with Ukraine because we can’t have hatred for ordinary Ukrainians by default...the Ukrainian language is one of the official languages in Crimea. Ukrainian cultural centers, Ukrainian folk song and dance groups continue to exist in many cities. A considerable number of people in the south of the Far East regard Ukrainian culture as their own, given a large proportion of migrants from the times of Stolypin...
...The sooner the people of Ukraine realize that the West is using them to wage a war on Russia, the more lives will be saved. Many have realized that long ago, but they are afraid to say that publicly out of fear of reprisals.
It’s not a part of the West’s plans to save someone’s life to the detriment of its enrichment and other ambitions...The West, to serve its ambitions, is practically decimating the Ukrainian people, forcing the vigorous generation to die at the battlefield and bringing the rest of the people to poverty."
Nikolay Patrushev, Russian Security Council Secretary 09 January 2023
The NAFO trolls are just going to love this video.
— GraphicW (@GraphicW5) March 14, 2023
A message from the Russians with English narration. pic.twitter.com/8AYL1Fw8rv
"China is not a party to the Ukraine Crisis, but we have not sat idly by or added fuel to the fire, and we firmly oppose any move to exploit the crisis.
Everything China has done is aimed at facilitating peace through dialogue. China will be firmly standing on the side of dialogue and peace.
As a matter of fact, since the second day of the conflict's breakout, President Xi Jinping had initiated to seek a political settlement of the dispute through dialogue.
And as we have seen, Russia and Ukraine did hold quite a number of rounds of negotiations and made important progress. Actually the framework for a peace deal had been already put on the table. But regrettably the peace talk stopped and all is back to square one. Nobody knows what’s behind it.
Some people do not want peace talks to succeed or fighting to stop. They don’t care about the life and death of Ukrainians or the harm done to Europe, but have larger strategic calculations in mind...
As President Xi puts it clearly, there can be no winner in conflicts or wars and no easy answers for complicated issues.
Confrontation between major countries must be avoided...
We hope European friends will give sober thought to these questions:
what kind of efforts are needed to stop the war...
The more complex the situation, the greater the need to remain calm and rational. The more protracted the warfare is, the less we can give up our efforts for peace. China is willing to work with all parties to continue the efforts for realizing an early peace."
Wang Yi , Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, 18 February 2023
President Xi of China was due to visit Russia in mid-late March
Ukraine is the critical link in the pan-Eurasian continental trade flow from western German shores to the Russian and Chinese Pacific Ocean shores. From sea to shining sea. In other words, the USA's worst nightmare come true. And a large part of the reason they want to destroy Russia - handily taking down US economic competitors (Ukraine and Germany) with it.