Options for a Russia-Ukraine Settlement Treaty
Laurie Meadows
11 June 2022 [Last edited 20 February 2025]

Tipping point in the Ukraine conflict   Russia avoids loss   There won't be nuclear war   Russia's conflict resolution measures   There will be no mediators

The political border    demilitarised zone concept   Political borders and security borders are different   USA holds the key to 'settlement'   NATO military forces camped on Russia's borders   Ukraine a neutral state    

Ukraine statehood must be treated with respect 

option - redrawn Ukrainian      option - become an autonomous region of Ukraine     option - independent state     An Autonomous Port City of Odessa?    The demilitarized zone concept   

The Mother of all treaties

Occupy Ukraine - consequences      Negotiation or not?      Ukraine's terms for settlement     An Armistice?     No surrender, a negotiated settlement     Mediation    Lukashenko? 
Security guarantees for west Eurasia     Russia's core security Guarantee     Russia's Terms for Settlement        Ukraine settlement linked to European Security Treaty     Root cause of the conflict    Implementation of settlement terms     Rebuilding Ukraine - whose responsibility?      dishonest and untrustworthy negotiators      Prosecution of neo nazis     Filtering Ukrainian Refugees      War Crimes      Ukraine - Russia reconciliation is only possible   

The issue of rockets    Roadmap to verification   

This is a follow up article to the article I wrote on 19th of February 2022, 5 days before the launch of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. It was called 'Mutually Assured Destruction - the Prelude to Mutually Assured Security'. At the time, I didn't think Russia would move into the Donesk. I wrote:

"The current lead that Russia has in missile and defensive systems might persuade the US to agree to verifiable arms control, but this is the work of years.
In the meantime, the West provokes Russia relentlessly, across all dimensions of life. This is dangerous. It is time for nations to comply with their obligations under the UN Charter. A mechanism must be found accelerate a move to universal security and the peace dividend it brings.
And Russia has done this, in a stunning and unexpected move, a move missed by the entire media."

I was referring to an article I published on the same day 'Blindsided by Peace?' The "stunning and unexpected move" was the December 2021 presentation to the US and to NATO of new draft Security Treaties. One was written for NATO as an organization, and the other for the United States. I note "The provisions are short and the language uncompromising. They secure Russia's security while at the same time securing European security."

Well, the USA didn't sign, and neither did NATO. I now suspect the Russians had intelligence that an assault against the breakaway republics and on into Russia's Crimea was planned, and was maybe only months from being launched. I now suspect the Americans knew that Russia suspected something was in the offing, even if the exact date wasn't known. As the Russian President Vladimir Putin commented in 2015 "Over 50 years ago the streets of Leningrad taught me a rule of thumb - if a fight is inevitable - you have to hit first".

"Embassy employees are being evacuated and Anglo-Saxons are urged to leave Ukraine as soon as possible. Some food for thought: what if the Anglo-Saxons are preparing something of their own and this is why they are evacuating their staff? We see their actions."
Sergey Lavrov 10 February 2022

No matter how many more months the conflict in Ukraine goes on, Russia has 'won'. Or rather, nearly achieved it's initial objectives of helping the former Lughansk and Donesk Republics to push out the Ukrainian armed forces - many of the Ukrainian units there were manned with white supremacist nationalists, espousing Nazi ideas. To the extent these extremists are captured, killed or pushed out, then de-nazification - another Russian objective - is achieved, at least in what were the new Republics (now part of the Russian Federation).

The tipping point

By January 2023 the tipping point seemed near. It was obvious the West (who are the armers and instigators of the conflict) would have to tell the Ukrainian government to come to terms. A signed peace treaty would be required. But what part could the Western governments play?  It is now a matter of historic record that the signature of Western politicians on agreements are worthless, and the more so the signature of Ukrainian politicians. In March 2022, Russia and Ukraine came to terms of settlement that both found acceptable. Then the UK's Boris Johnson swept in and the Ukrainians immediately backed out.

The question I was asking myself in early January 2023 was this - will Russia now ignore a future Ukrainian capitulation and brush aside Ukraine requests to agree on terms? After all, Ukraine had the chance for peace and ignored it.

The Russians, faced with a proxy NATO army that was constantly being re-armed by the US and it's NATO 'allies', had to change it's military approach. It called up conscripts, several hundred thousand, started training them, and at the same time set about destroying - with pinpoint accuracy -  the electricity supply to Ukraine - including to Kiev. With artillery dominance, air dominance, and the equivalent of ten battalions of fresh troops, it could grind on and capture as much Ukrainian territory as it wanted, as long as it was willing to pay for it in 'blood and treasure' - as the saying goes.

But thanks to NATO intransigence, the blood price NATO forced Russia to pay (and 'set up' Ukraine to pay) created a 'sunk cost' that meant the only possible outcome acceptable to Russia was Ukrainian surrender. But Russia was determined to create the conditions for inevitable surrender at the least cost in Russian lives as possible.

By February 2024 it was becoming clear the west was trying to move their war on Russia from a proxy war to proxy organised state terrorism, on the Ukrainian border (and probably on the eurasian borders).

I don't know what Russia will do in future. I do know what Russia wants for itself, and for others, because it has publicly stated it. I do know it wants normal relations with Ukraine, because it has said so. And the Russians almost never lie.

"Even some seemingly respectable media outlets write about an “operation” that we are supposedly preparing with the aim of seizing Kiev and other Ukrainian cities or that some “coup” is being prepared with a view to putting a puppet regime in power in the Ukrainian capital."
Sergey Lavrov 10 February 2022

Looking back to that date, we can guess an operation was being planned 2 weeks before the launch of the special military operation. But not to 'seize' Kiev. Not to 'seize' (note that word) 'other Ukrainian cities'. Not to place a puppet regime in power. In retrospect, Russia badly miscalculated. Russia thought the sheer display of will and power would cause Ukrainians to rise up and replace the unpopular Zelensky government, issues would be settled, the parts of the Donbass that wanted protection would be absorbed in Russia, and relations would start to be rebuilt. This 'soft war' approach failed. Where to from here?

We were left with the stated territorial aims - liberation of the 2 Republics. Kiev won't be taken. Lviv won't be taken. What of other Ukrainian cities?

Question: [...] Does Russia intend to demand that Kiev additionally recognise independence of the Kherson Region and part of the Zaporozhye Region currently controlled by the Russian forces, or their accession to Russia?
Sergey Lavrov: This question will be answered by the people living in the liberated territories. They are saying that they want to choose their future on their own. We fully respect this position.
Sergey Lavrov 6 June 2022

The question has now been answered.

"The Donetsk People's Republic, as well as the Lugansk People's Republic, Kherson region and Zaporozhye region, overwhelmingly supported joining Russia during their September referendums.

Russia's Federation Council ratified the treaties on the DPR's and LPR's admission to Russia on Tuesday, as well as Zaporozhye region and Kherson region. At the same time, the parliaments of the DPR and LPR also voted to ratify the agreements.

The DPR and LPR, Zaporozhye region and Kherson region held referendums on joining the Russian Federation on September 23-27. Despite shelling by Ukraine and the constant threat of attacks, voter turnout was considerably high, and most people backed the idea of becoming part of Russia: 99.23% in the DPR, 98.42% in the LPR, 93.11% in Zaporozhye region and 87.05% in Kherson region.

Deputy Chairman of Russia's Security Council, former President Dmitry Medvedev addressed the votes, saying the outcome is clear and adding "welcome to Russia!"

Following the votes, President Vladimir Putin and the heads of two republics and two regions signed agreements on the accession of the territories to Russia.

Addressing the historical moment during the ceremony, the Russian president stressed that the people of the four territories had "made their unequivocal choice." He added that "the people living in Lugansk and Donetsk, in Kherson and Zaporozhye have become our citizens, forever," noting that Moscow will use every means to protect them."
Sputnik News 4 October 2022

Merge of the Russian and Ukrainian people of the Eastern Oblasts with the Russian Federation

"Citizens of Russia, citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, residents of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, deputies of the State Duma, senators of the Russian Federation,

As you know, referendums have been held in the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. The ballots have been counted and the results have been announced. The people have made their unequivocal choice.

Today we will sign treaties on the accession of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Lugansk People’s Republic, Zaporozhye Region and Kherson Region to the Russian Federation. I have no doubt that the Federal Assembly will support the constitutional laws on the accession to Russia and the establishment of four new regions, our new constituent entities of the Russian Federation, because this is the will of millions of people. (Applause.)

It is undoubtedly their right, an inherent right sealed in Article 1 of the UN Charter, which directly states the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples."
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin 30 September 2022

This right of self-determination can be brought into play only if the cultural rights of a population - ability to use their native language, express and teach their cultural heritage - have been denied them. And this is exactly the case in Eastern Ukraine, where use of the Russian language is suppressed by law. Ironically, a Ukrainian local politician was fined for publicly using the Russian language social media.

"We call on the Kiev regime to immediately cease fire and all hostilities; to end the war it unleashed back in 2014 and return to the negotiating table.

We are ready for this, as we have said more than once. But the choice of the people in Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson will not be discussed
. The decision has been made, and Russia will not betray it.

Kiev’s current authorities should respect this free expression of the people’s will; there is no other way. This is the only way to peace."

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin 30 September 2022

Time and again the Russian government has stated that the future of other areas will be decided by the people who live there themselves. Therefore, there will be a referendum on Odessa and Nikolaev. How will it be worded? We will have to wait to see. How long before conditions to hold it are suitable? Who should be at the table to discuss peace terms?

Talk to someone who has power.

"Where MacGregor sits is the head of the table"

This quote is from the book 'Rob Roy' by Sir Walter Scott. It embodies the reality that outstanding leaders are almost instinctively recognised by all who exercise power, whether they admit it or not.

Such leaders command true respect (not the respect that comes from fear) because they have earned respect. Not by dramatic actions, but by effecting popular outcomes, by being consistent over time, by being honest, calm, by not turning away and blaming others when things unexpectedly go badly, by being patient and far sighted. Such a rare person knows the all the dimensions of power - diplomatic, military, informational, and economic.

Russia, just like any other country, is concerned with one thing - the comfort and happiness of its people.

"Our greatest concern and the main task is to increase people’s incomes. This is our priority, our number one task, and we are not going to resolve it by simple linear methods. To do this, we must ensure the growth of the economy and a change of its infrastructure.

This is a long-term goal.

We are not going to use populist methods.

It is based on qualitative economic growth that we intend to resolve major social tasks - including an increase in the incomes of the Russian people and the demographic problem, which is our second most important task.

It implies a package of social issues: healthcare, education and support for families with children.

To resolve all these tasks, we have mapped out certain national development goals...Therefore, we should resolve the two main problems ‒ improve demography and increase people’s incomes, raise their quality of life on this serious economic foundation I have just mentioned. This is what we are going to do in the near future"
Vladimir Putin 14 October 2021

Russia signed into law a document outlining national goals and strategic objectives on 7th May 2018. They covered 12 areas, and in many cases, listed very specific key indicators of success which had to be met by 2024. The areas covered will be familiar to you, because most countries have similar desires for their people :
All this is expensive, both in money and effort. A huge amount of money has already been sunk into it. If you were the Russian government, would you risk destruction of all your hard won social progress with an endless Afghan-style war in Ukraine?

Ukraine's leadership had a small window of opportunity to stop their Western-fuelled self-destruction. That opportunity required a true leader, but none was forthcoming. The opportunity has passed, and the West continued to de facto destroy Ukraine by continuing and escalating the conflict.

The West has openly set out to destroy the Russian Federation. There are 4 possible means of destroying the Russian State:

We can dismiss nuclear strikes - even by the Americans. The Russian and American Presidents have signed a declaration that a nuclear war cannot be won, and must not be fought. Both are bound by chains of terror. I have fully covered this matter in my articles 'The Time Has Come' and 'The Time Has NOT Come'. Russia's nuclear strike policy was very clearly explained by the Russian President in 2018, and is appended to my article. Nothing more need be said.

Russia was always going to win the NATO proxy conventional war. Why? because Russia has advanced standoff missiles, superior electronic suppression, superior air defense, superior aircraft, superior training in warfare, superior general staff, superior logistics, superior state-owned military-industrial complex - the list goes on. If NATO didn't know that, then they are professionally incompetent.

Russia does full spectrum conflict resolution (except it doesn't do much propaganda work). It knows power comes from diplomacy backstopped by military competence (in all its many dimensions), and from a robust and self-reliant domestic economy. Its military-political responses are very carefully calibrated, constantly re-assessed and adjusted. Russia will not win 'at any cost'. It will create a military-economic-human nexus where the opposing party cannot but come to terms.

Biological warfare we can dismiss. When a new instance of a pathogen arises it's genome will be pulled apart and examined, the consensus origin found, it's genetic differences examined for structure and placement on and between chromosomes or RNA, and conclusions drawn. An attack on Russia with biological weapons will draw an immediate nuclear or hypersonic kinetic-energy response.

Economic warfare will eventually fail. It will cause quite a bit of pain for a year or two, but it has no chance of succeeding. What's more, it damages those who made the attack. I have covered this in detail in 'The West's Apartheid International Trading System'.

 Russia doesn't need and doesn't want armed conflict - Russia has always wanted peace
edited 13 April 2024

Ukraine will come to terms because it is reaching a tipping point, where the things that anyone cares about are being lost or have become uncertain and insecure. Reliable energy supplies - electricity and gas, healthcare, housing, education, a good job, a stable and reasonably comfortable life, certainty, stability, freedom from fear - this is what people must have.

According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (as of 29 May 2022), 6.8 million Ukrainians had left Ukraine. Around 60% (4 million) left for Poland. About 2.4 million left for Russia. Around 400,000 left for other EU countries.

Russia has targeted power distribution and transformer centers, which of course affects electricity, pumps for water and so on (Russia continues to supply Ukraine with gas for heating). Hundreds of thousands of young and middle aged men have been killed or wounded in the conflict. As a result, all manner of normal services have been degraded, and will remain degraded for years. Ukraine's public debt was about 50% of GDP in 2021, but by the end of 2022 it had reached about 78% of GDP. Ukraine is now deeply in debt to the West, as relatively little of the western military 'aid' is free. (In early 2024 Presidential candidate Donald Trump was promotng the idea that all aid to Ukraine should be in the form of a loan.)

The west supplies artillery and rockets that can reach further and further in Russia. Therefore the width of the Russian occupied 'buffer zone' between Russia's border and the rest of Ukraine becomes wider. No one can plan anything, everything is uncertain.

At a certain point the Ukrainian people will demand peace.

Russia will provide peace on reasonable terms. But the longer the Ukraine politicians keep up a fight they know is hopeless, the longer they deliberately kill civilians in the republics, the worse the terms will be.

"Any conflict ends sooner or later. This will happen to the conflict in Ukraine too, we are sure of that. By all means, the longer it lasts thanks to Western weapon deliveries to the regime in Kiev, the worse peace conditions will be for Ukraine."
Vassily Nebenzia, Russian Federation Permanent Representative to the United Nations 23 February 2024

Russia still sees Ukraine as part of the Slavic orbit, a kindred people. There are deep roots between the two countries. It will never set out to humiliate Ukraine, or try to bleed it dry. Russia thinks long term - very long term. But the terms will be set without US or European interference.

"The end, ways, and means, they lack that, to be able to go back to the pre-2014.

The second point that I would make is, you know, as you look at the DIME—diplomatic, informational, military, and economic—we’re woefully lacking on the diplomatic piece of this. If you notice, there’s no diplomacy going on at all to trying to get to some type of negotiations. And I don’t think that we can lead that, given where Putin thinks about us.

But if you sit back and think about those that could possibly be a part of this negotiation team, you know, you have the—two of them are in—that I’m going to list are in NATO. One is President Orbán out of Hungary. Perhaps he can help out in the negotiation effort. The other one is President Erdoğan of Turkey. Longtime friends of President Putin, although some view that relationship as transactional. I don’t know. Let’s put it to the test and see."
Stephen Twitty, former Deputy Commander of the United States European Command  (2018–2020), May 31 2022

USA holds the key to 'settlement'

The war in Ukraine will stop as soon as the USA and its vassals stop supplying Ukraine with weapons and munitions.

"Vladimir Putin: First, we have never refused – as I said a thousand times – to participate in any talks that may lead to a peace settlement. We have always said so. Moreover, during the talks in Istanbul, we initialed this document. We argued for a long time, butted heads there and so on, but the document was very thick and it was initialed by Medinsky on our side and by the head of their negotiating team – I think his name is Arakhamia but I don’t remember exactly. We actually did this but they simply threw it away later and that’s it....

...ultimately it is about the United States’ interests. We know that they hold the key to solving issues.

If they genuinely want to end today's conflict via negotiations, they only need to make one decision which is to stop supplying weapons and equipment. That’s it. Ukraine itself does not manufacture anything. Tomorrow, they will want to hold talks that are not formal, but substantive, and not to confront us with ultimatums, but to return to what was agreed upon, say, in Istanbul.

Ukraine's security issues are spelled out in great detail there. In fact, much of what is written there makes us wonder whether we should agree to it. To reiterate, it was initialed by both sides.
Vladimir Putin 13 June 2023

"As for the negotiations – we haven’t mentioned this yet, but I hope I won’t be criticised for it – what guarantees did that Istanbul document include? We were ready to provide extremely serious guarantees, as the Ukrainian delegation wanted.

Is Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty serious enough? We did not reproduce it verbatim, but agreed upon a formula that was close. What I am saying is, those were very serious security guarantees. However, the document specifically stated that those guarantees did not apply to Crimea or Donbass. This meant that they could not be touched, otherwise no guarantees would work.

In terms of Ukraine’s demilitarisation, the document stated that there would be no military bases in Ukraine.

As President Vladimir Putin said during the Russia-Africa Summit in St Petersburg in the summer of 2023, the Istanbul document outlined the limits of the relevant weapons, personnel, etc.

It said that the armed forces of Ukraine would hold no manoeuvres or military exercises involving third countries unless all guarantor countries, Russia and China included, agreed. We were ready to sign the treaty.

It also said that the negotiations on other issues would continue, but only after the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, provision of security guarantees, and abolition of Ukrainian laws of a racist, neo-Nazi, and discriminatory nature.

When all this was agreed, Ukrainian negotiators came back and said they disagreed with some details, including the ban on exercises involving third-country forces with the consent of all guarantors. They wanted that clause to say “unless the majority of guarantors agree.” That was it. That was a red flag, which could mean they had been forbidden to sign the document overnight. Or that they decided to fool “those Russians” even more. This was a short story to illustrate that situation."
Sergey Lavrov 19 April 2024

The guarantors comprised of the permanent members of the UN Security Council - Russia, China, USA, France and the United Kingdom, plus Germany and Türkiye.Obviously, Ukraine would always have a majority which is under the direction of the USA.

On September10 2023, the American 'diplomats' slightly toned down their anti-Russian rhetoric, and gave faint signals the USA is ready for negotiations (using, as usual, their 'projection' technique of falsely asserting Russia is blocking negotiations, when in fact the opposite is true).

"...the G20 countries in the statement all stood up for the importance of territorial integrity, sovereignty, and that’s very clear. 

I was in the room when all the leaders spoke today with President Biden, and it was very clear from everything that they said that not only do they want to see this war end, but they want to see it end on just and durable terms, and it was also very clear that the consequences of Russia’s aggression are being felt throughout the G20 countries and throughout the developing world. 

So there was, I think, real clarity from the leaders in the room...I think it’s very important that the G20 spoke as one... what really speaks loudly, again, are the leaders in the room itself.  And I think if you were on the receiving end of what so many of them said, if you were in the Russian seat, it’s pretty clear where the rest of the world stands."
Anthony Blinken, USA Secretary of State, 10 September 2023

"...thus far, we see no indication that Vladimir Putin has any interest in meaningful diplomacy. If he does, I think the Ukrainians will be the first to engage, and we’ll be right behind them.  Everyone wants this war to end, but it has to end on just terms and on durable terms that reflect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

...So they have to make the basic decisions about how they’re going to defend their territory and how they’re working to take back what’s been seized from them.  Our role, the role of dozens of other countries around the world that are supporting them, is to help them do that. 

And ultimately, what we all want is an end to this Russian aggression and an end to the aggression that, again, is just and is durable.  That’s what Ukrainians want more than anyone else.  That’s what we’re working toward."
Anthony Blinken, USA Secretary of State, 10 September 2023 

"...this is the 21st century.  This wasn’t supposed to happen again.  And not just here, the heart of Europe, but around the world.  So we’re committedthe State Department and the United States – to do everything we possibly can to try to prevent conflict, to try to stop it, and to stand with those who are the victims of aggression."
Anthony Blinken, USA Secretary of State, 7 September 2023

"...we stated that peace formula is the foundation for stopping war and there is a historical moment in this.

And it’s first time, to my – in my memory, that the rules of the end of the war decided not – not by the aggressor, by – but the rules of stopping the war is setting by the country that was attacked. 

It’s very important for the international diplomacy, international law.  It’s very fair and just approach, and that’s why we agreed upon next steps we are going to take together...And I would like to thank also the State Secretary for everything that we discussed, all of the efforts like peace formula...
Dymytro Kuleba, Foreign Minister of Ukraine, meeting with Anthony Blinken 6 September 2023

The US referenced "the consequences" of the US incited conflict on the G20 countries. The consequences run deeper than most think.

The subtext is that the countries of the expanded G20 - now including the African Union - have left the USA in no doubt that the USA can end this conflict overnight, and yet they choose not to. But the consequences barely affect the USA, whereas other countries - mostly in Europe - are badly affected by the US government project. The NATO countries, nominally independent, are actually dominated by the USA, and as servants of the USA, they dare not do anything until their political master green lights it.

The US is under pressure from all sides. There is no doubt that it was not just Russia that was "on the receiving end of what so many of them said".

It's up to the US government to admit they have failed and stop the pointless flow of weapons to Ukraine, thereby saving lives, saving damage to Ukrainian infrastructure, and cushioning the collapse of the Ukrainian economy.

The US government alone holds the key to ending the destruction. Ironically, Russia is now in a position where negotiations are likely to be between Ukraine and Russia - with the USA sidelined to the role of cajoling it's puppet.

By late October 2023, it seemed to me that not only had USA military potential been neutralised to the point it was of relatively little relevance, but Russia's new military potential to strike mainland USA was so advanced (especially the new Kh-BD very long-range cruise missile) that the USA government was impotent. The USA is now balancing on the last rung of  the escalation ladder. Nothing to steady itself with, legs shaking.

Joseph Biden's 20 October 2023 address to the American people restated "we do not seek to have American troops fighting in Russia or fighting against Russia."  He created a false strawman argument that Russia intended to take over all of Ukraine, and then more countries, implying the Baltic countries and parts of Poland "if we don’t stop Putin’s appetite for power and control in Ukraine, he won’t limit himself just to Ukraine". America, he declaimed won't "walk away" from Ukraine. It will send weapons, especially old and outdated weapons. He then claimed a sort of 'victory', saying:

" When Putin invaded Ukraine, he thought he would take Kyiv and all of Ukraine in a matter of days.  Well, over a year later, Putin has failed, and he continues to fail".

No where did he mention Ukraine joining NATO. A clear signal to Russia. Then he repeatedly - and plaintively - claimed the USA was not going to 'walk away' (or withdraw) from Ukraine. He deliberately said "We are the essential nation...the indispensable nation". In other words, he claimed there would be no settlement of the conflict without the USA at the table. The Russian game is played with a fair hand. The America government plays with 'marked cards', as Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev put it.

America has a weak hand and plays a rigged game. It will not be allowed a place at the table.

Political borders and security borders - 2 different things

"Vladimir Putin has commented on the situation that emerged in connection with the arrival of the new weapons. I can only add that the longer-range arms you supply, the farther will we push from our border the line where the neo-Nazis will be able to threaten the Russian Federation...let me reiterate the following.  The West has decided to supply weapons that, in all evidence, are capable of reaching not only the border areas of the Russian Federation but also its more remote points. Politicians and legislators in Ukraine itself are laughing at the Americans, who said they believed Vladimir Zelensky’s promise not to shell Russia. ...I will stress once again: the longer-range are the systems supplied to the Kiev regime, the farther will we push the Nazis from the line from which threats emanate for the Russian population of Ukraine and the Russian Federation. "
Sergey Lavrov 6 June 2022

"...[The West] has significant leverage in the operation. We are now trying to move the Ukrainian artillery to a distance that will not pose a threat to our territories, but the more long-range weapons they send to Kiev, the further they will need to move them away from the territories that are part of our country."
Sergey Lavrov 2 February 2023

This is typical Russian thinking. Create a threat to Russia, and Russia will find a way to neutralise it. The consequences is that you lose something you didn't have to lose.  What is "the line" Sergey Lavrov refers to? It is the point at which shells and rockets can reach not just Russia, but also "the Russian population of Ukraine".  Where, then is the 'Russian population' of Ukraine located?  According to wikipedia, quoting a 2004 study, the percent of Russian language speakers by region (oblast) is:

Dnipropetrovsk      72%
Zaporizhia             81%
Odessa                  85%
Kharkiv                 74%
Mykolaiv               66%

This data is out of date, and populations will have shifted a great deal in the last 18 years. Many Ukrainians in the east have fled to Russia. Many families are made up of both Ukrainian speaking and Russian speaking people. And language spoken is not the sole determinant of how people identify themselves. Some Ukrainians may want to 'vote Russia', so to speak, for economic advantage. Some 'Russians' may identify with Ukraine for many reasons, from family ties, business, to ideological views.

Russiannlanguage imortance by oblast 2005

Kherson, just above Crimea, had about 25% of people who spoke Russia as their native language in 2001, and in a 2005 survey 46% of Khersonians thought Russian should have the status as a second state language in Ukraine. This is lower than the Oblasts that surround Kherson, yet Russia announced on June 22 2022 a referendum on accession of Kherson region to Russia would be in held in Autumn, and so it did. Kherson is a land bridge to Crimea and so is of enormous strategic importance to Russia. The oblast had already been 'Russified' before the referendum. The matter was decided in late September 2022. 87% of people in the Kherson region who participated in the referendum opted to join the Russian Federation. The Zaporozhye referendum was held soon after, with a similar high positive vote.

This means Russia can play the great 'definition game'. Russia can use any criterion that suits it's political objectives to decide for the population just where 'Russian Ukraine' ends and "Ukrainian Ukraine' begins.

One thing is certain - the longer the range of weapons supplied to Ukraine by NATO, the wider the 'demilitarized' zone has to be. So NATO effectively is causing a wider and wider band of Russian de-weaponisation bounding the Donbass. Once fully under Russian control, the demilitarised zones may well decide for themselves to join Russia, especially if Russia guarantees their security. The area currently under Russian control includes major crop growing areas as well as industrial plant, and produces around 50% of Ukraine's GDP. If Mykolaiv and Odssa (industrial areas) are lost to the Russia, then Russia will control +/- 75% of Ukrainian GDP. Ukraine is deeply indebted to the west, & will be unable to service it's obligations on a reduced industrial and agricultural base. It is on the way to becoming a failed state. (For current Oblasts and major cities see this map.)

Language spoken doesn't determine everything. Kherson, where only 46% of people used Russian as their native tongue voted by quite a large margin to join Russia. Mykolaiv and Odesa are 70% native Russian speakers. Odesa was "received under Catherine the Great" as Vladimir Putin put it. In a referendum, they would return to Russia in a heartbeat. Furthermore, Odesa, in particular has been a source of great trouble for the Russian fleet, as it is used for smuggled weapons and as a base for marine attack drones. Therefore, Russia can solve this problem by including it in the Russion Federation.

The Ukraine government policy of sending citizens to industrial scale death and injury instead of establishing an agreed border is incomprehensible. Protracting the war means even more trained people will flee overseas, many more will be killed. Ultimately people will move to where conditions of life are best. Ultimately, that will be the Russian Federation. No one wants war. The new Russian regions can focus on economic matters, without the waste of money on military equipment. Inevitably Ukrainian economic refugees will storm the borders of the new Russia.

But Russia is very sensitive to the problems of badly defined boundaries. The Russian President has spent endless hours mediating boundary disputes between Armenia and Azerbaijan. When the Soviet Union dissolved itself it didn't fully define some borders. Even today, around 450 kilometres of the 970-kilometre Tajik-Kyrgyz border remain undemarcated, and remain a  source of constant disputes.

On 13 June 2023 President Putin (once again) defined the problem from the Russian Federation perspective. His first premise is that Lenin created Ukraine as a country in 1922 as a political convenience, (and giving away Black Sea territory that Ukraine never previously held) with the result that the culturally and linguistically Russian population in the east was 'wrong-headedly' included in the new country, and while Russia has to live with this reality, and is prepared to respect Ukraine, Ukraine has to respect Russia's absolute need for security from threats on its borders. The threats created by the west, using Ukraine as a tool, is what the conflict is about.

"With regard to “what Ukraine are they talking about,” Ukraine, such as it may be, does exist and we must treat it with respect. However, this does not mean that this is a reason for us being treated without respect. That is what it is about.

... For some reason, Vladimir Lenin decided to give up the entire Black Sea Region. Why on earth did he do this? In strictly historical terms, these are Russian lands. Of course, there was nothing linked with Ukraine there, nothing at all. Ukraine really only appeared in 1922, and this fact was sealed in the Constitution. Huge Russian territories were given away there – just for nothing. And, as I mentioned, I have read papers and letters from the archives. They made a decision at first, I think at the congress or a Politbureau meeting about one republic".

The President acknowledges that if a cultural entity established in 1922 on what were Russian territories has people who wish to remain there as a separate and independent people then fine, but not fine if it is at the expense of Russia's security, and in particular, from foreign anti-ballistic missile installations near the Russian border - let alone nuclear or non-nuclear hypersonic missiles (once the USA masters that technology - which, ultimately, they will).

"If some of the people residing in these territories believe that they want to live in a separate and independent state, their preference must be treated with respect. The only question is why they should live at our expense and in our historical territories? If they want to live in our historical territories, then they should influence their political leadership so that it establishes proper relations with Russia and no one poses a threat to us from these territories. This is the issue. This is what the issue is all about....

...As for those who want to feel Ukrainian and live in an independent state, for God’s sake, do what you want. It is necessary to treat this with respect, but then don’t create a threat for us."
Vladimir Putin June 13 2023

The Russian government defines the main problem as 'strategic' weapons (capable of causing crippling damage to the Russian people and state - whether hypersonic, nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons) on it's border. The weapons may be directly controlled by the USA government/NATO, or indirectly by a US government directed Ukrainian military. It amounts to the same thing. But even without foreign interference, Ukraine remains a threat to Russia because hatred for Russia has been actively promoted at all levels of Ukrainian society, and was a necessary pre-condition for the USA government to successfully incite Ukraine to abandon the Minsk peace agreement and attack Russia in its 'new territories' (as Russia considers them to be).

"No one would ever have thought about starting a conflict with Ukraine if we had normal relations as persons...But what they did there was they created an anti-Russia. They created it as a basis underlying their own existence. They created the anti-Russia and began to strengthen it. This is the problem."
Vladimir Putin June 13 2023  

NATO military forces camped on Russia's borders

"There is a NATO issue as well. After all, when Ukraine gained independence, the Declaration of Independence explicitly stated that Ukraine was a neutral state.
Who was it that, in 2008, when things were just fine with no Crimean events in sight, suddenly said they wanted to join NATO, and NATO opened its doors to them, declaring at the summit in Bucharest that NATO’s doors were open to Ukraine?

Not only did they cheat everyone when they said NATO would not expand to the east, but they planned to have our historical territories with a Russian-speaking population join NATO. This is totally out of line, is it not? It is. They are aware that they are creating a threat to us, but they are still working to this end despite our attempts to establish proper relations. This is the problem."
Vladimir Putin June 13 2023  

The Russian military operation is response to the west stepping over Russia's red lines. The west was warned constantly. Russia attempted to negotiate, with the individual countries of NATO, with USA, with Ukraine. They refused to engage. The special military operation was not only a response to the west and ukraine going too far in threatening Russian security, it also addressed the  problem of demilitarising Ukraine - one of the two stated goals of the military aspect of diplomacy.

But the 'military border' in Ukraine simply cannot be finally set until the political border is set. (Albeit when Ukraine comes to terms, a temporary border may have to be set while the political borders are finalised. (At the moment, let's set aside the possibility of the total breakup of Ukraine).

Various solutions are possible, with ultimate configurations depending on the outcome of the special military operation and the costs that has imposed on the Ukrainian economy.

Autonomous regions of Ukraine

In my view, only Nikolaev and Odessa might in future possibly vote for autonomy, rather than join the Russian Federation immediately (although, as I noted above, when it came to a vote, Kherson, with a lower Russian speaking population, joined Russia, so the same could happen in Kharkiv and Dnipropetrosk). If so, they might as well sign up to a Minsk 2 - style agreement. After all, Minsk 2 was hammered out to suit all parties, and hammered out in not dissimilar circumstances. These agreements would likely be agreed by the United Nations.

Although this is hardly essential, it allows the West to save face a little.

The only change needed may be to embed de-nazification in the Ukrainian constitution.

In reality, it is far more likely, if conditions for a vote arise, the referendum question will be a simple 'remain with Ukraine or join the Russian Federation?'. But Odessa is a special case.

An Autonomous Port City of Odessa?
The Russian President made an obscure remark right at the end of his mammoth session at the Valdai International Discussion Club in October 2022:

"You know, Odessa is indeed one of the most beautiful cities in the world.As you know, Odessa was founded by Catherine the Great, and I think even the extreme nationalists do not dare to tear down the monument to the city's founder. Odessa can be an apple of discord, a symbol of conflict resolution, and a symbol of finding some kind of solution to everything that is happening now. It is not a question of Russia. We have said many times that we are ready to negotiate, and I recently mentioned this publicly once again speaking in the Kremlin."
Vladimir Putin, 27 October 2022

He was using Homers story of the Trojan war as a very loose allegory. Here is my extremely cut down summary:

In the Greek poet Homer's epic poem (The Iliad), the Trojan War was started by Eris, the goddess of Discord. She was known as an ungracious guest, well known for stirring bad relations between the Gods. In a fit of pique at not being invited to an Olympian God-wedding, she used her powers to throw a golden apple amongst the guests. The inscription on it read “For the Fairest”. Paris, a Trojan prince was picked to decide the winner. Aphrodite, one of the leading candidates, bribed him with the offer of the fairest woman on Earth. Unsurprisingly, Paris picked Aphrodite as the fairest of the assembled Goddesses.

The Greek Helen was acknowledged as the most beautiful woman on earth. Helen's father, King Tyndareus had agreed to chose a husband for Helen from the bevy of suitors on condition that, regardless who he chose, they would all unite and come to the 'chosen ones' aid if he found himself in trouble. King Tyndareus chose King Menelaus. But Aphrodite later caused the already-married Helen to fall for Paris of Troy, who then abducted Helen and brought her to Troy. King Menelaus and the eloquent Odysseus went to the King of Troy (King Priam) in a diplomatic effort to return Helen.

King Priam refused to release Helen. A grinding 9 year war ensued, which spilled over into neighbouring regions. Eventually, the Greeks pretended to yield and give up Troy, leaving behind a huge wooden horse, with Greek soldiers hiding inside. The Trojans dragged it into their defensive positions as a trophy of their success. That night, the soldiers crept out and opened the gates to the Greek military, who had returned under cover of dark. The Greeks wreaked havoc and destruction on Troy. King Menelaus found Helen, but could not bring himself to punish her as she was so beautiful...

The USA is Eris, Troy is Ukraine. Russian Federation Oblasts are the suitors. Odessa is Helen. King Menelaus and Odysseus are the Russian Federation Office of President and Minister of Foreign Affairs. King Priam is Zelensky.

Allegories are open to the interpretation. I interpret the President's remarks to mean he is presenting the classic 'negotiator's choice' between a bad out outcome and an imperfect but acceptable outcome. If the path the US offers (from a safe distance) is followed, grinding conflict is ensured, and all that is achieved is destruction.

The city is beautiful and should not have to endure this fate, a fate engineered by outsiders 7,000 kilometers away.

The city of Odessa could be "a symbol of conflict resolution". How? Well, Russia will have to give many guarantees to 'win the peace'. Odessa is a cosmopolitan port city with good tourist potential, well educated population, a gateway to the Black Sea, wide international contacts. Even if Russia takes the Oblast, Odessa could return to what it has been in the past - an autonomous city within Ukraine.

"In 1794, the city of Odessa was founded by decree of the Empress Catherine the Great. From 1819 to 1858, Odessa was a free port, and then during the twentieth century it was the most important port of trade in the Soviet Union...
During the 19th century, it was the fourth largest city of Imperial Russia, and its historical  architecture has a style more Mediterranean than Russian, having been heavily influenced by French and Italian styles. Some buildings are built in a mixture of different styles, including Art Nouveau, Renaissance and Classicist.
Odessa has 18 universities and higher education centres, with an emphasis on science. As a cultural centre it contains 9 theatres including the world famous opera house, more than 40 museums, 10 art galleries and 11 national cultural institutions.Aside from the tourism and health industries and the port activities, Odessa’s other significant  industry is the oil terminal and related activities."

Self-administered, with a Charter or similar guaranteeing unhindered local administration, neutral, Ukraine with certain rights, Russia with no particular rights, military installations prohibited, security guaranteed by the UN or Ukraine and Russia in concert, that sort of thing.

However, in late August 2023, the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority signed a memorandum with the Port of South Louisiana and the Port of New Orleans involving "cooperation on technical planning, development, construction, administration, operation, and maintenance of port infrastructure, particularly when reconstruction begins in Ukraine" according to 'MarineLog'.

Continuing the Trojan War analogy, this may turn out to be a 'trojan horse' - stuffed with US Naval Base personnel. Any surrender document will have to include provisions to put paid to any US military plans for Odessa - no matter how heavily disguised.

There is a twist to this tale.The peace agreement signed in principle by Russia and Ukraine in 2022 - and then destroyed by the USA government warmongers - was rumored to have included provision for Odessa to come under either Russian administration or some neutral party administration for 15 years, after which a referendum would be held on whether to remain with Ukraine or join the Russian Federation. Either way, Odessa would have prospered hugely as both sides competed to create safe and hospitable conditions. This concept is based on brief mentions, not much more than gossip. If true, it explains why Mr. Lavrov commented some time after the agreement had been trashed by America's UK proxy that it perhaps 'gave away too much'.

Under the changed circumstances of 2024, it seems more plausible for Odessa to be Russian again, ensuring the west can't create mischief there again, but allowing Ukraine port access via some corridor or other - similar to Russia's corridor to Kaliningrad.

Independent State

Any Ukrainian Oblast that goes down the path to an independent state will likely  experience the economic blockades by the west. However, it may not be much different to what Odessa, for example, is already experiencing. An autonomy scenario is very unlikely for any part of remaining Ukraine (although the nationalist Oblasts of Lviv, Volyn and Rivne in the northwest might conceivably go down this path, and, as the white supremacy cultivated there has produced a useful thug-force for the west, it would probably be made immune to trade restrictions as a reward for services rendered).

In the extremely unlikely event northwest Oblasts declare themselves an independent federations, or independent states, it would probably be as a stepping stone move to merge with Poland.

Breakup of Ukraine Edited 24 March 2024

"When at last they [Ukraine] have the grace to suggest resuming the diplomatic process (something, as I understand, the Europeans are insisting they should do, but the Anglo-Saxons do not permit them), we will see what situation has emerged on the ground.
There are liberated areas there. The majority of the population cannot so much as think of returning under the control of the neo-Nazi authorities or the authorities that are in every way conniving at neo-Nazism....
Today I don’t see any possibility for Ukraine to make any proposals, and we are not going to suggest anything either. We have made our proposals long ago. The ball is now in their court. I don’t believe that Kiev will be allowed to resume talks.
Sergey Lavrov 23 June 2022

As discussed, it is not impossible that the remaining 'dark blue' Russian speaking Oblasts (Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Nikolaev and Odessa) might decide to join Russia, for all sorts of reasons - with perhaps a better economic future being the major one.

The 'bright green' regions already have an agreement with Poland that gives Poland a high degree of control of those irredeemably white supremicist and pro-Nazi Oblasts. The Poles are members of the European Union (and NATO) and if the bright greens vote to join Poland, their anti-European prejudices will be Poland's to deal with. Why would Russia care? How far could this go? What other post world war 2 'adjustments would be unravelled? John Helmer makes this observation:

"And what if the war ends in the US and NATO alliance retreat to Lvov; after which the Polish government will notify NATO HQ it is reviving its treaty claim to the Galician territory of the Ukraine; ...Berlin will then inform Brussels it requires the return of the ancient Danzig Corridor and Breslau, Polish territories currently called Gdansk, Wroclaw, and the Ziemie Odzyskane; and the Hungarian government will follow suit with the announcement of the recovery of historical Kárpátalja (Transcarpathia), the Zarkarpatska oblast of the Ukraine?

These were the spoils of the World War II settlement between the US and the Soviet Union in 1945-46. The territorial reversion claims aren’t new. What is new is that the US and the NATO alliance, plus the Galician regime still ruling between Kiev and Lvov, also in Ottawa, have aimed to change the terms of the post-war settlement by continuing the war eastward on to the territory of Russia itself, all the way to regime change in Moscow.

That is what Russia says it is fighting now to defend itself against. As Russian officials have been hinting in recent days, the foreign and defence ministries and the intelligence services are currently discussing in the Kremlin Security Council whether Russia’s long-term security on its western front may be best served by terms of a Ukrainian settlement in which the German, Polish, and Hungarian territorial claims are recognised.
John Helmer 'The US war in Europe isn't hot enough - dropping the climate bomb on Russia' 8 June 2022

Poland wants unpayably large amounts of money in 'reparation' for damage done by Germany in World War 2. If the results of the World War II US - Soviet Union settlement are revised, and Germany wants Gdansk, Wroclaw, and the Ziemie Odzyskane back, then Poland may settle the issue by regarding the territories as payment of war reparations. Poland may then feel emboldened to 'return' Galicia. Perhaps they will hold a referendum. All this seems far-fetched, to be honest.

By mid 2023, the far-fetched seemed a little closer at hand. The Russian government all but expressed no interest in Lvov being incorporated (President Putin described it as 'sold') into Poland. A revealing video chat (warning, R18) between a Russian soldier in Crimea and a Polish mercenary gave the tenor - Poland is helping to break up Ukraine in the expectation of gaining Lvov. Why? Because it is ultimately "profitable" for Poland.


The Russian President seems convinced that if Poland enters Ukraine, they wont leave, and may act as a catalyst for other claimants to take a 'bite' of Ukraine. Looking from the perspective of March 2024, this seems like an increasingly plausible scenario. At least, it can't be discounted.

"Second, it can lead to serious geopolitical consequences. If, say, Polish troops enter Ukrainian territory, allegedly for the protection of, say, the border between Belarus and Ukraine, or some other parts, to release Ukrainian troops and enable them to fight along the contact line, I think, Polish troops will stay there.

That is what I believe. It is their heart's desire to get back the lands they have historically regarded as theirs, the lands that ”Father of the Peoples“ Joseph Stalin took from them and gave to Ukraine. They certainly want to have these lands back. So if Polish troops enter Ukraine, they will hardly ever leave it.

In such a case, this example might be followed by other countries that lost parts of their territories after the Second World War. I think that Ukraine would face geopolitical consequences – at least as regards preserving its current statehood – in their full and unappealing magnitude."
Vladimir Putin 13 March 2024

Whatever happens, Crimea, the Donbass, Kherson and  Zaporozhye is Russian territory, whether the west recognises it or not. This is the reality.

The political Border

Let's consider precedent. Russia used a popular referendum (involving outside monitoring groups) to determine if Crimea was to join Russia or not. An overwhelming majority voted to join Russia (yes, there were International monitors present, but the western part of the world refused to send any - they were well aware the result would not be to their liking). Russia was dissatisfied that a referendum was not used (by the EU) in determining whether Kosovo would become an autonomous region or not. But Crimea was strongly pro-Russia. After all the vast majority were Russian people, their grandparents had fought the nazi hordes there in extremely bloody battles.These other Ukrainian regions are much less easily defined one way or the other.

As a general principle, the choices on any referendum probably have to allow for four possibilities. (Lets set aside annexation, that is, the possibility Lyvov region might be annexed by Poland). Possible options are:
These options determine the political boundaries of those oblasts that might ultimately seek political re-definition (such as Odessa). We no longer need to guess where the military line will be with regard to the 4 oblasts now incorporated into the Russian Federation. The military line will be at least at the border, or, if Ukraine continually violates any ceasefire, as far into Ukraine as necessary to permanantly end military installations with weapons capable of firing into Russia. Again we can look at precedent. There was a demilitarised zone around Lughansk and Donetsk, monitored by the OSCE. Large caliber artillery had to be pulled back a proscribed distance from the 'line of contact'. (This did not stop the Ukrainian government military formations killing 14,000 people by shelling, mortars and sniping in the breakaway regions over the course of 8 years. That was then. It will be totally different this time.)

At June 2024, the west would like to freeze such a line where it is at the moment, and hope Russia will leave what is now Russian territory. This is a fantasy.

Redrawn Ukrainian

Obviously, this will be status quo less Lughansk and Donesk in the east, and  Zaporozhye and Kherson Oblasts in the south. (Although Russia was forced to withdraw from the territory west of the Dneiper river, as Ukraine, with complicity of the USA, was attacking the hydroelectric dam on the river with American HIMAR missiles - and in June 2023 Ukraine did destroy the dam, possibly with a British storm cloud missile).

A line will be drawn at a distance from the Lughansk, Donesk, Zaporozhye, and Kherson Oblast borders that is a little beyond the point of the range of the longest range weapon that Ukraine currently has (see 'demilitarised zone' below). A similar maritime line will have to be drawn offshore the Black Sea (if a concession is made in Odessa). To simplify matters, all large weapons, even of shorter range, might be prohibited from the line up to the (new) borders of Russia.

Given military operations continue in Kharkiv (February 2024) are limited, it seems unlikely Russia will ultimately absorb this oblast. That said, the majority of the people there are Russian speaking. I suspect the terms of settlement may include a monitored referendum to see if the locals want to become part of the Russian Federation, or, as mentioned above, Kharkiv could become an autonomous region (and thus a kind of 'buffer' between the rest of Ukraine and the Russian border).

On the 17th of April 2014 the Russian President described the then Ukrainian Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odesa as a group that together constituted what was called 'Novorossiya', historic Russian territories.

Odessa, as stated, is enigmatic. Common sense says it rejoins the Russian Federation. But there may be some concessions there, as has been outlined above.

By early 2024 the Russians are clearly moving into the post - conflict settlement stage. The Russian President made a heavily laboured point he has made before - all the land from Russia's western border up to the Dneiper (Dnipro) river was once Russian territory. All the northwest - Chernihiv, the eastern part of Kiev, Sumy, Poltava, Kharkiv, and the eastern part of Dnipropetrovsk. All historic Russian.

As was the strategic Black Sea region, Mykolaiv and Odesa.

"In all, after that act of 1654, 32 years later, I think, a peace treaty with Poland was concluded, “the eternal peace,” as it said.

And those lands, the whole left bank of the Dnieper, including Kiev, reverted to Russia, while the entire right bank of the Dnieper remained in possession of Poland.

Under the rule of Catherine the Great, Russia reclaimed all of its historical lands, including in the south and west. This all lasted until the Revolution."
Vladimir Putin 9 February 2023

Mr. Putin pointed out to Tucker Carlson that the western part of Ukraine was given to Russia at the settlement of World War 2.

"...Poland fell prey to the policies it had pursued against Czechoslovakia, as under the well-known Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, part of that territory, including western Ukraine, was to be given to Russia.

Thus Russia, which was then named the USSR, regained its historical lands.

After the victory in the Great Patriotic War, as we call World War II, all those territories were ultimately enshrined as belonging to Russia, to the USSR.

As for Poland, it received, apparently in compensation, the lands which had originally being German: the eastern parts of Germany (these are now western lands of Poland) "
Vladimir Putin 9 February 2024

Stalin wanted the new Soviet Socialist Republics to be autonomous entities, similar to a federal system. Lenin dropped a time bomb bomb which would explode many years later - he insisted at the time of constitution of the Soviet 'satellites' that they be given the power to withdraw from the quasi-federation of Soviet Republics (some American states have similar provisions). Worse, he transferred some parts of the Russian Soviet Republic into the new entity called 'Ukraine'. At the time of the breakup of the Soviet Unions, all these satellite states exercised their right of autonomy, but in Ukraines case, they also took part of Russia with them. Even that would have been OK, but in recent years these people were denied their cultural rights and rights to their native language. The rest is a history still being written.

"...In 1922, when the USSR was being established, the Bolsheviks started building the USSR and established the Soviet Ukraine, which had never existed before....

Stalin insisted that those republics be included in the USSR as autonomous entities.

For some inexplicable reason, Lenin, the founder of the Soviet state, insisted that they be entitled to withdraw from the USSR.

And, again for some unknown reasons, he transferred to that newly established Soviet Republic of Ukraine some of the lands together with people living there, even though those lands had never been called Ukraine; and yet they were made part of that Soviet Republic of Ukraine.

Those lands included the Black Sea region, which was received under Catherine the Great and which had no historical connection with Ukraine whatsoever."
Vladimir Putin 9 February 2024

This is a diplomatic signal. Russia is interested in returning the Russian speaking lands. Once again, Kharkiv may be returned via a face-saving (for the west) referendum (hardly any military action has taken place there by design). Odessa is too important not to take, yet military operations there have been largely restricted to the port. Again, it may be the subject of a referendum.

Who will run the referendum? Russia, with friendly country observers.

Prior to the USA ditching the 2022 agreement at the last moment, terms might have been restricted to the existing four oblasts plus Odesa by referendum, as discussed. But Ukraine caused more death and destruction, so terms have changed.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in early 2024 that if Russia and Ukraine come back to the negotiating table the talks will be different from those held in 2022.

"Should we begin the same negotiations, there’s a completely different reality now. And this new reality, no matter how painful it may be for the Kiev regime, must be recognized..."
Dmitry Peskov, RT 11 February 2024

And in on 28 March 2024, Sergey Lavrov bluntly said:

"Realities on the ground are common knowledge. First, this is the situation on the battlefield, and, second these are lawful interests (they are lawful from all points of view, including international law) of the people living in Novorossiya and Donbass. The Kiev regime has trampled underfoot their rights linked with education, the media, the use of the Russian language and the preservation of their history and memory of the Great Patriotic War. These realities will have to be recognised."
Sergey Lavrov 28 March 2024

Here Sergey Lavrov is lumping the 'unconquered' 'Novorossiyan' Kharkiv, Nikolaev, eastern Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa in with the oblasts that joined the Russian Federation by referendum. Just how the lawful cultural rights of the more or less ethnically Russian people in Kharkiv, Nikolaev and Odessa will be recognised is the vital point - Ukrainian constitutional change is one thing, monitoring and enforcing rights is another. Immediate absorption into Russia solves the problem, but for politico-economic reasons, that may not be Russias preferred option.

The demilitarised zone concept ('sanitary zone', 'buffer zone', cordon sanitaire, etc) edited 7 June 2024

John Helmer goes on to publish a 'demilitarised zone' concept, gleaned from various Russian and outside contacts. Essentially, Russia will push into west Ukraine, and in a very wide arc into the provinces that spawned the white supremacists, then pull back again. As they pull back, mines will be laid, along with movement sensors. The mines will be programmed to self destruct at a certain time or on command. The population in the area will be told to move out down defined corridors (as happened in Syria, when terrorists were allowed to leave the Syrian territories they had infested). The West will have to provide the buses.

In Mr. Helmer's minefield scenario, the border side of the minefield could end in a long concrete wall on the Russian border, guarded by all manner of observation means and anti-drone detection devices.(The Russian government has already mentioned that it will have to shoulder additional expenses for the next three years, and the cost of a long wall and protective equipment might form part of that cost. But a wall can't stop rockets, drones, and artillery fire.)

After that, all infrastructure - everything - in the zone will be destroyed by artillery and bombing. The area would remain, like the Korean demilitarised zone, an accidental wildlife sanctuary. The chief problem with his idea is that it would violate the rules of war outlined in the Hague Convention (1907).

His article is very detailed, with maps of infrastructure etc. It can be found here.

This would 'quarantine' the white supremicist Lyviv and and associated oblasts in the top west fragment of Ukraine.

This concept is essentially the same as the approach taken to divide the Korean Peninsular - a 'demilitarised' wasteland where neither side has any form of human presence. Although in both situations there are many similarities, it seems unrealistic at the practical level. It might work where the zone is only 4 kilometers wide and 250 kilometers long, as it is in Korea, but where the border is around 2,000 kilometers long, as the Ukraine-Russia border is, and a Taurus missile-range distance of about 500 kilometers you are talking about a million square kilometers of depopulated land. In my opinion, the idea could be mooted as a bargaining point, but that's all. Mr. Medvedev has been assigned the task of promoting this threat as realistic.

The Russian President has stated that the problem of Ukrainian shelling Russian territory and the problem of lightweight drones making cross-border incursions can be solved by either of two ways.

Either by increasing the effectiveness of counter artillery fire and drone location and elimination resources, or by creating a buffer zone in Ukraine so deep that artillery shells and small drones can't reach Russia territory.

But artillery fire can't deal with terrorists. Therefore there are two dimensions to consider - the military defense zone, and a political border that can be secured from infiltration by terrorists.

"...our country, formerly protected by the most powerful defence system along the length of its external frontiers overnight found itself defenceless both from the east and the west....

...As I have said many times already, we have found ourselves confronting crises, revolts and terrorist acts on more than one occasion. But what has happened now, this crime committed by terrorists, is unprecedented in its inhumanness and cruelty.

This is not a challenge to the President, parliament or government. It is a challenge to all of Russia, to our entire people. Our country is under attack...

...such wars do not end quickly. In this situation we simply cannot and should not live in as carefree a manner as previously. We must create a much more effective security system..."

Vladimir Putin addressing the nation on 4 September 2004 regarding the terrorists who murdered children in the Russian town of Beslan

"...we need to strengthen the border, and if any of you work there, you surely can see that this process is moving quite quickly, and this task of strengthening the borders will also be solved. But the possibility of shelling our territory from the territory of Ukraine certainly remains. And there are several solutions here.

First, increasing effectiveness and counter-battery combat; but this does not mean that there will be no missiles flying at our territory.

And if this continues, then we will apparently have to consider the issue – and I say this very carefully – in order to create some kind of buffer zone on the territory of Ukraine at such a distance from which it would be impossible to reach our territory.

...We have to see how the situation develops...

...the problem will be solved, either this way or the way I mentioned.
Vladimir Putin June 13, 2023

The President made good on his warning in May 2024.

"The focus is on the developments on the outskirts of Kharkov... I made it clear publicly, I think it was six months ago, that if they continue to target residential neighbourhoods, we will have to create a security area. Not long ago, we started doing what I said back then....We warned them against making incursions into our territory, shelling Belgorod and neighbouring areas, or else we will be forced to create a security area.

...No one is talking about shelling Belgorod or other adjacent territories...Not a word. ..They did it with their own hands. Well, let them reap the fruits of their ingenuity. The same thing can happen in case the long-range precision weapons which you asked about is used."
Vladimir Putin 28 May 2024

In June 2023 Dmitry Medvelvev expanded on the proposal that the security zone should be on the border with Lyviv .

"Yesterday, the Russian president said that it is necessary to create a demilitarized zone (‘cordon sanitaire’) for the security of our country.

Given the enemy’s decision to supply the Kiev regime with increasingly long-range weapons, such a line should run along the borders of Lvov (Polish Lemberg) (historically, Lvov was known as Lemberg in German and Lwow in Polish - TASS) in order for it to play a real defensive role.

These would be the new, secure borders of what used to be called ‘Country 404’ (Ukraine — TASS)."
TASS News 14 June 2023 

On May 18 2024 Mr. Medvelvev noted:

"Still, the idiotic NATO strategists sincerely want almost all of Ukraine to come under Russian control. That is why they are giving the Bandera government ever longer-range weapons.

But this is not the first time President Putin has said that for a peaceful life, our country will have to create a sanitary zone, within which the neo-Nazi regime will not have the opportunity to hit targets on Russian territory (including, of course, all the lands that have returned to our state).

It is not difficult to calculate that if the Kyiv regime uses Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG type missiles with a range of at least 550 km and with a distance between Belgorod and Kiev of 429 km, almost the entire central and significant part of the western territories would be destroyed. Ukraine falls into such a sanitary zone. In other words, Russia should be everywhere there (550 km plus another 70-100 km to be sure).

Otherwise, the security of our cities and villages cannot be ensured. Even if we imagine that some kind of document has been signed with Kiev (or rather, with Washington), any new Bandera idiot with missiles is quite capable of violating it. The consequences are obvious.

If this continues, the guaranteed sanitary zone will be somewhere on the border with Poland.

Or already in Poland itself.

And this is completely dangerous.

Moreover, non-strategic nuclear weapons, which our country announced about conducting exercises with, are a very loose concept. Such weapons (tactical or non-strategic), as everyone knows, include nuclear charges that significantly exceed the power of Little Boy and Fat Man.

So carefully calculate the range of what you allocate to the Nazis, gentlemen."
Dmitry Medvedev May 18 2024 (machine translated, Telegram)

On May 17 2024 Ukraine attacked western areas of Russia with about 80 'Liutyi' 'drones', long-range unmanned aircraft. The drones hit targets (including oil refineries) as far away as Tuapse oil refinery, on Russia's Novorossiysk Black Sea coast (approximately 450km from the nearest frontline). Novorossiysk currently hosts the Russian Black Sea navy. These drones carry a 50kg fragmentation warhead and are 'machine vision' guided, using load coordinates and terrain data, and on-board cameras to recognise terrain features and adjust flight. The Liutyi drone is planned to be mass produced by Ukraine. Their range is allegedly 1,000 kilometers. If true, Liutyi drones launched from Kiev can reach not only Moscow, but also St. Petersburg. 1,000 kilometers from Russia's western borders means the sanitary zone would have to extend past Ukraine and on across half of Romania and Poland, all of Moldova, and all of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia! The accurate and cheaper Liutyi drone has been used for the vast bulk of strikes on Russian oil and gas refineries, but another Ukrainian drone, the Ninja, has a proven range of about 1,500 kilometers, extending the sanitary zone further still - all of Germany, Netherlands, and half of France... If the party to the conflict is Ukraine, then the sanitary zone would have to cover the entirety of Ukraine. If other countries make themselves party (in Russia's opinion), then the zone covers those countries.

If a sanitary zone simply means no military personnel, no so-called 'security personnel', and no military advisors from any country including Ukraine itself, then land-based sanitary zones beyond Ukraines border are.impossible. But 'no-fly' zones are certainly possible. While Dmitry Medvedev jumps to missile strikes on land-based military facilities, more likely anti aircraft missiles are all that would be required to enforce a no-fly zone. Anything else is unrealistic.

As noted above, Mr. Medvelvev's idea seems far-fetched, not least because it would also be very difficult to implement (it would likely require a full mobilisation of Russian forces, and a de facto occupation of all of Ukraine). A "guaranteed" sanitary zone encompassing all Ukraine except Lvov requires guarantors. Which once again implies patrols, monitoring. By whom? Although it does open up a better prospect for 'buffer zone Ukraine" to hold elections and evict the white supremacist elements from any government office, and then choose, should they wish, a better leader. The concept conforms to the 'maximum pressure' technique (in the style of Mr.Trump), able to be amended by negotiation. It also conforms to an autonomous region model.

There are other models for a 'cordon sanitaire'. Turkey imposed a 'buffer zone' on the Syria-Turkiye border stretching 30 kilometers deep into Syrian territory in order to prevent Kurdish PKK members in Syria carrying out terrorist activities on the Turkiye territory - the existing multi-layered tall concrete wall stretch all the way along that part of the Turkiye-Syria border haven proven inadequate. The details were a compromise between Turkiye and Russia, and came to be known as the 'Sochi Agreement'. The main point was combined Turkiye-Russian patrols, and intelligence sharing. However, as the routes were both limited in extent and the timetables fixed, the patrols were found to be relatively ineffective, and as of March 2024, seem to have been more or less abandoned. This seems like a rather ineffective approach.

It seems to me the only realistic solution is a buffer zone of a Ukrainian autonomous region that takes in Odessa, Nikolaev, eastern Dnipropetrovsk, and Kharkiv. The alternative is to have no buffer zone at all, and simply absorb these last 4 regions of historic 'Novorossiya'. Whatever the case, the key to success is the provision of a much better quality of life for the citizens than they had before.

"In Novorossiya and Donbas, projects are taking place to revitalize these regions and promote their integration into the country's unified legal and socio-economic field. Industry, agriculture and infrastructure are being restored. There is a goal to bring the regions to the all-Russian level by 2030 in key areas that determine the quality of human life. Most importantly, our new citizens are enthusiastically participating in all these processes and associate their future with Russia."

If an autonomous zone is the outcome, it will need to be able to trade with Russia without impediment. Regulations will need to be harmonised. The autonomous zone will have to agree not to allow subsidised EU goods to flood into Russia. An autonomous zone will create a situation where Russia and the west will both vie for the ability to to invest in the zone.

Ukraine will need foreign capital no matter what happens. In the long run, Ukraine will be best served by exploiting cheap Russian natural gas, and exploiting the land-based logistic lines that penetrate deep into Eurasia and beyond - to South East Asia. In the long run, Ukraine will benefit by the Arctic transport route, assuming it remains open (although the complexities of the climate system cannot guarantee that).

Occupy Ukraine - consequences
Regulations: Article 42
Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.

Regulations: Article 43
The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.

Hague Conventions 'Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex: Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land.' 18 October 1907

Why would Russia want a demilitarized zone (or autonomous region), rather than occupy (temporarily) all of Ukraine? Because regardless of the form of settlement, there will be embittered ideological elements who will be ripe for recruitment into Western-trained sabotage groups. Russia is more than aware of this, and it was commented on at the time of the public Russian Security Council Meeting that convened prior to launch of the special military operation. That meeting mulled over what to do in response to the NATO-proxy intent to solve the civil war by attacking the Donbas, and perhaps even Crimea. Looking ahead to post-conflict conditions, the head of the Russian Interior Ministry commented:

"The point of view of the current and former Kiev authorities is that they were forced to sign the Minsk agreements in a difficult situation back then, because they were driven into a corner, and that the Minsk agreements are akin to an act of capitulation. Well, then, “colleagues,” let us draw a historical parallel and remember May 1945. Supposedly, Germany signed the Act of Surrender and failed to comply with it for seven years citing a variety of circumstances such as getting into pockets in the streets of Berlin and the like. This is an analogy.

So, what can we talk about today when our foreign partners invite us to play a fair game at the negotiating table? We can play a fair game only when we have honest and trustworthy partners at the table. However, when you have partners with marked cards who are trying their best to justify official Kiev’s hypocritical and deceitful position, what is there to discuss then? Who is inviting us to start this dialogue? We are encouraged to do so by our foreign partners who, having presented a vial with white powder, proceeded to bomb Iraq, change the legitimate government, and drown the people in blood. Having done that, they are inviting us to a dialogue."
Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev 21 February 2022

The first point is that even if Kiev signs an Act of Surrender, attacks across the border will continue for year, with the Ukrainian Government claiming it has nothing to do with them.

Second, any security guarantee given by Western governments is utterly worthless, as lying and deceitful behaviour is normal for them.

If words are worthless, all that is left are concrete measures. Russia no doubt observed that Turkey has an extensive and high concrete wall on it's border with Syria, in part to 'keep out' Kurdish terrorists. The zone on the Syrian side of the wall contains a zone of Turkiye's proxies, so-called Syrian 'rebels', many of whom are Islamist terrorists, and many of whom are terrorists, some of whom are Uyghur Muslim extremist terrorists imported from as far away as China's Xinjiang. In spite of Turkish garrisons dotted across the 'de-militarised zone' on Syria's territory, religous extremists continue to sporadically launch attacks within Syria from time to time. Syria, with Russian assistance, has had to punish the terrorist cells whenever they launch a bombing or drone attack against the Syrian government.

Analogous to terrorist imports into Syria that are protected by a major power, extremist Ukrainian nationalist terrorists paid and assisted by major powers would almost certainly infiltrate a Russian occupied 'demilitarised zone', whether Russian occupation is a series of garrisons or something more extensive.

Negotiation or not? Legal barriers.

"..last September [2022] Vladimir Zelensky passed a decree prohibiting anybody in the Ukrainian government from having any negotiations with the Russian Federation. And the fact that people keep asking us when Russia is going to be 'ready for negotiations' does not do credit to the people who raise this issue - especially in the media.
Sergey Lavrov 14 April 2023

"We have to state that the regime of Vladimir Zelensky is not inclined to make peace. Its representatives think in terms of war and resort to highly aggressive rhetoric. There is no talk of ending hostilities. On September 30, 2022, Zelensky banned talks with the leadership of Russia, and this ban remains in force. You are free to draw your own conclusions."
Sergey Lavrov 28 December 2023 

"Kiev’s current authorities should respect this free expression of the people’s will; there is no other way. This is the only way to peace."
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin 30 September 2022

The Russian President's statement was probably partly in response to the Ukrainian President passing a decree making it illegal to negotiate with Russia, which is tantamount to passing a death sentence on Ukrainian soldier, as well as Polish and French NATO proxies fighting on the Ukrainian side.

The reference to "current authorities" suggests that part of terms for peace will include an inclusive government that bars any party with extreme racist views. Perhaps the Russian President is hinting that the Black Sea oblasts will be asked to vote on whether or not they wish to join the Russian Federation, perhaps not. Based on the survey on use of Russian language (above), it seems fairly likely they will vote to join Russia. 
If a negotiated settlement has been agreed, Russia might contribute something to the EU's aid efforts while the Ukrainian people transition to a new inclusive government. Possibly it would focus on restoring Ukraines power system, seeing as both countries used the same Soviet designed systems.

But which comes first? Negotiations and then an agreement requiring a new election in Ukraine, then a treaty with that new government? Elections first, a new government, then a treaty?

"The procedure for terminating the bilateral treaty with Ukraine on its sovereignty is hampered by the absence of such a treaty. In Article 1 of the Treaty on the Principles of Relations between the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR of November 19, 1990, the two republics recognised each other as ‘sovereign states.’ The 1990 treaty was then replaced by the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership between the Russian Federation and Ukraine of May 31, 1997 (Article 39), which was denounced by Ukraine and terminated on April 1, 2019."
Maria Zakharova 21 June 2023

'Denounced' is a formal term meaning that Ukraine has, in effect, torn up the treaty and scattered it it the wind. This means that Ukraine does not recognise Russia as a sovereign state.

Even if the "current government" in Ukraine came to the obvious conclusion - it must negotiate with Russia - it has taken the bizarre position that there is no party to negotiate with. Circumstances in March 2024 are now such that it may be that Russia comes to the same conclusion with the regard to the legitimacy of the Ukrainian government.

Ukraine's terms for settlement Edited 1 April 2024. Last edited 10 January 2025

As at late August 2023, the conflict continued. There were some small signs the Russian Federation would soon switch from defensive attrition to an offensive. The Washington Post, the US government's proxy propaganda bullhorn, published 'leaked' intelligence that Ukraine would not be able to cut the land bridge to Crimea. This was a major US government objective, as if the USA could get it's hands on the Crimea naval base, it would be entitled to bring warships into the Black Sea (prior to the expiration of the Russian lease on the naval base in Crimea, before Russia re-took it, the USA requested bids for a contract to build US own naval facilities there.) Once in the Black Sea, the USA could then threaten Russia from cruise missile installations on land directly abutting Russia, as well as sea launched missiles from it's surface and submarine weapons platforms. In effect, the US was admitting defeat. A Crimean naval base was now a destroyed dream.

As a consequence both NATO and the the US started muttering about the need for negotiations. The terms the west suggested - Russia would "be allowed" to keep the territories it has taken (which are now Russia, according to Russian constitutional law), and Ukraine would join NATO. By December 2024, the west was coming up with equally absurd proposals that Ukraine would not join NATO for 10 years or so. (After which - obviously - the problem will return).

"...it is no secret that President Biden, who remains in office, proposed exactly this to me back in 2021. He suggested postponing Ukraine’s NATO membership for 10 to 15 years, as it was not ready at that time. To which I replied sensibly, “Well, it is not ready today, but you will prepare it and accept it.” In the grand scheme of history, this is merely a fleeting moment. What difference does it make to us whether it happens today, tomorrow, or in 10 years?

I am not acquainted with the statements from the President-elect’s future team. But if this is true, what’s the difference between the current administration’s position and the proposals you’ve just mentioned? There is no difference whatsoever."
Vladimir Putin 26 December 2024

This idea is absurd, as the US knows. One of the objectives of the special military operation is for Ukraine to return to it's former status as a neutral country.

In turn, the Zelensky government came up with a list of deliberately absurd terms and preconditions. Which they demand are fulfilled in full before Zelensky will discuss terms.

All this is irrelevant - terms are set by the victor, not the defeated.

"..the special military operation’s goals set by President Putin. In addition to demilitarisation, it is to denazify Ukraine. In Ukraine, we are at war against the West and against Nazism, which has reared its head in that country and is being thoroughly cultivated by our Western colleagues.

Take, for example, their approach to talks. Every time this issue comes up, they say there is only one baseline for the talks, which is the Zelensky formula (10 items).

Lately the West has been trying to use every avenue to talk the leading developing countries of the Global South into supporting this formula. The West's position is the only basis underlying the Zelensky formula. The president of Ukraine and his administration are saying there can be no other baseline whatsoever.

...it is about Russia withdrawing from all territories to the borders of 1991, the Russian leadership being put under a special (or already existing) tribunal, our country paying reparations, after which a peace treaty will be concluded.

The West says this is the only way out of the existing situation. In this war, Ukraine is upholding European and Western civilisation’s values. Josep Borrell, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and other Western politicians have made a point of it. No one has any doubt that Ukraine is run by a Nazi regime. This is a racist regime because the Russian language is banned everywhere you go in Ukraine, anyone who dares to break the law that states that Ukrainian is the only language that is allowed to be spoken can be subjected to physical violence.

This means that Europe identifies with racism, Russophobia, and Nazism because it claims that the Kiev regime promotes European values.

Since this is the case, we are left with no other choice than to prevent a revival of Nazism right on our borders.

Question: If I have a correct understanding of Vladimir Zelensky’s position, the conditions you have mentioned are necessary just to begin talks, not for signing an agreement. If I understood him correctly, talks can only be held after Russia surrenders. But who would he talk with?

Sergey Lavrov: ...The preliminary conditions include Russia’s withdrawal to the 1991 border, criminal prosecution and reparations, after which they would be ready to talk.

Question: Can you name a serious power that would accept such conditions unless it had been defeated on the battlefield?

Sergey Lavrov: I cannot. But there are powers that are widely considered to be serious which support this logic. I am referring to those who have gambled their reputation and political future on Vladimir Zelensky.

The West cannot back down from deadlock without losing face.

On the other hand, they have learned to present their loss of face as an achievement."
Sergey Lavrov 28 June 2023  

Are we ready to negotiate? We sure are. But we are definitely not ready for talks that are based on some kind of ”wishful thinking“ which comes after the use of psychotropic drugs, but we are ready for talks based on the realities that have developed, as they say in such cases, on the ground."
Vladimir Putin 13 March 2024

As for various [peace] “initiatives,” one of these that has been put forward by Vladimir Zelensky is well known and sets one’s teeth on edge. It is an ultimatum pure and simple.
So, we have never taken the “Zelensky formula” seriously and only marvelled that there are still people ready to buy it."
Sergey Lavrov 9 September 2024

The west, including Switzerland, proposed a settlement negotiation based solely on the delusional and deliberately provocative Zelensky terms. This meeting would not include Russia. It seems like some kind of silly time-wasting pantomime, meaning nothing. Yet apparently normal Swiss poiticians presented it to the Russian foreign minister. Clearly they were attempting to cheekily and maliciously troll him.

"I had two meetings with the ambassadors of the Global Majority in Moscow. Another meeting will be held in early April. We explained to them our assessments of the Ukraine situation and developments. The last time we talked was about two months ago, and we reviewed Vladimir Zelensky’s formula. They asked us questions. I suggested that we focus on just one aspect of this formula – Russia must vacate Crimea, Donbass and Novorossiya and go back to the 1991 borders. First, in 1991, the Ukrainian SSR seceded from the Soviet Union under the Declaration of Independence, which stated that Ukraine was a neutral and non-aligned state, was a good neighbour with all former republics, and respected human rights and the rights of ethnic minorities. None of this is the case now.

Second, let’s hypothetically fantasise that Ukraine is back to its 1991 borders.

Look up online what Ukrainian politicians and parliamentarians have been saying about their plans for the people who now live in Crimea, in the Lugansk and Donetsk republics, in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. What they are calling for does not even sound like a “cleansing.” There is one lady in the Verkhovna Rada who said that 25,000 people in Crimea should be executed for show. If this is what this formula is about, it is an invitation to genocide.

Our colleagues from Africa, Asia and Latin America must understand where they are being invited.

Now the Swiss are initiating another get-together as part of the Copenhagen format, where everyone is invited and forced to agree with Vladimir Zelensky’s formula, to support it or at least declare their readiness to discuss parts of it.

In addition to what I said, it also includes food security, energy security, and nuclear safety issues. This is all just for appearances’ sake, precisely to lure people by this seemingly innocent agenda.

I met with Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis in New York in January 2024. He told me they realised that nothing can be solved without Russia, that it is unfair and our country must participate. He said they would convene another meeting in Switzerland and invite Ukraine, the West and as many countries of the South as possible. Russia would not be invited, he said, but they would fine-tune and finalise the Zelensky formula and try to make it more acceptable.

More acceptable – how? Does this mean that Russia would be told to leave not tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow? When they finally agree on it, when it evolves into something they all share, they say they will be happy to invite us and present it at the next meeting.

This is a serious and mature person talking. A minister, and former President of Switzerland. You would expect someone with this kind of experience to be more aware of what they are saying and doing.
Sergey Lavrov 28 March 2024  

Armistice [edited 23 February 2024]

The West 'would like' a frozen conflict (as they term it). The idea is to have a prolonged (maybe years) 'humanitarian pause', during which time the west will re-arm and re-train the Ukrainians so they can attack Russia again. This will never happen. But for the sake of argument, what is required?  An armistice along the line of contact, or some other agreed line.

A cessation of hostilities may be agreed in certain areas. From the Russian point of view, hostilities cannot cease on Russian territories - the 4 new oblasts. But once Russia eventually fully occupies these oblasts (and possibly one or more others that have predominantly Russian speaking populations) there may be a local zone from which and into which neither side conducts any form of military operation. The rules on Armistice are covered by the Hague Conventions (1907).

Regulations: Article 37 
An armistice may be general or local. The first suspends the military operations of the belligerent States everywhere; the second only between certain fractions of the belligerent armies and within a fixed radius.

Regulations: Article 39
It rests with the Contracting Parties to settle, in the terms of the armistice, what communications may be held in the theatre of war with the inhabitants and between the inhabitants of one belligerent State and those of the other.

Hague Conventions 'Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex: Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land.' 18 October 1907

The problem of Ukrainian compliance remains.

Regulations: Article 40
Any serious violation of the armistice by one of the parties gives the other party the right of denouncing it, and even, in cases of urgency, of recommencing hostilities immediately.

While the Hague Conventions does cover the case of supposedly 'non-state' saboteurs, it would be trivially easy for such criminals to escape punishment, even if Ukraine cooperated to catch them.

Regulations: Article 41
A violation of the terms of the armistice by private persons acting on their own initiative only entitles the injured party to demand the punishment of the offenders or, if necessary, compensation for the losses sustained.

No surrender, a negotiated settlement Edited 11 October 2024

The West broke Ukraine, and it is the West's cost to bear. If Ukraine surrenders, then, as the occupying power, Russia would have to provide everything for the civilian population. Therefore, it now seems to me that Russia is unlikely to require Ukraine to surrender. It most certainly does not want to carry the burden of caring for a deeply divided and corrupt Ukraine.

For this reason, while there may be a temporary occupation, the Russian Federation is unlikely to require a surrender, but rather, a negotiated settlement, albeit more or less unilaterally imposed.

This line of thinking arises from remarks made by Russian officials:

 "Nazi leaders assumed that there was no need to storm the city because this made it possible to avoid troop casualties. At the same time, they did not want its people to surrender because surrendering is part of warfare implying that they would have been obliged to care for the civilian population."
Maria Zakharova, Foreign Ministry spokesperson 12 January 2023

"In March of this year, the Ukrainians asked for negotiations. After several rounds on March 29 in Istanbul, they finally gave us something on paper. We agreed with the principles of the settlement contained in that document. Among them was ensuring Ukraine's security through respect for its non-aligned status (that is, its non-accession to NATO), its nuclear-free status (Vladimir Zelensky would no longer be able to declare that abandoning nuclear weapons in 1994 was a mistake); and the provision of collective guarantees not by NATO, but from the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, as well as Germany and Turkey.
We agreed to that

In a day or two, the American handlers said to the Ukrainians: “Why are you doing this?” It is clear that the United States expected to wear out the Russian army by using Ukraine as a proxy, as well as have European countries spend the maximum amount of their weapons, so that later, Europe would be buying replacements from Washington, securing revenue for the American military industry and defence corporations.

They said the Ukrainians were too early in expressing their readiness to receive security guarantees from the Russians and reach a settlement on this basis.

They keep accusing Russia of seeking negotiations all the time in order to “buy time to raise and send in reinforcements for the special military operation.” This is both ridiculous and frustrating. These people are blatantly lying.

We have never sought any negotiations, but we have always said that if someone is interested in negotiating a solution, we are ready to listen. The following proves my point – when in March of this year, the Ukrainians made such a request, we not only met them halfway, but were also ready to agree to the principles that they put forward.

The Ukrainian side was not allowed to do this at the time, because the war had not yet brought enough wealth to those who are supervising and directing it – and this is primarily being done by the United States and the British.
Sergey Lavrov 01 December 2022

"And let me be clear about something: We send Ukraine equipment sitting in our stockpiles. And when we use the money allocated by Congress, we use it to replenish our own stores — our own stockpiles with new equipment..."
Joseph Biden 20 October 2023

"President of Russia Vladimir Putin has said many times that we never reject any proposal to achieve diplomatic agreements. The terms on which we agree to discuss them are well known. The fact that four territories belong to the Russian Federation is an indispensable condition for talks. But this is not all that must be discussed....

The second large block of problems, in addition to the destinies of the people who do not want to live under the current regime with its open Nazi and racist views is the security of the Russian Federation that has been subjected to numerous threats created on Ukrainian territory."
Sergey Lavrov 28 December 2022

"In general, as you know, we have never rejected a peaceful settlement of disputes. Moreover, this is what we were inclined to do... Once again, I would like to emphasise that we are in favour of talks."
Vladimir Putin 11 April 2024

"Sergey Lavrov again emphasised the possibility of a peaceful solution but only with due regard for the new realities and Russia’s interests and concerns."
Press release on Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s talks with Foreign Minister of the Republic of Türkiye Mevlut Cavusoglu 7 April 2023

"When he [Victor Orban, President of Hungary - Ed] asked me about the possibility of a peaceful settlement, I said what I have said many times before, that if the Ukrainian side really wants to negotiate, it should not make any theatrical gestures but instead start by cancelling the presidential executive order prohibiting talks [with Russia].

It is rumoured that they are presumably ready for negotiations now. Several high-ranking officials in charge of foreign policy, who only recently spoke about inflicting strategic defeat on Russia on the battlefield, have changed their tune and say that such issues should be decided through peaceful negotiations. It is a reasonable change, a shift in the right direction...but it is not enough. Practical steps must be taken if there is a real desire to hold negotiations."
Vladimir Putin 18 October 2023

" I would like to stress that it is impossible to reach a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis and to overall European security without Russia’s participation, without an honest and responsible dialogue with us.

Right now, the West ignores our interests, while prohibiting Kiev from negotiating, and keeps hypocritically calling on us to negotiate. It looks simply idiotic: on the one hand, they are forbidden to negotiate with us, but we are called on to negotiate implying that we refuse to do so. It is nonsense. It looks like we are living in some kind of a fantasy world."
Vladimir Putin 14 June 2024

"Right now, talks are off the table. We are tired of saying that the President has made this point many times. Those who are implying that Russia is “turning negotiations down” while Ukraine is ready for them should take President Putin’s advice and tell Vladimir Zelensky (when he is of sound mind and lucid memory) to cancel the executive order that bans talks."
Sergey Lavrov 31 August 2024

[[enumerations added for clarity ]
"It started out as the “Copenhagen format” and morphed into the “Burgenstock conference.” However, all these processes rely on an absolutely bleak non-starter “peace formula” proposed by Zelensky. Only dreamers in Kiev and the West can expect Russia to fall for any of the functions promoting this “formula” as the only viable solution.

It is about a game, nothing else. They want to put us in a situation where we jump at something that Zelensky finds suitable. President Putin has repeatedly said that negotiations where no one imposes ultimatums on anyone are the way forward.

It was the case in February 2014, when Viktor Yanukovich, then President of Ukraine, came to terms with the opposition (under the guarantees provided by France, Germany, and Poland) to create a government of national unity and hold nationwide elections. [1] The next day, this honest deal was shattered by the opposition incited by the United States and other Western countries, which instantly recognised the results of the bloody unconstitutional coup. Had they fulfilled this agreement, Ukraine would now be within the 1991 borders, including Crimea.

[2] That was followed by an agreement in Minsk in February 2015 that was approved by the UN Security Council. You know how the President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko, former Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and then French President Francois Hollande admitted that none of them intended to comply with the UN Security Council resolution. They needed to gain some time. Honest talks were held in Minsk, where presidents and the chancellor discussed and negotiated things for long 17 hours. It was a balance of interests, but they chose not to act on it. Now it’s clear why.

[3] By the same token, in Istanbul, they refused to fulfill the initialed agreement, because neither putschists in February 2014, nor Petr Poroshenko in February 2015, nor Vladimir Zelensky in April 2022 needed an honest agreement. All they needed was a piece of paper with an ultimatum on it.

Not all Ukrainians are naive. They were fully aware of the fact that an ultimatum these days, especially with Russia, is an utterly senseless proposition. However, the calculus relied on the Anglo-Saxons and all kinds of Borrells in Brussels, Ursula von der Leyens and Macrons from Paris telling them in unison that Ukraine must defeat Russia on the battlefield, and they were doing their best to make it happen.

If the West (this is not about Zelensky) is truly interested in normalising the situation in Europe, which is making the Europeans themselves groan and suffer, we should sit down for talks without clutching pieces of paper that read “Zelensky’s formula” and start having candid talks.

The President of Russia confirmed that we were ready for this. I just cited three examples of us supporting such talks. Now that they have lied three times, who will trust them? But let’s see. They must draw their own conclusions."
Sergey Lavrov 27 August 2024     

The United States government does not want peace, it wants war. It aims to avoid the cost of disposing of old military equipment, and at the same time, soak the US taxpayer to manufacture new armaments, including extended range missiles that when fired from Kiev city easily reach Moscow and St. Petersburg - and even the Volgodonsk military base that hosts U-95MS strategic bombers. Yet the US knows that Russia has won and there will have to be a settlement. And as it knows Russia will not allow the USA to decide terms, it remains both in the dark about Russia's intentions, yet determined to get rid of as much old stock as possible. This is an irreconcilable contradiction.

They continue to play for time, spinning out the conflict for as long as possible while shovelling as many old model armaments into Ukraine as possible, even in the face of obvious Ukrainian exhaustion. A cynic would say that Mr. Zelensky's purpose is to keep the conflict active for as long as possible because that is what the Americans pay him to do. Payment will stop when US warehouses of outdated arms are finally empty and Ukraines ability to buy or 'lease' new US weapons is totally exhausted.

"Tucker Carlson: ...[the conflict in Ukraine] seems like it could...evolve into something that brings the entire world into conflict, and could initiate a nuclear launch, and so why don’t you just call Biden and say “let’s work this out”?

Vladimir Putin: What's there to work out? It's very simple. I repeat, we have contacts through various agencies.

I will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what we are conveying to the US leadership: ”If you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. It will be over within a few weeks. That's it. And then we can agree on some terms before you do that, stop.“

What's easier? Why would I call him? What should I talk to him about? Or beg him for what? ”You're going to deliver such and such weapons to Ukraine. Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, please don't. What is there to talk about?"
Vladimir Putin 9 February 2024

The sequence is clear. First, the USA stops providing arms to Ukraine. Ukraine has no arms manufacturing facilities. When imported armaments dry up. the conflict has to stop.

After a period of weeks of negotiation during which essential terms would be agreed and signed - really terms of surrender (that phrase will never be used so that the west and Ukraine can 'save face') will be drawn up.

After signing, a ceasefire and withdrawal of Ukrainian forces would be implemented, and the agreement on the practical implementation of mutual security worked out.

"As for where we should go....We need to fully ensure our interests. What does it mean to fully ensure our interests?
First, we need to complete the tasks of the special operation that our president spoke about.
Secondly, we need to create the necessary protective cordon that will insure against all kinds of encroachments on our lands. Not only from shelling, but also from active offensive operations. And so on.
And only in this case will we be able to admit that our tasks have been completed."
Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council 25 February 2024

Thats it.

The March 2022 Peace Agreement
Mr. Zelensky initialed a mutually acceptable agreement with Russia in March 2022, but the USA rushed in and cancelled it.

""The only people who could settle the war against Ukraine are the Americans. During the peace negotiations in March 2022 in Istanbul with [then-Ukrainian chief negotiator] Rustem Umerov, the Ukrainians did not agree on peace because they were not allowed to. They first had to ask the Americans about everything they discussed," Schroeder said in an interview with the newspaper on Saturday.
The former German chancellor said that Kiev had contacted him in 2022 to learn whether he could mediate talks with Russia, after which he had meetings with Umerov and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Schroeder told the newspaper that the potential peace agreement included five key points.
First, under the draft deal, Kiev was supposed to abandon its NATO aspirations.
Secondly, Ukraine should have restored the official status of the Russian language.
Thirdly, Donbas was supposed to remain part of Ukraine, but with a special territorial status, like South Tyrol, an autonomous province in Northern Italy.
Fourthly, Ukraine should have received security guarantees from the permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany.
The final, fifth issue under discussion was the status of Crimea, Schroeder told media.
He said that Kiev had demonstrated willingness to compromise, including on the provision about NATO membership, but the talks still failed because everything "was decided in Washington."
"I think the Americans did not want a compromise between Ukraine and Russia," Schroeder was cited as saying by the newspaper."The opportunity has now passed.

On the 19th of April 2024 Mr. Lavrov revealed - for the first time - details of the agreement that Ukraine ultimately rejected:

"As for the negotiations – we haven’t mentioned this yet, but I hope I won’t be criticised for it – what guarantees did that Istanbul document include? We were ready to provide extremely serious guarantees, as the Ukrainian delegation wanted.

Is Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty serious enough? We did not reproduce it verbatim, but agreed upon a formula that was close. What I am saying is, those were very serious security guarantees. However, the document specifically stated that those guarantees did not apply to Crimea or Donbass. This meant that they could not be touched, otherwise no guarantees would work.

In terms of Ukraine’s demilitarisation, the document stated that there would be no military bases in Ukraine.

As President Vladimir Putin said during the Russia-Africa Summit in St Petersburg in the summer of 2023, the Istanbul document outlined the limits of the relevant weapons, personnel, etc.

It said that the armed forces of Ukraine would hold no manoeuvres or military exercises involving third countries unless all guarantor countries, Russia and China included, agreed. We were ready to sign the treaty."

It also said that the negotiations on other issues would continue, but only after the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, provision of security guarantees, and abolition of Ukrainian laws of a racist, neo-Nazi, and discriminatory nature."
Sergey Lavrov 19 April 2024

"Istanbul is history."
Sergey Lavrov 19 April 2024

While the Russian tone in April 2024 was that "Istanbul is history", 5 months later some of the principles outlined at Istanbul remained relevant.

"The actual work was done by the delegations. On our side, the delegation was headed by Presidential Aide Vladimir Medinsky, on the Ukrainian side by Head of the Servant of the People parliamentary group David Arakhamiya. You know the rest.

They met several times in Belarus and finally came to terms in Istanbul based on the principles proposed by Ukrainians. These principles are still valid.

President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said that if they want talks, Zelensky should first revoke the executive order that bans them.

The Istanbul Principles guaranteed Ukraine non-joining NATO, its continuing non-aligned status and described security guarantees for Ukraine to feel at ease.

Ukraine’s non-accession to NATO is part of the Russian Federation’s guarantees. These principles remain valid. At least, we are ready to return to them, but, of course, taking into account the new reality, because more than 30 months have passed since then.

President Putin outlined these realities on June 14 in a speech at the Foreign Ministry. He articulated the path towards settling the situation between Ukraine and Russia and the West"
Sergey Lavrov 6 September 2024

Later in 2024, a copy of the draft treaty allegedly as of 17 March 2022 was published by an American newspaper. It may or may not be a faithful copy and may or may not be the most updated copy. It had provision for the security guarantees for Ukraine that Mr.Lavrov mentioned. The guarantors were to be UK, China, Russia, USA, and France.

In the draft agreement, Ukraine would return to permanent neutrality as it originally declared in the 'Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine' of 16 July 1990 - Ukraine  will not "take part in military blocs and adheres to three nuclear free principles: to accept, to produce and to purchase no nuclear weapons." The issue of Ukraine accepting the new borders remained up in the air, with Ukraine finally saying "to the best of our understanding, the issue of borders will be resolved before the execution of this treaty."

The draft treaty nailed down Ukraine's non-bloc status. Ukraine agreed, among other things:
"c) not to participate in military conflicts on the side of any guarantor state and/or any third state;
d) not to join any military alliances and not to enter into any other military agreements with any states;
e) not to allow entry into Ukraine or deployment in any form on its territory, including temporarily, of foreign armed forces and formations, including military personnel,"
Bear in mind the guarantor states undertook to collectively ensure Ukraine's security (the savings on military would be enormous).

Time is on Russia's side. New terms will be worse for Ukraine. If this is to be permanently settled, then any negotiated agreement must be water-tight. The West in any manifestation or proxy must be kept out of Ukraine. Therefore, the two 'blocks' of problems (recognition of new territories as Russian and Russian security from NATO threat) must be negotiated at the same time, with NATO and with Ukraine. The more NATO stalls, the more territory Ukraine loses, at least temporarily. (If NATO is intractable, Russia might simply ensure it's own security by advanced military means only.)

Both terms - recognition of the loss of the eastern area and neutrality plus prohibition on the West guaranteeing Ukraine's security - must be met.

In the meantime, Ukrainian troops will be expelled from the Russian territories, and Russia will do whatever is necessary to protect Russian people living in Ukraine from harassment, discrimination, torture and murder by the neo-nazi element in Ukrainian society. Obviously, after settlement, the burden of this work - rightly - must be shouldered by the Europeans (who gave silent consent to the rise of far right and nazi ideology in Ukraine in the first place).

"We are in no hurry. President of Russia Vladimir Putin talked about this. We would like to finish, as soon as possible, the war the West was preparing for and eventually unleashed against us through Ukraine.

Our priority is the lives of the soldiers and civilians that remain in the zone of hostilities. We are patient people. We will defend our compatriots, citizens and lands that belonged to Russia for centuries, proceeding from these priorities."
Sergey Lavrov 28 December 2022

Mediation Edited 9 September 2024

Russia will not deal with 'mediators', or, at least, not Western mediators.

"This is the gist of the EU’s mediation. Some process started in the Balkans after Kosovo proclaimed “independence” unilaterally and without any referendum. The UN General Assembly invited the EU to mediate between Pristina and Belgrade and its effort was rather successful: in 2013, the agreement was reached on establishing the Community of Serbian Municipalities of Kosovo.

In 2014, when a coup was staged in Ukraine and the “counterterrorism” forces launched an operation against Donbass and Russians in Ukraine, the EU also acted as a mediator. This led to the signing of the Minsk agreements that established certain rules, just as with regard to the Serbian municipalities in Kosovo.

The EU made a solemn promise to support a special status for northern Kosovo and eastern Ukraine. The status did not imply any complicated things: to let people speak their native tongue (Serbians were supposed to be allowed to speak Serbian and Russians in Ukraine to speak Russian), teach children in schools in their native tongue, use it in daily life and have a certain autonomy as regards law-enforcement and economic ties with neighbouring regions (northern Kosovo with Serbia and eastern Ukraine with Russia).

Identical agreements were made, which urged respect for national minorities in full conformity with international European conventions on the rights of these groups.

The EU announced that it had succeeded in both cases.

But it shamefully failed in both cases and had to admit it later on by saying it could not persuade Kiev to fulfil the Minsk agreements [pdf] or make Pristina abide by its agreements with Belgrade.

There is something in common as regards the EU’s treatment of different areas in our common geopolitical space, its goals, its competence and its ability to make deals...I have repeatedly emphasised the main geopolitical conclusion from this situation: it is now impossible to agree with Europe on anything and be sure that they will deliver on their obligations."
Sergey Lavrov 6 June 2022

EU 'mediators' have failed twice now. They are useless. Not only useless, events have shown they are also duplicitous and untrustworthy.

There will be no US mediators (although there will need to be channels to coordinate the removal of all US military personnel, including their proxies and their NATO 'pseudoUkrainian nationals' from Ukraine).

"When asked by reporters over possible bilateral talks with Washington on Ukraine, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko replied, “No, we are not.”
However, the diplomat stated that Moscow is ready to hold negotiations with Ukraine “without any preconditions,” except for the key condition – “that Ukraine shows goodwill.”"
Andrey Rudenko, Deputy Foreign Minister, RT News, 8 November 2022

"Recently, these instructors received the right to acquire Ukrainian citizenship in a simplified way. This is sacrilegious and humiliating. People who have lived in Donbass forever are deprived of the opportunity to have the legal right to their own language, while those who have never lived in Donbass and have come there obviously not to establish peace are granted the right to receive Ukrainian citizenship easily and without any ties. ...

...What are the Ukrainian authorities after? They are trying not only to legalise the presence of military instructors in the country but also to skirt around the demand of the Minsk Package of Measures on the withdrawal of foreign armed formations, combat hardware and mercenaries from Ukraine.

If it transpires that foreign military instructors are present on their territory, they will tell us that these are not military instructors but holders of Ukrainian citizenship."
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, 24 December 2021

There will be no western mediators from unfriendly countries, of whatever nationality. American, Polish, and French military personnel posing as Ukrainian citizens who joined the Ukrainian armed forces as work as 'Military instructors' and specialist combat fighters are being killed. Absolute numbers will come out in time, but they number in the hundreds, at least.

"But we are also aware of Kiev’s position – they kept saying they wanted talks, and even sort of asked for them, but have now passed an official decision that bans such talks. Well, what is there to discuss?

As you may be aware, speaking at the Kremlin when announcing the decision on the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, I said we are open. We have always said that we are open. We reached certain agreements in Istanbul, after all.

These agreements were almost initialled. But as soon as our troops withdrew from Kiev, the Kiev authorities lost any interest in the talks. That is all there is to it.

If they ever get ready for this, we will welcome it. At that point, the mediation efforts of all the stakeholders may come in handy.
Vladimir Putin, October 14 2023

"Today, when I talked with Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ms Sheikh Hasina, she asked when this [conflict in Ukraine] all might come to an end. 

Many people ask this question, including what Russia is able to do. But it should be addressed to others.

...almost every time President of Russia Vladimir Putin speaks in public, he makes a point of stressing, in response to such appeals, that Russia is not against talks.

It was not we who disrupted the signing of a peace agreement as early as April 2022, when, soon after the start of our military operation, the Ukrainians suggested that we have talks and presented to us, in Istanbul, a number of principles that could serve as a basis for signing the agreement.

We accepted them. But when the agreement itself was drawn up, an agreement that was based squarely on the Ukrainian proposals and originally initialed both by us and the Ukrainians, the British and the Americans forbade its signing (although already a venue was being discussed for the presidents to meet), saying that if the Russians were ready to come to terms, this meant they were weak and could be “squeezed” for more concessions and “let’s wear them out some more.” So, all of this has continued ever since.

When they ask us whether it is possible to end this process, and whether the talks have any future, we should recall that, as far back as September 2022, Vladimir Zelensky had signed an executive order banning any talks with the Government of Russia headed by Vladimir Putin.

...those elites that have now gained power in most Western countries, and that have no historical memory are acting in accordance with precisely these positions....They are saying that it must either be defeat and capitulation (which are by definition impossible), or the problem must be resolved on the battlefield. There is no other choice.

If they change their minds and realise that it is foolish to support a Nazi regime headed by drug addicts and to waste such huge sums of money, then, perhaps, we would be ready to hear them out."
Sergey Lavrov 8 September 2023

"First, we have never refused – as I said a thousand times – to participate in any talks that may lead to a peace settlement. We have always said so.

Moreover, during the talks in Istanbul, we initialed this document. We argued for a long time, butted heads there and so on, but the document was very thick and it was initialed by Medinsky on our side and by the head of their negotiating team – I think his name is Arakhamia but I don’t remember exactly. We actually did this but they simply threw it away later and that’s it. This is the first point.

Second, you said the Europeans have their approach and the Americans also have their approach.

But, you know, it’s like in every joke about the Europeans versus the Americans.
Point one – the Americans are always right.
Point two – if the Americans are not right, see point one.
So, that’s why there isn’t anyone to talk to especially...

...there is point three: if the interests of Ukraine are not in sync with point two, see point one, because ultimately it is about the United States’ interests.

We know that they hold the key to solving issues.

If they genuinely want to end today's conflict via negotiations, they only need to make one decision which is to stop supplying weapons and equipment.

That’s it.

Ukraine itself does not manufacture anything.

[Then] Tomorrow, they will want to hold talks that are not formal, but substantive, and not to confront us with ultimatums, but to return to what was agreed upon, say, in Istanbul.

Ukraine's security issues are spelled out in great detail there. In fact, much of what is written there makes us wonder whether we should agree to it. To reiterate, it was initialed by both sides.

Therefore, if they want to get back to it, we are ready to talk to them. But for now, they want to defeat Russia and to achieve success in their counteroffensive operation."
Vladimir Putin June 13, 2023

For us to hold negotiations now just because they are running out of ammunition would be ridiculous. Nevertheless, we are open to a serious discussion, and we are eager to resolve all conflicts, especially this one, by peaceful means.

However, we must be sure that this is not just another pause that the enemy wants to use for rearmament, but rather a serious conversation with security guarantees for the Russian Federation."
Vladimir Putin 13 March 2024

"We have always been in favour of negotiations. ...The problem is that I consider it improbable that the conflict can be settled through mediators alone, above all because a mediator will not be authorised to sign any final documents, and moreover, even bring them for signing. The competencies of these mediators are not the only crucial issue, but their authority, too.

Who can vest the authority to any mediator to put this conflict to an end? I find this improbable. However, we welcome mediation, for example, like that of Mr Erdogan during our negotiation process in Istanbul."
Vladimir Putin 4 July 2024 

Power to sign state to state documents must be vested with a representative or agent of each state. But Mr. Zelensky's term has ended, any vested powers signed by him are illegal. The Speaker of the Rada would have power to vest, but can't until martial law is cancelled. But the Rada won't do it. Mediators can play preliminary 'go-between' roles, as the Hungarian Prime Minister did on July 5 2024, but they have no vested power, even if the preliminary draft had been approved.

Notice that "mediation efforts" of stakeholders will be useful. It does not mean the west will be directly involved in negotiations. It means the west will be engaged in second level coercion - bribing the Ukrainian leadership, threatening them economically, telling them what to do. Making promises about security. Of course, the Russian negotiations will probably prohibit any western military foot in Ukraine without Russia's signed agreement, and prohibit any western military person who becomes a Ukrainian citizen from joining or being in any way associated with the Ukrainian military.

Who are the stakeholders? The 'stakeholders' are the United Nations, the Red Cross, and perhaps the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). In investment terms, China, like the EU, has significant investments in Ukrainian agriculture and in grain export facilities in Odessa. Turkey has significant investment in grain processing and re-export. China is a good trade partner for Ukraine (in early 2023 the combined bilateral trade between the two was around $1 billion a month). Chinese imports into Ukraine provide Ukrainians with cheap and affordable consumer goods, and trade between Ukraine and China is balanced. Truly massive amounts of money will be needed to rebuild Ukraine, which China, to an extent, can provide. Ukraine joined the 'Belt and Road Initiative' in 2014, so it is in Ukraine's long-term interests to see China further develop transport infrastructure from China, through Russia (with 'belt and road' links to Eurasia and beyond) to Ukraine and into Europe.

As before, issues will be dealt with between competent officials, and only when everything is worked out in greatest detail will any agreement be signed.

Who might mediate?
Turkie, the UAE, Egypt, maybe Hungary, might play a role - but China (or maybe Belarus) could also take the lead.

On February 18th 2023, at the Munich Peace Conference, China announced an intention to play a role in mediating peace. China promotes the principle of always defining and dealing with the basic underlying cause of any conflict, rather than focusing solely on the currently manifesting effects of a conflict. On February 24th it publicly released it's 12 point peace plan. In March 2023 President Xi was scheduled to visit President Putin - not long after President Xi successfully negotiated a reconciliation agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Perhaps his team worked with the Ukrainian and Russian sides to come to a mutually acceptable agreement behind the scenes, with the March visit by Mr. Xi to be the final movement of a well orchestrated piece. As it happened, there was no result.

By early September 2024 there were increasing mentions of negotiations, and the topic of who might mediate was raised once again. President Putin gave a signal, although it was hardly definitive.

"We respect our friends and partners, whom I consider to be sincerely interested in resolving all the issues pertaining to this conflict. This is primarily the People's Republic of China, Brazil and India. I am in constant contact with our colleagues on this issue. I have no doubt that the leaders of these countries – we have trustful relations with them – are genuinely keen to help sort out all the details of this complicated process
Vladimir Putin 5 September 2024

Let me stress that none of the initiatives, including those put forward out of best intentions by our good colleagues and partners, address the rights of Russian speakers in areas that Zelensky regards as his own.   

Today, I discussed this topic with my counterparts from Brazil and India, because they display a certain concerned approach, one that we understand, to facilitating crisis resolution. I drew their attention to the fact that this was the key problem.

People were branded as terrorists solely because they refused to accept the coup and obey the coup-makers, who declared right away that their goal was to wipe out all things Russian and banish Russians from Crimea, among other areas.   

We are urging our colleagues to focus on this."
Sergey Lavrov 9 September 2024

India and Brazil focus on stopping the conflict by this or that territorial concession of the parties.

The Russians claim the protection of the rights of Russians in the near abroad as being the essence of the problem, rather than territory. Those rights have not been protected by relevant international conventions. The west has simply ignored the trampling of those rights. This being the evident case, where to from here? Unlike the situation in Gaza, where no major country will lift a finger to stop the Israel genocide, in the absence of international action, Russia has stepped in to protect the rights of cultural Russians.  They, in turn, voted to join Russia, thus permanently protecting those rights. That problem is solved, but another remains. Security for Eurasia, in the widest sense.

China, like Russia, takes a principled approach in this wider sphere (outlined in China's 'Global Security Initiative' published in 2022).

When will a mediator be needed?
By late September 2023 it was obvious from American officials public statements that the USA government intended to provide a Ukraine with on-going supplies of HIMARS missiles, at least, and participate in re-building the Ukrainian military force. The UK government would most likely handle on-going sabotage and terrorism in the new Russian territories.

The Ukrainian hierarchy openly stated that even if they signed a negotiated settlement, they would never stop trying to regain their former territory.

Mediation was off the table.

But by February 2024 it was obvious to everyone that the Ukrainian military was running out of both war materiel and personnel. It was clear to any thinking person that once the winter mud turned hard and firm (about May, when the current Ukrainian President's mandate also ran out), the Russians would be well placed to develop offensive operations in the directions of their choice, and that Ukraine had no way to stop a massive multi-front push. if Russia chose to make one. The only question was whether Ukraine would capitulate and save lives, or whether it would stubbornly and pointlessly resist. The Americans could stop the destruction at any time by stopping supplying weapons. At that point of the conflict, whether the Americans supply more weapons or not, the end result - defeat of Ukraine - is not changed. But stopping sooner rather than later saves thousands of Ukrainian soldiers lives. If the US deliberately keeps the war going needlessly, well, the implications for Ukrainian popular sentiment towards the US are obvious.

Russia did not push forward in winter of 2024. They continued a strategy of attrition of Ukrainian men and material right into late summer 2024. By late summer Ukrainian military personnel were being killed and wounded by the thousand every week. Even in Ukraine, reality started to seep past the Ukrainian regimes propaganda. In late June 2024, the Ukrainian 'President' admitted that there were large number of dead and wounded which meant the conflict could only go on for a matter months unless some improbable supply of well trained soldiers and infinite war materiel and logistics appeared. He also admitted he was working on a "comprehensive" plan "that will be supported by the majority of the world" for a negotiated settlement, but indicated it was still some months from being completed. This turned out to be the farcical 'Swiss formula', a pre-determined settlement without input from Russia. It was simply a media stunt that no serious person took any notice of.

The Americans must have known their 'game' was over, but their elections were due in November 2024, and the Democrat party did not want to be embarrassed by the complete failure of their aggression against the Russian Federation. They continued to provide money and weapons, but at a reduced scale. Germany also scaled back its weapon and money supply, realising their aggression in Russia was broadly unpopular - even if only due to the loss of cheap Russian natural gas. The topic of negotiations returned to the west's agenda.

The ball remains in the Ukrainian court. The Russian terms for negotiation were outlined by President Putin on June 14 2024.

Russia will not accept foreign military bases on Ukrainian territory. It will demand a buffer zone between its border and where artillery rockets are deployed, the width of which is equal to the range of the missiles. Russia also demands de-nazification, which can only be done by Ukraine changing its constitution to prohibit far right ideology.

To me, all this implies that a new Ukrainian constitution outlawing nazi ideology and guaranteeing equal rights for all, and free and fair elections will be Russia's preconditions for a negotiated settlement. A new Ukrainian President will inevitably be voted in. Russia will probably only negotiate once these are cemented in place.

Only then will Russia's preference for a negotiated settlement be possible - and sustainable in the long term.

Perhaps a trusted President (possibly Mr. Xi or Mr. Lukashenko) will be the facilitator. The photo op will be with either the Speaker of the Rada or the new President of Ukraine, and the President of the Russian Federation. Maybe plus high level military officials from both countries. Where might the photo op be? Odessa would once have been a good choice, but Ukraine's insistence on needlessly pursuing a lost cause has now closed that out. It is much more likely it will be in Belarus or perhaps Istanbul once again (ironically labelled 'Minsk 3' by some).

"Question: How feasible is China’s peace plan in current conditions? We know that a discussion aiming to allow China to take part in this conference is now underway in Switzerland....

Sergey Lavrov: ...China’s 12-point plan and Switzerland’s formula are incompatible....China’s idea implies that, at first, it is necessary to resolve systemic security issues in our common region and to deal with the root causes of the current situation in Ukraine.

The latter reflects a hybrid war against Russia that has prepared for a long time now and was eventually unleashed by the West. ...According to China’s approach, it would only be possible to seriously discuss an agreement (that would, I repeat, heed legitimate security interests of all parties) after eliminating these root causes....

China and Switzerland voice incompatible approaches. Switzerland’s “initiatives” merely fulfil the “order” of the United States and its allies. I do not see any way we can “hitch the restive steed and the timid deer into one cart.” This is hard to imagine.

China’s approach completely meets our common philosophy, including in the context of a more active current discussion on how to facilitate Eurasian security on our entire continent, in its European section, in Central Asia, in the Caucasus and in other regions of the continent where the situation is unstable, and where conflicts are flaring up."
12 April 2024

"Naturally, we will talk about security issues in the western borders of both Belarus and Russia....In general, as you know, we have never rejected a peaceful settlement of disputes. Moreover, this is what we were inclined to do. It was not Russia that started this war in 2014. Everything began with a coup d’etat in Ukraine. Later, when everything moved to a hot phase, you [President Lukashenko of Belarus initiated the conduct of peace negotiations in Belarus. We launched them in two cities.

Later, the negotiating teams moved to Turkey, to Istanbul.

We largely completed this work there, which took us much time and effort. We initialed it on both sides. Ukraine also initialed it. This paper, this document was initialed.

As you know, later, under pressure from the West, the Ukrainian side opted out of these agreements. I would like to remind you that at the time we were told that we could not sign the document in this manner, that Ukraine could not sign the document “with a gun to its head,” that we had to withdraw our troops from Kiev. So we did. Immediately after we did that, our agreements were discarded.

Now, as you know, the idea of holding some kind of conference in Switzerland is being promoted. We are not invited there. Moreover, they think that we have nothing to do there, and at the same time they say that nothing can be solved without us.

Since we are not going there (it has now turned into a kind of nonsense), they say that we refuse to negotiate. We were not invited, but they say that we refuse.

It would be funny if it were not so sad.

Once again, I would like to emphasise that we are in favour of talks. But not in the format of being imposed any schemes that have nothing to do with reality. Why do I say that? Because if the need arises, I will allow myself to turn to you, and maybe we will continue consultations with you in this area.

...if everything gets down to solving the issues we talked about from the outset, and in the energy sector they are related...to solving one of the tasks that we set for ourselves, which is demilitarisation… Above all, we proceed from the fact that in this way [destroying power generation and European gas reserves/reverse flows in Ukraine - editor's interpretation] we directly impact the military-industrial complex of Ukraine.

But if we do get to the point where I started, if we move on to talks about resolving all the issues in other ways, then of course, as I have already said many times, we are ready for that.

You and I will talk about it in greater detail, I will tell you everything in detail.

President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko:...you and I revisited these issues on numerous occasions...and discussed them, including the peace settlement. They are planning to hold what they call a peace conference in Switzerland. But if they want to talk about peace in Ukraine without us, let them do it....we believe that the only thing they can agree on there is how to intensify the escalation of this conflict. Without Russia, what peace process are we talking about? No peace settlement is possible without Russia.

...there is actually nothing to talk to them about when they try to invite more than 100 states and dictate something to us or enforce something on us. This does not sound like a proposal for peace talks....

Vladimir Putin: But our goal is not putting everyone in a tough spot. Just the opposite: we are ready for constructive efforts. But clearly, nothing detached from reality can be imposed on us.

Alexander Lukashenko: ..I wholeheartedly support, absolutely wholeheartedly, the Russian authorities and you personally when it comes to the peace process in this conflict.

There are all the conditions for sitting down and negotiating the issue. If they do not want it, the reason is clear to us...Ukrainians should know, especially the ordinary people, that the issue does not depend on us...the ball is in their court.

I remember the process that began in Belarus. ..First you showed me the document...then you forwarded the copy to me, just as we had agreed. It was the initialled document. It registered major concessions from both Russians and Ukrainians. And then a visitor called them [Ukrainians] down and ordered them to keep fighting to the last Ukrainian.

..we wholeheartedly support the peace process, which Russia never refused to discuss, including today. If we can contribute to this, you are aware of our capabilities. We will always stand together and act in the same spirit as you...

Mr Putin, I believe – and my instincts have never failed me – that your initiatives for a peaceful settlement of the conflict will find a response in Ukraine. They will. Strange as it may seem, they will draw a response among the military...

Take the document that you once showed me, put it on the table and negotiate...It includes acceptable terms for Ukraine as well. They have agreed with that. Therefore, I think we will have an extensive discussion on these issues as well."
Vladimir Putin and  Alexander Lukashenko 11 April 2024

The Russian President and the Belarus President are discussing two possibilities. On the one hand, the prospect of a militarily imposed, non-negotiated settlement with Ukraine. De-militarisation would solve Russia and Belarus security concerns, at least. The specifics are not mentioned, but would probably include imposed demilitarised zones, some form of military policing of the zones, short and medium range missiles in Belarus (at a minimum) and so on.

On the other hand, there is the possibility of a negotiated settlement, based on the principles in the Minsk 2 agreement (which in turn are loosely based on the Kosovo agreement imposed by the west on Serbia - in violation of Security Council resolution 1244).

A potential consequence if Ukraine refuses to negotiate is the 'return' of Ukrainian territory that was historically southern Belarus.

"The northern part of the territory of Ukraine, a significant part - Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kiev, Chernihiv and Sumy regions - Ukrainian Polesia, historically and ethnically closely connected with Belarusian Polesia. Polesia - one of the largest forest areas on the European continent, a marshy space divided between Ukraine and Belarus has been a relatively isolated region for many centuries, where a special ethnic, cultural and linguistic community of “Poleschuks” was formed.

One of the founders of the Ukrainian political movement in the Russian Empire and one of the authors of the use of the term "Ukrainians" as an ethnonym and polytonym, historian Nikolay Kostomarov, in the middle of the 19th century, separated "Poleschuks" from "Ukrainians". The first, in his opinion, are the descendants of the East Slavic tribe of the Drevlyans. The second are the descendants of the Polyans.

Later, Ukrainian nationalist discourse shifted towards classifying the inhabitants of these territories as "Ukrainians". In Soviet times, the Poleshchuks, who lived north of the administrative border of the Belarusian and Ukrainian USSR, were recorded as Belarusians, who lived to the south - as Ukrainians. However, in reality, the inhabitants of the border areas used the land on both sides of the border.

In the 1990s and 2000s, the question arose of demarcating the border in Polesia. Started after 2014, it met with resistance from illegal amber miners from the Ukrainian side. As noted by the Belarusian political scientist Petr Petrovsky, Belarus could “give a helping hand, take under humanitarian and political protection and guardianship the inhabitants of Ukrainian Polesia, Volyn and Podolia, those who have been in the same state with us for many centuries. Those with whom we share a common history and mentality.“

A guardianship, protectorate system or the creation of a temporary security zone under the control of Belarus could decriminalize this area, which otherwise would become a concentration of "Bandera and uncontrolled gangs that escaped from the left-bank Ukraine to Podolia, Volyn and Polesia." Theoretically, residents of the border regions could also choose whether to remain part of the new Ukrainian state entity or join Belarus...."
See the article for details 11 March 2022

On the other hand, Ukraine may agree to negotiate. President Lukashenko's "instincts" tell him that Ukraine military hierarchy is at a point where a revised version of the original peace agreement would be acceptable to them, at least. The Ukrainian Rada is reportedly barely functioning anyway, so Mr. Lukashenko's instincts that there is a military coup in the wings may be well founded.

This is why the choice of mediator,if mediators are needed, is very important.

In any case, Belarus would be the ideal mediator from the Russian point of view. Whereas previously Ukraine was militarily strong enough able to reject Belarus as a mediator, the situation has now changed. If the Ukrainians don't come to the table directly themselves via a newly elected government - or via a military or popular coup - then Russia may simply impose Belarus as mediator, on the basis that if Ukraine doesn't agree, then Russia will simply dictate terms without any further discussion.

Security guarantees for west Eurasia and beyond - ultimately a BRICS commitment?
Added 10 September 2024.

The problem of insecurity on Russia and Belarus western borders remains. This issue is with NATO and the EU, primarily. Ideally, bilateral security agreements with those countries would solve the issue - at least to the extent that the west actually honors them.

"According to China’s approach, it would only be possible to seriously discuss an agreement (that would, I repeat, heed legitimate security interests of all parties) after eliminating these root causes.

We voiced nearly the same proposals in December 2021, and we suggested agreeing on indivisible security, and how it would be embodied in the form of practical measures, including the non-expansion of NATO, essential guarantees and all the rest.

We have been advancing our well-known initiatives since 2007 when the President Vladimir Putin addressed delegates of the Munich Security Conference and warned the West against a temptation to conquer additional geopolitical space using an openly anti-Russia approach. We repeated this in 2008 and 2010.

We agreed on indivisible security within the OSCE framework. The West solemnly pledged at the top level that not a single country or organisation in the OSCE region would strive to aspire to domination. In fact, what NATO engaged in was none other than domination.

...China’s approach completely meets our common philosophy, including in the context of a more active current discussion on how to facilitate Eurasian security on our entire continent, in its European section, in Central Asia, in the Caucasus and in other regions of the continent where the situation is unstable, and where conflicts are flaring up.
Sergey Lavrov 12 April 2024

"We discuss this with our Chinese friends, too. No success will be achieved unless we get to the root of this problem. In this context, we appreciate the global security initiative announced by PRC President Xi Jinping, which says that it is necessary to start analysing any conflict from its prime causes. This refers fully to the Ukraine crisis. The prime causes will go for good if they are laid bare and condemned."
Sergey Lavrov 9 September 2024

Russia initially used the Ukraine problem as an opportunity to pressure the west into a much larger and much more important 'universal' security treaty. This failed. The west, and particularly the European west, seem obdurately opposed to a fair agreed security treaty.  It is now clear to me that it has no prospects.

But some form of open-ended security agreement for Eurasia and adjacent regions would still be useful, even if it only a guide to good manners. It would supplement, but not replace, the UN Charter. Its most useful purpose would be as a document that BRICS countries must commit to.

I suspect China would be very pleased to be included.

But the NATO countries are now most unlikely to agree. So the problem of Russia's (and Belarus) security at the border will have to be solved by Russia with antimissile complexes and advanced hypersonic missiles stationed as close as possible to the borders of those countries, Russian bases in Belarus, Russian  nuclear weapons on aircraft stationed in Belarus, shared satellite data.

...we understand who we are dealing with. They [the west] are people who do not value, and treat without any respect, the interests of other countries and nations. Such people...easily break all the commitments they have made, even signed documents.

So, what is to be done? We just need to look for such forms and guarantees that could work somehow or to any extent. Still, the core security guarantee is the growth of the economy and military potential of the Russian Federation itself, reliable and sustainable relations with our partners and allies."
Vladimir Putin 5 September 2024

The primary issues pertaining to the conflict are security guarantees for Russia, because, as President Putin noted in his historic 2018 speech, NATO (USA) wants to ring Russia with hypersonic nuclear tipped cruise missiles. Russia's security might have to be ensured by some form of mutual defense alliance with China that cooperatively protects all Russia-China borders from missile attacks.

"Modern Russian-Chinese relations are a more advanced form of interstate ties compared to the military-political alliances of the Cold War era. There is no bloc or confrontational focus in them; they are not directed at third countries. This is really important...Our relations with China...are being adjusted to new challenges and threats...

Our double counteraction is exclusively a measure of defence. Our relations are not proactively directed against other countries but are designed to align our potential in the face of aggression or attack policies."
Maria Zakharova 11 September 2024

At the same time, Ukraine must have similar security guarantees. What forms of protection, and what reliable guarantees is a difficult question that can only be handled by trustworthy actors (obviously, not the west).

Ultimately, Russia seems to be implying that they have accepted that there is no prospect for mutual arms control treaties with the west, and as a consequence they will rely on their advanced air defences, hypersonic missiles, nuclear torpedo drones, and advanced weapons delivery platforms, from rockets to submarines. Creation of sufficient numbers of sophisticated weapons and a standing land army defense force requires a vibrant economy. In turn, this requires reliable trade partners and reliable regional homeland protection forces. BRICS and the CSTO come to mind.

"At today’s meeting with the Gulf Cooperation Council, we discussed this Eurasia-based organisation’s promising potential for promoting the continent-wide processes and contributing to what President Vladimir Putin referred to as the Greater Eurasian Partnership.

This will provide the material basis for creating a security architecture open to all countries across the Eurasian continent but not forming part of the Euro-Atlantic equation imposed by the US within the framework of NATO and the OSCE.

Now the European Union became part of the North Atlantic security model by signing an agreement with NATO in 2023 whereby it sealed its complete submission to the alliance.

We want the nations of the Eurasian continent – the largest, fastest-growing, and most resource-rich part of the world – to decide their fate on their own.

President Vladimir Putin repeatedly said as much, emphasising that the door was not shut on the western part of Eurasia either. However, they must realise that their prospective engagement with other participants in the process in Eurasia should be equal and honest and devoid of forbidden tricks.

I want to emphasise once again that we are not shutting the door on contacts with the West. This is what the UN is all about. But they ought to behave decently and refrain from using its rostrum for making accusations without end or false assertions. They should better look for a balance of interests." 
Sergey Lavrov 9 September 2024

The prospect, I suspect is for regional groupings to solve regional problems together. A framework - probably open ended so countries can join and leave easily  - supportive of the UN Charter and international law. It would have to be based on universally accepted principles such as indivisible security, acceptance of sovereign differences, equality, mutual respect for legitimate interests, compromise, cooperation, consensus, win:win economic relations, and collective security. There would be no place for coercion, bullying and blackmail.

The task of pulling it all together into a structure seems formidable. But not impossible. And such a framework would, of course, be greased by trade, trade routes, and capital investment. BRICS may or may not be able to fill such a role. Time will tell.

Ukraine will not be allowed to join NATO. But a security and trade organisation facing the massive towards the global majority would meet Ukraine's security and economic needs. Something will have to be created. Whatever the form, it will have to be flexible, and have outstanding managers.

Text of a Settlement Treaty - Minsk Model

All we need do is look at the text of the Minsk 2 agreement. It is all there. Of course the language will be changed, from 'Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine' to the Ukrainian territories bordering the Russian Federation. The monitoring of military lines will likely be done by Russian and Eurasian Economic Union military or military police. Once the situation has calmed down, normal electronic monitoring methods by Russia, including with satellite and drone assistance, should suffice.

Minsk 2 clause 4 is no longer relevant, but an initial peace agreement will likely require Ukraine to acknowledge that the relevant Oblasts are now irrevocably part of the Russian Federation. The principles of preventing reprisals of Russians in other parts of Ukraine is mentioned in clause 5 ("...a law that forbids persecution and punishment of persons"). This will have to be passed in the Ukrainian Rada before Russian occupation forces leave areas where there is a significant risk of persecution of Russians. The President of Russia has undertaken to protect all Russians. Of course, the Europeans, who worked so assiduously to cause this disaster, will be charged through the OSCE with making sure the population remains safe and any criminals are found and punished. And the OSCE will have to implement suppression of Nazi ideology and ensure the freedom of information and expression, protection of minorities and human rights - that is their job.

Clause 8 is no longer relevant; part of clause 9 will be kept to ensure no control is handed back to Ukraine until the constitutional changes to de-nazify (rather than decentralise, as stated in the Minsk 2 Agreement) are passed in the Rada.

Clause 10 is needed to de-militarise Ukraine (expelling all foreign forces), and this too will have to be embedded in the constitution to prevent NATO or any other similar grouping placing itself in the country (including by issuing a Ukrainian passport to NATO military staff, foreign mercenaries, and other proxy imposters).

Clauses preventing Ukraine ever developing or hosting nuclear weapons will be required, and also the terms will have to include wording to recognise that nuclear weapons pose an unacceptable existential threat to Russia and the existence of which on Ukrainian territory will result in a military response. This allows Russia to attack Ukraine at any time that they renege on this key part.

"The head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergei Naryshkin, has stated that the SVR had obtained intelligence showing that Ukraine was working on building its own nuclear weapons."
- Sputnik News 03 March 2022

But we have to pay attention the 'all inclusive' nature of Sergey Lavrov's statement. The Russian government has previously commented that Ukraine is not really the main problem for Russia. Clearly, Russian and European mutual indivisible security is. And this must include 'detaching' USA, as it has embedded itself into it's European host's tissues very deeply. But we have to acknowledge that the European leaders are not only incompetent in matters of securing peace, they are obedient subjects of the US government, and therefore impotent. Ultimately, Russia may have to make its own arrangements.

What are Russia's Terms for Settlement? First edited 22 August 2024. Last edited 20 February 2025

By early April 2023 the Ukrainian President had started to prepare the public mind for the prospect of defeat on the battlefield, and the need for a settlement. By February 2024 the concrete fortress of Avdeyevka had fallen. The Ukrainian President allegedly visited all important parts of the front line to assess from front line forces how long they could hold the line. The road to Kiev was now much less well defended, and Russian forces are said to be able to reach Kiev by Autumn. A sudden collapse and route could happen at any time between now (May 2024) and then (late 2024). Much of the Ukrainian military potential has been degraded, and Ukraine is very deeply in debt. Ukraine, once an exporter of electricity to Europe, now (May 2024) relies on European electricity to meet its shortfalls. The situation worsens every month.

The Russian Government, in the meantime, had publicly listed it's broad terms for settlement, and again in July 2023. All the terms had been mentioned before, but there was one new one. This is fully in line with the long-standing Russian practice that where Russia has the upper hand the first and earliest terms are always the ones with the most concessions to the other side. In the West, this is done the other way around - the best terms are offered at the end of a long and protracted negotiation.

But the framework for good faith negotiations have been corroded by previous Ukrainian and Western deviousness, duplicity, and deceptiveness.
The bad faith verbal promises have not been forgotten.
The signatures on agreements which never intended to be adhered to have not been forgotten.
The insolent refusal to implement the Security Council resolution has not been forgotten.

Most of all, the Ukrainian insistence on a 'good faith' gesture by Russia - withdrawing from Kiev - followed by Ukraine then treacherously attacking the Russian troops as they withdrew, and junking the very agreement they had just initialed will never be allowed to happen again. There will be no unilateral 'goodwill' gesture on Russia's part. Russia has not forgotten the cost of the goodwill withdrawal early in the conflict.

No-one should imagine that the agreement Russia agreed to in Istanbul will be resurrected clause by clause. There are new realities, driven by the greed, malice, and moral corruption of the western leaders, and the greed, callousness, utter corruption, and intransigence of the Ukrainian leadership.

The conflict (including the wests security aggressions against Russia) can only be solved if both parties have enough "good will" as Dmitry Medvedev points out, to work out a compromise that suits both parties. The only alternative is for one party to surrender.

"It is perfectly clear to everybody – including the brazen Western liars – that in war time, even in much easier circumstances, peace can be achieved either through the parties’ good will based on sensible compromise, or by means of one of the conflict parties’ surrender."
Dmitry Medvedev 15 March 2024

Mr. Medvedev goes on to state that if Ukraine doesn't have the will to 'negotiate' under the new realities - Russian terms worsen the longer the other side drags out the conflict -  then Russia will come up with its own "realistic" and "humane" terms:

"The so-called former Ukraine doesn’t show any will to enter negotiations – in any case, based on recognizing the realities that V.V.Putin noted yesterday. For them, realities are nothing but the mind-numbing “peace formula” by a green tricot-clad provincial clown [France]. Just that. It looks so far-fetched that the only way out is to come up with our own Russian formula, orderly and quite realistic, humane to everyone.
Like what? For example, like this:"

He then goes on to list possible terms. I have included them below:

1. Recognition by the former (further, f.) “Ukraine” its military defeat in the conflict; total and unconditional surrender of the f. “Ukraine” represented by the neo-nazi clique in Kiev; demilitarization of the f. “Ukraine” and banning the creation of military formations within its boundaries in the future.

2. Recognition by the international community of the nazi character of the f. political regime in Kiev, and carrying out –supervised by the UN – forced denazification of all of the government agencies of the f. “Ukraine”.

3. Assertion by the UN the f. “Ukraine’s” loss of its international legal personality, and inability of any of its legal successors’ to join military alliances.

4. Resignation of all the constitutional bodies of the f. “Ukraine”, and holding immediate election to a provisional parliament of the f. “Ukraine’s” territory, self-governing under the UN aegis.

5. Approval by the provisional parliament of the bills concerning all due payments to Russia, including those to our country’s deceased citizens’ relatives, and health damage compensation for the wounded; establishing order of compensating for property damage done to the subjects of the Russian Federation.

6. Official recognition by the provisional parliament of the f. “Ukraine” that all of its territory is the territory of the Russian Federation; adoption of an act of unification of the f. “Ukraine’s” territory with Russia.

7. Self-dissolution of the provisional parliament; recognition of the unification act by the UN.

Such can be a soft Russian peace formula. This is a compromise position, right? I believe, following this very formula can we seek benevolent consensus with the international community, including the Anglo-Saxon world, and hold productive summits, counting on mutual understanding of our close friends the western partners.
Dmitry Medvedev 15 March 2025

Mr. Medvedev is being deliberately 'maximalist'. Russia doesn't want the neo-nazi white nationalist conditioned western Ukraine 'on its books'. But the west and Ukraine deliberately sabotaged the Minsk arrangements, refused the subsequent request to peacefully withdraw from the Donbass, then when the limited military operation to 'show forceful determination' resulted in a settlement in 2022, they then reneged on that and continued their quite pointless efforts to push Russia out of the territories that they dispute is Russian. Obviously, Russia will punish Ukraine and the west by taking more Russian-speaking territory.

Mr Medvedev requires the 'neo-nazi clique' as a representative of the Ukrainian state, to surrender. This position follows the March 22 terror attack on the Crocus Center, as well as terrorist attacks on Kursk, Donbass and Belograd citizens. This would still be a 'soft' peace formula.

On or about 5th of May 2024 the Russian Courts issued arrest warrants for:
- President Zelensky
- Poroshenko former president of Ukraine)
- Alexander Pavlyuk, Commander of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
- Mikhail Koval, former Minister of Defense of Ukraine
- Litvinenko, former Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine,
- Nalyvaichenko, former head of the SBU
- Petrenko, former Minister of Justice of Ukraine,
- Kubiva, former head of the National Bank of Ukraine
- Shlapak, former Minister of Finance of Ukraine

As at May 5 2024, the specifics of the charges have not been revealed. It is likely they will relate to directing, organising, and financing terrorist and/or genocidal acts against citizens of the Russian Federation or ethnic Russians within Ukraine. (The 'Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide' says in Article 1 that "The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish." It further clarifies in Article 2 that  "genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group", and examples include killing group members, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. Punishable acts (Article 3) include not only listed genocidal acts, but also "Direct and public incitement to commit genocide" and, most importantly, "complicity in genocide". Article 4 says persons committing these acts " shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals."

Article 6 provides for trial "by a competent tribunal of the State in the territory of which the act was committed". The territory in Russia's case are the new territories, Belgorad, and Moscow (drone attack on the Kremlin). 

This seems like a signal that Russia will not negotiate with Mr. Zelensky - whose term ended on 21st of May 2024 anyway. Can there be a peaceful settlement with Mr.Zelensky in power? The time for Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Ukraine have come and gone.  Mr. Zelensky continues to ban political discourse and public discussions. Therefore the current agony will be unnecessarily protracted. In that case, Russia may decide it has to end the agony and in effect declare war.

Mr. Zelensky sent an armed force to invade undisputed Russian state territory in late August 2024. As this is a military incursion into historic Russian territory, as distinct from the disputed legal sovereignty of Novorossiya, Russia regards this as a terrorist attack. Criminal charges against relevant officials and military will certainly be laid. In consequence of this attack, Mr. Medvedev strongly confirmed that there will be no negotiation.

"As I see it, there has existed a certain danger of late, however theoretical, of a ‘negotiations trap’ that our country might have fallen into, under a certain set of circumstances.
I am talking, of course, about the premature and unnecessary peace talks suggested by the international community and then forced on the Kiev regime.
Talks that had vague prospects and no tangible outcomes. 

Now that the neo-Nazis have carried out their terrorist attack in the Kursk region, everything falls back into place. The casual chit-chat of self-proclaimed intermediaries on the virtuous subject of peace has ceased.

Even if they cannot say it out loud, everyone recognises the reality of the situation.

Dmitry Medvedev 21 August 2024 (Telegram channel)

Mr. Medvedev's statement expands on the Russian President's earlier statement:

"It is now becoming increasingly clear why the Kiev regime rejected our proposals for a peaceful settlement, as well as those from interested and neutral mediators.

It appears that the enemy, with the support from their Western backers, is executing their directives, and the West is using Ukrainians as proxies in this conflict.

It seems the opponent is aiming to strengthen their negotiating position for the future.

However, what kind of negotiations can we have with those who indiscriminately attack civilians and civilian infrastructure, or pose threats to nuclear power facilities? What is there to discuss with such parties?"
Vladimir Putin 12 August 2024

A 'hard' peace formula would be elevation of the Special Military Operation to a condition more similar to all-out war, with the massive civil destruction of Ukraine. It would only end when Ukraine formally accepts defeat, implements de-nazification via constitutional and other legal changes, and at the same time embeds non-nuclear and appropriate elements of non-bloc status in its law.

The War of attrition continues without pause until all terms have been agreed and signed

[The Istanbul document] also said that the negotiations on other issues would continue, but only after the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, provision of security guarantees, and abolition of Ukrainian laws of a racist, neo-Nazi, and discriminatory nature."
Sergey Lavrov 19 April 2024

The security guarantors to the Istanbul Agreement were to be Russia, China, USA, France and the United Kingdom, plus Germany and Türkiye. But the west pulled out, collapsing the deal. This means that the west cannot be allowed to act as a security guarantor - and as Mr.Lavrov revealed on 19 April 2024, they have already said as much. That settles who won't be a security guarantor, but not who will be. Hostilities will continue until the issue is either settled or a settlement is imposed without any guarantors (except those the UN Security Council could give in times of conflict).

Given the history of Ukrainian duplicity, Russia will not allow NATO and it's Ukrainian proxy to drag out negotiations as a subterfuge to allow Ukraine time to be re-armed.

"We were promised that the Minsk agreements would be honoured...instead they only took a pause to arm the Bandera regime in Ukraine.

We were promised a lot of things...promises alone are not enough.

...we must be sure that this is not just another pause that the enemy wants to use for rearmament."
Vladimir Putin 13 March 2024

The consequence is that the Russians will likely continue the war right up until the moment of signature. And as the office of President in Ukraine is legally vacant, that moment may be entirely up to the military leadership of Ukraine. There is one possible caveat - if the West verifiably stops the flow of arms, then Russia may agree to a time-limited pause to finalise terms. But with zero further time extensions.

On June 14 2024 the above was more or less confirmed by President Putins list of pre-conditions (I have numbered them to make it clear):

"[1] Meanwhile, they should first command Kiev to lift the ban on negotiating with Russia, and second, we are ready to get down to negotiations as soon as tomorrow....there are legitimate authorities there, even in accord with the Constitution, ...we are ready. Our conditions for starting such talks are simple, and come down to the following.

I am going to ...make it clear that what I am about to say is not just about today for us, but that we have always adhered to a certain position and always strived for peace.

So, these conditions are simple.

[2] The Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and Kherson and Zaporozhye regions...they must be withdrawn from the entire territory of these regions within their administrative borders at the time of their being part of Ukraine.

As soon as Kiev declares that it is ready to make this decision and begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions,

[3] and also officially notifies that it abandons its plans to join NATO,

our side will follow an order to cease fire and start negotiations will be issued by us that very moment. I repeat – we will do this expeditiously...

we also guarantee an unhindered and safe withdrawal of Ukrainian units and formations.

We would certainly like to expect that such a decision on
troops withdrawal,
on a non-bloc status and
on launching dialogue with Russia,

on which Ukraine’s existence in the future depends, will be adopted in Kiev independently, proceeding from the established realities and guided by genuine national interests of the Ukrainian people, and not at the behest of the West, although there are, of course, great doubts about it."
Vladimir Putin 14 June 2024

Notice that these terms can be read as an ultimatum (this is deliberate - it is a coercive move called 'constructive ambiguity'). This is reinforced rather more directly by Mr. Medvedev (below).

"The President spoke at the Foreign Ministry collegium. What, in my opinion, should be paid special attention to, taking into account what the head of state said or what he carefully hinted at in his speech:

First. Russia has repeatedly offered Washington, Europe and NATO to resolve the Ukrainian crisis in its infancy, avoiding a large-scale tragedy. The answer was only cynical manipulation and outright deception. The first time on this topic happened in 2014. It was then that the promise to stop the atrocities and provocations of neo-Nazi forces in Kyiv, which the US President personally made, ended in a coup d’etat. The result was a referendum on the return of Crimea to Russia.

The second time, the deception was clothed in the Minsk agreements, which turned into a disgusting falsification, cooked up only to arm the Kyiv authorities. This is what its Western signatories admitted.

The third time this happened after the start of the Northern Military District [?operation] in the form of a forced refusal by the Kyiv regime from the neutrality treaty initialed by it in Istanbul. This was the result of boorish pressure from individual American officials and the British freak Johnson, as well as the animal cowardice of the ruling Ukrainian clique, which was afraid of getting a new Maidan.

(By the way, the foreign leader mentioned by V.V. Putin, who visited Moscow in March 2022, is none other than Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who went to Kiev after Moscow and proposed a compromise peace with the determination of the fate of the then-disputed territories. His they simply sent him [away], calling him an agent of the Kremlin, [they are] complete idiots [those] who rejected the offer of a possible peace on the best terms for them).

Second. Now the situation is completely different. According to the Constitution [of the Russian Federation], all new territories became part of Russia. And this is forever. Are further negotiations possible? Yes, they are possible. This is exactly what the head of our state said today, formulating a new idea about ending the conflict, but only taking into account the current realities on earth [i.e. on the ground] on the basis of the Istanbul Treaty and the current version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation .

Third. It is obvious that events are developing according to a catastrophic scenario for the Bandera regime. It will only get worse, our President directly said this when defining the basis for possible negotiations. The space for compromise is shrinking, like shagreen leather, along with the shrinking territory of a dying country. And the day is not far when only a narrow strip of it may remain.

Russia must protect itself for many years to come. Hence, by the way, the idea of a sanitary zone, which was put forward by V.V. Putin. All b.c. can fall into this zone. Ukraine right up to the borders with Poland, because it is from there that the constant threat comes. And what's next? The President did not directly say this, but it is obvious that such territories, if the people living there wish, could become part of Russia.

Fourth. The “summit of the doomed” starting tomorrow will end in complete fiasco. After all, meaningless “negotiations” in the absence of Russia on the stillborn formula of the Kyiv clown are just the recruitment of new extras to participate in a stupid play to legalize the Kyiv clown as a full-fledged head of state. But everyone, even our opponents, understands that he is just a pathetic usurper, shaking with fear and drug withdrawal. The systematic interpretation of the Constitution of Ukraine, which was given by V.V. Putin, leads to a very simple conclusion: it is impossible to extend the powers of the president under it; they pass to the head of parliament.

And fifth. Now Zelensky – no one can even call him. There is no power behind him, and his orders should not be carried out by anyone. And all the persons appointed by him after the expiration of their powers have no right to make decisions at all. These persons are illegitimate, and their decisions are illegal. Therefore, any Ukrainian military personnel commits a criminal offense when they carry out unlawful instructions from officials appointed by illegal authorities.

So the usurper, who seized power in the country, turned all the inhabitants of Ukraine into hostages. And every day he sends soldiers to their deaths, without having any rights to do so. A trial or mob violence awaits him, and b. Ukraine – capitulation."
Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of Russia's Security Council 14 June 2024 (telegram channel - machine translation)

Words in square brackets were added by me for clarity.

All this is clear. Everything mentioned above must already be in effect before any negotiations with Ukraine can start.

The United States capitulated in mid February 2025. It realised it had been militarily defeated by Russia. In the worst case, any further escalation could result in a visit by the Oreshnik missiles on mainland USA, triggering a dangerous exchange that Russia would 'win'. At a lower level, any further US-programmed missiles that are sent into Russia will be met with a missile attack on US bases in Europe or the Middle East. The Trump second administration was also fearful that Russia may act to drive up the price of oil.

Trump, had done brutal damage to the Russian diplomatic presence in USA (illegally seizing Russian diplomatic premises, search diplomatic premises, expelling diplomats and their families on almost no notice, breaking into seized buildings, taking down the official Russian state flag, blocking all banking so that accounts for power etc at the remaining embassy couldn't be paid, and on and on). He needed to settle with Russia. USA most likely has paid, or will pay, for the death and damage attributable to US  participation in the conflict. Once terms are agreed and arrangements made to pay (which, under a clause in the appropriate International law, the public will never hear about), the US will probably withdraw all military support from Ukraine. The current regime will collapse. Mr. Trump, ever performative, will claim responsibility. He will conveniently 'forget' how he escalated the conflict in pursuit of profit. The US will restore diplomatic relations because they must. The final arms control treaty ends in 2026, and Russia has the nuclear-like oreshnik - and a host of other new nuclear weapons.

The hysteria around this apparent rapprochement obscures the fact that everything laid out above remains true. The conflict will grind on, and the male population of Ukraine will continue to shrink at a disturbing rate.  As at 20 February 2025, over 60,000 Ukrainian troops sent into the Russian Federation have been lost. Overall, about a million Ukrainians have been killed since the start of the military operation.

Any further Ukrainian sacrifice to the corrupt Ukrainian political class is criminally wrong. But in spite of the USA ending it's attempt to defeat Russia, the UK and EU governments continue supplying material and  agents on the ground.

Europe's final capitulation is key. When they end support to the Zelensky regime, the regime can end and elections can be held (or a military junta installed). Then there is someone who can sign the Russian preconditions.

After that, talks on settlement terms can begin.

Ukraine settlement linked to European Security Treaty Added 26 December 2024. Last edited 27 December 2024.

On the 25th of December 2024 Sergey Lavrov made it crystal clear that regardless of who is President of the USA, the US doctrine remains the defeat of Russia. Russia does not expect that doctrine to change, no matter what 'sweet nothings' are whispered at the time of change of Presidents. Different wallpaper, same room. In February 2025, USA washed its hands of Ukraine. Talks about talks were started. Trump wants all the nuclear players to discuss restricting arms - on his terms, of course. Even so, if new governments come to power in Europe, a security agreement is possible.

"It has long been clear to everyone holding unbiased positions that it can be settled only in the context of agreements on lasting security and stability in Europe, which would take into account the interests of the Russian Federation and the legitimate interests of all other countries.

Everyone thinks the arrival of the Trump Administration will change things....

...we have no illusions. There is a fairly robust bipartisan consensus in Washington on supporting the Kiev regime. US doctrinal documents describe our country as an adversary that needs to be strategically defeated...

...We need reliable and legally binding agreements aimed at eliminating the root causes of the conflict, addressing problems such as common security in Europe, NATO expansion, the European Union’s recent decision to become an appendage of the North Atlantic bloc, in fact, erasing all differences between these organisations

...to avoid being mislead by empty hopes...we need a final, fully-fledged, legally binding and lasting settlement of problems in Europe, including the Ukrainian crisis.”
Sergey Lavrov 25 December 2024

He reiterated that the initial task is a treaty on European security.

He then mentions a treaty on 'global' security, which is a new development.

We have never claimed that with the Trump Administration in the White House the negotiating process on global security and Ukraine will begin no matter what.

his will not be, as many are now hoping, an inevitable outcome...

...We need to see serious, concrete proposals. When we have them, we will decide on how to respond to them based on our national interests, the goals of the special military operation, and President Vladimir Putin’s June 14 speech at the Foreign Ministry."
Sergey Lavrov 25 December 2024

Dmitry Medvedev echoed this unmovable position:

"...As Trump’s team is getting ready for action on the Ukrainian issue, there is no shortage of trumped-up ‘settlement scenarios’ concocted in rotten brains and other body organs. So far, they are all worthless, as one concrete proposal is much more important than hundreds of half-baked hypotheticals"
Dmitry Medvedev, 14 January 2025, Telegram

Mr. Trump destroyed all the existing nuclear arms and strategic weapons control treaties. Soon after, the US and Russia held very limited talks on weapons control. Russia has always wanted other nuclear powers such as France and Britain brought into a treaty. But USA wanted them excluded and China included. Under this new Russian initiative arms control must include all nuclear powers -  Israel, for example. And include the new hypersonic class of weapons. After all, hypersonic weapons are now in the hands of Houthis, Iranians, Russians, probably Chinese, and one day the USA itself will also have them.

Russia is under no illusion that a settlement of the Ukrainian conflict will come under any US administration. It will have to come from the European NATO members themselves. The issue of arms control, nuclear weapons, and hypersonic and biological weapons can certainly be settled by the Eurasians ('Europe' is merely west Eurasia, and has no future without the whole Eurasian supercontinent). The issue of arms control can be settled with BRICS countries (which includes the global majority). But there will be no negotiated Ukraine settlement without a European arms settlement. If there is no European arms control settlement, Russia will impose terms settlement on Ukraine. There will be no negotiation. In such a case, Odessa may well become part of Russia. But a Europe-wide security treaty is far from likely. Various 'agreements' between Ukraine and European states are likely to proliferate (if Ukraine retains any unified statehood - which is beginning to look unlikely).

Already (16 January 2025) the United Kingdom and Ukraine signed a "One Hundred Year Partnership agreement". The first 5 articles promise a vague eventual move to join NATO, but otherwise concern UK access to Ukrainian minerals (and especially natural gas, as yet undeveloped) , and what could be understood to be access to the Black Sea:

Strengthening defence capabilities

The Parties shall deepen defence cooperation, strengthen their military and defence industrial capabilities, including force development and collaboration between their defence industrial bases, strengthen Ukraine’s defence procurement, and transfer technologies for joint production of defence products (including through joint initiatives), with a focus on innovation and strengthening intellectual property rights protection of transferred technologies, and aligning with NATO requirements.

Strengthening security and building consensus on Ukraine’s NATO membership

The Parties shall build on areas that benefit Euro-Atlantic peace and stability well beyond the war, recognizing Ukraine’s integral role in Euro-Atlantic security, with a focus on Ukraine’s inter-operability and contribution as a future NATO Ally.

Building a partnership in the field of maritime security

The Parties shall endeavour to address long-term systemic threats and challenges to maritime security in order to restore freedom of navigation.

The Parties shall establish a maritime security partnership, including with the objective of strengthening of Baltic Sea, Black Sea, and Azov Sea security.

Increasing economic and trade cooperation

The Parties shall seek to strengthen conditions for investment and trade in both of their nations, and cooperate across a range of sectors, including but not limited to transport, infrastructure, and energy to make both of their economies more modern, resilient, and prosperous. They will also strengthen economic inclusivity, supporting efforts to reduce inequality, tackle poverty and leave no one behind.

Strengthening energy, climate, and clean energy transition cooperation

The Parties shall deepen their collaboration on energy based on principles of sustainability and clean transition, on a mutually beneficial basis, and strengthen conditions for investment in Ukraine’s energy sector.
Boris Johnston cancelled the 2022 peace agreement after the draft had already been approved by all parties. The reason is obvious: he needed Ukraine to hold onto the vast Lithium mine that a UK based company had recently invested in. The area that mine is in is now under Russian control. Most likely Russia will freeze all repatriation of profits from the mine, and eventually force the shareholders to sell it to a Russian approved buyer as a huge discount to its value. These individual agreements are likely, as they are easily withdrawn from. Treaties are binding (in theory), so much less likely.

Settlement of a global treaty on security will probably not come at all. At least not for the west. And maybe never.

What's more, Mr. Lavrov's speech also now frames the preconditions in the Russian Presidents June 14 speech as not preconditions de novo, so to speak, but simply unfulfilled contractual items that must be remedied before a negotiated settlement can proceed. He goes right back to the 1997 agreement not to move NATO "one inch" to the East. A condition NATO broke. In fact, as early as 2021, the Russian Foreign Ministry was referring to a 'demand' that the conditions of the Minsk agreement be fulfilled. The Minsk Agreement was endorsed by the UN Security Council, and are therefore International law.

"You said this speech “contains conditions.” By and large, there are no conditions there. It contains a demand to fulfill what has been repeatedly agreed upon over many years:
militarisation of Ukraine (which is a direct violation of the agreements that NATO will not “gobble up” an increasing number of countries to the east and approach directly the border of the Russian Federation), and respect for the obligations under the UN Charter, including with regard to human rights, language and religious rights among them. Can these truly be called conditions?

This is the bare minimum of what any normal member of the international community must do

Is the expression of the will by the regions in the DPR, LPR, and Kherson and Zaporozhye regions a pre-condition? No. The UN Charter explicitly says that all countries must respect the territorial value of those states that respect the right of nations to self-determination, as happened during the above-mentioned referendums.

Most importantly, the Charter calls for respecting the territorial integrity of the countries whose governments represent the entire population living on the territory in question. Can the people of Crimea, Donbass, and Novorossiya say that their interests are represented by a Nazi regime that has announced the extermination of everything Russian, in fact, its main goal...

The principles formulated by President Vladimir Putin are not preconditions. They actually derive from international law.

...above all, upholding the rights of the people living in these territories who have supported reunification with the Russian Federation. This does not mean that the demand for respect for the linguistic and religious freedoms, which have been legislatively abolished by Vladimir Zelensky, does not apply to the rest of Ukraine. Most of the people who live there speak Russian as their native language. The linguistic aggression started by the Kiev regime will certainly not be tolerated."
Sergey Lavrov 25 December 2024

"Importantly, they do not constitute preliminary conditions of any sort. They represent a demand to fulfill what everyone signed up to when adopting the Charter of the United Nations."
Sergey Lavrov 26 December 2024

Mr. Lavrov once again rejects the West's facile ploy to promote a pause or truce, a pause to re-arm Ukraine.

''...the prevailing discourse we are hearing both in the West and in Ukraine today is about a truce and only truce. It is about buying time to allow the Kiev regime to regain strength, with the help of the West, and resume its attempts to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, acting on their Western bosses’ instructions....We will not be satisfied with a truce."
Sergey Lavrov 25 December 2024

"Despite assurances made to the Soviet leadership and our numerous warnings over the past 20 years, the North Atlantic Alliance has been expanding eastward with undue haste, creating direct military threats to Russia immediately along our borders. It was this aggressive course of action that ultimately precipitated the Ukraine crisis, instigated by the state coup in Kiev in February 2014, orchestrated by Washington and its European allies.

This coup brought ultra-nationalists to power, who then declared a campaign to eradicate all things Russian and commenced hostilities against millions of Russians and Russian-speaking people who refused to recognise the illegitimate authority of the putchists.

These are the root causes of the crisis, which Western leaders today prefer to overlook...

Since 2014, Ukraine has consistently enacted laws prohibiting the Russian language in education, media, culture, and all other spheres. Recently, Ukrainian parliament banned the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Let me remind you that Article 1 of the UN Charter mandates respect for human rights for all, without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. Yet, the West turns a blind eye to the gross violations of the Charter perpetrated by the Russophobic, racist regime in Kiev.
Sergey Lavvrov 21 October 2024

Mr. Lavrov re-emphasised on 26 December 2024 that the 'root cause' of the conflict must be addressed first. He identified the two main ones as, firstly, the NATO expansion up to Russia's borders, and secondly, the "racist" suppression of Russian culture, language, media, and even the  Russian Canonical church. NATO (or similar forms) must be removed from Ukraine. Furthermore, at the primary causal level, he is demanding the 1997 obligations of NATO be enacted, presumably by an NATO/EU-Russia treaty proscribing deployment of weapons and large concentrations of NATO forces. Of course USA and NATO EU won't agree.

In effect he is saying while an agreement with Ukraine might be possible once those things under Ukrainian control are implemented, if there is no an agreement with EU/NATO, then the door is open for pre-emptive military action to remove the NATO missiles from Russia's doorstep. The timing of the development of the development of the Oreshnik is relevant. We can guess that the staff in the NATO missile batteries in Poland and Romania will be told to leave, then the facilities destroyed.

"We remain open to consultations. If someone finds it hard to understand where we stand, even though we made it clear on many occasions, we are ready to reiterate our position.

We are open to talks, if they focus on the substance and the root causes and the principles mentioned by President Vladimir Putin in his speech at the Foreign Ministry in June. Importantly, they do not constitute preliminary conditions of any sort. They represent a demand to fulfill what everyone signed up to when adopting the Charter of the United Nations....

they set up a negotiating team of the Kiev regime, the root causes of this crisis need to be addressed. We want these causes eliminated.

As long as they are in place, there can be no agreement.

I have discussed these root causes in detail, and I hope that anyone who is interested in advancing the negotiations knows what I am talking about. Again, these are not preconditions.

These are the steps that all parties to this process and conflict should have taken long ago, in accordance with the commitments they had made, including under the principles of the UN Charter, which must be applied in their entirety and interconnectedness.

With this understanding, we are open to any serious proposals. I hope everyone realises that we will not agree to a temporary ceasefire only to resume the conflict later.

We insist on the need to end this conflict in a sustainable and legally impeccable settlement by eliminating its root causes.

I trust that all interested parties will become increasingly convinced that this approach has no alternative."
Sergey Lavrov 26 December 2024

This last line is very important. It is a statement that Russia has won the conflict and defeated NATO. The USA will be received for "consultations" with Russia, but there is no negotiations possible on Russia's fundamental security demands.

Settlement terms - putting it all together edited 9 September 2024. Last edited 17 January 2025.

Taking all the above into account, plus recent developments, we can flesh out a general contour of a proposed settlement. Some of these items might be negotiated out of the final agreement. Others - those negotiated in the Minsk Agreements - must be put in place before a negotiation can begin. These include changing the Ukrainian constitution to remove the anti-Russian discrimination embedded in it, removing the article that commits Ukraine to becoming a NATO member, banning neo nazism, Banderism and all its manifestations, and establishing Ukraine as a neutral country.

Russia will require the United States to remove its cruise missile bases from Russia's doorstep in Romania and Poland. This won't be a negotiation. This will be a directive. The promise will be that Russia will destroy them with an oreshnik salvo if the US doesn't comply within a set time. (The time trigger will be US development of a successful hypersonic cruise missile). No security treaty will be required, but a face-saving agreement with the USA may be signed. Most likely Russia will agree not to actually use the oreshnik against the US European (including Greenland) bases so long as the US 'voluntarily' doesn't deploy cruise missiles there. See also 'Roadmap to verification'.

1. Ukraine must recognise all new territorial realities.
That is, territories Russia has occupied and held referendums which confirm a majority desire to join Russia must be recognised by Ukraine as part of Russia (Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions).

"I do not know what will happen to Western Ukraine. A lot of politicians also voice their opinions on this matter. However, the future of the originally Russian Ukraine, which wants to be part of the Russian world, speak Russian, educate its children in this language, and bring flowers to the monuments of those who shed blood for this land during the time of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Great Patriotic War, is beyond any doubt."
Sergey Lavrov 19 April 2024

Mr. Lavrov's words are rather ambiguous. The future of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporozhye have been sealed. They are constitutionally Russia. This was made crystal clear by Mr. Putin on the 14th of June 2024.

"...the situation has fundamentally changed. The residents of Kherson and Zaporozhye have expressed their position in referendums, and Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, as well as the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, have become part of the Russian Federation. And there can be no talk of disturbing our state unity.
The people’s will to be with Russia shall be inviolable. This matter is closed forever and is no longer a matter for discussion."
Vladimir Putin 14 June 2024

The future of other oblasts that were also once part of Russia - Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov - is far from certain. They may be taken by military force and decome a 'sanitary zone' along the lines of Mr. Medvedev's statements of 14 June 2024 (although he was referring to all the land in west Ukraine, right up to the Polish border). After 10 or 15 years the 'sanitary zones (policed by Russia and a third country) could formally be released to Ukraine, or become autonomous, as decided by a referendum. The oblasts status would have to be put 'beyond any doubt' by a new Ukrainian constitution making them autonomous regions. These regions would control their own affairs (except for foreign affairs), but remain legally part of Ukraine even while preserving their own culture (including language). Autonomous regions are not uncommon in various states around the world, including Russia (namely the Chukotka Autonomous region).

On the 14th of January 2025, Dmitry Medlevdev commented that the 'Slavic' people shouldn't be divided from each other. He referred to Ukraine as Malorussia (little Russia), reflecting the fact that a large part of today's Ukraine was peopled by 'Russians', except for the far western regions. Further, he scotched the idea of eventually 'handing over' people who he regards as Russia's "own" to "Banderistan" "when the time comes", saying "The proposed scenario tries to sell the thoroughly rotten idea that one Slavic people can be divided into two distinct groups, which is indecent to even mention out loud in principle. And finally: who would seriously consider an option where a nuclear superpower gives something up to an ugly runt with a name which is literally translated as the ‘Outskirts’?" He states that "national jurisdiction over contested territories is not up for negotiation". In other words, the areas that Russia contests will be under Russian jurisdiction, in some form or other.

Ukraine has stubbornly refused to negotiate terms even after western arms supplies slowed down. This intransigence, coupled with strikes on Russian infrastructure lauched from the port of Odessa makes the incorporation of Odessa (and maybe Nikolaev) into Russia more likely, but if they are to be incorporated, it would have to be done while the current repressive anti-Russian speaking constitution is in place, as that is the only basis for a region to legally break away from it's current political entity. And it will have to be subject to a popular referendum of the residents - Mr. Lavrov has as much said so in the past. But the sequence is unacceptable to Russia. The Ukrainian constitution must be changed before such details are worked out.

It is possible that a new settlement agreement will include some sort of agreement for Odessa, in particular, to be a free port, with the oblast to hold a referendum in 10 so years time to see if it wishes to remain with Ukraine, become autonomous, or join the Russian Federation. Nikolaev may be included with Odessa. Kharkov, a majority Russian speaking oblast, until recently has had very little military action, so at 15 May 2024 there was relatively little damage there. However an attritional' northern front was opened up in Kharkov (and probes into Sumy, further north) in mid May, forcing the hugely depleted Ukrainian military personnel to be constantly robbing forces from one front to reinforce another more active front.  Attrition warfare carried out by Russia means less damage to infrastructure (Kharkov city is more likely to be encircled and put under siege than stormed) than would be the case in a full-blown war of maneuver of massed combined forces. It seems to me increasingly likely that Kharkov, too, might ultimately be taken by referendum. Once again, a new Ukrainiane constitution will have to be in place.

But the sequence can just as effectively be by conquest first, then June 2024 pre-conditions for agreement met, then final agreement. Which, in conquered territories may include refendum now or referendum later. But Russian jurisdiction always.

2. There must be bilateral security guarantees provided (to both parties) on Russia's western borders.
The countries on Russia's western borders are Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, and maybe Georgia, and Azerbaijan. Guarantees would relate to the size of armed forces, inadmissibility of hosting nuclear weapons etc. This is the subject of the December 2021 Security Guarentee Agreement with NATO, which Russia demanded that NATO countries individually sign with Russia. (This, by the way, is an application of coercive diplomacy.). The west's collective position is that Russia hasn't defeated them in an actual 'declared' war, so Russia cannot demand anything. They are probably right. The time is not yet ripe.

"Our position has not changed radically. We are open to dialogue, but we will be guided by our legitimate interests, and our stand on a possible settlement will be adjusted in accordance with the situation on the ground.

Because the conflict...has a geopolitical dimension, its settlement must include security guarantees on Russia’s western border.

I would like to remind you that this is the essence of the initiative which President Vladimir Putin advanced in December 2021. The West represented by the United States and NATO contemptuously rejected it."
Sergey Lavrov 13 July 2023

While Russia is unlikely to achieve the security guarantees it wants from the west at this time (if ever), collective guarantees of Ukraine's security might be achieved through the offices of the UN Security Council plus others.

"...We agreed with the principles of the settlement contained in that document. Among them was ensuring Ukraine's security through...the provision of collective guarantees not by NATO, but from the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, as well as Germany and Turkey."
Sergey Lavrov 01 December 2022

The implication is that if Ukraine is threatened by external forces, the Security Council will authorise a UN force to go to Ukraine's aid. The west has unecessarily extended the conflict (with the complicity of top Ukrainian government figures), causing the death of many more Ukrainians and Russians. Perhaps the lineup of guarantors may change, or the mandate may change.

But of course, the USA will never agree, and will never cooperate. Russia's 2008 Security Treaty meets both the Russian and the Ukrainian sides needs. It has the enormous advantage that it can be implemented immediately between bilateral partners. It is immensely flexible - others can become party to any one agreement, or leave as changes of governments may demand (yet they won't find anything better). The Security Treaty can be registered with the United Nations, forming part of International Law. There are numerous other advantages (see my 2022 article for details). It is time for the 2008 Treaty to be brought back into the light.

3.  All Ukrainian anti-Russian sanctions must be lifted.

4. All claims against the Russian government and Russian legal entities and Russian individuals must be withdrawn.

5. All attempts to prosecute Russian government officials, entities and individuals must be terminated.

6. Ukraine must respect the rights of its both its Russian population and other ethnic populations, including the right to speak and read in their own language.
The Russian language must be given official status, as other languages are already. This must be embedded in the constitution. ("abolition of Ukrainian laws of a racist, neo-Nazi, and discriminatory nature" Lavrov April 2024)

7. Ukraine must restore friendly relations with all neighbours (i.e. Russia and Belarus).
It must do this by re-opening the borders and re-establishing all the legal frameworks (including all former Soviet States such as Belarus) previously in place before the coup.

8. Ukraine must restore Ukraine's founding principles of neutrality and non-bloc (non-aligned) status outlined in the 1990 declaration of independence.
Ukraine will have to embed this principle in its constitution.

9. Ukraine must de-militarise
This is already largely accomplished by Russia's attritional military strategy and the Ukrainian leaderships contempt for the lives of its conscripts.

Ukrainian arms and personnel will be restricted in size. "the Istanbul document outlined the limits of the relevant weapons, personnel, etc." Lavrov 19 April 2024.

Buffer zone to be on Ukrainian territory

Russia will probably impose a temporary 'de-miltarised zone' on Ukrainian territory where Ukraine's rockets and artillery will have to be kept a 'maximum-range restricted' distance away from Russia's border.

".. if this [shelling by Ukraine] continues, then we will apparently have to consider the issue – and I say this very carefully – in order to create some kind of buffer zone on the territory of Ukraine at such a distance from which it would be impossible to reach our territory. ...We have to see how the situation develops..."
Vladimir Putin June 13, 2023 

President Putin put it clearly when answering the question of how to make our territory safe. He said that we should move back the line from which they can target our territory. I understand that Kharkov plays not the least role in this respect."
Sergey Lavrov 19 April 2024

We warned them against making incursions into our territory, shelling Belgorod and neighbouring areas, or else we will be forced to create a security area.

Look at what your Western colleagues are reporting. No one is talking about shelling Belgorod or other adjacent territories. The only thing they are talking about is Russia opening a new front and attacking Kharkov.

Not a word. Why is that? They did it with their own hands. Well, let them reap the fruits of their ingenuity.

The same thing can happen in case the long-range precision weapons which you asked about is used.
Vladimir Putin 28 May 2024

Sergey Lavrov's remark suggests that Ukraine's Kharkov might remain Ukrainian territory, but become a de-militarised buffer zone. Logically, Sumy and parts of Chernihiv would complete the buffer up to the Belarus border. (Perhaps plus parts of Kiev, Zhytomyr, Rivne and Volyne as autonomous oblasts or buffers for Belarus). Dnepropetrovsk and Poltava oblasts might form the western buffer, and Nikolaev the southern buffer (I suspect it will be absorbed it into the Russian Federation by one or other means). If Russia is forced to end the conflict through use of a massive military strike, then logic suggest the buffer zones would be targeted by Russian forces moving from all directions simultaneously, including from Belarus. The current banderist government would be deposed, elections held, and buffer zones formalised by agreement and under threat of force of arms for non-compliances.

In early August 2024 Ukraine made an incursion into the undisputed Russian territory of Kursk. In response Dmitry Medvedev said on 8 August 2024 that "another important political and legal consequence of what happened" was that "from this moment on" the special military operation was no longer a limited operation "to return our official territories and punish the Nazis", but to exact " a carefully thought-out retribution". He said retribution should be an official change in the operation to an "openly extraterritorial character".

He considered it necessary to openly talk about moving into the currently undisputed part of Ukraine, specifically Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev. Even "to Kiev and beyond."
In my opinion, this makes it likely that Nikolaev and Odessa, at least, will now definitely be taken, with the other 2 oblasts that make up Novorossiya (Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk) now also likely, if only as part of the buffer zone. Possibly with a referendum on autonomy to ultimately follow.

Buffer zone tracks missile range

Just how wide a buffer zone is needed is a crucial question.

The range of the Storm Shadow/Scalp missile is around 400 kilometers. Any missile of this type located in Kiev can hit Russia's northwest. A buffer zone here to a depth of 400 kilometers would mean all military equipment in Kiev would have to move to the central west region of Ukraine, about where the city of Vinnytsia is.

A buffer in southern Ukraine would go to the Moldovan border and also extend north to Vinnytsia.

In effect, most of the military equipment would be quarantined to the Volyn, Rivne, Transcarpentia,and Lviv general area in the west of Ukraine. But Ukraine has modified some older missiles to increase their range to 1,000 kilometers. This would require virtually all of Ukraine to be a giant buffer zone.

If Russia takes Odessa, the 400 kilometer buffer zone will go almost to the Polish border. Some form of compromise will probably be agreed.

In any case, if some Ukrainian (or NATO provocateurs) cheat on the buffer zone and fires at Russia (almost certain, in my opinion) it will take either a massive punitive strike to dissuade further breaches, or a massive peace-keeping force to make sure there is no cheating or breach in the first place. Such a force should probably come from the Russian-speaking CSTO countries, maybe UN supervised. No western foreign forces will be allowed in Ukraine, including dual citizen foreigners posing as Ukrainians.

"President Putin has said many times, both in January and early February, that Russia will not tolerate a model of European security that relies on NATO as the dominant force. Especially when it's right on our doorstep.

We've repeatedly said that we want to find an alternative solution - a solution that would reliably address security concerns of Ukraine, the nations of Europe, and, naturally, Russia. And that's the direction we should take.

President Zelensky said that he was interested in security guarantees for Ukraine. I see this as a positive development. Our negotiators are ready to discuss these guarantees..."
Sergey Lavrov 2 March 2022

This is a crystal clear indication that Russia and all the countrys bordering the Russian Federation, and the Russian Federation itself, can achieve security with some version of Mr. Medvedev's 2008 Security Agreement. As I wrote on the 18th of February 2022:

"1. The 2008 Treaty is styled as a 'European Security Treatment'. It encompasses:

"all States of the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian space from Vancouver to Vladivostok as well as by the following international organizations: the European Union, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Collective Security Treaty Organization, North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Community of Independent States"
It was designed to deal with the urgent needs of the times. But once the US and NATO are forced to make a decision on bilateral security with Russia - and they have to make a decision right now, they are cornered and can't wriggle out - then it settles the matter, one way or the other. Space then opens up for Russia to offer the world either a 'mother of all security deals' or a whole series of identically worded regional security treaties.

Everybody is treated equally, as the wording is the same.

There is no real delay to implementation. These treaties are designed to come into force with only some countries signing. No one needs to wait for a 'holdout' to come on board. There could be a treaty for Europe, a treaty for Eurasia, for Asia, South East Asia, for Asia Pacific, for the Americas (minus the North), for the Caribbean...Russia could initiate treaties in whatever regional designations that would work best."

Clearly, absolutely clearly, this is the direction both the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China will take for decades to come. (I wrote about it here). And in late May 2024 China as much as said so. With China and Russia on board, with BRICS beckoning, with the lure of overland transport routes to the East, to India, to Iran, to the Middle East, to Africa - how can Ukraine refuse?

10. Ukraine must de-nazify
This must be embedded in the constitution. Appropriate laws passed banning white supremicist and nazi and neonazi symbols, groups, meetings etc. A meeting was held by the Russian Security Council on the 22nd of March 2024 to address the problem of neonazism, probably mainly in a post-operation Ukraine, but also at home.

11. Ukraine must never join NATO.
Again, the security treaty signed with Russia must preclude Ukraine joining any security organisation that secures Ukraine's security at Russia's expense. This is for Russia's security.

12. Ukraine must re-affirm its non-nuclear status.
This must be embedded in Ukraines constitution.

13. Ukraine must never join the EU without the issue of subsidised trade being resolved.
Russia wants to allow trade to flow between Ukraine and Russia. But if Ukraine joins the EU, Russia will be flooded with cheap EU (not Ukrainina) goods, destroying Russian businesses. Russia will never.allow this. A solution, such as equalising tariffs, must be found.

12. The west must pay for the reconstruction of civilian infrastructure destroyed by Ukraine’s military.
The launch of the Ukraine government's military attacks on the eastern oblasts under the pretext of fighting secessionists has caused a great deal of damage to what is now Russia. Ukraine is in no position to pay reparations, but the west is. This condition can be satisfied outside Ukraine, using the Law of State Responsibility.

Implementation of settlement terms edited 29 May 2024
Most elements are political, and are a matter of a series of political steps:

1. Statement by the current government of Ukraine that they recognise they are militarily defeated and that they surrender unconditionally.
This creates certainty in the mind of Ukrainian citizens that there is no point in resistance, and it indeed would be prohibited as a breach of terms and therefore subject to punitive action.

"Recognition by the former (further, f.) “Ukraine” its military defeat in the conflict; total and unconditional surrender of the f.[former] “Ukraine” represented by the neo-nazi clique in Kiev..."
Dmitry Medvedev 15 March 2024

Mr. Medvedev distinguishes between "former" Ukraine neo-nazi clique part of Ukraine's government, which must be the one to surrender, and a "further" Ukrainian government. This probably refers to the House of Representatives, the Ukrainian Parliamentary branch of government that will be voted in when elections are held after martial law is ended.

The current President's 5 year term has ended, so Presidential elections will be held more or less at the same time as Parliamentary elections.

But first, the current executive branch of government (whose legitimacy has probably ended) must surrender and their government dissolve. Or the military leadership must get together and determine to capitulate in the interests of the nation. After all, they no longer have a Commander-in-Chief. And Russia has a warrant out for his arrest, presumably on charges of terrorism.

On 22 March 2024, 'ISIS in Khorasan (IS–KP)' Salafi Muslim terrorists attacked and killed over 139 people at the Crocus City Hall near Moscow.  US advisories publicly suggested an attack might happen about the 8th or 9th, the date a Shaman concert was due to be held there. I believe the Shaman concert was timed to boost national determination just before the Presidential elections in Russia. It is likely the terrorists initially planned to attack on that date, as it would have made people fearful of congregating to vote. Heavy security at the Shaman concert made them postpone their attack. In any case, Russia, it seems, believes the terror group has been supported and enabled by the SBU, the Ukrainian Secret Service (at least), and so Russia subsequently bombed one of their headquarters.

The Russian President said on the 23rd of March:

"All perpetrators, organisers and masterminds of this crime will face fair and inevitable punishment, whoever they may be and whoever directed them. I emphasise once more: we will identify and bring to justice each and every individual who stands behind these terrorists, those who orchestrated this atrocity"
Vladimir Putin 23 March 2024

Mr. Medvedev said on 25 March 2024 "...those who are involved, regardless of the country of origin and status, are now our main and legitimate target." As it happens, the Russian Security Council had convened at 1425 hours on the 22nd to discuss measures to counter neonazism. Most likely the meeting related to measures to deal with neo-nazis in a post-conflict Ukraine. The Terror operation at the Crocus venue was 'given the signal to go' that same evening, suggesting the customer who ultimately purchase this attack was a government agency seeking to show the impotence of the Russian government.

These statements suggest that Russia regards the Ukrainian government as being the orchestrators. Or rather, the executive branch, at least. By specifying "whoever they may be" he allows the inclusion of state figures who would ordinarily be protected by their status and diplomatic passport. In effect, if the current Ukrainian government executive branch (President and advisors, some of the top armed forces officials, and members of the security service) is found to be involved in this crime, it will automatically mean it will be regarded as an illegitimate entity, and therefore can be targeted for retribution.

At that point - and this is very important - the current executive branch, including the 'President', cannot be a partner in any negotiation process.

On May 30th 2024 Dmytro Tabachnik, one of the co-authors of the Ukrainian Constitution, pointed out that if negotiations are blocked by the west, the key to side-stepping the pretender-President and precipitating the initial steps regardless of what he or his advisers say, is simple. Military Capitulation.

"In the case of accepting capitulation, [legitimacy] becomes secondary," Tabachnik argued.

For instance, after Adolf Hitler's suicide, the Third Reich was headed by Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz, solely based on Hitler's will — Dönitz was neither elected nor approved by the German parliament.
"Nevertheless, the delegation formed was recognized by all allies and agreed in Potsdam on the night of May 8-9 that these individuals would sign the capitulation,""
Sputnik 30 May 2024

2. Elections
Technically, the Zelensky presidency ended in late May 2024. Then there must be Presidential elections. This is an inflection point. According to Vladimir Putin (a lawyer by training)

"..we, of course, must understand with whom we need and can deal with a view to signing legally binding documents. In this case, we must be absolutely sure that we are dealing with the legitimate authorities. This question must be answered in Ukraine itself, primarily, I think, by its parliament, the Constitutional Court or some other government authorities."
Vladimir Putin 24 May 2024

" the law of Ukraine on the legal status, legal position and martial law reads that presidential elections are not held during martial law. However, this does not mean that they are extended. They are not held but who said that they must be extended? The Constitution says nothing about this...Ukrainian statehood is based on the idea of the parliamentary-presidential republic rather than the presidential republic. The main levers of power are concentrated in the representative state body....

...in a tentative estimate...the parliament and the Rada Speaker remain the only legitimate power... if they wanted to hold presidential elections, they should have simply repealed martial law at that time and held elections. But they did not want to do this for a number of reasons...

...the final say should be made by the political and legal system of Ukraine. It should formulate and explain what is happening in Ukraine. I believe, this is not too difficult.. the 2016 law prohibits holding presidential elections under martial law but nothing is said about extension of these powers. So, what? See Article 111 of the Constitution – all power is transferred to the Speaker of Parliament."
28 May 2024

No Presidential elections can be held until the Ukrainian parliament repeals martial law. No elections can be held during martial law; equally, there is nothing in Ukrainian law that extends a Presidential term.

However Article 111 provides for the Speaker of Parliament to assume Presidential powers when there is no incumbent President. The moment the Parliament (Rada) repeals martial law and the Speaker of the House has to take on executive (Presidential) powers, then the Parliament becomes responsible for implementing very unpopular Presidential edicts, including, especially, lowering the age of military service. Right at the very time that Parliamentary elections must also be held.

This catch-22 situation can only be broken by the Parliament breaking the deadlock - but it is not in the politicians interests to do that. Especially as violent right-wing racist thugs will demand the Parliament keep martial law in place and continue the fight.

"...we could address Verkhovna Rada but this makes no sense while the power is usurped by the ruling elite, because the majority at the Verkhovna Rada is under its command. It holds the power illegally and does not even appeal to the constitutional court to confirm its powers....All powers should go to the Rada, but it does not take these powers upon itself."
Vladimir Putin 4 July 2024

What is the Parliament waiting for? Vladimir Putin believes he has the answer:

"I believe that after this and other unpopular decisions are made, those who are acting today as representatives of executive government would be replaced with people who would not be responsible for the unpopular decisions made. These representatives will be simply replaced in a snap. If this is the idea, the logic is understandable in principle. Let’s see what happens next."
Vladimir Putin 28 May 2024

In other words, the Ukrainian Parliament is 'facing down' the Ukrainian executive branch to continue with their psychopathic policies to their inevitable end, and once the President runs to safety in the UK and the military command surrenders, the Parliament will quickly place the Speaker of the House in charge of the executive branch, he will dismiss most of the current executive responsible for this mess, and replace them all with saner acting executives.

Then Presidential and Parliamentary elections will be held.

3. Change the Ukrainian constitution

4. Demilitarisation

""demilitarization of the f. [furrther] “Ukraine” and banning the creation of military formations within its boundaries in the future."
Dmitry Medvedev 15 March 2024"

Militarily, the template has long been in place - it simply follows the OSCE guidelines (more or less) that were in place to protect Donetsk and Lugansk. And this is more or less what was agreed to in the 2022 draft agreement that Ukraine was persuaded to ultimately refuse. It is about a buffer zone.

1. Restriction on the numbers and types of weapons deployed within a certain distance of the border (the buffer zone). This is the protective cordon to protect Russia that Dmitry Medvedev has previously referred to.

2. Monitoring by agreed outside parties. The OSCE has lost all credibility - it is very biased to the west.

"The way the OSCE has acted and is acting with regard to the crisis in Ukraine is a total fiasco. Its Special Monitoring Mission has not only failed as a mediator within the framework of the implementation of the Minsk Agreements, but has also stooped to a lawbreaking step.

Instead of monitoring activities, some of SMM staff were reviewing and passing intelligence to Kiev.

It is hard to believe that the Mission's leadership was not aware of that...

...It is with ever growing concern that we are watching how virtually every tools and resource at the disposal of OSCE has been assigned to the corrupt tasks of total "Ukrainization" of the Organization’s agenda...We are outraged by the active involvement of the Chairmanship-in-Office in the Western campaign to whitewash the criminal actions of the neo-Nazi Maidan authorities.

I appeal to the Maltese Chairmanship - do not deceive yourselves. By ignoring the heinous attacks by armed formations of the Zelensky regime against peaceful Russian cities, you show solidarity with them. Thus, being an accomplice, you also share responsibility with the Kiev regime for atrocities against Russian servicemen and civilians, committed i.a. on the territory of the Russian Federation."
Vassily Nebenzia, Russian Federation Permanent Representative at the United Nations 19 April 2024

Russia and Ukraine will have to find an acceptable group. Probably Russian speaking Eurasian countries would form the backbone. Intriguingly, as Russia participates in peacekeeping in Africa, it may ask Africa for help in monitoring at least the Russian side.

"Given a common understanding of the root causes and reasons for the crisis in Ukraine, the ministers discussed future opportunities for a contribution by South Africa and a number of other members of the African Union in the search for a peaceful settlement to the conflict."
Sergey Lavrov 22 February 2024

Rebuilding Ukraine - whose responsibility?

According to an interview with Scott Ritter on September 30 2022 with Andrey Gurulyov, member of the State Duma Defense Committee, demilitarisation will require Russia to occupy the remainder of Ukraine. Occupying forces are responsible for the provision of the maintenance of essentials for life - food, water, shelter. Did the Western occupying forces do this in Afghanistan? Most of the aid was from 'foreign donors'. According to the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 'donors' gave $1.67 billion to Afghanistan in humanitarian aid in 2021. The United States gave $425 million of that. Why would Russia penalise it's own domestic economy by replacing the current Western largesse to Ukraine with Russian largesse? It makes no sense.

It does make sense to give carefully targeted aid to Ukraine so that it can rebuild what is left of it's economy. But with full accountability.
There may be limited, temporary occupation of Ukraine as part of the terms of settlement of a negotiated settlement, but even this is problematic. I doubt Russia has any intention whatever of an occupation of Ukraine beyond Oblasts that might vote to merge with the Russian Federation.

A good paper written by
Christopher Knowles in 2013 lists universal principles for an occupying force to follow to ensure peace and stability returns to the occupied country. While he was discussing post war Germany, after Germany had surrendered, the principles apply anywhere. The summary covers the main points, and nothing much else needs to be said:

In Ukraine's case, EU aid organisations will be in the drivers seat. As far as the new Ukrainian government is concerned - and the Ukrainian people - whatever they give will be "not enough". It is obvious to me that in post-conflict Ukraine blame for the disaster will be placed less with Russia but with the US and EU. The fact that Ukrainians were being used as a disposable tool of the West will become widely known. Ukrainians will - rightly - draw the obvious conclusions.

In mid May NATO's Stoltenberg as much as said no aid would be spent on Ukraine 'if' it loses the conflict. Perhaps it was not serious, but simply a threat designed to coerce Ukraine to continue to fight. Perhaps not - the EU has made its money out of supplying weapons, loans and buying and encumbering Ukrainian assets Ukraine, and, having parasitically bloated itself on Ukrainian blood, is ready to abandon its host.

According to one US so-called 'think'-tank, USA will have to provide Ukraine with aid for years to come. (They include military aid, which is, of course, another delusion.)

"Ukraine cannot continue to fight and to recover without continuing aid from the U.S. and other powers. Moreover, if the war drags on as it well may do, the total costs of both the war and recovery states could easily rise well over $500 billion.

A truly long war could put the total cost of the war and recovery to a trillion dollars or more...while U.S. aid to Ukraine has scarcely been cheap, U.S. spending has been at token levels compared to the economic burden that the cost of the Ukraine war and economic sanctions have placed on Russia....

...moving towards a viable peace settlement is critical to both Ukraine’s survival and limiting the cumulative cost of aid....the U.S. should expend its current efforts at cooperation the build [sic] such a planning and management effort and make current wartime flow of civil aid cost-effective as soon as possible.

It should expand current efforts to develop the kind of longer-term post conflict planning that is really needed. Any realistic peace settlement will depend upon the existence of a functional and credible form of Western recovery aid to Ukraine – one where the U.S. will almost certainly have to pay a major share....

...Past experiences warns that this will require an ongoing management effort with demanding controls of corruption and cost-effectiveness, and a postwar planning effort that will link the Ukraine to the EU and the economy of Europe in ways that would allow it to export without the same dependence on naval routes that Russia might challenge or interdict...

...it is critical to remember that the West is also supporting Ukraine by conducting the equivalent of economic warfare against Russia. Economic sanctions, controlling on the levels and technologies involved in trade, and taking measures to limit European dependence on energy exports are all additional ways of cutting the cost of aid to the Ukraine, and pushing Russia into some form of viable peace agreement...

...Creating truly effective international bodies to plan and manage civil and military aid efforts, with representation from a full range of donors, can limit the future flow of aid to some extent, but the U.S. and its allies must face the possible need for years of future support.

...Any other course of action would leave Ukraine far too weak to offer any clear hope of stability and undermine many of the gains the U.S. has made...

...In any case, the U.S. must accept the fact that the cost of U.S. aid will remain high as long as the war continues and during the peace years of Ukraine’s postwar recovery...it must be stressed that the U.S. also cannot push Ukraine too far in making compromises to obtain an end to the fighting or cut aid to the extent that it effectively abandons it."
US 'Center for Strategic and International Studies' 22 November 2022

Those that ruthlessly engineered the destruction of Ukraine - for their own ends - now have a moral duty to rebuild it.

Ukraine - Russia reconciliation is possible but not inevitable

Sadly, Ukraine, with Russia (and Belarus) could once have had a very good future. Ukraine - much like Turkey - had a foot in both camps, and Ukraine could magnify it's economic hand by balancing between east and west. Not much chance of that now. Even so, Russia will try to rebuild relations with Ukraine once the nazi element is dealt with.

"We will not tolerate neo-Nazism on the territory of Ukraine. We are fighting neo-Nazis, rather than the people of Ukraine, and we have nothing against the latter.

This nation is closely related to us, we are intertwined at the level of human destinies, and this concerns millions of families with a multitude of ties, spiritual, cultural and other bonds.

I am convinced that the neo-Nazi government in Kiev will be unable to undermine this genetic code; at the same time, we must also accomplish a lot.

It is necessary to offer specific ideas, involve civil society and facilitate contacts between people in Ukraine and Russia. The Russia-Ukraine-Belarus format existed some time ago, and public organisations and experts met within its framework in Minsk and elsewhere. For obvious reasons, this is not happening today, but we need to think about the future. 

The people of Ukraine will be liberated from neo-Nazi rulers, and they deserve to live in neighbourliness, friendship and prosperity together with fraternal Slavic nations."
Sergey Lavrov 26 November 2022

Time will tell. The West will be more interested in supporting groups of saboteurs to infiltrate Russia and attack infrastructure and people. Russia has had long experience in dealing with this with the Chechen criminal grouping. But that was within Russian borders. It is a lot harder to deal with a constant stream of Western-trained saboteurs from an adjacent, Western-backed country.

Reconciliation may be protracted, and is not necessarily inevitable.

Prosecution of neo nazis Edited 17 December 2023

"..the special military operation’s goals set by President Putin. In addition to demilitarisation, it is to denazify Ukraine."
Sergey Lavrov 28 June 2023

"German militarism and Nazism will be extirpated and the Allies will take in agreement together, now and in the future, the other measures necessary to assure that Germany never again will threaten her neighbors or the peace of the world....

...(a) All German land, naval and air forces, the S.S., S.A., S.D., and Gestapo, with all their organizations, staffs and institutions, including the General Staff, the Officers' Corps, Reserve Corps, military schools, war veterans' organizations and all other military and quasi-military organization, together with all clubs and associations which serve to keep alive the military tradition in Germany, shall be completely and finally abolished in such manner as permanently to prevent the revival or reorganization of German militarism and Nazism...

...destroy the National Socialist Party and its affiliated and supervised organizations, to dissolve all Nazi institutions, to ensure that they are not revived in any form, and to prevent all Nazi and militarist activity or propaganda...

...4. All Nazi laws which provided the basis of the Hitler regime or established discrimination on grounds of race, creed, or political opinion shall be abolished. No such discriminations, whether legal, administrative or otherwise, shall be tolerated...

...5. War criminals and those who have participated in planning or carrying out Nazi enterprises involving or resulting in atrocities or war crimes shall be arrested and brought to judgment. Nazi leaders, influential Nazi supporters and high officials of Nazi organizations and institutions and any other persons dangerous to the occupation or its objectives shall be arrested and interned....

...6. All members of the Nazi party who have been more than nominal participants in its activities and all other persons hostile to allied purposes shall be removed from public and semipublic office, and from positions of responsibility in important private undertakings. Such persons shall be replaced by persons who, by their political and moral qualities, are deemed capable of assisting in developing genuine democratic institutions in Germany...

...7. German education shall be so controlled as completely to eliminate Nazi and militarist doctrines..."
Joint Report With Allied Leaders on the Potsdam Conference August 2 1945

Obviously, this level of de-neo nazification in Ukraine is impossible. Indeed, Russia seems to have been ready to accept primarily de-militarisation, if the 2022 draft agreement is anything to go by. Possibly the Potsdam Conference Agreement principles were introduced as a starting point of negotiation, and then most dropped as bargaining points. Except for constitutional reform to once again align Ukraine's constitution with European standards on freedom of use of language and cultural expression.

If Ukraine wants to join the EU, it will have to de-nazify anyway. And expressions of white supremacy and other such racist manifestations will have to be suppressed by the Europeans, because it is the European countries themselves that will experience the consequences of these organisations.

"Today I want to particularly emphasise the significance of the work performed by regional and district courts in recognising incidents of genocide against civilians during the Great Patriotic War.

We continue to collect evidence of the atrocities and crimes committed by the Nazis, and every piece of evidence must be given legal and judicial assessment."
Vladimir Putin, in an address to the 10th National Congress of Judges, 29 November 2022

"Mikhail Podolyak...said the following about the Ukrainian counteroffensive: “There is only one plan: the most brutal advance, killing as many Russians as possible on this route...Russia will not leave such plans and calls unpunished, as it has been pointed out many times, including by President Vladimir Putin at the SPIEF. The Nazi criminals will be called to account and punished for their crimes...

On June 19, 2023, a conference on the crimes committed by Ukrainian troops in Artyomovsk was held in Donetsk. The evidence of their atrocities included witness testimony by local residents. The Ukrainian thugs massacred the Russian prisoners and wounded soldiers, killed civilians and blew up buildings with people in them during their retreat.

This evidence of the Ukrainian forces’ crimes will be forwarded to the UN and other international organisations. Witness testimony will be used in a series of criminal cases. Human Rights Commissioner of the Donetsk People’s Republic Darya Morozova has said that the assessment of the crimes committed by Ukrainian troops must not be limited to the ongoing work within the framework of Russia’s national legislation. The Kiev regime is flagrantly violating international humanitarian law.

War crimes have no statute of limitations. A tribunal for Ukraine will be held sooner or later, and the thugs and functionaries of the Kiev regime will be called to account.

Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova 21 June 2023

Russia will pursue those who have committed atrocities without limit of time. Russia has documented the crimes every step of the way. Some criminals self-documented their crimes on social media. (The first trials started in late June 2023.) But what can be done about the Ukrainian and Western officials who gave support and training to neo nazis?

"European leaders are emboldening the Ukrainian government and encouraging neo-Nazi acts...I operate on the premise that Europe is part of the processes that seek to revive neo-Nazism. It’s hard to draw other conclusions."
Sergey Lavrov 26 November 2022

I doubt anything can be done about officials who supported the neo nazis in the Ukrainian government. The terms of surrender may prohibit members of neo nazi groups from participating in government, but this is probably all that can be done. It is likely to be ineffectual anyway.

The issue of what proportion the of the conscripts thrown into what has been termed 'the meatgrinder' of the Ukrainian 'offensive' of 2023 are Russian speakers and what proportion are Ukrainian speakers is an issue for after peace returns - this may or may not have very serious implications for the western enablers, depending on what the facts are.

As for Europe, the greatest punishment for politicians who would betray the sacrifice of those who helped liberate Europe, those who cynically use neo nazis against Russia, is to have to live in a nightmare they themselves create. Russia, severely reduced electricity in Ukraine over winter 2022, effectively pushing Ukrainian people into seeking shelter in European countries. All the problems the West was trying to stir up in Russia with it's economic blockade will boomerang (the US excluded, of course).

Filtering Ukrainian Refugees
In late December 2023 the Ukrainian government drafted a law for mobilisation of 500,000 people between the ages of 25 and 60, including women. The attrition rate of Ukrainian troops sent to the front is very high. In fact, many commanders no longer give them individual radio call-signs, because they are now either killed or wounded so quickly that its pointless. The loss of the productive portion of the Ukrainian population is offset by the refugee population elsewhere in Europe and the UK. Perhaps the refugees will ultimately be 'filtered'. Those useful (such as the medically trained) might be retained by the host country, and those who aren't - especially neonazis - sent back. Ukraine could also act as a useful repository for unwanted immigrants to the USA - those with gang affiliations etc. In this manner a cadre of thugs willing to act as terrorists against Russia could be raised, some of Europe's culturally unassimilable immigrants shifted out, and the danger fromwhite supremicists and other neonazi groups eased somewhat.

Such a plan may help ease Europe's nightmare of ever-rising popular anger at government, massive logistic problems of accommodation, shortages of energy, shortage of food, clashes of ethnicities in the face of white supremacists, sharply rising criminality, huge monetary cost, massive inflation - the list goes on.

War Crimes

Prosecution of those who have committed war crimes started in 2023. Russia has formed an Investigative Committee which can lay indictments and petitions Russia's courts to lay charges against those responsible for war crimes. The head of Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate Kyrylo Budanov has been charged in absentia with 104 charges of terrorism carried out inside Russia. Russia's Federal Security Service alleges he is behind the attack on the Crimean bridge which resulted in the death of a young woman and destruction of part of the bridge. Charges have also been laid against Ukraine's Air Force Commander and the Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force Regiment comprised of pilots of 'Remotely Piloted Aircraft'. Presumably drones from the regiment were were responsible for the over 100 drone strikes against civilian targets in Russia, including the Kremlin (a world heritage building).

And so it will go on.

After Ukraine, the Main Problem remains unsolved

The US and West simply used the Ukrainian people as their tool to put pressure on Russia, hoping to break Russia up. But the main problem, the intolerable problem, the problem of security in Europe does not go away, regardless of boundaries.

"It is very clear what the West thinks about the current situation. Ukraine is used as an expendable product. The stake of the West is not to allow a single event to cast doubt on its claims to dominate the world order. It is as simple as that. And everything in the minds of some people is limited to the resumption of talks between Russia and Ukraine.

First, we did have such talks in March 2022. The Ukrainians backtracked because the Americans told them that it was not the right time: “keep fighting.”

Second, it is not going to resolve the situation because it is not about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. It’s about the Western geopolitical struggle for dominance and for the prevention of the creation of a multipolar, polycentric world order.

We have many interesting events and developments ahead of us. Keep watching."
Sergey Lavrov 14 April 2023

"Our Western “colleagues” are fiercely fighting to preserve their domination in world affairs (in the financial, economic, political and security areas). This is exactly what triggered the current situation in relations between the Russian Federation on the one hand and NATO and the EU on the other, as regards the processes in Ukraine....

...Such problems must be resolved not on a momentary basis but on the foundation of long-term agreements that would primarily be multilateral and would consider the security of all states without exception. This is the principle of indivisibility of security where not just one country enhances its security at the expense of the security of other states and will not try to dominate anyone in this area.

This was the essence of the political commitments that the West together with our country, Ukraine and other post-Soviet states solemnly assumed in the OSCE in the early 2000s. But the West has not made a single attempt to fulfil them."
Sergey Lavrov 17 April 2023

"it is also obvious that the crises in Ukraine and other parts of the world cannot be settled without settling the main geopolitical issue, which is the desire of the West to maintain its hegemony and to dictate its will to all and sundry.

It you read China’s 12-point peace plan carefully, you will see that Ukraine is only mentioned once, in the headline.

The rest of the text has to do with ensuring indivisible security and pledging not to pursue one’s own security at the expense of others’ security and not to adopt illegitimate unilateral sanctions.

These issues cannot be settled with Vladimir Zelensky, who is a Western puppet, but only directly with his handlers.

We have long been ready for this dialogue. We submitted our proposals in 2009, and the last time we sent them to the Americans and to the NATO Headquarters in December 2021.

The West arrogantly rejected our proposals. But we will eventually have to discuss this issue, seek solutions to all these problems and return to the fundamental principles of the UN Charter, first of all the principle of sovereign equality of states. This discussion will be held sooner or later. We are ready for this. We are patient people."
Sergey Lavrov 5 May 2023

It is clear that Russia will prosecute military means against NATO (via it's Ukraine proxy).
It is clear that if Ukraine won't accept terms, then Russia is able and willing to go as far as the Polish border - permanently ending Ukrainian access to the Black sea.
It is clear that if Ukraine won't accept terms, then Ukraine will have a demilitarized and no-fly zone of at least 150 kilometers on it's side of the border imposed on it; and it will have, in effect, a 'no foreign base policy' imposed by force of long-arm strikes (if necessary).
It is clear that Russia will use every circumstantial advantage to push for the end of NATO and removal of US nuclear weapons from Europe.

It is also clear Russia will use the defeat of the NATO operation in Ukraine to push for a new Europe security Treaty - or rather, a Eurasian Security Treaty - a treaty that brings in nuclear armed France, United Kingdom, and possibly Israel.

It will have to cover anti ballistic missile deployment in Romania, Poland, and potentially in Japan as well, as these upset the strategic balanced mutually assured destruction by nuclear weapons.

It is clear Russia will use the military defeat of the West's proxy army to insist on an expanded multilateral security Treaty with USA - and probably bringing in China as well.

Whatever happens, it is clear that Russia and China will continue to develop their individual and combined military potential to a level far beyond that of the United States - and, if necessary, form an opposing alliance.

The  'Mother of all Treaties'
Edited 15 May 2024

Russia, I believe, wants a treaty that finally ends the NATO threat. It wants security in Europe for everyone - but not at any given countries expense.

"The thing is that for twenty years, both you, the British, and the Americans, and all other NATO countries were urged to do what all of you subscribed to in 1999: no country shall strengthen its security at the expense of the security of others. Why can’t you do that? Why is it that the commitments signed by your prime minister, the presidents and prime ministers of all other OSCE countries proved to be lies?...You moved closer to our borders on five occasions (a defensive alliance!). The Warsaw Treaty and the USSR are no more. Who are you defending yourselves against? Five times you decided all on your own where your lines of defence would be. What’s that? This smacks of megalomania."
Sergey Lavrov 6 June 2022

"We are seeking a comprehensive, sustainable and just settlement of this conflict through peaceful means.

We are open to a dialogue on Ukraine, but such negotiations must take into account the interests of all countries involved in the conflict, including Russia's.

They must also involve a substantive discussion on global stability and security guarantees for Russia's opponents and, naturally, for Russia itself.

Needless to say, these must be reliable guarantees.

That is where the main problem is
, since we are dealing with states whose ruling circles seek to substitute the world order based on international law with an ”order based on certain rules,“ which they keep talking about but which no one has ever seen, no one has agreed to, and which, apparently, tend to change depending on the current political situation and interests of those who invent these rules."
Vladimir Putin 15 May 2024

Security for all Europe is what the two treaties Russia presented in December 2021 were designed to achieve. I have covered them in my article  'Blindsided by Peace?' . If  Ukraine is allowed to join the European Union, Russia's Europe-relevant treaty (the NATO treaty) would then bind Ukraine. If NATO signs it. It may not.

Europe will eventually sign, there is no other sane choice (although this may take a decade or two). But US will never 'allow' it, and therefore NATO will have be dissolved first. Once NATO no longer exists, the way is open for the 2008 Security Treaty to be brought back into the light.

"Back in 2008, Russia put forth an initiative to conclude a European Security Treaty under which not a single Euro-Atlantic state or international organisation could strengthen their security at the expense of the security of others. However, our proposal was rejected right off the bat on the pretext that Russia should not be allowed to put limits on NATO activities."
President Putin, February 21, 2022

This is a possibility for some time in the future. A Russia-Ukraine settlement will have to come now.

The Time Has Not Come

As stated, the Russian Federation may not be able to use the necessity of a Ukraine settlement to achieve a wider Europe - Russia mutual security settlement. The time for a security Treaty with the west may not be now, and conditions for a settlement may not mature for a long time, perhaps a very long time, into the future.

Perhaps that doesn't matter. Russia may achieve it's security through its highly developed air defense system, combined with an ability to use it's hypersonic missiles to immediately punitively strike those who dare to strike it, no matter how wide the ocean between Russia and the US mainland.

Russia may have to fund and deploy more - perhaps many more - submarines and ships that can deliver hypersonic strikes to coastal USA within 4 or 5 minutes of launch, coupled with Oreshnik ballistic missiles and mass supersonic bomber-launched cruise missiles launched against the US west coast and beyond - but launched from within Russia's territorial borders. In other words, to create the same 'instant and unstoppable strike' threat to the US that the US government creates to the Russian Federation.

The issue of rockets

There is the enduring issue of rockets. As Ukraine (or Poland, or Romania, or Lithuania, of Finland, or Sweden, or Moldova) is 'donated' bigger, faster, and more sophisticated rockets (or builds them) the deployment distance from the Russian, Donetsk and Lughansk borders will have to increase. In reality, it is not about distance, it is about time from launch to arrive at the target. Russia needs time to alert the layers of defense.  So the faster the rockets go, the further back the rocket launchers must be placed to allow that reaction time, if some limited strategic balance is to be kept.

Ukraine (in particular) is the second largest country in Europe, and that raises the issue that rockets may be concealed. If Russia had to create a patrolled 'demilitarised zone', as they have in Syria, then it would have to be so wide that patrolling in the hope of finding hidden rockets would be impractical.

At some point in technical development rockets will be too fast to be deployed anywhere in Ukraine or adjacent countries. The issue is not so much Ukraine - after all, a treaty can be signed prohibiting weapons over a given caliber/reach. The real issue is rockets deployed in Europe. Whether deployed by NATO, a European army, or some British/Polish cobbled together alignment. And as Russia develops rockets faster than mach 20 (which they already have) Russia's rockets (if there ever was a reciprocal agreement) may have to be deployed thousands of kilometers away on Russia's East Coast.

This is an absurd situation, and an agreement will have to be reached with Europe on limiting the range of rockets by whatever technical means (such as smaller motors and fuel capacities). This will require dialogue and intensive and intrusive verification.

Rockets as a platform for delivering nuclear strikes is one thing. Highly mobile nuclear-capable aircraft is another. And this is the NATO plan. Every NATO country (and Japan) will have American nuclear-capable F35 fighter aircraft. Every NATO country (and Japan) will host American nuclear gravity-glide bombs (these bombs will eventually be rocket-assisted, increasing their range dramatically). NATO will conduct regular exercises which will include F35s with 'dummy' nuclear bombs attached doing practice bombing runs, in some cases to within 20 kilometers of the Russian border (if past NATO nuclear bomber exercises are a guide).

The forseeable future may be the one outlined above - strong Russian domestic defense networks, immensely powerful Russian punitive strike capabilities within just a few minutes of the aggressor launching its 'surprise' attack. This 'unbalance of power' between the Western politicians and the Russian Federation is very high risk, but incredible though it seems, this dangerous and unstable imbalance is what the Western politicians want. All safer options have been maliciously and willfully destroyed by the West.

"We can see that we are dealing with proactive and talented people, but within the elite, there are also many people who have excessive faith in their exceptionalism and supremacy over the rest of the world.

Of course, it is their right to think what they want. But can they count? Probably they can.

So let them calculate the range and speed of our future arms systems. This is all we are asking: just do the maths first and take decisions that create additional serious threats to our country afterwards. It goes without saying that these decisions will prompt Russia to respond in order to ensure its security in a reliable and unconditional manner.

I have already said this, and I will repeat that we are ready to engage in disarmament talks, but we will not knock on a locked door anymore.

We will wait until our partners are ready and become aware of the need for dialogue on this matter."
Vladimir Putin, February 20, 2019

"There are some mutual grievances and differences in approaches to resolving issues but that is no excuse for starting a confrontation like the Cuban Missile Crisis that occurred in the 1960s...If someone wants it, let them have it. I said today what would happen."
Vladimir Putin, February 20, 2019 at a media briefing

Well, the West has destroyed all diplomatic relations with Russia. They have destroyed all treaties that limit the range of rockets in Europe. They have dug themselves into an impressively deep hole. Their diplomacy, when it comes to Russia, is simply incompetent, in the literal sense.

Roadmap to verification

As Scott Ritter points out in his new book 'Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika' we have been here before, we have overcome practical difficulties, and we have achieved arms limitations - to everyone's benefit. We know we can do it because it has been done before.

When Trump arbitrarily pulled out of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty, it was clear he wanted to cut another 'deal' that dealt with Russia's hypersonics. Biden has walked right to the very edge of the precipice by running with the aggressive NATO plan, organising and inciting the Ukraine conflict, funding and fanning race hatred, continuing the biggest propaganda program in human history, and imposing an economic blockade on Russia of unparalleled malice - designed to cause as much damage to the Russian people as the effects of war.

America has reached the outer limits of it's malignancy. One step further is destruction.

It is being shown to it's place. And that is not at the head of the table.

"Let me assure you, dear friends, that we are objectively assessing our potentialities: our intellectual, territorial, economic and military potential.
I am referring to our current options, our overall potential.

Consolidating this country and looking at what is happening in the world, in other countries I would like to tell those who are still waiting for Russia’s strength to gradually wane, the only thing we are worried about is catching a cold at your funeral."
Vladimir Putin 22 October 2020

Armistice, possibilities of
Buffer zone to be on Ukrainian territory
Buffer zone tracks missile range
Conflict, tipping point of, consquent decisions, both parties   R
Conflict, strategy, Russia, minimise military personnel losses    
Conflict, resolution, measures taken by Russia
Demilitarised zone concept
Mediator, EU, between Kosovo and Serbia
Mediator, EU, between Ukraine and Russians in the Donbas, East Ukraine
Implementation of settlement terms
Mediators, Lukashenko
Mediators, western, unfriendly, excluded
Mediators, who they might be
NATO military forces camped on Russia's borders  
Negotiators, dishonest and untrustworthy negotiators
Negotiate or not?
Neutral Ukraine
Nuclear war unlikely
Occupy Ukraine - consequences
Peace Agreement, 2022, March
Peace Agreement, 2022, US & British interference, reason for
Political borders   
Political borders and security borders are different    
Post-war, Ukraine - Russia reconciliation, possibilities      
Peace agreement, 2022, April, cancelled, US and British interference, reasons
Rebuilding Ukraine - responsibility for   
Reconciliation, post-war, Ukraine - Russia, possibilities
Refugees,Ukrainian, screening    
Root cause of the conflict
Russia's Terms for Settlement 
Security, Eurasia, inclusion in negotiations
Security, West Eurasia, guarantees
Security, core, Russia, Russia's guarantee of
Settlement terms, demilitarized zone concept 
Settlement terms, implementation    
Settlement terms, Odessa, option, Autonomous Port City
Settlement terms, options - redrawn Ukrainian     
Settlement terms, options - some oblasts to become an autonomous region of Ukraine    
Settlement terms, options, initial, independent state
Settlement terms, Russian    
Settlement terms, Ukraine a neutral state
Settlement terms, Ukraine's  
Settlement, key actor, USA    
Settlement, negotiated, no surrender                     
The issue of rockets
The Mother of all treaties
Ukraine a neutral state    
Ukraine statehood, requirement to respect
Ukraine Neutrality   
Verification, Roadmap to
War Crimes
War crimes, statute of limitations for
War crimes, torture, murder, prosecution, neo nazis
War crimes, murder, civilians, prosecution, arrest warrants, military-political commanders
War, escalation, nuclear, unlikelihood of    

Index of articles on security